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Popular Culture Galore Part 6

For years, I have written on this subject. Others have described about this theme as well. I will write on
this subject Lord Willing for decades more until I pass away. It’s been a great journey to evaluate
artists from Jay Z, the Beatles, and others. Now, one misconception about people like us is that we
want to hurt people in the Hollywood/popular culture world. Nothing can be further from the truth. It
takes true discernment and true concern to accurately expose the excesses of popular culture.
In that fashion, individuals (especially from the world of Hollywood, etc.) can wake up and
have a more normal, tranquil life. This work will deal with the past and present happenings in 2010
as it pertains to entertainment culture. When you get older as I am, you see the world in more
complex terms. You become more tolerant of people. You focus more on accepting succinct, no
abstract principles that captivate the heart of men to fulfill the will of God. The political paradigm is
being exposed greatly today. It’s easy to witness that President Barack Obama has been stirred by his
advisors and Wall Street backers into a corner. Now, Obama promote the internationalists’ agendas in
various forms domestically and in foreign affairs. The Jesuit-trained Leon Panetta is the head of the
CIA. Vice President Joe Biden is also Jesuit-trained. In the Right paradigm (via CNP influenced FOX
News and others) use legitimate grievances about the errors of the administration as an excuse to
create unfair polarization of the nation. The Right Paradigm regularly and falsely promotes the
Republican Party as our heroes. They figure that we the public must submit to them in order in
their minds to “take back the country.” Sometimes, the Right Paradigm use false statements
about the administration to promote their cause too. These acts threaten to promote
more fascist policies in the USA. Some in the Tea Party Movement have been co
opted by pro-CNP functions like Freedom Works, the Heritage Foundation, etc.
Not to mention that some in the Right Paradigm ignore the need of comprehensive
solutions to fight against poverty and labor rights. The Left Paradigm expose
falsehoods being promoted by extremists including neo cons, but they support the false
choice of aligning with the Democrats as our saviors. They often ignore the evils of population
control, fluoridation, and abortion on demand (which has been promoted by corporatists for
decades in the West overtly at least). Indeed, life is social not just individual. Each side
in this Hegelian Dialectic system are heavily infiltrated with Knights of Malta, high level Freemasons,
CFR members, Trilateralists, Bilderbergers, etc. Notice that both sides in this political “football game”
will not expose CFR member Michael I. Sovern (he was the Columbia University President during the
Obama years of 1981-1983). They will not expose the CFR member and current Columbia University
President Lee C. Bollinger. They definitely won’t touch Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski
(He’s a CFR member, a Bilderberger, he invented the Trilateral Commission, and he
work in many Jesuit Universities). Brzezinski behind the scenes has an agenda of
wanting to conquer Eurasia for the West. So, the legitimate grievances in America are being
exploited by this establishment system in order to stir us in a corner of conformity. What’s really wild is
that in the G8 meetings in Toronto, more European countries want evil austerity measures (or cut
spending even possibly pensions for the sake of adhering to neo-liberal economic
fundamentalism). Downtown is made into a Big Brother, anti-liberty fortress down there. In the
E.U., German Chancellor Angela Merkel has taken the lead promising to hack $80 billion
from the country's modest deficits. Even Tokyo, after enduring 15 years of excruciating
deflation, is planning to slash long-term government spending. While, some people in America
reject austerity measures. I will mention though that many in America may talk a good game about
freedom, tolerance, and compassion, but they don’t practice what they preach.

I don’t hate this country, but I hate the evil in the country of the United States. Even David Cameron
from the UK wants spending cuts or he will target pensions. This is wrong of course since all spending
isn’t evil, although concern ought to be made about inflation. Alan Greenspan wants austerity
measures since he feels that these budget cuts won’t increase the threat of deflation. Deflation is
when the money supply contracts that can cause economic turmoil just like hyper inflation. Inflation is
when the printing of money exceeds economic output. Like usual, Alan Greenspan attacks Social
Security in these terms: “…The federal government is currently saddled with commitments for
the next three decades that it will be unable to meet in real terms. This is not new. For at least
a quarter century analysts have been aware of the pending surge in baby boomer
retirees…Only politically toxic cuts or rationing of medical care, a marked rise in the eligible
age for health and retirement benefits, or significant inflation, can close the deficit. I rule out
large tax increases that would sap economic growth (and the tax base) and accordingly
achieve little added revenues." He is considering to have private accounts in replacing the
current Social Security system. The establishment attacks Social Security (like the Freemason
Alan Simpson disgracefully calling Social Security as for the “lesser people.” He’s of the
elite and some of them think in those evil terms) since it’s one of the public trust funds that
are actually benefiting the common people. Commonsense dictates that radically cutting
spending reduces economic growth since you need some spending to spur economic
growth & development. Growth isn‘t brought up by a vacuum. The reactionaries don’t get
this truth. Some want another economic populists solution of spending real money to assist
people increase the economy’s CPI (or the consumer price index). This is ironic since in times
past, some in America supported more austerity tactics. I like being economically populist since
economic populist solutions make the most sense. Congress should control the supply of money.
Private banks ought to have full reserve banking instead of fractional reserve banking. The
government should spend interest free money in many programs like infrastructure, help the poor, etc.
Other populists desire a citizen dividend to help out people too. Dividends typically means when a
corporations sends some of its revenue to a stockholders. A citizen dividend is the state giving all
citizens payments from the revenue created by the state for leasing or selling natural resources for
private use. Even conservative Alaska has a permanent fund dividend dealing with its natural
resources. So, all Alaskan residents (and their children) get some money (or $845.76) from the
state’s revenues in its natural resources like petroleum.

There are many updates in the 2010 Toronto protests. Peaceful protesters have been
attacked and a cop car (that arsonists destroyed) have been left alone. One anarchist that
burned the cop car was wearing Nike clothing. This person could be a provocateur as
provocateurs are common in staging violence (in order to demonize the vast majority of
peaceful protesters in an area). Why would hardcore anarchists torch a police car and
wear clothing that anarchists claim to abhor (like Nike and Nike has been targeted by
anarchists). After anarchists torched four police cars, reporters and other peaceful
protesters were targeted with rubber bullets, with another Guardian journalist being
repeatedly punched and elbowed by cops. The Canadian Press news agency reported
that: “…A newspaper photographer was shot with a plastic bullet in the backside,
while another had an officer point a gun in his face despite identifying himself as
a member of the media…” The Journalist Steve Paikin of public broadcaster TV
Ontario said that one journalist (from the Guardian) was assaulted in the stomach by a
police officer for no reason. The anarchists were no where to be seen, while many middle
class, peaceful demonstrators were arrested (plus attacked by the police). This police
brutality is nothing new at all. Charlie Veitch was one protester in Toronto, Canada
during the 2010 G20 protests. He was arrested by Toronto police thugs (for not showing
his ID card to them), then he was tortured, and caged by the police. Other witnesses saw
G20 protesters being abducted, bundled into unmarked vans in Toronto. Other videos
show police seemingly randomly grabbing peaceful demonstrators for no reason other
than getting too close to the police line. The police arresting anyone near the security
zone who refuses to identify themselves or agree to a police search is an example of
fascism. Toronto in its downtown region has been transformed into some Big
Brother camp. International databases today violate our liberties constantly today (with
the U.S. no fly lists regularly including law abiding, innocent American citizens), yet Bill
O’Reilly claims that there is no liberty threat in the USA or Canada. It’s interesting to
note that after the April 4, 1968 assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., President
Lyndon B. Johnson urged Congress to pass fair housing legislation as at tribute to Dr. King.
The Fair Housing Act of 1968 was signed on April 11, 1968, two days after King's funeral.
Many Northern Congress people once opposed such legislation. You can’t have a real more
just society without the issues of poverty, housing, and materialism being addressed.

Here’s information on the Left Paradigm. MSNBC is in another cover up. Chris
Matthews and David Corn now believe in the lie that some elitists who desire 80+
percent of the world's population is just a conspiracy theory. That's false since this goal is
a publicly admitted goal of the elite. This comes in the time of Chris Matthews' hit piece
called "Rise of the New Right." I don't agree with the Tea Party Movement on
every issue, but even I won't equate them to Nazis and terrorists (as this documentary
implies). Matthews points the fingers at those claiming that they want violence. Yet, some
his supporters and MSNBC thugs assaulted people who expressed their free speech rights
on 9/11 Truth. This tactic to demonize anyone that disagree with the present
administration as radicals is a way to crush dissent. David Corn is a famous
neo-liberal. Corn is spewing this propaganda is order for try to make people ignore the
evidence that some well known people want depopulation (and we should expose
government corruption and criminality). Corn even tried to undermine the work of the
late Gary Webb. Webb is an award winning investigative journalist who exposed the
CIA's involvement in the drug trade. This involvement is common knowledge today. The
elite have fought, written, and promoted depopulation of the world's population for a
long time. The TED Conference via Bill Gates wanted world population figures to go
down (by vaccines, abortion, population control, etc.). John P. Holdren's 1977 textbook
Ecoscience book called for a dictatorial planetary regime to use draconian measures
against people (like forced abortions, sterilization, etc.). Big corporations and other
globalists funded the eugenics movement for decades. Even the London Times reported
of the May 2009 meeting of globalists wanted to use wealth to slow the growth of the
world's population. These globalists who attended the meeting include David Rockefeller,
Ted Turner, Bill Gates, and others. Ted Turner publicly states that he wants population
reduction programs to cull the human population by 95%. He's a hypocrite since he has 5
children and no less than 2 million acres of land. Slowing population growth doesn't
necessarily improve health. Higher living standards and modernization naturally stabilize
population growth. Yet, others like Warren Buffet, etc. want to use the unnatural means
of eugenics to cull human population. Chris Matthews omits the document called
National Security Study Memorandum 200. This memo was prepared by Henry Kissinger
in 1974. He's a friend of David Rockefeller and he's a Bilderberg. This document targeted
13 countries for massive population reduction using food scarcity, sterilization, and war.
The document, declassified in 1989, identified 13 countries that were of special interest to
U.S. geopolitical objectives and outlined why population growth, and particularly that of
young people who were seen as a revolutionary threat to U.S. corporations, was a
potential roadblock to achieving these objectives. The countries named were India,
Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand,
Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia. It wanted to use civil disturbances to slow or
create zero population growth. This is documented. The population control agenda is
ever real. One example is how the Akha tribe of Thailand were miscarrying their children
after they took a vaccine. The sterilization programs against them were funded by the
University of Oregon and the United Nations. In the 21st century, some people use the
carbon tax and children as an excuse to promote eugenics.

Dr. Eric R. Pianka is the biologist in the University of Texas in Austin. During a speech
to the Texas Academy of Science in March 2006, Pianka advocated the need to
exterminate 90% of the world’s population through the airborne Ebola virus. The
reaction from scores of top scientists and professors in attendance was not one of shock
or revulsion – they stood and applauded Pianka’s call for mass genocide. He wanted
ebola over AIDS to kill people since ebola is a faster killing disease than AIDS. Eloba is
much worse in the dying stage than even AIDS. Pianka believes in the Club of Rome
promoted Peak Oil viewpoint. Now, the agenda of radical depopulation is a threat and
it's real regardless of what Matthews says. This liar Matthews (who works for a
company called GE aiding Hitler financially & the evil war on terror) says that if
you believe that you should own a gun to protect yourself against corrupt government,
then you're a radical. Now, I do believe in legitimate government helping people that
need it and promoting the general welfare of the people. I don't believe in corrupt
government. He and the SPLC want to demonize the Patriot Movement as terrorists
when real Patriots don't kill innocent men, women and children (like Timothy McVeigh
did). Chris Matthews Calls Saul Alinsky One Of His Heroes. Alinksy called one of his
heroes Lucifer. The liar Chris Matthews exposes lies against Barack Obama (like him
being a Nazi, a socialist, and a Muslim) as an excuse to deny any constitutional issues in
America. These issues include SWAT Teams harming innocent people, the no fly list
harming innocent Americans, the war on terror, torture, the illegal bombings in Pakistan,
and other real issues that Chris aren’t reporting to the people. The reason is that Chris
Matthews and the puppet President Barack Obama are put in the front in order to give
people false choices in the political sphere. It's never evil to legitimately criticize the
government or corporate corruption at all.

The founders of the radical environmental movement has elitist backgrounds. Sir Julian
Huxley created UNESCO in 1948. He was one of the agents of British
intelligence. He was its first Director General. Huxley's promoted its created back in
a 1946 document. He called for its creation to promote eugenics (under the guise of
protecting wildlife and creating national parks, especially in Africa). UNESCO funds a
network of conservation groups too. The Swiss-based International Union for the
Conservation of Nature was formed in 1948 by Sir Julian Huxley. Its constitution was
written by the British Foreign Office. It brings together 60 nations, 95 government
agencies, and 568 non-governmental organizations. Together with the UNEP and
the World Resources Institute (see below), the IUCN launched the ``Global
Biodiversity Strategy,'' which guides the conservation planning of many nations.
The British Privy Council influenced the creation of the Nature Conservancy back
in 1949. The Conservation Foundation was created in 1949 in D.C. It was the U.S. arm
of the Nature Conservancy Society of Europe. Its first director of the Foundation was
Henry Fairfield Osborne. He was an outspoken advocate of eugenics and depopulation.
Earth First! Founded by David Foreman, formerly of the Sierra Club, in 1979, Earth
First! has been involved in hundreds of attacks against farmers, loggers, and cattlemen,
each year. The self-professed terrorist group has regularly driven spikes into trees, to
injure loggers and woodworkers. It has engaged in arson and bombings of buildings used
to sell livestock, or conduct scientific research using animals. There is nothing wrong with
promoting real conservation and environmental protection. Yet, some of these groups
were created by globalists in order for them to control as much lands as possible
worldwide (at the expense of legitimate private property rights). Giovanni Botero S.J
promoted population control propaganda even before Malthus did so in the late 1700’s.
Botero lived form ca. 1544–1617. His ideas were before John Locke too.

*Individual liberty is fine to promote. Religious freedom, free speech, and freedom of
assembly are great ideals. Yet, the Constitution doesn't mention a word on free markets
(which has been exploited by corporate elitists for thousands of years if the markets are
unchecked). Unchecked cartel capitalism don't work to benefit anyone economically.
People have a right to live independently of the government if they wish, but it's immoral
to deny a person help from the government if they legitimately need it. I believe in
altruism unlike Ayn Rand. Statist absolutism is just as much evil as is fascism,
communism, and cartel-capitalism. We don't need to end individual liberty, but we should
have checks and balances in our economy too. Also, I want to mention that real
conservatives, real independents, real liberals, and real libertarians exist in this country
that sincerely want to improve American society. So, there is no monopoly on idealism
and sincere love for the people in this world.

Now, there have been numerous insiders to the entertainment industry that exposed that industry
before. Michael Jackson, Dave Chappelle, Bob Dylan, and others have talked about this issue.
These people are or were exposed to that world, so they know what they
about talking about when they are discussing about the entertainment
industry. Dave Chappelle said that Hollywood had a sick culture. He is right. In numerous instance,
Hollywood have caused self hate among people, excessive materialism, and ethical relativism. That is
why he left Hollywood and lives in Ohio with his wife plus children (in a rural environment). He was
apart of the Chappelle Show comedy series. It was groundbreaking for its risqué commentaries on
race, sexuality, gender, satire, culture, America, and other subjects. The DVD set is currently the
alltimebest-selling DVD for a television show, having sold more than three million copies. I don't agree
with some of the content in the show though. Its early success prompted Viacom (Comedy Central’s
parent company) to offer Chappelle a $55 million contract for the production of two more seasons of
Chappelle’s Show. He refused to receive the money since he felt that the show escaped its original
purpose. He wanted the show to expose the hypocrisy and evils in culture in a satire format. Dave
Chappelle didn’t desire to promote some of the same stereotypes that he wanted to condemn. He
went into Africa for relaxation and solace. He talked about refusing to dress like a women in the film
Blue Streak (starring Martin Lawrence). Dave Chappelle said that he felt uncomfortable doing the
skit in wearing a dress. No man should be forced to wear a dress at all. Even Bob Dylan told
the late Ed Bradley that he made a pact with the commander of the world that we can't see
(and he's fulfilling his bargain by performing his music). Some have taken this as selling his
soul to the Devil since he doesn't explicitly mention God and God don't make mysterious
pacts with people at all. God is Sovereign and doesn't need secret pacts to express his will.
Even the model and actress Melyssia Ford said that the fame of Hollywood is corrupt (and people
would sell their soul to be apart of it). She talks about Kat Stacks, who is a woman bragging about
having sex with mostly black men promiscuously. She's a racist (by saying the N word in a hateful
way) and she's another distraction. Real issues that others are exposing are the occult symbolism in
the mainstream music industry, the corporate rule of the industry, and the pro-new world order rhetoric
among that world. I don't agree with Kat Stacks getting assaulted, but she's not a role model for
anyone. Still, some black men support this women. No real black man or black person period would
ever support a woman like that, who disrespects people. No person period should suck up to her. She
promotes stereotypes and acts in an inappropriate fashion. She should wake up and make a better
avenue in her own life. Yet, I don’t agree with Kat Stacks being assaulted in D.C. That was wrong of
course. Nobody, especially a woman, should be violently beaten up. I don’t care in any circumstance.
You don’t become violent against anyone period. I will act as a man to anybody period. I
bow down to God and I fight evil. A man and woman has got to be strong in
order to fulfill their legitimate aspirations. It‘s has to be like that. It‘s fine to
love everybody as an equal, but this should never be an excuse to deny what
you are. We should always promote the real interests of our heritage or
ethnicity without bigotry. If you want real change in the world, you have to
think from a revolutionary mindset. Dr. Martin Luther King said it best in his
won words that: “...Cowardice asks the question: is it safe? Expediency asks the
question: is it political? Vanity asks the question: is it popular? But conscience asks the
question: is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is
neither safe, nor political, nor popular - but one must take it simply because it is right."
Even Michael Jackson before his death became tired of being exploited and he criticized the music
industry (especially Tony Mottola). In June 2002, Michael Jackson, gave an unexpected speech
about the dark side of the entertainment business. It‘s ironic now since today it‘s been more
than a year after Michael Jackson‘s death back in 2009. Some of these stars are victims of
propaganda and mind control. The elite know how the human mind works. They know that if you
use symbolism and various alters, they can manipulate how these celebrities act in performances
and other duties that they are forced to do. Some of these artists perform in strange, Druid
dresses, showing the horned hand sign, etc. for profit. There are hypocrites in the industry
too. Miley Cyrus years ago portrayed herself as this wholesome, Christian young
lady. Later, she just follows the crowd with certain performances, dressed
extremely revealing clothing especially for her young age, and other things. Miley
said that: "I feel that I'm here in Hollywood because of faith and God's will."
She is very naïve to believe in that view since Hollywood has been
consistently anti-God since its inception. She even dances with a 40+ year old
man suggestively. Miley says that no one dare “tame her.” Her new video is called
“Can’t Be Tamed.” Miley is shown in a strip joint dancing like a caged animal.
Notice that the girl Miley Cyrus is only 17 years old. She isn’t grown up. Folks
should look to their family, leaders, and other people as our role models.

Brain specialist, Dr. Richard Pellegrino declared that music has the uncanny power to:
"...trigger a flood of human emotions and images that have the ability to
instantaneously produce very powerful changes in emotional states...Take it
form a brain guy. In 25 years of working with the brain, I still cannot affect a
person's state of mind the way that one simple song can..."

Plato and Aristotle were wrong on many issues, but even these pagans were correct
in the following quotes about music:

"...through foolishness they, the people deceived themselves into thinking that there
was no right or wrong in music, that it was to be judged good or bad by the pleasure
it gave...a spirit of law breaking..." (The Laws of Plato, Book III, University of
Chicago Press, 700e, 1980, pg. 86).

"...Music directly represents the passions or states of the soul-gentleness, anger,

courage, temperance...if one listens to the wrong kind of music he will become the
wrong kind of person..." (Aristotle, Politics, 8, 1340).

Now, it’s time to discover more secrets and information as it relates to popular culture. There are
skeptics in the world. These skeptics use plenty of lies. One of their biggest lies is that we have no
evidence to back up our claims. The truth is that we have shown tons of evidence on the occult
symbolism, lyrics, agenda, and propaganda in the mainstream media for years. This is apart of the
First Amendment for us to express our views. Also, who owns the music industry. It’s not the artists.
They’re controlled by 5 major corporate giants (whose heads either are members of or have ties to the
Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, the Pilgrims, etc.) So, I will never strop presenting the
truth to people. The truth is eternal and I will forever maintain my core convictions. In our time,
there are artists that want to act like cartoon characters, Barbie dolls (over 10 years
ago, Aqua did this. Now, the Young Money rapper Nicki Minaj loves the Barbie doll
motif. People don’t have to act like or look like a Barbie doll to prove self-worth.
People should appreciate what they look like naturally given by God.
Motley Crue were one of world's biggest acts but they treated women like meat, and their
behavior isn't acceptable either), those that want to mock anything that righteous, and
others who believe in a Hollywood fantasy land. We shouldn’t accept some dream
reality in this celebrity/reality TV obsessed culture. We should get our act to realize
the dynamic nature of humanity and the need for independent actions. The 22nd
Century is coming up in many years. People maybe dancing, but we should keep our
eyes on the prize. The prize is doing the right thing, so we can see the
Kingdom of God. If we endure to the end, we will receive victory.

