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Created By:

Dimas Adi Murdianto


Atiq Mudzalifah
Rica Prima Fitriana
Ferry Ardana Putra
Ayu Wulandari
Aulia Rahmah



I. Background of the study

Almost all people around the world have difficulties of their needs in English. This is
because the English language learning material in compatibility with the profession they are
in. They have a general English language materials are also learned in school, where as the
material are almost relevant to those who have different professions. Every people who is live
in a different workplace, also have the different or specific need of the language to their
certain goals and purposes. We cannot decide to apply the same languages need to the
different profession for people, because they have different purposes on their job and life. To
solve this problem, we need ESP (English specific purpose), which will help them to use the
corresponding English in their working lives. Therefore, before ESP given to them we think
that we need to know the need of what they need to learn English, what they are really
interested in English to support their jobs need and for life. So the ESP material and courses
will be given to them with the better target and useful thing to do and learn.
II. Objective of the Study
The aim of this questioner is completing our mid test course in ESP (English for
Specific Purposes) class and knowing the needs of English language learning from the
accounting department in Muhammdiyah University of Sidoarjo.
III.Research Method
We use quantitative in research methods We distribute a questionnaire to the students
for collecting the data consisting of point choice questions or they can answer with their own
and we calculate the percentage the answer of Accounting students, University of
Muhammadiyah in Sidoarjo.
IV. Questionnaire
We have been design the questionnare to determine the needs of English for your
certain work place and expertise especially for your future job needed. We need your honesty
to fill and answer the question in ordet to get the appropriate aim in this research. It needs to
develop the learning of English in purpose to get the accurate information for the best
learning according to related professions which is required. The following is the
questionnaire format.



: ..


: ..

Jenis Kelamin

: ..
: ..

Latar Belakang Pendidikan. Berilah Tanda Centang () Pada

Kolom Jawaban Yang Tersedia. Jawab Sesuai Dengan
Keadaan Anda.
1. Apakah anda menyukai Bahasa Inggris?
Sangat Suka
Biasa saja
Tidak suka

2. Seberapa seringkah anda menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dalam

kegiatan pembelajaran anda?
Sangat sering
Tidak pernah

3. Dari keempat keterampilan Bahasa, keterampilan mana yang

menurut anda paling sulit?

4. Kapan terakhir kali anda belajar Bahasa inggris?

1-2 th yang lalu
2-3 th yang lalu
>3 tahun yg lalu


5. Seberapa sulitkah anda memahami grammar Bahasa inggris?

Sangat mudah
Sulit sekali
6. Keterampilan bahasa inggris apa yang paling ingin anda kuasai?
Silahkan pilih satu atau lebih
a. Berbicara

7. Menurut anda apakah Bahasa inggris akan berperan penting dalam

pekerjaan anda yang akan datang?

8. Dimanakah and terakhir kali belajar Bahasa inggris?

Lembaga Bimbingan Belajar
Lainnya (Sebutkan)..
9. Menurut pendapat anda, skill Bahasa inggris mana yang paling
Speaking (Berbicara)
Mendengarkan (Listening)
Menulis (Writing)
Membaca (Reading)
Apakah skill bahasa inggris dibutuhkan di jurusan anda?
Sangat Butuh
Biasa saja
Kurang butuh


Berilah nilai 1-5 pada setiap mata kuliah ekonomi ini. Dimana nilai= 5
menunjukan pelajaran yang paling anda minati; dan nilai= 1 menunjukan
pelajaran yang paling tidak anda minati.

Filasat ekonomi

Manajemen operasi


Manajemen pemasaran

Analisis Laporan Keuangan

Manajemen investasi

Sistem informasi akuntasi


Teori akuntansi

Berilah nilai 1-5 pada setiap mata kuliah ekonomi dibawah ini. Dimana nilai= 5
menunjukan fungsi yang paling anda minati; dan nilai= 1 menunjukan fungsi
yang paling tidak anda minati.
Menelepon Bahasa Inggris

Perkenalan, Basa-basi,
menyambut tamu


Menawarkan pujian, komplain


Meminta ijin


Meminta pendapat


mengklarifikasi, and

Keterampilan Bussiness English yang mana yang ingin anda tingkatkan?




