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The tale of

King James

A true Romantic Tragedy

of Medieval Times
The tale of King James and Queen Rebecca has been compiled
after a long and exhausting research for many years by the
author. The work accurately describes the couples experiences,
as was humanly possible. It depicts the life and times that they
lived in and clearly illustrates that people have faced the same
challenges and made the same mistakes since the beginning of
time, that we still do today, and will probably continue to so
until the end of time

Copyright © 2010
by JCA Publications
First Edition

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in
any form or by any means without the prior
written permission of the Publisher.

This book is dedicated to all those who have suffered in the

eternal quest for happiness in the name of love.

The tale of King James
A true Romantic Tragedy
from medieval times

Written and Illustrated by

J. C. Asmus ©

MEDIEVAL or Middle Ages is a period of Euro-
pean history from the 5th century through the 15th
century. The term “Middle Ages” (medium aevum)
was coined in the 15th century and reflects the view
that this period was a deviation from the path of
classical learning, a path supposedly reconnected
by Renaissance scholarship. As was the middle ages
to that of the history of the world so was this
time of King James the middle of his life or mid-
life and constituted a deviation from his path
of “classical” or rather socially accepted learning.

Once upon a time there lived a King named James, who was best
known by all the people of his kingdom for his generosity. His King-
dom started as a small group of like minded peoples but grew quickly
due to the Kings popularity from his kindness and generosity. These
were Medieval times but King James was a Renaissance man and dis-
played more justice and kindness as the ruler of the Kingdom than
any others of his time. This was a time of brutality and injustices and
wars swept through all of the know world, but not in the land that
King James ruled. As is the way of men that seem to live before their
time, he is now remembered with under-
standing and respect, but was doomed to
live without it during his own lifetime.
As time went on, his Kingdom began
to grow prosper but King James started
to become very lonely. It was then that
a group of his subjects had decided to
find him a potential Queen. Despite their
hopes, at first it seemed that there wasn’t
anyone suitable for the King. They had
presented him with a few prospects, but
had no favorable results. As they were
about to give up one day, they found her.

They believed she was well suited for the him and soon they would
learn that the King himself would also agree. The girls name was
Princess Rebecca. She was told of the Kings wealth and generosity
by the women of this endeavor, and the Princess informed them that
she was interested in the idea of meeting the King. One can only
speculate as to her motives at that time, but it seemed to be an
opportunity that could not have been easily passed up anyone in
her situation. Rebecca, although a Princess, was from one of the less
privileged families in the Kingdom. She had been raised with a much
different set of values than the King, and even what was considered
to be acceptable for even those times, but she did however posses a
quality that allowed her to adapt to any environment very effortlessly.
There was evidence uncovered, that the
leader of the matchmakers somehow
hoped to gain access to the Kings money
through what ever woman she intro-
duced to the him. Some of the group
did have genuine wishes for his happi-
ness, but all of them were sure that the
King would find their efforts deserving of
his generosity. Now came the introduc-
tion of Princess Rebecca to King James.

Around this same time in a recent and supposed friendly battle prac-
tice, the King had been injured very seriously. The injury came from
the sword of one of his own knights who was King James most
trusted knight. It was said the sword he was wounded with was a
gift to the knight from the King himself. The knights name was Tim
and without warning he delivered a blow that broke many bones in
the Kings face. It was unclear as to weather this was accidental or
not. The King had to banish the knight as the law required it for an
unknown period of time but it seems they stayed friends as there are
other mentions of the knight
in his manuscripts. Seriously
injured, the King was in an
unsightly condition but sur-
prisingly he agreed to plans for
the first meeting with the Prin-
cess. A party was held for the
event, that was hosted by the
King of course, at the castle
and a select group of their
friends attended. As the eve-
ning progressed, it seemed as if
they had barely even noticed

each other. The Prin-
cess did however com-
ment on the Kings
condition. She
remarked that it
seemed to look pain-
ful to her and she was
surprised that he could
enjoy the evening at
all. Still, everyone
seemed to enjoy them-
selves well into the
evening. The King
wasn’t often shy, but
on this night he was
very self conscious due to the injuries to his face. The injuries
were so severe that the King actually did look a bit frightening
and his bottom jaw was broken in multiple places. He seemed to
have a high tolerance for pain to have been in any condition to
enjoy the party or possibly he was just that starved for attention.
When the party was over they all parted ways without the King
making any attempts to plan to meet with the Princess again.

About a month passed and the people thought they must have been
wrong about the Princess. With the smells of spring in the air, even
cupid himself tried to intervene but his arrow had missed, yet something
had planted a seed in the Kings mind. The brief memories he had of her,
began to invade his thoughts more and more. Finally when their paths
crossed again, King James was sure to make arrangements for a private
date this time, so they could enjoy the comfort of a more personal setting
and he was feeling much better since he mostly healed from the wounds
that had caused him to be self conscious during their prior meeting.
Because her older sister was always her
chaperone, they had never been alone
before. This was a strange custom in this
family, it seems that the older sister had to
benefit from whatever the Princess was to
be involved in. Although it had been sug-
gested to him, the King did not know if the
Princess was actually interested in him. He
remembered at their last meeting it seemed
that the sister had tried to get all of his
attention for herself. This confused King
James and he began to wonder if it was
the Princess or the sister that he meeting .

He was relieved to find out that it was Rebecca indeed and she
was actually interested in him. It seemed that neither of them
were initially head over heels for each other but it was clear
that their love for each other grew and grew over time.
The King ventured for the first time to the village where she Princess
Rebecca lived in the cottage with her parents and sister. The area was
unfamiliar to him even though it was in his Kingdom but he soon
found it and they traveled back to the castle. They were both glad
that they had this time to get to know each other. King James and
Princess Rebecca enjoyed each others company as they talked about all
kinds of things that night and before they
knew it, the night had suddenly become
morning. They couldn’t believe it. The time
had passed by so quickly. The King then
gave the something to the Princess that she
wouldn’t soon forget and asked for nothing
in return for himself. He was happy just to
see the smile on her face. This seemed to
set the stage for the rest of the relationship
as he derived his pleasure from her happi-
ness. This first act of kindness it seemed,
had won the King the heart of the Princess.

Just as the moon had been replaced in the sky by the light of the sun,
so had the joy of their evening been replaced with the realities that the
new day brought. The King was unhappy at the thought that the Prin-
cess soon had to leave, but he remembered that she was still a young
Princess and her parents must be worried that she had been out all
night. He was sure they would expecting her soon, so he quickly pre-
pared the carriage and soon traveled back to the nearby village where
her parents cottage was. King James would learn over time he was
wrong in assuming that her parents would live by the same morals and
values that he was raised with. It was unclear if he ever did discover

what type of value system that they held themselves responsible to, if
any. When they arrived at her parents cottage, the Princess decided
she wasn’t ready to leave the side of her new found friend yet either.
She then surprised the King with her decision to not return home and
her wish to return with him back to the castle. He felt it was odd of
her not to want to stop in and at least check in with her parents after
they made the trip, but her decision made him happy and without
questioning her decision he quickly left the cottage with her in the car-
riage. The King was left with a strange feeling that somehow she was
running away from something, but he quickly put the thought out of
his mind. From that first night she would not leave his side again, for
a very long time. Quickly these two had become as one. King James
it seemed had what he always wanted in a companion for life, even
though they had many details that needed to be worked out between
their two personalities, everything at first seemed perfect. He knew he
didn’t want her to leave his side again and she felt the same. It wasn’t
long before King James and Princess Rebecca agreed that she would
become his Queen and she was adorned with the largest diamond ring
she had ever seen and a handsome dowry was paid to the parents as
well. It was said that he showed his love everyday with more than just
mere words, as with more thought than just gifts. He proudly showed
the world he loved her in all of his actions. Their lives and their hearts
would be forever connected.
The Princess from this day forward would be known as Queen
Rebecca and the castle that the King had lived alone in for so long
was now her home as well. The two who had only just met, suddenly
seemed as if they had know each other their whole lives. They did
everything together. After being alone for so long, King James was
suddenly happier than he had ever been before so the King proclaimed
that the festivities should begin throughout the entire Kingdom
to celebrate the extraordinary occasion. King James spared no
expense on these events
and as predicted the King
was now spending more
than ever before. The King
had finally found hap-
piness and it seemed he
had everything he needed
in the Queens love. His
money now was merely
an added feature of his
life. He would always say
“money doesn’t make you
happy but it will make you
happier.” His happiness

was for the time being secured, but King James was soon to learn
some valuable and rather painful lessons. The King wanted to enjoy
the fruits of his wealth and since no one else in his Kingdom had the
resources that he did, he knew that it fell upon him to have to finance
the celebrations and social events or be doomed to be alone. He asked
for nothing but friendship in return for his generosity. There were
those, that at times gained more favors than others in the Kingdom
which led to outbursts of jealousy, like rival siblings. Some of the
subjects would feel guilty at times for receiving so much from the
King, so he made light about the amount of gold the festivities and
celebrations would cost, to diminish their guilt. His making light
of his spending also began to help those who sought to help them-
selves. They mistook his gesture to mean that he had no care for his
money. Since these selfish individuals found money very important,
they could tell themselves that they needed, even deserved the Kings
money. There were two things that made King James an easy target,
first he spent so much of his attention on the Queen it caused him
to neglect to secure his reserves and when things came up missing
he spent less time finding it. Secondly, he simply didn’t think the
same way that those who stole from him did so he was too
casual with his possessions for the crowds that would congregate
at the castle. He refused to make himself think as a criminal.

