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My Home Is My Castle


WebQuest Description: This webquest provides information and resources related to houses and homes and their forms of
ownership. Students will use the resources to devise PowerPoint or other presentations of types of houses in their native regions;
they will also write an informal letter to a friend offering information about a house to be rented.
Grade Level: 9-12
Curriculum: English / Language Arts
Keywords: houses, homes, ownership,informal letter writing, rental
Published On: 2013-11-11 13:47:39
Last Modified: 2013-11-10 08:12:37
WebQuest URL: http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=220062

What is home to you? What is home to an Englishman? How can you get / find a home in England? This webquest will help you
answer these questions by inviting and guiding you to research the types of homes that a natural person can own or could have
owned in Britain. The approach is both diachronic and synchronic; whichever you may choose, at the end of this webquest you will
have become familiar with the key features of salient types of homes and the related issues of home ownership or rental. In other
words, you will be able to describe a house and communicate for the purpose of renting a house.

Task 1 - Half of the students are to do internet and other research and prepare a presentation on types of English homes. The other
half will prepare a presentation on types of houses in the students' native region. The presentations may be electronic or hard copy
and may be accompanied by miniature models. Task 2 - see below.Task 3 - Your English friend will come on an exchange
programme to Bucharest next year. He/she has asked you to look for a nice place to rent for 6 months. The house/flat may be located
in Bucharest or the surrounding areas. Write him/her a letter describing the house that you found and details about its location and the

Presentations - Students draw tickets prepared by the teacher in order to be split into two teams. The two teams then have two weeks
to research and prepare their presentations. Students are free to chose their roles and responsibilities in their teams. In-class
descriptions - Individual work. While viewing the video Beautiful English Homes, each student selects one picture and starts
describing it. The descriptions should be of about 50-60 words.Letter writing - This is a home assignment. Students write their letters
at home. Each letter should be of about 120 words. Students submit their home assignments online and receive online feedback from
the teacher.Resources

The evaluation criteria of the oral presentations to be found athttp://www.ug.it.usyd.edu.au/~isys3015/s1_2004/tutorials/presentation.htmThe evaluation criteria of the description and letter: content - relevance to the topic; paragraph organisation; linkers; adequacy of style- vocabulary - the relevant vocabulary is used
accurately; complexity- grammar - accuracy of structure; complexity of structure

Category and Score


Category and Score


Total Score

Time to end our webquest and by now you should be able to : - describe a house- identify various types of houses in Britain and your
region- write an informal letter about the rental of a house/flatIf you are still not convinced that your home is your castle, the least you
can do for consolation is watch a video, enjoy the music and a drop of history and myth!

This webquest is meant as auxiliary material and internet-based support. It is addressed to teachers who teach intensive classes of
English (4 hours / week).It was designed for at least 3 hours of study.

This WebQuest is created and published by using zWebQuest (http://zunal.com)

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The WebQuest engine code and templates designed by zunal.com (Zafer Unal, PhD.)
All WebQuests published with this tool are property of their creators. However, permission is granted for others to
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