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“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart”


“In the heart of Christ, where reigned perfect harmony with God, there was perfect peace. He was never elated
by applause, nor dejected by censure or disappointment. Amid the greatest opposition and the most cruel
treatment, He was still of good courage. But many who profess to be His followers have an anxious,
troubled heart, because they are afraid to trust themselves with God. They do not make a complete
surrender to Him; for they shrink from the consequences that such a surrender may involve. Unless they
do make this surrender, they cannot find peace.” DA.330.

Worry is one of the biggest causes of heart disease known. It increases the secretion of adrenaline, the effect of
which is to raise the blood pressure by over stimulating the heart and contracting the small blood vessels, which
increases the fat levels in the blood. This is because the body is preparing for an emergency and is sending more
blood to the extremities. When stress is prolonged it exhausts the adrenal glands and other essential function
such as increasing the output of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in the stomach cannot be done adequately by these
stressed out glands. These digestive juices are necessary for the proper digestion of proteins. When protein is
not properly digested, foreign protein enters the blood stream through the small intestines and these foreign
proteins place a burden on the liver which assist in detoxifying these poisons. A burdened liver is a primary
cause of hypertension (or high blood pressure) because it causes a traffic jam in the portal vein leading to the
liver. Godly stress is the natural antidote for relieving worry and stress, and therefore helping the traffic jams,
creating a cleaner high way for the blood to pass through.

“If the mind is free and happy, under a consciousness of right-doing and a sense of satisfaction in causing
happiness to others, it will create a cheerfulness that will react upon the whole system, causing a freer
circulation of the blood and a toning up of the entire body.” 4 T 60

Stress will cause a constriction of the blood vessels, driving the blood to the trunk where it becomes sluggish,
contributing to heart disease.

“One is so near to another, that no air can come between them.”

The build up of cholesterol and calcium plaques in the blood vessels is known as atherosclerosis. These plaques
begin with small sores that form in the effort to bandage the wounded artery. These wounds are formed more
readily when the cells are lacking oxygen. This is because the cells which form the artery wall cannot properly
remove their wastes when there is a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream.

Fresh air inspires every cell of the body and purifies the blood, causing the body to rapidly eliminate toxic
wastes. As we inhale, oxygen seeps through the alveoli, (tiny air sacks in the lungs,) and vitalizes the
bloodstream. This oxygen is necessary for energy to be manufactured in the body, by combining with glucose
to form ATP (adenosine triphosphate.) When energy levels are low all of the body functions are inhibited,
because they require energy to do their job satisfactorily. When a person has atherosclerosis, his need for
oxygen is even greater because the path of blood flow is partially blocked.

Open air carries an electrical charge known as negative ions, which are responsible for destroying free radicals.
These groups of compounds or atoms are the primary substances which cause the irritation in the walls of
arteries which leads to atherosclerosis. Free radicals tend to alter the proper function of cells and therefore lead
to cancer and atherosclerosis.
Stuffy air that has not the proper ventilation, has positive ions, but a negative effect and it is in this sort of
environment that free radical develop, as oxygen supply is low. Breathing in is to inspire, and is connected to
the word inspiration, which is from the Holy Spirit. When we breath in his sweet influence into our lives and it
has a wonderful effect by giving life and vigor to the heart. Why not try it today!

“And I gave my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under
heaven: this sore travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith.”

Exercise in the open air is one of the best medicines for a sick heart. As we exercise is in the open air the
muscles call for much more oxygen in order to produce energy. To supply this expedient need, the rate of
breathing increases and the blood vessels expand allowing a greater influx of oxygen to the muscle cells.

Another benefit of exercise is that wastes are more rapidly transported from the cells to organs of elimination
via the blood stream, and fat is used up thus allowing more room in the blood vessels for the transportation of
blood throughout the body, an decreasing the rise of heart disease.

Exercise is one of the best remedies for relieving stress. It relaxes the body, promotes sleep and relieves tension
and anxiety.

When wastes become stagnated in organs such as liver and kidneys blood pressure goes up, thus exercise will
benefit greatly by moving those wastes out at a more rapid rate, by improving the circulation. Proper circulation
is absolutely essential to the reversal of hypertension. Not only does exercise increase blood circulation, it also
increases circulation within the lymph channels. The lymph is full of white blood cells and carries away the
broken down products of fat metabolism.

Another benefit of exercise is that it is a key element in God’s plan for obesity. Excess weight increases the
pressure against artery walls because of the greater distance with which the heart must pump blood.

“But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye
shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall.”

God has placed remarkable healing power in Sunlight. Sunlight increases circulation, and also the volume of
oxygen in the blood. The result is that the red blood cells carry more oxygen to the cardiovascular system and
carry away more toxins. This creates an internal environment which is very favorable to lowering blood
pressure, providing energy and removing toxins.

