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CBSE Worksheet-48

Class VII Science (Electric Current and its Effects)

1. Fuse wire is made up of alloys of

a. High melting point
b. Low melting point
c. High boiling point
d. Low boiling point
2. Coils of heating devices are made up of
a. Tungsten
b. Copper
c. Mercury
d. Nichrome
3. Wire carrying current produce
a. Magnetic field
b. Chemical effect
c. Heating effect
d. All of these
4. Conductor having very high resistance is
a. Good conductor
b. Insulator
c. Semi conductor
d. Resistor
5. Match the following
Column A

Column B

a. Tungsten

i. best conductor

b. Nichrome

ii. insulator

c. Mercury

iii. coils of heater

d. Silver

iv. filament of bulb

e. Rubber

v. poor conductor

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6. Write T for true and F for false statements.

a. Electromagnet is used in electric heater.
b. Fuse works on the principle of heating effect of electricity.
c. Bulb filament has very high resistance.
d. Copper is a semiconductor
e. Earth wire has green insulation.
7. What is electromagnet? Write its two applications.
8. What is electric bell? Name its main components.
9. What is difference between open and closed circuit?
10. Select the words related to electric current form letter box given below:

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Answer key
1. b
2. d
3. d
4. b
5. (a) (iv), (b) (iii), (c) (v), (d) (i), (e) (ii).
6. (a) F (b) T (c) T (d) F (e) T.
7. When a soft iron piece is placed into the solenoid having current flowing through
it. The iron piece behaves like strong magnet. This magnet is called electromagnet.
It is used in electric fans and commercial motors.
8. An electric bell is a simple device which uses an electromagnet. Some of the
important components of an electric bell are
a. An electromagnet
b. An armature
c. Gong
d. Hammer
9. Closed circuit is a circuit in which current is flowing and switch is in closed
position. On the other hand, in open circuit current do not flow and switch is in
open condition.

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