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Assassination Of Autism Expert Lisa Blakemore-Brown

The Professional Assassination Of Autism Expert

Lisa Blakemore-Brown
December 29, 2010 medicalmisdiagnosisresearch Leave a comment Go to comments
Christina England
Dec. 29, 2010

The story of what happened to the UK professional Lisa Blakemore-Brown when she
voiced her concerns about vaccines, has all the intrigue and drama associated with an Agatha Christie
crime novel. The sad reality is that this has not been written as a work of fiction but to expose the horrific
facts surrounding her case and the efforts made to cover up vaccine damage in children.
Her case began when a number of unsubstantiated complaints arrived at the offices of the British
Psychological Society attacking the professionalism of the leading educational psychologist and expert in
autism Ms. Lisa Blakemore-Brown. Instead of backing their psychologist as one would expect, the BPS
backed the complainants and accused Ms Blakemore-Brown of being paranoid. On each occasion she won
her case, one complaint turning out to be based on a forged document and the final complaint being lodged
by a support group heavily funded by a drugs company. Despite her spectacular wins however, she not
only lost her home but she has had her career totally sabotaged.
I have always been shocked and frankly appalled that Ms Blakemore-Browns case has not been written
about in full. There was no media coverage of her case and no articles of support before it. There were no
protests outside the gates of the BPS for her as she struggled to cope with the pressure and no evidence of
support from the families that she had so gallantly fought for.
Paranoia of course, as we know, is an ugly word along as with an accusation of paranoia comes stigma,
prejudice and discrimination. In fact, this wonderfully talented and gifted professional was being treated in

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exactly the same way as the many families she had helped over the years who had been falsely accused of
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (a diagnosis given to a mother or care giver to describe aspects of their
behaviour. This behaviour usually includes subjecting what appears to be a previously healthy child to
unnecessary and often painful tests or medical interventions i.e.: scans, x-rays and even surgical
procedures to gain attention from the medical profession) This leads us to question whether this was why
the BPS turned what should have been a simple conduct case into a fitness to practise hearing, carried
out behind closed doors with accusations of paranoia and an enforced psychiatric assessment. Common
sense tells us that any professional that is deemed paranoid by their governing body automatically has
their past work professionally discredited. I personally believe that this was what was aimed for in this
Two professionals did write in support of Ms Blakemore-Brown to the BPS. These were Earl Frederick
Howe House of Lords and Dr Michael Innis, who both viewed Ms Blakemore-Brown as a professional
of integrity and gave very high accounts of her excellent work.
I am honoured that I have been given the opportunity to write about the case of Lisa Blakemore-Brown,
which is one that shows monumental injustice. Her case was instigated, in my opinion, by financially
motivated pharmaceutical companies, corrupt governments and a failing system. I hope in writing this I
can begin to expose the real truth of what can happen to a professional who speaks out against vaccines
and their dangers.
Lisa Blakemore-Brown is an independent applied psychologist specialising in ADHD, Asperger Syndrome
and related disorders. Her research focuses on early intensive system intervention and the increasing
professional recognition of the interweaving of ADHD, Asperger Syndrome and related disorders. For this
interweaving of disorders she uses her own metaphor Tapestry Disorders.
In 1996, Ms Blakemore-Brown was introduced to and asked to assess twin girls whose mother had been
accused of Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP).The paediatrician and expert leading the case at the
time was the since discredited Professor David Southall.
After spending many hours researching the twins background and studying the vast quantity of medical
records ascertaining to the case, Ms Blakemore-Brown discovered that these two little girls had been born
prematurely, at just 26 weeks and were severely disabled. Against all odds, the twins managed to survive,
even after they both suffered multiple complications which included brain haemorrhages. Ms
Blakemore-Brown diagnosed the twins with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and ADHD saying that they were,
in fact, very disabled little girls, Professor Southall and social services disagreed, stating that these little
girls were normal. Professor Southall later admitted on a television documentary surrounding the case, that
he had no expertise in psychology or indeed the condition ADHD. Why did he go against Ms BlakemoreBrowns expert opinion when in fact he knew nothing whatsoever about psychology or the condition
Ms Blakemore-Brown spoke about the case more recently at the Convention of Modern Liberty and said:
Back in 1996 I was an Expert Witness in a Court case involving autistic spectrum hyperactive identical
twin girls who had been born at 26 weeks gestation in 1984. The behaviour of the twins, one in particular,
was so difficult for the mother to manage especially with two other younger children, that she threatened
to sue the authorities if they had missed the nature of the twins problem. This triggered an allegation of
Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP) that she was fabricating or inducing the childrens
behaviours/illnesses. What became clear to me was that Social workers, the Court and other professionals
were being groomed by perverted logic to see real disorders and symptoms of real illness as child abuse.
In 1996, the case went to court and despite Ms Blakemore-Browns evidence, the twins mother lost all
four of her children to the care of social services.

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It was around this time that Ms Blakemore-Brown began to have serious concerns about other cases
involving autistic children she was assessing. Many of these were where the parents had also been accused
of MSBP particularly she noticed after the parents had claimed that their childrens problems only began
after a vaccine had been administered. In 1997, she wrote about her concerns in a letter that was published
by the BPS in the magazine the Psychologist http://www.profitableharm.com/psychologist_letter.html .

