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Ma. Charmilyn C.

Grade 11 STEM-A
Life without Internet.
Nowadays, Internet plays an important role in our life. It becomes one of our necessity. It
makes our life much happier and easier than before, but its only temporary. Imagine if theres no
internet, what will happen to us, what would life be like?
If theres no internet, you have to express your feelings to others so they will understand
you instead of just tweeting it, youll pray before you eat and appreciate the things around you
rather than taking a picture of it and just post it to Instagram, you have to send letters for your
loved ones through snail mail instead of using email, youll use your books and understand
whats in it rather than using google then copy and paste, you have to spot your favorite artist
and hear them sing instead of using Spotify, our life would not be a sedentary one because
instead of browsing in the internet youll do other things to entertain yourself and more
importantly you will interact with others face to face instead of using Facebook, theres someone
that will knock at your door rather than using any chat application such as Kakaotalk, Line, Viber
and etc., and youll have a quality time with others because theres no distraction present like
posting #AtmAtMyFriendsCrib, #Selfie, #BondingTime and etc. in any social media.
Life without internet would be much harder unlike a life with it but it will teach us how to
appreciate things, to be more diligent, responsible, honest, wiser and hard-working.

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