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A critical review is an opportunity to analyses the content and presentation of a book or an

article objectively .
Learning And Teaching Mathematics With A Graphic Calculator researched by Rosihan
M.Ali, Daniel L.Seth , Zarita Zainuddin , Suraiya Kassim , Hajar Sulaiman and Hailiza Kamarul
Haili discusses pedagogical and assessment strategies that have been implemented in the course
and summarizes student reactions to the innovative learning of Mathematics .
The School of Mathematical Sciences at USM has developed from the ground up a course
based on the new learning modes made feasible, indeed imperative, by the graphic calculator
enhanced with computer algebra systems (CAS) . Students are introduced to the capabilities of
graphic calculator as an instructional tool in learning . In addition , the course includes several
seminars addressing issues driven by the integration of the new technologies into the classroom
as example pedagogical and curricular changes to be made . In many countries including
Austria , France , Australia , USA and Canada , it is taken for granted that many of the students
will have access to a graphic calculator much of the time , if not at all times . In fact , beginning
in the year 2001 , neighbor country , Singapore has allowed the use of graphic calculators
without CAS in the national exam for Further Mathematics paper . The advent of technology has
put at issue teaching pedagogy and strategies . Whereas in Malaysia , the use of graphic
calculator are too minimal and it is mostly used by universities students in their Mathematics
lessons . Yet , universities are encouraging and providing sufficient course for students those are
future teachers so that they will be able to apply the lesson with graphic calculators in their
future .
This paper elucidates development and testing of materials that incorporate the graphic
calculators to enhance the understanding of concepts in the mathematics classroom .
The technology and levels of sophistication of graphic calculators have grown significantly
over the last few years . The graphic calculators can plot graphs , visualize 3D surfaces and are
programmable too . It also facilitate the needs of the users . The CAS tools automate the
execution of algebraic and calculus computations . CAS can simplify expressions , evaluate
derivatives and integrals symbolically or numerically , perform matrix operations and solve
differential equations . CAS automates most of the calculation skills we teach in Mathematics .
Plot graph is typically a student will require a significant amount of labor to reproduce the same
graph using pencil and paper . But now , it can be done in the graphic calculators too .

Research shows that , the course developed around the capabilities of the technology to
enhance the understanding and learning of mathematical concepts and theories through scientific
visualization and laboratory type explorations . Thus , particular attention was given to exploring
the potential role of graphic calculators in achieving the learning outcomes through the use of
innovative pedagogic methods based on a more active , student center approach to learning that
emphasizes the development of higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills . The graphic
calculator allows student learning to occur at a higher cognitive level and serves to facilitate
inquiries , explorations and problem-solving activities .
Graphing calculator are also used as:

a tool for the symbolic manipulation or graphical display of mathematical functions

and equations .

a facility for the collection , examination and analysis of data .

a tool to foster collaborative learning and teach students to work as a team .
a flexible laboratory instrument supporting the collection of scientific data using

various physical sensors that allow for the immediate and flexible manipulation of
the data .

a tool to aid in solving realistic problems that enables the student to concentrate on

problem aspects and interpretation rather than computational aspects .

A tool to discover , visualizes and investigates Mathematical theories .

A graphic calculator is a powerful tool that can carry out complicated Mathematical tasks .
Thus , it allowing students to spend more time on the understanding of concepts . When used
Effectively , it becomes a tool to help students actively construct their own knowledge
bases and skill sets .

The graphing calculator is one type of technology used in education and its use can
impact on Mathematics curriculum in several ways . Impacts on Curriculum Graphing
calculators allow students to analyse and explore functions in it . Equation that cannot be solved
using the algebraic methods and so on can be solved with graphing calculators for approximate
solutions and sometimes exact solution can be define . Graphing calculators help students to
graph function quickly and effectively , manipulate the graphs and develop generalization about
the functions contained . More time can be spent on analysing the graph and less time on the
actual development of the graphs was spent . Student built deeper understanding of functions ,
matrices and the graphs of the functions since less time is spent performing on the calculation
part .
This article has focused on the three common themes in uses of graphing calculators with
secondary Mathematics . These issues involve teachers beliefs that graphing calculator use will
prevent students development skills , problems with the implementation of graphing calculator
uses . As we all aware , the graphing calculator can plot graphs , visualize 3D surface and much
more within it. The CAS can simplify expressions , evaluate derivate and integrals symbolically
or numerically . More else , its also help students to form linked multiple-representation of
Mathematical concepts . Therefore, as teachers largely determine students access to graphing
calculator , the curriculum that is actually enacted and the pedagogical landscape of the
classrooms . A very pleasant and active classroom learning can be organised for those not really
like Mathematics . Most of students perception is Mathematics is a complicated subject and it
needs more time to find the solution . The presence of the graphing calculators will change all
those dilemma and foster interest in Mathematics .
The finding of this research has serious implication of the role of teachers education in
ensuring success in the learning in Mathematics with graphing calculators . Therefore , teachers
must have sufficient knowledge of using graphic calculators so that they shall deliver the correct
lessons to students . This evidence exist that graphing calculators have positive effect on student
understanding , achievement and attitudes .