In June 1998 an article appeared in also written The Therapist by Ms Blakemore-Brown;

this was a year after Sir Roy Meadow (a British paediatrician who had risen to initial fame for his 1977
academic paper on MSBP and his crusade against parents who wilfully harm or kill their children and
also famous for endorsing one sudden infant death is a tragedy, two is suspicious and three is murder,
until proved otherwise now known as Meadows Law) had himself written an article for The Therapist.

Blakemore-Brown said that she could help care for her elderly dog and answer her phone. Ms.
Blakemore-Brown soon discovered that this was in fact an elaborate hoax, as when she came home she
found that her papers on the Griffiths Inquiry had been stolen and her home had in fact been ransacked.
She then had a call from a professional she knew in the North, who was claiming that this woman had
arrived in their offices and spent the whole day in what can onloy be described as sabotaging Ms.
Blakemore-Browns reputation. This was the very day she had said to Ms. Blakemore-Brown that she was
supposed to be having possible life saving surgery.
Despite this, Ms Blakemore-Brown continued to speak out about her fears of vaccine damage and in
particular, the use of Thimerosal in vaccines and the overuse of the label MSBP to blame parents for their
childrens disabilities. Ms Blakemore-Brown attributed this overuse to the work of Professor David
Southall and Professor Roy Meadow.
During this time, she complained to both the General Medical Council and the Department of Health,
asking for a public health inquiry. She was ignored. In fact Ms Blakemore-Brown wrote several times to
the Government, even sending a letter to Jackie Smith, the then Health Secretary, demanding that action be
taken. Jackie Smith returned this with a curt reply, saying that her fears had been documented.
In 2000, Ms Blakemore-Brown launched her book Reweaving the Autistic Tapestry in which she featured
the case of a child she called Lorelei (name was changed to protect identity). This was a child who had
reacted to the pertussis vaccine and in this case, the hospital had noted it in her medical records. The little
girl went on to develop Kawasaki Syndrome, (KS is characterized by fever, rash, swelling of the hands
and feet, irritation and redness of the whites of the eyes, swollen lymph glands in the neck, and irritation
and inflammation of the mouth, lips, and throat) which has been attributed to vaccine damage by many

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exactly what has been going on.

In my book, Reweaving the Autistic Tapestry, having seen too many children with what I called tapestry
impairments many of which developed following the DTP and in fewer cases, the MMR, I suggested there
may be a tapestry causal effect with vaccines as one thread.
I mentioned Thimerosal and included some lawyers details here and in the US.
The launch of the book was at a CHADD conference in Anaheim California in October 2001. Eli Lilly
were on the next stand and bought a copy of the book.
On my return to the UK, there was no contact from the publisher.
Within weeks of my book being published, parents were being told by Amazon that it was a rare book and
that it would take a year to get and would cost $79 plus post and packing!!!
There were none in the shops.
There were none in the warehouses of the retailers.
There were none in the distributors.
The UK National Autistic Society carry all the books on Autism except mine.
Probably nothing to do with my concerns about the vaccine, a small part of the book incidentally, or about
my concern about the use of the label Munchausen Syndrome by proxy when children were genuinely ill
many had suffered reactions to vaccines. The fact that during the time my editor was working on the book,
he was invited to change jobs and work on the MSBP/Factitious Illness Guidelines at the RCPCH Royal
College of Paediatrics and Child Health, I am sure was total coincidence.
Guess Im just paranoid when it comes to the things done by the powerful vaccine lobby and the need to
protect the vaccine programme more than the public
Prior to the documentary, My Family and Autism, being aired on the BBC, over a year after the trip to
Anaheim in which I am seen undertaking an assessment, I was able to at least get the book made more
If just one person is allowed to speak about their concerns without being leapt on from a great height, I
might have confidence that the vaccine programme is safe but I think they have gone too far and
protested too much.
We all now want to know WHY???
The book issue was not the only strange thing to happen at this time. A series of strange things were
beginning to happen; hate posts began to be posted on the Internet site Mothers against Munchausen
Allegations (MAMA). This was highly unusual as the site was aimed at supporting mothers who found
themselves falsely accused of MSBP. These posts referred to Ms Blakemore-Brown as being
unprofessional and a danger to children, some even indicating that she was mad using phrasing such as
barking mad or paranoid. At around this time Ms Blakemore-Brown also began to get abusive emails,
Ms Blakemore-Brown says that one in particular she remembers was from a Ms Penny Mellor, a
campaigner and one of the main contributors to the MAMA board, according to Ms Blakemore-Brown
this email was extremely hurtful stating in capitols UNDERSTAND THIS YOU ARE IRRELEVANT
then about Ms Blakemore-Browns book she had added Tapestry? Weaving? More like basket case!!!! .
Shortly after losing her home due to legal costs from the first hearing, Ms Blakemore-Brown managed at

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last to set up her dream unit, The Tapestry Life Centre, at the Brunel University in London to support
and aid children with autism. This was to be one of the first of it3(s)-11()-1kind but
of te new3(s)-11()-1of the
Centre being mad public, the MAMA website, became littered with posts containing the most dreadful
slander and li bel, sneering at her efforts and asking where the money came fromAnother strang event surrounded te documentary mentioned by Ms Blakemore-Brown 3(t)-1(er)1h

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examined in more detail.

