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Pathogen densities By Gerhard Ott

in nature
and the aquarium

Bacteria in aquaristic systems there is no difference between to filter bacteria. In most cases
those bacteria that inhabit the these are sessile bacteria. Hence,
Numerous species of bacteria, soil and those that live in waters. a large surface of filter substrates
viruses and fungi live in aquatic Within a water body many spe- is aspired. But also in the aquaria
systems. Bacteria and algae cies can occur planktonically, that themselves those bacteria can be
are the numerically dominating means floating, as well as ses- found, for example in appropriate
organisms of inshore waters and sile, which means on substrates. substrates. In the optimal case,
form a great part of the biomass. Above that, there are forms that these bacteria are among others
Their metabolism affects and con- predominantly live sessile and Nictrobacter of the nitrogen cycle
trols the flow of energy in aquatic others that predominantly live which should be obtained and
habitats and of the nutrient cycles freely floating. In streams and cultivated. Therefore, the expe-
and processes of energy conver- stagnant waters there are corre- rienced aquarist never rinses out
sion happening within. spondingly different populations the filtration medium completely.
Bacteria, small organisms without of bacteria in nature. In order to always retain a frac-
a nucleus, inhabit practically all The aquaristic role of bacteria is tion of the bacterial colonies, the
habitats of the earth. In principle emphasized repeatedly if it comes rinsing water should not be to hot

Der Makropode – Volume 30 – 1 / 2008 21

rophages are able to exploit even
very low concentrations of nutri-
ents (Wright & Hobbie 1966).

Further Saprophages (decompo-

sition exploiters)

Fungi are even more variegated

then bacteria. They exhibit a real
nucleus and can be single- or mul-
ticellular. In offshore waters they
occur in high species numbers. An
assignment between terrestrial
and aquatic species or groups is
not easy. Biologically interested
aquarists are familiar with genus
names like Achlya, Aphanomyces,
Branchiomyces and Saprolegnia.
They are Phycomyceta that can
be understood as actual aquatic
fungi. Apart from simple struc-
tured proteins, carbohydrates and
lipids they can also exploit pec-
tins, cellulose type matter, lignin
and chitin. Aquatic Deuteromyces
growing on decaying litter can
exploit fibers and play an impor-
tant role in aquatic biotopes as

Bacteria, fungi and fishes

Between bacteria and fishes exist

manifold interactions. These
interactions express themselves
amongst others as attacks of
the microorganisms against the
organism of the fish. Especially
the breeder of aquarium fishes
knows that within breeding tanks
with high stocking densities and
Filtration, a method for the reduction of organic loading in the aquarium high feeding rates, a periodic and
water extensive partial water exchange
has to be carried out to keep the
fish brood healthy. It is also impor-
or to cold. Thus, the experienced loading of the water. Saprophagic tant to consider the microbiologi-
aquarist starts a new aquarium living bacteria are those that feed cal situation in the aquarium apart
with the filter mud from a matured from decaying and fouling matter from the filter.
aquarium or uses an according meaning organic waste. In hydrol- The optimum of many bacteria
substance offered in pet shops. ogy, especially when dealing with is within the neutral to slightly
Bremer (1995, 1996a, b) and Kasse- rivers, they are a measure for the alkaline range. Generally, a pH
beer (1996, 1999) pronounced organic load of water bodies (sap- below 7 acts inhibitory on most
repeatedly the important role of robe system). Saprophytic bacte- bacteria concerning growth and
floating bacteria in the aquarium ria are characterized in that way reproduction. Many fungal spe-
and in fish breeding facilities. that they are capable of exploit- cies can indeed exist in slightly
Non-sessile bacteria are at the ing mainly proteins and simple to very acid waters. The aquar-
same time indicators for organic carbohydrates. Pure water sap- ist is aware of the so called soft