Before going forward, it’s time to mention this. All music isn’t bad. Some music can
motivate people in the right or positive way to overcome challenges or stabilize our
souls. So, I want to make that perfectly clear. When you listen to real music, you feel
a sense of calm and motivation to get your life together or accomplish vital tasks in
your life. I want to mention this point. To be a real man or a real person, you
have to respect the contributions of all people (among numerous races and
background) that tried to fight for legitimate improvements or real freedom in
the world in general.

“I am Legend” is a movie that deals with a lot of issues from viruses to population control plus 2012.
One of the easiest connections of the film "I am Legend" to the globalist agenda is finding out about its
depopulation agenda ties. The film deals with the issues of a massive population reduction, and the
planned release of a mega plague under the disguise of a miracle cure. Additionally, the movie deals
with a military quarantine engineered to maximize the death toll. The movie additionally deals with a
genetically re-engineered human race and the rise of a false savior that will seek to "restore" humanity
with his own blood and death. This is similar to the false Messiah Neo from the Matrix sci-fi series. “In
five years, mankind’s struggle for survival will be lost.” screamed the trailer for “I Am Legend” in
late 2007. This promotes the paranoia about the year 2012. There are those that believe that the
world will end in 2012 or that 2012 represents a new era of growing human consciousness (in order to
create the Age of Aquarius). The film begins in 2009 when a miracle cure for cancer is announced.
This involves a measles virus that is genetically engineered to kill cancer cells. Yet, this miracle virus
mutates into a deadly plague. The military virologist named Lt. Col. Dr. Robert Neville (who is played
by Will Smith) was assigned to find a cure. 3 years later, he is still trying to find the cure. The plague
most of the world's people. The survivors in most numbers have been the infected cannibalistic
zombie like mutants. Dr. Neville is immune to the plague. He tries to find a cure by using his own
blood. He doesn't want to become the mutant's food. Dr. Neville thinks that he is the last normal
human. Yet, he meets Anna and Ethan, who are 2 other normal humans. Dr. Neville finds the cure to
the plague just as the mutants discover his hide out. He later kills himself with the mutants to preserve
his cure. He sacrifices his own life to save others.

Robert Neville like the Batman film has a dualistic quality. In the "I am Legend" film, Neville is shown
as a hero and a villain. He is viewed as a Christian and an antichrist. Neville prays as a Christian, he
uses a gun, he isn't overly reliant to the government, etc. He acts as a family man. He works with his
dog as a survivalist, which the new world agenda abhors. The new world order system is against any
independent survivalist type of people making their own living and living their own lives. Yet, there is a
contradiction. By the end of film, Neville denies the existence of God. Neville sacrifices himself to save
others. He stays in New York to risk his own life to better able find a cure. Of course, man is
redeemed by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ as found in 1 Peter 1:19. On Neville’s refrigerator is a
copy of TIME magazine, with his photo, and the title “Savior?” The photo is positioned such that the M
in TIME forms devil horns on his head. After he has found the cure, Neville screams at
the infected, “Look, look, look, I can save you. I can sa– I can help you. You
are sick, and I can help you. I can– I can fix this! I can save everybody! I can
fix everything! It’s working. It’s working! Stop! Stop! Let me save you! Let me
save you!” Even Neville believes that he is a savior figure. The news media view Dr. Neville as the
man who can find a cure. The world trusts him. Neville is saved by Anna, which some view as
mocking the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The military quarantine in the film maximizes the
death toll and it doesn't decrease it. Only approved people are allowed to leave the quarantine or
checkpoint. The masses are forced to come into their homes in the film. Healthy people are held back
at gunpoint and forced to succumb and die. Army troops patrol the streets with machine guns drawn.
This action violates Posse Comitatus. Hollywood is obsessive of showing the military patrolling the
streets and enforcing quarantines in America. This quarantine scenario in the film is very realistic. The
588 million survivors who mutated into superhuman beats are called the dark seekers (They feed on
the regular humans. They have an intolerance to UV light, so they only go out at night). Neville is act
like a soldier in the battle between good and evil (in the area of Manhattan). Like, as in Gnostic
inversion, Neville's character isn't innocent. Neville's light represents atheism. In Gnostic terms,
Ground Zero is the testing ground (or an isolated/quarantined place) of the Demiurge. The Demiurge
is the blasphemous title that Gnostic give to Yahveh of the Old Testament (Gnostics view Yahveh as
an oppressive being that was ignorant to believe that he is the only God). The Neville "Christos" figure
tries to fix it. The plague in the film kills the police and the military enforcing the quarantine. Today,
much of the evil is dominated by pro-population control corporate elitists (who don't care about our self
interests). The plague in the film went wrong as being first hailed as a genetically engineered cure for
cancer. It's called the KV or the Krippin Virus. It's named after the creator Dr. Alice Krippin.

Subliminals are in the film. 111TRUTH111 found the number 666 in the film on the gas station's
billboard. Neville is French for new village. It isn't a secret that globalists want a global new village on
Planet Earth. Will Smith talks about the highest being in the highest in the sky is a time where people
can meet him. There is sun symbolism in the film. The sun shines all over the movie. An Arch in the
film looks similar to the Royal Arch degree in Freemasonry. The sun or the masculine figure shines on
it, the arch is of course from the feminine archetype. When the masculine and the feminine merge, it
forms regeneration in symbolism and the occult world. We find Neville at the Metropolitan Museum of
Art fishing in a tranquility pool in front of the Egyptian Temple of Dendur, once dedicated to Isis and
Osiris. Behind Neville is the temple gate depicting the winged sun disk of the Egyptian sky god Horus.
Satanist Aleister Crowley called the New Age the Age of Horus, Horus representing their version of
the messiah. Yet, Christians and others have refuted the lie from Zeitgiest that Jesus Christ and
Horus are equivalent to each other. The pyramids of Giza themselves were an earthly
representation of the “belt” of Orion. To the ancient Egyptians, they believed that they were
actually constructing, or bringing, the Mighty Hunter on earth. Also in ancient Egypt, Orion was
known as the “soul of Osiris.” Anna tells Neville that there is a survivor's colony and that God told
her. Now, the reflecting poll represents the Hermetic principle "as above, so below." This is proven in
the Riddles in Stone film. This principle is promoted by Leville's Lab being that the microcosms tries to
affect the world or the macrocosms. The As above so below motif in found in various paintings and
other images in the world. Anna and Ethan arrive at the colony in Bethel, Vermont. Bethel, or Beth-el,
means "house of God." Beth-el is the place of a town in the Biblical story of Jacob in Genesis 28.
Jacob saw a vision of the ladder to Heaven and the promise from God to him that his seed will live in
Eretz Israel. In the film, Leville sacrifices himself to allow Anna to have the cure of the virus. Anna
lives in the new village or the New Utopian world by the end of the film. This new area in the film is a
counterfeit of the real new Jerusalem as found in Revelation 21:2. The world is a reflection of the
universe in Hermeticism. Will Smith hangs from the sky, which is similar to the Hanged Man from the
Qabbalic Tarot cards. Will Smith has the paper next to a door with the words of "DOGS CAN COME
OUT AT DUSK...STAY IN THE LIGHT..." This is a Masonic code according to some since in Masonry
they claim that you must come into the Light after their rituals are done. Yet, Jesus Christ said that he
is the Light of the World not a Lodge. 2 pillars are seen in the film. In real life, anti-human sentiment is
shown by A. Kent MacDougall (who is a professor emeritus at the University of California, Berkley).
MacDougall said that humans are a threat to Gaia earth. Dr. Pianka wants most of the human race to
die via an Ebola plague. Also, a cartoon sent to a German film festival calls humans as a disease.
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh said that : “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to
return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.” Prince
Philip was the President of the World Wildlife Fund form 1981 to 1996. He has links to the 1001
Club (which is a high level globalist group that infiltrates the environmental movement).

Merton Lambert, who was former spokesman for the Rockefeller Foundation, commented that: “The
world has a cancer, and that cancer is man.”

The Georgia Guidestones is a Stonehenge like monument that wants the Earth to live in under 500
million people, etc. So, the anti-population agenda is very real. I am Legend is a film showing most of
the human race dead as some Malthusians desire in real life. The History channel special “Life After
People” is another example of the globalists bragging about their population reduction fantasies. In
real life, Will Smith believes in some spiritualism. He says that he’s a Christian, but to him
Scientology is fine for others to join. That is why Smith supports Tom Cruise’s Scientology
group. I don’t agree with Will Smith saying the 2 plus 2 equals whatever it wants to be. Will
Smith told Tavis Smiley that he can create what he wants to. He wants to be an IDEA. His
favorite book is entitled, “The Alchemist.” Will Smith calls President Barack Obama as an
evolutionary flashpoint in humanity. I don’t agree with Smith on all of his views. You have to
respect Will Smith in terms of loving his family and treating his children with concern plus
dignity. Yet, even Will Smith needs to wake up and realize that Scientology is not an
antidote to human suffering. Scientology is a slick cult invented by a false leader with
false doctrines.
Robin Hood is coming again as a 2010 movie. The movie stars Russell Crowe and it was directed by
Russell Crowe. Other actresses and actors in the film include This film was based on Robin Hood
legend. It was released in the UK on May 12, 2010 after it premiered in the 2010 Cannes Film
Festival. It was released in America on May 14, 2010. 2007 was the year when the film existed in
development. This transpired when Universal Studios acquired a script entitled
Nottingham. This script discussed about the heroic figure of the Sheriff of
Nottingham to be played by Crowe. Scott didn't like it and then in 2008, it was
rewritten about Robin Hood being an outlaw (and the Sheriff being apart of the
story). Scott dropped the latter notion and Nottingham was re-titled to reflect the more traditional
angle. The story begin in the late 12th century England. Robin Longstride is the character that Russell
Crowe plays. Russell Crowe read numerous books about the character and his historical basis. He
claimed to be apart of the best Robin Hood depiction ever done. He trained to send a NBA trainer to
Australia. He was able to hit a target from 45 meters.

Robin Longstride is a common archer in the Third Crusade. The Third Crusade was about Papal
imperialists that try to steal land in the Middle East under a guise of a Crusade. The Pope inspired
European soldiers to fight in these wars Richard the Lionhearted die in battle. So, Robin and his 3
other common soldiers (named Alan A'Dale, Will Scarlett, and Little John) attempt to return to their
homeland. They spent 10 years fighting abroad. Along the way back home, they come into an ambush
from the Royal Guard by Sir Godfrey (who is played by Mark Strong). Sir Godfrey is an English Knight
with a French lineage and allegiance. The King of France had ordered Sir Godfrey to assassinate
Richard. Robin and his companions chase Sir Godfrey off when they learned that Godfrey
assassinated the King. Robin wanted to be safe and rich when he returns to England. So, Robin and
his men steal the armour of the salin knights and head for the English ships on the coast under the
guise of noblemen. Before leaving the scene of slaughter, Robin promises a dying Knight named Sir
Robert Loxley to return a sword to the man's father in Nottingham. Robin comes into England. He
uses the assumed identity of Loxley. He is chosen to inform the Royal family of the King's death and
witnesses the crowing of King John (who is played by Oscar Isaac). King John is the younger brother
of the recently deceased Richard. King John is arrogant. He wants harsh taxes to be collected
and has no remorse for his demands. He sends Sir Godfrey to the North of the task of raising
revenue. King John didn't know that Godfrey is an agent of the French King (in order to use
this Royal Decree to cause unrest, so Civil War can transpire in England). Robin and his allies
head into Nottingham where Loxley's father or Sir Walter (played by Max von Sydow) asks him
to continue to impersonate his son. That was done, so his family lands aren't taken by the
crown. Loxley's widow is Lady Marion (played by Cate Blanchett). Lady Marion is at first
distrustful of Robin. Soon, she warms to him when he recovers the taxed grain from the
townsfolk to plant. Godfrey's actions cause the northern Baron to meet King John by
marching. The Northern Baron want King John to demand the signing of a charter of rights.
The King agrees to this when he finds out about Godfrey's deception (and he must reunite his
people to meet an imminent French invasion). A battle soon occurs. Godfrey's men are
interrupted while ransacking Nottingham and they are chased off by Robin (and the Northern
Barons). The film climaxes with an invasion of England's south coast by the French). They are
met by the English army. The English are victorious in the battle against the French. Robin slays
Godfrey with a well placed arrow form a long distance. However, King John perceives the French
surrendering to Robin, rather than to himself, as a major threat to his power. In the final scenes, King
John reneges on his word to sign the Magna Carta, and declares Robin to be an outlaw. In response
to this, Robin moves to Sherwood Forest with Lady Marion and his friends to form what will become
the Merry Men of Sherwood Forest. King Richard did fight for his inheritance in France against Philip
Augustus; while his brother lost it all. The movie shows accurate and inaccurate themes of the peak of
the Medieval European world. That world had some technological advancement and problems like
economic exploitation. There was the violation of people's liberties too in the feudalistic system.

There are more musical developments in the world. Today, the music industry show people showing
Masonic handshakes, and having fashion with images of death (along with the All Seeing Eye,
serpent, and other occult imagery). This occult imagery is found in album cover, posters, and other
forms of media. Even Jay Z once wrote a shirt with the words "Do What thou wilt." This is from
Aleister Crowley. Crowley was an occultist, black magician, and Satanist that was called the most
wickedest man in his time. Jay Z said that he isn't Christian and doesn't believe in the Devil. He claims
to believe in God. That's interesting since anyone can profess a belief in God, but the real question is
that do you live out your belief in God's Son. For a man to use a phrase from a black magician is
telling. Jay Z is the man show say in his song D'Evils that he doesn't want to ask God for forgiveness
of his sin. That's wild. Many artists like Cher used the horned hand sign. Some of these artists don't
care and just spew nihilism. For example, Eminem in his song called "Role Model" says:
"...Follow me and do exactly what the song says: smoke weed, take pills, drop outta school,
kill people, and drink..." Even if he wasn't being literal, these words are something else. The
establishment doesn't really want to have real, uplifting music dominating their world that touches on
what society needs. They would have the promotion of their appointed singers to indoctrinate their
messages especially among young people.
In popular culture, there are men and women dressed up in androgynous clothing or clothing in the
opposite of their gender archetype. The artists above wearing these clothes (in the
above images) are Madonna, Amber Rose, Pink, and Rihanna. This is the new
generation of those promoting the A-Gender agenda. This is nothing new since artists of numerous
backgrounds have been doing this for thousands of years. It‘s common to see human beings wear
clothing of the opposite gender for numerous reasons. Some do it to shock people, some want to be
creative, some desire to express themselves in a certain way, and some people love it. What
interests me is about what the occult significance of these actions (and why it's promoted
much more in our time than back then). It isn't a secret that many of these poisons in our
water supplies in the West are causing people of both genders to being more feminine. Even
males are wearing extremely weird very tight pants on. Even Tyler Perry is cross dressing in
the name of religion. A man doesn’t need to do that in order to be politically correct. I rather
have 40 acres and a mule than dress up like a woman in the name of religion.
Yet, some are correct to say that manhood isn’t too monolithic. In other
words, a man who is into physical exercise is just as equal as a man that’s
more sensitive about things. People like that (including Benny Hinn, some in
TBN, etc.) use Jesus Christ as a commodity instead of embracing Jesus Christ
as a great prophet, a leader, and the Messiah (or the only begotten Son of
God). God is never a commodity, but the Creator who is only worthy of
worship without materialism (or hustled with a prosperity Gospel). A man should
act like a man with strength, compassion, and integrity. These chemicals aren't only in our
water supplies, but in plastics, etc. This isn‘t just effecting humans, but animals as well. It's so
covert that very few people knew about this stuff until a few years ago. The same bloodlines
controlling mainstream culture control our food supply too. One example is how Bonesman John Kerry
has influence on the Heinz Ketchup company. When you manipulate chemicals in the food and the
water, you can gain a lot of power over the minds of some of the people. Also, these items of fashion
are unique and that is one reason why the androgynous look is so popular. People want to be different
in their outward image. People also like to mimic fashion and other aspects of human personality
since humans are copying beings. The androgynous agenda is definitely found in the occult and this
has been exposed by the researcher Alan Watt, Fritz Springmeier, and including others. Secret orders
tried to restrict true knowledge over the common people, so these orders thousands of years ago
used false religions and economic exploitation. Even Roman Catholicism itself took the
ideas from the Gnostics and the Mystery School doctrines in order to promote
their version of legends. This was done to control the common people. Now,
hermaphrodite has many meanings in the occult. To some occultists, the
perfect specimen of humanity is the combination of the male and the female.
This is the hermaphrodite. That is why occultists and even some Masons
believe that God was both male and female. Now, to occultists the perfect being is
neither male or female that can create other life (or free of conflict including free of gender conflict).
The elite will not alter their self to be a slave, but they want to live separate of the common people.
High Level Masons know about this information. Occultists view the concepts of rays and the
points of light as hermaphroditic too. In Luciferian Alice Bailey’s The Rays and the
Initiations (Volume 5 of A Treatise on the Seven Rays), she explains that after the 4th
initiation, “All that remains is a point of light. This point is conscious, immutable
and aware of the two extremes of the divine expression… [which] are fused and
blended into the One. Of this One the divine Hermaphrodite is the concrete
symbol—the union in one of the pairs of opposites, negative and positive, male
and female.” It's interesting to note that there is on page 36 of a special edition of U.S.
News and World Report titled "Secrets of the Lost Symbol" an ancient stone depiction of the
Persian/Roman sun god of light, Mithras, with 7 pointed rays of light coming from his head.
Semiramis has 7 pointed rays of life. Even the Statue of Liberty does look kind of
hermaphroditic. The androgynous agenda is easily promoted in popular culture and the New
Age Movement. Theosophist Shirley McCune in her co-authored The Light Shall Set
You Free, where she claims: "The goal of all humanity... is to become androgynous."
Shirley wants the Age of Aquarius (or the new age in the world).

Freemasonry have infiltrated apostate churches for a long time. Mason W. Brougher, who claimed to
be a Baptist, tried to justify the order of Freemasonry. There was the Mason Boyakin being popular
with the church and the world. Yet, Jesus Christ said these words: "...Woe to you when all men speak
well of you..." (Lk 6:26). Even back then, Mason G. Bromely Oxnam mocked the concept of judgment
by calling a God who would judge sin as a dirty bully. Oxman is a blasphemer of course. Now, Oxnam
was a friend of Billy Graham. The Constitution gives people to believe in what they want. Yet, people
have a right to criticize blasphemers and we have a right to please God not man. Jesus Christ
predicted in the bible that false teachers and deceivers will be more common near his coming. His
prophecies are coming true all of the time since we see false teachers like Creme, Mason Art Bell,
Archaya S, and others. Groups like the WCC and the National Council of Churches accept
Ecumenicalism and believe in compromised false Christianity. Chris Pinto is finished his new film
talking about the Founding Fathers. He is know for producing the Great Secret Mysteries of
America's Beginnings movie series and the Mediggo series of documentaries as well. Now, in his
new film called "The Church & Secret Societies: The Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers" focuses
on early American history. Charles Thomson didn't want to sanitize the real history of the
Founders and that is why he refused to write a history on them. Chris Pinto in his research
proves conclusively that many Founding Fathers weren't real Christians. In fact, some of
these men were occultists, Masons, or blatant anti-Christians like John Adams, Thomas
Jefferson, and even in some cases George Washington. Although, real Christians did exist
back then in the 1700's and today in 2010. This occult influence is a backdrop for the agenda of
the future Antichrist, who will be blatantly anti-Christ. Thomas Paine was a Deist. Benjamin Franklin
was apart of the orgy filled Hellfire Club and he disbelieved Jesus Christ. Pinto takes time to refute
people like David Barton, who believes that God ordained the rebellion against King George III to
create America. Pinto proves that American was never a Christian nation as many people of different
creeds came into America to form the USA. Today, the Dominionist movement carries on the heresy
that Christians must retake the Planet Earth and make a theocracy to herald the coming of Jesus
Christ. This is false since Jesus Christ will come at his own time irrespective of what man does on
Earth. This is similar to the New Age movement in that New Age dogma subscribes to the view that
instituting a man-made Utopia in the New Aquarian age is the only way to create world peace or world
tranquility. That is why Christians should reject pro-CNP Dominionists and its cousin the New
Apostolic Reformation.

