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Ravisara Karnjanolarn

I. Introduction
A. Thesis statement: In William Goldings Lord of the Flies (1954), the theme of
weakness is illustrated by the main characters: Jack, Piggy, and Simon.
II. Body Paragraph #1
A. Topic sentence: In William Goldings Lord of the Flies, the theme of weakness
is illustrated by Jack.
B. Supporting evidence:
i. Demand of power

- p.188: They hate you, Ralph. They are going to do to you . . . They are going to hurt you
ii. Showing greatness

- Dictatorship
iii. Aggressive attitude, uncivilized social

- p. 178: No one moved. Jack shouted angrily . . . Once more the silvery laughter scattered.
Samneric protested out of the heart of civilization.

- Savagery, cruelty

C. Clincher sentence: Since someone has received greatness in power, they

started to become savage, and insane about their authority over others.
III. Body Paragraph #2
A. Topic sentence: In William Goldings Lord of the Flies, the theme of weakness
is illustrated by Piggy.
B. Supporting evidence:
i. Physical inferior: Ass-mar, obesity, and poor eyesights

- p.13: I cant swim. I wasn't allowed. My asthma

- p.65: Piggy was a bore; his fat, his ass-mar, and his matter-of-fact ideas were dull . . .
There had grown up tacitly among the biguns the opinion that Piggy was an outsider, not
only by accent, which did not matter, but by fat, and ass-mar, and specs, and a certain
disinclination for manual labor
- p. 68: Piggy arrived, out of breath and whimpering like a littlun.

ii. Unconfident
- p.67: Piggy was only just visible, bumbling up from the beach

Ravisara Karnjanolarn

C. Clincher sentence: Physical weaknesses affected relationships among human

nature, being disadvantages make it become harder in terms of survival.
IV. Body Paragraph #3
A. Topic sentence: In William Goldings Lord of the Flies, the theme of weakness
is illustrated by Simon.
B. Supporting evidence:
i. Perspective about Lord of the Flies

- p.143: You knew, didnt you? Im part of you?

ii. Emotional superiority

- p. 103: Other people could stand up and speak to an assembly, apparently, without that
dreadful feeling of the pressure of personality.

iii. Lack of ruthless, being threatened

C. Clincher sentence: Considering to care and respect feelings of others are a
vital element to strengthen a society, but, indeed overwhelming emotionally would
lead to the downfall.


A. Rephrased thesis statement: William Golding uses Jack, Piggy, and
Simon to reveal weakness theme throughout the story Lord of the Flies.

Ravisara Karnjanolarn
Beneath the Individuals Weaknesses
Surviving in an abandoned island isnt easy as imagine, especially for underage
children who have independent backgrounds. Differences characterize each person to have
individual attitude and personalitiesinnocence, cruelty, violence, and savagery are affected
diversely. Strengths and weaknesses are showed and built up along together, however,
weaknesses of each person are distinct and eventually leading to a wrack. The vulnerabilities
make an approach into the downfall of the story since human are weakened. In William
Goldings Lord of the Flies (1954), the theme of weakness is illustrated by the main
characters: Jack, Piggy, and Simon.
In William Goldings Lord of the Flies, the theme of weakness is illustrated by Jack.
Golding represents Jack as a leader of savagery because Jack is the most obvious boy who
becomes more savage over time as he gradually gains more power and authority. Ralphs
power is lower since he has no supports while Jack gains active supports from littluns.
Through the conversations of Samneric,They hate you, Ralph. They are going to do to you .
. . They are going to hurt you tomorrow (p.188). Jack never gets enough about his power,
he purposes to get rid of Ralph with full supports from his tribe. He demands for power
unlimitedly, getting brainwashed by the savagerys ideas and becomes addicted to the
greatness of power. Even though Jack already establishes his own tribe and gets to be chief,
he plans to kill Ralph anyway in order to totally eliminate the authorization over others. In
demand of power, Jack shows his greatness, and aggressive attitude, which generate
uncivilized societyJacks tribe. Becoming a chief himself displayed how dictator he is,
when someone is clarifying another ideas other than his, he gets annoyed and irritated.
Golding explains, No one moved. Jack shouted angrily . . . Once more the silvery laughter
scattered. Samneric protested out of the heart of civilization (p.178). Under those

