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Lecture 31

1. Identify the kidneys and the suprarenal glands and to know

their position in the skeleton
Di rongga pelvis
Ginjal kanan berada lebih dibawah dari ginjal kiri karena
tertekan oleh hati, posisi T12 antara L3-L4
Ginjal kiri berada lebih dibawah dari spleen, posisis diantara T10
sampai L3
2. Identify the anatomical structures which can be seen in sagittal
section of the kidney

3. Identify the urether and trace their course to the pelvis

4. Identify the blader in specimens and models

5. Describe the course of the male and female urethra

Uretra pada male menuju ke kelenjar prostat, kemudian menuju
duktus ejakulasi sehingga urine bisa dikeluarkan melalui penis
Uretra pada female langsung menuju saluran lubang urine
6. Explain the anatomical features of female and male external

Lecture 36
1. Identify the component of the female reproduktive system : the
ovaries, uterine tubes , uterus, dan vagina

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