22 Der Makropode – Volume 30 – 1 / 2008

water from the natural habitat of
many aquarium fishes. Soft water
means, that it is low in carbonate;
most of the times it is also poor in
other ions, so that the electric con-
ductibility (“conductance”) is low
to very low. Basically, calcium car-
bonate and magnesium carbon-
ate are meant with that. From the
aquaristic and fish breeding point
of view, amongst others Beyer
(1998) noted the importance of
calcium ions Ca²+. Soft waters are
often very low in bacteria because
bacteria need a certain concentra-
tion of ions for growing.
Mycoses (fungal infections) in
fishes appear only periodically if
the outer skin is affected. Fungal
spores can not germinate on a If a filter inlet produces foam the organic load is very high already
healthy glycocalyx (slime coat)
and the epidermis below. If the
glycocalyx is affected by bacterial in CFU, colony forming units per higher as the unit CFU indicates
infections in advance fungi can milliliter. 104 CFU/ml imply that in (Rheinheimer 1991) and in fact it
grow secondarily. one milliliter (= 1 cubic centime- is about an order of magnitude.
ter) water are 10.000 bacteria. The handy methods for measure-
According to the drinking water ment only measure those bacteria
Germs? Number of germs? Ger- ordinance in Germany bacte- which establish colonies.
minal density? ria like Salmonella (typhus and A plate is wetted with a defined
paratyphoid), Shigella (dysen- amount of water, or a paddle
These perceptions are a wonderful tery), Vibrio cholerae (cholera), with bacterial culture substrate is
example on how scientific appear- Pseudomonas (among others dipped, incubated and afterwards
ing terms are sometimes used in pneumonia) and Legionella (legio- one can count the amount of colo-
an unreflected way. The Germanic nellosis) have to be undetectable nies and evaluate it according to a
origin of the word “germ” is in drinking water. Bioindicators scaling. The determined numbers
known in botany and greeneries are coliform bacteria like Escheri­ of bacteria are the overall results
as offshoot of herbal organisms, chia coli. Here, the benchmark is from those factors that promote
meaning that what grows out 10² CFU/ml, after completion of or impede bacterial development.
of a grain. But the term “germ” the preparation it is 20 CFU/ml In high organic loading (food), a
has also a second meaning in the (see Mutschmann & Stimmelmayer temperature above 20 °C, suffi-
sense of “germ” = pathogen. 1995, p. 155 ff.). cient oxygen supply, neutral and
In hygienics the term bacterial alkaline pH values and a reduc-
count is mostly used. In prin- tion potential below 200 mV,
ciple that is incorrect. Because it Assessing the bacterial density – saprophytic bacteria develop opti-
is about the number of bacteria estimating loading of the water mally. Tanning agents (tannines,
(“germs”) in a defined volume, catechine, fulvo acids and humic
the correct termination would For natural and, above that, fish- acids) inhibit their growth. The
be germ density. I do not want ery-biological interesting water bacterial density in open water
to miss to mention that I owe bodies and aquaculture facilities is a measure for the organic pol-
this information Dr. Stefan Hetz, specifying the bacterial density is lution of water bodies. In nature
a physiologist at the Humboldt a common method to quantify the as well as in artificial ecosystems
University of Berlin (Similarly, in loading of the water. In aquaristics like aquaria.
aquaristics the term conductivity these methods are used for some
number (note by translator: this years now. Using adequate tests – Biotest HYCON Keimindikatoren
is a direct translation which does coming from the medical hygiene Dip Slides
not seem to exist in the English – the biologically effective bacte-
language) is common although rial densities can be determined For aquaristic purposes the deter-
electric conductivity is meant). by aquarists. The actual number mination of the bacterial density
Bacterial densities are measured of bacteria in the water is normally can be accomplished with the