King James found much delight in making the beautiful young
Queen Rebecca smile and actually he defined his whole world around
her happiness. He did his best to try to make all her wishes come
true. These of course started out as simple desires that were easy to
fulfill but King James knew that this would not always be the case.
He was fully aware of the dangers of spoiling her, but it seemed for
now that she appreciated all that she received. Of course there were
times however, when it all seemed to go to her head, at least a little
bit. The King felt hurt at theses times for it was he who had given the
new Queen her new found power but he also understood that every-
one was affected at times by the corruption associated with power. At
these times the King tried his best to hide his feelings and swallow
his pride and give into the Queen, but there were also the times he
just couldn’t hold his feelings back. He knew that she was young and
would give into her excuses often, citing
that the ignorance of youth being the
reason for her actions. Over time it seems
this excuse was used against his good
nature more often then necessary. His
patience and understanding rarely brought
on improvements, and it usually only
enabled her negative behavior. What was

important, was that they were
together. He felt the only problems
they really had were of domestic
issues and not life threatening. Over
time though, aspects of a parent -
child relationship began to emerge
between the two. Like a child resist-
ing their parent, the Queen became
rebelliously, passively aggressive
twords the King, yet he held on
even tighter to the relationship.
He would later come to understand that as he gave in to the
Queen more and more he got to a point that he felt he had
to or he would certainly lose her. This yielding that started as
an act of patience and understanding, eventually empowered her
and gave her a increasing feeling of security which lowered his.
Soon there were more problems coming from the Kingdom. Travelers
still flocked to the Kingdom for the Kings generosity. Most came with
good intentions, but with them came the less than honest as well. This
was normal in any society and nothing new for the King but it seemed
that the percentages of good versus bad were changing and those with
a good heart seemed to be on the decline. He wondered if his deeds

drove away those with good intentions or created bad intentions
themselves. His hypothesis was that both were true and began to see
that what he saw as acts of generosity and goodwill had taken the
pride and appreciation away from those he felt he was helping by
making their lives easier. The joy of giving now became a obligation
which of course took the joy out of it for the King. Eventually it
just became a huge challenge to even try to keep everyone happy.
He understood the natural
progression that it had
taken. The King didn’t hold
any ill feelings against
anyone, for he knew that
he himself had created the
problem and he alone per-
petuated it. Unfortunately
also during this time, as the
Kings attention is diverted
many different directions,
he becomes an easier target
for the thieves who then
begin to get more successful
Somewhere in King James

life, he had unfortunately found his own happiness in the happiness
of others and his ability to maintain that happiness. It began as a
friendly gesture from a well intending warm heart but what he didn’t
know was, it could only end up in disaster. The peoples original
gratitude developed over time to become a dependency that created
expectations which took the joy out of giving yet King James still
found his sense of purpose in the feeling of being needed by the
people of the Kingdom. He had to overlook the fact that he was being
used, but ill feelings still began to grow between everyone. Change
offered a happier and healthier existence but also offered unknown
consequences so it was resisted and the strange comfort that was
found in their misery continued on, for a long time. But this wasn’t
the problem that really troubled the King because as usual his own
problems were of no consequence, he placed his priorities on any
problems of his Queen and it seemed she was becoming unhappy
more and more of the time. He believed that it was his absolute
responsibility to always make sure she was happy and felt it should
always be within his power make her happy. If he was unable to
he thought of himself as a failure. He thought that was the basis
for her love for him and if he could not make her happy he would
loose the love of his Queen. He of course took it to heart if the
Queen wasn’t happy for actually this hurt him even more than if

he himself was unhappy. The King began to notice that the Queen
was growing distant. He would often ask her about unhappiness that
more and more often seemed to fill her heart. His Queen Rebecca
had told the King about her difficulty in discussing such matters for
some time yet the King patiently tried for so long to get his beloved
Queen to open up and communicate freely with him. He knew how
important this communication was to insure the success of their life
together and simply couldn’t accept what only seemed to him to be an
unwillingness that eventually felt like a tug of war with an elephant.
The King could not accept her lack of communication in this area
because he felt it was his respon-
sibility to fix whatever it was that
troubled her and every minute that
passed in the Queens life that she
was not happy the King was not
happy and blamed himself. This
caused many arguments between
them that always seemed to feel
at least for the King to be a lecture
rather than a discussion because of
the Queens lack of involvement.
She would just listen and seem

to agree as she would contribute a nod of approval every now and
then during the talk. She could sit for hours and refuse to say abso-
lutely nothing at all if asked to express her feelings on a subject of
concern. The King makes mention of the tug of war again. He said
they could talk for hours on end about the things in the world that
didn’t affect them but when it came to talking about feelings or things
that really were affecting their lives, the Queen would simply be
silent and refuse to talk or possibly she might after a lengthy wait
answer with a “I don’t know”, or more exactly a “I don’t know what
you want me to say”. She always told him several times that her
mind just went blank when confronted under those circumstances.
The King had learned
long ago that without
honesty and commu-
nication, all relation-
ships will eventually
fail. He also had to
remember that he did
not learn that lesson
overnight nor did he
simply learn it by
taking anyone’s word.

He knew she must learn her lessons
as all lessons must unfortunately be
learned, the hard way. Waiting for her
to learn and going through again what
he already had learned in life was
very painful. He compared it to the
first time as a child he hit his hand
with a mace, which was a weapon of
the period, was startled and taught
a valuable lesson only pain can teach,
not to do it again. The pain is usually
enough to deter anyone from repeating
the action out of a natural instinct to
survive. Now, to willingly go through some of these same experi-
ences with the Queen caused that much more pain for him because
he knew the pains that were coming. He wrote, to understand try
hitting your hand with a mace and then do it again in a moment.
He was willing to endure anything in order to ensure their happiness
which meant his happiness, and was willing to wait for as long as it
took because he knew that just around the next corner was the per-
fect life for them that he wanted so badly. He could see that whatever
their problems they were easily solved if only the Queen would allow it.

Their days were of course, not all filled with arguments. Everyday the
King and the Queen traveled to the local markets to shop for what-
ever treasures that would suit their fancy that particular day. There are
many records in history indicating that the King had few, if any, rivals
as the worlds greatest collector of his time. His collections consisted
of many things, some even said he collected everything. The Queen
had become one the most talented craftswomen of her time. Prob-
ably her most beloved treasure was the crystal and gemstone jewelry,
that she enjoyed designing and crafting with help from the alchemists
of the Kingdom. There well respected examples of her work that
still exist today. She was also successful creating the books that she
painstakingly arranged upon the pages, scraps from her families lives,
to create treasures. These were cherished by many generations of
her descendents. He remembered
the Queens first creative attempts
were awkward at best, but with
some help from the King, she
quickly progressed. As her
abilities began to improve, so
did her self-worth also improve.
This, of course, was exactly what
the King had hoped for.

They both shared a great love for jewelry and they spent many hours
shopping for treasures at their favorite merchants in the Kingdom.
The King also spent a great deal of his time, working on their castle.
Almost every night as she slept, the King would work from the eve-
ning until the early morning, on the various projects in the castle. He
was well known to only sleep at most two nights a week. He toiled on
it each night, and many days, hoping to one day create a masterpiece
for his Queen and himself. The King was not known for giving up
easily and he kept on struggling to finish but unfortunately it would
turn out to all be wasted time and energy for the King. King James
did everything he could to make life for Queen Rebecca as carefree
as possible. He supplied all that they both needed to live and asked
very little of his Queen in return. Some historians have suggested that
he wanted to control his Queen out of fear of loosing her, but from
his manuscripts one can easily see that his intentions were only to
make her life, what he thought would be as perfect as possible. He
felt he was protecting her, but the hard lesson he had to learn was
that eventually he found he wasn’t helping her, only keeping her
from life itself. He made special note about his spoiling her, which
was not to bribe her to love him, but rather to reward her for the
love he already felt he had. There were pitfalls of their existence,
but he felt that they were blessed. But soon that would change.

It started rather quickly and
from out of nowhere it seemed.
There was a strange cloud that
quickly moved across, and cov-
ered the entire Kingdom. It
blocked the sun from shining
and darkened the skies, leav-
ing in its wake a silent chill.
Soon a messenger came to the
castle from the far side of the
Kingdom with words of a
warning, but the King instinctively knew what was to come. He had
always known, of the possibility that this day could come, as long
as he ruled the Kingdom. Dragons once lived on the lands of the
Kingdom until the Kings ancestors had drove them away, claiming
the land for their own. The King remembered hearing the stories told
by his grandfather of the strength and power that these beasts had
and that every once in awhile they returned to battle the ruling King
for possession of the lands as their was question of the honor of the
original battle. King James knew the dragon had come for him and
accepted his responsibility but he also knew that his Queen life was
also in danger. His safety suddenly became his last concern, it was

his Queen that of course became of the
greatest importance. In the midst of
the crisis his love for the Queen gave
him an inner strength and vision that
made it clear what he must do. With-
out hesitation the King prepared for
the battle that was his alone to fight.
He put on his best and strongest armor
and then called for his great sword that
he had in safe keeping in the event
that this day ever came to pass. King
James then hurried to find his Queen. He searched the entire castle
before he finally found her quietly sitting in their bed chamber. He
found her behavior strange but there was no time to attempt to
understand her mood and for once he didn’t even think twice about
it. He had no idea if he would ever see his love again and there was
no time for long good byes. He just wished a few minutes of her time
so he could tell her a few things from his heart he hoped she would
always remember in case he didn’t return from the battle. King
James pulled Queen Rebecca close to him took her in his arms and
looked deeply in her eyes. He then told her that he loved her with
all of his heart, then asked her to promise him that no matter what