Secret Societies like Freemasonry have links to Gnosticism. That's easy to prove. Freemason
Timothy Hogan (or the district lecturer for the Grand Lodge of Colorado) wrote about these links in his
article called "Gnostic Reflections in Freemasonry." This was created in July 9, 2009. Timothy Hogan
mentioned that: "...Gnosticism and Gnostic thought are mentioned several times in the Scottish Rite
degrees..." Regarding the term “points of light,” in a September 1788 letter from Freemason
Alexander Hamilton to Freemason George Washington encouraging the latter to run for the
Presidency of the U.S., Hamilton wrote: “…the point of light in which you stand at home and abroad
will make an infinite difference in the respectability with which the government will begin its
operations….” And on October 3, 1788 Washington replied: “In taking a survey of the subject in
whatever point of light I have been able to place it….” Thomas Jefferson was once the Secretary of
State under Washington. Jefferson supported the French Revolution back in 1789. Edmond Charles
(or Citizen) Genet was the French envoy to America back in 1793. George Washington didn't agree
with Genet forming Democratic Societies in western Pennsylvania. There was the Mingo Creek
Democratic Society in Western Pennsylvania. These societies influenced the creation of the Whiskey
Rebellion of July 1794. Before Jefferson resigned as the Secretary of State effective December 31,
1793, George Washington asked him to request to make Genet leave the U.S. Genet was surprised
at Jefferson's request to him since he said that Jefferson had “initiated me [Genet] in the mysteries”
that influenced his hatred of those seeking absolute power. This isn't unusual since Thomas Jefferson
supported the Illuminati and its founder Adam Weishaupt. Genet was an Illuminist. He first went into
Russia as French Charge d'Affaires in the late 1780's and worked there with the Illuminist Prince
Pavel Dolgorukii. Pavel Dolgorukii was the maternal grandfather of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. Since
the Jacobin threat was in France, Genet stayed in America. He married the daughter of Governor
George Clinton. Clinton was President Thomas Jefferson's vice-President. Genet created
"democratic" rebellion plans there. In 1802, John Wood authored A Full Exposition of the Clintonian
Faction and the Society of the Columbian Illuminati in New York, etc., referring to "the mutual affection
and sympathy which exist between Mr. (DeWitt) Clinton and the Columbian Illuminati." DeWitt Clinton
was Masonic Grand Master of New York and Gov. George Clinton's nephew. The Freemason and
French Revolution participant Marquis de Lafayette brought to the U.S. in the early 1800's Madame
Francoise d'Arusmont. She is known as Fanny Wright. She worked with Robert Dale Owen in his New
Harmony, Indian commune. This was the first of its kind in America. By 1828, they joined Orsetes
Brownson to create the Working-Men’s Party in New York. Brownson in The Works of Orestes
Brownson revealed their plan as follows: “The great object was to get rid of
Christianity. The plan was… to establish a system of state—we said national—schools,
from which all religion was to be excluded,… and to which all parents were to be
compelled by law to send their children…. We were to have godless schools for all the
children of the country…. The plan has been successfully pursued….” This represented
the values of the French Revolution infecting America. The French Revolution immorally used
unjustifiable violence in attempting to achieve social reforms. The Carbonari revolutionary group of
Italy promoted similar tenets of the French Revolution. Madame Blavatasy joined the group. She was
wounded at the Battle of Montana near Rome on November 3, 1867. The leader of the Carbonari was
Giuseppe Mazzini, who was referred to as an “established point of light when rays traversed the

Bruce Lee is an iconic figure in world history. Bruce Lee's life certainly changed the world in
enumerable ways. He allowed the West to embrace martial arts in a higher level and it allowed cultural
exchanges between the East and West proceed more thoroughly. His life is as mysterious as his
death. He was born in November 27, 1940 with the name of Lee Jun-fan or 李振藩 . Jun fan is
Cantonese for return again. His mother felt that he would return to America once he came to of age.
Bruce Lee became one of the greatest martial artists in human history. Martial
arts deal with the outer expression of fighting (to utilize the physical body in
the maximum form of action) mixed with the inward improvement of the
human soul (This is what martial arts proponents believe in). He wasn't just an
actor and martial artist. He was a philosopher, film director, film producer, and screenwriter. Bruce
Lee was born in San Francisco, California. His parents were from Hong Kong. His father was of
Chinese descent and his name was Lee Hoi-chuen, while his mother was a Catholic named Grace Ho
(she had a German father and a Chinese mother). His 4 other brothers and sisters are Agnus,
Phoebe, Peter, and Robert. Lee's father was one of the leading Cantonese opera and film actors in
that time. Bruce Lee was occupied by Japanese imperialists, so this impressed upon Bruce Lee to
make a film about Japanese occupation later on. Robert said that his family taught them to not be
prejudice and respect different cultures. Lee was raised in Hong Kong until his late teens. After
receiving his citizenship in the age of 18, Bruce went on to get higher education in Washington State.
Grace Ho was apart of the influential Ho-tung family in Hong Kong. Bruce Lee wanted to use self
defense to defend himself, so he was educated by many teachers in martial arts. One man was the
Wing Chun master named Yip Man. He became training when he was in 13 in the summer of 1954.
Bruce Lee performed drills, hitting a wooden dummy, and free sparring. Yip Man wanted his
students to fight in organized competitions instead of street gangs. One of the
biggest gangs in Hong Kong was the Triad Societies, which still have heavy
influence in Hong Kong in 2010. Lee learned Wing Chun more from William
Cheung and Wong Shun Leung. Some Yip Man's other students didn't want to
train with Lee since they learned that his mother was half German. Back then,
some Chinese people in America refused to teach their martial arts techniques to non-Asians. Bruce
Lee beat people up in street fights including the son of a feared Triad family.
The Triads were in hostility toward Bruce Lee for most of his life. Bruce Lee's
family feared that the Triads might have a contract against his life. Lee in Hong Kong won boxing and
Cha Cha championships. So, in April of 1959, Bruce Lee was sent by his parents to America. He met
up with his older sister Agnes Lee. She was living with family friends in San Francisco. He moved from
San Francisco to Seattle in 1959. He went into the University of Washington by March of 1961. He
majored in drama not in philosophy. In August 1964, Bruce Lee married Linda Emery (a teacher who
was in the University of Washington too). They had 2 children of Brandon Lee and Shannon Lee.
Bruce Lee as early as 1959 taught martial arts in America. He taught jun Fan gung Fu (or Bruce
Lee's King fu). It was his version of Wing Chun. He taught people like Jesse Glover, who
would be his first assistant instructor. He opened the Lee Jun Fan Gun Fu Institute in Seattle.
In the Spring of 1964, he moved to Oakland. James Yimm Lee worked with Bruce to form the
2nd Jun Fan martial arts studio there. He worked with martial artist Ed Parker (or the organizer
of the Long Beach International Karate Championships). Bruce Lee developed his philosophy and
martial art called Jeet June Do in 1965. Bruce Lee's mentality is that a human shouldn't be bound into
one form of self defense. In other words, an individual should use their body as a means to develop
unique ways of self defense. This form of martial arts disregard the more rigid actions of mainstream
martial (that can be very useless in real street fighting). He wanted Jeet Kune Do to emphasize human
flexibility, speed, and efficiently in order to take down an opponent. Jeet Kune Do means the Way of
the Intercepting Fist. Bruce Lee emphasizes a lot of exercise like weight training for strength, running
for endurance, and stretching for flexibility. Bruce Lee performed his one inch punch and 2 finger push
ups in the 1964 Long Beach International Karate Championship. In that meeting Bruce Lee met Jhoon
Goo Rhee. Rhee taught Lee the side kick in detail, while Lee taught Rhee the non-telegraphic punch.
Bruce Lee demonstrated a punch against USKA Karate champion Vic Moore in the 1967 Long Beach
International Karate Championships. Moore couldn't block Lee's punches as well. Bruce Lee fought
many people in the street to defend himself and some were testing his abilities. Bruce Lee beat British
boxer Gary Elms, the Cai Li Fo fighter Pu Chung, and other people. Jesse Glover referred a match
where Bruce Lee knocked out Uechi (a Japanese black belt Karateka) in 11 second in the 1962 full
contact match in Seattle. Lee, according to Ed Hart, hit the man 15 times and kicked him one. Even in
1964, some Chinese people didn't want Bruce Lee to teach non-Chinese people. Bruce Lee refused to
withhold his teachings from those were non-Chinese. So, he was challenged to fight a top fighter
fighter Wong Jack Man. The deal was that if Lee lost, he had to shut down the school. If he won, Lee
would be free to teach anyone. Bruce Lee won the fight, but some believed it lasted from 3 to 25
minutes. Bruce Lee said that it lasted for 3 minutes in a no holds barred fight.
Bruce Lee was in various roles in shows like Ironside, Here Come the Birdies, Marlowe, Longstreet in
1971, etc. Lou Gossett Jr. was in Longstreet back in the early 1970’s with Bruce Lee. Longstreet
was a show describing the life of a blind man being assisted in self defense by
another man (played by Bruce Lee). Lee tells the blind man that when a man fights
in martial arts, it should come naturally (like you don’t even have to think, it comes
swift and fluidly. You breathe the right way to exercise too). Also, Bruce Lee
accurately commented in Longstreet that when a person tries to strike you, there are
openings in the body of the attacker that you can strike in order to defend yourself.
A person can leave themselves open, which is one lesson from Jeet June Do (or the
hand of the intercepting fist). Fighting deals with rhythm like music. You use the
natural rhythm of your body to make effective strikes and counter defenses.
One fight is never one kick, it’s a continuous outline of movements. Here Comes the
Brides was interesting back in 1968. In one episode, Bruce Lee didn’t want to be apart of the Society
and viewed some of the culture (among the Society) as archaic. In real life, Bruce Lee didn’t want to
work with Triad and he viewed mainstream martial arts as archaic. He wanted unique martial arts to
be flexible and conducive to each individual person. In other words, each human have different
movements and martial arts in Bruce Lee’s mind should adjust to a person’s movements (and
strengths). Yet, Bruce Lee wasn't sent into major roles, because much of Hollywood back then
wouldn't accept an Asian actor in a leading role. This was an example of prejudice of course. He went
into Hong Kong to receive supporting roles. Raymond Chow helped Bruce Lee to get leading roles in
the box office success filed movies of The Big Boss form 1971 and the Fist of Fury in 1972. The Fist
of Fury had more success than the Big Boss. Bruce Lee was the director of the 1972 Way of the
Dragon too. It was famous for Bruce Lee defeating karate champion Chuck Norris. The fight scene
between both men in the Coliseum has been called of the greatest and memorable fight scenes in
martial arts history. In late 1972, Bruce Lee worked on his 4 Golden Harvest Film called the
Game of Death. He worked with many martial artists like the famous American basketball star
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Kareem was a student of Bruce Lee. Enter the Dragon was the film, which
was a production of Golden Harvest and Warner Brothers. It would be a Western and Eastern film
collaboration. This film brought Bruce Lee international fame in America plus Europe. It was finished
only 6 days after Bruce Lee's death. He died in July 20, 1973. Enter the Dragon was released in July
23, 1973. Enter the Dragon grossed over $200 million worldwide.

Wong Shun Leung was a great martial artists in his own right. He was a friend of Bruce Lee.
They would talk about philosophy, martial arts, life in general, and other subjects. Wong was
from Hong Kong and was a student of Yip Man. Wong Shun Leung believed that Bruce Lee
was too burned with fitness and that he needed to concentrate on his inner personal
development more. He encouraged Bruce Lee to take more time to have rest since he
believed that even if a man worked like a machine, sooner or later, a man will break down via
exhaustion. He told Bruce Lee (according to him): “…If a man has the same size and
physical power as you have, even though he does not know Kung Fu, he will still be able
to fight with you. You will win because you have techniques. If you do not take yourself
as a superman, you will have a better and meaningful life otherwise, you will feel lonely
and cold…If you can break an iron plate with your punch and I can only break a stone,
of course, your strength is greater than mine. However, if I hit you, do not think you
could stand it? Therefore, power is very important, but when you have reached a
certain level, properness is more important…” One day before Bruce Lee died he gave
Wong a phone call. Bruce Lee said, "Among my friends, I respect you most. You are
optimistic. You don't take fame and money seriously, your life is better than mine." I then
soothed him and said, ''I only try to find happiness from life. If we work hard for money
and fame, in the end we will find that we are only torturing ourselves. You can live
like me too. Live properly. Don't exceed the limit. Then you'll find that your life is better than
everybody's life." It’s certainly true for a person having that necessity to live properly.
All lives are equally valuable to God. Ultimately, a human has limits in physical
strength. That is why we need to get our spirituality in order before we die.

Bruce Lee is famous for his physical fitness actions. After he beat Wong Jack Man in 1965, he
focused more on physical conditioning (in dealing with muscular endurance, flexibility, cardiovascular
endurance, etc.). He believed in spiritual development and total fitness were necessary in performing
Jeet Kune Do effectively. For a small man as Bruce Lee was (being from 145-160 lbs), he could do
bicep curls of 70 to 80 lbs in 3 sets of 8 repetitions, he could bench press large weights, and he
maximized his physical abilities. Bruce's striking speed from 3 feet away was five hundredths of
a second. Bruce did press ups using only 2 fingers. He worked on abdominal muscles since these
muscles are apart of your core muscles to handle balance, endurance, and physical strength. Bruce
Lee according to Linda Lee Cadwell said that he did sit ups, crunches, Roman chair movement, legs,
and V-Ups. . Mito Uyehara recalled that "Bruce always felt that if your stomach was not developed,
then you had no business doing any hard sparring." He used protein drinks, green vegetables, fruits,
etc. everyday. It’s easy to see that Bruce Lee was a very strong man.

Danny Inosanto commented that: "Bruce had tremendous strength in holding a weight out
horizontally in a standing position. I know because I've seen it. He'd take a 125 lb. barbell and
hold it straight out.”

Kareem Abdul Jabbar spoke that: "Bruce put me on a weight training program during the
summer of 1970. It was a three days a week program, comprised mainly of the same stuff he
was doing for the major muscle groups. I think I was doing about 2 sets of 12 reps, but it

Ironically, Chuck Norris (who is a famous martial artists that trained under Bruce Lee. He
believes in the 2nd Amendment and individual liberty just like I do) spoke that: “…Lee,
pound for pound, might well have been one of the strongest men in the world, and certainly
one of the quickest.”
Doug Palmer said of Bruce Lee that: "Bruce was like the Michael Jordan or Muhammad Ali
in his prime, somebody who stood above everyone else. It's not that the other martial artists
weren't good. It's just that this guy was great.”

Jesse Glover said that: "The power that Lee was capable of instantly generating was
absolutely frightening to his fellow martial artists, especially his sparring partners, and his
speed was equally intimidating. We timed him with an electric timer once, and Bruce's
quickest movements were around five hundredths of a second, his slowest were around eight
hundredths. This was punching from a relaxed position with his hands down at his sides from
a distance between 18-24 inches. Not only was he amazingly quick, but he could read you
too. He could pick up on small subtle things that you were getting ready to do and then he'd
just shut you down.”

Bob Wall said of Bruce Lee that: “…Bruce was pretty much of a five mile runner, but then
Bruce was one of those guys who just challenged the heck out of himself. He ran backwards,
he ran wind sprints where he'd run a mile, walk a mile, run a mile. Whenever I ran with
Bruce, it was always a different kind of run. Bruce was one of those total athletes. It wasn't
easy training with him. He pushed you beyond where you wanted to go and then some…”

Also in 1972, when asked if he believed in God, Bruce Lee responded that, "To be perfectly frank, I
really do not." (Little, John (1996). The Warrior Within - The philosophies of Bruce Lee to better
understand the world around you and achieve a rewarding life. Contemporary Books. p. 128). Bruce
Lee's philosophies have been influenced by Taoism, Jiddu Krishnamurti, and Buddhism. Bruce Lee
subscribed to the belief system that self knowledge was a key portion in developing human

The truth is that there is one God that loves all humans and created the Universe with profound
creativity. The mainstream story about his death is that Bruce Lee died form a cerebral edema. They
viewed Bruce Lee as suffering from seizures and headaches, because he worked extremely hard.
The swelling of his brain came by the use of mannitol. This swelling occurred in his first collapse. Betty
Ting's home was the location of Bruce Lee experienced head pains. Ting was a famous Taiwanese
actress. Ting gave him a painkiller or an analgesic Equagsic (it had aspiring and a muscle relaxant.
He was dead by the time he came into the hospital. The mainstream version of events is that Bruce
Lee died by his hypersensitivity to the muscle relaxant Equagesic. He was buried in Seattle in July 31,
1973. Tons of people were there like Lee's brother Robert, James Coburn, Steve McQueen, Peter
Chin, Taky Kimura, George Lazenby, Dan Inosanto, and others. Ironically, Brandon Lee died in March
31, 1993 by a bizarre shooting accident while filming the Crow. He was 28 years old. Some claim that
the Triads secretly killed Bruce Lee. The real legacy of Bruce Lee is that self
knowledge is a key way to have true human aptitude and that physical
improvement is no vice (although, spiritual knowledge of God is a much
better pathway to follow. Cultural tolerance is a keen concept to embrace as
well). Bruce Lee legitimately rejected racism and wanted true tolerance for
the culture of Asian people.
People are talking about Lady Gaga's new song called "Alejandro," so it's time to
make a commentary on it. The video of the song lasts for almost 9 minutes. This
song came from her 2nd studio album called the Fame Monster. Lady Gaga
obsesses with calling her fans monsters (or what she deemed her allies that are
rejected of society to embrace in her mind specially creative expression). Now, she
overtly made the song as a means to represent her admiration of gay love and her love of her gay
friends. The reason is that she envies the way that gay people can love her and not be romantic of
her. Also, she says that homosexuals are brave to express themselves. The song was directed by the
photographer Steven Klein and it was released in June 8, 2010. He has worked with Calvin Klein,
Alexander McQueen, Madonna, Nike and many others. Steven Klein deals with the theme of
homoeroticism that is present in the video of Alejandro. Like many videos from Lady Gaga, there is an
overt meaning in its symbolism & other themes (found in the video) and a covert expression of
symbolism. When discovering the video, the video is more than about friendships with her gay friends
(that she says is beyond the relationships that she had with heterosexual men in life. She proclaims
this view in her interview with Larry King Live that was shown in June 1, 2010). Before getting into the
occult symbolism in the video, it's time to get a run down of what this video is all about. The video
has a bunch of men dressed up in militarized attire. One man wears
stockings. There are outlines of pyramids in the video. There are symbols on
their uniforms. There is one person carrying an image looking like a
Hexagram. Lady Gaga wears a patch on his left eye. She acts as a ruler of
an oppressive world. The male prisoners perform for her. There is a funeral
procession (for Alejandro) in the beginning of the video carrying "The Sacred
Heart." The left eye shown is very similar to the Eye of Horus indeed The
video is a combination of ABBA's music and Madonna's old work according
to music critics. Lady gaga admits that she loves music from Ace of Base
too. She signs about not wanting Alejandro to not go away. Lady Gaga performs acts with men and
the men act militarized and effeminate in many scenes of the video. This video is creepy and isn't for
the faint of heart. She dances and sings about Alejandro. The video is even more controversial than
"Telephone" by Lady Gaga raping a homosexual military soldier. The video describes an Orwellian,
militarized world. The concepts in the video deal with domination vs. submission, good vs. evil, the
physical vs. the spiritual, and male vs. female. The reality is this video shows the trend of a more
militarized society and more global accept new thinking on spirituality. Lady Gaga laments in the video
that Alejandro rejects her since Alejandro probably isn't a heterosexual. In the beginning of the video,
Gaga wears a black veil and the Sacred Heart. The Sacred Heart in the Catholic view is that it's the
bleeding heart of God for humanity. Nothing in the Scriptures mention the concept of the Sacred heart
at all. The video shows a syringe in the Sacred Heart. Gaga lays down and wears a read latex nun

She holds the Rosary (which existed form the pagan religious traditions and the Catholic Church
accepts it. Islam has Rosary-like beads as well). Catholicism is indeed a paganized version of
Christianity. Looking at the sky she says: “Stop, please, just let me go.” Then, just when she says
“Alejandro,” she raises her hands to the sky. In this context, it is safe to say that Alejandro might very
well be God. Her gown has an upside down cross. The inverted cross has many meanings. There is a
claim that Peter was crucified upside down to not disrespect Jesus Christ. Upside down crosses has
been used in black magic, witchcraft, and Satanism (all 3 of these doctrines believe in human
godhood. This is a common theme in the mystery school). This is a source on the inverted cross:

"…In symbolism, an inverted figure always signifies a perverted power (…)

