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‘Although corporations can be formed with the Dison of Corporations ond Records at ‘yu. dos state.n.us, some people find It eosiet fo go to Gooal, type in “Incorporating Service ‘Comanies® choose o company from the lt and hove it incorporete for you. Check with several companies as prices vary widely rom the Division of Corporations & Records | www.dos state.nv.us ) ‘What are the publication requirements ofthe Limited Liability Company Law and Partnership Law? ‘The Lmiteé Ueilty Company Lew and Partnership Law Include provisions regarding the publication ‘equiced upon the formation or authorization of domestic and foregn limited lablty companies, {Sted patRnerships and lmitedlebity partnerships (hereinafter refered to os “inited Hablty tent"). The applicable statutory provisions sould be consulted prior to publishing ‘A timtesiabity company that i @theetricsl production company Is exempt from the publeation requements provided the wores “limited laity company” appear ints name. Also, a limites partnership that 2 theatrical production company Is exempt frm the publication requirements Drovides the words “mites partnership" appear inks name. See Section 23.03 ofthe Ats and Cultural afar Law. Ine printer or publisher ofeach newspaper wll provide you with an Affidavit of Publication. A CCertincate of Pubieaton, withthe Aidavits of Publcation aanexed thereto, must be fled with the Department of State, Dwilon of Corporations, One Commerce Plaza, 9 Washington Avenue, Sulte 600, Albany, NY 12231, The fee for ilng the Cerca of Publlation ls $50. The Cerineate of Pobleation forms are avalible onthe Department of State's cbse, LUmted abity enies that are formes or authorized todo business In New York after June 1, 2006, win fal to comply withthe publestion requirements wien 120 cays after thelr formation OF {vatineation wil Rave thelr authorty to carry or conductor transact any business suspended "Note that at any tie fling the suspension af limited lallty entity's authority to carry on, Conductor trensact business, te limited abit entity may fle the certieate of publication withthe latidavits of publestlon ofthe newspapers annexed thereto, at which time the suspension of such limited labity entity's authonty te carry on, conductor transact business sha be annulled. sxeo 11/10

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