One are of research focuses on the effect of graphing calculators on students

understanding and achievement when using graphing calculators and other area focuses on the
effect of graphing calculators on students attitudes . When it says attitude , it refers to weather
students accept the presence of graphic calculators in their learning process . This discovery
approach teacher from the comfort of teaching on discrete topic at a time and it requires that the
teacher develop greater depth of Mathematical understanding , flexibility in thinking and the
ability to address unexpected questions . The teacher must be able to diagnose technical and
Mathematical problems , facilitate group work and adapt to the different paths taken by students
as they solve problems . This collection of reports suggests that even limited access to calculator
may have positive effect on students approaches to Mathematical problems . This interpretation
is supports by the findings of other studies . Thus , access to calculators , even limited access,
appeared to result in improved students performance and at the same time scores will increase .
In part of course features , student with short term access their experience more to
performance gains . Hence , this might acquaint students with the CAS calculators and
capabilities to understand the relevance of calculator technology in teaching and learning
Mathematics and also to model the effective integration of technology in the use of calculator in
active classroom environment . Researcher in Mathematics education asserts that understanding
a Mathematical concept such a function includes the ability to use and make connections
between multiple representations . Although developing more than one representation for a
Mathematical object can take a substantial amount of time . Effective use of graphing calculators
allows quick and easy development between representations . This section discusses the result of
studies investigated student learning with curriculum designed to take advantage of access to
graphing calculators . Research reports contain numerous suggestions for how teacher education
programs can effectively influence teachers pedagogical decisions regarding the use of graphing
calculators .
This indicate three main categories of these suggestions such that reflection , experience
and learning to manage inherent challenges in education . Research has documented and
articulated a number of challenges inherent in pedagogical approaches that involve the use of
graphing calculators . Teacher education programs should give teachers the opportunities to
explore implication of these challenges and ways in which they can be addressed . Lesson

involving explorations with graphing calculators are often less structured , requiring teachers to
share control of the classroom with their studies . Use of graphing calculators in the classrooms
needs to move to a new phase of complexity where teacher education , teacher use , student use
and student learning are all taken into account . So , we stress here again that teachers must have
the knowledge of using the graphic calculator without any doubt when they teaching students to
use it . This may challenging but it is necessary if research is produce the kind of knowledge base
on teaching and learning with graphical calculators that in the face of constant technological
advancement . In order for teachers to be prepared to take advantage of access technology ,
teachers education learning programs must help teachers feel knowledgeable and comfortable
with technology .
This paper has considered some common themes in the research on teaching and learning
with graphing calculators and implications for teacher education . This can be done in number of
ways . First , teachers need early and frequent access to graphing calculators . Teachers
themselves must know to use the graphic calculator effectively . They need experience both
learning and teaching with graphing calculators in constructive learning environments . Secondly
, the focus of such efforts should go beyond the functionality of the tool to incorporate the
potential and constraints of the tools . Otherwise , teachers need to be given opportunities to
discuss the benefits as well as the possible pitfalls of using graphing calculators in their teaching
and learning progress . It is through such discussions that teachers can explore and develop their
own beliefs about access to and use of graphing calculators ant the implications of such access .
Thirdly , teachers education should expose teachers to research on the effect of access to
graphing calculators . This opportunity will enable them to develop beliefs that are both informed
by current research and connected to their own Mathematical understandings . When experiences
learning and teaching with graphing calculators are coupled with exposure to research in this
area , teachers revisit the instructional approaches they use or plan to use to teach Mathematics .
These reflections may , in turn , motivate teachers to provide the kind of access to graphing
calculator advocated by current movements in mathematics education reform .
The final component in the development of new lesson plan in schools is assessment . The
important assessment issue in a CAS environment is validity of test items .Validity is about
weather the test conducted are really measuring on what are suppose to be measured . There are

