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Depto. 602, Col. Santa Bárbara, Azcapotzalco.
C.P. 02230. Mexican/Single. Age: 30 years
E-mail: bren.gutierrez@hotmail.com
Telephone: 26370242 Mobile: 044551380-9509


Experience of more than 7 years in the media as an insurance employee. High

executive in HSBC Insurances as a disaster adviser, risk and complaint
administrator. With specialist in the areas of individual life insurances, personal
accidents and medical expenses, collective and group insurances. Area of solid
experience in risk selection, reinsurance administration and dividend.



Position posted: Continuous improvement adviser and compliance Mobile Force.
Seniority: 2008-2009


. Continuous improvement of Commercial Process of Mobile Force through internal

. Manual establishment, prevention announcements, detection and eradication of
bad practices of normatively indifferences.
. Compliance and attachment of the regulations and institution policy.
. Manufacture and execution of written sanctions and recommendations for the
carrying out of the institution policy.
. Follow the performance of the legal regulations of the financial institutions
CONSAR, AMIB, CNBV, Bank of Mexico, etc.


. Design of work programs for reviews, manufacture of organization, manuals and

risk detection.
. Manufacture of manual for executive training courses.
. Control and establishment of corrective actions and administrative offences about
the reasonability and benefit-cost of the expenses in practice of the Mobile Force.

. Establishment of prevention programs for the planning process, expenses

checking and supervision.
. Implementation of control filters to curb the misuse of expenses and lack of
. Elaboration of a control panel for the staff evaluation.

Corporate Offices HSBC Afore, S.A. de C.V.

Post held: Administration commercial consultant AFORE.

Seniority 2007-2008

. Development and implementation of sales meters
. Concentrated and weekly reporting commercial programs including staffing.
. Elaboration of monthly presentations.
. Coordination for the advise of the specialist unit for people attention and sales


. Generation of Inventory Control

. Efficient achievement of processes of travel and material resources for the
commercial power.
. Elaboration and establishment of competitive process.
. Project management of online sales, prospecting new customers and internet
afore advice.
. Development and management of career map.

Corporate Offices HSBC Insurances, S.A. de C.V.

Post held: Adviser sinister LIFE and AP
Seniority 2003-2007

. Care monitoring, analysis and opinion of casualty claims.
. Adherence to legal regulations of the institutions CNSF (National Commission of
Insurance and bonds) CONDUSEF (National Commission for the protection of user
insurance and financial products) CNBV (National Banking Commission Securities)
. Team work under pressure and decision-making problems solutions.
. Attention to internal and external customers.
. Control register of complaints, law suits and litigation reserve build in.
. Registry of workflow sinister people or specific reserve provisions and changes in
. Consultations Kroner. GCC. Hogan, Acsel.

. Efficiency and response times for the opinion of insurance claims. Establishments
by claims control branch and reporting monthly results.
. Matrix generation manual documents and paper work.
. Administration of dividends and ISR (Dotal and Group)
. Establishment of control over a legal claims and lawsuits, record integration.
. Improved control of record-keeping.

University Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco

BA. Graduate Sociology oriented to administrate insurance and financial services. /
Title in progress.

Microsoft Office, Internet, FOX PRO, Operating Systems management of Hogan Bank
Accounts and Credits, Kroner.

English: speak 70% written: 70%

Leadership, team work, analysis, competitiveness, effective communication,
decision making, work under pressure and initiative.

. Package Course in Microsoft Visual Fox Pro 8.0 Fundamentals, obtaining the
certificate of participation, year 2004
. “LOMA Secure Introduction” Exam PFSL 001, obtaining 8.9 given by Life
Management Institute. Celebrated in the year 2004
. “LOMA Secure Introduction” Exam PFSL 002, obtaining 9.3 given by Life
Management Institute. Celebrated in the year 2005
. “LOMA Secure Introduction” Exam PFSL 003, Obtaining 8.4 given by Life
Management Institute. Celebrated in the year 2005
. “LOMA Secure Introduction” Exam PFSL 004. Obtaining 8.4 given by Life
Management Institute. Celebrated in the year 2006
. “LOMA Service to the Client Introduction” Exam PFSL 100. Results on process.
Given by “Life Management Institute”. Celebrated in the year 2008
“Graphoscopia and Documentoscopía” Given by the Mexican Association of Secure
Institutions, A.C. (AMIS) Celebrated in the year 2006
“Graphoscopía” Given by the area of knowledge and development of HSBC Mexico.
Celebrated on October 2008
. Course of Hogan and Kroner, given by the area of knowledge and development of
HSBC Mexico. Celebrated on November 2008

Of course, I am sending now everything about Brenda. Rewards!