The Consensus was written to effect change. This was a document to enable better guidelines and the
changes suggested may have been implemented within government legislation. Recommendations were
made and changes could have happened. The document was sadly shelved and gathers dust. The vast
divide between child protection specialists and the parent population has caused a serious failure in
communication. This in turn now results in falsely accused parents. Their real plight is often undermined
or discarded. Various nefarious campaigning groups have overshadowed the true suffering of those who
have been wrongly diagnosed. Perhaps this consensus document could be considered by the child
protection specialists, government officials and those responsible for creating current policy. A proper
robust policy should be developed to enable the protection of the child and the protection of the parent
Despite the Consensus document backing parents who had been falsely accused of MSBP and aiming to
put new guidelines in place, the MAMA website appeared to once again sabotage Ms Blakemore-Browns
efforts, siding instead with an article written in The Guardian by Jonathan Gornall entitled No names, no
proof, no consensus http://www.mensaid.com/msbp-fii/press-no_names_no_proof_no_consensus.htm
that attacked the document because it had no named authors.
In March 2007, Ms. Blakemore-Brown was featured in the Spectator in a piece entitled, What killed
Sally Clarks child? | The Spectator which explained a UK case involving a mother who had been jailed
for three years after being accused of killing her baby, despite him dying just five hours after the DPT
vaccine .In fact Sally lost not one but two of her children within hours after vaccines.
The article began:-

Sally Clark spent three and a half years in jail wrongly convicted of
murdering two of her babies after a jury was assured there was no other explanation for their sudden
deaths than that she had deliberately smothered them. Yet five hours before her second child, Harry, was
found lifeless in his baby chair, he had been injected with a combined vaccine with a long history of
serious adverse reactions.
Harry was eight weeks old, the regulation age for the first of three injections against diphtheria, tetanus,
pertussis (DTP) and Hib (a bacterial infection that can cause meningitis). He was also given an oral polio
vaccine. His biological age was five weeks, as he had been born three weeks premature. Because of the
previous sudden death of his brother, Christopher, his breathing was being monitored. He was
uncharacteristically dozy from the time of his jabs to the time he died.
Not many people know these facts, because at Sallys trial the defence did not mention immunisation as a
possible cause of death. Two prosecution witnesses, including the paediatrician Professor Sir Roy
Meadow, assured the jury it could be discounted. Their statements went unchallenged, and the issue did
not form any part of the appeal hearings. Professor Meadow, a former member of a Department of Health
sub-committee on adverse reactions to vaccines, told the jury that he could not think of any natural
explanation for Harrys or Christophers deaths.

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Lisa says in her article ***** THE POLITICS AND COMMERCE OF AUTISM
Given the profound need for such efforts and such facilities espoused by none other than Jacqui Smith at
the Kings Fund Centre just a few months earlier and the considerable media exposure of the wrongful
convictions of women accused of killing their children by Professor Sir Roy Meadow, I had every reason to
feel optimistic about the Centre, my own future and that of the children I dedicated my working life to.
Within a matter of weeks, another vexatious complaint was drummed up with a group called ADDISS
heavily involved at the outset. This group was just beginning to receive considerable funding from Eli
Lilly, the pharmaceutical company which first produced Thimerosal, a mercury-containing vaccine
preservative implicated in the rise in autism. Liam Byrne, a Labour Minister who has also had
responsibility for matters linked to autism, defended the funding this same group received from the
Department of Health at the same time. He was also brought in to spin out the considerable number of
recommendations following a two year Select Committee Parliamentary inquiry into the influence of the
Pharmaceutical Industry.
Despite knowing about the actions of this group from a colleague, the British Psychological Society
ploughed on. The University was bombarded with vexatious calls relating to me and the Director was told,
out of the blue, to take early retirement. It was all quite shocking for everyone
It was around this time and completely out of the blue, another complaint went in to the BPS. This time
the complaint was from Penny Mellor, herself an avid campaigner against false allegations of child abuse
and the main contributor to the website MAMA. Ms Mellor implied that Ms Blakemore-Brown was not fit
to practise and was in her opinion mentally ill.
Ms Blakemore-Brown was shocked as she had only ever met Ms Mellor on three occasions. However. Ms
Mellor had tried to sabotage every attempt Ms Blakemore-Brown made to expose the ever increasing
number of parents being falsely accused after a vaccine injury had occurred.
Suddenly and without warning Ms Blakemore-Brown was asked to leave the university and close down
the Tapestry Life Centre; her lifetimes dream was shattered.
On winning her case in 2008, three years after the complaint was originally filed, Ms Blakemore-Brown
promptly resigned from the BPS as she no longer wanted any association with an organisation she felt was
as corrupt as their counterpart, the GMC. She continued to speak out until the middle of 2009.
Little has been heard from Ms Blakemore-Brown since then. Has she finally called it a day and realised
that the drug companies and the UK government have just become too powerful when it comes to
vaccinating our children? Well I am sure that is what they would like to think. After all, it would be
another notch on their bedpost so to speak. Ms Blakemore-Brown has this saying, however: Slowly,
Slowly, Catchy, Monkey, and I doubt very much that they have seen the last of this amazing women.

On July 18th 2010 it was announced by The Independent newspaper that Ms Monke-2(h)-2(o)20(r)-6n had be84(e)3

protection guidance for doctors.

