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Pg. 5, Grammar Contents, recuadro de Countable/uncountable nouns Some & any: A

Countable / uncountable nouns Prepositions of time
Pg. 7, actividad 4: 4 Where are Russell Crowe and Nicole Kidman from?
Pg. 19, actividad 2: En la ilustracin del laberinto, debe leerse My mum en lugar de May
Pg. 24, A Sports: En la frase del ejemplo, despus de las imgenes de deportes, en lugar de
motorcicling, se debe leer motorcycling.
Pg. 29, actividad 4: Debe leerse: Waiter: Are you ready to (1) ?
Pg. 37, actividad 2: Debe leers: 3 Where can you buy toothpaste?
Pg. 44, A Inventions: Debe leerse con maysculas: the Apple Macintosh; the Windows
operating system / Microsoft; the World-Wide Web / Tim Berners-Lee; Post-It notes.
Pg. 51, 1: Example: Davids phone number is 77390288. Johns phone number is 77390288.
Pg. 56: El ttulo de la pgina es There is/There are Prepositions of place
Pg. 62, C Time expressions: En la segunda ilustracin debe leerse: Emma and Fran are
shopping now.
Pg. 65, actividad 6: La palabra ejemplo debe ir en ingls: Example: Who is that woman? Do
you know her?
Pg. 66, B Imperative affirmative and negative forms: En el segundo prrafo, debe leerse:
La forma negativa del imperativo se forma con Dont + el infinitivo sin to.
Pg. 72: Debe leerse Demonstratives en lugar de Demostratives en el ttulo de esta unidad.
Pg. 74, C Whose: En el ltimo prrafo debe leerse Observa que se puede decir Whose car is
that? o Whose is that car?
Pg. 78, A Verb to be (Past simple): En la primera ilustracin la oracin correcta es Were you
at the company party?


Pg. 86, Personal information, exercise 2: a Spain b United Kingdom
Pg. 86, Routines, exercise 1: En la frase 3 debe leerse She goes to work at half past eight.

Pg. 87, Food, exercise 2: 2 banana

Pg. 87, Food, exercise 3: The ingredients on the plate are: baked beans, egg, mushrooms,
sausages, bacon.
Pg. 87, Personality, exercise 4: 2 a CD 3 a DVD 4 a book 5 flowers 6 a cinema ticket 7 a box
of chocolates 8 a painting 9 a bottle of perfume
Pg. 87, Hotels and restaurants, exercise 2: 3 full English breakfast
Pg. 90, Possessive case (s), exercise 3: 3 Bo is the childrens dog.
Pg. 92: Debe leerse Demonstratives en lugar de Demostratives.

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