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Brad Pitt Achilles Workout

Posted on July 20, 2014 by Nik

Do you know whats there, waiting beyond that bench press? Immortality, take it, its yours!

Obviously that isnt the exact quote from the movie, but the Brad Pitt Achilles workout is just about that
same premise:

Building a physique of dateless aesthetics one worth of an ancient hero.

5 years after Fight Club, Brad Pitt transformed his physique once more for the movie Troy and again

received a lot of attention for it.

While he wasnt as shredded this time, he was still lean and had put on a few more pounds of muscle to
look the part.

Portraying a mythological hero, he had to build up a body that looks like an ancient greek sculpture.

If you want a physique like that, you have to build muscle in the right places!

Anyone can put on mass with the big 3 (bench press, squats and deadlifts), but achieving great
aesthetics comes down to proportions.

If you take a look at Brad Pitts body in the picture above, you can tell that the most dominant muscles of
his Achilles body are the upper chest and shoulders.

Second to that are his arms, a decently wide back and six pack abs. To reveal such definition and abs you
need to stay well below 10% body fat.

As I already described in the post on getting round and chiseled shoulders, Pitts training was
heavily focused on building up the delts because they were exposed by his sleeveless armor.

What about training the lower body?

To look like an ancient warrior Brad Pitt did a lot of running to build up his legs. This is great because it also
improves stamina, but there is a much more timesaving way that will get equal if not even better results.

Sprinting at an incline Hill Sprints are a great way to get the perfect ratio of mass and definition. They
build the calves and glutes nicely and add just the right amount of muscle to the thighs.

So in order to develop lean, chiseled and functional legs you can do some intense hill sprinting once or
twice a week.

Workout Routine for Brad Pitts Achilles body

Workout A) Chest Emphasis

Incline Bench Press:

6, 8, 10 reps

T-Bar Row:

8, 10, 12 reps

Flat DB Bench Press:

12, 10, 8 reps

Barbell Curls:

3 x 6-10 reps

Triceps Pushdowns:

3 x 6-10 reps

Lateral Raises:

5 x 8-12 reps

Rest Day

Workout B) Lower Body and Abs

Hill Sprints (Incline):

4 x 50-60 meters

Hanging Leg Raises:

3 x 10-12 reps

Ab Wheel Rollouts:

2 x 10-15 reps

Rest Day

Workout C) Shoulder Emphasis

Military Press:

6, 8, 10 reps

Weighted Chin ups:

6, 8, 10 reps

Incline DB Press:

12, 10, 8 reps

Incline DB Curls:

3 x 6-10 reps

Skull Crushers:

3 x 6-10 reps

Lateral Raises:

5 x 8-12 reps

Rest Day



You will be working out 3 times a week (example: mon., wed., fri.)
Lower the weight by 10% each set for the first two exercises
-> Known as Reverse Pyramid Training (RPT)
-> Rest 2-3 minutes in between sets
Do the other four exercises with the same weight and use descending reps
-> Known as Standard Pyramid Training (Pyramid)
-> Rest 1-2 minutes in between sets
Make sure to stop 1 rep before failure on all movements
Doing the Hill Sprints with about 90 % of your capacity of for 50-60ms

Is there no one else? Is what you will be wondering when it comes to amazing aesthetics.

Conclusion on the Brad Pitt Achilles Workout

Make sure that you are tracking your workouts and aiming for personal records each week. Set them
by either performing more reps or slightly increasing the weight lifted.

This way you will ensure solid muscle gains because your body has to adapt to the increased resistance.
Also track your waist measurements to avoid excessive fat gain during this period.

Following this workout routine will have you build a body like an ancient greek sculpture. Check out my
post on sculpting the ideal male physique to find out about the exact measurements.

Check out my other celebrity workouts:

Daniel Craig Body from Layer Cake
The Neil Patrick Harris Body

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The Best Delts

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This entry was posted in Celebrity Workouts and tagged brad pitt achilles, brad pitt achilles body,
brad pitt achilles workout, brad pitt achilles workout diet, brad pitt bench press, brad pitt body,
brad pitt fight club body, brad pitt fight club workout, brad pitt physique, brad pitt troy weight,
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fight club, brad Pitt workout troy, brad pitts workout for troy brad pitt troy how did achilles train
how did brad pitt train for troy, how did brad pitt get in shape for troy, how much did brad pitt
weigh in troy by Nik. Bookmark the permalink [http://travelfit-body.com/celebrity-workouts/bradpitt-achilles-workout] .


on January 20, 2015 at 04:08 said:

Hey man, awesome article! Im a huge fan of Kinobody and just stumbled across your site and you seem to
have very similar ideals to Greg who I think does outstanding work.

I love this routine but have a few questions;

1)How do you suggest we run progressive overload with this routine? Im not super strong so I definitely
need to up my strength, was wondering your thoughts on this. Hitting an exercise twice a week allows for
faster strength gains but I really like this layout

2)Any aversions to doing bulgarian split squats on Wednesday? My legs are still pretty skinny and could use
a bit of size

3)Weighted dips are one of my favorite exercises. If I wanted to do them, what could be swapped out for
them in your opinion in this routine?

on January 20, 2015 at 16:39 said:

Hey Mark, thanks a lot!

Yeah, I like Gregs work as well.

1) This layout focuses on bringing the chest and shoulders up quickly for that Achilles look. A
more minimalistic workout could lead to quicker overall strength gains but as long as each week
you aim for an increase in weight on your first 3 exercises youll be good.

2) Yes, doing bulgarian split squats instead of the hill sprints will work great for a quicker increae
in size. You can also add some calf raises afterwards.

3) You can do weighted dips instead of skull crushers on workout c because it would be an
overkill for the chest on workout a.

on June 3, 2015 at 16:42 said:

Hey Nik, love your site! I have a question about this routine, I recently just moved into an apartment and Im
not really close to any decent gyms. I decided to pick up some Powerblock E90s and an adjustable bench
as I have a long term goal of having my own home gym, but this was the best place to start.

What adjustments could be made for this workout with only DBs? The biggest issue is no chin up bar,
though Im desperately trying to find a solution for that (might have found a quality door one from easy
effort). Thanks for any response!

on June 4, 2015 at 13:54 said:

Hey Matt, thanks for the kind words and commenting!

As far as adjustments go, just swap the exercises outlined here to their closest DB version.

Workout A:
Incline Bench Press -> Incline DB Bench Press
T-Bar Row -> One Arm DB Row

Barbell Curls -> Incline DB Curls / Standing DB Curls

Triceps Pushdowns -> Triceps Extensions

Workout C:
Military Press -> Seated Shoulder Press
Weighted Chin ups -> Incline Bench DB Row

Hope that helps and good luck at getting a proper chin up bar.

on June 4, 2015 at 14:23 said:

Thanks man! Looks great. And I think I may have found one that will work in an
apartment setup and NOT royally fuck up the door frame, its manufactured in Canada
and made from American parts by a smaller company so I took a shot at one.

on June 9, 2015 at 19:58 said:

Youre welcome! Glad to hear that you found one .

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