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06/01/16(Wed)15:54:36 No.54860207


What does /g/ think about NoScript?



06/01/16(Wed)15:57:24 No.54860243

Installed it but hardly block anything because I hate every page breaking.
Uninstalling flash is probably just as good

06/01/16(Wed)16:10:28 No.54860436

People still use it?


06/01/16(Wed)16:11:19 No.54860446

-Uninstall Flash. Java is already blocked, so yeah.
-Install uBlock, activate FB/Twitter/G+ blocking to avoid tracking
-Turn on DNT
You're fine.

06/01/16(Wed)16:14:31 No.54860506

This nigger knows.


06/01/16(Wed)16:17:33 No.54860560

I can't imagine web browsing without NoScript and ABP.

For many years NoScript was the only real script blocker. But now we have uBlock/uMatrix. And the people who use it seem to really like it
as an alternative to ABP+NoScript.
Competition is good and I am glad both options exist.
But I like NoScript+ABP. I am accustomed to how they work. And they do what I need them to do. So until that changes, I'll stick with them.

06/01/16(Wed)16:21:41 No.54860628

>Turn on DNT
What is the advantage of enabling this setting?
Website/Companies don't respect it. And it makes you more unique (easier to track). Of course having a bunch of privacy addons also
makes you more unique, but the good addons are actually doing something.
To my knowledge, enabling DNT does nothing. Am I mistaken?

06/01/16(Wed)16:25:46 No.54860676

_Some_ companies voluntarily comply.
The ones you don't want to be tracking you don't, like you pointed out.

06/01/16(Wed)16:27:36 No.54860703

The only thing I miss on chromium-based browsers. It's xss and click hijacking protection is bretty good.

06/01/16(Wed)16:27:39 No.54860705

I'll have to test it against uMatrix. One thing I like about NoScript is that its very easy to see which domains you're allowing temporarily, which
are blocked globally, allowed globally etc.... or even temporarily allow all scripts globally. Plus, it will detect possible XSS issues, block
plugins like Flash that can be enabled with one click etc..
I haven't yet tried uMatrix, but I'll be comparing it to NoScript (which in turn I find better than Request Policy). On the other "side" however,
using uBlock Origin for ad/tracker blocking, one thing I don't like is that by default ,it doesn't show the particular
ads/servers/domains/trackers being blocked and which are being allowed. AdBlock Plus/Edge used to do this etc.. Now, I hear that uBlock
Origin CAN do this, but you run the risk of fouling up your lists or whatnot, have to enable advanced mode etc...? Is that correct? Ideally, it
would be like Disconnect (the addon) which helpfully not just allows you to enable or disable one by one, but also groups of various types (ie
ads, trackers, social, or likely content that you want to let through etc) . PrivacyBadger shows the domains, but isn't quite as helpful in
determining what they are etc.
Currently, I use uBlock Origin, Disconnect Private Browsing, and NoScript. if uMatrix does all NoScript does and better/more, then I'll swap
over, but if its cumbersome or lacks features.. then unless NoScript goes proprietary/stops working, I'll probably stay.

06/01/16(Wed)16:36:08 No.54860838

Literally made for people who wear tinfoil hats on a daily basis.

06/01/16(Wed)16:58:07 No.54861180

It's strictly voluntary but if a website doesn't respect the flag it's possible to detect that and block the site I believe that's part of how privacy
badger works. The best thing to do if you're worried about privacy is to not use the setting at all. Enabling or disabling it makes you more
Eris !!iFE+VfugpQ9

06/01/16(Wed)16:59:20 No.54861201


06/01/16(Wed)17:51:52 No.54862024

I'm an old fart and I still use it. It has been the only real "hardening" for your browser for a long time. It didn't just block javascript, even if that
was its major feature.
NoScript had (and still has) a default-deny approach. You start breaking everything and then you un-break single sites. This has always
been marginalized a universal approach of this extension.
A long way ago I started importing the same host file lists used in AdAway into NoScript. This granted me the possibility to browse in defaultallow mode, with a solid blacklist built-in.
The process to import a blacklist is not exposed to the average user in a convenient way, and it has a few caveats (you have to duplicate
the addresses including http and https, www and whatnot)

Now, with uBlock and uMatrix, you have this very same process built-in into the addon. This has boosted the friendliness of the blocking
addons extending the concept of an adblock into NoScript's realms.
Now I usually ship NoScript, uBlock and uMatrix in my normal day-to-day tasks browser. uBlock and uMatrix are not considered too
overlapping; NoScript has marginal relevance in this context but I have to say that it has blocked some clickbaits that uMatrix nor uBlock
managed to detect. Maybe this explains why it's the only addon in the tor browser... Keeping it in default-allow in your normie browser won't

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