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Users Guide

Diagnostic Tool for
Oil-filled Equipment

Users Guide

Users Guide

Table of Contents
1.Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.What is PERCEPTION? .............................................................................................................. 1
1.2.Scope of Use of PERCEPTION .................................................................................................. 1
1.3.PERCEPTION Features .............................................................................................................. 2
1.4.Computer System Requirements ................................................................................................ 3
2.Getting Started ............................................................................................................................ 4
2.1.Installation of PERCEPTION Software ....................................................................................... 4
2.2.Tutorial An Overview of the Use of PERCEPTION .................................................................. 4
2.2.1.The Role of PERCEPTION in an Electrical Equipment Oil Monitoring Project ....................... 4
2.2.2.Example Test Case Datafile.................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3.Main Window of PERCEPTION .............................................................................................. 6
3.Using PERCEPTION for a Diagnostic Test Case ..................................................................... 13
3.1.Creating an Equipment Datafile (Step1) ................................................................................... 13
3.2.Validate Equipment Information (Step 2) .................................................................................. 14
3.3.Enter Test Case Sampling Requirements into the Database (Step 3) ..................................... 15
3.4.Produce the Test Sample Forms for the Test Engineer (Step 4) .............................................. 17
3.5.Perform the Sampling Programme On-Site and Complete the Test Sample Forms (Step 5) .. 18
3.6.Send the Test Case Data and Test Samples to the Laboratory (Step 6) ................................. 18
3.7.mporting Laboratory Data via email (Step 7) ............................................................................ 19
3.8.Running the Diagnostic Engine to Perform Equipment Diagnostics (Step 8) ........................... 20
3.8.1.Running a Diagnosis on Single Items of Equipment ............................................................. 20
3.8.2.Performing a Plant Equipment Diagnosis using Batch Processing ...................................... 22
3.9.Use PERCEPTIONs Graphical Tools to Review Data Trends (Step 9) ................................... 24
3.10.Conclude the Diagnosis and Make Recommendations (Step 10) ........................................ 26
3.11.Schedule Future Work (Step 11)........................................................................................... 27
4.Database Utilities and Tools ..................................................................................................... 30
4.1.Main Window / Window ............................................................................................................. 30
4.1.1.Dissolved gas analyzer ......................................................................................................... 30
4.1.2.Customers ............................................................................................................................. 31
4.1.3.Equipment ............................................................................................................................. 31
4.1.4.ISO QA form number ............................................................................................................ 36
4.1.5.Laboratory ............................................................................................................................. 36
4.1.6.Norms .................................................................................................................................... 37
4.1.7.Syringe. ................................................................................................................................. 39
4.1.8.Transformer statistics ............................................................................................................ 39
4.1.9.Work schedule....................................................................................................................... 41
4.1.10. Manage diagnosis text .......................................................................................................... 41
4.1.11. Manage recommendations text ............................................................................................. 41
4.1.12. Test profile............................................................................................................................. 42
4.2.Main Window / Tools ................................................................................................................. 43
4.2.1.Equipment search ................................................................................................................. 43
4.2.2.New test ................................................................................................................................ 43
4.2.3.Delete test ............................................................................................................................. 43
4.2.4.Sibling .................................................................................................................................... 43
4.2.5.Data graphs for selected equipment ..................................................................................... 47
4.2.6.Diagnosis for the selected equipment ................................................................................... 47
4.2.7.Batch processing ................................................................................................................... 48
4.2.8.Calculation of inhibitor quantity to add to transformer .......................................................... 48
4.2.9.Voltage drop calculation ........................................................................................................ 48
4.2.10. Tutorial .................................................................................................................................. 49
4.2.11. Database tools ...................................................................................................................... 49
4.2.12. Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 51
4.2.13. Change your password ......................................................................................................... 51
4.2.14. User access parameters ....................................................................................................... 52
4.2.15. Languages............................................................................................................................. 54
4.2.16. Data sort order ...................................................................................................................... 54
4.2.17. Retype license information .................................................................................................... 55

Users Guide

4.2.18. Refresh tests list F5 .............................................................................................................. 60

4.2.19. Refresh tree view F6# ........................................................................................................... 60
4.2.20. Equipment search F3 ............................................................................................................ 60
4.3.Main Window / Print .................................................................................................................. 60
4.3.1.All equipment tests ................................................................................................................ 61
4.3.2.Equipment list ........................................................................................................................ 62
4.3.3.Customer list ......................................................................................................................... 62
4.3.4.Equipment test report ............................................................................................................ 63
4.3.5.Manual sampling form ........................................................................................................... 64
4.3.6.Blank form ............................................................................................................................. 65
4.3.7.Tasks report .......................................................................................................................... 65
4.4.Main Window / Help .................................................................................................................. 66
4.4.1.Contents ................................................................................................................................ 66
4.4.2.Interpretations of icons .......................................................................................................... 66
4.4.3.Update ................................................................................................................................... 66
4.4.4.About PERCEPTION ............................................................................................................ 67
5.Configuring PERCEPTION ....................................................................................................... 68
5.1.Import/Export file Tab ................................................................................................................ 68
5.2.Company identification Tab ....................................................................................................... 69
5.3.Parameters Tab......................................................................................................................... 69
5.4.Analysis type 1, type 2 and type 3 Tabs ................................................................................... 71
5.5.Automatic analysis Tab ............................................................................................................. 72
5.6.Norms Tabs (R-Temp norm, Mineral oil norms, Silicone norm, PCB norm, Wecosol norm) ... 73
5.7.Customer file Tab ...................................................................................................................... 73
5.8.Print Tab .................................................................................................................................... 75
5.9.User label - Not used ................................................................................................................ 76
6.Data Screens............................................................................................................................. 77
6.1.Bushing Test (BUSH) ................................................................................................................ 77
6.1.1.Results Screen for Bushing Capacitance and Power Factor Tests (Bushing Cap and PF) . 78
6.1.2.Bushing Serial Number Screen ............................................................................................. 79
6.2.Dissolved Gases (DG) .............................................................................................................. 79
6.3.Transformer Turn Ratio (TTR) .................................................................................................. 80
6.4.Visual Inspection (Visl) .............................................................................................................. 81
6.4.1.Visual Inspection ................................................................................................................... 82
6.5.Winding, Capacitance and Power Factor (WCD)...................................................................... 82
6.5.1.Test Results Screen for CB-100 or the TCB-100 test equipment ......................................... 83
6.6.Winding Insulation Resistance (IRes) ....................................................................................... 84
6.7.Contact / Winding Resistance (WRes) ...................................................................................... 84
6.8.Fluid QualityTests (PHY) ........................................................................................................... 85
6.9.Dissolved Water (H2O) ............................................................................................................. 86
6.10.PCB (PCB) ............................................................................................................................ 86
6.11.Furans (FUR) ........................................................................................................................ 87
6.12.Degree of Polymerisation (DP) ............................................................................................. 87
7.Miscellaneous............................................................................................................................ 88
7.1.Note on the Utilisation of PERCEPTION Databases ............................................................... 88
7.2.The files used by PERCEPTION............................................................................................... 88
7.2.1.File Conversion ..................................................................................................................... 88
7.3.Transferring Data ...................................................................................................................... 89
7.3.1.Export .................................................................................................................................... 89
7.3.2.Import .................................................................................................................................... 92
7.3.3.Import Data from a Transfix using TransConnect ................................................................. 96
7.3.4.Import Data from a TFD File(s) (TFD = TRANSFIX Datafile) ........................................... 101
7.3.5.Export to Excel Spreadsheet Gas, Water and Temperature Data ...................................... 103
7.4.Online help .............................................................................................................................. 104
7.5.About Kelman .......................................................................................................................... 104
7.6.Bibliography............................................................................................................................. 105
7.7.License Usage......................................................................................................................... 106
7.8.Updating and how to reach us ................................................................................................ 107

Users Guide

1. Introduction
1.1. What is PERCEPTION?
PERCEPTION es un producto de las programas informticos para bases de datos del acceso del ms diseado para asistir a personales de la central
elctrica con el mantenimiento y a la gerencia del equipo aislado aceite usado para la transmisin y la distribucin de la corriente elctrica.
PERCEPTION est dirigido sobre todo a la diagnosis de defectos latentes en transformadores, disyuntores y golpear ligeramente-cambiadores
usando reglas de diagnstico empricas establecidas y reconocidas.
1.2. Scope of Use of PERCEPTION

Como una herramienta de diagnstico el software permite a un usuario seguir los procedimientos semiautomatizados
para el anlisis de los datos relevantes a la condicin del aceite aislador usada en el equipo elctrico. Siguiendo un
programa del anlisis regular del muestreo y de la condicin del aceite aislador, la condicin de un artculo particular del
equipo elctrico puede ser supervisada y cualquier desviacin de una condicin normal del del ser determinada
fcilmente. Sobre la fabricacin de tal determinacin, los personales del mantenimiento pueden entonces hacer
decisiones informadas sobre cmo mantener el equipo en buena puesta en marcha o cundo quitar el equipo de servicio
y realizar un reacondicionamiento completo.
En efecto PERCEPTION es un sistema de informacin experto que provee del usuario un listo interpretacin de la
significacin de datos referentes a las caractersticas del aceite aislador usadas en el equipo elctrico, particularmente
transformadores. Sin embargo, no es un reemplazo para el conocimiento alguien que es experto en el anlisis del aceite
aislador usado en el equipo elctrico y la operacin del aceite - equipo de energa llenado. En el contrario, los servicios
de tales expertos se requieren validar las conclusiones alcanzadas usando la OPININ y sugerir mantenimiento
apropiado y/o las acciones operacionales para cada uno sistema particular de circunstancias. El software debe por lo
tanto ser mirado como un asistente y no el rbitro final en la conducta de un rgimen de la supervisin y del
mantenimiento de la en-condicin para el aceite - llenado equipo elctrico.

PERCEPTION es una herramienta de software de la gerencia del anlisis y de la carta recordativa diseada para detectar presencia y tipo de
defectos latentes en transformadores, cambiadores de golpecito y disyuntores oil-filled. Por lo tanto permite a operadores del equipo de energa
aumentar la vida til de sus transformadores con la adopcin de un programa del preventivo o condicionar mantenimiento basado. Esto requiere la
puesta en prctica de un rgimen de la supervisin regular de las caractersticas fsicas de transformadores y de su aceite aislador. La OPININ se
disea para trabajar junto al TRANSPORTE X del s de Kelman y TRANSFIX los productos que proporcionan medidas de los gases disueltos en
aceite aislador del transformador. Puede tambin trabajar de una manera semiautomatizada en asociacin con un laboratorio del anlisis que ha
sido contratado por el operador del equipo de energa para suministrar resultados del anlisis de las muestras del aceite de la prueba recogidas por
el operador del equipo.
PERCEPTION es una herramienta de software de la gerencia del anlisis y de la carta recordativa diseada para
detectar presencia y tipo de defectos latentes en transformadores, cambiadores de golpecito y disyuntores oil-filled. Por
lo tanto permite a operadores del equipo de energa aumentar la vida til de sus transformadores con la adopcin de un
programa del preventivo o condicionar mantenimiento basado. Esto requiere la puesta en prctica de un rgimen de la
supervisin regular de las caractersticas fsicas de transformadores y de su aceite aislador. La OPININ se disea para
trabajar junto al TRANSPORTE X del s de Kelman y TRANSFIX los productos que proporcionan medidas de los gases
disueltos en aceite aislador del transformador. Puede tambin trabajar de una manera semiautomatizada en asociacin
con un laboratorio del anlisis que ha sido contratado por el operador del equipo de energa para suministrar resultados
del anlisis de las muestras del aceite de la prueba recogidas por el operador del equipo.
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la orden para ayudar a tales usuarios con este procedimiento, el software permite la exportacin de los datos
relevantes que pertenecen a un equipo artculo especfico que se exportar para la revisin externa. Kelman puede
proporcionar servicio externo experto de la revisin a peticin. Los usuarios de la OPININ pueden tambin, a peticin a
Kelman, obtener una copia del aceite del transformador Mdulo del mantenimiento (TOM) de el cual puede ser utilizado
para asistir a la diagnosis de causas probables funcionamiento anormal de transformadores. Esta herramienta asiste al
usuario para determinar las razones del condicin de funcionamiento del equipo anormal e.g. cules son las causas
posibles de un funcionamiento del colmo temperatura? El TOM tambin permite al usuario entender el algoritmo del
anlisis usado cerca OPININ. Puede tambin ser utilizada como clase particular para entender la secuencia de
operaciones eso necesite ser realizado cuando se ha detectado un problema e.g. qu pasos deben ser realizados para
hacer un anlisis de gases disueltos? 1.3. Caractersticas de la OPININ Las caractersticas principales de la OPININ
son: Los usuarios acceden a diversos elementos de la OPININ a travs de la ventana principal de la operacin. los
datos y la informacin llevados a cabo dentro de la OPININ es alcanzados identificando sitios y artculos del equipo. El
software es de uso fcil. Incluye una facilidad de ayuda en lnea para asistir a usuarios en su uso del varios comandos. La
ayuda en lnea tambin dirige al usuario con los pasos de la utilizacin del software. Los tipos siguientes de datos pueden
ser evaluados: gases disueltos en el aceite aislador, fsico caractersticas del aceite, contenido de agua en la oxidacin del
papel, del furfural, del inhibidor y del aceite, pruebas elctricas tales como: capacitancia, factor de energa, resistencia de
aislamiento, inspeccin visual. Los datos se pueden importar y exportar en un nmero de diversos formatos. De
intercambio de datos con external los laboratorios bajo protocolo terminante de los datos son posibles usando email. Las
averas latentes se pueden detectar por el anlisis de tendencias y la comparacin de los niveles de datos contra
reconocido normas o estndares. Hay la facilidad para agregar o corregir las normas usadas para las caractersticas
fsicas y gases disueltos. Las recomendaciones se proporcionan para las frecuencias de muestreo y los tratamientos del
aceite basados en resultados del diagnosis del equipo. Las recomendaciones permiten que el usuario oriente sus
prioridades al planear su programa de mantenimiento preventivo. El software maneja datos sobre los resultados del
equipo y de la prueba dentro de una base de datos del acceso del ms formato. Esta funcin se realiza automticamente,
permitiendo que el usuario concentre en el anlisis de la informacin en vez de la gerencia de la base de datos. La base
de datos almacena datos en: - sitios y equipo; tipo de muestreo; fecha de la prueba cliente y laboratorios jeringuillas y
detectores de gas resultados del laboratorio; pruebas elctricas; inspeccin visual; normas; y la diagnosis. Tambin se
incluyen dentro de la base de datos los campos de comentarios, permitiendo que el usuario almacene notas del
recordatorio encendido el muestreo y las reparaciones. Un campo condicin dudosa, abreviada a la C.C., tambin se
incluye para ayudar identifique cualquier equipo necesitando trabajo de mantenimiento de la carta recordativa. El software
tambin permite a usuarios a mantenga el inventario de la jeringuilla, registrando el laboratorio de publicacin para cada
jeringuilla y transformador que cada jeringuilla fue utilizada encendido. Gua de usuarios de la OPININ Pgina 2 Ver. 400101-02 23/01/2008 Los usuarios preferible de la OPININ del los del que del Es deben los fsicas utilizan del aceite,
elctricas del equipo (TTR, factor de disipacin, etc.) del aislador y el anlisis de las caractersticas del aceite del EL del
que del elctrico de y externos del equipo de los internos de los elementos de la O.N.U conocimiento bsico de la funcin
de los del tener del EL aceite y de las pruebas del en de los disueltos de de los gases. Que ms cualquier de de la
OPININ del usuario de Recomiendan ningun aislador presentar familiar de estas tcnicas de diagnstico para sus datos
del aceite de la estafa del mar un opinin del segunda del una de para del experto de la O.N.U. En OPININ Gua de
usuarios Los datos de salida sobre un artculo especfico del equipo estn en formato grfico o de la hoja de balance. El
grfico los permisos del formato (el 2.o o 3D traza, tringulo del s de Duval) alistan la observacin de las tendencias de
los datos de detectar el desarrollo de cualquier anormalidad en las caractersticas del aceite aisl el equipo. La hoja de
balance presenta los datos numricos formatados en filas y columnas segn lo provedo por el laboratorio o en lnea

analizador. Los datos se pueden tambin imprimir como informe. Fechas de prueba para cada artculo del equipo para
cada uno el tipo de prueba est tambin disponible en un formato grfico o del mapa. La OPININ puede funcionar dentro
de una red permitiendo el acceso de varios usuarios a la base de datos de los aceites. El acceso a la informacin est por
medio de una contrasea y de un perfil del acceso para cada usuario. La OPININ incorpora una facilidad del
procesamiento por lotes para permitir la conducta de diagnosis en ms que una unidad proporcione a la vez y tan un
diagnstico para todo el equipo en un nivel de la planta. Esta funcin aumenta la eficacia del proceso del anlisis. Cuando
procesamiento por lotes, cuaesquiera unidades en un dudoso La condicin es incluida dentro del campo de la C.C.; de
esta manera el usuario puede establecer rpidamente carta recordativa prioridades del mantenimiento. La OPININ
puede estimar la higrometra que existe dentro del papel del transformador (es decir %age de la humedad en el papel al
peso de papel). Esto es un gravamen indirecto basado sobre relacin emprico resuelta que existe entre el contenido de
agua en el papel y agua disuelta medida en el aceite y la temperatura de aceite superior a la hora del muestreo. Para un
vlido la evaluacin de la higrometra de papel el transformador debe estar en una temperatura relativamente constante
por varias horas. El motor de diagnstico del s de la OPININ puede hacer uso de esta informacin en su anlisis de un
transformador. La OPININ puede realizar correlaciones entre un transductor del gas cabido a un transformador y
resultados del prueba de laboratorio para el mismo transformador. La OPININ contiene una gama de informacin
extensa a propsito de las unidades oil-insulated as como en la interpretacin del aceite el anlisis resulta. Esta
informacin, clasificada dirigiendo, se maneja cerca el sistema de ayuda de WINDOWS. Palabras claves y bsqueda de
los acoplamientos de hipertexto para la informacin. Los temas cubierto se ilustran para destacar la informacin. La
OPININ puede imprimir los formularios del muestreo de la prueba para publicar al tcnico de mantenimiento que realice
el programa de muestreo. Todas las instrucciones requeridas por el tcnico de mantenimiento se demuestran encendido
las formas de la muestra. Las formas tambin indican cualquier informacin adicional que se completar por el campo
Ingeniero en el sitio por ejemplo: el nmero de serie de la jeringuilla, temperatura de aceite, muestreando la localizacin,
fecha y nombre del tcnico de mantenimiento. La OPININ est disponible en idiomas mltiples 1.4. Requisitos del
sistema informtico El requisito mnimo del sistema informtico para funcionar la OPININ es: Sistema operativo de
WINDOWS XP con Service Pack 1 instalado Disco duro de 50 MBYTEs Marco de la versin 2 de Microsoft .NET Monitor:
Pixeles de SVGA (1024 x 768), 256 colores, Impresora recomendada.