Sunlight also increases the number of white blood cells in the body. Therefore, sunlight builds the immune
system by sending more soldiers on the battle field.

Sunlight also stimulates the liver which is a chemical laboratory able to detoxify poisonous substances from the
body. Many of the toxins which the liver breaks down would clog this delicate organ if the liver was not
stimulated by the sun, thus decreasing the traffic jam in the blood and lowering blood pressure.

Sunlight changes cholesterol to vitamin D which is essential for the absorption of calcium in the body. As this
cholesterol in the arteries is converted to vitamin D, the clogged arteries begin to open up.

A study involving 30 patients with hardening of the arteries showed an almost 13% decrease in blood
cholesterol levels following 1 single sunbath! As the concentration of cholesterol in the skin goes down, the
body pulls more from places of high concentration to fill the gap. This can come from the plaque in the arteries.

Sunlight also tones up the heart muscle, thus increasing efficiency.

“Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope.”

In order for the cells to be healthy they must receive rest. It is during periods of rest that the tissue in the body is
rebuilt and wastes are moved to points where they will be in the eliminated from the body. The walls of the
blood vessels are made up of epithelial tissue and need rebuilding and repair to minimize the formation of

Without proper rest, energy will be used up by the cardiovascular system faster than it can be restored, tissue
will be broken down faster than it can be rebuilt and poisons will be formed faster than they can be eliminated.
Even the heart takes a rest between beats for 1/10th of a second without which it would eventually wear out.

To help in the healing process, the digestive system especially needs a rest. This can be accomplished by short
periods of fasting with water, fruit and vegetables juices, herbs and raw foods. Because harmful dietary habits
are the primary cause of hypertension, fasting on liquids is probably the fastest way to obtain results in a
therapeutic program for high blood pressure.

Do these facts reveal that proper rest is essential to helping the heart? I rest my case.

“...Pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord:”

Water is needed to flush out the sodium and wastes from the body via the kidneys and other organs. If we do
not drink enough water, the body retains water in order to help eliminate the sodium and wastes. As this fluid is
retained in the system, it increases the blood volume and causes the heart to have to pump more blood
throughout the body. “You might think of this as watered down blood.”

Water increases the circulation by thinning the blood, and it also increases the oxygen. The more perfect the
circulation, the more wastes are discharged from the body through the kidneys, skin and lungs. Water is
effective in reversing constipation, (a common problem accompanying almost all hypertension.

Water can also be used externally to relieve the symptoms associated with high blood pressure. This is because
water has the ability to cleanse the cells, eliminate wastes, and reduce stress.

External application of water is very helpful in assisting the body to get rid of wastes by opening up the pores of
the skin, allowing for poisons to ooze out, and water is also great for increasing the circulation of the blood,
which in nearly all cases of heart disease is very poor.

Warm water helps the blood vessels to dilate, allowing more blood into the area, and thereby increasing once
again the oxygen supply.

Body fat is the least hydrated tissue in the body, only 20%. Bone contains more water than fat, about 33%, and
skeletal muscle contains approximately 65%, which means the more muscle the more water and less
cardiovascular disease.
Fat is representative of sin in the Bible (psalm 17.9,10) and can help us to understand a very important spiritual
lesson. The more sin we have in our lives the less of the water of life we will have which in turn will result in a
spiritual heart condition that will restrict the blood of Jesus from flowing throughout our souls, the end of this
condition is death. For the Christian however he is given a new heart which will pump the life of Jesus through
his veins for all eternity. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me Psalm 51.10

“...They were filled, and their heart was exalted; therefore have they forgotten me. ”
All harmful substances such as alcohol, caffeine, ect, contribute to high blood pressure and should be
eliminated. Alcohol destroys the liver, and the blood pressure rises when the liver function is hampered. All
poisonous substances such as tobacco, caffeine, and even some medicinal drugs burden the liver which has the
awesome responsibility of detoxifying these substances. Cigarette smoke also depletes the body of vitamin C
which is essential to proper adrenaline function. It has already been mentioned that the adrenals play a major
role in stress response and in the production of essential digestive juices in the stomach.

In addition to potential liver damage, the social drugs listed in the above paragraph increase the blood pressure
by increasing the heart rate and constricting the blood vessels. God never intended for human beings to poison
themselves with alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine and other legal or illegal drugs. WE CANNOT POISON

Intemperate dress: It pays us to take a wider look at temperance and see how it encompasses our dress habits
and not just our dietary ones.