Ravisara Karnjanolarn
circumstances, boys or littluns as minions are often ended up being tied up or being tortured
just because Jack sees them as rebels. Arrogant attitude alters Jack to become disobedient
leader who is crazy and dominated in power. If Jack wants more, then he obtains more. Jack
experience wicked and addicted to it as the compensation is worth as supremacy. Humanity is
replaced with savagery. Dreadful visions eat Jack up and left him as radical boy. Since
someone has received greatness in power, they started to become savage, and insane about
their authority over others.
In William Goldings Lord of the Flies, the theme of weakness is illustrated by
character names Piggy. Golding thoroughly describes Piggy as fat boy, Ass-mar, and
Fatty (pp. 8, 9, 22), in which reveals how physical inferior he is comparing to the other
boys on the island. Physical weakness including Asthma, poor eyesight, and obesity provoke
him to become unconfident in himself and unable to confront with the struggles happening
within the story. Asthma prevents him from being capable to do activities while others could.
His inability is uncovered when Piggy says, I cant swim. I wasnt allowed. My asthma
(p.13). In addition, Golding explains, Piggy arrived, out of breath and whimpering like
a littlun (p.68). Physical deficiencies affect Piggy to become a social castaway. Sickly severe
characteristics of Piggy turn the societys condition among the boys into something worse. As
Piggy is not met the requirement to fit with others, his physical weakness designs him to be
ignored and shunned out from the boys group. Every other boys consider Piggy as if an
outsider. Weakness of being ashamed of himself isnt the worst, but being under influences of
others make huge turnover to him as well. For an example, Golding explains, Piggy was a
bore; his fat, his ass-mar, and his matter-of-fact ideas were dull . . . There had grown up
tacitly among the biguns the opinion that Piggy was an outsider, not only by accent, which
did not matter, but by fat, and ass-mar, and specs, and a certain disinclination for manual

Ravisara Karnjanolarn
labor (p.65). Piggy is not accepted due to the circumstance of lacking strengths, even his
attitude and actions tend to be childish in the view of littluns. Golding describes, Piggy was
only just visible, bumbling up from the beach (p.67). Piggy is useless figure with no
importance since everyone thinks that he is worthless and good-for-nothing. He becomes
jokes of others on the island. By being the weakest competing to others, physical weakness
affected relationships among human nature, being disadvantages make it become harder in
terms of survival.
In William Goldings Lord of the Flies, the theme of weakness is illustrated by
character names Simon. Simon is influenced emotionally by sensitiveness over others, he is
the main character who essentially lack of savagery and ruthlessness in terms of being alive
on the island. In purpose to survive, he is required to be a person who acts being wild,
barbaric, and brutalwhich is impossible. Simon is an adverse of being strong. Simon
prefers to maintain his emotions as priority over the truths that he needs to become more
fierce to adapt for survival. The overwhelming of his emotional superiority is accumulated
mainly since Simon finds his secret place where he can keep in touch with the nature alone.
Simon then becomes separately isolated from the group automatically as he spends much
more time with nature rather than people. Golding describes, Other people could stand up
and speak to an assembly, apparently, without that dreadful feeling of the pressure of
personality (p.103). Simon thinks that he does not suit or belong to the group because of his
internal mental weaknesses, no one is ever care about himat least not as much as Simon
cares others. His weaknesses in being emotional are getting worse as he appears to be
innocent, meek, and submissive. Afterwards, he is mentally and severely disturbed by the
beastie inside his head, conversation between the Lord of the Flies and Simon is substantiated
and resulted in the death of Simon. For an example, the Lord of the Flies says, You knew,

Ravisara Karnjanolarn
didnt you? Im part of you? (p.143) This Lord of the Flies is not referred to the beastie for
real, but it is the darker and deeper side of Simons perspective since Simon recently
encounters many cruel situations happening. The imagination of the Lord of the Flies shows
how weak Simon is in terms of mentality. His emotions become highly increased which
eventually let him experiencing with the illusion. Simon has a strong emotional effects on
himself as it causes him to become unconscious. Considering to care and respect feelings of
others are a vital element to strengthen a society, but, indeed overwhelming emotionally
would lead to the downfall.
As people are experienced, cultivated, and raised up differently, what they have been
through are a huge factor that alters their habits in real life. Habits are dependent on
individual, so each person will end up having different style. When people are putting in an
unavoidable situation, the situation will motivate them to display their habits separately as
they response to event based on their basic knowledges. Reaction to a situation can be
considered as saving oneself, since earns of each person is not the same, the way they survive
will be different too. Not everyone will survive at the end because weaknesses of each others
are not weighted the same. Weaknesses are introduced constantly along with the story in
many aspects in terms of a person that represents minor weaknesses. William Golding uses
Jack, Piggy, and Simon to reveal weakness theme throughout the story Lord of the Flies.

Ravisara Karnjanolarn
Golding, W. (1954). Lord of the Flies. New York, NY: Penguin Group.

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