happened that day, she would do something with her life. James knew
she grew up to believe that she would never succeed in life and so
it was preferred to not even try. An excuse to fail was instilled in
her from a young age. The word failure was welcomed like a badge
of honor. The King new of the goodness that lived in the Queens
heart and the wonderful life she could have if she just broke free
from the ideas that held her back. He feared without him she would
soon return to that way. With tears in her eyes, the Queen gave her
word to keep that promise. They held onto each tightly for the few
brief moments that they had left and after a tender kiss the King
hurried to the battle. Everyone always
thought the life of the King was easier
than everyone else’s because of its privi-
leges and rewards but what no one ever
thought of are the responsibilities that
have to go with those rewards. They
were certainly more than most would
have stood up and faced, especially with
the honor that the King showed. As
soon as the battle began and it became
clear to see by all that witnessed battle
that the King had little or no chance

against the claws and razor teeth
of the dragon. It was said the fire
that it could breath could melt
a knights armor but no accounts
of the battle make mention of
the dragon actually breathing fire.
The King had spent most of his
life in per suit of knowledge and
love and did not have the instincts
to kill that the dragon had but
what the King did have was his
sword that was forged with the
special metals that were needed to
slay a dragon but his most valu-
able weapon wasn’t something you
could see or even touch and the dragon had no defense for
it. It was his love for the Queen that he held tightly in his
heart that gave the King the strength to continue to fight far
beyond his natural capabilities. It was called a “Brave heart” in
those days, but today we know it as a positive attitude, that
helped the King. The battle waged on for hours and both of the con-
tenders and no one who watched could believe that the King was

still holding up against the dragon. The dragon
had every advantage in his favor and had deliv-
ered many strong blows to the King with his tail
that penetrated his armor. The King was show-
ing signs that the dragon had made his mark on
him, but luckily he still fended off the beasts
deadly razor teeth. The dragon himself had received his share of
damage from the Kings sword. The dragon was also starting to show
signs of becoming weak from the battle. Seeing this, the King found
whatever strength he had left and made his last attack on the dragon.
He skillfully landed his sword into the chest of the dragon, who then
fell to its belly and lowered his head to the ground. The King had
given all he had to have survived this long, and at the same time the
dragon fell, the King fell to his knees. Neither could go on any far-
ther. It was quite a while before the two enemies could even lift their
heads. When they finally could, they both
agreed that neither of them could or wanted
to continue any longer. The dragon had
never lost a battle before, but he had never
stood up against anyone that fought with so
much heart. The two knew that somehow
they still had yet to settle their dispute .

The battle was for the land that the Kingdom was built on. It was said
to have belonged to the dragons centuries ago. There was a famous
legend that told of the Kings ancestors taking the land from the
dragons over 200 years ago, but the battles honor had been ques-
tioned. King James and the dragon wished to end the feud that
had gone on for so long between their families. The King agreed
to surrender all of his wealth to the dragon, which then he could
buy his own land. The King would keep the kingdom and have free-
dom from all dragons, as long as their paths never crossed again.
The King was also to undertake a
journey of some type. Both of them
kept their honor as there were no
winners or no losers, yet the King
knew he had won something that
day. During the heat of battle he
realized what was really important to
him, and had wished somehow, that
the Queen would have experienced
some of that life changing experience.
The King had discussed the possiblil-
ity of this day with the Queen before
over the years they spent together

but the King explained to the dragon of his need to discuss the agree-
ment with the Queen before he made his final decision. That eve-
ning the King returned to his Queen to discuss their options and
their future. He explained to her that the Dragon, agreed to end the
war, but the King had to relinquish his wealth. All the people of
the Kingdom were free to remain and go about life as they wished
and although it would cause great hardships to maintain it, they
would still own the Kingdom. He told her the dragon agreed to find
new land and promised his kind would forever leave them and their
descendants alone. He told her of how the near death experience had
made it clear to him what was truly important in life. He could tell
she had not had not undergone the same realization unfortunately.
Life was going to be different, but the King knew it was going to be
a much better quality of life. The Queen had grown weary of the
demands of the people of the Kingdom and the idea of a new life free
from all of that sounded appealing to her. The King also explained
that if he didn’t accept this deal with the dragon that he would
eventually have to fight again and he knew he could not survive
another battle. Finally the King told her of the journey and said that
as long as they were together nothing else would matter, but
if they couldn’t be together nothing at all mattered. The Queen
as usual, of few words, took a moment and then agreed

with the King. The King knew the Queen did not have all her heart
in it yet, but he was sure she would eventually see that it was for the
best. The King then returned to the dragon and agreed to the terms.
Men from the Kings court arrived soon after, to hand over the Kings
gold. The document was signed with the blood of both the King and
the dragon, and witnessed by some of the people of the Kingdom
that had dared approach. As soon as he signed, King James finally was
able to catch his breath, and as he did, he finally allowed himself to
collapse. He had stood up valiantly to his responsibilities. Just as a
lion would protect its pride, so the King protected his Queen. He just
fought a battle, that if he would have lost, would have meant then
end of his life. He gladly gave up his material possessions in exchange
for his freedom and the opportunity to live a new life and keep what
was most important to him. Now all the King could do was hope
that his Queen would feel the same as he did. With the battle over,
the King now needed someone to trust so he could
close his eyes and rest assured without worries while
his wounds healed. He was glad that he had the
Queen to rely upon and wanted her to stay by
his side but instead she decided to stay and look
after the castle and to prepare for the transition
of their new life and journey they were taking.

There was no time to discuss it as the King had to be hurried off to
the hospital by the village Doctor for about 30 days. The King was
bound by the agreement to spend this time to recover. The King and
his Queen said a quick goodbye, which was their first in a very long
time and parted ways. The King had already become uneasy for he
knew the she was not ready to let go of her old life yet and worried
she might change her mind. It was only thirty days but he knew
that much could happen. The King wanted to go on the journey,
but he had no choice so he was patient with the Queen, because he
knew she didnt have the same motivation he did. He told her to take
the next thirty days to prepare for the
journey. His biggest worry was that he
was leaving her behind with those that
could lead her in the wrong direction
Without her King, the Queen was easily
distracted. Because he was actually start-
ing this new life before her, he was aff-
raid they would grow apart. The King
hadn’t been at the hospital but a week
before he couldn’t take it anymore. The
thought of one of them loosing their
way was something he couldn’t risk

after already loosing everything
else. To be released from his agree-
ment and return home to his
Quenn the King had to devise a
brilliant plan, and quickly he did
just that. He shocked even his best
scholars of the Kingdom with his
plan. It was not from genius that
he succeeded but rather from his
motivation to protect the most
important thing in his world which
meant his life to him, that of course
was his Queen. He knew he had to protect from her from getting lost
for she now, was his whole life. The King had traveled the road before
that they were about to take, and knew his way. He knew that his
Queen had not, and had no idea of what lay ahead. He couldn’t
risk losing his beloved Queen. They had gone through so much
together, to him it actually felt as the two had become as one.
The Queen had benefited from her life with the King and it was
now time for her to accept the responsibilities that came with that
life. What he didnt yet realize was the things he had done to earn
the Queens loyality were soon going to do the exact opposite.

He knew she needed him,
but he was starting to
think she might begin to
believe she could live
without him. Then he
wondered if her love for
him would prevail now
that his wealth was gone.
That thought came and
went often but he was
sure that her love for him
was real and would endure
these roung times. The
thoughts came like waves
and suddenly he could see
in losing his wealth, he was losing the only power he felt he had
in the world. The King had just realized he had lost what had
always before given him strength. He was going to be free from
the burdens of the Kingdom but he wondered what would his
purpose be without them. With the burdens and responsibilities
came joy and power, and the Kings sense of purpose. He could
now see he would have to learn to live a whole new way.

With all of these thoughts racing through his mind, the Kings trip
from the hospital back to the castle seemed to take forever. When he
finally returned home, he could hardly hold back the excitement he
felt when he finally set his eyes on the Queen, but she was not quite
as excited to see him to say the least. She told him that he shouldn’t
have left before he was recovered in a tone that said more than her
words. She had the outward appearance of being worried about her
King and he couldn’t argue with her point she made but the King
could tell that it wasn’t because she was worried about his health. It
became quite clear rather quickly she didn’t want him there. She was
in a mind set of what she was going to be doing for the next 3 weeks
and he wasn’t part of the plan which left the King feeling extremly
empty. In contrast to his excitement to be with her, her attitude left
a real hole in his heart. The King put it out his mind and kept busy
for the time being doing some work for the Kingdom and the castle
that was still his duty, but only required a small amount of his time.
He was finally able to find time to relax. The King had noticed the
Queen had done none of the preparing for their journey that she
had said she was going to do. Knowing the Queen was not ready for
the journey yet, he decided to scrape together a little gold that was
left behind and planned some festivities for them and their friends to
enjoy for the next few days... so he might see a smile on her face again.