several components of evidence available to support inferences such as content and substantive .
One of the most widely used taxonomies of cognitive levels is learning objectives is Blooms
Taxonomy which contains hierarchical levels that are six levels . The levels are knowledge level ,
comprehension level , application level , analysis level , synthesis level and evaluation level .
For an undergraduate and postgraduate level course , the emphasis should be higher thinking
order items because they are no more school students and at the age of studies , they will be able
to think advance and looking more to authentic learning . The characteristics of core item should
reflects on the objectives of the lesson and also on how to relate topics were taught in the
classroom . The core item should ask the students to use their graphic calculators to apply the
concepts in a given problem or situation and to analyze new data sets . In those cases , graphic
calculators can be used in other calculation subjects and not only Mathematics .
Mathematics is more than the pencil-and-paper calculations which are often the focus of
textbooks and instruction provided . In an increasingly technological environment , students and
graduates will need to analyze a problem , determine what Mathematical models and techniques
are appropriate by carry out the necessary calculations efficiently and effectively . The graphic
calculators is used to make an estimation to determine whether their answers make sense , use
reasoning to determine whether the answer is acceptable and if not , modify the problem and
start all over again .
If we want to test students' knowledge of mathematical facts and ability to do simple problems ,
then they should not be using calculators . But if we want to test students' problem solving ability
using real world problems , then they should be using calculators as in this case . They will be
using calculators outside of the classroom at home and at work and it doesn't make sense to
keep them from using them in school .
In our Malaysian educational system , like it or not , the curriculum is often determined by the
tests students take . As a result , in order to emphasize that students should do more complex
real-world problems and should use a calculator when appropriate and we need tests which
include those kinds of problems . We need to test the skills that we value . All of the national
reports emphasize that the simple "shopkeeper" Mathematics that was adequate 50 years ago is
no longer enough . In the meaning to say , the old traditional methods such as abacus is no longer

being use and a simple shop also has a very basic calculator . What is valued in today's
technological society is the ability to solve a variety of problems using a variety of techniques
and tools and that is what the assessments should reflect .
The calculator has made it possible for us to teach mathematics in a very different way ,
one where we can discuss questions involving various skills long before those skills are mastered
. Put differently , the calculator allows children to acquire Mathematical skills by talking
Mathematics first and later filling in the details of computation much like they acquire language
skills by speaking first and later filling in the details of grammar .
When students are permitted to use graphics calculators in assessment situation , it is
essential that the assessment tasks are carefully designed with this in mind .The requires a clear
view of exactly what we intent to find out with a particular assessment task and a good
understanding of what graphic might have to do with what we are trying to find out .
Implementation of graphic calculators into assessment involves more attention among students .
For their terminal course project , students worked in groups to locate a fresh data set and
to develop their own graphics calculator laboratory exploration . Performance expectations for
their terminal projects include the cultivation of higher thinking skills . This is the aspect of the
course implementation that most strongly addresses the students need to work at higher
cognitive learning levels and they too needs variation in their Mathematics lesson .

A device that can be utilized to facilitate learning of Mathematics is the graphic
calculator, whose technology and levels of sophistication have grown significantly over the last
few years . Compared to the United States , Europe and the Oceania region the use of hand-held
technology in Malaysia is very much in its infancy .
The course for this research is taught in an inquiry-based format that highlights
explorations and applications of Mathematics in a data rich modeling environment . In addition ,
the course addresses issues related to the effective integration of such technologies into the
mathematics and science curriculum . This paper discusses pedagogical and assessment
strategies that have been implemented in the course and summarizes student reactions to the
innovative learning mode .
To monitor the impact of graphic calculators in the course , a topic-specific semi
structured survey was prepared and implemented upon completion of each component for
instance calculus , linear algebra , differential equations and statistics . This survey requested
information on students perception of their understanding and impression of each topic
before taking the course within 4 weeks and also sought their views on the educational value of
integrating the graphic calculator into the subject . The students in the class were pre service
teachers and mathematics students but the surveys did not make any distinction between these A
topic-specific semi structured survey was prepared and implemented to monitor the impact of
graphic calculators in the course. The samples of the survey were pre-service teachers and
mathematics students. This survey categorize pre-service teachers as students also because no
any distinction between these two groups.
In that survey , the following items have been asked:
1) Before taking this course, did the samples feel that they had a good understanding of the
theories and concepts of given topics .
2) Before taking this course , did the samples feel that the chosen topic was applicable in the
real world , interesting or could be fun to learn?
3) Is the samples understanding or appreciation of chosen topics has been changed , after
attending this course for the past four weeks .

4) Is the graphic calculator has enhanced the samples understanding of chosen topic .
5) Is the samples experience working with graphic calculator during the past four weeks
given them an insight into the value or limitations of integrating technology into the
classroom .