Der Makropode – Volume 30 – 1 / 2008 23

must be wetted completely. Sur-
plus water should drip off. The
tubes are incubated upright at 27
to 30 °C. In the lab this is done in
an incubator. The aquarist should
be able to find ideal conditions
above a light housing. In the field
in tropic regions these conditions
correspond with the surrounding
temperatures. After incubation
for 24 to 48 hours the result can
be read from the TTC agar. Yeasts
and filamentous fungi grow on the
potato glucose agar after incuba-
tion for approximately 72 hours.
If the incubation is conducted at
room temperature, the results
Colony forming units (CFU) per milliliter can be interpreted after 48 to 96
hours (that is 4 to 7 days). After
the incubation, the colony densi-
ties of the cultures can be com-
pared to the included samples.
The majority of bacteria grows as
Biotest HYCON Keimindikatoren delivers these measuring sets red colonies. If colorless colonies
Dip Slides. The culture medium starting at 5 pieces. occur, they should be accounted
plate is dipped in the water and The method can also be used in in the determination of CFU, too.
incubated for 24 to 48 hours at 30 the field when conducting habi- It always depends on the density
°C in the included tube. The light tat studies for aquaristic and lim- of the colonies, not on the size of a
yellow colored medium GK-A dis- nological purposes (Ott 2000a, single colony. On the “fungi side”
plays the amount of bacteria in b). This way one can for example may be growing mere filamentous
CFU/ml = colony forming units easily determine if habitats have fungi, pure yeasts or an admixture
per milliliter. The brown reddish been affected by anthropogenic of yeasts and filamentous fungi.
medium displays on the backside influences: Mostly, close to vil- Filamentous fungi form wool
a selective verification of coliform lages higher densities of coliform like colonies and yeasts round,
bacteria also in CFU/ml, which bacteria are detectable. One rule humpy and dull colonies which
simply means: the degree of con- of experienced wanderers and sometimes have extensions. For a
tamination with fecal bacteria. trekkers is to always bathe or pull microscopic clarification colonies
water above a settlement. One can be collected from the culture
10² CFU/ml water with very knows why... medium. – These measurement
low bacteria count; in an aquar- sets in the laboratory specialized
ium this is almost trade – if not in stock in a phar-
unfeasible without devices like Cult-Dip combi macy – normally much cheaper
ozonization or UV radiation than in a pet shop.
10³ CFU/ml water with low With the Biotest HYCON Keimind-
bacteria count ikatoren Dip Slides total bacterial
104 CFU/ml typically found in densities in CFU and coliform bac- Typical aquaristic results from
heavily stocked community tanks teria (also in CFU) can be deter- measurements
and are tolerated by many fishes mined. The Cult-Dip Combi by
105 CFU/ml harms fish Merck KgaA (64271 Darmstadt) In principle low bacterial densities
consists of dipping culture media are desired in aquaria. Aquarium
Lately, these tests are also sold for determination of bacterial water of which sampling resulted
in aquaristic pet shops. So far the densities, yeasts and mold. The in high bacterial densities is not
interested aquarist had to rely on media are covered with a pallid only rich of saprophytic bacteria
specialized laboratory trade. One TTC agar and orange colored in the open water but also organi-
supplier for these test kits is the potato glucose agar. The culture cally polluted. Aquarium water
company Windaus Labortechnik, substrates have to be in contact with low bacterial counts of 10³
Bauhofstrasse 9, 38678 Clausthal- for 5 to 10 s with the fluid to be CFU/ml is intended. Typically, in
Zellerfeld, Fax 053 23/ 4 01 96, tested, i.e. aquarium water. Both community tanks 104 CFU/ml and
http://www.windaus.de, which agar sides of the nutrient medium more are found. In sales tanks in

