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What is the key to everlasting love and relationship success?

The key to a successful relationship as a woman and a man is centered around the
understanding of the role each plays in a relationship. JEHOVAH GOD created Adam first, then
Eve. Before Eveʼs creation, Adam gained experience in living. During this time, Jehovah gave
him certain instructions. (Genesis 2:15-20) Serving as Godʼs spokesman, Adam was to transmit
these to his wife. Logically, then, he would take the lead in all matters involving worship.

Many insights are given as a reflection of our teachings, however, there has been little
documented in such a manner as to help new and young couples seeking to solidify their
relationship. A solid relationship is the key to long term success and everlasting love as deemed
a necessity by Jehovah. Giving us insight into the respective roles of men and women in Godʼs
arrangement, the apostle Paul wrote: “Man is not out of woman, but woman out of man .  .  .
Besides, in connection with the Lord neither is woman without man nor man without woman
[neither being independent of the other]. For just as the woman is out of the man, so also the
man is through the woman; but all things are out of God.”—1 (Corinthians 11:8-12).

About This Truth

This teaching and guide is to show and provide the ideas and direction which will provide a
newly involved couple to remain committed to one another in a faithful and loving relationship
from the very start and in to and through marriage. It has been discovered that those couples
who follow this newly described text have a 100% success rate in their pursuit of loving and
everlasting happiness, love, and living in the faith. The construct of this document draws upon
those pleasures which only a man and a woman can share. These ways are contemporary and
proven to work if followed completely.

How do you use this guide? Quite simply read it, take it to heart, and act upon it immediately
with one another. Man and woman reside here to love one another and bare the fruit of their
devotion to one another.

Devotion to one another

A man is only as strong as the woman who supports him, follows him, and is guided by him. A
man comes to greatness only when he is empowered and inspired with the vitality of love from
his devoted woman. A man is self-sustaining, spiritually guided by his heart and that which he
studies or learns. A man can adapt to many changes in life, hardships, stress, and a dynamic
world under which he provides and guards the sanctity of his loving woman and the fruit of that
love, the children. The role of a woman is to provide the comfort, love, and physical attention her
devoted man requires. In doing so the woman assures her position as the center of the mans
life and inspiration. The apostle Paul wrote: “I do not permit a woman . . . to exercise authority
over a man, but to be in silence. For Adam was formed first, then Eve.” (1 Timothy 2:12, 13)
Blind Trust And Complete Focus
A relationship between a man and a woman is much like faith. Either you have total and
complete trust and relinquish yourself to one another or you do not. There is no restraint in
holding back. Only a complete level of trust, commitment, and focus leads to success in a
relationship. A good man, a man who is patient, understanding, and flexible in his learnings and
adoption of new ways is a man of such significance that to deny such a being total trust,
commitment, and focus would be unthinkable. A woman with equal qualities is a woman who is
to be savored and relished in the eyes and heart of her man. The key to everlasting love and
success in a relationship between a man and a woman is blind trust and faith in one another. A
full dedication to one another with total focus. A man becomes an entire world unto his woman
and a manʼs woman becomes the center of his life. For just as the woman is out of the man, so
also the man is through the woman; but all things are out of God.”—1 (Corinthians 11:8-12)

Mind, Heart, And Faith Entanglement

The characteristics of a loving and everlasting couple from the start of a relationship as newly
acquainted boyfriend and girlfriend, through the stages of being in-love, through being engaged
in love, and through marriage until the end involve complete mind, heart, and faith
entanglement. Entanglement simply consist of complete giving of oneself to each other in only
ways that a man and woman can do. When a man and a woman are of one mind and yet
independent thinkers they can achieve greatness in their faith and life. Mind entanglement is
merely the setting of common and agreed to goals together. While these goals are discussed
and decided upon as a couple, the man ultimately makes the final decision. The role of the
woman is to support the final decision and achieve a high level of unity in doing so.

Next is the entanglement of the heart. When a man and woman love one another this is
immediate. A man and woman shall listen without judgement as one another expresses fully and
completely all internal thoughts and matters of the heart. In doing so each achieves a higher
level of understanding and together as a couple firmly establish the key successor to everlasting
love. An effect of this entanglement of the heart is the ability to protect the core of the
relationship against those who may seek to destroy it.

The entanglement of faith is the common belief or road to learning which elevates a couple in
the eyes of Jehovah. While the man is the spiritual leader of the couple or family the woman is
supportive of her man in the silent consult or discussion which unites their faithful direction. She
is to be silent in the sense of not getting into disputes with a man. The woman is not to belittle
his appointed position or endeavor to teach. If a man choses to adopt and learn the faith to a
lesser or greater degree then his woman must be fully supportive and enable inspired learning.
One Woman, One Man
Everlasting love between a man and a woman and the success of the relationship between the
two can only be reached when there exist only one man and only one woman. What does this
mean? We can all be inspired by many different people. In a relationship a woman selects a
man who she loves. He becomes her love interest, her fianceʼ, and her husband. There can only
be one man from which she takes guidance in all areas of her life. When a woman cast her love
upon a man and he in turn does the same, the woman must immediately turn over to her man
the leadership of her life both spiritually and in daily secular life.