The calculus survey shows the result that , 71.4% of the students has broadened and deepened
their understanding and appreciation of calculus and 95.2% felt that the graphic calculators has
enhanced this understanding . All the students find calculus more interesting , illuminating ,
exciting and creates an enjoyable environment that is more conducive to learning than before .
They also now can visualize and appreciate important concept in calculus , such as the limiting
behaviour of functions , the relationship between a function and its first and second derivatives
and finally the geometric interpretation of the mean value theorem .
The linear algebra survey shows the result that 95.7% of the students agreed that they better
understood linear algebra and 91.3% felt that the graphic calculator has enhanced this
understanding . Students were amazed at how the graphic calculator can speed up their
calculation in basic linear algebra problems such as finding the row-reduced form of a matrix
and using the graph to get its eigen values .
The application of linear algebra in information technology become easier with aid of the graphic
calculator . Other than that , the introduction of least squares method with fresh data provides
new experience in using linear algebra to create models for real-life experiments . Having the
graphic calculator can help in balancing chemical equations and improved their understanding in
this topic of chemistry , which they have learnt previously .
The differential equation survey shows the result that 90.9% of the students had broadened and
deepened their understanding and appreciation of differential equation and 81.8% felt that the
graphic calculator has enhanced this understanding . The students felt that the graphic calculators
help them develop a better understanding of differential equations and their applicability . The
students also found better understanding in Existence and Uniqueness Theorem .
They also can plot a family solutions of a differential equation easily which provides visual
representation that facilitates a better and deeper understanding of the theorem . Apart from that ,

students also can save their valuable time to engage in a great deal of tedious calculations and
computations to obtain solutions of differential equations . They can use the time to engage in
learning activities to develop better understanding of the concepts of differential equations .
The activities that involve discrete data of real life problems provide useful and exciting
experiences in enhancing mathematics learning . Students find obtaining real data from the
internet and modeling the acquired data is an enjoyable and exciting learning experience .
The statistics survey shows that 80.9% of the students agreed that their understanding of
statistics increased . 66.6% indicated and enhancement in understanding . For them , the use of
graphic calculators saves them the trouble of memorizing formulae and speed up calculations
and graphing of data sets . Graphical displays , box plots and histogram are helpful in
understanding the idea of statistics .By using this graphic calculators , statistical testing and
construction of confidence interval also become so easier .
The survey also noted several concerns and reservation in the use of graphic calculators . By
using this graphing calculators , students become over dependence on it in solving problems .
The cost of calculators also very high and prevent from everybody own it for themselves and it
may present and equity issue .
Apart from that , the students also need to equipped with theoretical and conceptual
understanding of the topics before the use of graphic calculators . The graphic calculators also
takes a relatively long time to plot slope fields of differential equations .
From the above survey , we can say that graphing calculators as a whole have made it
very easy for it users to solve equations and plot graphs and work with different variables . Not
only that , this graphing calculators also help a lot in clearing out various mathematical
concepts , making them an important tools for both students and teachers to explore it .
Graphing calculators are capable of providing multiple representations of mathematical
concepts . By building tables , tracing along curves and zooming in on critical points , students
may be able to process information in a more varied and meaningful way . To enhance
understanding , it appears that working with representations that expose diverse aspects of a
concept is critical .

Using graphing calculators in class can enhance students understanding and if used
properly , can help students develop higher level mathematical skills . Some instructor believe
that calculators in the class will prevent students from developing their mathematics skills .
Others believe they will grow stronger in their understanding of numbers and even take the fear
out of solving mathematical problems .

In a nutshell, we can conclude that graphing calculators plays an important role to foster
variation in Mathematics lessons in Malaysia . It wouldnt distinguish the traditional methods of

using simple calculators and as well as scientific calculators but graphing calculator is an
advancement in Mathematics lessons in Malaysia which the usage are more to complicated and
compressed questions and it needs plenty steps to find the solutions .
The penetration of graphing calculators and the adoption of the new pedagogical practices in
Mathematics is an excellent moves by Malaysian Government in order to variant the subject .
Besides , it promotes students motivation , inspires critical thinking and problem solving skills
among students which was instantly developed in other subjects yet , now can be develop in
Mathematics too .
Moreover , for future research , the researchers of the survey suggests a positive student attitude
and interest in the graphing calculators as it was not included in the current survey . Not only that
, the researchers also says that the students performance in Mathematics using graphing
calculator has exceeded their expectations underlying the goal of the course that were subjected
earlier of the semester . It would be best if the research is conducted in many universities to get
responses from large sample so that a very good decision could be made .
Not only that , the next attempt could be taken for future research is to incorporate graphing
calculators in other courses such as Accounts and Economics . It will enable students to acquire
the competency in using the most advance features of the graphing calculators in different
subjects . It also will create a new learning environment and cater the interest of students towards
the subjects and lessons conducted .

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