Black magic is not a fundamental art; it is the misuse of an art. Therefore it has
no symbols of its own. It merely takes the emblematic figures of white magic, and
by inverting and reversing them signifies that it is left-handed.”
- Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

The inverted cross is place on Gaga's private area as a covert phallic symbol. As in the occult,
androgyny is one part of the Great work (to unite the masculine and feminine archetypes into one).
Lady Gaga shows the Catholic sign of benediction. This sign is used by those who are considered
Holy. The Catholic church pictured their fake long haired Japhetic European Jesus using that
sign (This is not the real Semitic Lord Jesus Christ) in images & paintings. This fake, non-
masculine Japhetic Jesus is found in the image above. The truth is that we don‘t know exactly
what Jesus Christ looked like per se. We can following a false, whitewashed, and devilish
Christ or the real liberator of the Lord Jesus Christ. The dancers push Lady Gaga and
removes her robe for sexual, ritual initiation. Music videos seem to represent covert acts of initiation to
the heart of the artists & the popular culture corporate empire. The men in the video act like
automatons or mind control subjects in a militarized world. Even one soldier is attached with strings
like a marionette. That is why Gaga rapes a gay man bound in a bed. This is similar to real ritual
abuse. Lady Gaga is even shown attached to strings. Even Lady Gaga is controlled by the
establishment to promote its aims. Notice that Lady Gaga supports the war in Afghanistan on her
Larry King show. I don't support this wicked war on terror at all. Some Catholics criticized the video
since they view it as blasphemous. One group making that charge is the radical Catholic League. The
Catholic League forced John Hagee to apologize for some of Hagee's legitimate criticisms of the
Catholic Church. I don't agree with Hagee on every issue though. The Catholic League is a threat that
oppose the separation of church & state. They promote Christmas when Christmas has pagan origins.
Celebrating Christmas has nothing to do with embracing true spirituality at all. The early church didn’t
celebrate Christians. Even some colonists refused to support Christmas for its Papal/pagan origins. Its
current head (of the Catholic League) is President and CEO Bill Donohue. Its Vice President is
Bernadette Brady. Bill Donohue is famous for his media appearances on MSNBC, FOX, CNN, etc.
Lady Gaga and Klein believes that it is not blasphemous because Klein says that Lady Gaga is trying
to be a nun by the end of the video. What is the truth? The video is blasphemous but not for the
reasons the Catholic cite. The video is blasphemous since it tries to mock Christianity in trying to force
Christians to accept new age spirituality mixed with Christian teachings. Romanism is nothing more
than the continuation of idolatrous, Mystery Religion having first originated in Babylon after
the Great Flood. Even the Freemason Anton Mesmer (or the father of modern hypnosis had
his hypnotist tutor by the name of the Jesuit “Father“ Maximilian Hell. Maximilian Hell was
from Vienna and lived from 1720 to 1792). The Roman Catholic Church have some
nerve criticizing the video when their own creed have been involved in the
Inquisition, religious liberty suppression, torture, pedophilia, imperialism, the
wicked international slave trade, anti-Semitism, and other evils. Adolf Hitler,
Heinrich Himmler, Josef Goebbels, Reinhard Heydrich, Rudolf Hoess, Julius Streicher, Fritz
Thyssen (who bankrolled the Nazi rise to power), Klaus Barbie, and Franz Von Papen were
all Roman Catholics. Hoess, Julius Streicher, Fritz Thyssen (who bankrolled the Nazi rise to
power), Klaus Barbie, and Franz Von Papen were all Roman Catholics. There were Roman
Catholic heads of all of these NAZI countries during WWII: Leon Degrelle of Belgium, Emil
Hacha of Bohemia-Moravia, Ante Pavelic of Croatia, Konrad Henlein of Sudetenland, Pierre
Laval and then Henry Petain of Vichy-France. and the R.C. priest, Msgr. Josef Tiso, of
Slovakia (who wasn't even defrocked after the defeat of the Nazis). Although these were
among the most visible Catholic lay people in their countries at the time, did Pope Pius XII
excommunicate a single one of them? NO. These acts (of the Papacy's bloody
history of murdering non-Catholics) are much worse than the extreme acts in
the “Alejandro” video (some of the things in the video I don't agree with of
course). That is why the Papacy apologized for much of their crimes against
humanity. Lady Gaga said to Ture (or a music writer from NYC) that one day,
the lie will be the truth. I reject that New Age notion since even the Bible says
that the truth has no lie.

The 1960’s was a time of cultural revolution in more ways than one. It caused many good and bad
thing for American society. The 1960’s change the world. Many groups of people fought legitimately
for liberties. Yet, even the Hippie Movement was co-opted by the establishment in order to promote
recreational drug use, bashing reason, and focusing on a make-believe escapism (that truly ignore
pressing issues in our world. Man-made Utopism is an impossible and history is proof that. Although,
we have a right to oppose evil in the status quo to try to make better the conditions in our land). I do
reject conformity for the sake of conformity. The Hippies opposed mainstream politics and
mainstream religions. The Hippie Movement set the stage for the Drug War, the immoral militarization
of our nation, and the growth of the prison industrial complex. Many Hippies would be leaders in the
corporate world and be apart of the modern technological revolution. I have no issue with modern
technology being developed for the positive enrichment of human society. One big part of the 1960’s
was the shift of music. Music became more popular among the youth during this decade and many
artists in that time had a controversial past to say the least.

Rihanna's video called "Rockstar 101" shows what the popular culture is all about. The song
features Slash. The video of "Rockstar 101" is strange just like her other videos. The video
starts with Rihanna covered in colorings and an object on her head. She wears other
clothing like chains too. Some believe that this character is the suppressed chained
Beast within, which is apart of Rihanna’s rock star character’s psyche. She runs in the
snow forest. This behavior is akin to a lion or an animal setting free the suppressed
Beast within. She has strings on her legs to outline a sexual connotation. She showed the
horned sign in the video. There is an outline of a gun too that is related to a tattoo of a
gun on her body. The gun to her represents her willingly to show no fear in spite of the
serious issues in her life. She moves in a darkened room at first. In the video, she tried to
prove that she is a true rock star and she's sexualized. Later, she wears a cop hat and sings.
Rihanna shows the middle finger and wears a kitten like pants. Her video has her acting out
in a ritualized fashion around a circle. She walks in a fictionalized colder environment talking
about she doesn't want to be a victim, but she rather be a stalker (this is in reference to the
domestic violence that she experienced in her life). She moves around broken bottles and
other items. This signifies what much of the rock lifestyle is like. She uses a guitar string
design on her legs. She shows the horned hand sign in the video. The most interesting part of
the video is when she wears an horned head gear moving around in a circular place. This
place looks similar to wear witches conduct their ritual. The horned head gear look very
much like Baphomet or goat like image. She tries to play tribute to Slash by wearing some of
his gear. Videos like hers are risqué and have been going on for years. Yet, there have been
more risqué videos now in the 2009-2010 period than in a long time. Some of the lyrics of
the song overtly discuss about rebellion, sexual promiscuity, and the life of some
mainstream artists. Although, these videos showing the themes of the occult, bondage,
materialism, etc. is nothing new (like one song in the 1990’s with NIN called “Closer.”
Some of Madonna‘s video are much more controversial and risqué than Rihanna‘s
video). It’s just shown in different ways in the 21st century. Rihanna might even know
what the real deal is with the music industry (of how occult symbolism is common in
that world, how it promoted dehumanization via the Transhumanism agenda, how it
has anti-righteous lyrics, etc.). It's obvious that Rihanna is in a place where she is choosing
to sing sexually explicit, suggestive lyrics, videos with many occultic symbols, and has
created an album of provocation with themes of vengeance. You have to feel sorry and bad
for the young woman indeed. Some of the lyrics (other lyrics in “Rockstar 101” have
profanity in them) read in this fashion:

“…Got up in the club

Posted in the back
Feeling so good
Looking so bad

Rocking this skirt

Rocking this club
Got my middle finger up…

Rocking these diamonds

I'm rocking this chain
Make sure you get a picture
I'm rocking my fame…

I never play the victim

I’d rather be a stalker

So baby take me in
I’ll disobey the law
Make sure you frisk me good
Check my panties and my bra

Wild’n out
A crazy house
With my white jacket on
Wont you come
And sign me out…

I'm a rockstar
Hey baby
I'm a rockstar
Hey baby
Big city
Bright lights
Sleep all day
Up all night…”

As the world says, it is what it is. These previous words shows how numerous people in the
world think and act in real life. The explosion in the background in the video proves the self
destructive qualities that are common in the rockstar lifestyle. Many of these rockstars love
recreational drug use, broken bottles everywhere, exploitation of sex, and nihilism. I don’t
believe Rihanna is a Devil worshipper, but she’s manipulated by the corporate elite. In one of
Rihanna’s live performances of “Rockstar 101” she wears the Baphomet-like ram skull on
her head. She wears a black latex suit. Unlike others, I am not going to hate on this
woman. She’s a human being that has been through a lot of unjustified treatment and
we should hope that she wakes up. Rihanna deserves respect, but the truth can’t be
compromised though. We have a choice in life. We can act either like a rockstar or we can
act like liberty loving human beings that don’t need rock to control our own lives. I choose
the later. In August 7, 2010, Rihanna promoted the military/Transhumanism theme in
Montreal, Canada. There were people with helmets, tanks, and other objects in the arena.
People were holding fake pink rifles as well. Rihanna rides the bank tank with a Mickey
Mouse helmet on. This represents the video “Hard.” The Mickey Mouse hat according to
some relates to mind control. The cannon looks phallic. The female dancers have robotic
parts as well. The director of Rihanna’s videos (of Hard, Rude boy, and Rockstar 101) is
Melina Matsoukas. Melina’s video shows the use of guns or weaponry. Melina even
directed the video of Return the Favor (showing Keri Hilson featuring Timbaland). The
video is 100% about a Big Brother society. It’s based on 1984 film (which comes from
Orwell’s work). The reason is that in the video and film cameras are everywhere and Keri
Hilson is monitored by Timbaland in a Big Brother-like fashion. Keri in the video acts
strange like a person under mind control programming. Different colors are shown which
some believe represent personality alters (this is shown by the mirrors in the video “Return
the Favor”). Our real ROCK IS GOD. Real music is fine to embrace, but God is my true
and only ROCK.
Some individuals don’t want me to show the following information. Others didn’t want me to show this
information period on other topics. Yet, I’m going to do it. I believe in showing the truth without
reservation. One person from the We Are Change NYC activist group is a Freemason. He's a
prominent member. This is hypocritical for a Mason to be apart of a group that claims to
expose information about the new world order. This man's name is Craig P. Fitzgerald. There
is a short documentary called Truth to Power. It's dedicated to covering We Are Change NYC.
Freemasonry is a secretive order that can out in the world covertly in 1717. Although, before
that time, speculative Masonic groups existed all over Europe. Fitzgerald brags in the
documentary that he's a Mason. He hypocritically says that the Bilderberg group and the CFR
are bad since they conduct business in secret. That's true, but Freemasons also conduct their
inner meetings in secret. We Are Change people don't have a problem that this man is proudly a
Freemason. It is clear that he is in fact a very influential member within We Are Change NYC. This is
proven easily considering that the film makers of Truth to Power chose to include him as one of the
central figures in their documentary covering We Are Change NYC. Also, there are several photos of
Fitzgerald taken from his Facebook page showing him addressing other members of We Are Change
during meetings indicating his prominence within the group yet again. Fitzgerald shows Masonic hand
signs and gestures in his Facebook photos. He references the George Washington 285 Lodge in New
York City. He talks about Masonry in his posts. He references in support of the phony patriot paradigm
groups of the pro-Vatican John Birch Society and the pro-CNP Constitution Party within the activities
section of his Facebook page. There is a video of Fitzgerald wearing a Masonic belt
buckle at a We Are Change event and being questioned about his ties to the
Masonic order. He talks about man having the ability to become a god which is
exactly the same dogma perpetuated by the elite controllers of the world today.
Many Masons are quoted in believing in human godhood too. He claims that 9/11 is an
inside job, which is fine with me, but he ignores the inside job that the Freemasons committed against
William Morgan in September 1826. William Morgan was exposing the secrets of Masonry. He was
kidnapped by Freemasons and he was murdered. This evil deed inspired the creation of the Anti-
Masonic Party. Derek from the Midwest and Lee Rogers exposed this wild information. This proves
that some of the Patriot Movement have been infiltrated by the Vatican, the Jesuits, and Freemasons.
The good news is that real Patriots aren't going along with compromise. This doesn't mean that
every We Are Change person is a shill or anything like that. I will never
demonize collectively We Are Change people fighting for the truth. A We Are
Change person wrote in my blog that people have a right to affiliated with
various groups and that is true. Likewise, I have the First Amendment right to
disagree with Freemasonry. So, I want to make that perfectly clear. I still
disagree with Freemasonry 100% for religious and political reasons. Nothing is ever
going to change that. Freemasonry in the modern sense was created in the British Isles. It spread into
Ireland in 1725 via the Irish Grand Lodge. Freemasonry is related to Deism and rationalism.
Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Joseph Hewes, and others were famous Freemasons
during the Revolutionary era of American history. A Masonic oath that is repeated by all at the
Entered Apprentice/lst Degree and every degree after it, and taken on the penalty of mayhem and
violent death goes on to mention that:

"I ...do hereby and hereon most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear that I will always
hail, ever conceal and never reveal any of the arts, parts or points of the secret arts and
mysteries of ancient Freemasonry which I received, am about to receive, or may hereafter be
instructed in..." Shaw, Jim (ex-33°) and Tom McKenney. The Deadly Deception. Lafayette,
LA: Huntington House, Inc., 1988, (For a modern exception to this see Chapter. 12).
Fritz Springmeier in his book “Watchtower and the Masons” on pg. 19 wrote that:

“…Seventeen Presidents have been Masons: and all of these seventeen had English or Scot-
Irish ancestry. These seventeen are Washington, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Polk, Buchanan,
Andrew Johnson, Garfield, McKinley, both Roosevelts, Taft, Harding, Truman, Lyndon
Johnson, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan. Seventeen Vice-presidents have also been
Masons. Note that the first three presidents were affiliated with the Episcopal church and the
next three Masons to become U.S. Presidents were Presbyterians. Presidents are not the only
Scot-Irish Freemason leaders. Joseph Smith's Masonic membership is proven, and Mary
Baker Eddy's close ties with the Freemasons are documented. Her first and beloved husband
died and left her a widow. He was a Freemason. The Freemasons took care of her as a
widow, and after that kindness she very close to them her entire life. She had material
published in the Freemason's Monthly Magazine…”

Freemason Wayne Hitchcock gave an interesting view on the meaning of the Master Mason
Apron. Aprons are sent to people who are Masons in rituals and meetings inside of the
Masonic Temple. To him, the lambskin or the white leather apron was a symbol of innocence
and the badge of a Mason. In 1813, the modern Masonic apron existed today from the United
Grand Lodge of England. The central portion of the apron is white leather. The blue fringe on
the white leather center means the universality of Masons. The unbroken nature to Hitchcock
represents the bond of friendship and "Brotherly Love" existing among members of their
Fraternity. Some say that the color of light blue outlines the color of the canopy of Heaven
and universal friendship. The rectangular shape of the apron according to Wayne represents
the 4 elements of the earth, the 4 lessons (of purity, truth, sincerity, and honesty making up
morality), and the 4 cardinal virtues (of Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence, and Justice). To
him the triangular flap of the apron describe the ancient symbol of Deity. Since the ancients
thought of the Deity as threefold (like the Hindus believed in Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.
Yet, the Biblical Trinity is different from Hinduism, etc.). the 5 exposed angles of the apron
represent the 5 points of fellowship (the perfected man, nature, etc.). He wrote that: "....The
three primary shapes contained within the apron, the circle, triangle and the rectangle, are
emblematical of the spirit, the three fold revelation of God and the material universe or man
(for in the creation of man all the elements of the universe were united). Therefore our apron
represents the totality of nature as we know it...." So, the apron has many symbolisms and
meanings in the world.
Here’s other sources on Freemasonry:

"Masonry, contrary to popular belief is NOT based upon the Bible. Masonry is actually
based on the Kabala (Cabala), a medieval book of magic and mysticism."
-The Deadly Deception, p. 128

"Masonry makes no profession of Christianity...but looks forward to the time when the. labor
of our ancient brethren shall be symbolized by the erection of a spiritual temple...in which
there shall be but one altar and one worship; one common altar of Masonry on which the
Veda, Shasrtra, Sade, Zend-Vestra, Koran and the Holy Bible shall lie...and at whose shrine
the Hindoo, the Persian, the Assyrian, the Chaldean, the Egyptian, the Chinese, the
Mohammedan, the Jew and the Christian my kneel..."
-The Kentucky Monitor. Fellowcraft Degree, p.95

"The Jews, the Chinese, the Turks, each reject either the
New Testament, or the Old, or both, and yet we see no good
reason why they should not be made Masons. In fact Blue
Lodge Masonry has nothing whatever to do with the Bible. It
is not founded on the Bible; if it was it would not be
Masonry; It would be something else." Chase's Digest of
Masonic Law, pp 207-209)

"Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion: and its teachings are instruction
in religion...This is true religion revealed to the ancient patriarchs; which Masonry
has taught for many centuries, and which it will continue to teach as long as time
endures." - Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 213-214

Freemasonry is not Christianity. Freemasonry refuses to pray in the name of Jesus Christ in
Lodges, having obscene death oaths, calling God an Architect (when Almighty God is
beyond an Architect), and embracing occult principles that are in contradiction to the
teachings of Christianity. Even some in Masonry portray the fictional Hiram Abiff as a
messiah figure, which is blasphemous to say the least. The removal of the name of Jesus
and references to him in the Bible verses used in the rituals are "slight but necessary
modifications." (Albert Mackey. Masonic Ritualist, p. 272). Stephen Knight from his
book called, “The Brotherhood,” on pg. 234 stated that: "In Masonry, we learn, Christ is not
God but man—in Vindex's estimation the man who showed ' more than any other man who
ever lived' what God is like…” He later adds: “…I for one can never understand how
anyone who takes an exclusive view of Christ as the only complete revelation of God's
truth can become a Freemason without suffering from spiritual schizophrenia."
The film called “The Omen” has a lot of imagery from Biblical prophecy, occult symbolism, and other
topic. Therefore, this subject should be explained thoroughly and be made interesting as well. The
Omen film series deals with the advent of a child that heralds the coming of the Antichrist. The Omen
III: Final Conflict implies that this Beast (or Antichrist figure) resides in England. This is interesting,
because some religious scholars believe that the Antichrist will have ties to England or Europe. It isn’t
a secret that occultists view their Savior as a false King Arthur like leader. This King Arthur mythos
also relates to the Grail story. According to one source: “…[Modern] scholarship concurs that the Grail
rests ultimately on a Pagan foundation…” (Holy Blood Holy Grail p. 31). The very first Omen came
about in 1976. The first Omen ends with Robert shot dead by the police when he tries to stab
Damien. Damien is called the Antichrist and Robert tries to stop him. The movie ends with Robert's
and Katherine's double funeral, where they are given an honorable burial and are blessed by a
Catholic priest. The last scene is of Damien holding the hand of the U.S. President. Damien turns
around and gives an ominous smile. The Omen film series is graphic at times, so you don’t have to
look at this stuff. I mention this information to show the truth that even popular culture knows about
some prophetic stories. According to Biblical prophecy, the Antichrist rules over the Earth for a
temporary period of time. He is defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ and the Messiah establishes his
eternal Kingdom on Earth. This Kingdom lasts forever and forever. It’s a never ending situation as
found in the book of Revelation.
"Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of
evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward
in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you."
-Matthew 5: 11-12

It’s very easy to comprehend that sacrilege is a common feature of the

corporate-run popular culture. Sacrilege is when someone uses items or other
forms of expression to mock a specific religious faith. The mocking of
Christianity is very common. Many Christians don’t speak out against it,
because numerous Christians don’t care about it. Some sincerely do care
about this vital issue.. Yet, we should care to see the motivation behind sacrilege in other to
deal with it (and help people worship God in the right way if they want to believe in God). The mocking
of the image of God is something that I don’t agree with at all. The mocking of Christianity is just made
by non-Christians, but by professing “Christians” too. Examples include so-called Christians promoting
using graven images (it‘s fine to condemn idol worship), having the Prosperity gospel lie, and those
with even a bar in a church (that’s occurring in 2010). The Prosperity gospel (or believing that sending
money in a requirement should automatically give a person blessings or wealth is equated to high
spirituality), war mongering propaganda is especially promoted by many people from TBN (that have
people calling mere men gods and such). One verse out of many that refutes the Prosperity Gospel lie
is the following: “…He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh
mischief, it shall come unto him. He that trusteth in his riches shall fall : but the
righteous shall flourish as a branch…” (Proverbs 11:27-28). Even some in the
mainstream Gospel world have been infiltrated by the worldly crowd. Even the crucifix is an affront
to Jesus Christ since Jesus Christ isn’t on the cross anymore. Jesus sits at the right hand of
God the Father (using an image of God isn’t the way to go). Some people wears crosses and a
Jesus piece (which is a head of the “European” version of Jesus in gold, diamonds, etc. on a
person’s neck). Triple H once called himself “King of Kings,” Family Guy mocks Jesus, and South
Park does mocking against religion too. The supporters of this stuff believe that they are fulfilling their
need of self expression. Some of them don’t even believe in bashing religion in general. Yet, in all of
these scenarios, there is a catch. The catch is that some of these people doing blasphemous things
either want to promote New Age spirituality, they want to do satire, or they actually hate religion.
Religion is like a very special part among the lives of billions of people worldwide. Religion harnessed
in the right fashion have lead into inventions, stability, and other improvements in the standard of living
of human beings. Religion exploited for nefarious reasons have been made as excuses for wars, the
international slave trade, holocausts, and other terrible tragedies in the panorama of human history.
The person to the far right is the actor Russel Brand in one scene of the film “Get
Him to the Greek.” It’s about a comedy describing the life of a rock star and his
associates in that world. Brand shows the 2 horned hand signs and the mitre (from
the Pope). Mitre is from the god Dagon in ancient Canaan. The Temptation of the Last
Christ was blasphemous. It pictured Jesus Christ as having lustful desires of Mary Magdalene before
he was crucified. People have free speech rights and we have free speech rights to write about this
issue too. The good news is that real Christians can always find comfort in the Lord regardless of what
the world may think of true believers of God. I will never lose my faith in God. It’s a spiritual battle
against evil and people have every right to peacefully spread the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ unto
all people. There is religious apostasy. The United Methodist Seminar President named Jerry
Campbell said that Christians should not evangelize people of other faiths. He said that: “The correct
perception [of following Jesus] is much more on the side of learning to express love for God
and love for your neighbor as yourself” (United Methodist Reporter, July 2, 2010).
Claremont, which is affiliated with the United Methodist Church, is preparing to become an
“interreligious institution” that will provide training for Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, and
Hindus. The truth is that Jesus Christ gave the commandment to all of his believers to preach
the Gospel to all Creation (as found in Mark 16:15). Teaching people about the Good News
of eternal salvation via the shed blood of Jesus Christ is fine. The Bible even says that:

"Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer."