Penny Mellor, from Wolverhampton, served eight months of an 18-month jail sentence after being found
guilty of a wicked conspiracy to abduct a little girl in 1999. She still maintains she was trying to prevent
the child from falling into the hands of social services. Mrs Mellor has been involved in more than 50
complaints against professionals working in child protection, accusing numerous doctors and nurses of
The GMC was last night under growing criticism from respected paediatricians, just months after winning
widespread praise for setting up the group.
This followed controversy involving a paediatrician, Dr David Southall, an expert on a condition formerly
known as Mnchhausen syndrome by proxy, in which a person causes injury or illness to another (often
their child) to gain attention. Mrs Mellor, who describes herself as a campaigner and medico-legal
researcher, has confirmed taking part in around 30 complaints against Dr Southall. The GMC had ruled
that he be struck off the medical register but he successfully overturned this at appeal. Mrs Mellor has
been investigated, but not charged, for criminal harassment against Dr Southall.
On 26th July 2010 Ms Blakemore-Brown had this about the to say about the GMC and Ms Mellor in and
article entitled Ms Penny Mellor, The BMJ, The GMC And The One Click Group News
I am no longer astonished about what happens in the country within the so called Regulatory bodies and
in the world of so called Child Protection
She continuedCs MellorC-10

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The controversial parents advocate and campaigner Penny Mellor has stepped down from the General
Medical Councils expert group on child protection in the face of a High Court challenge to the GMCs
decision to recruit her to the group.
Papers served on the GMC by the paediatrician David Southall argue that her inclusion in the group is
illegal, perverse, and unethical and contrary to the public interest and the spirit of the Safeguarding
Vulnerable Groups Act 2006.

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I am a UK journalist with an HND in journalism. I am also a member of ICAP International Coalition of

Advocates for the People
I have an interest in Human Right issues, especially the rights of the disabled and the elderly.
I wish to expose the new evidence that is being uncovered surrounding vaccines.
Many vaccines have been proven to have serious adverse reactions that have been found to cause, Autism,
ADHD and other neurological and physical disorders.
I believe that all parents have the right to the information often hidden by the pharmaceutical industries
about what vaccines contain and the often devastating side effects that these vaccines have been found to
It is only when a parent has the full facts that they can make a fully informed choice as to whether they
wish to have their child vaccinated or not.
Parents also need to know that there are other choices open to them like single vaccines, mercury free
vaccines, homeopathic vaccines and diets to boost the immune system to promote good healthy living.
Our children must not become human pin cushions or profit making machines, they are precious and they
are ours.
Christina England

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Comments (12) Trackbacks (2) Leave a comment Trackback
K Paul Stoller, MD
December 29, 2010 at 4:23 pm | #1
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Bravo! Excellent story.
Time to expose the agenda. Time to wake the brainwashed.
The peril is real, but pharmacide must be exposed.
December 31, 2010 at 2:19 pm | #2
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wtf poor woman she was trying so hard n still is great work and great article let it be known to all
the govenrment is corrupt as the african and other 3rd world countries but on a different level
Christina England
December 31, 2010 at 2:51 pm | #3
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Thank you so much for your comments. Please read a piece of Ms Blakemore-Browns recent work.
Does she sound paranoid? No she is spot on. This is why the UK government and drug companies

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want to quieten her.

Please help me to promote her work by passing this link on to others.
Thank You
I wish everybody a Happy New Year
Janette Robb
January 2, 2011 at 12:31 pm | #4
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It is shocking and frightening to hear how mainstream professionals, who should have been
supporting this lady, deliberately attacked her career, reputation and personal life. Lisa
Blakemore-Brown gallantly tried to help parents of children who had been damaged by vaccines
so she and parents were vilified to an inhumane degree.
A great article Christina thank you for writing it. It reads like a John le Carr novel! The contents
should set alarm bells ringing and make parents aware of what happens if any doctor has the guts to
put his head above the parapet in defence of parents or their children. I guess Lisas biggest crime
was to dare point a finger of blame at vaccines. We have seen a similar scenario in the Andrew
Wakefield case. Mainstream medicine will not tolerate any criticism of vaccines no matter how
much evidence is available to the contrary. They will stop at nothing to conceal what vaccines can
do to vulnerable babes.
January 4, 2011 at 10:04 am | #5
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No one should miss this super awesome & most informative article. It is shocking all Christina has
revealed. People like Lisa Blakemore & Dr. Wakefield will, soon, be vindicated. There are too many
of us who know the truth for that not to happen. Its true what we sow, we reap & good people will
get their just rewards. Other good people like Christina England, here, will see to that. I hope people
share this article with everyone they can because knowledge is power. Each action taken on all
important matters gets us one step closer to where we need to be.
January 7, 2011 at 6:15 pm | #6
Reply | Quote
Wake up and smell the coffee:
In North America, Europe, and the South Pacific , major declines in life-threatening infectious
diseases occurred historically either without, or far in advance of public immunization efforts for
specific diseases as listed. This provides irrefutable evidence that vaccines are not necessary for the
effective elimination of a wide range of infectious diseases

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Doug Mayes
January 30, 2011 at 7:27 am | #7
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Thanks Christina for informing us on the other victims of the pharma era, the professionals. Their
lives are being ruined just like the vaccine damaged children.
I plan on buying Ms Browns book(if I can find it!) to help support her.