Users Guide

2. Getting Started
Las subdivisiones de esta seccin 2 se piensan para asistir a un usuario para instalar el software de la OPININ en su sistema informtico y
despus para ganar una comprensin de la descripcin del papel y del uso de OPININ en un proyecto de la supervisin del aceite del equipo
elctrico. Como parte de esta descripcin, una descripcin de la funcin de algunas de las utilidades dominantes del s de la OPININ y las
herramientas que se utilizan para hacer diagnosis del equipo se proporciona. 2.1. Instalacin del software de la OPININ 1. 2. Anote el nmero de
licencia que usted ha obtenido con el software. Si usted ha transferido el archivo despus salte al paso siguiente. Inserte el CD-ROM en el
conductor, y un men aparece. Si no, la opcin de Autorun no se activa; comience el Autorun.exe software de Windows Explorer. Chasque
encendido instalan la opinin. Reanude la computadora si pedido por el software de la instalacin. Cuando se termina el software de la instalacin,
comience la opinin. No es necesario instalar las otras opciones presentes en el CD-ROM para utilizar el software de la opinin. Indique la lengua
preferida. Esta seleccin se puede entonces modificar del men principal debajo Herramientas/idiomas. Lea las condiciones de la utilizacin para el
software e indique su acuerdo. Para terminar la instalacin, incorpore la informacin de su licencia. Entre en la informacin exactamente segn lo
especificado, entonces chasca encendido genera y copia al sujetapapeles. Esto genera un especfico del cdigo a la PC en la cual el software est
instalado. Enve el cdigo a Kelman para recibir un cdigo de la validacin. El cdigo de la validacin se puede pegar del sujetapapeles en un
documento o un email. Enve esto al perception@ kelman.co.uk o a su representante de Kelman orden para conseguir un cdigo de la validacin.
Vea tambin 4.2.17. Antes de que se reciba el cdigo de la validacin, el software se puede alcanzar por 14 das chascando encendido el tecleo
aqu para el botn de la evaluacin de 14 das. Despus de 14 das, el cdigo de la validacin tendr que ser introducido antes de que la OPININ
funcione completamente. Cuando se recibe el cdigo de la validacin, copie el mensaje entero incluyendo Registration_begin y Registration_end
al sujetapapeles. En la OPININ abra la ventana de la licencia debajo Las herramientas/escriben de nuevo la informacin de licencia a mquina.
Chasque en el registro de la goma del rea del sujetapapeles de la forma usando la goma del botn del sujetapapeles, que insertar los campos
requeridos, despus chascar encendido el registro. Cuando aparece la ventana principal, la OPININ est lista para ser utilizado. Para comenzar,
abra el archivo de ejemplo proporcion el software de la OPININ. Para hacer esto vaya a archivar, selecto se abren y (para los usuarios de la
lengua inglesa) el punto culminante Example_English.sei, y entonces chasca el abierto botn. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Los detalles de la ventana
principal para el datafile Example_English.sei son descritos ms abajo en la seccin 2.2.2. 2.2. Preceptoral - una descripcin del uso de la OPININ
papel 2.2.1.The de la OPININ en un proyecto de la supervisin del aceite del equipo elctrico El paquete de programas informticos de la
OPININ permite a ingenieros del mantenimiento funcionar un preservativo o condicione el rgimen del mantenimiento basado para el equipo
elctrico oil-filled realizando el papel de una gua de usuarios de la OPININ Pgina 4 Ver. 40-0101-02 23/01/2008 OPININ Gua de usuarios
anlisis de datos/sistema expertos de la gestin de datos para diagnosticar el estado del equipo elctrico. Para determinar el estado operacional del
cualquie equipo artculo los datos de las aplicaciones de la OPININ sobre el equipo que era analizado, las jeringuillas utiliz para muestrear el
aceite aislador, cualquier dato existente del laboratorio referente el equipo y a su aceite, y cualquier reparacin o desgasificar los datos/las fechas
para el equipo, si stos son aplicables. Toda esta informacin se lleva a cabo en un fichero de datos de prueba que sea nico para cada caso de
prueba. La OPININ puede proporcionar un sistema de la gestin de datos de la prueba que no prohiba a usuario dos opciones mirando cmo
obtienen los resultados de la prueba analizados derivados de muestras del aceite del equipo. Un mtodo es utilizar uno de instrumentos de anlisis
disueltos s de gas del de Kelman (TRANSFIX o TRANSPORTX). El otro mtodo es utilizar un laboratorio externo para suministrar resultados de la
prueba analizados de las muestras del aceite enviadas a ellas por el usuario. La OPININ puede tomar los detalles del equipo, los datos de prueba
analizados y el otro la informacin relevante incorporada en un datafile del equipo llevado a cabo dentro del software y realiza una diagnosis del
estado operacional del s del equipo. Puede tambin hacer las recomendaciones para la operacin y el mantenimiento futuros del equipo en la
pregunta. Usando la salida de la OPININ, los ingenieros del mantenimiento del equipo elctrico pueden hacer decisiones informadas sobre la
operacin y el mantenimiento futuros del equipo para el cual tienen responsabilidad. Esto puede llevar para engrasar - el equipo elctrico llenado
que es funcionado con el riesgo acompaante mucho duradero pero sin alto algo el suceso totalmente inesperado que podra hacer una electricidad
cortar, o peor, un apagn importante del rea. Datafile del caso de prueba 2.2.2.Example Sobre comenzar encima de la OPININ la ventana
principal aparece segn las indicaciones de la figura abajo. Una pantalla los datos titulados pueden tambin aparecer como pantalla flotante del nio
que pueda ser colocada de nuevo arrastrando a una nueva posicin usando la barra de ttulo en la tapa de la pantalla. Ms informacin sobre la
pantalla de los datos se puede encontrar en la seccin 6 de esta gua de usuario. A este punto solamente 4 de las ventanas son activos - archivo, las
herramientas, impresin y ayuda. Las dos ventanas restantes - clasifique el rbol cerca y la ventana es inactiva hasta que finalicen seleccin de un
fichero de datos de prueba.
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Para seleccionar un fichero de datos de prueba chasque encendido el archivo/abra y seleccione el nombre de fichero requerido de
los datos. El fichero de datos consiste en datos y la informacin sobre el equipo conforme a prueba y a los datos referente a las
pruebas que se han realizado en el equipo. Un fichero de datos de la muestra est disponible con todo el software de la OPININ
provedo a los clientes para ayudar a ilustrar el uso del software a los nuevos usuarios. Es la tarea del usuario de la OPININ poblar
tal archivo con todos los datos e informacin necesarios analizar y determinar una integridad operacional del s del transformador.
Para tener acceso al archivo de ejemplo en el men del software de la OPININ vaya a archivar, selecto brase y destaque
Example_English.sei, y despus chasque encendido abierto. El archivo de ejemplo contiene varios transformadores para los cuales
los datos histricos estn disponibles. Hay un transformador en buenas condiciones; segundo con una avera termal; un tercero con
las caractersticas fsicas degradadas, el etc. El ejemplo incluye una ilustracin de cmo la OPININ puede tratar de desgasificada
previamente transformador - este caso aparece en el rbol de ficheros debajo de Example_English.sei, despus selecciona el molino
seguido por Sub-Station 3, entonces T2. La desgasificacin es una consideracin importante en el anlisis de la condicin
operacional del aceite - transformadores llenados puesto que eliminando toda la informacin histrica sobre los gases disueltos y/o el
contenido en agua del aceite aislador, la capacidad de diagnosticar averas incipientes tambin es eliminada. Por lo tanto, si se ha
desgasificado un transformador, esta informacin se debe incorporar nuevamente dentro del proceso del anlisis. Para indicar a la
OPININ que reparacin de desgasificacin (o cualquie otra) ha ocurrido previamente con a la modificacin consiguiente de la
historia de las concentraciones de gas disueltas o de otras caractersticas fsicas del aceite aislador, va a la lengeta de la
identificacin en la ventana principal y selecciona de la razn para la lista drop-down del anlisis despus de la desgasificacin o
despus de una razn ms completa de la tierra. ventana 2.2.3.Main de la OPININ La seleccin de un fichero de datos de prueba,
usuarios puede entonces tener acceso a los diversos elementos de la OPININ para el fichero de datos seleccionado. La ventana
principal de la OPININ para el fichero de datos Example_English.sei se demuestra en la figura abajo. (En la figura debajo de los
expedientes de la prueba para el artculo del equipo T6 tambin se exhiben).

Users Guide

La presencia de este botn a la derecha de cualquier campo indica que la informacin est incorporada a este punto de una forma, que aparecer sobre 1
presionar el botn. Seleccione el elemento deseado para entrar la informacin apropiada. Una vez que se selecciona el elemento, la forma es vueltas
cerradas y del control a la ventana principal. La ventana principal del s de la OPININ es la pantalla donde el usuario incorpora, modifica o borra los datos
del anlisis tomados de unidades oil-insulated. Esta ventana (vase arriba) se subdivide en un nmero de campos, de iconos y de lengetas descritos de de
arriba a abajo y de de izquierda a derecha en los prrafos abajo: el nombre de fichero El nombre de fichero de la base de datos seleccionada actual se
demuestra en el campo ms supremo de la ventana principal de la OPININ. En la figura sobre esto es Example_English.sei el men Windows Las
ventanas del men se localizan inmediatamente debajo del campo del nombre de fichero y consisten en las seis ventanas siguientes: Archive, de la clase
rbol cerca, ventana, las herramientas, impresin y ayuda Las descripciones de las funciones alcanzadas a travs de estas seis ventanas se dan en esta
seccin o en las secciones 4, 5 o 7 abajo. Esta seccin (seccin describe esas funciones consideraba importante para una comprensin total
del uso de la OPININ para diagnosticar estado operacional del aceite - equipo elctrico llenado. Las descripciones del resto de las funciones se encuentran
en las secciones 4, 5 y 7 - estas funciones no son generalmente importantes para alcanzar una comprensin total del uso de la OPININ en un proyecto de la
supervisin del aceite del equipo elctrico, pero sin embargo se requieren para crear bases de datos del equipo y de la prueba, flujo de trabajo que controla y
el configuracin del software. Men de archivo: Bajo men de archivo, el usuario puede tener acceso a las utilidades siguientes: Abierto ...... abra una base
de datos de una localizacin del archivo en la computadora o la red del s del usuario. la base de datos se abre de una manera no excluyente de modo que
otros usuarios de la red puedan abrir iguales base de datos simultneamente. Cierre ...... cercano una base de datos. Cree una nueva base de datos ...... Cree
de rasguo una nueva base de datos de la prueba. Vea la seccin 3.1 para ms detalles. La exportacin muestrea la informacin al laboratorio ...... Enve los
datos de prueba de muestra a un s del cliente laboratorio elegido para el anlisis. Vea la seccin 3.6 para otros detalles. Importe los resultados de laboratorio
...... Importe los resultados del anlisis para las muestras de la prueba de un laboratorio elegido s del anlisis del del cliente. Vea la seccin 3.7 para otros
detalles. Los datos de la transferencia ...... permiten que un usuario transfiera el equipo, datos de prueba y diagnstico relacionado y Informacin de las
recomendaciones a un colega en formato del acceso del ms. Esta utilidad tambin facilita la importacin de la informacin de un Transfix o un archivo de TFD
usando TransConnect. Vea la seccin 7.3.3 y 7.3.4 para otros detalles. La validacin del equipo con el laboratorio ...... esta utilidad se proporciona para
asegurar eso cada El usuario de la OPININ utiliza los mismos datos de identificacin del equipo de base que el laboratorio eso suministra el servicio del
anlisis de la muestra para el artculo del equipo considerado. Esto es importante donde hay varios contactores del mantenimiento que mantienen el mismo
equipo artculo y cada uno est enviando muestras al laboratorio para el anlisis. Estos contratistas deben todo el uso los mismos datos de identificacin del
equipo de base - especficamente el mismo nmero de serie, equipo nmero, energa clasificada y voltaje primario. Vea la seccin 3.2 para otros detalles. La
salida ...... esta utilidad permitir que el usuario salga la OPININ. Gua de usuarios de la OPININ Pgina 7 Ver. 40-0101-02 23/01/2008 OPININ
Gua de usuarios rbol de la clase de Menu: Debajo del rbol de la clase por el men, el usuario puede tener acceso a las utilidades siguientes para manejar
el rbol del equipo: & del sitio; Localizacin - ste es el formato del defecto pues da una casi uno-lnea representacin de el sistema de la fuente de
alimentacin que el equipo gestiona dentro (vase la figura en la seccin Otros formatos del rbol son impresin por ejemplo: Todo el equipo prueba,
la lista del equipo, lista de cliente, informe exhibidos seleccionando: Contrato del cliente - esta caja clasifica el equipo por el contrato del cliente. Contrato
del laboratorio - esta utilidad clasifica el equipo por el contrato del laboratorio que es importante cuando hay diversos laboratorios implicados. Etapa del
anlisis - esta utilidad clasifica los datafiles de la prueba del equipo fijando el campo de indicador de la etapa del anlisis para cada datafile de la prueba.
Carga - esta utilidad permitir al usuario exhibir la informacin de la carga para el cada equipo artculo presente en el rbol del equipo. La informacin de la
carga exhibida es MW o MVAR. Esto los datos se demuestran para tres condiciones: las cargas reales, el adicionales prevista o reservan cargas, y los grados
mximos de la carga de clculo para el equipo. Esta informacin se utiliza en alimentador planeamiento. La suma del real + las cargas de la reserva debe ser
< la carga mxima. Si el real + La carga reservada es > La carga mxima, el alimentador se debe considerar para aumentar. Corrija el rbol - comprobando
esta caja el rbol del equipo puede ser cambiado cuando est en el & del sitio; Modo de localizacin (vase arriba). Esto es hecha chascando en el artculo
del equipo que se volver a poner y friccin de l a su nueva localizacin en el rbol. Men de ventana: Debajo de la ventana del men, el acceso se puede
tener a las varias utilidades que permiten al usuario modificarse diversas partes de la base de datos por ejemplo: Analizador de gas disuelto, clientes, equipo,
Laboratorio, normas y jeringuilla etc. Para ms informacin consulte la caera de la seccin Ventana/ventana (seccin 4.1). Men de las herramientas:
Debajo de las herramientas del men, una gama de herramientas se puede encontrar por ejemplo: Hermano, grficos de los datos para equipo seleccionado,
diagnosis para el equipo seleccionado, procesamiento por lotes, clase particular, Las herramientas de la base de datos, configuracin, cambian su contrasea,
parmetros del acceso de usuario, idiomas etc. Para ms informacin consulte la ventana principal/las herramientas (seccin 4.2) de la seccin. Men de la
impresin: Debajo de la impresin del men, el usuario puede tener acceso a una gama de opciones de la de prueba del equipo, muestreando la forma, forma
en blanco, tareas divulga. Para ms informacin consulte la ventana principal/la impresin (seccin 4.3) de la seccin. Men de ayuda: Bajo ayuda del men
el usuario puede tener acceso a varios artculos de la ayuda por ejemplo; Contenido, Interpretaciones de los iconos, comprobacin para la actualizacin, sobre
la dentro de la OPININ sin tener que localizar la utilidad apropiada dentro de una de las ventanas enumeradas arriba. La figura abajo exhibe estos iconos
con referencia numrica OPININ. Para ms informacin consulte seccione la ventana principal/la ayuda (seccin 4.4). Iconos y botones de Se sita
inmediatamente conforme a la lista de las ventanas principales una serie de iconos que permitan al usuario realizar algunas de las funciones dominantes
nmeros debajo

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Users Guide
La funcin de estos iconos est como sigue
Icono #1 - Abra un datafile (vase el archivo/abrirse arriba) Icono
#2 - Cree un nuevo datafile del caso de prueba (vase la seccin
3.3 - incorporar requisitos del muestreo del caso de prueba en la base de datos) Icono
#3 - Suprima un expediente de la prueba en la pantalla de los expedientes de la prueba (vase la seccin Icono
#4 - Demuestre los grficos de los datos (o las hojas de balance) para el equipo seleccionado (vase la seccin 3.9 - las herramientas grficas del s de la OPININ
del uso para repasar tendencias de los datos) Icono
#5 - Funcione con el motor de diagnstico (vase la seccin 3.8.1 - funcionando con una diagnosis en los solos equipos artculo) Icono #6 - Funcione con la diagnosis
de la hornada de la planta (vase la seccin 3.8.2 - realizando una diagnosis del equipo de planta usando el procesamiento por lotes) Icono
#7 - Demuestre el informe de prueba del equipo Icono #8 - Exhibe la pantalla del encargado del equipo (vase la seccin 4.1.3) Icono
#9 - Pantalla de la informacin al cliente de las exhibiciones Icono #10 - Pantalla del horario de trabajo de exhibiciones La opinin del icono
#11- disolvi los datos de prueba del gas para el artculo seleccionado del equipo Icono
#12 - Pantalla de la bsqueda del equipo de exhibiciones Icono #13 - Acciona la palanca de la pantalla de los datos por intervalos Icono #14 - Ayuda

To the far right of the Main Window Icons and at the same level in the Main Window as the Icons
there are two buttons: List Filter and Save Changes.
The List filter = xxxx hours button allows the user to filter the number of Test records that are
displayed in the Test Records Screen (see Section according to the number of hours selected
between each record that is displayed. This is particularly useful if the sample data is being made
available through an on-line analyzer such as Kelmans Transfix instrument.
The Save Changes button allows the user to save any changes made to data or information entered
into a datafile through the Main Window screen. Equipment Tree Screen
Situated immediately under the Main Window Icons are two further screens that enable the user to
view entries and other records from the selected database and facilitate consultation.
The left hand screen (see figure below) is the Equipment Tree.
This screen allows the user to select equipment according to its
physical location in the electricity network and its equipment number.
Each equipment unit is represented by an icon, which symbolizes the
type of equipment. For equipment considered to be in a normal
operating condition, the icon is coloured blue; for equipment
considered to be in an abnormal condition, the icon is coloured red.
The upstream substation icon colour reflects the condition of the
equipment fed by the substation. The substation icon will only be
coloured blue if all the equipment fed from that substation is
considered to be in a normal operating condition. If any of the
equipment fed from a given substation is in an abnormal condition,
the substation icon will be red. This indicator for the condition of the
equipment is triggered from the checkbox Equipment in
questionable condition or out of service for the latest sample
displayed in the date ordered list of the Test Records Screen see
Section This checkbox is activated either manually by the user (see Section Fourth
tab, below) or by the function Batch processing (see Section 3.3 below).
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Users Guide Test Records Screen

The right screen situated immediately beneath the Main Window Icons (see figure below) is the Test
Records Screen which provides a list of the test records for each item of equipment. If the list is
empty it is because there is no equipment selected or the equipment has not been subject to any
tests. The Test Records list can be presented in ascending or descending order according to the
users requirements by clicking on the column title box at the top of each column.
When the background is grey, the data filtering is in action. Data filtering will show, by default, on
records per day. To see all records click on the button List Filter, or right click in the Test Record
Screen , and enter the period to show the records.
The Test Records list includes the following fields:
Acquisition date date sample was taken
Reason reason for performing the test the Reason codes are as follows:
0 Undetermined)
1 Preventative)
2 Reception)
3 Commissioning)
4 Study)These Reason Codes are set under the
5 Fault)Identification tab of the Main Window
6 After degassing)
7 After Fuller earth)
8 New Oil)
9 Replace the oil)
10 Other)
Type type of analysis, that is to say, DG = dissolved gases, PHY = physical, etc.
Contract No. Customer contract number
REM indicates the presence of a Remark entered under the tab Test repair notes (see
DC Doubtful Condition, checked as Equipment in questionable condition or out of

under the tab Diagnosis and Recommendations (see Section, 4 tab) or through
the outcome of Batch processing (see Section 3.8.2)
Analysis Stage indicates the current stage of the analysis the options are Acquisition,
Laboratory, Diagnosis, Recommendation, Completed
A or Analysis ID analysis number assigned by the laboratory
S or Serial No. equipment serial number (must be unique for each item of equipment)
E or Equipment No. equipment number designated for equipment in the Equipment Tree.
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Users Guide Analyses input tabs

At the foot of the Main Window are four tabs used to open four separate forms designed for recording
data and information relating to the equipment that has been analysed in a given test.
The four tabs are:
Test repair notes
Diagnosis and Recommendations
The first tab, Identification, displays the screen (below) where the user can input relevant information
on oil sampling and lab analysis activities. The screen is only active when the Analysis Stage is not
set to Completed. Information input in this screen depends on the current type of analysis that was
set in the Insertion of a new test screen (see Section 3.3). For example, if the sampling and
analysis is carried out on dissolved gases, the input fields will all be related to dissolved gases. Most
of the data required for this screen is entered using either the drop-down lists provided or by free text
in response to the captions for the various fields on the form.
The second tab, Test repair notes (see screen below), enables the user to input relevant comments
and information about the test and any repairs that have been performed on the equipment being
analysed. Text can only be entered into the input boxes when the Analysis Stage Indicator is not set
to Completed. Any text entered into the Test or sampling comments or Sampled by boxes relates
only to a specific Test Sample. Therefore selection of a different test will not reveal the comments
made on another test sample. However, the same situation does not apply to text entered into the
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Notes on equipment repairs, additions etc. box. Information once entered into this box becomes
attached to the equipment item and will be displayed on test samples of a later date. This is done so
that PERCEPTION users can see at a glance the repairs and additions made to a particular item of
equipment over a period of time. A date once entered into the Date of repairs or degassing field
cannot be amended once entered.
The third tab, Future, is not used in the current version of PERCEPTION.
Fourthly, the tab, Diagnosis and Recommendations, reveals the screen (see below) where the user
can input a diagnosis and a recommendation on the equipment being analysed.
Text can be entered as free text or using the text in the Predefined diagnosis and the Predefined
Recommendations boxes (see Section 4.1).
By entering a date for Application of recommendation and clicking on the Schedule as a task
button the work relating to the recommendation will be scheduled in the work scheduler (see Section
Finally by checking the box Equipment in questionable condition or out of service the equipment
icon for the equipment changes colour from blue to red and the DC Doubtful Condition indicator in
the Test Records screen (Section is switched on.
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Users Guide

3. Using PERCEPTION for a Diagnostic Test Case

When working with an external analysis laboratory for performing test sample analyses and
communicating with the laboratory by email, the process for performing a diagnostic test case using
PERCEPTION is as follows in the order below:
Step 1.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Step 4.
Step 5.
Step 6.
Step 7.
Step 8.
Step 9.
Step 10.
Step 11.
Enter Equipment data
Validate the Equipment information with the test laboratory (not required if the laboratory
will use HERMES to insert the results)
Enter Test Case Sampling Requirements into the Database
Produce the Test Sample Forms for the field engineer / technician
Perform the oil sampling programme and complete the Test Sample Forms for each
transformer from which samples were obtained
Send Test Sample Data and Test Samples to the Laboratory
Receive back from the laboratory into PERCEPTION the analysis results for the test
Perform the diagnostic on the test results by running the PERCEPTION diagnostic
Use PERCEPTIONs Graphical Tools to Review Data Trends
Conclude the Diagnosis and Make Recommendations
Schedule any future work on the equipment in PERCEPTION.
When using a Kelman Transfix instrument for the generation of transformer oil dissolved gas data, the
process is simplified because there is no need to validate the equipment datafile with the analysis
laboratory as there is no laboratory involved.Furthermore, the Transfix internal firmware
(TRANSCOM or TRANSCONNECT for Transfixes from Version 1.6 and onwards) produces a data file
that contains all the dissolved gas measurements made by the TRANSFIX and this data can be
imported directly into PERCEPTION. As a result, steps 4, 5 and 6 are performed by the TRANSFIX
and step 7 is replaced by the importation of a data file.