24 Der Makropode – Volume 30 – 1 / 2008

shops values above 106 CFU/ml surement of bacterial densities of certain species (Ott 2000 a, b).
have been recorded. In breed- shows: Low pH values usually Some labyrinth fishes derive from
ing tanks the bacterial densities also indicate a low bacterial load- such water bodies. Therefore
should be reduced with appropri- ing. With increasing pH values the keeping bacterial densities low
ate methods because larvae and bacterial loading accelerates as is the goal of every responsible
young fishes do not have a fully well. The slime coating of fishes is aquarist of labyrinth fishes. The
developed immune system yet. occupied with fending the increas- available methods for the determi-
Which consequences does this ing attacks of bacteria. More than nation of bacterial densities in the
have for aquaristics and the keep- once it leads to secondary infec- aquarium water can amend the
ing of fishes in aquaria? tions, e.g. Oodinium, because the conventional methods of water
In principle it can be stated: In slime coating of fishes is preaf- quality characterization.
aquaristic hydrology there is an fected due to defenses against The consequences resulting from
array of parameters. These are bacteria. these conclusions and methods
among others pH value, acid bind- In typical black waters of the trop- to reduce bacterial densities in
ing capacity, degree of hardness, ics barely 10² up to 10³ CFU/ml are aquaria are known in aquaris-
temperature as well as water found. In a meso saprobe central- tic practice: carbon dioxide (or
ingredients of favored and non- European lake and aquarium it other “acidification” methods),
favored nature. This is not only absolutely can be up to 106 CFU peat or peat extract (Wendenburg
about applying a new indicator. It and more. Typical black water 1999), alder catkins and accord-
is rather about understanding the fishes are, with their epidermal ing extracts (Dengler 2002, Gut-
coherences. A great importance is skin and above lying slime coating, jahr 1998, Steinle 1998). Some also
connected to the pH value of the are not adapted to high bacterial take tea. Planting of rapidly grow-
water when it comes to keeping densities and are affected easily ing water plants (Horst 1999), in
fishes. Here, it is not necessar- by pathogens, if these are present breeding practices with meth-
ily the concentration of hydrogen in high rates. Here, we know only ylene blue, sodium chloride and
ions the criterion but the impact of little on the actual relationships in other chemicals. Water changes,
the pH value. A comparative mea- nature and specific adaptations UV radiation, ozonization and