The man must devote his life, love, and capabilities to his woman who becomes his fianceʼ and
his wife. Each, man and woman, no longer seek the guidance and opinion from their immediate
family and peers but rather turn to one another for their answers. This concept of one and only
one solidifies the core of a relationship. This is expressed through words, actions, and deep
feelings and trust.

Physical And Emotional Attachment

A concept which is rarely touched on and left as a mystery for many young couples is the notion
of physical and emotional intimacy. This often unspoken topic is critical to the success of any
relationship. As a matter of fact all relationships which consist of a man and a woman are deeply
intimate. The Bible presents sex as a natural and wholesome part of a couples life, a source of
mutual joy and satisfaction. (Proverbs 5:18, 19)

There is a saying, “It is a fool who accepts idealism at face value”. What this means is that it is
natural for individuals to assume that sex and physical affection is reserved for only an exclusive
couple under marriage. A man and woman of wisdom understands that the love which is shared
between the two will always result in physical affection and sex regardless of the two being
married. What is important is that if a couple loves one another and has intentions to marry,
regardless of when the marriage may be, it is completely appropriate and natural for the man
and woman in a loving relationship to express themselves with both physical and emotional
manner without limits. A man and a woman have an increased success and deeper level of love
when fully accepting unbounded physical and emotional attachment. Regarding sexual relations
Godʼs Word says: “The wife does not exercise authority over her own body, but her husband
does; likewise, also, the husband does not exercise authority over his own body, but his wife
does.” (1 Corinthians 7:4). The terms wife and husband are well suited to a couple if they have
intentions to marry and have not yet done so. A man and a woman in a loving committed
relationship is for all intents and purpose in a state of marriage or faithful union.

The final word on this is that a couple in-love, having expressed love for one another, having
expressed their intentions to marry at any point in time should find it acceptable in the eyes of
God to openly accept natural tendencies with emotional and physical attention. A couple who
follows their desire for one another will insure the success and everlasting love together.
Secular Excitement And Exclusivity
The world around us in which we live is all that we have. The secular is what we walk among
and what we indulge in each and everyday. As a couple a man and a woman should remain
focused on one another yet incorporate those elements of the secular world to maintain a level
of spice and excitement in their relationship.

This can take any form which is acceptable by the couple. However, the man as the head of the
relationship shall be granted his request as supported by his woman out of love. If a man seeks
to see his woman in a certain manner which arouses his desires then she shall comply out of
devotion and love. A successful union requires giving “exclusive devotion” to your mate. (Song
of Solomon 8:6; Proverbs 5:15-1)

Exclusivity is a must between a man and a woman. Any relationship that takes what rightly
belongs to your mate and gives it to someone else is a form of “infidelity,” even if no sexual
activity is involved. Keep friendships with members of the opposite sex within appropriate
boundaries. Always inform your mate of your friendships or interactions with members of the
opposite sex. Do not ignore the presence of improper feelings or rationalize impure motives. If
you sense that a friendship threatens your relationship, act quickly to limit or end it. The Bible
says: “Shrewd is the one that has seen the calamity and proceeds to conceal himself.”—
(Proverbs 22:3).

Our Creator intended that a loving pre-marriage and marriage should be the closest relationship
between two humans. He said that husband and wife “must become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24)
The one-flesh bond involves more than sexual intimacy. It includes a close emotional bond,
which is strengthened by unselfishness, trust, and mutual respect. (Proverbs 31:11; Malachi
2:14, 15; Ephesians 5:28, 33) Applying these principles will help to protect your relationship from
damage caused by mental, emotional, and physical unfaithfulness.

Immediate Call To Action

As the world continues to decline with the recent natural disasters, decline in the economy and
the ever increasing divorce rate there is a need to call in to action all that has been discussed in
this document of truth. The level of urgency for new loving couples to accept and adopt the
teachings of the everlasting love and relationship success is extremely important. Adoption of
these teachings in your own personal relationship as a couple is instrumental in achieving a
deeply seeded love and faithful commitment. It is strongly encouraged that that to take this to
task and learn what has been outlined in each section and blindly accept and implement these
teachings. Love between a man and a woman is a special bond which no one will ever tarnish.
Both a man and a woman isolate and guard their relationship to protect and savor the love they
share.There exists the one speaking thoughtlessly as with the stabs of a sword, but the tongue
of the wise ones is a healing.” (Proverbs 12:18)

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