The Queen had found little to say to the King since his return home.
He could accept the fact she hadn’t been as excited to see him as he
had been to see her upon his return. He could also accept the fact that
she was indesisive about the journey for he knew he could comfort
her thoughts when the time came. He couldn’t handle the fact that
she had hardly spoke to him since his return and he found this to
be the cruelest of her actions. He started to worry about their future
and her intentions, so he attempted to uncover her feelings with some
simple conversation, but sadly the Queens greatest weakness was her
unwillingness to be open and honest about her true feelings. This
left him unable to do anything more than manage a guess to what
bothered her. It was so unfair of her, to leave him in the dark on such
important matters as she so often did, and this frustrated the King
greatly. Even though he knew it wasn’t her fault that he felt respon-
sible for her happiness, he felt it odd that she would make it difficult
for him to make her happy. To the King it was simple, he just needed
to know what the Queen needed to be happy, and he would see to
it. If he was unable to make her happy, he would find some excuse to
deny reality and go back to the dream world that he preferred where
he knew she loved him and didn’t have to doubt it. King James felt
if he didn’t sacrifice his feelings, he was sure he would be alone. He
also felt that his sacrifices were for the good of the relationship and it

would be too late before he would learn that it only hurt their situa-
tion. Outwardly the King would appear to choose to assume a situa-
tion to be the best it could be, yet inside he always assumed them to
be their worst. Thinking realistically would have kept him from living
in that dream world that made him happy, so he pretended everything
was fine until he couldnt pretend anymore. One would conclude that
the King lived in a dream world most of the time, and we can see
this was enabled by the Queen because she would always just nod in
agreement when they talked. He thought for so long that his Queen
and he were always in agreement on the matters that surrounded their
life and therefore he thought they were perfectly suited for each other.
The problem for both of them, then came as she seemed to disagree
in her actions. Upon a study of their life together the first questions
someone might ask is: If he would have worked so hard to hold onto
the relationship if he had actually known her true feelings?, What are
her true feelings?, Does anyone know, or are they always changing to
her environment? Which brings up this question: Was any part of their
relationship real for her, or was everything some type of deception?
In that question we can begin to understand how daily life for the
King might have been, for like him we will never know the truth and
are left with only our guesses. The manuscripts became unclear but it
seems during this time but it seemed that the King was unexpectedly

called away for 3 days to the Kingdom’s court for one of his last
official responsibilities before they started on their journey. It was
required that he see to it immediately so he left quickly. While King
James was away he had made a small note in his manuscripts about
the Queen entertaining a male guest at the castle in private all through
the night until the next day. There was even the possibility of another
man and another all night visit made mention to. He made no other
remarks, so we must assume that the entertaining was of an inno-
cent nature or maybe he just put the incidents out of his head so
as to return to his dream world and dream life that he held onto.
The Kings need for love seems to become his downfall. Whether it
had been innocent or not, the Kings lack of action seem to be both
extremely understanding and pitiful. While the King was away he
had befriended a man that had offered his generosity to the King so
of course he was compelled to return the favor. The mans name was
Lord John, and apparently he had fallen in love with a woman that
lived in the Kingdom. Events in Lord Johns life had made it so he
might never be able to see her again and hadnt even had a chance
to say goodbye to her. To repay Lord Johns generosity the King had
offered a suggestion that he himself deliver the woman a message
from Lord John and the King also offered to take her some of her
favorite flowers that Lord John had told the King about earlier

in one of the colorful stories he told the King. These flowers were rare
to the Kingdom and expensive so he was sure it would be a special
treat for her. The man excitedly accepted his offer and told the King
of the only place and time where he knew he could find her. Helping
in matters of the heart was probably the Kings favorite cause to get
involved with, followed closely by seeing to the well being and happi-
ness of children. When the King returned home he was happy to see
his Queen and immediately told the Queen of his mission of mercy
and asked her if she wanted to go with him. The Queen was angry
and seemed to want to start an argument. The King was bewildered
but he was too happy to take time to argue with her. He told her
that he would be back within the hour. He had only a short distance
to travel but a small time frame in which to complete the task or he
would not be able to keep his word. To the King, keeping his word
was a serious matter. It seems strange that the King held himself to
such high standards but didnt expect the same of those around him.
The King quickly procured the flowers and delivered them to the
woman along with the mans message. His heart warmed from the
task and seeing to its quick completion he decided to make one more
mission of mercy. He decided to take a few extra minutes to stop by
the Queens parents cottage in an attempt to speak with the Queens
mother. She was a strange woman who didn’t seem to approve of the

King at times but other times would treat him like a long lost friend.
Sometimes it seemed she was jealous of her daughter and the com-
forts that her life with the King afforded her, and there were times
her mother seemed to genuinely care about her daughter and appre-
ciated the King for his love and care of her daughter. Still and yet
there were times when she considered both the King and Queen her
enemy. There was also the times he remembered that she actually
believed the King had somehow kidnapped her daughter and was
forcibly holding her against her will. She was obviously displaying
psychotic delusions but over time the King learned he also had been
fed self serving propaganda by the Queen about her family and didn’t
know what to believe anymore. The one thing he was sure of was
that mothers moods were always different and he never knew what
to expect. Today the reason for his visit was too important to let per-
sonalities get in the way or to even care if she liked him or not. It
was only for the Queen sake that he was asking for help and thought
she couldn’t turn him away no matter how she felt about him. He
wanted to ask for her help in understanding her daughters unhappi-
ness which was causing him so much grief. He thought that maybe
she had been more open with her feelings with her mother than
she had been with him. He welcomed the thought of any help in
understanding what troubled the Queen. When he arrived at their

cottage he was greeted by her father who usually didn’t speak much
the King, but was in a sarcasticly friendly mood this day. He informed
the King that the Queen had sent for her mother to bring her back
to their cottage. He said he didn’t know anything else about it. To
anyone else this may sound innocent, but it hits the King like a ton a
bricks, and something becomes clear to him. This is how the Queen
always in the past has left the king when they had disagreements, he
thought to himself. But today was different, they hadn’t even had a
disagreement, yet the Queen had sent for her ride as usual. The King
stood in shock for a minute then made his way back to the castle in
record time. He arrived at the castle to find nothing but an uncom-
fortable silence, which soon became deafening to him. Still confused
he frantically searched for a note that might explain what was going
on or disprove the feelings he had for what her intentions might be,
but there was nothing. All he had were the words of her father that
she wanted her mother to bring her home and no other information.
The King was hit with a wave of anguish and frustration and just
collapsed in tears. He knew in his heart that she was gone. He as
usual blamed himself, as thoughts of how he could no longer offer
his Queen the life she had become used flashed through his mind.
The journey that they had to embark upon promised of a new life
that they had talked about for years before, but maybe this wasnt

the life she wanted to live. The Queens most unattractive flaw was
that she was never compelled to keep her word and as he thought
about it, she probably never actually did. Still he refused to listen to
his heart and after he regained his composure he started to search
for his Queen. What we can see now is the Kings frantic attempt to
hold on to the only thing he had left. He sent many messages to her
parents village but none were answered. The Kings manuscripts again
become hard to translate at this point and lengthy research has still
left it unclear but it seems that the King was not able to contact the
Queen for a day or two after she first left and when he did finally find
her she simply informed him of this statement which is a quote that
has been taken directly from his manuscripts.
“I know that I am such a shallow person that I am afraid I will
hold it against you.” — Queen Rebecca
which was in reference to the journey they were going to take and not
being able to live the way they had and her blaming him. He could
see that her words were just a smoke screen to cover how she really
felt. Once again her words spoke of concern for him but her actions
reflected none of it. He knew that if she was concious that she
might be unkind to him then she could merely control her actions
against him. It was also her way to always blame him and it was
the Kings fault for enabeling and accepting this behavior. He was
so used to shouldering all the responsibilities and accepting the

blame while they had been together that at first he didn’t think twice
about her first statement but her second statement set him back a step.
He couldn’t accept it because it made no sense at all.
“I cant go on the journey with you” I have to go with my parents
“or I wont know if its what I want” — Queen Rebecca
Her parents and her sister have never even traveled that direction and
they had no interest in it, in fact the King knew that their travels
took them the opposite direction completely. But the only thing that
was important to him at that moment was that even if they were
going the same way, he knew that she didn’t want to go with him
and to top it off she was clearly not coming back home with him.
The events raced through the Kings mind. There was no talk before
she left and not even so much as a note. All their love meant nothing.
Everything that they had gone through, and everything he had done
for her meant nothing. Everything he gave up to protect her from
the dragon meant nothing. All her promises to him meant nothing.
It all put the King in shock and he did something very unusal for
him. He simply walked away, leaving behind the most important
thing in his whole world. Confusion turned to anger, and anger to
pain. He couldn’t understand why she would choose to not being
able to stop blaming him for something that wasn’t his fault... rather
than to never stop loving him for all that he had done for her.