3.1. Creating an Equipment Datafile (Step1)

The following steps should be followed for entering the information relating to the equipment for a test
First, select within PERCEPTION the appropriate language for the user. To do this go to the
Tools (or Outils) menu, select Languages (or Langues) then click on the desired language
English for English speakers.
Before creating a test case database the user must indicate its file location. If the default location
is acceptable, go to the next step. To modify the location, return to the main window; in the Tools
menu, select Configuration, then in the Import/Export file tab click on the Modify button.
Select the desired directory in the Directory Selection screen and then click on the OK button.
To start building the new test case database, first create an empty file. In the File menu, select
Create a new database. Give a name to the file and click OK.
For TRANSFIX units using TRANSCONNECT to download the data, an equipment tree will
automatically be built when the TRANSFIX is accessed for the first time. The tree can then be
customised to suit, but the equipment ID will still be associated to that TRANSFIX.
The first element to create is a Site. In the Main Window select the Window menu, then select
Equipment. This window allows you to add the elements of your electrical distribution network.

Click on Add and enter the name of your site in Equipment No., as well as its serial number in
Serial No. (in the case of the Site, enter the same name as entered in Equipment No.). The
other information is not necessary. To save this site, click on Save. It is possible to change this

The equipment database cannot accept any serial number duplication due to the requirement for data transfer by e-mail between the users laboratory and their
PERCEPTION software. The serial number of each transformer must therefore be unique. In some cases such as tap changers which normally do not possess such a
number, this can give rise to problems. If this is the case the user must create a unique serial number for the equipment item. We suggest the use of the transformers
serial number with the simple addition of the suffix TC. For example, in the case of a transformer whose serial number is A2S123, if its tap changer does not possess a
serial number, give it the number A2S123-TC. Avoid using the digits 1, 2, etc. as serial numbers since the equipment carrying these serial numbers could be rejected due
to duplication when exporting your data to the laboratory.


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information later by clicking on the Modify button

Users Guide

Usually, the second element to add is a Substation. In the file tree in the top left corner of the
window, choose the site created during the previous step. Click on Add, then in the Type dropdown list select Localization. Enter the Equipment No. and the Serial No. as in the previous
step. To save this substation, click on Save.
The third element is a Transformer. In the Equipment Tree screen in the left of the Main Window,
choose the substation created in the previous step. Click on Add, then in the Type drop-down list
select Transformer. Enter the Equipment No. and the Serial No. Also enter the information
requested in the series of tabs Identification, Notes and Validation, Nameplate information,
Bushing Serial No., Taps voltage. Etc. such as the voltage, power, oil quantity, etc. All this
information will be used within the PERCEPTION software. To save this transformer data, click
on Save.
Verify if the analytical Laboratory is entered in the database. Return to the Main Window; in the
Window menu, select Laboratory. If the Laboratory is not part of the list, then enter it ensuring to
spell its name correctly. To make the entry click on Add to enter the name of the Laboratory,
then close the window by clicking on Cancel followed by Close.
In order to facilitate management of the Syringes provided by the laboratory, their details can be
entered in the database. This step is not essential for the operation of the PERCEPTION
software and it can be done later. Return to the Main Window; in the Window menu, select
Syringe. Click on Add to enter all the syringes in your test case inventory, then click on Add.
Note: All data entries can be modified after they have been entered in the database. The only
difficulty arises where an entry contains information that another entry is dependent upon, such
as can occur with Site and Equipment entries. For example, it is not possible to remove the
information about a site if that information is used by an equipment item in the database.
Therefore, to erase a site entry any equipment items that relate to that site must also be erased
as well.

3.2. Validate Equipment Information (Step 2)

Once all the information on the equipment is entered in the equipment database , it is necessary to
validate this information with a laboratory that is contracted to perform the analysis. This step allows
synchronization of the data in the laboratory database with the users data.
In this procedure, the user first exports the equipment database to the contracted test laboratory via
electronic mail. The laboratory recovers the transferred database and enters the information that they
hold on the equipment Note : the analysis laboratory, and not the PERCEPTION user, is the source
of the master information on each equipment item as there could be multiple contractors servicing one
transformer. Once the reference information on the equipment has been corrected or validated by the
laboratory, the equipment database is then sent back to the PERCEPTION user via electronic mail.
The user imports the data and this completes the process of validating the equipment database.
The steps in the Validation task are as follows:
First, the user confirms with the contracted analysis laboratory the six-character client code which will
be used for information transfers between the user and the laboratory. This code must be unique for
each of the laboratorys customers. This code is incorporated into the users export filename to
ensure that each user company has a different filename otherwise the laboratory will not be able to
tell one file from another. It also reduces the risk of overwriting some other users file. PERCEPTION
automatically produces a code and hence an export file name based on the users initial registration

If a new user already has a database for their equipment, its content can be transferred to the database used by the PERCEPTION software. Please do not hesitate to
contact Kelman for more information on these services.


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Users Guide
To verify the client code, return to the main window; then in the Tools menu, select Configuration
and go to the Import/Export file tab. Note down the six characters shown in the upper Export/Import
text zone, and contact the laboratory to validate this code. If the designation needs to be modified,
enter the new six-character code in the lower Export/Import text zone, then click the Modify button to
implement the change. Note: to create a client code, it is suggested that PERCEPTION users should
use the first three letters of their company name plus the first three letters of their company city or
town location.
The second step is to create the validation datafile. In the File menu select Validation of equipment
with lab., then select Export. A file is created in the Data subdirectory of the application directory. (If
there are any difficulties locating this file on the computer hard drive or system network, make a
search using the client code).
The third step is to email the validation datafile to the laboratory.
Finally, when the validation datafile is returned to the user by the laboratory, apply the import
procedure : to do this go to the File menu, select Validation of equipment with lab. And then select
NOTE: If the analysis laboratory will be using HERMES to insert the results the validation step is not

3.3. Enter Test Case Sampling Requirements into the Database (Step 3)
To create a test datafile for a particular equipment item, highlight the item of equipment
to be tested in the Equipment Tree, then click on the + icon (shown on right) in the Main
Window to access the Insertion of a new test form to create a new test datafile.
(Alternatively, after selecting an equipment item a new test datafile can be created by going in the
Main Window to Tools / New test) test data can only be entered after the equipment is entered.
The form opens under the Description tab (shown below).
The form under the Description tab is the place where the user creates the electrical and chemical
(fluid) test forms. If the oil or gas samples are to be sent to a laboratory for analysis, enter the
Laboratory, Contract information, and Purchase Order details. For all tests enter the remaining
information in the fields on the form, then check that the Current test profiles fields shown at the
right hand side of the form are correct for the desired fluid and electrical sampling profiles. If these
profiles are correct, then click on the Create button to save and close the form. The action of pressing
the Create button enters the test details into the Test Records screen See Section
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If the test profiles are not correct, or there is any uncertainty about the definitions of the test profiles,
then the profiles will need to be checked, or changed, or new test profiles will need to be created. In
this case, the next step is the specification of the tests to be performed. This test specification can be
either manual by clicking on the Electrical: as per user, or Fluid: as per user tabs, or automatic
according to a predefined Test profile that may have been used in previous tests.
For a manual input of the test requirements, if it is an electrical test, click on the Electrical: as per
user tab which reveals the form below, then select as many tests as there are to performed by
checking the appropriate boxes, then click on the Create button to enter the tests into the Test
Records screen and close the form.
For a manual input of fluid test requirements, click on the Fluid: as per user tab which reveals the
form below, then select the test by first selecting the container used for sampling (Syringe, Jar or 4
ml vial); then select the various tests to be performed by checking the appropriate boxes. Also
indicate the sampling point location.
Once all fluid tests are selected, the suggested quantity of containers (i.e the number of filled
syringes, Jars or Vials) necessary for conducting the proposed tests is indicated. This information will
be used to generate the sampling tag. Then click on the Create button to enter the tests into the Test
Records screen and close the form.
If preferred, the user can generate the tests required for the selected item of equipment according to a
preset Profile. This enables a PERCEPTION user to refer to and use a previously established test
profile for the equipment to be sampled. Alternatively, by storing a particular test profile under a user
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Users Guide

defined Profile name PERCEPTION also provides the capability of developing future sampling test
requests consistently using the same profile for the selected equipment.
To create, modify, delete or select a pre-defined Profile, click on the Test profile tab and first check
the Enable the selection of tests according to profile box for either an Electrical test or Fluid test
(or both). This brings the fields in the Test profile form for the Electrical and the Fluid tests
respectively into the active mode. The Profile selection fields in the Test profile form are where
previously stored Profiles are either accessed or new Profiles are stored under user defined names.
Select the required Profile(s) or enter the new Profile name(s) in the Profile selection field(s) and the
new Profile Description(s) in the Description field(s), then click on either the Create button if a new
profile is being created or the Modify button if an existing profile is to be viewed and possibly
modified. Then click on the appropriate tab from amongst either the Electrical: as per user or Fluid:
as per user tabs and proceed to verify or check the various tests or test samples that are required for
the test as previously described (above) for a manual test..
If an existing Profile(s) is being used with no modifications, when the test selections have been
verified click on the Create button to enter the tests into the Test Records screen and close the form.
If either a new profile is being created or an existing profile is being modified, the user must first save
the new or modified profile by returning to the Test profile tab and pressing the Save button. Then
the user can select the new or modified profile(s) in the Test profile tab and by pressing the Create
button the new test profile(s) are entered into the Test Records screen and the Test profile screen is

3.4. Produce the Test Sample Forms for the Test Engineer (Step 4)
After creating new test case records from step 3 (above), the user can then print off the Test
Sampling Form(s) for issuing to the Field Engineer who will perform the sampling programme. To set
up the Sampling Form(s) for printing use the command Print in the Main Window screen followed by
Sampling form. The process for printing the form is described in Section 4.3.5 (below) All the
instructions required by the Field Engineer are filled in on the Sample Forms, including the serial
number, voltage, etc. of the equipment to be tested. Any additional information that is required to be
filled in on the form(s) by the Field Engineer at site is: the Syringe serial number, oil temperature,
sampling location, date and the name of the Field Engineer.
When the sampling programme is substantial the number of Sample Forms in a print run can exceed
a single page of printout. To view all the Sample Forms on-line the user needs to use the scroll
arrows at the top of the form to access any followon pages.
An example of a single test Sample Form is shown below. These forms are printed on paper or selfadhesive paper. The recommended dimensions are approximately 160 mm X 80 mm (6- x 3-).
The form can be printed from PERCEPTION, either printed filled in with the transformer test
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information or printed blank. For more information on the printing of the blank Sampling sheet see
Section 4.3.6 (below).
Users can order pre-cut forms from Kelman. The forms come in sheets sized A (8 x 11) with three
tear-off ready sampling forms per sheet. Alternatively, blank forms can be obtained by going to
Print/Blank form, then check the Sampling sheet box, then click on the Print form button at the foot
of the form.
The Sample Forms are then given to the Field Engineer as their work instructions.

3.5. Perform the Sampling Programme On-Site and Complete the Test Sample Forms
(Step 5)
The field engineer / technician uses the instructions printed on the Test Sample Forms and
undertakes the sampling programme as instructed. Once the sampling task is completed, the field
engineer adds information to the Sample Forms about the sampling process such as: the Syringe
serial number, oil temperature, sampling location, date and the name of the Field Engineer.

3.6. Send the Test Case Data and Test Samples to the Laboratory (Step 6)
For working with an external test laboratory for the analysis of sample test results email is the
preferred method of data transfer method in order to:
- eliminate the possibility of typographical errors;
- accelerate the transfer of data going to and coming from the supporting analysis laboratory; and
- accelerate the establishment of the analysis results within PERCEPTION.
The procedure for exporting sample test data is as follows: having completed Steps 1 to 3 (above), all
records that are ready to be sent to the analysis laboratory will appear in the Main Window Test
Records screen marked Acquisition under the heading Analysis stage (see Section The
Analysis stage marker is used by the software to identify those records which are to be exported to
the laboratory.
From the File menu, select the option Export samples information to the laboratory. This causes
PERCEPTION to browse throughout the selected database in order to recover all test datafiles
marked Acquisition. This information is assembled to create the file CNYCTY??.MDB. In a case
where no sampling information is present, the software produces an advisory message that there is
no information to export, and no file will be created. The form shown below then appears.
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From the top left field of this form decide how to select the test sample records for export (either By
equipment or By job) and chose the laboratory where the data is to be sent by using the dropdown
list in the window Enter the laboratory. Now select the records to be exported by highlighting them
in the left hand window (these records appear initially in the left hand Samples available window but
by selecting them and then clicking either the right facing arrow button or the All button the
selected records will appear in the right hand window).
Then from the right hand Samples to send window select sequentially each sample that is to be sent
to the laboratory, and fill in the Syringe No, Jar No, Vial No and the Oil temp(C) from the Sample
Forms that have been returned from the field. After completing the form click Save for each
transformer. This is not a global save test data for each equipment item must be saved individually.
Once this is done, press the Continue button. A Shipping Information form then appears that needs
to be completed with the shipping information for the samples. This information will be used by the
laboratory to identify your goods when they are received.
Once the file to export has been created, the Analysis stage of the exported records is changed from
Acquisition to Laboratory. The Analysis stage Laboratory will be used by the program to identify
which record to import from the laboratory in the subsequent import procedure.
The file CNYCTY??.MDB can then be attached to a message from your electronic mail to be sent to
the laboratory.

3.7. mporting Laboratory Data via email (Step 7)

Once the analysis laboratory has completed their analysis of the test samples that were sent to them,
the laboratory enters the results of their analysis into PERCEPTION. The PERCEPTION
user then performs the import procedure for analysis test results as follows:
1- The electronic mail is received in the users email Inbox as normal. Transfer the received file to the
folder entitled Perception/ HERMES Importation.
2- To start the laboratory data import process open the required datafile from the Main Window using
the command File/Open, then go to the Main Window again and click on File/Import the results
from laboratory.
Once this is completed, a form divided in two opens, allowing the user to view on one side the data
files coming from the laboratory and on the other side, the data files used by the company:
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3- With the help of these two windows, the user selects the appropriate files for the import process.
4- The software fills in the field Enter the laboratory
5- The User enters their initials in the field Enter your initials (3 max.)
6- Click on the button Work order to visualise the shipping information received from the laboratory.
7- Click on Import results. On opening the source file and the destination file, there will be a
verification of all the equipment in order that the source file points to the right database and that all the
equipment is valid. In the affirmative case, the user is able to progress to the next step; in the
negative case, the user is advised that the destination file does not contain equipment that
corresponds to the source file. The laboratory database equipment, which does not correspond to the
destination database, is indicated, and the user can select another database.
8- The user must now investigate the records in the destination file in order to identify if the expected
records exist. The button Expected results allows the user to view the data expected from the
laboratories. Situations that can arise at the Import results stage are the following:
a- The records were created in the database and the samples were sent to the laboratory: The import
algorithm transfers the information to the database as expected.
b- The samples were sent directly to the laboratory but no records were created in the database: The
import algorithm requests that the user creates new records, and once an affirmative situation is
established, the results can be transferred to the database.
c- The information has already been transferred to the database: The import algorithm requests the
user confirm agreement to overwrite the existing records, and when this agreement is confirmed,
transfers the analysis information and data to the database.

3.8. Running the Diagnostic Engine to Perform Equipment Diagnostics (Step 8)

3.8.1.Running a Diagnosis on Single Items of Equipment

A Diagnosis is made using the data and information from the sampling programme relating to the oil
physical properties, dissolved gases, furans, inhibitor and the electric tests. Information coming from
an analysis of metal particles in the oil is not included. Users should treat these various elements of
information separately when developing their diagnosis.
NOTE: All interpretations of the analysis data and information that show a transformer to be in a doubtful condition should be
validated by seeking a second opinion.