From: Marcela Meroño[mailto:mmerono@epeopleconsulting.com]
Mailed: Wednesday, September 09, 2009. 11:58am
To: 'Luisa.Cruz@assurant.com'
Subject: RV: Working references request of Brenda Gutiérrez.
Importance: High

Hello Ma. Luisa.

I miss to send you the references about Brenda. Rewards!

From: Raúl Huerta Mtz [mailto:raul.huerta.mtz@gmail.com]

Sent by: Saturday, July 25, 2009 09:16pm
To: mmerono@epeopleconsulting.com
Subject: RV: Working references request of Brenda Gutiérrez.
Importance: High

Good night

By this way I recommended Brenda Gutiérrez, she was part of my team in Afore
HSBC where we where in charge of the activities of staff sub direction of
commercial support, a server as sub direction of the same and Brenda as my
analyst reporting directly to me the assigned activities.

The reason of her departure of HSBC was because of the decision about the
structure of the employee that Bank took in this last 2009.

Without another particular, I reiterate by your order.

Raúl Huerta M.


To make the evaluation of Miss Gutiérrez there were
applicator intelligence exams, personality and social
adaptability. That made us know about how she behaves in
day to day tasks and personal, as well as her intellectual
coefficient and the way she related with her similar.

After analyze the results of Miss Gutiérrez we conclude that

she has the aptitudes and attitude to satisfy the following

Following we presented the results obtained in the intelligence proof; this is dividing
in ten areas to evaluate:

1. Information Medium
In this proof, its evaluated the level of dissimulation that the person has obtained
through the environment, as saying, her significative learning. It shows the level of
general culture that the person has.

2. Judgment High Medium Level

To measure the ability to distinguish and give rank hierarchy of daily situations,
and give priority in the most important.

3. Vocabulary High Medium Level

In the vocabulary area it explore the richness of language of the person, and the
relation with the cultural level and reading comprehension.

4. Synthesis High Medium Level

Here it measure the ability to analyze and detect the essence of the concept, so its
synthesize characteristic with verbal symbols.

5. Concentration Medium
The proof in this part it level us the capacity of concentration and attention that
person has in daily situations.

6. Analysis High Medium Level

The proof in this area explore the experience background of knowledge and
general culture of the person, as well as their ability of analysis of the presented
situations to analyze.

7. Abstraction Medium Low

Shows the ease of relating concepts and vocabulary richness.

8. Planning Medium High

Give us the ability to structure disorder elements and whole perceive.

9. Organization Medium
This proof give us the ability to attend and concentrate in the different stages of a

10. Attention Medium

The last stage of the proof evaluate the ability of reasoning without words. The
intelligence proof tell us the results of the high medium skills in most of the test,
with a global intellectual coefficient of 89 points.
This indicate that the person will satisfy with the responsibilities because she has
the intellectual capacities to do it.
The personality proof give us the information in the following areas:
Aspects that evaluate the proof Five Factors: Brenda Gutiérrez

Negative Emotions
It refers the resistance grade that the person has to recuperate of tenses
Level Headed : She answer in a calm way, with serenity and security. Free
of stress.
Sensibility. She shows to be calm, but the surprises can make a lot of
stress, moderate tolerance.
Reactive: In what ever situation she answer in alert way, worried and upset.
Anxious and tense.

Refers to the degrees of preference of one person to participate actively
with others,
Introvert, tends to be more independent, quiet, stable and feels more
comfortable being alone.
Normal: Are able to move from social situation to the isolation of working
Extroverted: tends to exert more leadership, to be more friendly and
cheerful, it requires being around people.

It refers to the level at which a person is curious about the inner and outer
Conservative: Has more specific interest. Is perceived as more conventional,
practical, and realistic.
Moderate: Can explore new ideas with interest but not too much, as it would
be tired.
Explorer: Has wide interest, feels fascinated by novelty and innovation

The trait of adaptability is a measure of how we focus on the others in
comparison to what we focus on ourselves.
Challenger: Is more focused on their personal need and standards than
those of the group. Defensive and aggressive.
Negotiator: Capable of passing from the leadership to the dependence
adapting to the situation.
Adaptable: Likely to subordinate their own needs by the group. Harmony is
the most important, friendly, helpful, and may be submissive.

Goal Approach
Trait goal approach relates to personal control and focus the will to
accomplish things.
Flexible: More easily distracted, is more relaxed and can handle several
things. Disorganized.
Balanced: It becomes easy to change the focus to laxity, always and when it
have a goal. Ambitious.
Focused: High personal control, is characterized by achievement, hard to
distract. Work addiction, work addicted, overwhelmed and stubborn.

For any questions or doubts, I am yours to command.

Lic. Marcela Meroño Dávila

Consulting Partner

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