-Romans 12:12

"So that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in
all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure.... Seeing it is a righteous thing with
God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you."
-2 Thess 1:4, 6

"Break up your fallow ground: for it is time to

seek the Lord ..."
-Hosea 10:12.

“The Fountain” is a movie that mixes Biblical imagery and occult principles in an unique
way as well. The movie came out in 2006. The movie deals with issues of the Mayans,
human immortality, life in general, ascension, evolution, and other subjects. It was directed
by Darren Aronosky. It starred Hugh Jackman and Rachel Weisz. The film has 3 storylines.
Jackman and Wiesz plays different sets of characters. They are a modern day scientists and
his cancer stricken wife, a conquistador and his queen, and a space traveler who hallucinates
his lost love. It has unique visual effects to deal with love and morality. Now, in the movie,
there is the 16th century Central America scene. It’s in Mayan territory. It has the
conquistador Tomas searching for the tree of life. In 2005, Tommy (is another medical
researcher, who tries to seek a cure for the brain tumor killing his wife Izzy). In 2500, space
traveler Tom travels into a nebula in a bubble shaped spacecraft that contains a garden and a
dying tree of life. These roles exist in all 3 periods. The Director Darren Aronofsky wanted
the storylines to be open to interpretation. The core of the film deals with love of and a
woman. It also deals with death. The film focus on the nature of some humans fearing death.
This movie tries to deal with the ideas of life like meaning or God, not just about science
fiction or technology. Hugh Jackman did yoga and the lotus position for over a year to do the
movie. Rachel Weisz visited hospices to get an emotional and mental mindset to perform the
acting in “The Fountain.”

The major feature of the film is the tree of life. The creators of the film admit that the tree of
life in the film relates to the Kabbalah’s tree of life (in the Kabbalah the tree of life or the
Sefirots represent the blueprint of God’s creation. God in Genesis created the Universe ex
nihilio or out of nothing). The tree of life in Kabbalah views God’s emanations creating the

Tons of videos and literature on the Internet described the occult references throughout the 2010 BET
Awards. I wanted to show my impressions in a real way and an accurate way. The reason is that it’s
fine to expose occult symbolism and the evils in the world. Yet, I won’t get carried away and promote
paranoia in the process either. If you want the truth, then you have to deliver in a cogent, accurate
fashion. One of the major performances was Kanye West. Kanye West said that in the modern age, a
new Bible could mention him. In the beginning of the performance, Kanye West is one a fake
mountain extending his arms. He tries to intimidate a Christ-figure or he thinks of himself as highly
important. Fire comes out the mountain and the OT says that God is like a fire. It’s easy to see that
the Bible has only true Power. Kanye West said that the world is ours, yet the world will pass away
(and be made anew via the coming of the Messiah). A statue of that image is found in Brazil.
Hollywood movies like City of Angels show the exactly same hand sign. Kanye raps and said that no
one man should have all of that power. West wears a Pyramid and Horus medallion around his neck.
He raps that: “…Reality is catching up to me, Taking my inner child, I’m fighting for custody…” Now,
this means that Kanye West is rapping bout the conflict in his soul or a battle for his inner child. He
says that he has been given responsibilities entrusted to him. Alicia Keys says that people rise out of
their tribulations or trials like the Phoenix. The Phoenix is a mystical bird in the occult meaning rebirth.
Keys want to text a number to help children in the numbers of 90999. Alicia Keys' twitter page and
in her bio, she calls herself a "Light Bearing Artist", then lists songwriter, etc. Also her page
is bathed in blood-red, black, and lights. We know is also called the Light bearer. Drake raps
about the All Seeing Eye and the All Seeing Eye is found in this T-Shirt during his performance. Drake
and Tyrese show the OK hand sign. Eminem sings about exercising these demons and the choir just
sings in celebration. The same choir that sang with Eminem is singing solo. That’s strange since
Eminem sings stuff that contrary to real spirituality. Even 2 Cor. 6:14 says that we shouldn’t yolk with
unbelievers. In many award show, there is materialism, intimidation, and arrogance. Some of that
crowd like they are better than you if you don’t have designer clothing or if you act differently. The truth
is that we don’t need these things. The worldly wants to intimidate people in accepting this mind warp
too. We should be content with a roof over our heads and legitimate resources to help our families
and loved ones out. The skeptics say let God Judge. I guess these people
forgotten that judging isn’t monolithic. We can judge righteous judgment as
found in John 7:24. The bigger picture is that people have the right to expose the corporate
control over the mainstream music industry.
The 1997 movie of Starship Troopers from is the quintessential film relating to eugenics,
the new world order agenda, militarism, and other nefarious aims. Ironically, the original
author of Starship Troopers (named Robert A. Heinlein. He originally wrote the novel)
would disagree with the movie’s open endorsement of militarism. The director of the film
was made by Paul Verhoeven. First, the plot of the movie will be presented first before the
tons of symbolisms plus meanings of the movie. The film had an estimated budget of about
$105 million and grossed over $121 million worldwide. The story deals with a young solider
named Johnny Rico. Her works with the Mobile Infantry. That is a futuristic military unit.
Rico’s military career progresses from recruit, to non commissioned officer, and finally to
officer against the backdrop of an interstellar war. This war deals with mankind vs. “The
Bugs” (or an arachnid species). The movie is set in the distant future. There are tense
relations between humans and the “Bugs.” Rico’s girlfriend Carmen Ibanez (played by
Denise Richards) and his best friend Carl Jenkins (who is played by Neil Patrick Harris)
graduate from high school in Buenos Aires. Jenkins has psychic abilities that is an
uncommon, but not unheard of trait among humans. Carmen and Carl go into the military
to be citizens. Citizenship is earned in the future society instead of being given by birth.
Johnny enlists when that is against his parents’ wishes. His grades are too low to join
Carmen in Flight School. So, he is given the statue of a commissioned officer in the Fleet.
He’s assigned to the Mobile Infantry while Carl joins Military Intelligence. They are drilled
by the brutal Career Sergeant Zim (as played by Clancy Brown). Johnny proves to be an
outstanding leader and in time it’s made a squad leader. Johnny meets a former high
school classmate called “Dizzy” Flores (or Dina Meyer), who requested a transfer into
Johnny’s unit ostensibly. The reason is that the unit is the toughest, but mainly because
she’s infatuated with Johnny. Johnny finds out that Carmen is happy with her training. She
works with his school rival named Zander (or Patrick Muldoon). Zander is the Flight Training
system as a prospective officer in the Fleet. Johnny doesn’t have a romance with Carmen.
Johnny is beaten after one of his squad members is killed in a training incident. The bugs
sent an asteroid to Earth that destroys Buenos Aires and kills millions of people including
Johnny’s parents. Earth declares war on the Bugs and Johnny stays with the Mobile
Infantry. The Federation's forces mount a large-scale invasion of Klendathu, which
becomes an unmitigated disaster due to underestimation of the Bugs' combat abilities.
The Bugs discharge "plasma" from the surface as a very effective surface-to-space barrage
that destroys much of the Fleet. Cut off from their air support, the Mobile Infantry
contingent is swarmed by thousands of Bug warriors on the surface, and tens of
thousands of troops are killed before a retreat can be made. Johnny's squad is almost
wiped out, and Carmen believes he is dead due to an error on the casualty list. Federation
scientists are baffled by the Bugs' use of military tactics and postulate that there must be a
caste of "Brain Bugs" that serve as generals for the Arachnids.

Johnny and others (called the Roughnecks) try to fight back against the bugs. Johnny,
Carmen, Zander, Watkins, and others travel to Planet P to fight the Bugs and see how they
act. Watkins died in the battle. Dizzy dies in Johnny’s arms by a stab wound from a Bug.
Zander’s brain is sucked out by a brain bug. Carmen, Ace, and Carmen survive. They are
called heroes. Carl joins Johnny and Carmen on the surface, explaining that they will be
able to learn how the Bugs think and can turn the tide of the war. Johnny becomes a
Lieutenant and leader of the Roughnecks and Carmen acts as the Captain of her own ship in
the Fleet. The film ends.
There are a lot of symbolism in this movie. The original novel wanted to expose war as evil
and nefarious, yet the film glorifies war. The film is very similar to Plato’ “Republic.” Plato’s
Republic outlines much of the agenda of the Utopian, pro-new world order society. Even
David Livingstone wrote that: “…There is little that should impress you in the writings of
Plato, who is supposedly the greatest philosopher in history. On the contrary, there is
much that should concern you, as Plato has been the founder of many of the
totalitarian doctrines that have plagued the twentieth century. Rather, the only reason
he has achieved the reputation he has is that, throughout the history of the Western
and Eastern occult tradition, Plato has been regarded as the godfather of its doctrines,
and as the great representative of those ancient traditions associated with the
Kabbalah." Plato wanted his dictatorship to have 3 classes of the Guardians (or the
philosopher kings that supposedly have the “wisdom” in the land) , the Warrior Class (They
are the military to enforce rules on the artisans) , and the Artisans (these are the working class
slaves that submit to the elite). The movie begin with a fascist Utopian society. There are
Nazi motifs in the film. The movie have children saying they are doing their part like being
apart of a youth program. Johnny goes into stages of development like secret orders do in real
life (in order to achieve their version of “enlightenment”). The teacher, a former soldier in the
Mobile Infantry, Mr. Rasczak, says:

"Let's sum up... this year we explored the failure of democracy. How the social scientists
brought the world to the brink of chaos. We talked about the veterans, how they took control
and imposed the stability that has lasted for generations since."

This means that the society in the film isn’t a democracy, but a totalitarian system of
government. Another teacher in the movie says that: “…Just a bug? We humans like to
think we are nature's finest achievement... afraid it just isn't true. The [...] sand beetle is
superior in many ways: it reproduces in vast numbers, has no ego, has no fear, doesn't
know about death, and so is the perfect selfless member of society." This is the common
anti-human agenda of the new world order crowd. Many extremist bash humanity as an
excuse to promote environmental extremism (which is completely different from sincerely
trying to help out the environment). Tyranny always bashes human potential, land ownership,
wealth, owning a legitimate business, etc. (as anti-social actions). Rico meets his girlfriend
Carmen near a large Pyramid. The pyramid is a common motif in occult symbolism. To
Manly P. Hall, the pyramid is a symbol of eternity (or the visible covenant between the
Eternal Wisdom and the world). Soldiers in the film wear a skull tattoo with the word of
Death on it. The glorifying of death and war is certainly an evil act. The people in the film
talk an oath to service. In Plato’s proposals, each individual is required to perform some time
of service. Rico goes through battles to develop his stages in his life to achieve the role of a
philosopher warrior.

Even the Nickelodeon’s Kid Choice award of 2010 isn’t exempt from occult symbolism and
propaganda. The image above shows Adam Sandler in an angel suit on a throne near
another actor. The actor on the bottom shows the occult hand sign. Notice that the
awards show has the Masonic checkered board board pattern. The checkered board has
many meanings from being related to geometry and various dimensions (in the eyes of
the esoteric crowd). Some view Sandler mimicking traveling in a portal. The intro of the
awards show has a blimp traveling in Pyramid-shape images, triangles, and in the outline of
the city of Los Angeles. Kevin James, Tyra Banks, and others are apart of the ceremonies.
The awards show list the newer generation of actors and actresses too like Miley Cyrus,
Selena Gomez, Keke Palmer, Joe Jonas, Dylan Sprouse, Robbie Amell, Ashely Argota, Gage
Golightly, Ariana Grande, etc. Katy Perry had slime shown in her face. There are other
checkered board patterns in the Intro as well of the show. There is a hypnotism image too
in the stage. Disney is promoted and we know the perverted history of Disney (Its fruits
include interesting characters to say the least). In the ceremonies, Rihanna (who covers
one eye in her song performance) performs the song “Hard” (including “Rude Boy”) with
dancing robots, a pink tank, and women wearing military gear. This represents the
militarization agenda in the West. People should not align with the military domestically
knocking in our doors at all. The military is being exploited in unjustified, evil, and ethnically
agitating wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some individuals want to deal with trying to
make more tranquility among the various ethnic groups in Afghanistan not
just the Pasthuns. A lot of people there represent the newer generation that the
establishment want to mold. See, the elite know that many folks like us know about their
schemes. That is why they are constantly trying to get Generation Z and Generation Alpha
to accept their deception. In the show, there is constantly black and white striped imagery.
There is irony here too. The ironic thing is that this is supposed to be a children related
awards show, yet adult lyrics and risqué clothing are showing in the show. I love being
politically incorrect. I love being controversial. Also, I love to research information and
learn wisdom in life.

This is the new statue of Anubis in the Denver International Airport. People now realize
that the DIA is a home of occult symbolism, murals about death and a new golden age for
society, and other strange pattern around its vicinity. Anubis is the god of the dead (& the
afterlife) in Egyptian mythology. Anubis assisted the dead into the underworld. It
weights 7 tons and is 26 feet tall (26=13 X 2). It will be built south of the Jeppesen
Terminal. It’s shown in Denver to promote the King Tut exhibit in the Denver Art Museum.
It is an exhibition of royal artifacts thousands of years in the making and it's never been seen
in Denver before and will never be again. The event is called, "Tutankhamun the Golden
King and the Great Pharaoh." It runs from June 20 to January 9, 2011. The Anubis statue
will remain in that area for the duration of the art exhibit.
The War of the Worlds is a famous 2005 movie. It has been related to Orson Wells’ fake alien
invasion broadcast back in 1938. Not to mention that H.G. Wells wrote the book under the same
title in 1898. He was a visionary. The film was directed by Bilderberger Steven Spielberg. It was
written by Josh Friedman and David Koepp. This movie is the 2nd collaboration with Spielberg
after the 2002 film Minority Report (which is a film about dystopic world dealing with
precrime). Minority report reminds that that we should a great vigilance against Big Brother.
Some extreme parts of the Big Brother society is still occurring in American society via cameras
everywhere, dangerous X-Rays in airports, scanners, and other evils. The film stars Tom Cruise. He is
Ray Ferrier. Ray is a divorced dock worker estranged from his children. He lives separate from them.
When his ex-wife drops their children off for him to look after for a few days, the Earth is invaded by
aliens riding Tripod vehicles. Ray tries to protect his children. He escapes to Boston to rejoin his ex-
wife. The film was filmed in Connecticut, New York California, Virginia, and New Jersey. Morgan
Freeman narrated the beginning of the film since he has a real life interest in science fiction media. He
narrators that aliens watch the Earth. Ray lives in Bayonne, New Jersey. His ex-wife was Mary Ann
(played by Miranda Otto). A wall cloud disables electronic devices in the area (caused by
electromagnetic pulses in the form of lightning in the area). The aliens kill many human beings. Ray
and Rachel hide out in a stranger’s place. This stranger is named Harlan Ogilvy (played by Tim
Robbins). When, Ray and Rachel reach Mary Ann’s parent’s home, the aliens (in Tripods started to
die). The reason is that the aliens experience terrestrial microbial diseases. They contracted these
diseases form consuming the Earth’s air and resources. The aliens have no immunity from it. Tom
Cruise is of course in the Gnostic-influenced religion named Scientology. Scientology was invented by
L. Ron Hubbard in 1947. It believes that an evil being called Xenu 75 millions of years ago trapped
souls in Earth in the physical realm:

“…Hubbard is documented to have written about past life memories that include
all stages of human evolution since the clam (see Scientology History of Man),
lives on past planets as other life forms, and real and implanted memories from
the alien spirits that Xenu trapped on Earth 75 million years ago…” (SOURCE:
WIKIPEDIA, Scientology Beliefs and Practices > past lives)

This is similar to Gnosticism where the physical Universe is bashed and only the spiritual reality is
praised. Scientology believe that counseling and vitamins can cure mental illness. They also other
strange beliefs that people from across the political spectrum have opposed and exposed to the
general public. L. Ron Hubbard on tape said that man invented God, there is no
Christ, the Christian faith is apart of a false memory implanted on human beings, he was
nearly run down by a train on Venus, etc. These claims made by Hubbard are all lies of course.
Even Professor Stephen Kent (who is a sociology professor at Canada’s University of Alberta)
mentioned that Scientology members real literature claiming that Hubbard visited other planets and
even heaven. This is extreme to say the least. "Space opera has space travel, spaceships,
spacemen, intergalactic travel, wars, conflicts, other beings, civilizations and societies, and other
planets and galaxies. It is not fiction and concerns actual incidents," the Scientology Web site states.
Hubbard followed the agenda of Satanist Aleister Crowley even though Crowley criticized Hubbard.
Scientology believes that the human soul is eternal and is reincarnated. The human soul of believers
are eternal, but the soul of wicked shall surely die (according to the Scriptures). Cruise denies that
Scientology is promoted in “The War of the Worlds,” but the movie is similar to pro-Scientology film of
Battlefield Earth. It starred Scientology John Travolta. That movie shows the Earth experiencing a
battle between human and other extraterrestrials (called the Pyschlos in the year of 3000).
Scientologists believe in extraterrestrials in real life. Battlefield Earth was a science fiction novel that
was authored by ironically L. Ron Hubbard. Tom Cruise is especially sensitive when someone
criticizes his group called Scientology. Scientology like the New Age believes that man is an immortal,
spiritual being that can save his or her own self without the Creator or God. Ironically, Steven
Spielberg believes in extraterrestrials since we doesn’t think that we’re the only intelligent or biological
life in the whole Universe. We aren’t of course since God and his hosts of Heaven do exist. Many
people have left Scientology for its liberty suppression acting and its oppressive action. One person is
Karen Pressley. She been in Scientology for 18 years and left since they restricted family visits and
she was watched by Scientology officials constantly. She became a Christian and lives her life
spiritually grounded. Scientology uses the occult belief in secrecy to attempt to gain as many recruits
as possible. Yet, in our generation, people are waking up and changing their lives for the better
without Scientology. The lesson here is UFO/alien disinformation is a distraction. The real truth is that
there is nothing with exposing controversial issues. Even William Cooper in 2001 rejected UFO
paranoia in order to focus more on exposing government corruption. Yet, our real prize is following
with will of God not the will of fantasy. People need to wake up and realize that Scientology is a slick
cult that isn’t a spiritually redeeming organization at all.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty has been a famous video game in Playstation 2 and other
formats. It’s one of the most of the best selling videogames of all time. It sold over 7 million
copies worldwide and scored an average of 96 % in Matacritics’s aggregate. What was
interesting about this game is that it used Orwellian double speak. The enemy in the game is
called “the Patriots” when Patriots in real life aren’t an enemy. Patriots in real life try to make
legitimate rectifying procedures to enhance the nature of a nation’s society. The Patriots in
the game seems to be a clever code word to denote the elite or the “Illuminati.” The Patriots
in the game is an organization that control the whole nation behind closed doors (few people
know about its existence like few people know that the Pilgrim Society or the Order of the
Golden Fleece exist). The President in the game admits to one character (named Raiden) that
the Patriots runs the show, while he (or the President) functions just as a figurehead. Many
videogames especially after 9/11 have talk about themes pertaining to war, Big Brother,
Secret Societies, order out of chaos, and the like. The President says that following:

“…I don’t have any control. The real power is in the Patriots’ hands. The truth
behind this country…Very few are aware of their existence, even among those with
codeword clearance. Politics, the military, the economy they control it all. They
even choose who becomes President.…Thank about it! Do you actually believe
that public opinion influences the government? This country is shaped and controlled
as the Patriots see fit. The people are sown what they want to believe. What you call
government is actually a well staged production aimed at satisfying the public!…I’m
taking about an unregulated power struggle panic, civil war, chaos…” This is
interesting, because for eons, conspiracies organized by elitists or their allies have
existed. Examples include that:

-The CIA ran MKULTRA to brainwash people with LSD. Some of the victims of this mind
control experimentation were given drugs without their consent. Some people were tortured
too. At least one man, civilian biochemist Frank Olson, who was working for the
government, died as a result of the experiments. The documentary entitled “Secrets of the
CIA” exposed Project MK-ULTRA.