Diagnosis sequence without historical data:

For the analysis of Combustible Gases in cases where no historical data relative to the equipment
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condition exists, the evaluation is made by making comparisons between measured combustible gas
concentrations and well established reference criteria:
1- levels according to the norm IEEE C57.104;
2- level of total contents of combustible gases (TDCG) according to modified C57.104 (function of the
kVA of the transformer, the threshold being at 10 MVA);
3- key gases;
4- Duvals triangle;
5- Rogers Ratios; and
6- Carbonic gases (CO and CO2).
For the analysis of Physical Properties where there is no historical data available, the analysis of
measured physical property data is carried out with reference to the criteria proposed by a recognised
reference body (e.g. IEEE or IEC etc.).
Diagnosis sequence with historical data:
In cases where historical data on the equipment condition does exist, the first step in the analysis of
Combustible Gases is to determine any change or deviation in results compared to previous samples
this precedes the diagnosis process mentioned above. This is called a Trends Evaluation. The
deviation criteria for this evaluation are set in the Configuration panel which is accessed through the
command sequence: Tools/Configuration/Parameters. The parameter thresholds should be set in
the Parameters tab to between 20% and 50% deviation from the concentrations of the previous
Once the Trends Evaluation is completed, a calculation is made of the rate of generation of the total
contents of combustible gases (TDCG), the reference point for this calculation being the level of
combustible gases from a previous sampling of the equipment.
Points 4, 5, 6 and 7 are evaluated when the trend levels or the IEEE levels are exceeded. For this
situation the diagnosis sequence for combustible gases is as follows:
1- trends evaluation;
2- level according to a reference norm (e.g IEEE C57.104 for Dissolved gases);
3- level of total contents of combustible gases (TDCG) according to modified C57.104
(function of the kVA of the transformer, the threshold being at 10 MVA);
4- key gases;
5- Duvals triangle;
6- Rogers Ratios;
7- Carbonic gases (CO and CO2); and
8- rate of generation of total contents in combustible gases.
For the analysis of Physical Properties in the case where there is historical data available, again the
analysis process begins with a Trends Evaluation. The trends are determined by checking the
deviations of results from the latest samples compared to results from samples from earlier tests.
Again this is done using PERCEPTIONs trends tools, which are accessed through the command
sequence: Tools/ Configuration/Parameters. The parameter thresholds should again be set in the
Parameters tab to between 20% and 50% deviation from the values of the previous samples.
The Diagnosis Screen
For PERCEPTION to perform an equipment diagnosis based on sample test data taken from the
equipment, go to the Main Window and open the file that contains the equipment to be analysed and
fully spread out all the equipment in the selected file on the quasi one-line equipment tree see the
figure in Section Then highlight the equipment icon representing the equipment to be
analysed. This produces in the Test Records Screen the list of all the test records relating to that
equipment item. Then click on the appropriate record in the Test Records Screen from which the
diagnosis is to be conducted. The selected Test Record will indicate the starting date of the analysis
period. In general, choose the most recent record as the starting date of the analysis period.
Information for the diagnosis will be extracted from the oldest record, or if there has been a degassing
from the date of that event, up to the one selected by the user in the list.
From this selection, a series of data will be extracted for the diagnostic engine to process. If at some
stage the selected unit has been degassed this information will be recorded in the database and the
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data to be included in the diagnosis will then be extracted from the date of the repair of the unit up to
the date of the selected record. Note: Degassing completely modifies the profile of the physical
properties of the oil by restoring much lower levels of dissolved gas concentrations. Given that the
diagnosis is based on tracking the oil physical properties or changes in dissolved gas concentrations,
a degassing would introduce a false diagnosis if the data prior to the degassing were to be included.
To start the equipment diagnosis, click on the Run the Diagnostic Engine icon in the Main Window
(Icon #5 Section or go to Tools / Diagnosis for the selected equipment. The Diagnosis
will then generate a detailed report that the user can view and in which comments can be inserted
before printing. An example of such a report is shown in the figure below. To print the report click on
the Print button at the bottom left of the screen.
3.8.2.Performing a Plant Equipment Diagnosis using Batch Processing
The Batch Processing facility allows the user to analyse a collection of equipment in order to resolve
complex problem situations. Once the batch processing has been completed, a report is generated
listing the defective equipment accompanied by the diagnosis or diagnoses for the identified problem
equipment item(s).
For batch processing, the user can chose all the equipment in the given database or just a selection
of the equipment.
To select the batch processing facility, the user first has to select the datafile that contains all the
equipment to be analysed. This is done in the usual manner from the Main Window by going to
File/Open, then clicking on the database that contains the equipment to be analysed, and then using
the Open button to open the database.
The next step is to select the group of equipment to be analysed. This is done by fully spreading out
all the equipment in the database on the quasi one-line equipment tree see the figure in Section then highlighting the substation that includes all the equipment in the feeder that is to be
analysed as a batch. If all the equipment in the datafile is to be analysed then highlight the file name
at the top of the tree. The group of equipment to be analysed in a Batch Process analysis has now
been identified.
Then click on the Batch Processing icon in the Main Window (Icon #6 Section or use the
commands Tools / Batch Processing. The Batch Processing form now appears (see figure below).
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This form allows the user to select the batch processing parameters for the batch analysis. The
parameters that control Batch Processing are as follows (working from top to bottom through the
fields shown in the form displayed above):
Equipment selection:
From the datafile selected by the user following the guidelines given above it is possible to see from
the position of the check box indicator whether all the equipment in the datafile has been selected for
batch analysis or whether just a specific selection of equipment is to be analysed. In the form shown
above only specific selected equipment will be analysed. It is possible to reverse this decision and
select all the equipment in the datafile by checking the indicator at the All sites position.
Data selection
First choose the Number of months in analysis period from the present date for selection of the
analysis records that are to be included in the Batch analysis.For the form shown above, the
period selected is 337 months. In this case the diagnosis algorithm will carry out an analysis of the
test results data found within the 337-month period counting back from the present day. If a zero is
selected, all the analysis data held in the datafile in relation to the equipment selected will be
diagnosed, whatever the age of the record.
Then it is necessary to select the types of data that are to be used in the batch analysis this is done
by checking the various kinds of analysis results shown in the left hand column of the Data selection
The next step is to select the type of analysis results that are to be considered in the Batch analysis.
This is done by checking data from the various Analysis stages indicated in the right hand column of
the Data selection field.
Selection of Cases for the report
The Diagnostic report resulting from the Batch analysis can be tailored according to the users
requirements. It can be restricted to include just those results that indicate an urgent or Rush
condition or, alternatively, just those that require less urgent Follow-up. Both types of conditions can
be included in the Diagnostic report if required.
Validation of Selections
By clicking on the Apply button the software displays the number of Equipment records or datafiles
that will be submitted for the batch diagnosis process and the number of Test records or datafiles
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that will be accessed during the batch diagnosis.
Recording of results

Users Guide

This field enables the user to transfer the overall conclusions from the batch analysis to the Test
Records data (see Section This option allows the analysis algorithm to activate the
checkbox DC in the list of Test Records. Although using this indicator allows users to rapidly
identify defective equipment from the Test Records screen or from the colour of the equipment icons
in the equipment tree, it is suggested that users may prefer to review the results from the Batch
Diagnosis before making a designation about the condition of the equipment.
Once all the parameters are set for Batch Processing the user must press the Start button to run the
Diagnostic engine of PERCEPTION. Once processing is complete the Diagnosis Report Screen
appears (see screen below).
This report can be printed by clicking on the Print button.

3.9. Use PERCEPTIONs Graphical Tools to Review Data Trends (Step 9)

Where historical test data is available for equipment under evaluation, PERCEPTION offers the
possibility of visualising graphically the development of key characteristics of the equipment. By this
means the user is helped to make an assessment of the state of health of the equipment and hence
determine any potential problems which might arise with the equipment in the future. The data that it
is possible to view in a graphical form are: the physical properties, dissolved gases, the level of
inhibitor (DBPC), the furans, and the metals in the insulating oil; the insulation moisture content; the
power factor; and the insulation resistance
It is also possible to visualise this same data in spreadsheet form. The data for a particular item of
equipment is arranged in rows and columns, the columns representing the dates when the data was
acquired and the rows representing the data.
To access the graphical tools first go to the Main Window and open the file that contains the
equipment to be analysed and fully spread out all the equipment in the selected file on the quasi oneline equipment tree see the figure in Section Then highlight the equipment icon
representing the equipment for which test results are to be presented in graphical or spreadsheet
form. This produces in the Test Records Screen the list of all the test records relating to that
equipment item. Then click on the Show Data Graphs (or Spreadsheets) for selected equipment
icon in the Main Window (Icon 4 Section or use the commands Tools/Data graphs for the
selected equipment. By this selection a series of data will be extracted and shown in the Data Map
format see figure below.
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To generate the graphs for a particular data set, select a data point of interest on the Test Map. Then
check the Select forward box to plot relevant data from that point forwards or the Select backward
box to plot data prior to that point. This then displays the graph for the selected data set verses the
time of the test samples being taken in a Linear Plot format i.e. the ordinate axis of the graph is a
linear plot of the data values (see figure below).
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From this graph, using the buttons at the bottom left of the graph (see below), a number of other
graphical outputs and the Spreadsheet option are made available these options are:
Icon 1 - a print option for printing the displayed graph
Icon 2 - logarithmic plot of the selected data set verses time
Icon 3 linear plot of the data set verses time (as displayed in the figure above)
Icon 4 - 3D representation of the data
Icon 5 spreadsheet of the data values verses time
Icon 6 exit from the graph facility
Icon 7 - Total Dissolved Gas content verses time
Icon 8 - Duval Triangle
Icon 9 CIGRE Ratio rebased to show the danger trip point for each particular ratio being
equal to zero i.e. any CIGRE Ratio value shown on the graph that is greater than zero
represents a danger level; CIGRE Ratios that are negative show a normal condition
Icon 10 Return to Data Map display
Other facilities that are available are:
- the option of displaying the data on an absolute value (ABS) or relative value (%) basis. The
relative values are calculated relative to the Level 1 Equipment norms e.g. in the case of dissolved
gases this is the Level 1 of C57.104 IEEE.
-a zoom facility for focusing on just one part of the data set (Zoom reset) - selecting this facility
produces a cursor on the graph to enable the user to define their area of interest having zoomed in
on an area of the graph the user can return to their original view by pressing the Zoom reset button
once again
- a differential mode facility which presents the data in the form of the first derivative of the data
values verses time. The differential is calculated at the nth point by taking the value of the parameter
at the (n + 1)th reading the value at nth reading and dividing by the difference in time between the (n
+ 1)th reading and the nth reading
Finally, the column to the right of the graphical display is a display of the absolute values of the
displayed data for the point in time where the cursor is resting on the graph. The time relating to the
displayed values is also shown at the foot of this column.

Conclude the Diagnosis and Make Recommendations (Step 10)
Having progressed through the diagnosis process as described in the previous 9 Steps, the
PERCEPTION user should now be in a position to reach final conclusions about the condition of the
tested equipment and the future operation and/or maintenance of the equipment. These conclusions
and recommendations should be entered into PERCEPTIONs final Diagnosis and Recommendations
form. This is done by returning to the Main Window, opening the file that contains the equipment to be
analysed, spreading out all the equipment in the selected file on the quasi one-line equipment tree
and then highlighting the equipment icon representing the equipment for which the Diagnosis and the
Recommendations are to be entered into the database. This action causes the Test Records Screen
for that equipment to be displayed (see figure below).
Providing that the Analysis stage indicator for the latest test record is not shown to be at Completion
in other words the Analysis Stage indicator is set at Recommendation (or at some earlier phase in
the diagnostic process) - the user can then enter their Diagnosis and Recommendations as free text
in the respective Diagnosis and Recommendations panes of the Main Window. This is done by
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clicking on the Diagnosis and recommendations tab and entering the required text in the
appropriate panes (see figure below). A date for implementing the Recommendation can also be
entered at this point in the Application date for recommendation box. By saving the changes the
information is saved and the Analysis stage indicator is indexed to Completed.

Schedule Future Work (Step 11)
Having completed an equipment diagnosis and made recommendations for the future use of the
equipment in question, the final step in a preventative or condition based maintenance programme is
to schedule the future maintenance operations for the equipment. This can be done in PERCEPTION
using the work scheduling tool.
The work scheduling tool is accessed by first going to the Main Window and opening the datafile that
contains the equipment that has been analysed. Then click on the Displays Work Schedule screen
icon in the Main Window (Icon 10 Section or use the commands: Window/Work schedule.
This produces the Work schedule screen shown below. The Work schedule screen contains a
window in the top right titled List of equipment with active task reminders in this window is listed
all the equipment with active task reminders for the selected datafile. The user can then scroll
through the list of task reminders and highlight the appropriate task reminder for the equipment for
which they wish to schedule work. The process of highlighting a particular task reminder causes all
the task reminders for the selected item of equipment to drop into the window immediately below titled
Task list for the current equipment. Then highlight (to select) the appropriate task reminder. A
description of the task then drops into the Description box near the foot of the Work schedule form.
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Other windows and boxes on this screen are:

the Effective date window this is the date when the selected task is to be performed, or in
the case of a repetitive task it is the date when the work was first set to be performed for the
first time. This date was established originally when the task was set up in Step 10 (above) but
it can be changed, if required, by using the calendar displayed at the bottom left of the screen.
The selected day is circled in blue for a weekday and in yellow for a weekend. To select
another month use the forward and backwards arrows. To select another year click on the
bottom right arrow. When work has been scheduled, the day selected for work to be performed
changes to magenta. A Six-month calendar button is located underneath the calendar to
enable the user to display a calendar showing the next 6 months from the date shown on the
selected task.
the Task reminder boxes (Days and the Activated check box) by entering a number of days
in the Days box and checking the Activated box this window enables the user to set up a
reminder within PERCEPTION a predetermined number of days in advance of a task becoming
the Frequency boxes (Years, Months, Days) by entering data in the Years, Months or
Days boxes the user can set up a repetitive task
the Electrical test profile window this window enables the user to select a predefined test
profile if the task is a repetitive task and a predefined test profile was established during Step 3
- Enter Test Case Sampling Requirements into the Database. The window drop down
selection arrow will display all the different Electrical Test Profiles that are stored for the
selected equipment.
the Fluid test profile window this window performs an identical function for Fluid tests to that
performed by the Electrical test profile window for Electrical tests (see above)
the Task completed box this box can be checked to mark the task currently highlighted in
the Task list for the current equipment window as having been completed. This action is
saved in the database by clicking on the Apply button (which will now be active). The task is
then marked with an * within the list of tasks appearing in the Task list for the current
equipment window. This task can no longer be selected for future action.
the Tasks report button clicking on this button produces a report of all the tasks that appear
in the selected datafile. A hard copy printout of this report is also possible. (See also Section
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The four icons at the top of the screen are, from left to right:
New task enters a new task in the Work schedule;
Delete task deletes a task from the Work schedule;
Deletion of completed tasks deletes tasks from the work schedule that have been marked
Completed; and
Equipment search a tool to enable the user to locate an equipment item in the work schedule
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4. Database Utilities and Tools

This section describes the utilities and tools available in PERCEPTION for modifying different parts of
the database. Because these utilities do not contribute directly to understanding the overall operation
of PERCEPTION, the operation of these utilities is discussed in this section of the guide.

4.1. Main Window / Window

Under the Window menu, the user can access the following utilities.
4.1.1.Dissolved gas analyzer
by use of this command the Manage gas analyzers screen is displayed (see below).
To add a new analyser to the database click on the Add button. This enables all the details of a new
analyser to be added to the database (see screen below where all the data fields are active). An
analyser is characterised by its sensitivity to dissolved gases. These sensitivity calibration values can
be positive or negative, as is the case of the AMS-500 PLUS from Morgan Schaffer.
Once all the analyser data fields have been filled in, clicking on the Add button at the bottom right of
the screen will add the analyser to the data base. The user then has to associate the analyser with
those items of equipment that have their dissolved gases analysed using that type of analyser.
Once an analyser is associated with an item of equipment, it is possible to compare the readings of
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the equipment analyser with those received from a test laboratory. This enables the analyser results
to be calibrated against the results obtained from the laboratory and thereby improve the accuracy of
future results obtained from the analyser.
By highlighting an analyser, then clicking on the Modify button the user is then able to select, define
and edit the properties of a transducer or analyser used for determining the level of dissolved gas in
equipment oil.
4.1.2. Customers
this utility reveals the Manage customers screen see screen below - which enables the user
to add, delete or modify Customer details entered in the database.
The various buttons on this screen provide the following functionality:
Add:adds a customer
Delete:eliminates a customer from the list
Modify:modifies the information of a selected customer on the list
Close:closes the screen
Customer No.: customer number assigned by the user
Customer:name of the customer
Contact:name of the contact within the customer organisation
P.C. /Zip:Post Code/ZipCustomer address and contact details
Ext.Tel. Extension Number
Cancel:Cancels an entry and returns the screen to the basic option level of Add, Delete,
Modify or Close
this utility displays the Equipment manager screen (see below). From this screen all information
relevant to equipment in the test network is entered into the database and displayed. Section 3.1,
points 4, 5 & 6 and the Equipment tab descriptions below give details about the processes of
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entering data and information into the various tabs of the Equipment Manager screen. The
interpretation of the various icons used in the Equipment manager screen can be found by going to
Help / Interpretation of icons (or see Section Icons and Buttons)
Clicking on either the Add, Modify or Duplicate tabs in the middle of the screen causes the fields of
the eight Equipment tabs to become active. Details about using the fields found under the
Equipment tabs are given below.
To add a new equipment item to the database click on the Add button and then proceed to enter the
data and information for the equipment in the fields revealed under the eight Equipment tabs. When
all the data and information relating to an equipment item is entered click on the Save button at the
bottom left of the screen. To cancel an entry, click on Cancel to return control to the Equipment
Manager screen
To Modify, Delete or Duplicate equipment data and information click on the appropriate button in the
middle of the screen having first selected the equipment item from the equipment list. Once the data
and information has been entered, click Save to retain the changes or Cancel to leave the information
unchanged and return control to the Equipment Manager screen.
To browse through information for one equipment item, select the equipment item from the
Equipment Tree, then select the appropriate tab. Details of the fields found under each tab are
described below.
The Close button closes the Equipment Manager screen and returns control to the Main Window.
Details of the fields found under the Equipment tabs are described below.
Tab 1: Identification (see screen above)
Upstream equipment:this field displays the representative equipment icon and the
Equipment Number of the equipment immediately upstream in the
Equipment Tree of the equipment about which the user is providing
data and information.
Type:type of equipment Transformer, Switchgear, Tap changer etc.
Manufacturer:name of the equipment manufacturer
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Position No.:
Dissolved gas analyzer:
No longer used

Users Guide

Customer number:
clicking the button to the right of the windowreveals the
Dissolved gas analyzer screen; highlight the selected gas analyser
used for making dissolved gas measurements on the equipment,
then click on the Select button to select the highlighted analyser
Year equipment was manufactured
description of the function of the unit (optional)
clicking the button to the right of the windowreveals the Manage
Customers screen; highlight the customer, then click on the Select
button to select the customer associated with the equipment
Designation / Equipment No.: Equipment Number assigned by the electrical department to the
Designation/ Serial No.:Serial Number of the equipment as found on the equipment name
Information for printed reports / Site: the name of the Site where the equipment is located which is
to appear on printed reports
Information for printed reports / Substation: the name of the Substation where the equipment is
Save / Cancel Saves or cancels entries made up to the point of clicking on the button and closes the
Tab 2: Notes and Validation
This screen enables the user to enter for their own convenience any Notes that they may wish to file
about the equipment item. The Information validated with the laboratory fields enable the user to
keep a record of the status of the equipment validation process. Any previous designations of the
Equipment Number and Serial Number that may have been used for the equipment item can be
stored in the fields Previous equipment No. and Previous serial No.
Tab 3: Nameplate information (see screen below)
The fields and check boxes in this tab are completed as follows from top to bottom:
Winding:number of transformer windings (not the number of phases)
Three-phase:check this box if the unit is three-phase; leave unchecked for a single phase
Auto-transf.:check this box if the transformer is an Auto-transformer
Sealed:check this box if the equipment is a sealed unit
Welded cover:check this box if the cover is welded; leave unchecked if cover is copper
Tension (V):Primary and Secondary winding(s) nominal voltage ratings
Power (MVA):power ratings of each winding at Base, Forced 1 and Forced 2 conditions
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(Base is with no forced ventilation cooling, Force 1 is with the first stage
ventilation fans operating and Force 2 is with the second stage ventilation
fans operating)
Basic Impulse Level of each winding used to evaluate the winding
check this box if an electrostatic shield is present
number of taps on the particular winding used for the ratio test
BIL (kV):
Elect shield:
No. of taps:
Winding conn.:
use the selection buttonto choose from the list of winding connections.
This information is used to configure the TTR labels and the ratio equation
see screen under Tab 5 Taps voltage
Neutral bushing:check this box if there is a neutral bushing
Insulating fluid:use the drop down arrow to choose the transformer insulating fluid
Impedance:transformer impedance as seen from the secondary winding when looking at
the power system at Base MVA and % ratings
Grounding resistor: Sec and Inf boxes (what are these??)
Oil qty. (liters):quantity of insulating oil (in litres)
Temp rise (C):check the appropriate permissible full load mean winding temperature rise
above ambient temperature either 55 or 65
Winding wire:use the drop down arrow to select the type of wire used
Number of op. between maint.: the number of load tap changer operations that the equipment
should normally be able to perform before requiring maintenance
Freq. (Hz):Equipment operational frequency (in Hertz)
Tab 4: Bushing, Serial No. (see screen below)
Enter the serial numbers for each of the transformer bushings (depending on the windings
configuration) in the fields shown in this tab.
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Tab 5: Taps voltage (see screen below)
Enter all the data to measure and calculate the TTR ratio.

