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1.What is procedural language? Give Example.

2. what is an object oriented programming ? Give Examples.
3.what are the differences between procedural & oop languages?
4.Explain need for oop?
5. Explain concept of object’s identity, state & behavior?
6. what is abstraction?
7. what is Encapsulation?
8. What is information hiding?
9. What is polymorphism?
10. what is inheritance?
11. Explain object oriented features?(Q 6-10).
12. what is reference variable?
13. Difference between reference and pointer?
14. List the different keywords in C++.
15. Differentiate between c & c++ structure?
16. Differentiate between c++ structure & class?
17. what is class ?
18. what is an object & what does it contain?
19. how an object is created?
20. differerenciate between call by value and call by reference?
21. what is const?
22. what is const string?
23. what is const pointer?
24. what is const reference?
25. what is const member function?
26. what is mutable?
27. what is function overloading?
28. how function overloading is implemented?
29. what is name mangling?
30. what is difference between function prototype and signature?
31. what is the use of function overloading?
32. what are default arguments in function?
33. Explain the rules for function overloading?
34. Explain the rules for default arguments in function?
35. what are physical and logical entities with respect to c++ ?
36. what are inline functions?
37. what the exceptions to inline functions?
38. how a normal function get executed ?
39. what are rules for executing an inline function ?
40. can inline function get converted into a normal function call?
41. what is type casting?
42. what are dynamic memory allocation operators in C++?
43. what’s difference between malloc( ) & new ?
44. what’s difference between free & delete?
45. where from the memory get allocated in C++?
46. what is constructor?
47. what is constructor overloading?
48. what is the return type of a constructor ?
49. Does compiler provide a default constructor?
50. what is dynamic constructor?
51. what is a destructor ?
52. what is need of constructor & destructor?
53. how constructors and destructors are called ?
54. can you pass an argument to a destructor ?
55. what is the use of scope resolution operator?
56. what are the access specifiers in a class?
57. what is the difference between private & protected in a class?
58. how an array of objects is declared ?
59. what is the use of an array of objects ?
60. what is operator overloading?
61. which are the operators those do not get overloaded ?
62. how many arguments are needed to a operator function
in case of binary operator overloading & unary operator overloading?
63.explain the use of this pointer in operator overloading?
64.explain the friend function operator overloading?
65. what is friend function?
66. what is friend class?
67. whether friend function does get inherited ?
68 explain insertion and extraction operator overloading ?
69. why is there need for assignment operator overloading ?
70. explain dangling pointer?
71. what is memory leakage ?
72. what is copy constructor ?
73. explain the use of copy constructor ?
74. Ex.
int main()
{ sample s1,s2;// objects of type sample.
sample s3=s4;----2.
What is meaning of statement 1 and statement 2 ?

75. Differentiate between object initialization and object assignment ?

76. Explain the use of static member function and static variable ?
77. Explain the conversion operator ?
78. explain the concept of inheritance ?
79. what do mean by protected ?
80. explain types of inheritance ?
81. explain the constructor and destructor order of inheritance ?
82. explain all types of accessibility mechanisms in inheritance ?
83. what is function overriding ?
84. what is the need for multiple inheritance ?
85. what are the problems associated in multiple inheritance ?
86. what is virtual base class ? what is necessity of it ?
87. what is early binding and late binding?
88. what is polymorphism?
89. what is compile time polymorphism ?
90. what is run time polymorphism ?
91. what is static and dynamic binding ?
92. what is typecasting?
93. what is upcasting ?
94. what is object slicing?
95. why is base class pointer used ?
96. what is virtual function ?
97. explain the need for virtual function ?
98. what is vptr ?
99 what is vtable?
100. what are the contents of vtable ?
101. what is pure virtual function ?
102. what is abstract class ? why can’t we create the object of abstract class ?
103. what is template ?
104 . Explain the use of templates?
105. explain function templates & class templates ?
106. Differentiate between function overloading and function overriding ?
107. Differentiate between function overloading and function template?
108. what is STL ?
109. explain containers, algorithms & iterators ?
110. what is generic programming ?
111. what is namespace ?
112. Explain the rules for namespaces?
113. what is union ?
114. expain the use of union ?
115. Expain the need for exception handling ?
116 explain the mechanism for exception handling ?
117. explain try,catch,throw.
118. how do you handle multiple exceptions ?
119. what is RTTI ?
120. explain the file hierarchy in C++ ?
121. what is formatted and unformatted i/o ?
122 diff. Between text file and binary file ?
123 what is need for typecasting to char * in read and write functions in file ?
124 diff. Between file i/o and console i/o ?
125 what are the types of files in c++ for handling i/p, o/p and both ?
126 explain error handling in files ?
127 explain ios:in,ios:out,ios:ate,ios:binary,ios:app,ios:trunc .
128 what is ios ?
129 what is an extrator ?
130 diff between c & c++ structure?
131 diff between c++ structure and c++ class ?
132 what is member reference operator used for ?
133 how would you find an address of an overloaded function ?
134 explain how to remove an ambiguity in function overloading ?
135 explain how would you pass an argument list in constructors of derived classes in
inheritance ?
136 list function for writing and reading bytes and blocks to and from files.
137 What is the keyword mutable used for ?
138. what is the use of virtual destructor ?
139. State true or false.
a) If the user does not provide any constructor in the class then complier
Provides the default constructor.
b) virtual destructors do exist.
c) virtual constructors do not exist.
d) virtual static member functions are allowed.
e) friend does use this pointer.

140. Diff between c & c++ ?

141. Diff bet c++ & java ?
142. Temporary objects go out of scope when they go out of scope,explain ?
143. Diff between structure and union in c++ ?
144. what is anonymous union ?
145. what is diff between macro and inline function ?
146. Explain the concept of hybrid inheritance ?
147. diff between container class and inheritance ?
148. how would you overcome memory leakage ?
149. what is heap or C++ free store ?
150. Diff between static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation.
151. What if the virtual function is not overridden in the derived class ?
152. what is pure object oriented programming language ?

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