Berbagai jenis laporan

Mendeskripsikan sesuatu ketika

ketika anda tidak tahu pasti arti
kata yang sulit

Artikel, jurnal,ringkasan, and

Mempertahankan pendapat

Membaca cepat untuk informasi

tertentu dan poin utama

Publikasi produk/merk

Menanyakan sesuatu yang

bersifat membujuk
Berkaitan dengan masalah





Mencatat pada saat rapat

Untuk mencari ide pokok/pon


Pesan / memo



Untuk orang-orang yang bukan

asli berbicara Bahasa Inggris

Bisnis surat menyurat

Sampul Surat dan Daftar
Riwayat Hidup
Forms: Surat lamaran
pekerjaan, proposal,
and faktur.

V. Finding and discussion

After we distributed the questionnaire. We acquired the necessity data to analyze for this need
analysis. At the section I of the questionnaire, were asking the English background
knowledge of the target subject. Then at the section II of the questionnaire, the listed
questions are about which is the subject course and English skills is most needed for the
student needs.
At first we analyze the section I of the quetionnare about the learning background in
English subject of the accountant student. here are the following result of the analyzed data;

The first one is about how they interested in English language. There are
approximately 30 % students who are very interested in English, and about 70 %

students who not really interested in English.

The second one is about how often the use English in their course, according to
the questionnaire, almost 90% students have the high frequency using English in
their courses or college. And the 10% who do not use English as the daily life

language in the accounting major.

The high percentage for the most difficult skill for the students 50 they choose is
speaking skill. And the lowest percentage they choose as the most easy skill in

accordance with the questionnaire is reading and writing 10%.

Almost 80 % students think that learn grammar in English is the difficult one.
From all the the questionnaire, only 2 people that think grammar is easy, but not

very easy.
For the students in accounting department, they choose speaking skill as the most

skill that they are really want to need and master.

All the students that fill the questionnaire agree that English is very useful for

their future job.

For 80% students mention that the last place they learn and study is in the campus
or university.

Here are the analysis of the section II of the questionnaire that focus in finding
which course is the student most favorite and what function in English they needed the most.
Also which English skills they wanted to improve in the future.;

For statistik course we obtained overall score of 28 out of 50, then we put in the
formula to find the percentage, and we found that 56% of student picked

statistik as their favorite subject.

For manajemen operasi we obtained overall score of 26 out of 50, then we put
in the formula to find the percentage, and we found that 52% of student picked

this subject as their favorite.

For manajemen pemasaran we obtained overall score of 35 out of 50, then we
put in the formula to find the percerntage, and we found that 70% of student

picked this subject as their favorite

For manajemen investasi we obtained overall score of 40 out of 50, then we put
in the formula to find the percentage. The result is 80% of student picked this

subject as their favorite.

For pengauditan course we obtained overall score of 34 out of 50, then we put
in the formula to find the percentage. The result is 68% of student picked this

subject as their favorite.

For filsafat ekonomi we obtained overall score of 23 out of 50, then we put it in
the formula to find the percentage. The result is 46% of student picked this subject

as their favorite.
For perpajakan we obtained overall score of 42 out of 50, then we put it in the
formula to find the percentage. The result is 84% of student picked this subject as

their favorite.
For analisis informasi keuangan we obtained overall score 42 out of 50, then we
put it in the formula to find the percentage. The result is 84% of student picked

this subject as their favorite.

For sistem informasi akuntansi we obtained overall score 36 out of 50, then we
put it in the formula to find the percentage. The result is 72 % of student picked

this subject as their favorite.