Users Guide

If the winding configuration is found in the PERCEPTION database, then the labels are filled in
automatically and the appropriate formula is selected. Otherwise, the labels must be filled in by the
user, and the appropriate formula must be selected.
Note: labels like H1 H2-H3 / X0-X1 mean that the TTR setup must include a short between H1 and
H2. This configuration is typical of a Delta / Star transformer without a neutral bushing.
H / X and H / T :TTR labels connections,
Primary / Secondary / Tertiary :Taps numbers and voltages from the nameplate,
formula used to calculate the ratio. In the formula, H means high voltage and X low voltage.
Tab 6: Norms
The fields in this tab are: Oil quality, Dissolved gases and Furans. The select buttonsat the
right of each field display the Manage norms. (Fluid tests), Manage norms. (Dissolved gas) and
the Manage norms. (furan) screens (described below see - Section 4.1.6). From these screens the
appropriate Norms for the selected equipment can be chosen.
Highlight the appropriate Norms to be applied for the selected equipment item and click on the Select
button. If no selection is made the default Norms will be applied as defined in the Configuration
Tab 7: Load
The screen under this tab is where the user can enter the Load planning information for the selected
equipment item. The load information is entered as either MW or MVAR for three conditions: the
Actual load, the planned additional or Reserve load, and the Maximum load rating for the
equipment. This information can be used in feeder planning. The sum of the Actual + Reserve loads
must be < the Maximum load. If the Actual + Reserved Load are > Maximum Load, the equipment
should be considered for upgrading.
Tab 8: Doc
The screen under this tab provides the user with the possibility of providing in the PERCEPTION
database file path links to relevant documents that are stored in the users computer system that
relate to the selected equipment item.
The fields that identify any given document are: a document Index number, the Name of the
document, the Type of document, a Description of the document and the Filepath for the document
on the users computer system.
By clicking on the Add button at the bottom of the screen the PERCEPTION file browser window is
opened and the user is then able to select the document that they wish to associate with the selected
equipment item. PERCEPTION requires the user to provide a unique description for the file before
the filepath is able to be associated with the selected equipment item. The Delete button deletes the
document reference and the View button opens the document which the user has selected from
within the list of documents.
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4.1.4.ISO QA form number

this utility displays the various ISO QA form numbers that can be printed as page footers on the
reports that are produced by PERCEPTION.
by using the Add, Modify or Delete buttons in the screen below the user is able to enter, edit or
remove a Laboratory name along with its numerical Code from the database (see screen below).
C = Code: a single figure integer laboratory reference number
Laboratory = the identification label for the laboratory
After making a new entry, click on the Add button to add the new laboratory and its code number to
the database. Click on the Cancel button to abort an entry.
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... this utility allows access to three sets of Norms Fluid quality norms, Dissolved gas norms
and Furans norms.These Norms need to be set and selected correctly for each equipment
diagnosis. This utility enables the user to Add, Delete or Modify the norms in any one of the Norms
tables. However, only experienced users should modify values in these tables. The choice of a
specific value is usually the result of many years of research and experimentation carried out
on a particular group of equipment. Fluid quality norms
The screen that permits access to the Fluid quality norms is shown immediately below.
By clicking on the Add button all the fields beneath the Add button in the screen below become active
and the user is then able to make a new entry into the table. Once the new entry for a fluid is
completed, clicking on the OK button will save the entry details in the table. If the user wishes to edit
an existing entry, clicking the Modify button causes all the same fields to become active as with
clicking on the Add button with the exception of the Name and Type fields. The Delete button
enables the user to remove an entry once it has been highlighted in the table.
For each of the fluid quality properties the user can define two thresholds (indicated by the < and >
signs) which define three zones: normal, follow-up and deterioration. The normal zone indicates that
the property is adequate. The follow-up zone indicates that the property should be monitored.
Normally, the follow-up zone triggers the implementation of preventive measures. The deterioration
zone indicates that the property is degraded and that corrective action is necessary.
The operation of the Dissolved gas norms and Furans norms tables are similar to that described
above for the Fluid quality norms.
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PERCEPTION Dissolved gas norms
The Dissolved gas norms screen is shown below.

Users Guide

This screen allows the user to define, edit and remove evaluation norms for Dissolved Gases.
For each dissolved gas the user can define three thresholds. This defines four zones: Condition 1,
Condition 2, Condition 3 and Condition 4.
Condition 1 is the normal zone and indicates that the transformer is operating satisfactorily.
Condition 2 indicates that the TDCG levels are greater than normal combustible gas levels. Any
individual combustible gas level exceeding specified levels should prompt additional investigation.
Action should be taken to establish a trend.
Condition 3 TDCG within this range indicates a high level of decomposition. Any individual
combustible gas level exceeding specified levels should prompt additional investigation. Immediate
action should be taken to establish a trend. Faults are probably present.
Condition 4 TDCG within this range indicates excessive decomposition. Continued operation could
result in failure of the transformer.
For a more detailed explanation of these zones, consult IEEE STD C57-104. Furans norms
The Furans norms screen is shown below. This screen allows the user to define, edit and remove
evaluation norms for Furans.
For each dissolved gas the user can define three thresholds. This defines four zones: Condition 1,
Condition 2, Condition 3 and Condition 4. Condition 1 is the normal zone. Condition 2, Condition 3
and Condition 4 are the zones that indicate problems of increasing order of severity, with Condition 4
indicating that a possible failure of the transformer could occur..
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This screen allows the user to manage its stock of syringes. By using the Add, Modify or Delete
buttons in the screen below the user is able to enter, edit or remove a Syringe name along with the
syringes originating laboratory in the database (see screen below).
Serial number: serial number inscribed on the syringe
Source: syringes laboratory origin
After making a new entry, click on the Add button at the bottom right of the screen to add the new
syringe Serial No. and its source to the database. Click on the Cancel button to abort an entry.
4.1.8.Transformer statistics
this utility displays transformer statistical data that is held in the active (or open) PERCEPTION
data base. In the figure below there are 9 equipment items in the selected data base and 33 data
items. 2D histograms are available for the Age of the Transformers held in the database verses the
Number of transformers in each age bracket, and the Transformer Rated Capacities verses Numbers
of transformers at each capacity level. The figure displayed below shows the plot of the Rated
Capacities of the transformers in the data base verses the Number of transformers at each different
capacity level.
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3-D histograms for transformer numbers are also available for:

Interfacial Tension verses Acidity
Acidity verses Age, and
Interfacial Tension verses Age.
The figure below shows a 3D histogram plotting the Interfacial tension verses Acidity for the 9
transformers in the active data base. This plot can be rotated and tilted using the 4 navigation buttons
at the bottom left of the screen.
The other 3 icons found at the bottom left of the histograms have the same meaning as previously
stated in Section 3.9, Use PERCEPTIONs Graphical Tools to Review Data Trends (Step 9).
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4.1.9.Work schedule
this utility is described in detail in Section 3.11 Schedule Future Work (Step 11).
4.1.10. Manage diagnosis text
this utility displays the Manage diagnosis text screen (see below) which enables the user to
Add, Modify or Delete the text available in the database and which appears in the Predefined
diagnosis window under the Diagnosis and recommendations tab of the Main Window.
To enter new text into the data base click on the Add button, then select the Type of Analysis which
the new text relates to by using the drop down arrow at the right end of the window. This action
automatically indexes by 1 (to the next available integer) the Code for text entries for that type of
analysis. Then enter the new text in the Description window at the foot of the screen. When the
entry is complete click the Add button at the bottom right of the screen the new text is then added to
the database and it becomes available for selection in the Main Window under the Diagnosis and
recommendations tab.
To Modify predefined text already stored in the database, click the Code number for the text entry
that is to be modified. Then click the Modify button. The text that is to be edited appears in the
Description window and can now be edited. The modified text is saved back into the database by
clicking on the Add button at the bottom right of the screen.
To Delete predefined text that is saved in the database, click on the Code integer relating to the text
that is to be deleted. Then click the Delete button and the unwanted text along with its Code is
4.1.11. Manage recommendations text
this utility displays the Manage recommendations text screen (see below) which enables the
user to Add, Modify or Delete the text available in the database and which appears in the
Predefined recommendations window under the Diagnosis and recommendations tab of the Main
Window. The operation of this window is exactly the same as that described above for the Manage
diagnosis text screen.
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4.1.12. Test profile

this utility displays the Test profiles manager screen (see below) which enables the user to
Create, Modify, or Delete a pre-defined test profile (see also Section 3.3, Enter Test Case Sampling
Requirements into the Database). The profile is stored under a unique Profile name in the database
and it can be readily accessed for use in future equipment sampling programmes. Using a predefined
Profile ensures consistency in the definition of the tests to be performed when undertaking a sampling
programme on a selected equipment item.
To create, modify or delete a pre-defined Profile, first check the Enable the selection of tests
according to profile box for either (or both) an Electrical test or Fluid test. This brings the selected
fields in the Test profiles manager form into the active mode. The Profile selection fields in the
Test profiles manager form are where previously stored Profiles are either accessed or new Profiles
are stored under user defined names. Select the required Profile or enter the new Profile name into
the Profile Selection box and the new Description in the Description box, then click on either the
Create or Modify buttons according to requirements. Then click on the appropriate tab from amongst
either the Electrical: as per user or Fluid: as per user tabs and proceed to check the various tests
or test samples that are required for the test. When the test selection is completed, click on the Save
button on the Test profile form to save the new or modified Profile and close the form. To delete a
profile, select the Profile name in the Profile selection box and then click on the Delete button. The
user is then required to confirm the deletion before the action is completed.
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4.2. Main Window / Tools

Users Guide
Under the Tools menu, the user can access certain tools relating to the use of PERCEPTION.
4.2.1.Equipment search
this utility allows the user to enter the Equipment number for an equipment item in the Equipment
search form (see below) and by pressing the OK button the equipment item is located within the
active datafile.
4.2.2.New test
create a new test datafile for the selected equipment item (see Section 3.3, Enter Test Case
Sampling Requirements into the Database).
4.2.3.Delete test
deletes the latest or the previously highlighted test record in the Test Records Screen (see
Section and also Icon 3, Section
the use of the Sibling utility enables the user to create equipment test norms that are based upon
data derived from a transformer(s) or equipment item(s) similar in design and subject to similar
loading conditions to that which the customer wishes to diagnose using PERCEPTION. These norms
should potentially be more accurate than the more general norms available in the public domain (e.g.
through the IEEE or IEC), providing the similarities between the equipment being analysed and those
used to create the sibling norms in respect of equipment design and load conditions are close.
The process for creating a new sibling is as follows: go to Tools/Sibling/Grouping and norms and
the Manage siblings screen below will appear. This screen shows, in the top windows of the screen,
the Equipment Tree and the related details of all the equipment held in the selected database (see
screen below).
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Click on the Create button found at the centre left of the Manage siblings screen and the following
message appears.
Then click OK on the above screen. This renders the Equipment Tree screen in the left hand
window of the Manage siblings screen active and clears all equipment data/information from the right
hand equipment details window. The number appearing in the Sibling No. window of the Manage
groups area of the screen will also index by 1 at this stage (see screen below).
The user must now select the equipment to be included in the new sibling group. Equipment is
added by displaying and then highlighting equipment items in the Equipment Tree screen. This
process moves the highlighted equipment to the right hand equipment details window (as shown in
the screen below where equipment items T1, T7 and TP3B have been added into the Sibling No.1
Once the user is satisfied with the equipment selection for the new sibling group, click Save. The
sibling equipment details are then saved along with the new Sibling index number as shown in the
Sibling No. field.
To abort the process of creating a sibling having previously pressed the Create button, press the
Cancel button which is active while creating a new sibling.
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The displayed Sibling index number indexes by 1 whenever the Create button is clicked. If this is the
first sibling to be created for a particular database the Sibling No. will be displayed as number 1. The
dropdown list of Sibling index numbers available at the end of the Sibling No. box allows the user
access to other siblings that may have been created for that database. Viewing the composition of
other siblings is achieved by selecting the appropriate Sibling index number from the drop down list.
The equipmernt selected for each sibling will be displayed in the equipment details window at the top
right of the Manage siblings screen.
If at a later stage the user wishes to add another equipment item to a specific sibling, this can be done
from the Manage siblings screen by selecting the appropriate Sibling index number for that sibling
from the Sibling No. drop down list, then clicking the Add button in the centre of the screen followed
by highlighting in the Equipment Tree the new equipment item that is to be added to the sibling. Then
click the Save button to add the new equipment item into the sibling.
An equipment item can also be deleted from a specific sibling group. Again this is done from the
Manage siblings screen by selecting the appropriate Sibling index number for that sibling from the
Sibling No. drop down list, then highlighting in the Equipment tree the equipment item that is to be
deleted from the selected sibling, followed by clicking the Delete button in the centre of the screen. A
warning message will then appear similar to the screen below referencing the Equipment Number of
the equipment about to be deleted. Clicking Yes in this screen will delete the selected equipment item
from the sibling.
The user must then progress through the Manage norms area of the Manage siblings screen. This
screen contains a number of features as described below.
i) A colour warning indicator that signals whether the base data for the sibling are reliable for the
generation of norms. The degree to which the raw data used to generate the norms are, or
are not randomly dispersed, is indicated by a coloured indicator: Green for OK or Yellow for
ii) The Number of months included window, which displays the number of months of
equipment results data, working backwards from the current date, that are to be included in
the creation of the norms for the new sibling.
iii) The DGA, FQ and FUR check boxes which should be checked according to whether the
norms for the new sibling are to be based upon, respectively, Dissolved Gas Analyser, Fluid
Quality or Furans test results.
iv) The Generate norms for siblings button this should be pressed to generate the sibling
norms once the value for the Number of months included window has been set and the
basis for the norms has been selected using the DGA, FQ and FUR check boxes. The two
screens shown below appear, one upon the other, if the process for generating the norms for
the new sibling completes successfully. Press the OK button on the Perception screen to
complete the process of generating the new norms.
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v) The window at the bottom of the above screen shows all the test results that have been
included in the new sibling norms. Assuming that the user is satisfied with this list of results,
the Assign same norms as for sibling button should now be pressed. This action will
assign the new sibling norms to the equipment included in the new sibling in the case of the
screen above the sibling norms will be assigned to equipment items T1, T7 and TP3B. If
during the calculation of the new sibling norms of step iv) above a warning message will
appear and the faulty record(s) will be identified within the list of records shown in the window
at the foot of the above screen. The user can check whether the records identified as faulty
are in fact valid, or not, and decide whether or not to proceed with the calculation of the norms
vi) The user can confirm the creation of the new sibling norms by using the command sequence:
Window/Norms followed by either Fluid quality norms, Dissolved gas norms or Furans
(depending upon the type of norms that the user has just created). This should display the
Manage norms. screen similar to the one displayed below. The new norms will appear under
the Norm heading as Fr- Sibling index number (in the case of the screen below they appear
as Fr-1).
vii) The user can check that the new sibling norms have been correctly assigned to the
equipment items of the new sibling by using the command sequence: Window/Equipment.
This action displays the Equipment manager screen for the selected database (see Section
4.1.3). Then select, one at a time, from the Equipment Tree the equipment items that form
part of the new sibling. For each equipment item, select the Norms tab. Assignment of the
new sibling norms to an equipment item can be confirmed if the new sibling norms Sibling
No. appears as Fr- Sibling index number in the appropriate windows of the Norms tabs.
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viii) The Assign norms by default button reverses the above process of assigning the new
sibling norms to the sibling equipment and it re-instates the original default equipment norms
based on the use of the IEEE or IEC standards.
The command sequence: Tools/Sibling/Analysis parameters causes the display of the Parameters
sibling screen (see below).
This screen contains three tabs, one tab for each type of Sibling norms (Dissolved gas, Fluid quality
and Furan). Under each of the three types of Sibling norms tabs the user finds displayed three
separate lists of numbers. These represent values for the listed parameters for each type of norm.
The first list shows the minimum observable levels of the parameters measured in ppm, whilst the
other lists show levels of standard deviation of the measured results for each parameter at two
different warning levels (high warning and moderate warning).
The above screen also has two separate areas at its foot which are used when performing a
diagnostic. To the left is the box titled When doing a diagnostic, if in a sibling. Within this box two
check box options are available: to use a diagnostic based upon the determination of a Trend in
measured results obtained from observations made on the subject equipment item over a period of
time; and/or to use the Sibling norms that have been generated and assigned to the subject
equipment as described above. Note: it is possible to base the diagnosis on both the Trend method
and the use of the Sibling norms, or on just one of these methods.
To the right is the box titled Number of Years. This box is currently not in use.
4.2.5.Data graphs for selected equipment
this utility displays the Test Map for the selected equipment - see Section 3.9, Use
PERCEPTIONs Graphical Tools to Review Data Trends.
4.2.6.Diagnosis for the selected equipment
this utility runs the diagnostic engine for the selected equipment see Section 3.8 Running the
Diagnostic Engine to Perform Equipment Diagnostics and Section 3.8.1 Running a Diagnosis on
Single Items of Equipment.
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4.2.7.Batch processing
this utility runs the diagnostic engine for the selected equipment batch feeder see Section 3.8
Running the Diagnostic Engine to Perform Equipment Diagnostics and Section 3.8.2 Performing a
Plant Equipment Diagnosis using Batch Processing.
4.2.8.Calculation of inhibitor quantity to add to transformer
this utility enables the user to calculate the amount of inhibitor that is to be added to a
transformer to achieve a preset level of inhibitor concentration. By selecting this tool, the screen
below is displayed. The user is then required to enter the known data into the relevant fields: Present
inhibitor concentration (ppm), Transformer oil volume (litres), Final inhibitor concentration
(ppm), Additive mixture concentration (% v/v). Once all this data is entered PERCEPTION
calculates the Required quantity of additive (liters) and the Required dry crystal weight (kg) and
displays these results in the respective windows.
4.2.9.Voltage drop calculation
This utility helpS the user to estimate the voltage drop on a feeder an identify any potential
problem that would caused on the load.
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4.2.10. Tutorial
the Tutorial and Diagnosis assistance for oil filled equipment facility (known as Transformer Oil
Maintenance or TOM) is normally not directly accessible from within PERCEPTION but is available
free of charge upon request from Kelman. The tutorial enables the user to:
- manually browse through the decision algorithm leading to an interpretation of laboratory results
(this algorithm is not as refined as the one used by PERCEPTION; however, it allows the user to
understand the essential principles);
- track down operational problems, such as the overheating of a transformer,
- learn how to perform an analysis.
Before using TOM, it is advisable to have in hand the laboratory results data for the equipment under
review, preferably in table or graphical form, in order to facilitate understanding of the diagnostic
4.2.11. Database tools
There are a number of database tools available to the user for managing PERCEPTION
databases these are described below. Convert a Database to latest version
......this utility converts a database from a previous PERCEPTION version to the current version that
the user has installed on their computer. PERCEPTION will not open a file from a previous version of
the software so a conversion will be necessary for the file to be used by PERCEPTION. File
conversion will not lead to a loss of information - in general, the converted database will have more
functions than the previous version. The conversion is also irreversible. A backup copy of the
previous version is saved with the extension of the version, so that users can recover the earlier file.
A File version warning message as shown in the screen below will appear when file conversion
becomes necessary.
By clicking the YES button on the above screen the Conversion of old file type Perception screen
appears (see screen below).
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The above file conversion screen presents a number of windows :

File to convert: the file path of the file to be converted is displayed
File version: version of the file to be converted
Version used by PERCEPTION: version of the database as used by PERCEPTION on the
users computer
File administrator(s): if the software has a specified administrator, their name appears
Possibility of conversion: indicates whether file conversion is possible or not
Convert:starts the conversion
Cancel:close the window and make no changes
More information about file conversion is found in Section 7.2.1 of this guide. Repair a database In the event that a users database is corrupted as a result of a PC
crash or a sudden power outage whilst they are performing a database transaction, the user can use
the Repair a database utility to repair the corrupted database. Compact a database This utility should be used to compact a database to reduce
database storage memory requirements. Database infoThis utility is available when a data base has been selected and is
active. It provides information on the Total number of records held in a database, and the number of
records added in the current year. - see screen below. Check for any circular reference......A Circular Reference is one that refers to itself as the
upstream equipment item in the equipment tree. Deploying this utility will cause PERCEPTION to
perform a check for the existence of this situation in the active database and if a circular equipment
reference is found the equipment will be relocated and connected into the top of the database
Equipment Tree.
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Users Guide Check for any orphan equipment......An Orphan Equipment item is one that has no
upstream equipment reference in the equipment tree. Deploying this utility will cause PERCEPTION
to perform a check for the existence of this situation in the active database. Check orphan analysis......This utility performs a check of the database to locate any Test
data (e.g. DGA or Furans data) that is not associated with a specific item of equipment.
4.2.12. Configuration
see Section 5.0 Configuration (below)
4.2.13. Change your password
If an Administrator wishes to change their own password for a particular database, this can be
done after opening up the database for which the password change is required and then clicking on
Tools/Change your password. The screen below appears superimposed on the Main Window
screen and the Administrator should then enter their old and new passwords in the Old password
and New Password boxes and click OK to close the screen and implement the change of passwords.
The Cancel button aborts the process and returns the screen to the Main Window.
It is also possible for the Administrator to change the password of a database user by going to the
Tools/Manage user profiles screen, highlighting the name of the person for whom a change of
password is required and then the screen shown below appears. The process is then as described
above for a password change.
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4.2.14. User access parameters

