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Authentic Presentation of Self

Elijah Abram -- Fall 2016

Learner Focus
Presentation for LFOC

Learner Focus
Current Grade: 81.43% (B)
What I have accomplished:
Getting my work turned in and keeping my
grade up.
My Plan to Improve:
When I choose to sit somewhere, that I get my
work done.

Math 8

Math 8 or Algebra
Current Grade: 90.63%
What I have accomplished:
Doing good on tests and preparing for them
and getting good grades on all classroom work
My Plan to Improve:
Take time doing my homework, and making
sure I save it and take a screenshot just in

Earth Science
Quick Paragraph - Pangaea

Earth Science
Current Grade: 79.34%
What I have accomplished: My work and
My Plan to Improve:
Study for tests more, get higher grades on my
future tests.

Colonial America essay
Christopher Columbus Meme

Current Grade: 80.47%
What I have accomplished:
Keeping a solid grade, and putting lots of work
into essays, projects, etc
My Plan to Improve:
Finish side work. Ex: The paragraph on the
presidental debate.


Current Grade:
What I have accomplished:
Reading books, summarizing, making
predictions and improving my lexile.
My Plan to Improve:
Read books over my lexile score

Physical Education or Health

Current Grade:
What I have accomplished:
Participating in all sports
My Plan to Improve:
Be on time, prevent tardies.

Physical Education or Health

There is no evidence for my P.E. class.

My plan at home..
My plan at home to improve my grade is to
study more, and practice what I am currently

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