Everything else in
his life was gone
or turned upside
down and the
only thing he had
left to hold onto
had been her, but
now even she was
gone. She had
told him before he
walked away, that
she would try out the journey and join him soon. In was in those
words that he found the truth but her words held no truth. He
thought to himself it was supposed to be their journey, a new life
to be discovered together. They had talked about this journey from
time to time, for their entire relationship, and had both agreed on
their need to someday take it. There was never any talk of not
going together especially because he knew it would bring them closer
together. He just kept thinking that he always willingly offered every-
thing he had to secure their happiness, survived great hardships to
procure the essentials of their existence, had successfully fended off all
that ever threatened their survival or happiness, usually put her needs

before his own, and he proudly stood up and fought the dragon that
threatened to take both their lives, just to keep her safe. In the end
he gave up his kingdom and all he had ever known without much
distress, he had all he needed with the understanding that he would
have her at his side. He was suffering for the both of them but now
in the last hour with no discussion or word he was abandoned and
forgotten. She had always refused to accept any responsibility for her
actions and the King knew she would have to blame him because of
her need to avoid accepting responsibility. If that wasn’t bad enough,
he could now see that all of his good intentions to care for her and
protect her, had allowed her to avoid any responsibilities which didn’t
help her and actually only hurt her and now was going to hurt him.
The King would jokingly
tell the Queen that he could
accept all the blame if he
got all the credit as well, but
this was no joke and if any
credit was ever given, it was
quickly forgotten. His heart
and his spirit was broken.
This was more than King
James could deal with, but

he walked away and gave up so easily. It
seems that there was something else that
was already at work in his subconcious
mind. What he didn’t know yet was his
survival from this disaster was already in
place but he was unsure when it was all
said and done if it actually saved him from
or whether it caused him more pain and
it would enable the Queen to place all the
blame on the King. The life he had held
on to so tightly and worked so hard to
preserve was gone. The only thing that
held together the dream world that he
was living in, were all of the excuses he had believed of hers, and the
ones he even had to tell himself to excuse all of her broken promises,
and lies. As he walked away glimpses of the reality that he had worked
so hard to avoid, began to shine on him and his heart grew cold.
Everything she had ever said to him... all just became empty and
meaningless words.
He was now sure that as her words to him were empty so must her
love for him be also, suddenly his entire world came crashing down
upon him and the real pain of his ordeal was now just to begin..
For all the years he had spent with his Queen, noth-
ing could have taken the love that he had for her
away, not even for a brief encounter. He had sworn
his loyalty to her forever, but the recent events of his
life had already set in motion something the King
never expected. It was not something he wanted but
soon the King found it was something he couldn’t
resist. Just before the dragon had entered his
Kingdom, one of the newest citizens that had come as many before
him had, to reap in the generosity King James, had one day brought
with him a young woman (girl actually) that quickly befriended the
King. She seemed to be a sweet girl, but naturally displayed all the
curious side affects of the times that they were living in as well as the
sub culture that she associated herself with. The Kings first response
to the girl that he remembered as the young woman dressed in pink
from head to toe, was that she was far too cute and seemed too sweet
for the likes of her companion. The King and this mans paths had
crossed before. He was well know to the King, as a criminal of the
Kingdom. The King was always quick to give the benefit of the doubt
to anyone but knew that this man had the capacity of being a decent
person but instead projected a rogue thug like personality. This was
a habit the man developed in childhood that no longer suited him.

Glorifying and romanticizing the criminal lifestyle may have been a
fad of the times in certain sub cultures of the Kingdom, but it had
long troubled the King because it went against everything he stood
for. He wanted his Kingdom to live in peace and without worries
and on a more personal note, because he was usually the target of
much of the criminal activity. The King had spent some time talk-
ing to the young girl that morning they met and helped her with her
horse and carriage that was in need of repairs. He took the oppor-
tunity to give her a few words of his wisdom and hoped that his
advice would send her on a better path than the one she seemed to be
on. He thought such a waste, that such an attractive and intelligent
young girl was doomed to a life without options or hope and surely
she would not receive education or guidance to find her way to a
better one. Unlike the Queen who merely copied others to fit into
whatever crowd she found herself, this
girl adapted and changed to survive.
She had learned to live hand to mouth,
and while surviving on the streets
she honed her natural skill for
merchandising. Her life had become
totally immersed in the product that
she sold. This product brought her

power that enabled her to manipulate her environment, but soon she
too was manipulated by the same product and the lifestyle that it
brought with it. Her ways of survival offered no possibility of suc-
cess. Her clients were of her environment and could not provide
enough profit that would sustain even a basic level of self supported
living. To survive, eventually she would either have to find a new
client base or a new product completely. Her lack of a permanent res-
idence may have started out of necessity but over time had become
a habit. As with all habits, even the bad ones, they become familiar
and familiar becomes comfortable and then even favorable change
is resisted. Also most habits are started out of our natural instinct
to survive and often are needed to get us to the next point in life at
which time they become bad habits when they have out lived their
usefulness. Due to the fear of success that is common among the
lower economic levels, she will continue to self destruct whenever
she reaches an uncomfortable or rather an unfamiliar economic level
unless she can someday learn to trust someone enough to reach out
and accept help and be willing to learn with an open mind, a new
way, and unlearn the old ways that hold her back. This is
why the classes self perpetuate and rarely does anyone break
the barriers that hold them back. The name of this new girl
in the Kingdom was Princess Dawn. She made her presence
know during the next few weeks with other visits to the castle
but the King gave very little thought to her until the day came that
the King found himself alone. He then called upon her as a friend
when his Queen had left him. He learned that the Princess had left
her ways that she had know to survive and had started on her own
journey similar to the Kings. His motivation was not revenge nor
was his interests in mere matters of the flesh. He needed compas-
sion and companionship or he felt he would never recover from the
scars that were forming over his heart. The King had been through
so much by then and when he found himself without his Queen
and with her his sense of purpose he started to lose control but as
the King he could not let himself appear to be weak. What he had
gone through would have sent any other man over the edge, but
outwardly he had to appear as if nothing was bothering him. With
the journey before him began to see Princess Dawn as a cause to
give him purpose in his life to carry on. What we know about King
James is that he found his happiness through the happiness of others
and his ability to make others happy was in direct correlation to what
he deemed his own self worth. This is what had made him perfect
for the role of the King as he had to put the well being of the King-
dom before that of his own many times like a parent does for their
children. It also made him a very giving person but would leave him
open to be taken advantage of easily. What made him a good King

was later to become his downfall when he was no longer in a posi-
tion to see to the needs of the people of the Kingdom. He survived
that change with only minor aches and pains by transferring it to his
Queen, who had always had the majority of his attention anyway. He
had given up everything else in his life when he agreed to the deal
with the dragon except his beloved Queen and had placed all of his
self worth upon the Queens happiness. When the Queen left him,
he survived it with the appearance that it didn’t even affect him but
under the surface he was frantically grasping for a lifeline to help
him keep his head above water. In Princess Dawn, it appeared he had
found a new friend, who as it turns out was on a similar journey her-
self. She would be a perfect companion to draw his attention away
from his problems with the Queen and the timing couldn’t have been
any more perfect. For now anyway, the King was not consumed with
the thought of his Queen being away from him. Princess Dawn came
to stay at the castle and accompanied the King where ever he went.
At least in the Kings mind, their friendship was perfectly innocent as
his heart and loyalty was still given to the Queen. The King still had
obligations to his Kingdom during this part of the Kings journey and
it was to take place while still living in the castle. King James makes
no detailed explanations in his manuscripts about the journey but
does write that is was more than travel to some unfamiliar destination.

Princess Dawn spent hours upon hours listening to the King speak of
his Queen and the pain he was feeling. The Princess felt empathy for
the King, and offered her support. The King at first, blamed himself
that the Queen had left him, but the Princess helped the King see that
he deserved to have expected the loyalty of the Queen. To have left
him at a time when he needed her more than ever before, at a time
that they had planned for so long, and after all that he had done for
her, he began to see, was unthinkable. More of his sorrows that he
held inside about the actions of his Queen, began to turn to anger,
directed towards the Queen. He had over time, taken over all of the
responsibilities in both of their lives and with it the guilt and the
blame that went with it. He had lost sight of what was his to accept or
not. The Princess helped the King start to regain the vision to know
the difference. With that vision he painfully could see that the Queen
who he held in his heart as being without fault for so long, was not
so. The King accepted great hardships and sacrifices to be able to live
in the perfect world he kept in his mind. The benefits he himself
received, he felt to be worth his troubles and required very little
from those around him to stay in what he felt was acceptable bound-
aries or behaviors. The King wrote that is was during this time
the Princess began telling the King of her feelings for him. What
is not known is if the Princess had them all along, or if they had

developed during their time spent together, but what we do have
account of, is that it wasn’t long at all before she confessed of the
deep love that she had for him. The King surprised, was sure that she
was merely infatuated with him because he was the King of course
and she was only thinking of the great comforts and wealth he would
bring to her life, but still he was confused because she knew he had
given up all his wealth and had nothing left to give but himself. He
learned later that the Princess had another explanation of her own.
Her feelings for him were because of his love for his Queen. His love
for her was without question or fail and of course his habit to spoil
the Queen was often spoke of in tales through all of the Kingdom.
Princess Dawn wished for a love like that she could claim as her own.
During the next few weeks the King and the Princess enjoyed each
others company and while the King gave no thought to the talk of
her love, he began to feel something he had been missing for a long
time, happiness. King James had told the Queen so many times in
the years before that the experience of journey had powers of its own
that would surely bond them together forever. Now due to fate it
seems to have drawn these two closer instead, but strangely the
King thought, is when a new problem began. The King had not
forgotten his Queen but he began to think that maybe this new
Princess was willing to give the him what the Queen had not,

her whole heart. His life had become such a struggle trying to care
for everyone in the Kingdom, that with the turn of events he wel-
comed being cared for with open arms. He began to have purely self-
ish thoughts for the first time in as long as he could remember. At first
he enjoyed the freedom of worrying about everyone else but before
long he began to feel guilty for his happiness. He started to believe his
happiness was because of the Princess so the King decided to try to fit
this new Princess into the role of his Queen just as a Director would
cast a replacement actress in a part in a theatrical production. The
Queens role had, so to speak, been written for her. Princess Dawn
seemed at first, to be willing to take over the role. The King was never
able to understand how the Queen could leave behind her whole life.
That was her wardrobe and those were her jewels that she abandoned,
that still filled the castle. Then he then sadly thought to himself,
that was her King that she left behind without any more concern it
seemed than her now forgotten baggage. He could now see how low
his self worth had become. He noticed that he had placed himself
last on the list of the things he felt were of importance to the Queen.
His life was changing faster than he was ready for and he started to
feel as if he was going to loose control soon. Because he was the King
though, he was not allowed to give in and show the signs of weakness
and the imperfections that were accepted and even expected of others.