January 30, 2011 at 10:43 am | #8
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Thank you so much for your comments here. To find Ms. Browns book please go to the
Also for another article on the subject you may like to read please go here:
January 30, 2011 at 10:29 am | #9
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I applaud the work of Lisa Blakemore-Brown. With all the new medications and so called modern
medicine almost all childhood diseases are at epidemic levels here in the US. In 1990 Autism
effected 1 in 10,000 children, today Autism effects 1 in less than 100. In 1968 children received 3
vaccinations to the age 18, today depending on the State children are getting 25 to 45 vaccinations.
The numbers do not lie. There is some very effective solutions to most of the health challanges like
replacing missing nutrients and proper diet to give the immune system what it needs to function
properly. The problem of course in the Medical Industrial Complex the only looks at profit, human
suffering and death dont seem to matter. If this is not the case when was the last time a disease was
cured with modern medicine Cancer is a great example. In 1971 the US passed the National
Cancer act. and established the National Cancer Institute. Back in 1971 we treated cancer three
ways, surgery, radiation and Chemo. We have spent billions in so called reseach, cancer alone is the
number 2 industry in the world and yet cancer rates are going up especially in our children. How do
we treat cancer today? Surgery, radiation and Chemo. Follow the money and you will find the
Kensington Chelsea
June 6, 2011 at 12:03 pm | #10
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Lisa is a good woman. Mellor is simply a bully and has been vile to a lot of good people, no reason
known. We can only guess.

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February 26, 2012 at 11:41 pm | #11
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Godspeed to you for writing THIS article.
November 4, 2012 at 6:26 pm | #12
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God bless all youbrave heros
1. December 30, 2010 at 10:47 pm | #1
Tweets that mention The Professional Assassination Of Autism Expert Lisa Blakemore-Brown
Medical Misdiagnosis Research Topsy.com
2. February 8, 2011 at 1:37 pm | #2
Met accused of campaign against shaken baby witnesses Medical Misdiagnosis Research

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The Debate Rickets Or Child Abuse?
Media Accounts Of Shaken Baby Rulings
A fathers 20-year battle for exoneration
A foster mother goes on trial
A pawn in a legal chess match
Acquitted Mother Seeks Return Of Children
Acquitted Of Alleged Shaken Baby Syndrome
Advances in medical knowledge make shaken baby syndrome controversial
After two years
and so does shaken baby syndrome
Babies Overdiagnosed With SBS
Blame Game: Family Of 8-Week Old Points Finger At Hospital For Baby's Injury
Calise trial in Ohio analyzes shaken baby syndrome
Caregiver Not Guilty Of Shaken Baby Syndrome
Charles Smith called before disciplinary panel

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Childminder Cleared Of Shaken Baby Death

Concerns Over Experts Remain Despite Aquittal
CPS reviews shaken baby syndrome guidelines
Crown and defence jointly call for father's acquittal in 1992 infant death
Crown seeks to overturn mans conviction in his sons death
Crown Seeks To Throw Over Infanticide Convictions
Dad Not Guilty
Defense expert: CPR caused dead infants fractures
Doctor In Child Abuse Trial Refutes Shaken Baby Syndrome
Doctors give conflicting opinions on shaken-baby
Each Of Us Feared The Other Had BEATEN Our Baby!
Erring On The Skeptical Side Of Shaken Baby in Smith Case
Expert Witnesses Testify On Infants Injuries In Murder Trial
Falsely branded a baby batterer
Father Credited For Acquittal
Father found not guilty of child abuse
Father Found Not Guilty Of SBS Returns To His Family
Father In Virginia Aquitted
Father Jailed For Shaken Baby Is Fully Cleared
Forensic Opinion On Short Fall Injuries And Shaken Baby Syndrome
Former St. Petersburg Foster Mother Not Guilty Of Murdering Baby
Franklin County jury may get case alleging shaken baby today
Grandmother Returns To Prison In Shaken Baby Case
Hart to Heart: Shaken baby: Parents share story to help others
Jailed for life and freed by love
Judge Calls For A Review
Judge clears man accused of violently shaking baby
Judge Ordered Case To Be Thrown Out
Jurors deliberate case of woman accused of causing brain injury to her infant nephew
Jury clears home day-care provider in babys death
Jury Decision Stands Even With Serious Doubts And Lack Of Evidence
Jury Finds Father Not Guilty
Lawyer For Man Charged In "Shaken Baby" Death Says It Was Accidental
Liability For Removal Errors
man gets bail in daughter's death
Mans murder conviction dropped in babys death
Medical Evidence Doubtful In SBS Cases
Michigan Woman Cleared in Shaken Baby Case
Mother Cleared Now Fighting For Her Children
Moving Baby Syndrome
New guidelines issued on 'shaken baby syndrome
New Results Of Autopsy Spur Plea
No Demonstratable Support
Pneumonia Or Shaken Baby Ask Dr. Smith
Polygraph Freed Woman From SBS Allegations
Reexamining Shaken Baby Convictions
Ruling Puts Shaken Baby Convictions In Doubt
Shaken Baby Case Attorneys Claim New Evidence Proves Innocence
Shaken Baby Case Verdict
Shaken Baby Controversy Includes Unknown Causes

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Shaken Baby Syndrome and the AEDPA A Lethal Combination