In order to control access to PERCEPTION databases, it is necessary to input to PERCEPTION
the names of those users who can have access to a given database. This must be done for each
database in order to tailor use of each database to specific users.
Two types of access are possible: full access (read and write) and read only.The number of
database users is not restricted and is at the discretion of database Administrators. The
Administrators are the persons having authority over access to the database. It is possible to
establish more than one Administrator in PERCEPTION.
Once an administrator is defined, they have the authority to establish other database users according
to each users specific access profile requirements.
The process of adding an Administrator is as follows: the PERCEPTION license holder opens the
Manage user profiles screen below using the Tools/Manage user profiles command. This screen
allows the PERCEPTION license holder to enter their own access details by clicking on the active
Add button underneath the Administrator box.
Clicking on the Add button produces the New user screen superimposed over the Manage user
profiles screen (see below). The Administrator enters their User name and password in the
respective User name and Password boxes, then clicks on the OK button to save this information in
PERCEPTION. Clicking on the Cancel button aborts the process and returns control to the Manage
user profiles screen.
The PERCEPTION license holder can now grant other users access to the pre-selected database
under specific access conditions. This is done by using the Complete access and Read-only
access windows as appropriate. Click on the Add button beneath the appropriate box; this again
produces the New user screen below. The Administrator then enters the User name and password
of the new user in the respective User name and Password boxes, then clicks on the OK button to
save this information in PERCEPTION. Clicking on the Cancel button aborts the process and returns
control to the Manage user profiles screen (see below).
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Entry of the password is obligatory. This operation needs to be repeated by the Administrator as
many times as there are users to be given access to the pre-selected database.
To change the profile of a user, the Administrator should highlight the name of the user in the Manage
user profiles (below) for whom the change of access rights is required and then press the arrow
button that indicates the direction of change required in the users profile.
An Administrator can also remove access rights from an existing user of the database. To do this an
Administrator simply needs to highlight the users name and press the Delete button.
By checking the Authorize anonymous read- only user box access to the database in read only
mode is made available to all persons wishing to gain access.
By checking the Access control at purchase order menu only box, all access controls are removed
from the database except for access to the Purchase Order menu.
An Administrator can also modify the password of an existing user without having to redefine the
users entire profile. To do this an Administrator simply needs to highlight the users name and press
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the Password button. A New password screen (see below) will appear in order to assign another
4.2.15. Languages
this utility enables the user to select the appropriate language for their use of PERCEPTION
the choice is English, French or Spanish.
4.2.16. Data sort order
this utility enables the user to sort the Equipment Tree screen by:
- Equipment number: the screen below shows equipment in the Equipment Tree
identified by their Equipment Numbers (T6, TP3B, T2, T7 etc.);
- Serial number of the equipment: the screen below shows equipment in the
Equipment Tree identified by their Serial Numbers (1421001003, 76480, W-208106,
3247 etc.).
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- This utility also offers the user the possibility of being able to Initialize the laboratory
contract status. By selecting this option the window below appears and the user can
then decide whether or not they wish to set all laboratory contracts in the database to
the Paid status, except for those contracts that are still at the Acquisition or
Laboratories stages. The purpose of this utility is to enable a user through a simple
once per year log clean-up exercise to reset the status of all orders within the
database that have been sent to a laboratory to the Paid status (unless the orders are
still in the Acquisition or Laboratories stages) and thereby to start a new year with a
clean orders status log.
4.2.17. Retype license information
this utility displays the Registration form displayed below which sets out the procedure for
registering a users copy of PERCEPTION.
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The user should enter the information required by the 5 screen areas displayed on the Registration
form to register their copy of the PERCEPTION software with Kelman. This process, once completed,
unlocks the PERCEPTION software for use by the user on their computer. This process associates
the PERCEPTION license to the PC on which it was generated which means that the Validation Code
from Kelman cannot be moved between computers. If a user needs to move their PERCEPTION
license to another computer, they should first contact Kelman and request assistance with this
The first area of the Registration form is where the users company name, location and contact
details are entered.
The second area of the Registration form is where the users access code is entered. This is the
code that is supplied by Kelman with the PERCEPTION software.
The third area of the Registration form is activated by clicking on the Generate and copy to
clipboard button. This enables the user to paste into an email a text message such as the one
shown below (which has been generated automatically by PERCEPTION). The email is sent to
Kelman at the email address perception@Kelman.co.uk .
Example of mail to be sent to Kelman.
Company: ARRA
City: Belfast
Registration: 324962-1-4100
Code: e76bc480aa69e72bceed2d64e787325d
Validation: xxx...................................xxx (code as supplied automatically with text message)
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Kelman will then respond to this email by sending the user the software validation code by email. The
text of the email received from Kelman is first copied to the users clipboard and then pasted into the
Registration form automatically by clicking on the Paste from clipboard button located in the fourth
area of the form. This enters the Validation Code into the box in the fourth area of the Registration
To complete the registration process the user then needs to press the Register button in the box
found in the fifth area of the Registration form. These actions unlock the PERCEPTION software for
In the top left corner of the Registration form, two additional commands can be found; these are the
Exit Perception and Tools commands.
Clicking on the Exit Perception command causes PERCEPTION to close.
Clicking on the Tools command causes the message Enabled text box codes F2 to appear - the
significance of this action is that the two text boxes in areas 3 and 4 of the Registration form will now
be active (from previously being inactive - i.e. greyed out). For users who dont have good internet
access, this facility will enable them to register their PERCEPTION license using the telephone to:
i)advise Kelman of the outgoing validation code of their software license; and
ii)to receive from Kelman the incoming validation code to be entered into the Registration form
of their software.
The F2 function button has the same effect as pressing the Tools command on the Registration
form. Conducting a 14-day evaluation trial prior to purchasing PERCEPTION
It is also possible to conduct a 14-day evaluation trial of PERCEPTION before proceeding to
purchase the software. To do this the user should click on the Click here for 14-day evaluation
button found at the top of the Registration form. The Registration form will then close and
PERCEPTION is available for use for the 14 day trial period. However, the form can be retrieved
and registration completed at any time by clicking on the Tools/Retype license information
command the retrieved form appears as shown below and can be completed as described above
(Section to register the users software with Kelman:
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After an initial 14 days evaluation, the user is given the option of extending the trial period for a further
14 days. The following message will appear when PERCEPTION is first started.
Click the OK button and then go to Tools/Retype license information. The Registration form will
appear as shown below. The user must press the Renew 14 days trial button to obtain a second 14
days trial period. (If the user presses on the Register button, a message will indicate that they can
extend the trial period but they must first click on the Renew 14 days trial button to do so).
Having clicked on the Renew 14 days trial button in the form above to extend the trial period for a
further 14 days, the Registration form will appear as shown below. The user should then supply the
registration code from area 3 of the Registration form to Kelman using the copy to clipboard and
email process outlined in Section (above).
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Once the validation code is received by email back from Kelman and copied to clipboard, it should
then be pasted into area 4 of the form using the Paste from clipboard button. The Registration form
will then appear as below. The user can only renew the 14 days trial period once.
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4.2.18. Refresh tests list F5

By pressing either the Refresh tests list F5 command or the F5 key the Test Records screen is
refreshed. This command operates in a similar manner to that described below for the Refresh tree
view F6 command or the F6 key, in situations where the Test Records screen has become
scrambled for some reason.
4.2.19. Refresh tree view F6#
By pressing the Refresh tree view F6 command or the F6 key the Equipment Tree screen is
refreshed. This is useful in certain rare occasions such as when new equipment is added to the
equipment tree and the tree gets scrambled. Pressing Refresh tree view F6 command or the F6 key
will restore the Equipment Tree screen correctly. If nothing has been scrambled, pressing the
Refresh tree view F6 command or the F6 key will achieve nothing.
4.2.20. Equipment search F3
See Section 4.2.1

4.3. Main Window / Print

PERCEPTION offers the possibility of printing a variety of reports for selected equipment. Each
report contains information on: the equipment selected; the comments entered in the diagnosis and
recommendations windows; the laboratory data for the physical properties and dissolved gases; the
data collected in the field from the visual inspection and the electrical tests for the equipment.
Under the Print menu, Print report screens containing the reports shown in the sections below are
able to be printed. Each Print report screen has a number of utilities across the top of the print
screen as shown immediately below.
Icon #1 Close Current View not used
Icon #2 Print: clicking on this icon produces a Print setup screen as shown below
Icon #3 Export: clicking on this icon enables the user to export the selected report in various
document formats. The file format is chosen using the Format drop down window in the screen
below. The destination of the exported file is chosen using the Destination drop down window.
Typically, the destination of exported files is to the users Disk file for Perception Data, although the
file can be made generally available by selecting the Application drop down option.
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Icon #4 Toggle Group Tree not used

Window #5 Scaling document page size window the drop down list provides a range of alternative
page sizes
Icon #6 - Icons to facilitate scrolling backwards through a reports pages: the button on the left
displays the First Page of the report, while the button on the right displays the previous page to the
one being displayed
Window #7 Page Number window in the Print icons screen shot (above) the Page Number is 1 of
1+ pages, the +1 indicating that the displayed report has more than one page
Icon #8 - Icons to facilitate scrolling forwards through a reports pages: the button on the left displays
the next page of the report to the one being displayed, while the button on the right displays the last
page of the report
Icon #9 Stop loading not used
Icon #10 Search button: pressing this button displays the Search screen below. The user enters a
key word or phrase in the Find what window, then clicks on the Find Next button and the Search
utility will search the database being displayed for the search word or phrase.
4.3.1.All equipment tests
This report enables the user to print a full list of all the tests performed on equipment in the selected
database, both oil and electrical. In the case of the screen shown below there are 696 pages in this
report and so the user needs to take care when setting up the page number print range for this report
(see Section 4.3, Icon #2) so as not to print pages that are not required.
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4.3.2.Equipment list
This report enables the user to print a full list of all the equipment entered in the selected database.
4.3.3.Customer list
This report enables the user to print a full list of all the customers entered in the selected database.
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4.3.4.Equipment test report

Users Guide

The Equipment report is broken into 4 main areas.

The user is able to select the Equipment to be included in the report they wish to create.
If several equipment tests were executed under a common contract, the user can opt to print reports
for all these equipment items by selecting the corresponding option. Click on the Gen. button to
generate a list of all the equipment tested under the same contract.
The user also has the possibility of reorganising the printing sequence to have the printed pages in
the sequence of their choice. To do this select an equipment item from the list and Move it up or
down in the printing sequence using the Move Down or Move Up buttons.
Under the Report area, the user is required to select the data to be included in the report.
Select the option Color if a color printer is available for use and printing the graph of the
corresponding data in color is required
The options Log and Percent allow individual selection of the format under which the corresponding
graph is generated. Log means the vertical axis follows a logarithm progression. Percent means that
the data will be plotted as a percentage of the maximum from the data series with the exception of
dissolved gases where the maximum is replaced by the level 2 IEEE norm.
Test Records (max.7)
Under the Test Records area, select the starting date of the data to be printed either by checking the
Starting as of today box or by checking the Starting as of box and then clicking on the calendar
button to bring up the electronic calendar to make the desired selection. It should be noted that the
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report cannot print more than seven records of the same data type, i.e. a maximum of seven records
can be printed from the dissolved gases data, etc...
If the Sort ascending box is checked, the data will presented from left to right in ascending order.
Generation of reports
Several different types of report format can be generated simultaneously. The user can also decide
what should be the first number to be used for page numbering.
4.3.5.Manual sampling form
...... this command causes the Percep_Imp form (see below) to appear.
The user must then either enter the desired contract number for which sampling details are to be
printed, then press the OK button, or they can select the relevant equipment using the Equipment
Tree, then press the OK button leaving the above form blank. (Note, the selected contract or
equipment must have its Analysis stage set to Acquisition for it to be possible to print a completed
Sampling sheet). Then click on the OK button and the Sampling Sheet similar to the one below is
Then click on the Print Icon #2 at the top left of the form to print the Sampling Sheet.
For more details on the Sampling Form see Section 3.4 - Produce the Test Sample Forms for the
Test Engineer (Step 4)
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4.3.6.Blank form
By using the command Print/Blank form the screen below becomes available. The list of blank
forms that the user has available to them for printing can be found underneath the Forms caption in
the centre of this form. Only the check boxes beneath the caption Forms are active in the screen
The user must check the box relating to the blank form that they wish to produce, then click on the
Print form button at the bottom left of the form to action printing of the form.
4.3.7.Tasks report
......for the equipment highlighted in the Equipment Tree of the Main Window, if there has been a
future task(s) set up in relation to this equipment it is possible by using the command Print/Tasks
report to produce the future Tasks report. The first screen to appear when this command is used is
the Tasks report search screen as seen below. Set the required Search period for the equipment
using this screen, then click Continue and PERCEPTION will then search the equipment database
for any scheduled tasks relating to the equipment.
The results of this search are then entered into a Work Schedule/Tasks report such as shown
below. This report is then available for printing as described above by clicking on the Print Icon #2 at
the top left of the form.
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4.4. Main Window / Help

Under the Help menu the user can access the PERCEPTION Help items:
......This utility causes PERCEPTION to open the Online Help Information file (see Online Help,
Section 7.4 below). The user can then browse the Contents of the Online Help Information file and
by clicking on a topic of interest display specific pages of the file.
4.4.2.Interpretations of icons
The command Help/Interpretations of icons causes the following screen to be displayed:
This screen provides the key for understanding the various icons used in the Equipment manager
screen (see Section 4.1.3, Equipment above).
Auto check: Once enable, this feature will check for an update on our server. Sometimes, the user
firewall prevents this feature to function properly. If it find one, the user will be invited to update.
Check for update: This brings the following window, informing the user on the status of his
Perception version against the one on Kelman server. At first, the utility will attempt to connect to the
server, and log in. At this point, it will compare both version and inform the user of his current status.
Here is a screen shot with a successful connection to the server.
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Here is a screen shot when the network connection is down.

4.4.4.About PERCEPTION
The command Help/About PERCEPTION causes the screen below to be displayed. This screen
provides the user with the following information:
- The Version of PERCEPTION that they have installed on their PC
- Licensor details (i.e. Kelman Inc.)
- Licensee details in the License issued to box and their Access code that applies to their
- The System Information button produces a screen containing details about the computer
system being used to host the PERCEPTION license.
- The Time zone offset field provides the Time offset of the users PC compared to Greenwich
Mean Time (GMT)
- An OK button to return the user to the Main Window of PERCEPTION.
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5. Configuring PERCEPTION

Certain parameters of the PERCEPTION software are configurable by the user in order to increase
the flexibility of use of the software. The configurable software parameters are classed by categories
indicated by the tabs in the Configuration screen below.

5.1. Import/Export file Tab

The tab Import/Export file tab (displayed below) allows the user to determine the file names to be
used for transfer of files when exchanging information with a laboratory(ies).
Enter the names of the files as agreed with a laboratory. The names of the files are limited to 6
characters to satisfy those laboratories that use a 16-bit database application (such as MSACCESS,
version 2.0). Enter the new name in the Export/Import box and click on the Apply button to save the
new file name. Then click on the OK button to close the screen.
To choose the name of a file, we suggest using the following convention: three characters for the
name of the company, three characters for the city. For example, for Kelman situated in Lisburn, this
would give the following sequence of letters: KELLIS.
The Modify button in the Data directory part of the Import/Export file tab allows for relocation of the
entire directory where all the files used by PERCEPTION are stored by a user.
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5.2. Company identification Tab

Users Guide
The Company identification tab shown above allows users to store information for the identification
of each of their test data sets. Each data set is identified by a unique code that allows users to
differentiate each of their test data sets stored in a laboratorys database. It is recommended that the
unique identifier code is made up of six characters comprised of three letters from the company's
name and three letters from the city name where the company is located. The laboratory employed
by the user should validate this code if the user intends to send and receive data from the laboratory.
The field Current file name prefix field is the Company identification code currently used by the
software for the current test data set. To change the Company identification code, enter the new
code in the field Replace with and click on the Apply button.

5.3. Parameters Tab

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The Parameters tab shown above enables the user to set the parameters that control the trend
identification mechanism for the analysis of data variations. These parameters are used in the
software when performing an historical data trend analysis. See graph below.
Trend analysis relates to determining the significance of increases or decreases in the value of a
given parameter over a specified period of time.
- Parameter 1 (tagged1 on the graph above) indicates the threshold at which PERCEPTIONs trend
examination mechanism for the trend of a curve is launched. This data trend mechanism indicates if
there is an increase or decrease of data values compared to an average value (tagged 0 on the
graph). The higher the Parameter 1 value is, the greater the data deviation must be before the
examining mechanism of the tendency is launched.
- Parameter 2 and Parameter 3 (tagged 2 and 3 on the graph) are the boundaries allowing users to
qualify the type of trend that is occurring in their data. For example: does the trend vary abruptly or
does it vary slightly? These parameters take into consideration the amplitude of the variations of the
historical data. Parameter 2 is mainly associated with curves having a slight data trend while
Parameter 3 is associated with a curve having an abrupt trend in data values. By increasing the data
value in parameters 2 and 3, the trend evaluation function is rendered less sensitive. The default
parameters correspond approximately to 20% for a slight trend and 50% for an abrupt trend.
- Parameter 4 is the warning threshold reduction factor used when a trend is detected. For example,
if the analysis algorithm detects a new trend in the concentration of hydrogen then the warning
threshold of the gases will be lowered. Thus, if Parameter 4 is set at 0.75 then the warning threshold,
IEEE C57-104 level 2, of hydrogen will go from 100 to 75 ppm.
- Parameter 5 indicates the minimum concentration of gas before a trend analysis is carried out. The
minimum concentration is calculated from the level 2 of IEEE C57-104. For example, if Parameter 5
is set at 0.3 and the hydrogen concentration is 25 ppm, then no trend analysis is carried out because
25 ppm is less than 0.3 X 100 ppm (level 2 of hydrogen) = 30 ppm.
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5.4. Analysis type 1, type 2 and type 3 Tabs

Users Guide
The Analysis type 1, Analysis type 2 and Analysis type 3 tabs (Type 1 is shown above) are used
to associate different types of equipment with one of the three different types of analyses available
Analysis type 1 - Transformer; Analysis type 2 - Large volume Oil Circuit breaker (OCB); Analysis type
3 Load Tap changer
The user must choose an analysis type from one of the three categories above for the equipment on
which they wish to perform a diagnosis. Thus, as an example, because of its similarities to a
transformer, a rectifier transformer would be analysed according to the criteria of a transformer. The
various equipment types considered in PERCEPTION are shown in the left hand window.
To select the type of analysis that will be applied to a particular type of equipment, highlight the
equipment type in the left hand window pick list and then click the right facing arrow. The selected
equipment type is then moved to the right hand list.
To remove an item of equipment from the right hand list of associated equipment, highlight the
equipment to be removed in the right hand list and click the left facing arrow. The selected equipment
is then moved back to the left hand list.
To apply a new setting, click the Apply button.
Note: the equipment type for any particular item of equipment that is about to be diagnosed using
PERCEPTION is entered into the database through the Equipment manager screen (see Section
4.1.3 Equipment, Tab 1).
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5.5. Automatic analysis Tab

Users Guide
The Automatic analysis tab shown above allows the user to configure the spread of data relating to
an analysis. The fields under this tab have the following functionality.
Number of months in analysis period, starting from date selected: This field enables the user to
set the extent of the period to be covered by the fault or condition diagnosis. Through the entry made
in this field the user informs the diagnostic algorithm of the period from which laboratory data (i.e. data
on the dissolved gasses, physical properties, inhibitor and electrical tests etc.) is to be selected for
analysis. The user is thus able to identify specific laboratory data to be used in a diagnosis and
thereby the types of analyses that are to be made. The analysis report will indicate the period covered
by the laboratory data.
Entering a 0 for the Number of months in the analysis period will result in the analysis being
based on laboratory data from all available test dates.
Analysis period starts at date of test selected in test list: Selecting this box will cause the
diagnostic algorithm to use data from the database starting at a selected record in the equipment
tests list.
Analysis period starts at todays date: The diagnosis algorithm will only use test data stored in the
database on the current day.
Take transformer age into consideration: As a transformer ages, the dissolved gas concentrations
in transformers operating normally increases. Consequently, the C57-104 norm will be adjusted if this
option is selected.
Take oil volume into consideration: Hot spot faults generate gas concentrations that are inversely
proportional to the main oil tank volume. If this option is selected, the oil tank volume will be factored
into the analysis and the fault severity adjusted accordingly in the diagnostic report.
Example: The example shown in the screen shot above is based on the user carrying out annual
sampling for dissolved gases in the oil and sampling every two years for the oils physical properties,
although in the current year no samples for physical properties have been taken. The analysis
algorithm is set to perform an analysis based on a reference sample in the test list that was taken in
the current year but other laboratory data going back a further 12 months is also to be taken into
account in the analysis. The transformer age will not be taken into consideration nor will the oil tank
volume be considered. In these circumstances the analysis algorithm will carry out an evaluation on
dissolved gases only, while indicating in the analysis report that there was no physical properties data
available for analysis.
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5.6. Norms Tabs (R-Temp norm, Mineral oil norms, Silicone norm, PCB norm,
Wecosol norm)

