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5 I44



aus Bedingungs- direkte Rechnung gibt

abweichend hierzu
cosa da"

1919 VI + 079
VII + 0.1
VIII - 4.3
IX + 9.3
X - 6.6
1847 1
I1 -16.6
I11 - 10.6
mit p = f1113.
Diese Darstellung ist

2I 0

durchaus befriedigend, zumal auch die Verteilung der Fehler

eine wesentlich bessere geworden ist.

8. SchluObemerkungen. Eine weitergehende Verbindung beider Ersclieinungen miithe eine vollsttlndige Neubearbeitung der Erscheinung, 1847 und eine Wiederholung
der Stiirungsrechnungen zwischen den Periheldurchgslngen mit
+ 9.2
mehrmaligem Ubergang auf oskulierende Elemente zur Grund- 191'5
lage haben. Die diesbeztigl. Rechnungen und die weitere
+I7.5 +18.6
Verfolgung des Bahncharakters beabsichtige ich durchzufiihren,
sobald anzunehmen ist, da5 amtliche erlangten Ortsbestimmungen veriiffentlicht worden sind. Die endgWgen Ergebnisse
im Hinblick darauf, daO die Be- werde ich alsdann zusammen mit dem Beobachtungsmaterial

+ 9.2
- 14.2
-- 19.6
- 7.6
+ 8.0


Rare apparitions of the Zodiacal Light.

In the evening of the 26th of December, 1921, when the Zodiacal Light in the evening of the 3 0 ' ~ . Here I knew
that the apparitions-seen at Okagama were of some cosmical
I was staying at Okayama,
nature, not limitted by localities and others. Yesterday, I
Longitude = I 33" 56' E of Gr., Latitude = 34' 40' N,
a letter from Mr. Misawtr, writing very fully the
I saw a splendid apparition of the Zodiacal Light standing
made by himself and some other ones with him
on the western horizon. The width was rather narrow, being
scarcely over twenty degrees even in its foot. The length, there. According to the letter, the Suwa observers saw the
however, was enormous, and it could be traced easily up rare phenomenon in four evenings in the latter part of Deto the constellation of Aries. The entire form was rightly cember, that is on the 2sth, 2 7 & , 3oth, and the 31~'. And
straight, and that along the ecliptic. The luminosity was his words- and the accompanying sketches show that the
condensing toward its central line, and the brightest part form of the luminosity was much elongated in the early
of it was estimated to be as bright as the brightest part of part of the epoch, stretching more than one hundred degrees
the Milky Way, o r more. As the weather was very clear of arc. The brightness was also enormous, and one of the
and the Milky Way was in full view, more or less parallel observers who had a keen sight could see the light safely
to the above Zodiacal Light, the night view of the heaven under a street lamp. Gradually, however, the form of the
Zodiacal Light shortened toward the end of the month, and
was very beautiful.
The next day was clouded. In the morning of the so was the brightness.
Now, I see that our observations are fortunately con2Sth, following, when I was with several friends for observing
the planets, I again caught sight of the Zodiacal Light in t i n u o u s for a week. Within these days, the form and the
the eastern part of the heaven. This time, it was low in brightness of the Zodiacal Light changed pretty rapidly, both
height reaching only the boundary of Virgo. The brightness downward. But yet, ip the nearest two evenings, that is, in
was less than the former one, and was of an ordinary display the 4th and sth,inst., 1 myself could see the luminosity, more
seen in the usual autumnal morning. But its base on the or less safely even through the moon light!
We do not know the date of the beginning of the
horizon was as wide as forty degrees, so that the whole
phenomena. When we detected them for the first time, either
appearance was nearly that of a regular triangle.
In the night of the 3oth, after I came back to home at Suwa or Okayama, it was. perhaps near the climax of the
in Kyoto, I received a telegram from Mr. K.Misawa, living displays. Probably, the European and American observers
at Suwa, Nagano-prefecture, about 2 7 0 km ENE of Kyoto. could see the same light in the same epoch, and that more
His telegram said that he saw an unusual appearance of perfectly.
Issei Ymianroto.
Kyoto, Imperial University Observatory, I 9 2 z January 5 .

Die graaen Sonnenflecken Mitte Mai und Anfang Juni 1921. Von Nils Tamm.
Im Mittmeridian
Die Gruppe von drei Flecken, die Mitte Mai nahe dem
Mai 1 4 1oh6 M.E.Z.
Zentrum der Sonnenscheibepassierten, hatten eine interessante '
1 4 I 1.7
aquatoreale Lage. Messungen an einer photographischen
Platte (Sonnenbildradius = 37.9 mm), am 14. Mai 15h25
Die Gr65e der Unsicherheit in diesen Bestimmungen
M. E. 2. aufgenommen, geben die folgenden heliographischen
ist nicht berechnet worden, mag aber nicht bedeutend sein.
Koordinaten :
Als die Flecken Anfang Juni wieder am Ostrande zu erwarten waren, zeigte sich nur ein einziger Heck. Nach
Einzeichnungen desselben auf einem Projektionsbild der Some (Radius = I O O mm) sind die Koordinaten gemessen und
berechtlet worden :

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