Shaken baby syndrome barred
Shaken Baby Syndrome Revisited
Shaken Convictions
Shaken-Baby Syndrome Faces New Questions in Court
Short Fall Lands Man On Death Row For Shaken Baby Syndrome
The Bogus Science Of Shaken-Baby Syndrome
Verdict Of Not guilty in Erie child abuse trial
Young Couple Found Not Guilty For Killing Baby Son
Medical Malpractice In Canada
Medical Malpractice Have Your Records Been Altered?
Medical Negligence
More Than Half of Pediatricians Make Diagnostic Errors
Shaken Baby Syndrome Or Medical Negligence
Standards Of Care To Pregnant Women Reveals Scandals And Misdiagnoses
Study Says
Medical Research On SIDS
Dysphagia A Risk Factor For SIDS
Studies Prove That Thousands Of Babies Are Dying From Vaccine Induced Cot Death
Medical Suits Against Misdiagnosed Child Homicide or Abuse
Misdiagnosis Of Shaken Baby Syndrome
Stolen Families Due To SBS Theory
MSBP The Stigma Of False Accusations: Part IV
Munchausen by Proxy Part I
Are Child Protection Systems Around The World Getting It Wrong?
Medical Expert Evidence: The Continuing Failure Of The Legal System
Misdiagnosis Of Child Abuse Related To Delay In Diagnosing A Paediatric Brain Tumour
MSBP A Failing Justice System: Part III
MSBP Facts From Fantasy: Part V
Persecuted Parents Or Protected Children?
Professionals are demanding vast sums of money to write reports on clients that they have
never met
The Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy Witch Hunt
The Professional Assassination Of Autism Expert Lisa Blakemore-Brown
The truth of what lay behind the attempted assassination of Lisa Blakemore-Browns career
Munchausen by Proxy: Part II
Online Differential Diagnosis Tool
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Misdiagnosed As Child Abuse
Accused Of Child Abuse Medical Misdiagnosis
Brittle Bone Disease
Charges Against Parents Dropped After Osteogenesis Imperfecta Discovered
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Differential Diagnosis To SBS
Radiological Features Of Brittle Bone Disease Failure To Diagnosis May Lead To A False
Diagnosis Of Abuse
Unexplained Fractures: Child Abuse or Bone Disease? A Systematic Review
Osteopenia Of Prematurity
Prematurity Factors Or Abuse And Neglect Indicators
Behavior Of A Premature Child
Metabolic Bone Disease In Preterm Infants

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Metabolic Bone Disease In Preterm Newborn: An Update On Nutritional Issues

Premature Infants 42 Developmental Risks
Reports On Accidental Falls
Shaken Baby Syndrome
A Careful Look At Shaken Baby Syndrome
A Clinical
A Joint Clinical Study Of Shaken Baby Syndrome
A Matter Of Objective Evidence SBS
A More Credible Explanation Than SBS
A new way of thinking about treatments cures and shaken baby syndrome
A Rebuttal To The Joint Statement On Shaken Baby Syndrome
Abuse Or Shaking
Accidental Falls Versus Shaken Baby
according to new study
Anatomy Of A Misdiagnosis
Anatomy Of A Murder?
And Biomechanical Study Of Shaken Baby Syndrome
and Questions about Shaken Baby Syndrome
Apnea And Shaken Baby Syndrome
Apparent Life-Threatening Events
Are Doctors Causing Infant Brain Damage By Clamping The Umbilical Cord Prematurely?
Are Mothers Protectors Or Killers
As Applied To Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS)/Non-Accidental Injury (NAI)
Shaking Contradicts BioMechanical Science
Barlows Disease
Battle of the Experts Law Review
BBC News Interviews Shaken Baby Experts
Bilateral Retinal Hemorrhages in a Preterm Infant With Retinopathy of Prematurity
Immediately Following Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Biomechanic Presentation By Dr. Van Ee
Biomechanics of Retinal Hemorrhages
Biomechanics: Head Injury From Low Height Falls
Birth Related Retinal Hemorrhages
Blood Brain And Bones
Brain Swelling and Damage Associated With Vaccines
Breathing Monitor Establishes Vaccine/SIDS Casual Link
Caffey Revisited: A Commentary On The Origin Of Shaken Baby Syndrome
Can Shaking Alone Cause Fatal Brain Injury?
Capillary Fragility A Cause Of Subdural Hemorrhage
Caregiver or killer?
Cerebral Hemorrhage With No Evidence Of Trauma
Challenging Myths And Assumptions
Child Abuse Syndromes Unmasked
Coagulation Interpretation
Coroner: 2-Month-Old Died Of Meningitis
Court Rules Of Evidence Affect SBS Defense
Criminal Evidence For Shaken Baby
Criteria For Shaken Baby Questioned
Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome Vs. Shaken Baby Syndrome
Determining Causation For SDH

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Diagnosis Murder Documentary on Shaken Baby Syndrome

Doctor Gagged For Doubting Shaken Baby Sndrome
Doctor's Diary James Le Fanu
Does Shaken Baby Syndrome Exist?
Does Shaken Baby Syndrome Really Exist?
Dr. Lorandos Explains Shaken Baby
Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. F. Edward Yazbak On Shaken Baby Syndrome
Dr. Squier's Shaken Baby Syndrome
Dysphagic Coughing Or Shaken Baby
Dysphagic Infant Death Syndrome Not SBS
Errors Made When Ignoring Differential Diagnosis
Etiologies For Infant Chronic Subdural Hematomas
Extensive Retinal Haemorrhages In Infancy An Innocent Cause
Falsely Accused Of Shaken Baby Syndrome
Fatal Falls In Childhood
Fatal Pediatric Head Injuries Caused By Short Distance Falls
Features associated with shaken baby may also occur as an effect of cerebral hypoxia
Forensic Neuropathology And Shaken Baby Syndrome
Forensic Science And The Scientific Method
Gender And Macrocephaly Question SBS
Glutaric Aciduria Type I
Guidance For Shaken Baby Testimony
Half of all parents have been wrongly convicted over shaken baby syndrome
How Can We Say This Is Shaken Baby Syndrome?
Inertial Neck Injuries
Injury Mechanisms Of Shaken Baby Syndrome
Into The Abyss Of Shaken Baby Syndrome
Intracranial Hemorrhage Common In Vaginal Births
Intracranila Hemmorhage From Normal Birth
It can be hard to diagnose abuse in kids.
Junk Science And Glass Houses
Louise Woodward Innocent? Recent Research Raises Reasonable Doubt
Massive Subdural Haematomas In Menyndromekes Disease Mimicking Shaken Baby
Menkes Disease As A Differential Diagnosis Of Child Abuse
Minimal Screening Tests When SBS Is Suspected
More doubts over shaken-baby evidence
Neuropatholgy Study Of Inflicted Head Injury In Children
New Evidence on Shaken Baby Syndrome
New Hypotheses About Causation
New Studies And Debates Around Shaken Baby Syndrome
No Objective Evidence
Not All Unexplained Injuries Are Caused By The Parents
Not Shaking Baby
Ontario Reviews Shaken Baby Cases
Dr. Charles Smith Victims To Be Compensated
Dr. Charles Smith's blunders