Along with the many benefits that his life afforded him, this was just
another responsibility that was required of him. He was constantly
reminded of this fact as a child , but of course was just a man. He had
the same flaws and the same ability to make mistakes as that of any
other man, so he had to always work hard to appear to be more, or
feared he would loose the respect of the people, and with it the abil-
ity to rule the Kingdom. Even now on his journey he would travel as
any other man, but yet he found that more was still expected of him
because of what he was or at least had been. King James was of course
bound to the path he was on but everything he had held onto, along
the way, had slipped away. As the things in his life started to change
he would do his best to appear that he was still in control of his life by
telling himself that it was what he wanted. This rationalization of his
reality was how King James had learned to deal with and accept the
suffering as well as the good things in his life. Just as he felt the battle
with the dragon and the loss of his wealth justified the fact that he and
his Queen could now go on the journey, to make it more palatable. He
began to rationalize the reason for the pain and suffering of his Queen
leaving him must be so that he could find happiness with the Princess.
It was a balance system that enabled him to accept punishments with-
out question and rewards without guilt. He found a great necessity in
rationalizing the many components of the enormous upheaval his life

had just seen, as a way to cope ... to survive. As the last link he had
to the life he had known for so long, he began to hold the Princess
tightly. The Princesses wish that she could know the love of the King
appeared to come true and at the same time, vanish before her very
eyes. What she wanted of course was not possible, the more the
Princess thought that he began to love her the less he must love his
Queen. Since this was the basis of her feelings for the King, the more
she got what she wanted, the less she wanted it. In that, a unspoken
battle between them started, that never ended. The Kings rationaliza-
tions and reasonings that he had filled his mind with to cope with his
situation, started to crumble, and he found himself completely bewil-
dered. The King had other things troubling his mind at this time.
Queen who had learned of the Princess and the King, had shown
no interest in the King before then, but suddenly it was reported to
him that she had become very depressed and as the King described it,
had fallen to the ways of the bottle. He already had been feeling very
guilty that he had found happiness with the Princess even though
the Queen had left him. He felt responsible for her condition from
her drinking binges and the questionable activities that followed.
The King had always felt it was his duty to care for his beloved
Queen. It became clear to him that deep in his heart, he never
let go of the idea that they would someday reunite. The Queen

was sure take full advantage of his guilt and his feelings of responsibil-
ity that he had. As the Princess started to show signs that her feelings
for the King were questionable the King began to think that his Queen
had finally come to her senses and could now appreciate the love that
he offered her. For a brief moment the King felt that his life had finally
reached the pinnacle that he had always dreamed of. He thought no
more would he have to sacrifice alone for the good of the relationship
and the two could finally be as one. The Queens words to him spoke
of a realization of the importance of her Kings love and the need for
him in her life. Those were the words that his heart had long awaited
to hear and at that moment he was sure all was finally well because
she had finally realized that she needed him. This is of course what
he had been promised by her and that he waited for, patiently for so
long. Soon the two were reunited and the King was very excited, but
instantly he knew there would be no prayers answered this day. Her
attitude and her words showed no sign of realization, in fact he felt
no love from her at all. She had changed so much in such a short
time. The Queen that he had held onto and taken care of for so
long, the woman that was the most beautiful thing to him in all the
land, had changed. She had become like those that she herself used to
despise with a cold feeling about her. Where there was once a woman
that seemed to care about herself and those around her now stood a

woman that appeared to care about little, if anything. He could see
his Queen was gone, but it seemed that she did care about something.
Any realizations she may have had were fleeting and overpowered by
her true reason to return to the King. Unfortunately for the King her
attention was not directed to his happiness but instead only to the
unhappiness of the Princess. Her motivation to return had come from
the worst of all human instincts, jealousy, which had taken control of
the Queen. The King could quickly see that there was no one want-
ing his love, only a battle between the egos of two women. Before this
time the Queen had always had the luxury of knowing that her King
was just that, hers. No matter her actions she could comfortably rely
on the fact that he would be available to her whenever she wanted.
This is one of the sacrifices the King had always made in order to
guarantee the survival of the relationship. This built up a false sense
of security over time for the Queen, that she took advantage of.
King James attempts to be loving and supportive were partially born
of a low self esteem and proved only to cause him pain and never
the rewards that he had assumed would someday be rightfully his.
The King tried many times to regain the heart of his Queen, and
even though her words spoke of her wishes for just that, her actions
showed that she would never again be his. Every time it seemed as if
the two would get close to starting their life together again the Queen

would display what the King described as a rehearsed explosion of
made up feelings and fake anger that put a wall between them as high
as the clouds and stretched as far as the distant horizons. Yet still,
the King held tightly to the idea that they would someday again be
together and he patiently waited , quietly for that day to come. The
journey that he had to undertake for the Queen and himself and all
the responsibilities that went with it, finally, was coming to an end.
He made the majority of his travels alone but held it dear to his heart
that it was for both of them that he did it. In that he found his sense
of purpose that kept him going through all of it. When the day came
that the journey was actually completed he was able to stop, relax,
and to take a breath as if he had been holding it the whole time. It was
at that moment that the breath left his lips that he could see every-
thing for what it was. The streets of his Kingdom were silent. His
castle that was once filled with laughter and song had been reduced
to rubble. Those that had taken as much as he had to give, and more
were nothing but ghosts in his memory now. The Queen had prom-
ised to love him forever, but she was not at his side. It felt like a bad
dream that he wished to wake from but he could see now that actually
the dream that he had been existing in was finally over. He had noth-
ing left, not even the hope for he and his Queen that he had harbored
deep in his heart, all this time, was there to hold onto for comfort.

The Kingdom for all of its good and its bad was nothing now but a
memory that he alone carried. To all but a few, the once great King
was now a forgotten man. There was only one that he cared remem-
ber, and it seemed that she too had forgotten him. This was more
than any man could take, even the King, and he fell to his knees
and began to weep in a manner that spoke volumes of his pain. As
the tears fell, he decided he had enough. He was lost in his sorrow.
He had nothing left to give, no strength left for battles, it seemed
now his suffering had been for nothing, none of his wishes had been
granted, all of his prayers unanswered. During his journeys without
his Queen the King had attempted many times to let the memories
of his Queen go, but he was never successful. He decided there was
nothing left for him in this world and his pain must finally come to
an end. He stood up, and with resolve he reached for pen and ink
.This is when King James decided to write his manuscripts. He had
with doubts, at first hoped that maybe his journal would bring him
some relief or closure to his pain, as he had often done in the past,
but he just fell deeper into the depression that had been his com-
panion for so long now. Soon he decided there seemed to be only
one way he was going to be relieved of his pain. This when he
intended his manuscript to be his last writing. He decided to leave
behind a document that would explain his experiences and feelings to

anyone that might inquire, but mostly he needed his Queen to under-
stand how he felt and to ask one last wish of her. He had decided
that hope was now lost for King James to find happiness with Queen
Rebecca in this world, and could not live with the pain he felt without
her anymore. He knew that their life had not been perfect and they
both had not been at their best behaviors during the relationship as
there were also things that angered each of them about the other. But
he now only thought about how much he missed all of it. He thought
about the awkward young girl that he had first met that night so long
ago and how she had grown to become the most beautiful woman in
the world to him. A smile came to his face as memories of the Queen
learning to make some of his favorite meals came to his mind. He
could remember as if only it was a moment ago, the smiles that came
to her face as he adorned her fingers with jewels, and how those jewels
reflected the sparkle in her eyes. He remembered the headaches he had
caused her while he constantly worked on the walls of her castle, yet
never seeming to progress. He could remember the nights in their
private chamber that shadows danced upon the walls from all the
candles that were placed about the room. He thought about the bed
that he had fashioned with his own hands just for her. He fondly
remembered many nights in that room, but his fondest was how
happy and content she seemed when he held her with her head

doing that very same thing. He wondered for only a moment how
strange it was, that only he wished for these things and the Queen
who loved him so much now had no love for him, and he began
to become frustrated because it seemed they were only just a breath
away from being happy together and then he decided he didn’t want
to remember, anymore, he couldn’t pretend, anymore, he couldn’t
take, anymore. His hope was that maybe in the place he described
as the “World in the Clouds” the two could someday reunite. The
King then quickly returned to the writing of his manuscripts, and
began to reflect on the life they had lived from the very beginning.
He was surprised by the detail in which he could remember and how
time seemed to disappear. It was as if he was reliving each moment
of their life together all over again and what had long since passed
now seemed like it had just happened. He of course remembered the
good times, but tried to remember the bad times as well so he could
keep his views realistic. The feelings started to overwhelm him as he
recounted their life and their love. It was so real for him that often
as he wrote he would look up from the pages and expect to see her
standing there. He made mention to times he would begin look for
her before he actually remembered, that she had been gone, for so
long. He also speaks of the castle and how his days are spent with the
ghosts of past. At times the King cant even go anywhere in the ruins