Der Makropode – Volume 30 – 1 / 2008 25

microfilters (with diatoms or car- used in the field of habitat stud- Gutjahr, A. 1998. Sind Erlenzäpf-
bonite as substrate) and large- ies for aquaristic and limnological chen in Vergessenheit geraten?
area filters (“Hamburger Filter”) purposes. Above that, the aquar- TI Aquaristik Fachmagazin 30(5):
are further methods. ist himself can test if commer- 72.
For quite some time the decora- cially offered substances act in Horst, K. 1999. Aquarienpflanzen
tion of landscape aquaria with the according bacteria inhibiting sind die beste Fisch- und Was-
leaves is a common procedure in way. serpflege. Aquarium Heute 17(2):
aquaristics. It has been pushed The investigation and the under- 325–328.
back a little by the modern and standing of ecological effect Kassebeer, G. 1996. Die Bedeutung
partly sort of clinically clean coherences confirms the prag- der Bakterienflora für die Funktion
aquaria. Still it can be encountered matical experience in aquaristics des Aquariums. Symposiumsband
at experienced aquarists. This is and enhance the knowledge for des 2. VDA-Süßwassersymposi-
because leaves are not only deco- the living needs of fishes. It also ums vom 26.–27.10.1996 in Fulda,
ration but also fulfill some biologi- becomes clear that the “decora- 63–73.
cal functions: For many fishes it tion” within an aquarium is not Kassebeer, G. 1999. Hat die Keim-
serves as natural cover and pro- only “ornamentation” but beyond: zahl eine aquaristische Bedeu-
tection, sometimes as spawn- environmental enrichment from tung? Vortrag beim 25. Symposion
ing ground. Several substances the ethological and even agent der Aquaristischen Interessenge-
that are released to the water by from an ecological point of view. meinschaft am 29. Mai 1999 in
leaves act positively on biologi- The question of effectiveness Bielefeld.
cal balancing processes within which is outlined by headwords Kühnert, M. 1981. Biochemische
the ‘mini habitat’ aquarium. For like pH value, filter efficiency, und pharmakologisch toxikologi-
some fishes leaves even serve as additives to the aquarium water, sche Eigenschaften von isolierte
food or food complement. There conditioners and bacterial count hergestellten Huminsäuren. IMIG
are also according supplements in the open water can contribute Symp. „Torf in der Medizin“ 3:
and extracts, even artificial humic to the competence of aquarists 22–42.
substance preparations (Geisler when it is causally better per- Mutschmann, J. & Stimmelmayr, F.
1999, Kühnert 1981, Plöger 2001, ceived. 1995. Taschenbuch der Wasser-
Ott 2003a). versorgung. Stuttgart, 11. Aufl.
Mostly, leaves of oaks (Quercus) or Ott, G. 2000. Keimzahluntersu-
beeches (Fagus) are – because of Literature chungen an indonesischen Süßge-
their ingredients – used. Recently, wässern und ihre aquaristischen
Catappa leaves or preparations Beyer, P. 1998. Das Calcium und Konsequenzen. Vortrag beim
herefrom with antiseptic proper- die „Weichwasserfische“. 3. VDA- VDA-Symposion am 25. Novem-
ties are advertised by aquaristic Süßwasser-Symposium 7.–8. Nov. ber in Fulda.
commerce: “Due to the extensive in Fulda, 47–55. Ott, G. 2001. Haben Keimzahlen
decrease of infective pressure in Bremer, H. 1995. Bakterien im eine aquaristische Bedeutung? 1.
the aquarium water, the leaves of Aquarium. Ihre Rolle als Indika- Teil: Problemstellung, Messme-
the Indian almond act positively tor und Wirkfaktor. DATZ 48(4): thoden und Befunde. Aquarium
on the transfer of sensible fishes. 257–259. heute 19(1): 43–45. 2. Teil: Steue-
Especially successful are the Bremer, H. 1996a. Bakterien in rung der bakteriellen Belastung
leaves applied on imported fish Brut- und Vorstreckanlagen – im Aquarium. Aquarium heute
like discus fishes, neon fishes and Indikator, Wirkung und Methode. 19(2): 48–50.
clown loaches,” it is advertised Fischer & Teichwirt (8): 314–316. Ott, G. 2002. Warum verpilzen
inter alia (see also Ott 2003b). Bremer, H. 1996b. Bakterien im Fischeier? 1. Teil: Biologische
The typical black water labyrinth Süßwasser – Bedingungen für Tatsachen und Zusammenhänge.
fishes which are mostly kept by Leben und Tod. Symposiumsband Aquaristik Fachmagazin 34(164):
members of the IGL are appar- des 2. VDA-Süßwassersymposi- 43–45. 2. Teil: Folgerungen für die
ently not an commercially appeal- ums vom 26.–27.10.1996 in Fulda, aquaristische Praxis. Aquaristik
ing target group. 73–78. Fachmagazin 34(165): 52–55.
Dengler, A.T. 2002. Die Erle – eine Ott, G. 2003a. Für Sie getestet –
Bereicherung für die Aquaristik. Dupla-Cur, Tonikum oder Kosme-
Summary Vereinsjournal Aquarienfreunde tik? Das Aquarium 37(5): 71–75.
Dachau, 38–39. Ott, G. 2003b. Für Sie getestet –
The method of germ determina- Geisler, R. 1999. Huminstoffe in Seemandelbaumblätter im Aqua-
tion via CFU in aquarium water der Aquaristik? Vortrag beim 25. rium. Das Aquarium 37(7): 18–21.
can amend the common aquaristic Symposion der Aquaristischen Plöger, J. 2001. Ein synthetischer
methods of water quality charac- Interessengemeinschaft am 29. Huminstoff. Aquaristik Fachma-
terization. The method can also be Mai 1999 in Bielefeld. gazin 33(6): 115.

26 Der Makropode – Volume 30 – 1 / 2008

ISSN 0937-177X

30. Jahrgang – April 2008
Zeitschrift der IGL
Internationale Gemeinschaft für Labyrinthfische

Der Makropode – Volume 30 – 1 / 2008 1

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