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Dr. Charles Smith: The man behind the public inquiry

Expert Medical Witnesses Scientists Or Advocates
Pathologist's Testimony Mind Boggling
Smith: Signals Missed As Pathology Errors Piled Up
When Experts Become Advocates: The Case of Dr. Charles Smith
Wrongfully Convicted Ontario Man Gets $4.25M
Ophthalmologist Points Out Errors
Opthalmologists Role In Diagnosis
Opthalmology And Standards Of Expert Testimony
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Retinal Hemorrhages And Minor Trauma
Oxford Journals Retinal Hemorrhages
Paroxysmal Cough Injury
Pathologists Meet To Discuss Shaken Baby Syndrome
Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury Accident Or Not
Pensylvania Innocence Project: Shaken Baby Syndrome
Perimacular Retinal Folds From Childhood Head Trauma
Perimacular Retinal Folds In Childhood Head Trauma
Predisposition To Subdural Hematomas
Premature Infants And Retinal Hemorrhages
Questioning Eye Injuries In Shaken Baby Syndrome
Questioning The Evidence Base For Shaken Baby Syndrome
Reenactment Of Real Accident
Researchers say criterion for diagnosing child abuse not always accurate
Retinal Hemorrhage After Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Children: An Etiologic
Retinal Hemorrhages Growing Differential Diagnosis
Retinal Hemorrhages Caused By Accidental Household Trauma
Retinal hemorrhages in type I osteogenesis imperfecta after minor trauma
Retinal Hemorrhages: Birth Related Vs. Shaking
SBS A Growing Epidemic Filled With Controversy
SBS A Questionable Scientific Syndrome And A Dangerous Legal Concept
SBS Are Parents And Caregivers Being Falsely Accused
SBS Flawed Concepts And Misdiagnoses
SBS / Impact Syndrome Flawed Concepts And Misdiagnoses
SBS Conference Excludes Published Experts
SBS Unsettled Science
SBS: A Biomechanics Analysis Of Injury Mechanisms
SBS: Pitfalls In Diagnosis And Demographics
SBS: Putting Evidence Based Medicine To The Test
Science To Aid Diagnosis
Shaken Babies The Hunt For The Real Criminal
Shaken Babies?
Shaken Baby BIomechanics From The University Of Nottingham
Shaken Baby Case Study Proves Innocence
Shaken Baby Forum Called Historic
Shaken Baby Forum Held
Shaken Baby Syndrome
Shaken Baby Syndrome Convicted But Beyond A Reasonable Doubt?
Shaken Baby Syndrome Unscientific Dogma

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Shaken Baby Syndrome A Modern Restatement

Shaken Baby Syndrome And Other Mysteries
Shaken Baby Syndrome Is On Shakey Ground
Shaken Baby Syndrome Manmade Myth
Shaken Baby Syndrome Or Adverse Vaccine Reaction?
Shaken Baby Syndrome or Scurvy?
Shaken Baby Syndrome: A Medicolegal Problem
Shaken Baby Syndrome: The Quest For Evidence
Shaken Baby Testimony Barred
Shaken Or Not Dr. Yazbak
Shaking Wrong Beliefs
Subdural hematoma as clinical presentation of osteogenesis imperfecta
Subdural Hematomas In Infants With Benign Enlargement Of The Subarachnoid Spaces Are
Not Pathognomonic For Child Abuse
The 'Sutured Skull' and intracranial bleeding in infants
The Baby Syndrome More Horrific Than Falling Three Stories
The Evidence Base For Shaken Baby Syndrome Authors Reply
The Neuropathology Of Infant Subdural Haemorrhage
The Next Innocence Project: SBS And The Criminal Courts
The Stepchildren Of Modern Medicine
Theory And Established Truth
Threshold Of Injury: SBS
Traumatic Brain Injury
Trends To Imprison Innocents As A Cover For Medical Malpractice
UC Berkeley Expert On Head Impacts and SBS
How the Medical Profession Covered Up Vaccine Injuries and Called it Child Abuse
Vaccines Medical Experimentation On The Masses
Vascular Rupture & SBS
Vitamin Deficiencies Misdiagnosed as Shaken Baby Syndrome
Vitamin K Deficiency Differential Diagnosis To Child Abuse
Von Willebrand's Disease Versus Child Abuse
What kind of genetic liver disease can cause the same symptoms as shaken baby syndrome?
Wrongful Convictions Are Common In Shaken Baby Cases
Shaken Baby Syndrome Accusations A Modern Day Witch Hunt
Social Services Response To Innocent Criminal SBS Rulings
Social workers snatch baby on previous shaken baby case
The Ethics Of Keeping A Child From Its Parents
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
The Differential Diagnosis of Child Abuse
Cutaneous Mimickers Of Child Abuse: A Primer For Pediatricians
Genetic And Congenital Defect Conditions That Mimic Child Abuse
Misdiagnosis Of Abuse
The Mistaken Diagnosis Of Child Abuse: A Three-Year USAF Medical Center Analysis And
Literature Review
Unexplained Bruising: Weighing the Pros and Cons of Possible Causes
The Disruptive Physician
The Experts Have Wrecked Justice
53 Wrongly Accused Articles
A Live Chat About Shaken Baby Syndrome
A Very Disingenuous Doctor and a Very Large Elephant