All the norms tabs have a similar format and function to that shown for the Mineral oil norms tab
shown above.
The headings appearing under the Mineral oil norms tab allow the user to select the norms to be
used as evaluation criteria by the diagnostic engine for different types of equipment different norms
can be associated with different equipment types. The values of each norm can also be varied
according to the users operational conditions.
Oil quality: Under this heading there are three fields representing three norms groups: Transformer,
Breaker and Tap changer. These fields allow the user to select the norms that they wish to use as
the evaluation criteria for the physical properties of the oil in the diagnosis algorithm. Click on the
data selection buttonat the right hand side of each of the Transformer, Breaker and Tap
Changer windows. This action displays the screens which show the range of Norms possibilities
highlight the required Norm and click the Select button to apply this for the test data file.
Dissolved gases: The field underneath this heading allows the user to select the norms that will be
used as the evaluation criteria of the dissolved gases in the diagnosis algorithm. The selection
process is as above for Oil quality.
Furans: The field underneath this heading allows the user to select the norms that will be used as the
evaluation criteria of the furan in the diagnosis algorithm. The selection process is as above for Oil
To enter a new set of norms see Section 4.1.6, Main Window/Window, Norms

5.7. Customer file Tab

The Customer file tab shown below allows the user to define a new PERCEPTION customer
database or to associate an existing customer database maintained by another application with the
PERCEPTION database. This information is used for creating reports from PERCEPTION.
Select Use a Perception type database in the screen below if PERCEPTION is to create a new
customer database and there is no requirement to supply the data from an existing database.
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In the event that the user already has a customer database maintained by another application such as
an accounting package the records within the external database can be used to update the customer
records in PERCEPTION. This will eliminate the need for manual updating of the Customer data in
To copy records from a non-PERCECPTION external database to PERCEPTION, the user must
provide the necessary information for the database update operation. Check the box Use an
external database and the screen below is displayed. The operation is divided into three steps.
1.Provide a file location of the external database using the File name and path window.
2.Indicate the type of database using the Database type window. At this stage the
PERCEPTION software will try to identify the database.
3.Link each field listed in the form below to the corresponding one in the external database
using the drop down arrows.
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5.8. Print Tab

Users Guide
The Print tab enables the user to browse their PC system, call up the logo from their system that they
wish to use on reports produced by PERCEPTION, and then place the logo in the desired position on
the first page of a report. Similarly, it can be used to locate the report title on the front page of a
report. Clicking on the Print tab with PERCEPTION configured in the condition it is normally
delivered to a user by Kelman produces the settings shown in the screen below.
The significance of the various settings on this screen is as follows:
Date: the drop down box enables the user to select the position of the report date from the top of the
paper (measured in mms).
Title: the drop down box enables the user to select the position of the report title from the top of the
paper (measured in mms).
Settings at right hand side of screen (in order from top to bottom):
Dimension 1 i.e. distance from the top of the paper to the top of the Report text (measured in mms).
Dimension 2 - i.e. distance from the top of the paper to the top of the users selected logo (measured
in mms).
Dimension 3 - i.e. height of the users selected logo (measured in mms).
Dimension 4 - i.e. distance from the left hand edge of the paper to the left hand edge of the users
selected logo (measured in mms).
Dimension 5 - i.e. width of the users selected logo (measured in mms).
When the desired settings have been applied within this tab, click Apply to save the settings and OK
to close the page.
An example of a report page printed with the settings above is shown below. The selected logo can
be seen in the top left corner.
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5.9. User label - Not used
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Data Screens

The Data screens appear as floating child screens superimposed on PERCEPTIONs Main Window
(see Section 2.2.2). To display any given screen, it is first necessary to select the related test record
in the Test Records Screen (identified by the codes below). Then click on the Data screen button
found at the top of the main screen (see below and Section Icons and Buttons, Icon #13).
This button can be toggled to open and close the data screen. If the data screen has been opened
and then minimized it will be found at the bottom of the display screen. These actions produce the
selected data screen.
The Data screens that are available and the related test Type codes are as follows:
Data Screen
Dissolved Gases
TTR (Transformer Turn Ratio)
Visual Inspection
Winding, Capacitance and Power Factor
Insulation Resistance (Winding)
Winding Resistance (Contact)
Fluid Tests
Dissolved Water
Type Code

6.1. Bushing Test (BUSH)

For the Capacitance and Power Factor tests on the Bushing, there are 3 separate Data screens. The
first screen that appears when selected using the process described in Section 6.0 above is the
Bushing Cap and PF screen shown immediately below this paragraph. This screen records the
results of the Bushing Capacitance and Power Factor test. Access to the two other screens is
obtained by:
1.clicking on the Bushing, Serial No. button at the bottom right of the Bushing Cap and PF
screen. This produces the Bushing, Serial No. Reference Data screen (see the second screen
below). Clicking on the Data button at the bottom right of this screen returns the display to the
Bushing Cap and PF screen.
2.clicking on the Reference values button at the bottom right of the Bushing Cap and PF
screen produces the third screen the Power Factor and Capacitance Reference Values screen (see
the third screen below). Clicking on the Data button at the bottom right of this screen returns the
display to the Bushing Cap and PF screen.
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6.1.1.Results Screen for Bushing Capacitance and Power Factor Tests (Bushing Cap
and PF)
The various fields of the Bushing Cap and PF screen (above) are as follows:
- 1, 2 and 3 at the head of the three main columns refer to the three phases of the subject equipment.
- Mult.(H), Mult.(HN), Mult.(X), Mult.(XN), Mult.(T) and Mult.(TN) these are Power Factor
Temperature Correction Factors with H = Primary winding, X = Secondary winding, T = Tertiary
winding and N = Neutral. Refer to the manufacturer to obtain these values.
There then follows three blocks of 4 rows, one block of 4 rows for each winding. The fields relating to
each row have the following meaning:
- %PF - measured Power Factor, winding to bushing
- C1 (pF) the Capacitance between the winding and bushing (in pico Farads)
- % PF measured Power Factor, neutral to ground
- C2 (pF) the Capacitance between the neutral and ground (in pico Farads)
- kV (Ph) the Test Voltage for the test on the bushing
- kV (N) the Test Voltage for the test on the neutral (Note: no neutral data field is available in the
example screen shown, which indicates that the example transformer does not have a separate
- Bushing Temp (C) - this is the measured temperature for correction of the Power Factor
measurement to 20 deg C.
The equipment diagnosis is done on the capacitance and the power factor (or the dissipation factor,
which is the same thing for all practical purpose). Reference values (see below) are used for
comparison purposes. The measured power factor must be less than the reference value, while the
measured capacitances must be within +/- 5% of the reference values.
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6.1.2.Bushing Serial Number Screen

Users Guide

The various fields of the Bushing Serial No. screen (above) are as follows:
(Note: The reference data for this screen is taken from the manufacturers name plate on the
equipment. This data should be supplied for each of the windings present in the equipment).
Bushing Serial No.: Enter the bushing serial numbers in these fields for the three phases for each of
the windings of the subject equipment.
Type: Use the Manufacturers designation of the type of bushing.
Power Factor and Capacitance Reference Values Screen
The Power Factor and Capacitance Reference Values screen (above) is used to enter the equipment
nameplate data derived from the Power Factor and Capacitance tests done by the manufacturer on
each winding. These values are used by the diagnosis algorithm. The various rows have the same
meaning as described in relation to the Bushing Cap and PF test results screen at the beginning of
this subsection.
This data should be supplied for each of the windings present in the equipment.

6.2. Dissolved Gases (DG)

The Dissolved gas concentrations (ppm) screen (below) records in the nine fields at the left and
centre of the screen the results of the laboratory analysis of the concentrations (in ppm) of the various
dissolved gases in the equipment insulating oil.
It is conceivable that a laboratorys gas measurement equipment may not be sufficiently sensitive to
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the presence of a particular dissolved gas. Where the laboratory results show this to be the case the
box to the left of the < symbol is checked. This indicates that the checked measurement is possibly
not correct and that a more sensitive measurement instrument may record a lower result.
When a gas transducer is used it should be selected in the equipment options (see Section 4.1.3,
Tab1), and the reading from the gas transducer is entered in the Measured box of the Gas analyzer;
concentration (ppm) field at the centre right of the screen.
TDGC = Total dissolved combustible gas content (ppm) as measured at the laboratory.
Gas content % = the total dissolved gas content in the insulating oil by volume.
The user can compare the value measured by the transducer at the time of sampling with the
laboratory calculated (i.e. analysed) values. Both values should be similar. This process gives the
user the opportunity to check that the gas analyser reading makes sense.
Note: the transducer reading is a composite or aggregate result, reflecting the instruments overall
response to all the constituent gases that are dissolved in the insulating oil. This overall result is
weighted according to the sensitivity of the transducer to the measurement of the various component
gases and these sensitivities are supplied by the manufacturer and are entered by the user as
transducer sensitivities in the Manage gas analyzers screen (see Section 4.1.1). The analyzer will
also have reading accuracy limits as well and this data is also entered on the Manage gas analyzers
screen. The Calculated and the + Calculated fields represent the lower and upper bounds
respectively for the gas analyzer reading based on the sensitivities of the gas analyzer and its known
reading accuracies.
Entries that equal zero are ignored by the diagnostic algorithm.

6.3. Transformer Turn Ratio (TTR)

The Transformer Turns Ratio data is entered on the Turns ratio test (TTR) screen (see below)
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Each row of the table corresponds to a tap. The first column is the Tap Number (Tap Num).
Then follows three groups of three columns. The first group of three columns display the results for
Phase 1, the second group display the results for Phase 2, and the third group display the results for
Phase 3. The next column (Ratio Cal.) displays the calculated turns ratio from the equipment
information. The final column (Sel.) indicates there are taps on both windings and the reference tap
for the test is selected. The group of three columns for each phase display the following results: the
Measured Ratio, the Measured Exciting Current and the Calculated Error between the measured
and the calculated ratios.
A reference tap is used for cases where there are taps on both windings for which the turns ratio is
being measured (whether these are the primary, the secondary or the tertiary). In order to properly
calculate the ratio, a fixed reference tap must be selected as the winding set tap.
100 / Ratio (% Ratio): Check this option if the calculations are to be done according to the percent
ratio of the secondary/primary, such as the measured ratio obtained using the XBR-2 test equipment
supplied by ETI.
Other options are available using the check boxes along the bottom of the form depending on the
number of windings and the number of taps available on each winding.
Prim/Sec (P): Select this option to display the form showing the results of measurements of the
primary/secondary turns ratio when the taps are located on the primary.
Prim/Sec (S): Select this option to display the form showing the results of measurements of the
primary/secondary turns ratio when the taps are located on the secondary.
Prim/Tert. (P): Select this option to display the form showing the results of measurements of the
primary/tertiary turns ratio when the taps are located on the primary.
Prim/Tert. (T): Select this option to display the form showing the results of measurements of the
primary/tertiary turns ratio when the taps are located on the tertiary.
The measured ratios must be equal to +/- 5% of the calculated ratio and to +/- 0.25% over the past
results. Entries that are equal to zero are ignored by the diagnostic algorithm.

6.4. Visual Inspection (Visl)

This form is actually in two parts that can be toggled between by using the arrow button at the right of
the form. This form is used for entering the visual inspection information obtained during the survey
of the subject equipment. Drop down boxes are available to assist the PERCEPTION user to enter
their observations about the equipment. The diagnostic performed is limited to track changes from
one inspection to the other and could be consider as a trend analysis.
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6.4.1.Visual Inspection

Users Guide
6.5. Winding, Capacitance and Power Factor (WCD)
The test data for the Capacitance and Power Factor tests on the equipment windings is entered on
the Winding Cap. and PF form. There are two test data forms available to enter this data, the
different forms being designed to accommodate results produced from the two main testing methods
for determining the power factor of equipment windings.
The first form is for entering test results obtained using the CB-100 or the TCB-100 test equipment,
which are low voltage versions of the tan delta test.
The second form is for the MH series test equipment from companies such as the DOBLE company
which manufacture high voltage power factor test equipment.
For both types of screen, the test connections symbols have the following meaning:
CHG Capacitance, High Voltage Winding to Ground
CHL Capacitance, High Voltage Winding to Low Voltage Winding
CLG Capacitance, Low Voltage Winding to Ground
CLT Capacitance, Low Voltage Winding to Tertiary Winding
CTG Capacitance, Tertiary Winding to Ground
CHT Capacitance, High Voltage Winding to Tertiary Winding
At the bottom of each screen a number of validation rules are found. These are used to ensure that
the measured capacitance values are valid. Users that wish to learn more about this subject should
refer to their test equipment manual.
The diagnostic engine only uses the power factor (PF) data or the dissipation factor (Dissip. factor),
which for all practical purposes amounts to the same thing.
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6.5.1.Test Results Screen for CB-100 or the TCB-100 test equipment

Users Guide

In this screen the numerical values for the Capacitance (Cap.) are entered in scientific notation in
Farads. The Dissipation Factors (Dissip.factor (%)).are entered as Measured values and
PERCEPTION calculates the corrected values of Dissipation Factor (Corr.20C) corrected to 20 deg
Test Results Screen for the MH series test equipment from companies such as the DOBLE
Note: this screen is shown here as two separate forms; they are in fact different views of the same
screen obtained by using the scroll bar to the right of the screen.
The various columns of this screen are as follows: Test Voltage (Test KV) is entered in kilovolts. The
current Reading (in Milliamperes) is taken from the test instrument, the current reading multiplier
(Multi.) is from the test instrument, the Watts Reading is taken from the test instrument and the test
instrument Watts multiplier Multi. is taken from the test instrument. At the right of the screen are
displayed the Power Factor PF in (%) values as calculated by PERCEPTION based on the measured
Current, Voltage and Power, and the corrected Power Factor (Corr.20C) - corrected to 20 deg.
Celsius (as indicated by the temperature shown on the screen).
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6.6. Winding Insulation Resistance (IRes)
Transformer test results on the insulation resistance are performed to ensure that there are no
excessive leakage paths between the windings and ground or between windings. The tests are done
using a Megohmmeter. Various resistance tests should be performed and these are indicated at the
left of the Insulation resistance data screen. In the figure below, the various windings resistance
tests are shown as:
Hi to LO + GND = High Voltage winding to Low Voltage winding and Ground
LO to Hi + GND = Low Voltage winding to High Voltage winding and Ground
Hi + LO to GND = High Voltage winding and Low Voltage winding to Ground
Core to GND = Core to Ground
The test voltage (Test KV) is entered as the first column of test data. The readings from the
Megohmmeter are entered in the Megohm column. The multipliers to be applied to readings from the
test instrument are shown on the test equipment and are entered in the Mult. column; otherwise the
user should enter 1 for the Multiplier value.
With the test data entered, PERCEPTION then calculates the actual Resistance values and these
appear in the Measured column. PERCEPTION finally calculates the corrected Resistance values corrected to 20 deg. Celsius (as indicated by the temperature shown on the screen).
The diagnostic engine uses the corrected values for its diagnosis. The values must be higher than
about 33 times the winding line to line voltage.

6.7. Contact / Winding Resistance (WRes)

Winding resistance tests are performed phase to phase with the winding tap changer (if present) set
in various known positions and comparisons are made to determine if the readings are comparable to
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one another and with previous test results. The temperature of the winding at the time of the test is
also recorded and the recorded resistance values are then corrected to 75 deg Celsius.
The data screen Resistance, winding/contact (see below) in PERCEPTION can be used to enter
test data for either the Primary (H), Secondary (X) or Tertiary (T) windings. The user should check
the appropriate box at the bottom of the form to reach the data screen corresponding to the winding
for which test data is to be entered. The Resistance, winding/contact form below shows the
winding resistance screen for a Primary winding series of tests.
Each row of the table corresponds to a tap position for that winding. The first column of the screen
(Num) is the tap number. Then follows the first group of columns which is for Phase 1, followed by
the second group of columns which is for Phase 2, and then the third group of columns which is for
Phase 3. Within each group of columns for each phase the data fields are as follows:
the measured phase to phase resistance e.g. Phase1 H1- H2; the Winding Temperature when the
resistance measurements were performed e.g. Phase1 Temp (C); and the corrected resistance for
75 degree Celsius e.g. Phase1 Corr. 75C.
Diagnosis is performed on the temperature corrected values. The resistance values should be within
+/- 2% of the previous comparable data and within +/- 1% of the resistances for the other windings.

6.8. Fluid QualityTests (PHY)

The Fluid Tests data screen (see below) has a total of 17 fields where various fluid properties are
entered determined according to the referenced standard (most of which are ASTM standards).
These are as follows:
Dielec. D1816 (1mm)(kV) Dielectric, units are kV
Dielec. D1816 (2mm)(kV) Dielectric, units are kV
Dielec. D877(kV) Dielectric, units are kV
Dielec. IEC-156(kV) - Dielectric, units are kV
Acidity (D974) Acidity, units are mg KOH/g
Color (D1500) Colour, Scale according to ASTM Standard
IFT (D971) Interfacial Tension, units are dynes/cm
Visual ((D1524) Visual Examination word description
Density (D1298) Specific Density, no units
PF 25C (D924) Power Factor at 25C, expressed in %
PF 100C (D924) Power Factor at 100C, expressed in %
Sludge (D2112) Oxidation Stability, units are minutes
Aniline point (D611) Aniline Point, units are C
Corr.Sulfur (D1275) Corrosive Sulphur, corrosive or not corrosive
Viscosity (D86) Viscosity, units are centistokes
Flash point (D92) - Flash Point, units are C
Pour point (D97) Pour point, units are C
For the Dielectric tests, the > check box should be checked if the Dielectric Strength could be greater
than the upper sensitivity limit of the test equipment.
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6.9. Dissolved Water (H2O)

The Dissolved water (ppm) screen below enables the user to enter into PERCETION the amount of
water that is measured in the insulating oil in ppm (volume basis). The user should check the < box if
the amount of dissolved water is less than the bottom of the sensitivity range of the measuring
equipment. Any remarks relating to this measure can be entered in the Remark box.
Also shown on this form to the right of the Dissolved water window is the calculated %age by weight
of the dissolved water in the oil at 25 C.


The PCB concentration (ppm) screen (below) enables the user to enter into PERCEPTION the
concentrations in ppm (volume basis) of the various types of PCBs that are measured in the insulating
oil. The form allows for 3 different types of PCB to be measured and the total PCB concentration to
be entered at the PCB - Total box.
As for the other data forms, the < box should be checked if the concentration of a particular PCB is
below the measuring sensitivity level of the test equipment.
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Furans (FUR)

The Furan concentration (ppb) screen (below) enables the user to enter into PERCEPTION the
concentrations in ppb (volume basis) of the various types of Furans that are measured in the
insulating oil. The form allows for 5 different types of Furan to be measured.
As for the other data forms, the < box should be checked if the concentration of a particular Furan is
below the measuring sensitivity level of the test equipment.

Degree of Polymerisation (DP)

The degree of polymerisation (DP) screen (below) enables the user to enter into PERCEPTION the
paper degradation. The form allows for three different location to be measured on each phases.
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7. Miscellaneous
7.1. Note on the Utilisation of PERCEPTION Databases
The user is reminded that it is essential to keep a backup copy of their databases. In this way, the
user will be able to resort to their last copy of any given database if a database is altered, lost or
rendered unusable. This precaution is advised because statistics show that at one time or another a
user is likely to have some sort of mishap and lose or irretrievably alter one or more of their
PERCEPTION databases.

7.2. The files used by PERCEPTION

The datafiles used or generated by PERCEPTION use an MSACCESS database format. These
files are used in the following circumstances:
- Storing information on the oil insulated equipment, including the laboratory data and analysis
results. This file takes the name by default PERCEPTION.SEI. It is possible to assign any other
name but keeping the extension .SEI.
- Export information from a sample to the laboratory.This file holds the name
XXXXXXXX.YYY. The letters XXXXXXXX represent the unique name/identifier of the
users company. The database type determines the extension YYY. Verify this extension with
the analysis laboratory when required.
- Import data from the laboratory to the equipment data. This file holds the name of
XXXXXXXX.YYY. The database type determines the extension YYY. Verify this with the
laboratory when needed.
The database files are saved in the directory DATA within the application directory where
Export and Import files are saved in the directory HERMES_Exportation and
HERMES_Importation within the application directory where PERCEPTION resides. A
HERMES file is, in essence, a database container used to transport data between the user and a
laboratory and vice-versa.
Config files store information regarding where a database is stored. They also contain, amongst
other things, settings for the diagnostic engine used by PERCEPTION.