For teori akutansi we obtained overall score 33 out of 50, then we put it in the
formula to find the percentage. The result is 66% of student pick this subject as
their favorite.

From the data above, we gained understanding that perpajakan and analisis
informasi keuangan are the most favorite courses in accounting department with score 84%
of students give these subject higher score in the questionnaire. Then the lowest or least

favorite subject from the data is filsafat ekonomi with score of 46% students picked this as
the favorite subject.
The next analyze is about which English functions does the accounting student most
needed with their field of study. The result as follows:

phonecall in English gained overall score 38 out of 50, then we put it in the
formula to find the percentage. The result is 76% of student picked this as their
needed function in learning English.
Meeting gained overall score 37 out of 50, then we put it in the formula to find
the percentage. The result is 74% of student picked this as their needed function in
learning English
Negosiation gained overall score 32 out of 50, then we put it in the formula to
find the percentage. The result is 64% of students picked this as their needed
function in learning English.
presentation gained overall score 34 out of 50, then we put it in the formula to
find the percentage. The result is 68% of student picked this as their needed
function in learning English.
interview gained overall score 29 out of 50, then we put it in the formula to find
the percentage. The result is 58% of students picked this as their needed function
in learning English.
introduction, small talk, welcoming guest gained overall score 36 out of 50,
then we put it in the formula to find the percentage. The result is 68% of student
picked this as their needed function in learning English.
offering praise, complaint gained score 29 out of 50, then we put it in the
formula to find the percentage. The result is 58% of students picked this as their
needed function in learning English.
asking permission gained score 24 out of 50, then we put it in the formula to
find the percentage. The result is 48% of students picked this as their needed
function in learning English.
asking advice gained score 31 out of 50, then we put it in the formula to find the
percentage. The result is 62% of students picked this as their needed function in
learning English.
agreeing/disagreeing, persuading, clarifying, and interrupting gained overall
score 30 out of 50, then we put it in the formula to find the percentage. The result
is 60% of students picked this as their needed function in learning English.

From the data result above, we can find which function in English is most needed by
the accountant students. The most needed function from the result is the phonecall in
English with 76% of students picked this function, and then the least needed functions is the
asking permission.
Last data to analyze is about which English skill the accountant student wanted to
improve. The English skill branch out to speaking, reading, writing, and listening. Here are
the follow result of the questionnaire;

For the Speaking skill we obtained 50% students selected the skill of public
speaking as their needed skill to improve in speaking skills.
For reading skill we obtained 50% of students selected the skill in quick reading
for specifi information and key point, as their most needed skill to improve in
For Writing skill we obtained three skills item with the highest score 40% of
students selected skill of writing reports, Emails, and forms; applications,
proposals, and invoice. As their needed writing skill to improve.
For the last skill, listening skill. We obtained 40% of student selected the skill of
listening to radio, TV, and internet broadcast as their needed skill in listening to

VI. Conclusion
Although ESP courses are in great demand nowadays, designing one is not an easy
task for teachers who have not received any formal training in this area and for whom the
whole concept of ESP and its teaching methodology can be rather vague. Exactly such a case
was the underlying motivation for writing the present thesis, which attempted to define the
nature of an ESP syllabus in order to be able to compile one for the students in the accounting
department of Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo.
The current research is far from exhaustive, it seems to have reached its aim in
preparing the ground for an ESP syllabus design. The thesis looked at the characteristics of an
ESP course, identified the steps in the process of syllabus design, outlined the general
structure of syllabi and completed the key stage of syllabus design the course participants
needs analysis, the results of which will be extremely valuable for setting course objectives
and preparing suitable materials. The accountant student prefer in perpajakan course with
the English function of phone call and meeting to look forward to. Also the English
skills that they needed to improve are speaking in public, quick reading to find specific
information and key point, Writing reports, Emails, and form; application, proposal, and
invoice and listening radio, TV, and internet broadcast.

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