-There was the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. This was when the United States Public Health
Service carried out a clinical study on about 400 poor African American men with syphilis.
This was done from 1932 to 1972. During the study, the men were given false and even
dangerous treatments. The adequate or true treatment were intentionally withheld. This
devious action was done, because the agency wanted to learn more about the disease. It lasted
for 40 years beyond what they originally planned for 6 months. 200 of them en died from
syphilis or related complications by the end of the study. Not to many individuals knew of
these crime until the early 1970’s. This proved that eugenics is still a threat today.

-The Iran Contra affair was in 1985 and 1986 when the White House authorized
government officials to secretly trade weapons with the Israeli government in exchange for
the release of the U.S. hostages in Iran. The plot was uncovered by Congress in 1987.

The video game says that Solidus was a Presidential puppet and turned against the “Patriots.”
Solidus went into hiding after exposing the Patriots. The reason was that they were planning
to kill him off as punishment. Solidus formed his own group called “Dell Cell.” Ironically,
Solidus is portrayed as a villain in the videogame. He’s also called Solidus Snake.
The Patriots in the video game are portrayed as influencing fashion, games, songs, and
movies that exist in the world. In real elite, only 5 corporations worldwide control a vast
array of fashion, music, and clothing in the world today. These corporations have CFR,
Bildberberger, Pilgrim Society, and other elite connections to them. Occult symbolism
exist in other videogames too. Wolfenstein has images of the All Seeing eye, the swastika,
and other images in it. The game is about a person fighting monsters and the Nazis. I heard of
this game back in early 1997 when I was in the 8th grade. Modern Warfare 2 has the
promotion of militarization and the All Seeing Eye (on top of the Pyramid) too. The game has
the skulls and cross bones. Mortal Kombat Armageddon talk about the elder gods’ lust for a
blood sacrifice. The game has the image of a step pyramid that looks similar to the structures
from Meso-America (that was utilized in real life for rituals and human sacrifice). Fire comes
from the pyramid in the game (The Apocalypto movie is similar to the mortal Kombat game
as well).

The Tekken fighting game series is one of the most famous fighting games in history. One of
Tekken’s 5 major characters is named Jin Kazama. Jin is related to the Islamic concept of
Jinns. A Jinn in Islamic mythology is a demon or spirit that has supernatural power. A
Jinn is related to the destructive forces of nature. So, Jin in the video game is regularly
possessed with “supernatural” power so much that at times, he acts irrational. Jin
morphs into the “Devil” Jin (with wings and all). He shows one eye in the video game to
looking similar to the All Seeing eye. In Tekken 6, the boos of Tekken 6 is called Azazel.
Azazel in the video game and the Baphomet images look similar. This is strange since in the
Baphomet icons worn by occultists and Satanist, the Hebrew word of Azazel in found on it.
Azazel has many references. Azazel comes from the Hebrew word of azaz. “Azaz“ had been
used to describe one who is impudent to God or strong against God. So, Azazel in the context
of the occult is a being that is anti-God. Azazel in Tekken 6 even looks like Baphomet.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas has the Obelisk (which is an old phallic symbol). It has
a Pyramid top with the lighting on top. It has the Pyramid, the Sphinx, and other imagery that
is similar to the city of Las Vegas. According to Fritz Springmeier, Las Vegas is a place of
Illuminist activities in real life. The capstone in the videogame shine in the dark. The game
glorifies gangs. Gang members in the game show the OK handsign and the horned handsign.
Silent Hill is a video game from Konami. It deals with spirit possession and the Symbols of
the All Seeing Eye. It deals with the incubus (and calling a daughter the mother of God, but
she isn‘t). There is a ceremonies and a demonic being comes out of a woman. The incubus in
the game looks exactly like the Baphomet image from Eliphas Levi. Resident Evil even talks
about a group called the Los Illuminados. That name is very similar to Alumbrados or the
Enlightened Ones (of Spain). In real life, the Alumbrados was a “Christian mystical” order.
Ignatius Loyola was accused by the Papacy at one time in 1527 for sympathizing with them.
The Alumbrados existed in the 1400’s to the 1500’s. The Catholics believed that the
Alumbrados believed that the human soul can reach perfection. They Spanish Inquisition
persecuted the Alumbrados vigorously. This title is similar to the Illuminati. The Bavarian
Illuminati wanted a one world system in an Utopian system (under the guise of a return to
Nature). Today, Illuminati iconography is common in the music industry, architecture,
movies, and other situations in the world. The Los Illuminados in the videogame experience a
goat headed being (the Baphomet archetype is goat headed), black and white checkered
floors, and beings with the heads of skulls. Now, it’s easy to see the what type of time that we
live in. The establishment tries to make people ignorant of reality in order for the
masses to promote cultural degeneracy & the negation of true wisdom in the world.
The image above is from the video game called Assassins Creed 2. The Assassin’s Creed
game in general focuses on the historical era of the Middle Ages. The Assassin’s Creed In
truth, the Middle Ages facilitated the development of secret order like the Assassins, the
Knights Templar, and even some esoteric cliques. The first game does deal in the modern
times. There is one man. This man is a descendant of a bloodline that is allied with the
Animus (which is a machines). The Animus permit’s a person to relive the exploits of
their ancestors. The ancestor in the game is Altair. Altair was an assassin in the Holy
Land during the Crusades. He kills for money. He figures that the Knights Templar desire
control and power in a conspiracy. He fights his master and found to be a Templar. He
learns about a high technical device called EDEN. It has huge power. The orb can
replicate a person many times in a multi-locational type of way. The Knights Templar
want the orb. The modern day Templars want it too. Now, there are plenty of symbolisms
in the game. There are eagles, the Templar image, and other new world themes. It
discusses secret societies when they in real life have secret goals for power & control in
the world atmosphere. The image of the assassin in the video game looks like a warped
pyramid. The slick part of the game is that it promotes lies. It believes in the psy ops that
“…NOTHING IS TRUE. EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED…” The truth is that truth is real
and the truth is God. In the game it is said that the orb was used by Jesus to perform his
miracles (yes it actually says that) and thus the game supposes that God isn't real and
therefore there is no moral law or right from wrong. THIS IS THE BELIEF OF THE
ILLUMINATI. 'Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.' Everything being permitted also
means that you can do what you want. This mantra is similar to Aliester Crowley’s view of
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Nihilism teaches a belief in nothing or moral
realtivism. So, Assassins Creed is slick in promoting its pro-relativist agenda. There are
artists talking about the Illuminati. Jay Z denies being apart of the Illuminati. He has Masonic
symbols in his clothes and believes in his own Religion (that’s a form of Theism. He wore
shirt with pro-Aleister Crowley words on them. Jay Z believes in karma and denies the
existence of Hell). He raps in the sexual song (with Usher and Lil Kim) called “Hot Toddy”

“…They call me King Hov, copy?

Big ballin’ is my hobby
So much so they think I’m down with the illuminati
My watch do illuminate
My pockets are toddy
But I’m God body, ya’ll better ask somebody
I was born a God
I made myself a king
Which means I down graded to a human being
You was born a Goddess
I made you my queen
Which means we upgraded to Louis the thirteen
Hot toddy, her body like cognac…”
Assassins Creed 2 is also a game with an agenda. This video game goes into the modern
age. Some rebels free the player from the modern day Templars. They hook the player up
to an Animus at a safe location. The objective is to find all pieces of EDEN before the
Templars. The player is sent into Italy in the time of Leonardo Da Vinci. The player’s
name is Ezio. Ezio is an assassin, who tries to avenge his family. He finds out a
conspiracy by the Templars. He fights the Templars and so forth like the first game. Ezio
is apart of a Secret society too. It’s a secret society of Assassins. The Pope is the head of
the assassins in the game. Ezio fights the Pope and has in his possession a staff. This is
another piece of EDEN that makes the player in the game invisible. Once, you try to win,
you find the secret room under the Vatican. This place has a hologram and an ancient
goddess that tells the players that modern day world will end just like hers did in
prehistory. There are plenty of symbolism in this game. It has occult signs in the game.
There are pentagrams within circles, Pyramids with the All Seeing eye, and even
UBISOFT (or the makers of the game has the eye in their company logo). The game show
Illuminist brainwashing propaganda. It mixes lies with the truth to try to deceive people.
When Ezio discovers he is part of a secret society you actually stand with them around in a
EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED over and over again. The master says 'Nothing is true
everything is lies' and then says 'everything is permitted PETTY MORALITY DOESNT
HOLD US BACK!' This is satanic philosophy since Satanism teaches abhorrence of morality
and moral relativism. The game attacks Christianity. Also, the Pope in real embrace the
Mystery schools (which is the opposite of authentic Christianity). The game is pro-occult and
pro-Illuminati 100%. The Assassin’s Creed’s logo looks very similar to a Pyramid and the
outline of a square and compass logo (as found in Freemasonry).

There is the famous World Cup. Jared A. Ball, Ph.D. exposes an under current of poverty in
South Africa. These news are underreported amidst the fanfare of the World Cup. There is
nothing wrong with a World Cup, but we should be careful to promote opposition to
neoimperialism. One veteran activist have made the remark that “these folks are crossing the
picket line.” This line according to Dr. Jared Ball separates the South Africa’s poor black
citizens and the real beneficiaries of the gold. The beneficiaries are the corporate elite making
billions who are benefiting at the expense of the poor and the soccer elites of FIFA). The
World Cup had corporate spectacles, but it will not arrest the poverty areas in South Africa.
This is after the Soweto uprising when thousands of African young people stood up to fight
for liberties. Later, the South African police and military killed hundreds of young South
African people. Economic disparities still exist after the fall of the evil system of apartheid.
There are 20,000 poor people removed from stadium sites into smaller slums. There is a Ring
Steel to prevent protests from citizens there. There are 22 million Africans in South Africa
who live as squatters and have no potable water. most of the products being sold at the World
Cup are Chinese or that FIFA owns all the merchandising rights which has led one writer to
explain that, "This World Cup is not for the poor - it is the soccer elites of FIFA, the elites of
domestic and international corporate capital and the political elites who are making billions
and who will be benefiting at the expense of the poor." New evils in South Africa are shifted
into a new package. The multinational corporations of the West own most of South African
resources. Real freedom is taken and owned by the people. It’s not given away to some pro
neo-liberal neo-colonist. One good news is that the Bafokeng people in South Africa have
maintained their land and mineral rights. Their culture is preserved there. So, South Africa
should have their poverty issue addressed (like us Americans). The people should have their
real freedom that they deserve.

One of the big puppets of this music/popular culture world is Megan Fox. She was recently in
a song with Eminem (everyone knows what’s Eminem is all about) featuring Rihanna called
“Love the Way you Life.” The video is about the contradictory nature of some relationships
where 2 people can’t stand each other. Yet, they are still together in a relationship. The image
of her to the left shows her holding down a mannequin. In one photo shoot, she uses the
female mannequin in many position, even in a sexual fashion. The mannequin deals with the
dehumanization agenda. Humans regularly today are despised in their inherit value. The
mannequin looks similar to her ironically. In some of the image, her eyes looks almost in a
daze or in a disassociate state. Her eyes above are in a trance-like state. She takes pictures
with the female mannequin in a room with a black and white checkered board pattern in the
floor as well. She had this trance like state when she is pictured in bed with the mannequin
too. There are other scenes that she has with the female mannequin that are too graphic to
show here. The final scene of the photo shoot has her symbolically killing herself via the
mannequin strangling and gagging it with her hand. She even admits that she had mental
problems. This might explains the disturbing photo shoot. The shoot is the work of
photographer Craig McDean. She is famous for her role in the occult-inspired “Jennifer’s
Body” film. The movie deals with the concepts of the incubus, possession, and her friend
(played by Amanda Sefyried) kills her. The image to the right shows a scene from “Jennifer’s
Body.” It shows occult books. In real life, much of the elite (even European Royalty &
Hollywood) embrace the occult plus witchcraft even today. They have libraries about
the occult, yet many of them hypocritically front to act like they acquire authentic
Christian ideas. Amanda’s character wears butterfly earrings. Butterfly logos are related to
MK Ultra and Project Monarch according to Fritz Springmeier. This doesn’t mean every
artists are apart of these programs, but puppets of the corporate industry do exist.

Mel Gibson said offensive comments and that's typically of him. It's the fruit of his
bigoted father. It's the fruit of the Vatican I religious creed. His father Hutton Gibson
tries to diminish the Holocaust and he blame Jewish people collectively for evils in the
world. Not to mention that Mel and Hutton Gibson follows a religion that teaches that if
you're not Catholic, then you're basically going to Hell. Tapes proves that he spoke
against African Americans, women, and Hispanic people in derogatory language. He had
to apologize for his anti-Semitic remarks before. This is his biggest controversy since he
offended so many groups that some believe he may never have a great impact in
Hollywood again. He claimed religious piety, but that was a farce. Many of his films
expressed his fruit. His films from Mad Max to the Passion of the (anti) Christ displayed
the themes of vengeance, hate, violence, strife, and agitation. These themes are not of
God neither are they representative of the character of a real Christian. Many people have
expose the occult symbolism and the anti-biblical nature of the “Passion of the Christ”
film. I and others have written on this subject before. The film is a Papal film. The film
wasn’t based in the Bible, but on the work of the Catholic mystic named Anne Catherine
Emmerich. Much of the scenes in the slick film are based on Anne’s literature from a
book entitled, “The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to the Meditations of Anne
Catherine Emmerich.” She lived in Germany. She became a nun of the Augustinian Order at
Dulmen. Emmerich was accused of following levitation and she was involved in the
occult. She believed in purgatory that the Bible don’t teach. Many scenes from the
Passion movie were taken from that book of “The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
according to the Meditations of Anne Catherine Emmerich.” Now, the Jesus in that film has one eye,
he’s beaten, and the graphic violence is unnecessary. Pilate’s wife hands white linens to Mary, who
uses these to wipe Jesus’ blood from the floor. This scene isn’t in the Bible at all. The 6
Stations of the Cross is even presented in the film. The Passion was influenced by the
Jesuit Fulco, so this is a pro-Jesuit enterprise. Mel Gibson used pornographers as actors
and actresses in the film. Dennis Palmu, who researched most of The Passion cast stated
that: “By my count, out of a total of 66 adult actors and actresses in The Passion of the
Christ, 33 have appeared in movies with graphic sex, pornography, violence, horror or a
combination of some or all of these four elements. What is the statistical probability that
this ‘just happened’ by chance?” These pornographers and others involved in
controversial roles are Rosalinda Celentano, Claudia Gerini, Gabriella Barbuti, Monica
Belluci, Roberto Santi, and others. Much of the brutality in the film are inaccurate. Jesus
Christ doesn’t want us to obsess with glamorizing brutality, but focus on his saving power
to change lives.

Braveheart describes the history the Medieval United Kingdom. Apocalypto is about the
Mayan civilization. Now, the Conspiracy Theory did in fact show the truth that real
conspiracies exist in the world. There is nothing wrong people to expose such real
conspiracies like Operation Paperclip, FEMA having emergency protocols that violate
the liberties of Americans, and other conspiracy facts. Mel Gibson’s July 1995 interview
with Playboy have him saying that Cecil Rhodes and his clique wanted to rule the Earth,
which is true. Rhodes Scholars today are global and many of these members don’t know
that Cecil was an imperialist and an extremist. So, Jurriaan Maessen is wrong to say
that a Crusade is made against Mel Gibson. Mel brought these problems upon his
own self. Now, other researchers have found Gnostic ties to the Poison of the Antichrist

A real Christian goes through struggle, but consistently believes in peace, love, and justice
for the whole human race. From one blood, God created all human beings. Every human
have equal worth and equal value irrespective of what they look like. These truths expose
the lies of bigotry and materialism. The lesson with Mel Gibson is that people should be
honest. No one should sugarcoat their true feelings. Although, we should not hate
another person in an unjustified way for any reason. If Mel wants to improve his life, he
has to do it on his own accord. It can't be token measures or talk. He will have to do
legitimate deeds and change his course of action if he wants a true change among his life.
His former lover is named Oksana Grigorieva. I will mention this though. There is no
justification for what he did. The Elites do create divisions with race in an divisive
fashion, but this doesn't mean racism doesn't exist (or that we should ignore issues of
race, misogyny, and racism). So, Mel should have no preferential treatment in this
affair. He should wake up and smell the coffee. The wild thing is that some in the
media are trying to blame Oksana Grigorieva for Mel’s issues. She isn’t at fraud in
that incident at all. It’s Mel’s fault.
“Inception” is a 2010 movie that interests me. It focuses on the mind, dreams, creativity, and other
subjects. The dreams among humans is keen indicator of much of the human personality and human
thinking. The film has been compared to the Matrix in its questions about reality and its unique
graphics. This sci-fi film was directed, produced, and written by Christopher Nolan. Nolan is a
well known filmmaker that utilize intricate design and intriguing plot. It stars Leonardo
diCaprio, Ken Watanabe, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Ellen Page, Cillian Murphy,
Tom Hardy, Tom Berenger, Dileep Rao, and Michael Caine. It will be shown in IMAX theaters
too. Dorn Cobb is the major character in the film. Cobb is a skilled thief. He’s classified as the best
in the dangerous art of extraction. He stole valuable secrets from deep within the subconscious during
the dream state. This is when the mind is most vulnerable. This new skill is found in the new world of
corporate espionage. He’s an international fugitive. He loses a lot of things that he loves. Now, Cobb
(played by Leonardo DiCaprio) is given a 2nd chance. He said that: “A single idea from the human
mind can build cities…” He said that ideas that change the world and rewrite the rules, so he
must steal it (or ideas). That means that a human imagination or ideas are very powerful. They can
be used to built civilization and create destructive actions that contradict compassion. He could get
his life back by inception. Instead of the perfect heist, Cobb and his team of specialists have to pull off
the reverse: their task is not to steal an idea but to plant one. If they succeed, it could be the perfect
crime. But no amount of careful planning or expertise can prepare the team for the dangerous enemy
that seems to predict their every move. An enemy that only Cobb could have seen coming. The
film dealt with exploring the idea of people sharing a dream space. It deals with accessing a
person’s unconscious mind and seeing the uncertainty of that reality. Dream manipulation
has been around at least since Shakespeare's fairies did it in A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Critics love the film for its investigation into the discovery of the subconscious. This relates to the
philosophies of Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud. Jung was pro-Gnostic and Freud dealt with his view of
sexuality tied in human thinking. Carl Jung viewed dreams in a sequence that can unfold the human
psyche when dreams are truly investigated. According to him, when a dreamer can understand their
dreams, it can be a window into the Human Self. Carl Jung was so occult that he believed that the
Tarot can be utilize to create a psychological analysis of people. Many occultists and
Hollywood people claim that dreams inspire their work in film or otherwise. One such occult
inspired leader in Hollywood is named Hans Rudolf Giger (or H. R. Giger). He is a Swiss surrealist
painter. Surrealism is an artistic theme that manipulates real images and place them in art images. It’s
similar to Cubism. Dali was another famous surrealist painter. He is a sculptor and set designer. He
won an Academy Award for Best Achievement for Visual Effects (for his design work on the film of
Alien). He designed the famous Alien from the 1979 movie of Alien (an original painting of the Alien is
called “Necronom IV“). Giger wanted to use the Alien symbol as a sexual symbol. The Alien according
to actors, actresses, and other workers on the film is androgynous (like the Baphomet). It was made
to look human and robot like representing apart of the robotic agenda. H. R. Giger embrace occult
imagery in his work since he is an occultist. Giger has occult/Baphomet images in his home.
He even has the Kabbalah tree of life image with a snake going around it. The snake in the
Tree of life represents the occult chakra being activated to try to harness people’s “power.”
Giger did imagers for “Species” as well. Giger back then speaks with 3 candles and a table
with an upside down Pentagram on it. He admits that he wants man to be merged with robotic to
form his “Alien” movie idea. Giger has the Pentagram with a geometrically domed glass over it and
other magical items in front of him as he draws. He admits that:

“…The ideas they come sometimes from dreams or from bad thing and I go to realize it and then I
work it out. It‘s like a kind of exorcism…The images in my paintings are evil. But you can’t say that I’m
evil. That’s just the paradise for me it’s Hell….There are plenty of sex symbols and death in my
paintings so much and so often that I can‘t see it…” Giger sells pendants on his website with
Baphomet, other occult symbols, and the Jay Z Diamond sign (that existed a long time). The Golden
Dawn have the similar Diamond hand sign. Some want to believe in mixing the darkness with the
light, but I don’t agree with that. You can’t mix good and evil. It has to be a situation where you got to
end the childish things and embrace the truth.