of his castle without the overwhelming sorrow that accompanies each
and every vision and memory that follows. His days were filled with
nothing but tears and his depression began to get worse as the pain of
reliving these experiences alone , was taking his toll on him, yet he car-
ried on until one day he had finally had enough. He had no idea where
his Queen was living but sent word to her through her family that still
lived in the nearby village. He sent a copy of his uncompleted manu-
script with an explanation of why he couldn’t finish and his intentions.
He asked only one last wish of her and that she could reply. He asked
that she might consider to look for him in the next world beyond
theirs’ and to let her know he would be waiting for her there. The mes-
sage was sent by courier to her family with a promise that they would
make sure it would get to Rebecca as quickly as possible. He knew
that she had found a new life without him and his love for her kept
him from disturbing any happiness she may have found, but still he
was sure that she would send a reply. While King James waited for
her reply he worked day and night on the manuscript in hopes of
finishing as much as possible. Sadly it seemed, Rebecca had forgot-
ten the King and no reply was sent to him. (There is no proof that
she actually received the message) This seems to have worked in the
Kings advantage for while he waited for a reply, he continued his
work. During this time he eventually was able to make several

discoveries into the Queens behaviors that he had never noticed before.
These discoveries brought about new insight and new perceptions and
he began to look deeper and with more clarity into the problems that
they encountered. Through this he gained knowledge that gave reason
to the pain he was suffering. This gave him enough relief that his
will to live slowly began to return and he continued on to finish the
manuscript. The King was looking for answers to the problems that
plagued the couple during their life together. His hopes were of course
to somehow bring the couple back together again but if unsuccessful
he hoped to help his beloved Queen live a life that offered her happi-
ness. He wished to find understanding that the Queen could use to
gain freedom from the conditions that held her back from the life he
knew she deserved to live. In that he once again found purpose for his
life and hoped maybe one day he would regain his own life and find
his own purpose.
His wishes that they be together never left his heart, but his view
towards his Queen had become more realistic. The pain still persisted
as did his love for his Queen but for now he knew that he still had a
purpose left on this earth as his words in the manuscript suggest...

“I have life left to live and love left to give.”

The King wrote of his discoveries in separate entries he entitled his rev-
elations. He found that writing about the events from a third person
viewpoint offered him the best insight into the events. To best under-
stand what he was going through they have been translated from the
original Latin and added to this book, just as they were in his manu-
script, in the following pages.


MODUS OPERANDI — When the need arises, on a whim, she starts

a fight over what could be anything but actually has the basis of noth-
ing. Everyone knew she didn’t discuss anything of importance as if she
never really had any thoughts of her own or feelings that were deeper
than reactions to actions. She always began the argument in a very cold
and belligerent manner. The King instantly was frustrated of fighting
over nothing and she could always find the quickest way to his heart
and turn his frustration to anger. As soon as the King started to even
raise his voice, she could justify a valid reason to send word to her
family for her need to escape which started their part in the process
that enabled her actions through what it seemed to have been a lifetime
of positive rewards for negative behaviors. It took very little for her to
rationalize her behavior, and he later would learn, sometimes it didn’t
take anything at all. Sometimes the message to send for a ride for the
Queen goes out before the argument even takes place which the King
never caught onto. The King would have know why she left and of
course he would always blame himself. She would then have the King at
his mercy while she was simply manipulating him to get the things she
wanted. Once at her parents her attitude was completely different and
her feelings turned completely cold.


The outcome is always the same. Argument over issue that never gets
discussed and if its something the King finds important to discuss the
issue is closed and she wont discuss it because she says its the in the past.
No matter who is in the wrong, the King is at that point wrong and
discussion ended. The King sees two distinct patterns emerge that he
only could guess about before but now could finally prove. First, if her
wishes were to go to see her sister, she wouldn’t have to risk any pos-
sibility that the King would deny her wishes nor would she have to risk
being denied a ride by her parents. Instead of the thought she would
have to ask for something and thereby feeling obligated in anyway what
so ever, she could turn it around completely and have her enablers feel-
ing obligated to her instead. Second, if an argument starts that is over a
valid topic she can instantly end the argument with her fighting tactic.
It requires minimum risk and produces the effect that she finds a prior-
ity, to not discuss anything, under any circumstance. Her fighting tactic
when confronted with the threat of having to talk about something that
requires the use of feelings is to lash out and when to anger the opponent,
then retreats to a fearful posture awaiting her chance to use the situation
to her advantage in an obviously rehearsed and methodical fashion.


If the King loses his temper he loses the argument and any control over
the situation. She gains her ultimate goal and is thereby free from the
discussion and it is ended. If he tries to bring it up again he his told
it is in the past and she refuses any further discussion. Either tactic is
due to or requires the lack of feelings of that of a normal mind. He
was very troubled because he knew that if only she took the time to
voice her thoughts she could have had whatever she wanted without all
of the trouble and he wondered how she could go through all that for
it required an absence of feelings. There is a possibility that she may
have been denied her wishes often during childhood in her parents cot-
tage producing a fear of not getting what she wanted. She would have
thereby learned to circumvent the whole communication- information
process over time if negative actions were rewarded. He thought that
if that was true and her habits had formed early then the fact the he
always gave the Queen whatever she wanted, to her, might not have
mattered. The only other explanation for this would be that she did this
for the mere pleasure of it but the lack of feelings that it would take, is
inconceivable to a normal mind. With the discovery of these patterns
King James started to look at the relationship between he and Rebecca
with a new perspective which brought even more questions.


The first argument that he and the Queen had was over something
absolutely of no importance but the King remembered it quite vividly.
He remembers that she became very feeling less and cold. She became
extremely vicious in her words towards the King and he was shocked
as they were still new as a couple and in what he thought of as the
honeymoon stage. He became very angry that she could be so different
quickly as if her emotions were all fake. It was then that she made the
next transition in her what he then could see was an act. She all of a
sudden became scared as if she thought for some reason the King would
hurt her. The King had never hurt a woman in his life and couldn’t
understand her actions. She became so scared he thought at first she was
faking but she seemed to be scared for her life. The King tried to put his
arms around her and comfort her but she pushed him away and fell to
the ground in what almost seemed to be convulsions. The King feared
she might be in shock and did the only thing he knew at the time would
have helped. He slapped her across the face in an attempt to bring her
back to her senses. It did and she then suddenly started accusing the
King of beating her. It was all down hill from there. He had lost the
argument, had lost control, and when he looked back he thought he


must have lost touch as well. Soon it was forgotten until their next argu-
ment and things started to happen a little differently. She usually starts
where most people don’t even get to. She goes so quickly from his beloved
Queen to such cold and feeling less person and her words to him are
always straight to his heart. At first he lashes back with usual vulgari-
ties but nothing seems to affect her then in the flash of an eye he learns
a valuable lesson that once a line is crossed it is hard, sometimes impos-
sible to go back. He cant contain his anger anymore at his Queen and
he hits her. Its not like he would have hit a man but rather more of a
open handed slap. No matter the intensity of the hit he still cant believe
he did it. But his fate was sealed and the stage was set. She then put on
her scared face which was not near the extent of their first fight but this
time the King had himself to blame and he instantly jumped to the aid
of his Queen. Of course the fight was over and whatever he was upset
about and trying to talk to her about was long forgotten and now he
was at he her mercy. The King thought for sure that their relationship
was over at that moment. He apologized and sat with her to comfort
her and thinking that it was over he left the Queen to recover
her mood and told her he would take her home as


soon as she was ready. He waited and waited and then upon returning
was shocked to find the Queen in a surprisingly good mood. It seems
everything was forgotten and she had moved on with her day and didn’t
wish to discuss the event. He again was bewildered by her attitude as he
was obviously much more affected by his actions than she was. Mostly
because he couldn’t excuse himself of this he allowed his Queen to treat
him like he actually beat her when the time or place suited her. He saw
this as his due punishment for actions. He felt terrible for it but noticed
sometimes she sounded like she was bragging when telling others. This
was not the last time this type of fight would happen and so a pattern
started to emerge. All their fight started when the King would try to
discuss a problem that he felt they were having. She never could discuss
anything that required open feelings. She never said she didn’t want
to talk about anything, but rather that she couldn’t and mostly she
didn’t know what to say. Instead of talking about it she became instantly
angered and cold. If he was to loose his temper and strike at the Queen
he was wrong about whatever it was that started the argument and
he wasn’t allowed to bring it up as it was the past. If she started
to cry or act scared he would have to stop arguing to comfort her.


