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The institution of marriage

Marriage is defined as the state of being united to a person in a consensual and contractural
relationship recognized by law. It has always been a social construct that has been modified
through the course of human history, and it continues to evolve. It is claimed that modern
society has completely different views on marriage as different as traditionalist matrimony
On one hand, the researchers affirm that the marriage has morphed from an institution
based on clearly defined gender roles to a gender condition equality. One major advantage
of getting marriage is that married people could give their partner financial security.
Currently, both, wives and husbands work, which allow them to get doble-incomes. It also
helps to crate a more equitable distribution of family responsabilities between parents.
Apart from this, healthcare and other perk benefits are often given to spouses, not to
mention the fact that in case of death, the spouse automatically inherists the goods.
On the other hand, when you get marriaged, the decisin- making process will now become
a shared responsability. One can not take a decisin for oneself without considering the
other one. What is more, some couple members have different positions about certain
issues. This leads to arguments so that it can affect the relationship.
Taking everything into account, matrimony could change our lives completely. To my way
of thinking, there was a considerable variation in the divisin of roles and responsabilities
within marriage. It does have disadvantages, but they may be negotiable.

Gareca, Vernica Jessica.

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