7.2.1.File Conversion
Files used in PERCEPTION are able to be converted from a previous PERCEPTION version to the
current version that the user has installed on their computer. File conversion does not lead to a loss
of information.
PERCEPTION cannot open a datafile, either the configuration or database file, where the version of
the datafile is lower than the version of PERCEPTION which the user has installed on their computer
system. To open an outdated file, the user must first upgrade (convert) the file to the same version of
PERCEPTION as that deployed on the users PC system. Typically, this problem arises when the
version of PERCEPTION used to create the datafile has become outdated.
Before proceeding to convert a file, it is necessary for the user first to check that all other users of
PERCEPTION on the system have the same version of PERCEPTION as the user, otherwise a file
conversion will prevent others from opening the datafile.
The file conversion utility is automatically launched when PERCEPTION detects that a file update is
necessary; it is not normally necessary for the user to launch the conversion utility manually.
By using the Windows Explorer facility of the users computer and following the file path: Program
Files\Kelman Ltd\Perception\Conversion_File, the file titled ConvertPerception Convert file for
Perception can be located. Clicking on this file name leads to the About ConvertFile screen
appearing (see screen below).
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The above screen enables the user to convert PERCEPTION database files, Config (Configuration)
files or Hermes files from one version to a later version of the software by clicking on the relevant
button of the screen. The conversion process then follows the path described previously for the final
screen of Section of this guide.

7.3. Transferring Data

For a user wishing either to exchange all or part of a database with another person or create a new
database, after selecting the database from which data is to be exported go to the Main Window and
use the command File/Transfer data/Export. The Data transfer, (Export) form shown below then
appears. Use of this screen creates a new database that can be used directly by PERCEPTION.
a) the screen can be used to create a new database that can be used directly by PERCEPTION. This
new database will contain all the data and information stored in the original database about the
equipment which a user wishes to share or to export to a new database.
b) the screen can be used to export the text of the predefined diagnostics and recommendations that
are included in PERCEPTION so that this text can be edited according to the language and
terminology that is familiar to a particular customer.
a) Creating a new Database
The Equipment available window on the left of the screen contains a list of all the sites and
equipment that are featured in the selected database. The recommended way of transferring
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/exporting equipment data/information to a new file is to check the List equipment by Site box at the
top left of the screen. By doing this only the names of sites where equipment is located are shown in
the left hand window. The user can then pick the sites containing the equipment about which
information is to be shared or transferred (including sample and laboratory analysis information). This
is done by first highlighting in the left hand window the sites that contain the equipment about which
information is to be transferred and then selecting the right pointing arrow button (which will have
now become active). This moves all the equipment at the selected sites into the right-hand
Equipment to transfer window see figure below where the Mill site was selected and all the Mill
site equipment appears in the right hand window.
Using the site selection process is not only labour saving but more importantly, by following this
procedure the data/information about the equipment is transferred in a manner that preserves the
equipment within its equipment tree in other words, the upstream feeder information relating to the
equipment is preserved in the transfer process.
If there is any equipment that is transferred to the right hand window which the user does not wish to
include in the transfer process, this equipment can be deselected at this stage. To deselect an item
of equipment from the transfer list, highlight the equipment to be deselected in the right hand
Equipment to transfer window and press the left pointing arrow button (which will have now become
The user can also select individual items of equipment about which data/information is to be
transferred. This is done by leaving unchecked the List equipment by Site box at the top left of the
screen. The user can then pick the individual equipment items about which information is to be
transferred, including sample and laboratory analysis information. This is done by first highlighting the
equipment and then selecting the right pointing arrow button (which will have now become active).
This moves the equipment to be transferred into the right-hand Equipment to transfer window.
Note, however, by selecting individual items of equipment with the List equipment by Site box at the
top left of the screen left unchecked, all the upstream feeder information for the equipment will be lost.
Repeat the above procedures as often as is necessary until the required equipment transfer list is
established in the Equipment to transfer window.
There are two other options available to the user within the export process.
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i) The user can also transfer data relating to the customer. This is done by checking the box Include
ii) The other option is to transfer the database in a file that is not compatible with PERCEPTION e.g.
an Excel spreadsheet. To do this check the box In another file type incompatible with Perception.
This causes a drop down list of file types to appear in a new window that is found towards the bottom
right of the Data transfer, (Export) screen see figure below. The transfer database will be created
in the format selected from this drop down list. In the figure below the format of this file is that of an
EXCEL 3.0 spreadsheet.
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Once all the transfer selections have been completed (as described above), press the Transfer
button to execute the Transfer command. At this point providing the Include all box has been left in
the default position (i.e. it remains checked) and a PERCEPTION (.sei) file is required, the following
screen will appear.
At this point it is necessary to provide a new file name for the transfer file according to normal MS
Windows practice. The new file will be created in the Datafile directory of PERCEPTION. If required,
this database can be opened from PERCEPTION.
b) Exporting the predefined diagnostics and recommendations text
The user can transfer just the predefined recommendations and diagnostics text used in
PERCEPTION by checking the Recommendations and diagnostics box. Exporting the predefined
text facilitates the editing of this text so that it can be rendered more acceptable and/or readily
understood by a given customer through the use of language and terminology that the customer is
familiar with. There is no need to enter any equipment in the List equipment by Site window, since
the process outlined in a) above is ignored when the Recommendations and diagnostics box is
checked. The pre-defined recommendation and diagnostic text contained in PERCEPTION is
exported as a csv file which is easily edited. The csv file is exported into the Report directory of
PERCEPTION where it can be accessed for editing.
For importing data from another source into a PERCEPTION database, go to the Main Window and
use the command File/Transfer data/Import. The Data transfer, (Import) screen shown below then
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Superimposed on this screen is the Perception, Include Recommendation and Diagnostic screen
below. This screen is active and the user is first required to answer Yes or No to the question posed
i.e. are the Recommendations and Diagnostics for a particular item of equipment to be imported? As
for the Export routine, this question leads to two main options in the use of the Import routine.
a) Importing Equipment Data
If equipment data is to be imported into the current active datafile from another PERCEPTION file, the
No button must be pressed on the Perception, Include Recommendation and Diagnostic screen
must be pressed, PERCEPTION then displays the Select the file from which the information will
be extracted screen shown below.
This screen is in fact the browser screen for the users PERCEPTIONs Data folder. The user is now
required to select the file on their system from which data is to be imported by first highlighting the
appropriate file and then pressing the Open button. This produces the Data transfer, (Import) screen
shown below from which the equipment to be imported is selected.
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The process of equipment selection for the transfer process is identical to that described previously
for the Export routine (see Section 7.4.1 for details). If data/information on an equipment item(s) is to
be imported along with the equipment upstream feeder information, then the List equipment by Site
box should be checked. This will enable the equipment data/information to be imported along with
any related upstream feeder information. If, however, only equipment data/information is to be
imported without the upstream feeder information, then leave the List equipment by Site box
unchecked and select by individual equipment items this situation can arise if equipment
data/information from two different datafiles is being brought together in a merge process to create a
new, combined equipment datafile.
When the equipment selection is completed (at which stage the right hand window will have been
populated with the equipment data to be transferred),
pressing the Transfer button executes the transfer process. If the transfer is successful the Transfer
data screen (see below) appears:
This screen is followed by two check screens, one checking for any Circular Reference and the other
checking for any Orphan Equipment the OK button on both these screens must be pressed to
complete the information transfer process. (A Circular Reference is one that refers to itself as the
upstream equipment item in the equipment tree. An Orphan Equipment item is one that has no
upstream equipment reference in the equipment tree). If the user fails to make an equipment
selection but presses the Transfer button, the following error message appears. This screen reminds
the user to first select the equipment datafile that they wish to import into their current active
PERCEPTION database.
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b) Importing Predefined Diagnostics and Recommendations Text

If predefined diagnostics and recommendations text is to be imported into the current active datafile
from a (.csv) text file, the Yes button on the Perception, Include Recommendation and Diagnostic
screen (see below) must be pressed.
This produces the Data transfer, (Import) screen below.
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All that is now required is that the user press the Transfer button there is no need to first select any
equipment as PERCEPTION simply goes to the users PERCEPTION Report folder and transfers the
Recommandation.csv file and the Diagnostic.csv file that the user has stored in this folder. These
two files are where the user must store the Recommendations and Diagnostic text that they wish to
import into their current active PERCEPTION database.If PERCEPTION cannot find the
Recommandation.csv file in the Report folder the following error message is produced.
Similarly, if PERCEPTION cannot find the Diagnostic.csv file in the Report folder the following error
message is produced.
To correct these two errors the user must ensure the correct naming and locating of the
Recommandation.csv and Diagnostic.csv files.
7.3.3.Import Data from a Transfix using TransConnect
For importing transformer test data from a Kelman Transfix, it is first necessary to establish a means
for data transfer (i.e. an electronic connection) between the computer which hosts the PERCEPTION
diagnostic software and the Transfix which has been used to perform the measurements on the
subject equipment. (Note: various types of connection are possible as is show on the WizardSheet /
Connection Type screen that appears later in this Section). Then within PERCEPTION select the
equipment data file that the measurements are to be downloaded to, or create a new database to
which the measurements are to be downloaded using the File/Create a new database command.
Next, use the command File/ Transfer data/Load TransConnect command and providing the user
has installed on their computer MS.NET software, the TransConnect / Select a connection: screen
below will appear showing all the possible connections. If the user does not have the Microsoft .NET
framework installed on their computer the Select a connection: screen below will not open. In such
a situation the user will need to go to Internet Explorer/Tools/Windows Update and download and
install the MS.NET software on their system.
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If an existing connection to a Transfix is to be used and the connection details have been saved in the
TransConnect software of the measuring Transfix, the connection details should appear in the above
screen. If the connection details do not appear press the Refresh button to search for the connection
details. Once the connection details appear in the Select a connection: screen, the user can then
proceed to re-establish the connection by first highlighting the connection details and then clicking on
the Connect button at the bottom right of the above screen (which will have become active when the
connection details were highlighted) - this will lead the user automatically via several intermediate
screens to the TransConnect screen below.
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Making a New Connection: if no connection details have been saved in TransConnect, a new
connection must be established. To do this click on the New Connection button at the bottom centre
of the initial Select a connection: screen (see above). This will cause TransConnect to generate the
New Connection Wizard / WizardSheet screen below.
Press the Next button at the bottom of the above screen to continue to set up the new connection.
This causes the WizardSheet / Connection Type screen to appear (see below).
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Select the desired Connection Type Serial, Modem or Network (LAN or Internet. Then establish
the connection by clicking on the Next button in the Connection Wizard. This will lead to a sequence
of screens that the user must complete correctly, moving from one screen to the next by clicking on
the Next button as each screen is completed.
Once the connection to the measurement Transfix has been set up, the TransConnect screen will
appear (see below).
Downloading Measurements: click on the Download Measurements button found towards the
bottom right of the TransConnect screen and the download progress scroll bar appears at the bottom
of the screen showing the progress of the measurements download (see screen below). The data
transfer process can be cancelled at any stage during the download by clicking on the cancel button
found at the right of the scroll bar.
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Once the download is complete, the Transfix measurements appear in the Main Window of
PERCEPTION see screen below which shows three oil insulating tanks for the transformer called
Lisburn C0001. It will be noted that each instance of data download from one of the oil tanks of the
Lisburn C0001 transformer has added a new item to the Equipment Tree of PERCEPTION.
Exit from the TransConnect and the Select a connection: screens by pressing the exit buttons at
the bottom right of both screens. This will bring the user to the Main Window of PERCEPTION where
the downloaded results from the Transfix can be viewed (see screen below).
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Users Guide

7.3.4.Import Data from a TFD File(s) (TFD = TRANSFIX Datafile)

It is possible to import data from a TFD file (TFD = TRANSFIX Datafile) into a PERCEPTION
equipment datafile.
To initiate this process, it is first necessary to ensure that the desired TFD file is stored on the users
system at C:\ProgramFiles\Kelman Ltd\Perception\Data\<TFD file name>.
Next, use the command File/ Transfer data/Import data from TFD( ). This produces the Logged
data file name browser screen shown below.
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Select the TFD file that is to be imported and click the Open button at the bottom right of the screen to
perform the importation of the Transfix data. The data importation confirmation screen shown below
will then appear and the user must then confirm that they wish to import the data into the indicated
PERCEPTION equipment datafile by clicking the Yes button.
Clicking the Yes button will initiate the importation process.
A problem can arise in the importing of TFD files if there is not a match between the Site name of the
selected TFD file and the Transformer Serial No. of the PERCEPTION datafile, When a mismatch of
these data entries occurs the following error screen will appear.
One method for achieving a match of the equipment IDs is to change the name entered as the Site
name in the TFD file which is to be imported into PERCEPTION. An example is shown in the screen
below for the TFD file EULESS. In this TFD file the Site name entry has been changed from the
original entry to the new name Church this new name now appears as the Site name entry in the
EULESS.tfd file screen below. By using the Site name Church, the TFD file EULESS is able to be
imported into the PERCEPTION equipment datafile where the equipment Serial No. is also stated as
To obtain the screen below for making a change to the Site name entry in the required TFD file, first
go to the Logged data file name browser screen shown 3 screens above. Then either double click
or right click on the name of the required TFD file, then click Open. The screen below appears and it
is then possible to change the Site name entry to match the Serial No. entry used in the
PERCEPTION datafile into which the Transfix data is to be imported. Closing this screen will save
the new site name.
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It is possible to permanently associate the selected TFD file with the selected PERCEPTION
equipment datafile. This association is made during the TFD file importation process. Having
followed the procedure outlined above for importing a TFD file into a PERCEPTION equipment
datafile, the following message appears if no other TFD file is associated with the selected
PERCEPTION equipment datafile.
By clicking on the Yes button on this screen a permanent association is made between the selected
PERCEPTION equipment and selected TFD file. This association is recognisable by the fact that
when the command File/ Transfer data/Import data from TFD( ) is used in association with the
particular PERCEPTION equipment datafile, the file path to the selected TFD file is shown inside the
brackets e.g. File/ Transfer data/Import data from TFD(C:\ProgramFiles\Kelman
7.3.5.Export to Excel Spreadsheet Gas, Water and Temperature Data
It is possible to export Gas, Water and Temperature data from a PERCEPTION datafile to an Excel
Spreadsheet. To perform this type of export it is first necessary to identify the equipment item from
which data is to be exported. This is done by first highlighting in the PERCEPTION Equipment Tree
the item of equipment that contains the data that is to be downloaded to an Excel spreadsheet.
Note: failure to do this or if there is no data associated with the selected item of equipment will lead to
the following error message.
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Then go to File/ Transfer data/To Excel: Gas, Water and Temp this action will initiate the export
of the data to an Excel spreadsheet which is filed at C:\ProgramFiles\Kelman Ltd\Perception\Data see screen below where the T3 Microsoft Office Excel 97-200....spreadsheet file has been created
through this process.
Perception used OLE automation to transfer data into the Excel version present on your machine
(Perception uses late binding in this case). If you do not have Excel installed on your PC, a warning
message will indicate that no transfer can take place because the Excel component is not present. In
this case to enable transfer, you must install MS Excel on your PC.

7.4. Online help

PERCEPTION includes a contextual Online help facility that allows the user to directly access a
heading in the Help Information file. To obtain help corresponding to a window currently in use, press
Note: In order to facilitate linkage to the appropriate Help heading, it is essential to activate the
window within PERCEPTION about which assistance is required. When this is done, the information
required is displayed for the users assistance.

7.5. About Kelman

Kelman was formed as a UK company in 1994 with the vision of developing a range of innovative
products capable of addressing key operational problems arising in the electricity industry and
supplying these products to customers on a world-wide basis. In pursuing this vision, a stream of
highly successful products has been developed and today Kelman products are used by power utility
companies in all the worlds key electricity markets.
Bringing Intelligent Power solutions to electricity markets around the globe.
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Kelmans products service three principal sectors

Asset Management
Transport X
Profile P2
Perception Diagnostic Software
Fault Management
Delta V
Switching Systems
Signet Design Manager
Signet Maintenance Manager

Users Guide

Kelman Inc. is a service firm dedicated to providing equipment and software for the analysis of faults,
both latent and actual, in oil filled equipment used in high voltage electrical transmission and
distribution networks.


1- Bean, R.L., Transformers for the Electric Power Industry, Westinghouse electric corporation,
McGraw-Hill 1959.
2- Kelly J.J., A Guide to Transformer Maintenance Transformer Maintenance Institute, SD Myers,
1981. S.D. Myers, Inc., is a closely held, privately owned corporation. Company operations
encompass a diverse mix of electrical maintenance, testing, training and environmental services on
electrical equipments., S.D. Myers, Inc. ,180, South avenue, Tallmadge, Ohio, U.S.A., 44278, Tel:
(800) 444-9580, Fax: (330) 633-6615.
3- Electrical Transmission and Distribution Reference Book, Westinghouse Electric corporation, 1964.
4- Morgan J.E. Transformer Fault Detection Service., Bulletin MS-25. 1973.
5- Diagnosis of Oil-immersed Electrical Equipment by Oil-Gas Analysis, Fuji Preventive Maintenance
6- Griffin P.J. Criteria for the Interpretation of Data for Dissolved Gases In Oil from Transformers (A
review) , American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1988.
7- Univolt Electrical Insulating Oils, Lubetext, DG-2C, Exxon Corporation, 1988.
8- Morgan J.E. Dissolved Fault Gas Analysis Data, A Practical Approach to Interpretation of Results,
Morgan Schaffer Corp.
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9- Griffin P.J. Testing of Electrical Insulating Oil, Doble Engineering Company, 1991.
10- de Lhorbe R.P. BAT Application Topics, Federal Pioneer.
11- Grant D.H. Furfuraldehyde-in-oil: How to Be Sure Your Transformer Has Not Been Weakened by
Heat, Doble engineering company, 1990.
12- Bulletin, analyse de l'anti oxidant, un outil indispensable, Morgan Schaffer.
13- Duval M., Dissolved Gas Analysis : It Can Save Your Transformer, Hydro-Qubec (IREQ), IEEE
Electrical Insulation Magazine, 1989-VOL.5,No.6.
14- Bulletin MS-23, Sampling methods Morgan Schaffer , Fault detection services for transformers.
15- Thibault M. Moyens physico-chimiques d'tude des dgradations d'isolation en service, Revue
gnrale de l'lectricit, Tome 81 No.1 Janvier 1972.
16- Pugh P.S. Detection of Incipient Faults in Transformers by Gas Analysis, AEEI, 1960.
17- Gas-in-Oil Analysis as An Acceptance Criterion during Transformer Factory Overload Testing,
Ontario Hydro, 260 T 507, May 1989.
18- IEEE Guide for the Interpretation of Gases Generated in Oil-Immersed Transformers,
Transformers Committee, IEEE, June 1991.
19- IEEE Guide for Acceptance and Maintenance of Insulating Oil in Equipment, IEEE, C57.1061991, May 6 1992.
20- IEEE Guide for the Reclamation of Insulating Oil and Criteria for Its Use, IEEE, STD 637-1985.
21- Griffin P.J.A Practical Guide for Evaluating the Condition of Cellulosic Insulation in
Transformers, Doble Engineering Company, 62PAIC95, 1995.
22- Griffin P.J. How to Reduce the Rate of Aging of Transformer Insulation, Doble Engineering
Company, Neta World, Spring 1995.
23- Doble Transformer Oil Purchase Specification, Doble Engineering Company, April 1988.
24- Haupert T.J. A Review of the Operating Principles and Practices of Dissolved Gas Analysis.,
Analytical Associates, Inc., Sacramento.

7.7. License Usage

Each PERCEPTION license is associated with a unique registration number that must be entered into
the software. This license is applicable to one seat.
If a user has a single user license and attempts to move their database using the procedure found
under the menu File, Transfer data command, an error message will be produced from the second
PC. The Transfer data command creates a copy of the original database but under the single license
agreement the user is not entitled to open the same file simultaneously from two PCs having the
same license registration number.
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Users Guide
7.8. Updating and how to reach us
Kelman is committed to continuous improvement of the PERCEPTION software. We therefore invite
users to send us their comments at the following email address: michel.belanger@seidel.ca, or by
calling us directly at +44 (0)28 9262 2915.
Our web site address: www.kelman.co.uk
To report a defect in the PERCEPTION software, email us and describe the details of the
circumstances which created the defect, the window in which the problem occurred, what you were
trying to do at the time the fault was encountered, and what was nature of the problem.
Kelman, 2008
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