This was the only relationship he had ever been in that he had even
come close to anything like this and it made him angry at himself. He
never could understand why he just didn’t walk away then and remove
her from his life but instead he just held on tighter and tighter. From
the very beginning he doubted the sincerity of her fear but it was a long
time before he looked at her part of the interaction His actions were
enabled by her as she seemed to give him what he wanted and would
begin to openly communicate when he showed simple signs of aggression.
From the very first time they ever had an argument he felt as if her emo-
tions were fake but he was just never able to prove anything to himself
and so it continued on. The King could see that with his help right
from the beginning the Queen was able to set the stage for her sympathy
play, but he could never understand to what purpose it served. When
the Queen calls her mother for her part in the play, her mothers need
for attention is used to get whatever the Queen wanted. The Queen
has obviously led her mother to believe she needs to escape the evil
king. He could then understand, that her mothers thoughts that some-
how he had kidnapped her daughter, had been at least fueled by
the Queen herself. He could then see how the web


of deceit misgivings and misunderstandings and outright lies were all

part of how the Queen had learned to exist. He remembers so may times
that Queen remarked that her mother thoughts were simply because she
was crazy. Then he wondered what had been said about him to win her
sympathy from them. She had never asked the King for a ride let alone a
desire to leave at the times that she left, then he thought, but why would
she. That would discount the fact that the King was some evil being
she needed to be saved from and she could not have appealed to her
mothers fears or paranoia to get what she wanted from her. The King
then remembers all the sad stories about the bad treatment she received
while growing up from her parents, how she had been tormented by
her sister as a child, and how that fed into the his need to protect her
and ultimately save her. Just as she manipulated her mother , she took
advantage of his good nature . The King is angered that she deceived
him and is bewildered at the complexity of this deceit and the amount
of effort that it required to avoid what was at the bottom line, the
simple unavoidable truth. Then he takes a moment to think of the
trouble he puts himself through to avoid the realities of his life that he
finds uncomfortable. But he knows he only causes himself the pain... she
causes everyone else the pain. — Selfless vs Selfish —


Whatever her reasons she never explained her condition to the King. He
had no idea as to what extent she was even aware of her actions or to
what degree she was inflicted with the condition that seemed to be her
plight. He had hoped that someday what they both called “that light”
would come on for her and she then could feel free to open up to discuss
what she was able to feel and the thoughts she did have but unfortu-
nately she never did. He believed she would lash out when confronted
about her feelings because of the frustrations she felt from her lack of
feelings or her inability to even understand them. Fights in which the
King would hit the Queen didn’t happen often and for only a short
period in the beginning of the relationship but the Queens tactics stayed
the same till the end. He spent the entirety of their relationship doing
everything he could to get her to openly talk to him.
In hindsight he could finally see he was asking someone to discuss some-
thing that they had no understanding of and only a fear of that fact
being discovered.
Memories flood his mind as he tries to put more of the pieces together
but now he just wonders if anything was real for her. He got an empty
feeling inside and it stayed there for a very long time.


He never minded playing the fool for her, as long as that meant he got
the girl in the end... but now that he felt she was gone forever he began
to get angry at her, but mostly at himself. How big of a fool he must
have seemed! It angered him greatly when he remembered that he pro-
vided her everything she ingested, breathed, covered her body with, and
spent hours upon hours ignoring him with not to mention all he did
to appease her family as she probably just worked them back up into
a frenzy. He sacrificed so much, he looked the other way so often, had
denied his own feelings to believe her excuses and accept her lies for so
long because he believed this would earn him the reward of his dreams
to come true. He wondered if it was wrong of him to have believed her
promises each time when she never fulfilled them. Was it wrong of her
to lie or not feel obligated to keep her promises.
As the “if only” filled his mind, he could see that none of it was
important or mattered anymore, and the only things that did, was
what was... that the Queen was gone and she didn’t want to come
back, and even though he could finally see things more clearly, that
Rebecca would forever remain in his heart, just as she always had
been... his beloved Queen and he knew he would continue to love
Queen Rebecca without question... till the end of time.


She offered him her love, and in return he gave her a life and everything
that her heart desired. He gave her a love that was true and without
question. He gave her honesty and needed it in return, but she failed to
give him that. When the day came that he most needed her love and sup-
port, she waited for him to turn away. When he did, she just ran away
like a thief with his heart, and she never stopped to look back or even at
herself. He started to better understand her condition that caused her to
have an inability to deal with, or even sometimes understand feelings,
and why that caused her to fear confrontation and ultimately discovery.
In the end, the King was left with a great sadness in his heart that had
taken over his whole life, yet confused for not only for himself did he feel
this sadness but also for his Queen. He knew of the life that she was
doomed to live if she never was able to accept the responsibility to look
at herself and deal with the things that bothered her. For the time being
she still found it easiest to run from it all, but he knew that eventually
she would no longer be able to, for she was running away from herself.
He hoped that when the time came that she finally stop running,
and was ready to look at herself, that she would have someone there
that actually cared ...not to keep her from falling as he did but to
help her back up... when she was ready.


When King James started his manuscripts they were a self study in
an attempt to make some sense of the events that had happened to
him in his life in hopes coping with his situation. While writing some
of his manuscripts and reflecting on his life he began to get very
depressed. It was at this point that King James intended his manu-
script to be a suicide note as he could not stand the pain anymore that
he felt from loosing his Queen and living in isolation. With a new
fever, he hurried to finish the work so he could leave it for her. While
he wrote he gained new understandings of the events in his life, yet
he felt his lifetime quest for love and happiness in this world had
come to an end. He believed there might be a chance for them again
in the next life and wished to tell his beloved Queen that he would
wait for her there. As he reflected his life during the writing of the
manuscripts he started to relive the feelings associated with the events
and especially the loss of his Queen which caused his depression to
become unbearable so he sent word to Rebecca with copies of the
work he had finished and a short note of his intentions. He knew that
she had found a new life and had all but forgotten about King James
but thought she would take a moment to reply, but Rebecca intended
no reply to the King. While waiting for a reply the King spent day


and night on his work in attempts to finish his work, which is when
he made several discoveries which gave him the incentive to carry on
and finish the manuscript. He gained insight that could have only
come from a third party look into his life. With this new insight
his perspective changed and his will to live slowly returned to him
but he knew he would never again be the same. He sought answers
to the problems that plagued him and his Queen. We are still look-
ing for the answers to these same problems nearly 700 years later.
Understanding mental conditions and diseases and the affects that
they cause will surely continue on until the end of time as the human
mind is a complex creation and the conditions that affect it con-
tinue to change as quickly as man does himself. Although King James
gained some peace of mind from his work on his manuscript and the
understanding he got from the discoveries he made, it seems to have
be temporary for him as the last accounts of King James reported him
to be again in a severely depressed state. He must not have given up
on seeing his Queen at least one last time but from the information
we have she refused any and all attempts to meet with the King.
It is unclear as to his intentions but the King had decided that he
had to see her and his mood and health deteriorated the longer the


the meeting was put off by the Queen. We can only speculate as to
why she wouldn’t speak to the King, but those who know the story of
the King and his Queen have long hoped that Queen Rebecca would
have found her way back to the love of her King James, before it was
too late for him but there are no accounts to have suggested this.
Unfortunately for him, he had given so much of himself to her, and
projected so much of his own importance on the love he thought
they once shared. It appeared that if she was never able to at least
show him some compassion or even friendship that he felt was due
him, it looked that he eventually would die of a broken heart. He
had already deteriorated to an unhealthy state, weakened from his
spirit being broken from the events of his life that had passed, and
the inner strength that the King had always possessed, seemed to be
gone. There didn’t seem to be anyone around the King that realized
just how weak and ill he had become. There are some accounts that
he may have even been living in complete isolation, which would
have been very unusual for the once very social King.
The author expands on his theory of the Kings state of mind at
this time. King James reached a point in his life where he had
found himself drained and in need of compassion. King James


felt he had given so much to his world appears to have decided to

make some kind of stand. He wanted to see if he could get something
back from the world that before this, he had given so selflessly to.
It makes no sense why the King would have made this decision at
the point in his life for he was waiting for something he himself was
thought to be impossible. He was asking for compassion from some-
one that seemed to be void of the capacity. The balance system by
which he had lived his entire life by, was comprised of basic elements
of Christianity and Buddhist religions, but pivoted on the belief that
the world was a fair and just place. This system had now suddenly
come under question by him which would have been a major crisis
for the King. If he couldn’t get anything back from his world, his
entire belief system, including his morals, code of ethics, religious
beliefs, and a lifetime of learning could possibly, suddenly have no
value for him. Making matters worse, this was all happening at a time
in his life that would make starting over, seem unappealing to him.
This would leave him feeling lost, and his wishes to remain in this
world... may have no longer of held any interest for the King.

JC ASMUS © 2010

Anti Social Personality Disorder
Today we know most of these behaviors displayed by Queen Rebecca
to be typical for a sociopathic type personality due to their inability
to process compassion or concern for the feelings of others. This
personality type becomes a disorder when it is out of their power
to control just as when a habit becomes an addiction. As much as
Sociopath has no understanding of the feelings they lack, it is just as
hard, maybe even impossible, for someone who has these feelings,
to understand life without them. This makes treatment difficult
for the frustration the Sociopath feels trying to discuss that which
they may have no understanding of keeps them isolated and many
fear discovery. The non Sociopath likewise becomes frustrated The
Sociopaths lack of feelings make it difficult for them to get the nur-
turing everyone needs to survive. This requires them to use the non
Sociopath to feed upon for these feelings. The Sociopath Personality
is a natural predator of those with the ability of compassion, and yet
their actions are not born from malice, only need. As with any pred-
ator and their prey the Sociopath can not survive without the non
Sociopath. This dependency on the non Sociopath does however
create negative feelings within the Sociopath towards that which it is
dependent upon. As the non Sociopath continuously fail to receive

Anti Social Personality Disorder
in return, what they have given, negative feelings are generated
towards the Sociopath during the transition they eventually make
from feeling needed, to feeling used. The relationship is maintained
by the non Sociopaths need to be needed and a need to prove ,
or rather disprove that they are unlovable. This feeling is further
verified them by the Sociopaths failure to return the love that they
receive from the non Sociopath. The Sociopath due to their need
to maintain the relationship they require to survive, give promises
of improved actions. Although these always go unfulfilled, the non
Sociopath are continuously willing to accept due to their need to
prove that they are lovable. The interactions seen are similar to
those found in the Karpman Drama Triangle which are common to
all dysfunctional, dependent relationships. This type of Symbiotic
relationship is called Parasitism and can only be sustained as long
as the non Sociopathic host can maintain their “reserves” that allow
them to give without receiving, or to receive in deficit. The rela-
tionship is doomed to fail as the non Sociopath becomes depleted
over time, as they fail to receive in return as much as they give,
with the duration having direct correlation to the deficit involved.

JC ASMUS © 2010





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