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Child protection: MPs must act on the scandal of seized children

Does Anyone Tell the Truth Any Longer?
Interview Dr. Michael Laposata
Interview with Dr Patrick Barnes
Interview With Dr. Jon Thogmartin
Is Shaken Baby Syndrome Real?
Justice Can Be Elusive
Met accused of 'campaign' against shaken baby witnesses
Miscarraiges Of Justice In Shaken Baby Cases
Miscarriages Of Justice
Overstating Certainty
Radio Interview On More Doctors Questioning 'Shaken-Baby Syndrome
Rethinking Shaken Baby Syndrome
Shaken babies room for doubts
The Child Cases Exposes Shaken Baby Syndrome
The Hardest Cases When Children Die
The Role of Science in Making Good Decisions
The Heartbreak Of Misdiagnosis
The Misdiagnosis Of Metaphyseal Fractures
Another Perspective On Metaphyseal Fractures
Brittle Bone Disease
Cases Of Fetus Fractures
Child Abuse Or Vitamin D Deficiency
Collagen Studies Differentiate Child Abuse From OI
D Deficiency A Differential Diagnosis To Infant Fractures
Fetal Bone Development And Maternal D Deficiency
Fractures believed to be child abuse may be metabolic bone disease
Hypothesis: Fetal Movement Influences Fetal And Infant Bone Strength
Imaging Of Suspected NAI
Infantile Rickets: A Mothers Struggle For Her Daughter
Judge Relies On Controversial Medical Argument
MetaboliC Bone Disease Vs. Inflicted Child Abuse
Osteogenesis imperfecta the distinction from child abuse and the recognition of a variant form
Questioning Temporary Brittle Bone Disease
Radiological Signs In Rickets And Their Differential Diagnosis
Rickets An Epidemic
Skeletal Development In Utero With Vitamin D Deficiency
Temporary Bone Disease
Temporary Brittle Bone Disease
The Bone Disease of Preterm Birth: A Biomechanical Perspective
Understanding The Fragility Of Children`s Bones
Unexplained Fractures And Bone Density
Unexplained Fractures And Bone Fragility
What Is Osteopenia Of Prematurity?
The Reliability Of Confessions
Guilty plea a miscarriage of justice
Questioning Confessions
Vaccinations Adverse Reactions
as adverse reactions flood in from around the world

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Autistic Girl Uses Laptop To Break Silence

Chief Justice John Roberts cashes in Pfizer stocks to participate in landmark vaccine case
Epidemic of vaccine suspensions worldwide
Experts Take Payment To Promote A Vaccine Proven To Cause Damage
Exposing Gardasil
Flu Vaccine Caused Over 1000 Adverse Reactions
Glaxo Smith Kline Brainwashed Doctors About HPV Vaccine
Hidden Government Papers On Measle Vaccines
HPV vaccine advertising is being pulled due to claims of false advertising
It Is Official
Parents In China Were Beaten When They Tried To Get Compensation For Their Vaccine
Injured Children
Police Arrested Twelve Year Old Boy for Refusing Vaccine at School
Possible 400 Dead as UK Government Betrays Parents to Push Six Vaccines in One Day
Questioning The Safety Of Vaccines
The Flu Vaccine Has Been Listed As A Category C Drug
The Non-Disclosed and Hyper-Allergenic Vaccine Adjuvant
Thousands Of USA Pregnant Women Miscarry After The H1N1 Vaccine
Too Many Too Soon
Vaccination: Good or Bad
Vaccines And A Trail Of Affected Children
Weigh The Evidence Vaccines And Government Lies
When Experts Lie
Medical Experts Manufacture Evidence
Wrongful Child Removal Settlement In Medical Misdiagnosis
Qualified Immunity In Misdiagnosed Child Abuse Cases
Children At Risk: Gardasil

Innocence Projects
Law Reviews

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April 2012
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Birth Injuries Can Include Bleeding In The Brain
Skull Fracture-Child Abuse Or An Accident?
Vaccination: Good or Bad
Fractures believed to be child abuse may be metabolic bone disease
It can be hard to diagnose abuse in kids.
Rickets: Not A Disease Of The Past
Biomechanic Presentation By Dr. Van Ee
Metabolic Bone Disease In Preterm Newborn: An Update On Nutritional Issues
Online Differential Diagnosis Tool
What kind of genetic liver disease can cause the same symptoms as shaken baby syndrome?

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medicalmisdiagnosisr on The Debate Rickets Or Chi
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medicalmisdiagnosisr on Unexplained Fractures in Infan
poppy on Unexplained Fractures in Infan

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