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Ellingham Diagram
- G vs Temp
- G = -, more reactive
- Reactivity of metal to from oxide
- More -, more stable to form oxide
- F = affinity to Oxy, more more stable
- On the lower side (stable oxy), on the top side (less stable oxy)
- Can calculate min temp to form oxy
- Line intersect with CO forming = to know min temp/O2 pressure to
reduce oxides
- Line intersect with other Metal to know if other metal can reduce
2. E-Waste
- Electronic materials contains some precious metals (Au)
- HDD, Ram, chip, IC, motherboard, etc
- Au have almost 0 resistant
- Leacing Au with CN (Lixiviants Cyanides)
- Au bond with CN, add Zn then CN will bond with Zn and Au is
3. 4. Indirect Bio-Leaching
- Bacteria produce oxidating agent to oxidate compound
- Ion formed from the oxidated compound is used to oxidize the
desired metal
- Acidithiobacillus ferooxidants turns fe2+ to fe3+. Fe3+ to turn ZnS
into Zn2+ and S
5. Hot Digestion Leaching
- leaching dalam vessel dengan pengadukan dan temp tinggi (dekat
- Proses cepat
- Leaching asam/basa high conc
- Parsial = hanya minera berharga yg akan larut
- Total = semua mineral larut dalam btk ion kemudian dipisahkan dgn
cara lain
- Hot plate, ruang terbuka, murah tp mudah evaporasi dan hilang
- Microwave, tertutup, temp tinggi high pressure dan meledak
- HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, HNO3-HF, HNO3-HCL, HCl-HF 80C
- NaOH 150C
6. Vacuum Refining Sn
- Intinya pencairan Sn menggunakan panas dr induksi listrik untuk
menghilangkan pengotor udara dari logam
- Dapat menghasilkan Pb dibawah 5ppm
- Heat loss rendah

- Efisiensi evaporasi dan kondensasi

- Low energy
- Ramah lingkungan
- Furnace awet
7. Goldschmidt Alumino Thermic Process
- MO reduction with Al
- Replacing C due to low ops temp so lower energy and faster
- Use Al powder
- Exothermic reaction, pre-heating, no need to add heat due to
- Ops temp around 2500C
- Liquid Metal is the product
- Add CaF2 to separate liquid from gangue
- Cant with a too high exo rx, high temp = liquid solubility high, Ox
and other gangue dissolved
8. Flash Smelting and Converting
- Outotec, high recovery metal and sulfur, low cost, continuous, high
- Finely ground sulfidic copper mixed with oxy enriched air
- Sulfide ignites creating heat bcs oxidation act as fuel
- Matte (molten droplets) separate from slag
- High pressure water launders and granulate matte, ground to grain
size suitable for conversion
- Slag processed to recover copper
- Converting with anode furnace to oxidize trapped sulfur in matte
9. Pengaruh Froth Velocity dan Froth Depth
- Froth V faster, recovery more bcs froth bond with mineral and goes
up faster but low selectivity bcs gangue can be bonded too thus low
- Froth V lower, vice versa
- Froth Depth small, froth v faster bcs bubble can easily goes up
- Froth depth large, vice versa
FCC Cambridge
- To eliminate oxide from metal surface
- Elimination of oxide layer from titanium
- Use molten salt electrolyte (CaCl2, LiCl, BaCl2, etc) pure chloride
- Liquid electrolyte, can also absorb and transport anion (O2-, S2-,
- The metal oxide formed to pellet and placed in cathode with
appropriate anode
- Oxide on metal will be ionizied and leave metal and go to anode
- Metal is oxygen-free
- Metal in the form of sponge, crushed and milled, forming powder


Precipitaion extraction
stage after leaching
Precipitate leaching solution
To get endapan logam
Control pH, add chemical, cooling temp
Add chemical like AuCN + Zn = Au + ZnCN
Elektrolisis = electrowinning
Ion exchange
Solvent extraction
Karbon Aktif
Untuk penyerapan logam (emas dari CN)
Tahan sianida
Iodine = daya serap logam, makin tinggi makin banyak serapan
Hardness = kekuatan karbon, makin hard makin tdk terkikis makin
tdk loss logam
Tapi sangat kotor dan berdebu
Harus dicuci hingga benar2 bersih utk memaksimalkan penyerapan
Diasapkan hingga debu emas, lalu dilebur

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