Occult followers in Hollywood make Hollywood very occultic. Carl Jung has been said to
have relatives involved in Freemasonry and the Bavarian Illuminati according
to researchers. Photos of the film have the Masonic black and white checkered board. The movie
Inception tries to deal with the questions about our thinking dealing with the human relationship of
dreams in real life dramas. Many of the scenes float in a digital zero gravity.

There is water symbolism in the film “Inception” also. In the beginning of the film, the main character
washes up on the shore. This is meant to convey the message that this is a dream sequence in a
subliminal form. When the main character wakes up from the dream, he sits in a chair. He dunked
into a tub of water causing him to leave the dream world and into the real world. The usage of water
was went to show the travel between dimensions or worlds. Waters in films have been shown to
represent a Stargate or a vortex between worlds. It can mean as OldKrypton mentions as it being
similar to the Flood of Noah (or the destruction of the world, the rebirth of the world, and then
destruction again).
The threat of Internet censorship is real. This has been supported by Joseph Lieberman and his ilk.
The Internet isn’t perfect, but even the federal government has no right to censor it. This is one
government regulation that is immoral, although some regulations are good in a complex society like
the USA. The threat of internet freedom violations exist globally not just in America. There is the move
to try to make web censorship and regulation to be on the scale of the Chinese model. You can’t go
into various sites in Australia, Belarus, Turkey, Vietnam, Pakistan, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iran, the UK,
and other places. There Lieberman’s 197 page bill is called “Protecting Cyberspace as a National
Asset Bill.” This bill is similar to the Chinese web censorship rules. Others introducing the bill
include Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) and Senator Tom Carper (D-DE). It follows a similar
bill introduced by Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) which
would allow the federal government to unilaterally “order the disconnection” of targeted
websites. Rockefeller opined at the time we would all be better off if the internet was never
invented. Rockefeller is so wrong. Joe's bill is totalitarian government on steroids. “The bill
would give a newly-formed National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications the
authority to monitor the ’security status’ of private websites, ISPs and other net-related
business within the U.S. as well as critical internet components in other countries,” writes
Andy Chalk. Lieberman even admits that he wants to copy the powers of the government over the
Internet that Communist China already has. China tries to suppress political speech that contradict
their agenda. So, that is never a pristine agenda to emulate at all. The bill gives the President the
power to shut down the Internet for at least 4 months without Congressional oversight. The goal of
cyber security isn’t in my opinion is to fight terrorism per se. It’s about control over dissent views on
the government (since some extremists in the government view strong dissent against the State as
terrorism, which I reject). Chinese Internet censorship is imposed via a centralized government
blacklist of any websites that contain criticism of the state, porn, or any other content deemed
unsuitable by the authorities. Every time you attempt to visit a website, you are re-routed
through the government firewall, often making for long delays and crippling speeds. China
even shut down the Internet in the region of Xinjiang (for days in northwest China) since
there were anti-government riots occurring in July of 2009. Some region cut the Internet off
for a year. Some places are just coming back online. Discussion portals used by the Muslim
Uighurs in the area are blocked. Major websites like Twitter, Google and You Tube have also
been shut down either temporarily or permanently by Chinese authorities. You have to
register your true identifies to leave comments on news websites in China. This is a violation
of the freedom of speech. It tracks people down in a suppressive fashion. This agenda of free
speech revolves around a war on Internet anonymity too. Obama’s cyber security coordinator
Howard Schmidt in a paper compiled with the aid of the National Security Council proposed
something. He wanted to have “The creation of a system for identity management that would
allow citizens to use additional authentication techniques, such as physical tokens or modules
on mobile phones, to verify who they are before buying things online or accessing such
sensitive information as health or banking records,” reports the Financial Times. This means
that he wants tokens issued by the government to allow citizens move form site to site. This is similar
to the authoritarian censorship rules in China in dealing with the Internet. Some regulations are good
and some aren’t. Allowing the government to have power in controlling the Internet is a bad regulation.
Even Obama’s information czar wrote in a paper in 2008 that he want to fight conspiracy theories
(these are views that are opposed to the establishment State). He wants the government via his paper
to tax or ban opinion that it disapproves. The establishment hates the Internet, because it’s one f the
few places in the world where a person (regardless of class, race, gender, etc.) can find the real truths
in dealing with the world. Today in America, there are universities, libraries, transport hubs, and
federal government agencies that use filters to censors political websites under the guise of “hate
speech” (or dissenting with the policies of the State). Cyber security is the con job that some use as a
slick excuse to attempt to censor as much as the Internet as possible. That is why we should oppose
Lieberman’s Protecting Cyberspace as a National Asset Act. This nefarious bill of supported
of course by the Senate Homeland Security and the Governmental Affairs Committee. If this
bill passes, it could harm Internet freedom completely. Therefore, Internet freedom is great to

The very ironic thing about the movie of “Salt’ is that in real life, there is a spy scandal
involving Russian spies. The movie itself is about a woman accused of being a covert spy
against the American government. By scenes of the movie, you can tell that Angelina Jolie
know how to fight, yet life is bigger than that of course. It’s more important to get your
spirituality in order than lusting after physical violence. I don’t follow the extreme views of
Russia. One extreme view is that Russia is perfect. The other extreme view (embraced by
reactionary neo cons like Cliff Cincaid) is that Russia collectively is an immediate threat to
American society. We should fight against spying, but we should not hate all Russian people. I
know plenty of real patriotic Russian people. I like the Russian patriots that fought for their
people. I even had a nice Russian female professor when I was college before. She taught me
and others about political science. “Salt” has a lot of action in it. Angelina Jolie is famous for
her relationships and being a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

The Peninsula Hotel is located in New York. This is the place where Gigi Jordan killed her 8
year old son (called Jude Jordan Mirra). She did this action in a botched murder suicide
attempt. He was in a barely conscious state. She wrote a suicide note. She claimed that her
son was a rape victim who was in constant pain. She is a 49 year old Belgian one time
pharmaceutical company executive. Jude experienced autism. Ex-FBI agent Flint Waters
"told me many rich people are involved," Jordan wrote. "Many wealthy guys trade child porn
like a hobby." There is a lot of symbolism in the architecture of the Peninsula Hotel. The area
has a circular image. It is located in the 5th avenue, 55th Street. There is the sun motif. There
are 2 Solomon like pillars. The 2 images on the right image above represent Pomona (or the
Goddess of the forbidden fruit) and the Goddess Diana (that is related to sacrifice). Some of
the real elite are pedophiles of course. This story is strange. Whether Gigi is telling the truth
or not, evil is very real among corporate chieftains spanning thousands of years.
“Sleeping Beauty” by Disney and its other early films have a display of covert, occult symbolism
and ideas. Sleeping Beauty was released in 1959. The movie deals with the life of Princess
Aurora. She is named after the Goddess Aurora of the dawn. Aurora is found in the original
Tchaikovsky ballet. It was the Princess daughter’s name in the Perrault version. Her parents are
King Stefan and Queen Leah. The Princess is betrothed to the young Prince Philip or the son of
King Hubert. This is proposed, so the kingdoms of Stefan and Hubert will be united forever. The
fairies Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather bless her at her christening. Flora gives her the gift of
beauty and Fauna gives her the gift of song. The wicked witch Maleficent tries to curse the
princess to die (by making the Princess to touch a spinning wheel‘s spindle before the sun sets on
her 16th birthday). Yet, Merryweather prevents the Princess to die, but allow her to sleep deeply
until her true love kisses her. Though King Stefan decrees all spinning wheels in the kingdom
burned, the Three Good Fairies know Maleficent's curse cannot be stopped that easily and devise
a plan to protect her. Later, Aurora is renamed Briar Rose. She wants to fall in love. Prince Philip
rides a horse in the woods. Aurora and Philip instantly fall in love when they meet. Maleficent
makes Aurora to touch the spindle. Aurora falls asleep. Philip and the fairies fight Maleficent’s
forces and a gigantic fire breathing dragon. Phillip climbs to Aurora's chamber, and removes the
curse with a kiss. As the film ends, Phillip and Aurora both happily learn that their betrothed and
their beloved are one and the same. They arrive at the ballroom, where Aurora is happily
reunited with her parents, and she and Prince Phillip dance a waltz. Prince Philip is named after
the real Freemason Prince Philip (the Duke of Edinburgh). The character of the Maleficent wear
horns like Devil archetypes for ages. The owl in the movie is similar to the old owl of wisdom as
found in the occult. Some believe that she even looks like Baphomet. Walt Disney promoted the
anti-Communist scare by being apart of the Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of
American Ideals. He was pictured with the Nazi Wernher von Braun in 1954. He spoke in the
HUAC hearing when these hearing violated the First Amendment rights of individual citizens.
Disney tried to act like that he was some conservative Republican. Yet, he utilized films and
other propaganda to glamorize the occult and make secrecy seem like harmless fun (especially
among children that he claimed that he “loved.” According to Fritz Springmeier, children were
forced to call Walt “Uncle Walt”). This man was something else. In the early 1920’s, Disney
used little girls in strange adult scenes including racially stereotypical cartoons. This was
perverted stuff and it proves that nothing is new under the sun (and the fruit of Disney is shown
in popular culture daily).

In the 21st century, Disney use more slick means in order to capture the mind of young people. A
snake may shed its skin, but it’s still a snake. Some of the new generation of Disney young girls
are people like Deni Loyato and Selena Gomez (both knew each other since they were young.
They were home schooled together and their families moved into LA/Hollywood together).
Selene is named after the famous Jehovah Witness singer Selena. Selena died by a fan club
President when she was only 23 years old. Selena was from Texas. In Disney’s “Princess
Protection Program,” Disney show the Masonic double headed eagle, the number 33, and the
black and white checkered board. The movie has a man named Joe Mason with military clothing
on. The film has Venetian masks into a masquerade prom celebration. This is similar to the
masks shown in the movie “Eyes Wide Shut.” Selena Gomez was apart of the Brain Zapped film.
Selena is in the upcoming Wizards of Waverly Place movie. In one picture (found in the above
picture), Selene shows horned signs, an All Seeing Eye is one her shirt, and there are beautifies
around in the image. Miley Cyrus is another Disney puppet. Some of these young kids don’t
know about the real history of Walt Disney or the meanings of various symbols (or hand signs).
They just do it as a mean to provide an income. Selena has been put with Assembly of
God/Disney programmed puppet Nick Jonas. Selena said of them that: "The Jonas Brothers are
really sweet to me... Nick and I are 'getting to know each other'." Demi said that one of her
favorite live acts is a person named Dimmu Borgir. This person has a video called “The
Sacrilegious Scorn’ with Pentagram, occult imagery, and the whole nine yards. Their logos
include inverted Pentagrams, skulls, a Baphomet, and a fallen angel. This is creepy stuff. Some
of the youth is brainwashed by this stuff, but the good news is that the truth is better than evil.
Goodness will always overshadow mainstream pleasures.

Walt Disney today is made up of a corporate empire. Disney and like minded groups have
molded societal structures and have impacted the lives of children. Mega corporations like
Disney target children to embrace a sort of mental compliancy and a stagnant mental reach to
learn about the real truth. Using technology to be a distraction (or the AMA says that the
television or video screen is the biggest chunk of time in the waking life of an American child)
shouldn’t be the essence of authentic technology. Authentic technology is a resource being
positively focused ought to enrich the human mind, while other time is given to help the social
development of all mankind. The U.S. advertising industry is reaching $263 billion a year. This
system causes a consumer oriented society based on materialism instead of a people orientated
society based in the true betterment of people.

The love of life, God, and human beings are better than following the crowd of conformity
& stagnation.

People talk about the singer named Keisha. Some call her “Kei$ha.” She is apart of the new
generation of artists like Justin Beiber. Like many musicians, she is shown with one eye looking
similar to the All Seeing Eye (as found in the occult world). She uses a dollar sign in her name
denoting materialism (and using sex to sell music. That common today). People believe that the
$ sign refers to the serpent on the stick. By the end of the 18 century, it was
commonly used in public. This symbol is common in alchemy according to the
Freemason David Ovason as apart of the brazen serpent. In another picture, she is near
bear logos (and she holds up a sign saying she will do something for beer). You couldn’t make this
stuff up. In another photo, she shows a middle finger while wearing the American flag as a cap or
something. This is how artists feel about you. They want to make money, but they lack moral &
spiritual concerns. Life has to be balanced with spirituality. It isn’t just about physical realities or
money. Money is a tool, but we shouldn’t love it since the love of money is the root of all evil. Her Tik
Tok song has a red phoenix on the car, there are upside down Pentagrams at the end of the video
too, etc. Even in the end, a cop arrests her and has simulation of sex act on her. Music has changed
indeed. Ke$ha’s new video is called “Your Love is My Drug.” Her debut album is called “Animal” since
she calls herself as a raw animal (in wanting to say what she wants and do what she want to do. She
said that wants to let her inner most repressed desires come out. This is similar to Crowley’s view of
do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law). Sigmund Freud believed that humans have
repressed desires in their lives. “Your Love is My Drug” is about sex. She rids a elephant in white
representing purity and strength. She wears a Native American feathered head dress outlining
relations to the spirit world and Native Americans believe in the divinity of animals (ironically her
album is called “Animal”). She wears a white tiger mask. There is the kaleidoscope effects in the
video. This represents creativity. Also, in real life, people experience this vision when taking
hallucinogenic drugs like peyote that some Native American utilize in rituals. This isn’t about Native
Americans doing the right thing. It’s about a corporate elite exploiting things for profit and fame.
There is an animal cartoon that is similar to the Beatles’ “Yellow Submarine.” The video talks about
love in a context of drugs. Kei$ha wears a fishnet in describing being caught in her partner net of
love and she can’t escape (she’s a prize). The love interest in the video (or Andrew W. K.) looks like
the Eurocentric version of Jesus Christ. Jesus in the New Testament worked with fishermen. Yet, this
figure doesn’t act like really Jesus Christ, but is an imitator (like a false Christ or an anti-Christ

There are tons of news going on in popular culture. There is the cover of Kanye
West’s “Power” song. In the song Kanye West says that: “…Purity and Honesty is
honest being crowded by these grown thoughts…Reality is catching up with
me…taking my inner child I’m fighting for it…custody…With these
responsibilities that They entrusted me…thinking, no one man should have all
that power?..” The Power video has a lot of symbols. It has multiple Greco-
Roman columns. Columns are found in various ancient civilizations and in
Masonic literature. It has horned women. These women hold one staff. In
rituals, a staff is a means to have authority or it’s apart of a journey. These
women look very similar to the Goddess Isis and Hathor (they have horns on
their head in Egyptian mythology). Isis is the mother of Hours. Isis was the
goddess of music, dance, fertility, motherhood, nature, and magic. There are
other women in various positions in the video. It’s interesting to point out that
Hathor works in the afterlife passage in that one is deceased to get eternal life.
She is linked to the pharaoh. Some people have found that the women upside
down could be cherubs. Is Kanye West in the video a King figure being
sacrificed in the video as apart of a ritual to achieve the passage to
immortality? That could be one meaning of the video indeed. There is a light
from the top. Kanye West is in a daze in the sense of having authority of
Power. Kanye appears to look “illuminated” with his eyes. Again, the columns
around him are similar to the twin pillar motif as found in Freemasonry and the
Mystery schools. The 2 columns are called Boaz and Jachin. They represent a
gateway into the world of the initiate. According to some researchers, Boaz (meaning
strength) represents Horus and the Spring Equinox. The right phallic pillar is named
Jachin (meaning establishment) and represents Set and the Autumnal Equinox. The
globes according to one website means the sun and the moon. There was the 2 Pillars
of Hercules in ancient Greece that stood as the gateway to the sphere of the
enlightened. So, in the Power video, the gateway is the world of the elite not
the world of the common people. Beyond, the 2 pillars, in Masonry, all of the
secrets are revealed once you get to the top levels. Even Kanye West said
that: “…In this white man’s world, we the ones chosen.” This world today isn’t made up of
egalitarianism. It’s made up of internationalists and a few bloodlines dictating much of the
geopolitical policies globally. He wears the image of Horus around his neck in
gold. A man and a woman use swords to try to harm Kanye. This act is akin to
the sword of Damocles relating to ancient Greek mythology too (that
describes Power as causing fear). The 2 people sacrificing Kanye with the 2
swords looks like the outline of the Masonic Square and Compass in sacred
geometry plus symmetry. This is like the “Killing of the King” scenario. The
Killing of the King is the famous archetype where the King is killed by other
people that has spanned for thousands of years. The sacred geometry found
in Masonry is when a Mason use coded measurements in building structures,
paintings, drawings, etc. to communicate a message to other Masons. The
Sacred Geometry in “Power” looks like a Square and Compass pattern again.
Some artwork of the Power video present Kanye West’s head on an ashlar.
The Ashlar is found in Masonic Lodges to representing the perfecting of a man
in Freemasonry. It’s like you chisel a stone to create the perfect ashlar or
stone. The stone being mankind. There are other secrets in the video. There is
a being looking like Mercury in the far left side of the video. There is the image
of baptism. There is a winged women looking either like a fallen angel or Lilith.
There are 2 women embracing each other as well. Some researchers believe
that covert images of the Zodiac are found in “Power’ as well. One example is
one women upside down pouring pictures of water on themselves (this is the
zodiac symbol of the water bearer Aquarius. The Age of Aquarius is the new
age according to esoteric scholars).

Now, researchers are seeing that the video is very similar to the work of
“Civilization“ by Marco Brambilla. In fact, Marco is the director of the video
“Power.” Barmbilla wanted the video to establish a lot of artistic elements
from Renaissance (or similar to Michelangelo’s “The Last Judgment”) to
ancient classical period. Marco Brambilla admits that Kanye West is a
perfectionist that wanted the image to be precisely fitting for the video. Marco
believes that the video outlines the search for Power amidst sexuality,
decadence, and a complex culture. In other words, if you have a lot of Power
in this age, you will deal with jealously, religious thinking, sex, fear, threats,
temptation, and other personal emotions. Kanye West is representative in the
video of a talented man constantly surrounded by a cruel material world. He
acts in a ritual to be sacrificially killed in order to achieve the new stage of
rebirth or “enlightenment.” Marco Brambilla said that:

“…I think it shows the end of an era and maybe the end of an era of celebrity. Maybe end
of era for figure of power, maybe it’s a moment of transition for society in general. It has all
these kind of ambiguous messages, but it’s something that you can visually experience. It
has so much imagery within it hopefully people will react to it on a purely visceral level.
But also what I would hope is that they see the kind of subversive qualities of it where it
poses these questions about power, celebrity, sexuality decadence that kind of thing…”
In a way, “Power” describes not only the modern American culture, but past
cultures. Kanye West wanted to show the uniqueness and power of the
ancient African culture of ancient Egypt. That is why he is pictured near an
ancient Egyptian tomb. Power is a powerful word and if it’s used in the right
way, it’s fine. Yet, when Power is abused, civilizations are crushed even in a
destructive way. We will see in the next decades and in the 22nd century, what
will Power do for America. The good news is that in the end (I mean in the true
end that will occur many years from now), the righteous and the Creator God
will only have the POWER to live in an eternal world in an eternal existence.
We don’t need the evil false “POWER” of the Antichrist at all. So, if you keep
on fighting for the truth, live in the right way, and treat your fellow people with
respect, then you will have that real POWER from GOD. There is nothing
wrong with real Power to assist others. “Devil in a New Dress” is a new song
by Kanye West. The song is about a woman dealing with relationship in the
context of spiritual meanings. Kanye says in the song that: “…We love Jesus, but
she done learned a lot from Satan…” The context in the song is that is has deeper meanings
to entice people to listen to it.

