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Brittany Rose Smith

Professor Jerri A. Harwell
English 2010-030 (Look Back Effect Project, Draft)
13 December 2016
Energy Star Appliances
When it comes to recycling, people have many different views on what material needs to
be recycled, and how it should be done. This essay will cover the many different materials that
need to be recycled and how they affect our planet. The focus of this essay will primarily, be on
appliances and their impact on the environment. It will go over the advantages and disadvantages
of EnergyStar appliances and how they have changed over the years.
Many people are of the opinion that paper is the material that needs to be recycled the
most, and that our focus should be on that. Paper however, is biodegradable, which means it will
break back down into its original state and disintegrate in the ground. Unlike paper, plastic is not
biodegradable, so it will not fully return back to its original state (Howstuffworks). When
plastic is not disposed of properly, it can take up to 500-1000 years to degrade in a landfill
Not only is recycling good for the environment, if done properly, it can be profitable as
well. The U.S. could generate of $7 billion a year if they recycled (BYU). The United States
has the capabilities to make a profit from recycling, it they would only recycle a fraction of what
it consumed. Plastic makes up a major percentage of landfill waste, 1 billion plastic shopping
bags end up in the landfill every year (BYU). If the U.S. recycled plastic, they would
drastically decrease the amount of garbage in the landfills and make a profit off of it.

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Since 1960 to 2012, the U.S. has multiplied its consumption of plastic and other materials
quite a lot, the following statistics only come from what was collected in the waste stream, not
landfills (EPA). When it comes to paper, it has gone from 29,990 thousand tons to 68,620.
(EPA) Rubber has increased from 1,840 thousand tons, to 7,530 (EPA). Plastic was the
greatest increase; it went from 390 thousand tons to 22,380 (EPA). Plastic was the highest to
increase, and yet it is still not a focus when it comes to recycling. There has to be a better way to
deal with the consumption of plastic (KAB).
When it comes to an average person's usage of water, gas, energy, etc, people do not take
into consideration how much their appliances use. Appliances have been modified quite a bit
throughout the past 20 years (EPA). The United States
Congress passed legislation in the 1990s, mandating that
appliances be built to conserve water and energy.
Between the years of 2007-2009, the legislation became
law (EPA). When the new legislation became a law, a
new label was born EnergyStar.
EnergyStar is known as the international logo of
energy efficiency (EcoMarket). There are many pros
and cons to this popular new label. Two of the most significant pros to the new EnergyStar
appliances, are water and energy (EcoMarket). The new washers also require a different soap,
called HE. This new soap is better for the environment and uses less per load, compared to non
HE soaps. With this new label came a drastic decrease in water consumption when it comes to
washers and dishwashers (EcoMarket). Before this label, washers used to use roughly 40

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gallons per load, now they use 10-15 (Business). Dishwasher did not have the largest decrease,
but they did go from 15 gallons to 8-10 (Business).
Some of the cons with EnergyStar appliances, are the HE soaps. As washers and
dishwashers always have water that remains in their tubs and hoses, bacteria will live there that
once was killed with the caustic cleaning agents that were a part of the old detergents (Business).
This causes the washers and dishwashers to smell after a time, and it is necessary to run bleach
through them to kill the bacteria and get rid of the smells (Business). The other issue, is that they
take longer to complete a cycle, which means more energy is spent during running time
After an interview was conducted with a local
appliance repairman, he compared the appliances 20
years ago, with the new EnergyStar appliances of today.
He also gave his opinion on which version of each
appliance he liked more. When it came to the options
that the new ones offer, he was in favor of them.
Refrigerators, washers and dishwashers were the appliances that have been modified the most
(Business). All three of these are using less energy than before, and the washer and dishwashers
are using less water (Business).
His big issue with the new ones, was what they are made out of. The old ones were
primarily made out of metal, and lasted longer (Business). The new ones are made out of plastic
and require maintenance far more often, and consequently do not last as long either (Business).
Before, an appliance would go 10-15 years without needing a repair, and 20-25 years before

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needing to be replaced (Business). Now however, a consumer is lucky to go 5-8 years before
needing a repair and 10-15 before having to be replaced (Business).
There are many different thoughts when it comes down to whether or not EnergyStar
appliances are actually more eco-friendly. Many people feel that they are, because of their cut
back on water and energy (LIVESTRONG). Saving water and energy is good for the
environment, however the lifespan of the EnergyStar appliances is not good for the environment
(Business). The older appliances did not cost as much to buy initially, or to repair (Business).
The new appliances are mainly built out of plastic, which can take hundreds of years to
breakdown in a landfill (EPA). Since they break down more often than the older ones, they are
not helping the planet (Business). An appliance repairman has to go out to diagnose the
appliance, order in the part and then go back out to install it, only to repeat the process again in a
couple of years (Business). Making this many trips releases so many fossil fuels into the
atmosphere, not to mention the boats that have to ship the parts in from all over the world
(Business). Take into account the delivery trucks and the airplanes to get the parts in overnight,
all the way around, they are not better for the environment (Business). If the United States truly
wanted to go eco-friendly, clean up the environment and release less fossil fuels in the
atmosphere, this is not the way to do it (Business).
In conclusion, with all of these facts given, consumers need to decide whether buying
EnergyStar appliances are really helping the environment. If plastic takes longer to breakdown,
then any other material, it may not be more eco-friendly to continue to build them out of plastic.
There are many reasons why going EnergyStar is better for a cleaner and more eco-friendly
world, but there are also many reasons to question and consider alternatives to the changes being

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proposed. We need to look at the overall effect EnergyStar is having on the environment, not just
when it comes to water and energy consumption.

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Works Cited
Business Owner. Personal interview. 26 Oct. 2016.
The Eco Market. Version 1. The Eco-Market, 2008. http://www.the-eco-market.com/ecofriendly-appliances/ 26 Oct. 2016.
Municipal Solid Waste. Us Epa. N.p., 2012. https://www.epa.gov/smm/advancing-sustainablematerials-management-facts-and-figures-report 26 Oct. 2016.
Recycling Facts & Statistics. KAB. Keep America Clean, n.d.
h_Final_Report_April2015.pdf 26 Oct. 2016.
Recycling. HowStuffWorks. HowStuffWorks.com, 2015.
http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-science/recycling.htm 27 Oct.
http://www.livestrong.com/article/124212-cons-recycling/ . 28 Oct. 2016.
"Recycling Statistics." Recycling Statistics. Byui.edu, 2013. http://www.byui.edu/universityoperations/facilities-management/recycling-and-sustainability/recycling-statistics 31 Oct.

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