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I have found the solution about my problem.

I have done the following steps:

In my Windows: I have removed the content from "%localappdata%\Xamarin\MonoT
In Mac terminal: Remove the authorized_keys Mac file ("rm /Users/macmini2/.s
sh/authorized_keys" in my case)
In Mac terminal: chmod g-w /Users/macmini2/
In Mac terminal: chmod 700 /Users/macmini2/.ssh/
In Mac terminal: Create a empty file: /Users/macmini2/.ssh/authorized_keys (
with vim, for example)
In Mac terminal: chmod 600 /Users/macmini2/.ssh/authorized_keys
On Visual Studio: Login with Xamarin Mac Agent
On Visual Studio: Run the application with [Debug] - [iPhoneSimulator] - [iP
hone 5 iOS 8.1]
And finally, the simulator runs on Mac computer.

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