Wyclef Jean wants to become the new President of Haiti. Even Pras and Sean Pean have issues
about it since they feel that Wyclef doesn’t have sufficient political experience to run for the
Presidency of Haiti. Pean feels that corporate influence may influence Wyclef in the process of the
highly charged political atmosphere within the nation of Haiti. Time will tell if Wyclef will win the Haitian
Presidential election. Wyclef Jean told Esquire Magazine that he wanted to fight against the poverty in
Haiti, he wanted to build up the educational systems there, and to continue the charity efforts to assist
the Haitian people. In the Esquire interview, Wyclef Jean said the following interesting words:
“…There’s no question that’s difficult for me. My daddy was a minister, my grandfather was a
voodoo priest, my uncle was a mason, I was raised with a lot of studies…The first question is
not who they are. The first question we have to ask is, What are these families? They are
capitalists. They believe in capitalism, in making money, right? We have to build an open
system that doesn’t stop them from making money, that will work for them, if only because
what they’re making could double, triple. Everything starts with policy. We just say, If you
break the law, then you’ll pay for it, because there’s an enforceable policy in place. In America,
we don’t stop people from making money, If you’ve got a dollar, and you can make three with
it, make three with it, you can make six, make ten, but — pay your taxes, dude. Don’t do that
and you’re going to be in trouble. That’s how I see it happening…” Those are interesting words
since it proves that many in that popular culture world have links to secret societies and the like. Also,
there is no sin in paying your taxes in a legitimate fashion. Wyclef Jean has criticized Sean Pean and
Pras, because both men disagreed with Wyclef Jean running for President of Haiti.

Masons call themselves Brothers, yet these are not real Brothers of mine.
It seems like Nick Jonas and Jordin Sparks will chair a Reagan youth group. They weren't
alive when he was President (I was alive when he was the President in the USA). Jordin
Sparks is 21 years old and won the American Idol show. Nick Jonas and Jordin Sparks are
big Ronald Reagan fans. Both Sparks and Jonas are leading a committee of 35 prominent
young people claiming that they were touched by Reagan. Ronald Reagan was the nation's
40the President who left the White House in 1989. The group was created to
commemorate Reagan's 100th birthday on February 6. The National Youth Leadership
Committee of the Ronald Reagan Centennial Celebration includes athletes, entertainers
and student leaders who are under age 25. They have been inspired in a personal way by
Reagan's vision of freedom and his leadership. "My father and my family were supporters of
Reagan," Jonas said. "I'm proud to be a part of this. It's amazing." Sparks says she also
admires the president dubbed the Great Communicator. "It has been really cool to tell my
friends I'm a part of this. A good many of my friends have positive things to say about him,"
Sparks said. Even people young than me have been brainwashed by the piece of work Ronald
Reagan. The committee members make up of 18 Olympic medals, 2 platinum records, and a
Miss USA crown. There are sailors abroad the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan,
professional football players, and a student from Illinois' Eureka College. This was where
Reagan was a student in 1932. Reagan died on June 5, 2004 after experiencing Alzheimer's
disease for 10 years. Now, Reagan caused the poverty rate to grow due to his
austerity/Austrian economic measures. He was in the middle of the Iran Contra scandal. He
passed anti-gun, anti-life legislation as Governor of California in 1967. He was apart of the
Bohemian Grove (with orgies, occult rituals, and other strange activities). So, Ronald Reagan
was a deception that was utilized by the global elite in order to manipulate the conservative
movement. I greatly respect Jordin Sparks' pro-life views (as I am Pro-Life myself), but
Reagan was something else. Reagan don’t represent my creed at all.

There are more information about the deception of Ronald Reagan. Reagan decieved a lot of
people even professing Christians. People from TBN, Focus on the Family, Christianity
Today, and World Net Daily act like Reagan was some messianic person. Yet, those with
discernment and wisdom will always know the real truth about the man. He received the
Knights of Malta medal. The Knights of Malta is a group that is under the Vatican's authority.
they promote the allegiance to the Pope. They are related to the Knights Templar. Ronald
Reagan supported the Knights of Columbus as his father was a Catholic and a Knight of
Columbus. This group is the Freemasonry like group for Catholics. It wanted the Catholic
Church to dominate the religious and political sphere of America. In an address from the
Oval Office via satellite, to the 104th Meeting of the Supreme Council of the Knights of
Columbus, held in Chicago, Ill., on Tuesday, August 5, 1986, Reagan opened with this:
"...permit me to extend my greetings to Your Eminence and Your Excellencies. And of
course to the leader of the Knights of Columbus, my friend, Supreme Knight Virgil
Dechant. I want to tell you that I've had a place in my heart for the Knights of
Columbus since I was a boy. You see, my father was a Knight, and he never missed an
opportunity to express his pride in the K of C..." Ronald Reagan received the Knight of
the most Honorable Order of Bath and Knight Grand Cross from the Queen Elizabeth II on
June 14, 1989. Reagan's Vice President was Skulls and Bonesman and ex-CIA chief George
H. W. Bush. Knight of Malta William Casey was his 1982 campaign manager. After the
election, Reagan appointed him head of the Knights of Malta-controlled CIA. Nancy Reagan
done witchcraft in the Whitehouse using astrologers and soothsayers while in office. This is
in spite of the mainstream built up story that the Reagans were somehow conservative
Christians. Ronald Reagan was made an honorary 33rd Degree Freemason. Reagan promoted
Rex 84, which deal with promoting concentration camps during the times of emergency. The
abortion nearly on demand that Reagan signed into law in California back in 1967 was a
throwback to the child sacrifice rituals of some pagans (involving the false god of Molech,
etc.). Ronald Reagan was an Episcopalian, which some of its members have been linked to
Freemasonry. The Episcopalian Church in America answers to the Queen of England (Queen
Elizabeth II). The Queen is an Ecumenical ally of the Pope. Reagan's assistant of Helene van
Damme was a former Secretary to the Nazi German High Command.

The snake imagery is common popular culture and the celebrity world. The
snake has been found in the pagan religions of the world and the occult.
These people wearing or holding a snake (or a fake snake) are Cher,
Kabbalist Britney Spears, Prince Harry, and Prince William. All of these people
don’t really advance real Liberation. They love the status quo or an elitist system under the
guise of “humanitarianism.”

Secret Societies are real. Their symbolisms are ever common in popular culture including
music videos. This is found in Katy Perry's "California Girls" featuring the rapper
Snoop Dogg. The director of the music video is named Matthew Cullen of Motion
Theory. He has done adverts fro IBM, Honda, and Disney. He won a Grammy for
Weezer's "Pork and Beans." Like many things, there is an overt and covert meaning to
the sound. Its overt meaning is how the song is about the state of California being
wonderful and it's filled with fun women. The covert meaning is how popular culture
using sexually suggestive actions in exploiting California's real value in an attempt to
stereotype all of California as a bunch of sex-crazed, nihilists. Kathy Perry hypocritically
criticize Lady Gaga for blasphemy, yet she doesn't controversial acts in this video. The
beginning of the video portrays the scene as a game. So, the video is a ritual mimicking a
game (or the game of life into the road of fame). The game is called Candyfornia with the
sub title of "From the Sugar Daddy dice to free the Queens of Candyfornia." So,
the game is about freeing women in the make believe land. Dice is a covert meaning for
vice according to some people. Snoop Dogg acts as the game master. He controls the fate
of Katy Perry and the other women in the game. He acts as some "god" figure or a pimp.
He controls the destiny of the players and he acquires the title of "Sugar Daddy" (this is
slang for an older man exploiting younger women for sexual matters or lust). This is
ironic since in real life, Snoop Dogg regularly uses misogyny, pornography, and sexism in
his spare time for years. There is nothing wrong with sex, but it's wrong to exploit sex in
screwing with people's minds in how to treat a woman. A woman is never a sex object.
She is a human being period.

Katy Perry at first is used as a pawn in the game of Snoop (as the god like figure). Perry
walks around and the game shows sweets and candy. This represents the temptations of
the world. She walks about Hollywood stars. The stars are Pentagrams. In real life,
anybody with a name in a Hollywood Walk of Fame is either of the establishment or the
establishment supports that person (whether the person knows it or not). Perry frees
women in bubble gum, jello (or they are free from food), etc. The women are free and
they once lived in a bubble. Perry hits candle canes and they transform into snakes. This
is similar to the snake in the Bible where it tempted Eve. Perry submits to her
temptations in order to try to be famous. She climbs the pole or snake to the top to have
the fame. There is the Hollywood background. She is achieving her dream in the clouds
in the video showing the OK hand sign. She is nude and accepts the stereotypical female
archetype (of accepting pleasure for the sake of pleasure and loving fame). The over
sexualized and sexist images of females are common in popular culture (in Old Spice, Sin
City, music videos, Varsity Blues, etc.). Perry walks in a narrow bridge to show the pit
falls and dangers in the music industry. An unhappy gingerbread man comes and he is
made happy by the women (dressing in Girl Scouts uniforms. They eat this person and
the gingerbread man has one eye). Later, Snoop leads an army to fight the women. Snoop
is defeated when Perry show machine guns shooting whip cream out of her breast (an
expression of female sexuality). This battle is similar to a battle of good and evil. The
video promotes the stereotype that female only have power from their sexuality. Snoop
and Perry live together in peace at the end of the video. Perry said that: "...I sold my soul
to the Devil..." I don't know if she was literal or non-literal, but that was strange. Katy
Perry is a puppet of that world. So, we will have to reject the sexism, racial
stereotypes (especially against people of color), and other exploitation in the
corporate music industry. There is nothing wrong with having a fun time, but we
don't need misogyny to prove something. The music industry is ruled by corporatists
not by the common people. Frankly, there are tons of real people in California that don't
agree with propaganda or don't fulfill some preconceived stereotypes. They are just like
us in the South, the East Coast, the Midwest, all over the nation of the USA, and all over
the world.

In popular culture, there are product placements and advertisements that promote a
certain avenue or agenda. Shoes, cars, and clothing are shown in commercials with
the approval of artists. Artists do it to make it cultural acceptable and popular to
make people use items (and get money sent to corporations, while poverty is never
radically decreased). This profit makes the cultural spread more global with the
advent of international communication. Typically, this advances materialism and
does little to build up the community. It can glamorize fame when fame is like a drug
addiction that leads into a destructive path. Lifestyle changes occurs with products
as well. They claim to celebrate originality to expand culture, but it’s the same old
bread and circus stuff to keep minds focused on physical items to project conformity
(like Nikes, Adidas, Sprite, etc.) instead of spiritual enlightenment and social
awareness. There is nothing wrong with having a living as long as the money
doesn’t make you.

The VMA awards in 2010 from MTV is another expression of the power of popular
culture. Yet, Almighty God’s power is stronger than the limited power of pop
culture. There are a lot of symbolism and corporate propaganda from that
award show indeed. Nicki Minaj gave an as above, so below hand sign with
other female performers with her showing the All Seeing Eye with their hands.
The WMA awards show in 2010 lacked shock value, but issued subtle
message to promote the Illuminist agenda of bread and circus. Chelsea was
the host of the show. She is the typical liberal gatekeeper that claims to be
down for the cause, but uses offensive language (to appear to people and act
as she can get away with it since she fronts a “Left” image). She also left the
stage straddling on Rick Ross' lap. She uses hip hop artists to come into talk show in order to
get money nothing more and nothing else. If hip hop wasn’t as popular as it is, she wouldn’t
give most of these artists no time to communicate on her show. Many of these wolves in
sheep clothing use music in order to promote their own self interest instead of calling for
social upliftment. Will.I.Am painted his face darker, which was controversial. The
puppets in the ceremonies gave strange messages in the following:

"This year all of you idiots will suddenly get your act together" -Chelsea
"Dance like its the last night of your life" Usher
"the dog days are over, cant you hear the horses? cus here they come" -Florence
"baby i got a plan run away as fast as you can" -Kanye
Many Artists are wearing uniforms that look similar to the Uniform worn by Aleister
Crowley. This is ironic since Crowley predicted that cinema and popular culture will
have a huge say in mainstream culture decades ago. He wanted to destroy the
family and promote the New Aeon or the New Age in world society.

2004 was the year when the “Butterfly Effect” came about. It displayed plenty of
symbolisms and references from the occult, etc. The movie’s starred Kabbalist
Ashton Kutcher. Demi Moore is his lover and she’s a Cabbalist too. Asthon Kutcher
plays a serious character when he’s typically a comedic person. There are possible
double meanings and mind control themes as well. A butterfly is a logo of the
movie. Researchers believe that the overt meaning of the butterfly describes chaos
theory. While, the covert meaning it that the “Butterfly Effect” is a veiled reference
to the Monarch mind control programming according to some. The butterfly effects
is related to the trauma victims of mind control experience for thousands of years.
Children have suffered in trauma based mind control programming as well. Some
children even now are harmed in films, and other ways as well. Ashton played
Evan. Evan experiences changing the past, black out periods, suppressed memories,
drugs, suicide, prostitution, etc. Chaos theory means that even a little change in the
past can completely change everything in a huge way. Although, the movie has
controversial and hardcore material. The movie can talk about changing the past
without references to child abuse, pet killing, people being killed, suicide, etc. Evan
killed himself in the womb in the movie since he feels that he world is better without
him. This is in reference to the sick philosophy of eugenics (or the anti-human, self
hatred movement). The symbolism is subversive since the themes is beyond just a
display of chaos theory. Some researchers believe that the film also deals with
timeline manipulation, parallel timelines, probable future, and the time travel issue.

I will keep on living my life and respect humanity as a whole.

I want to mention the following. In the past month or 2, the skeptics (who are Masons,
corporate puppet musicians, the mainstream media, etc.) have really talked about the industry
ties to the occult. They believe that what we show are mostly myths and that we promote
paranoia. I will answer these charges in the following words as usual. That’s my style. Who
are they (in Hollywood, popular culture, etc.) to lecture us on morality or truth? Since their
inception, they permitted deception and anti-God values. They shove their agenda down our
throats and we are supposed to support every viewpoint that they hold. Let me get this
straight: the mainstream culture spews negative imagery about both genders (and we should
like it. The truth is that we shouldn’t agree with bashing among both genders). No, we have a
right to peacefully dissent with their propaganda. We have the right to oppose their lies, and
their cultural deception. That’s apart of the First Amendment. People realize Hollywood’s
fruit. Its fruit as Joseph Herrin points about involves “…foul language, sexual immorality,
unrighteous attitudes and messages, and deceptive doctrines that it is impossible to try to
glean something pure from the midst of the overwhelming corruption…” These hypocrites
yell about the 1st Amendment, but hate it when we express our First Amendment rights to
disagree with religious corruption, Transhumanism, and the evil war on terror. First,
people like me have shown many sources and evidence to prove that only 5
major corporations control the vast majority of mainstream popular
culture. The Bilderberg Group is real. People calling for the new world order
is real, occult secret societies are real, artists like Bowie praising the
Kabbalah is real, and even the evil NSM 200 is real. So, the establishment
can’t refute these truths. We have proved that tons of occult symbolism is in the world
and that many leading occultists are in that world. Then, you have some trying to defend Tom
Cruise when he’s apart of Scientology (like Jay Z. He wears a shirt with the pro-Aleister
Crowley phrase “Do What thou wilt”). Jay Z utilizes lyrics in a slick fashion to get people to
support what he adheres to. He believes in karma, doesn‘t believe in Hell, and believes in no
judging whatsoever. Using his logic, I can‘t judge the Holocaust or the slave trade as well as
evil. I don’t fear you Jay as you say in your recent song with Rick Ross called
“Freemason” ironically. Sorry, Jay Z, I will judge those things as immoral all of the time.
Jay Z was apart of educated in the world via the guidance of Jaz O. Jay Z back in day
knew about the teachings of Malachi York and the Nuwabian movement (as evident in
his old video called the Originators. Jaz O holds up a photograph of Malachi York in
the video). I heard of that movement back in the late 1990’s even. So, Jay Z knows
about this stuff. Also, these artists may regurgitate some of what we show about
secret societies, the occult, etc. as a popular way to commercialize their songs
(including to gain more profit. While, the real truth on these issues are sanitized by
them). We should expose the truth, but not take their bait and promote
disinformation or paranoia.

Jay Z is responding to people in the song like PimpB1420 and the Vigilant Citizen website
who are exposing real issues involved in the music industry. It’s hypocritical for these
cowardly artists to claim to love women, yet some of them spew out some of the anti-
women lyrics in the history of the world. They (or these cowardly musicians) can call
women and children every name under the sun, but say “Yes sir” (like a slave in a
plantation. You know what I‘m talking about) and some other submissive jesters to a
corporate executive, business partner, or a judge. These house mental slaves (among
many genres of music not just one. These evil deeds are not just found in mainstream
music) act like disrespecting women, promoting materialism (and people are living in a
recession. Are they serious? Some folks in America are in food lines right now),
glamorizing violence & drug abuse, and bashing their fellow man for looking different is
being a real man. They are liars. You don’t promote genocide against your own
people. A real man handles his business and treats the opposite sex with dignity and
respect. There is nothing wrong with having humor & joy in our lives, but we should be
serious in our lives too. They (or these “acceptable” musician puppets & their corporate
bosses) have no standing whatsoever to lecture us on anything pertaining to morality.
See, these sellouts (in the corporate world, the mainstream musical world, or otherwise.
We know their names. I‘m not talking about all musicians) don’t want to fight the
oppressor since they benefit economically from the oppressor’s rule. They love the system
as it is when the system today is corrupt, hypocritical, wicked, and it’s a beast system.
They love misogyny, gossip, materialism, and try everything in the book to justify it
(calling it entertainment when some young people are following that trash called
“entertainment”). I am a man, so I don‘t back down from these people. These skeptics
and liars say that we focus on one genre on music. What these liars forgotten is that I and
others have written on similar issues with country, rock, etc. Some people are right in this
regard. The solution to this situation isn’t poor-bashing or using stereotypes nor
scapegoats. It’s the promotion of real solutions like dialogue (I mean real dialogue
without malice or political correctness. Sometimes communication is needed for
reconciliation), programs that help communities, have courage, follow real education,
and being involved in the lives of the people (especially those in urban & rural areas). If
you just speak out and do nothing, then you’re no different than a nihilist. If you want
something changed, then we as men and women will have get up and make the real
changes needed in our society. We can’t just sit in the sidelines and see our own people

Scientology isn’t romantic neither is it apart of spiritual enlightenment. Scientology was

invented by the false prophet, occultist, and deceiver L. Ron Hubbard. Many people died that
were in Scientology involving strange circumstances. What these people (or skeptics) forget
that the truth is beyond compromise. True love is some having legitimate criticism and true
wisdom doesn’t involve materialism. True wisdom is living our creeds that pertains to
justice, equality, and true honor for your fellow human beings. Now, some of these people try
to justify Masonry as wholesome fun. The truth is that Masonry is complicit in William
Morgan’s martyrdom, the French Revolution, parts of the Russian Revolution, the creation of
death oaths, and the promotion of New age/occult ideas in the world. Masonry teaches than
man can save his own self instead of God alone doing that:

"Therefore Masonry teaches that redemption and salvation are both the power and
the responsibility of the individual Mason. Saviours like Hiram Abiff can and do
show the way, but men must always follow and demonstrate, each for himself, to
build his own spiritual fabric in his own time and way. Every man in essence is
his own saviour and redeemer; for if he does not save himself, he will not be saved."
- Lynn Perkins, The Meaning of Masonry, p.95.

These liars better use far better firepower than that since I’m backing down from no
man except God. Another tactic that the world’s elite use in trying to get us to follow their
goals is to use the judge card. Judging isn’t monolithic. In other words, we can’t judge a
person’s heart. Yet, we can judge false ideas and judge evil as immoral. These liars talk about
paranoia. I reject paranoia 100%. You can believe that. I don’t believe that every artist is a
Devil worshipper or apart of the Illuminati. See, these liars use that tactic in order to omit real
issues. Yet, I do believe that many musicians are in league with the occult or use the occult to
promote their own careers. Unlike what these skeptics say, I do promote building
communities, learning real history, and speaking out against evil publicly too. I don’t believe
in fearing groups, but we should keep it real. So, I will believe in my core convictions
forever. Sorry, I won’t be a “slave.” I will act as a real man with strength and dignity. I
like to be and to think in a controversial fashion. This is my job and I thank God for me
being me every single day of my life.

By Timothy

So, the deal is that we should not be manipulated by

television, movies, or any function of popular culture. We
should love the way God made us and expose evil.
Anything that’s righteous and anything that is good in the
Universe are realities that we should embrace
wholeheartedly. It’s funny how the skeptics can’t refute us
since we show source after source to prove our points.
Inspiring a fellow human being to improve his or her’s
confidence or self-esteem is one of the greatest blessings

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