Popular fashion often dictates many health destroying habits which violate the law of temperance. A
contributing factor to high blood pressure is a lack of circulation in the extremities. Often caused by the
wearing of clothing which leaves the legs and arms exposed to the weather. The imbalance of circulation causes
the blood vessels in the legs and arms to constrict because these are generally cooler. This condition causes the
blood to be pumped into the trunk area because it will be warmer than the extremities. This leads to an
imbalance of blood flow in the body, resulting in congestion in the liver and kidneys and restricted blood flow to
the extremities.

Intemperance in sexual activity: Another To keep us in health, God designed that the law of temperance
should also balance our sexual activity with our spouse. God gave the women monthly cycles and pronounced a
man to be unclean if he had intercourse in times of her menstruation. He did this to preserve health, and also for
the married couple to practice self control. Lev.15.24

A contributing factor to hypertension in men is an over stimulation of the sexual/reproductive organs. With
each ejaculation there is a considerable amount of zinc which is lost, about 3-5 day supply. This mineral is
required in order for the body to maintain the proper concentration of vitamin E in the blood. Vitamin E lowers
blood pressure and is an overall help to the cardiovascular system.

For women taking a birth control pill raises their blood pressure. Whatever good let it be done in moderation.
Whatever is bad just leave it along.

“Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine
heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts.”
Without a low fat, protein and sugar diet, the recovery of heart disease is fighting a loosing battle. If our diet is
high in fat, we increase our levels of blood fats which in turn increases our risk of plaque formation. These
plaque formations cause the blood to have to pass through smaller and smaller spaces and therefore increase the
overall blood pressure. An interesting note that all should remember is that the only source of cholesterol
outside of that which is manufactured by the body, comes in the form of animal products. There is absolutely
no cholesterol in natural foods.

A high fat diet also burdens the liver which is responsible for the metabolism of this excess fat. A clogged liver
will impede the flow of blood through the portal vein causing portal hypertension which is reflected throughout
the whole body. A high fat diet also causes the narrow streams and tributaries of the circulatory system in order
to reach the cells. Fat tends to make the blood cells sticky

and clump together, interfering with the oxygen capacity of the red blood cells, and blocking the blood vessels.
When cells of the body do not receive an adequate supply of oxygen due to the traffic jam, the heart must pump
harder and faster in an effort to oxygenate the body. The end results in high blood pressure. Last but not least, a
high fat diet contributes to a high fat person. Obesity adds miles of blood vessels through which the heart must
pump blood. It will require more pressure to pump the blood through longer distances.

High protein foods include most animal products, along with some nuts and beans, gluten, tofu and other foods.
In contrast with carbohydrates and fats, the body requires more energy and nutrients to metabolize protein. A
carnivorous animal such as a tiger can handle flesh foods that are high in protein as it has got several times the
hydrochloric acid in it’s stomach to metabolize meat properly, as well as a much shorter digestive canal as ours,
and carnivorous teeth which we were not designed with. It may rake the body 3 days to pass flesh out of the
body, and by that time is has putrefied well and truly, producing a poisonous blood stream, that has added
stimulation of the animal passions that causes physiological cravings.

If we consume more protein than the body is safely able to metabolize or if digestion is hindered through bad
eating habits, the excess or undigested protein becomes poison to the body. A high protein diet affects the blood
pressure by causing the body to retain fluids. Fluids are retained in an effort to assist the body in moving the
toxins to organs where they can be eliminated. This increases blood volume and blood pressure. The toxic
wastes mentioned above also add to the rush hour traffic effect of an impure blood stream.

Excess protein also gives our liver and kidneys an unnecessary workout because the liver must help to
metabolize the protein while the kidneys help to excrete excess protein and some of its by products such as uric
acid and urea.

Protein from animal sources is injurious to the body because along with the protein, most

meats will also contain more phosphorus than calcium. This upsets the bodies normal ratio of calcium to
phosphorus. Because phosphorus and calcium tend to stay in balance with one

another, calcium leaves the bones in an effort to balance with the excess phosphorus that we have added to the
blood stream. As this calcium moves through the blood vessels, some of it becomes trapped in the cholesterol
and calcium plaques form causing hardening of the arteries and raises the blood pressure.

Sugar is also a culprit in heart disease, as it is converted to fat when there is too much for the body to use. This
contributes both to obesity and increase in blood pressure.

Refined sugar causes the body to overreact by secreting an abundance of insulin. The result is that the blood
sugar drops and the individual experiences the fatigue and “all gone feeling associated with hypoglycemia (low
blood sugar). To bring the levels back up, the adrenal become over stressed as they send forth adrenaline which
converts stored sugar in the form of glycogen back to usable blood sugar (glucose) in the liver and muscles.
White sugar causes the a type of drug induced stress which raises the blood pressure as does alcohol, tobacco,
and caffeine.

The answer to this problem lies in understanding a simple Bible principle: “Whether therefore ye eat, or
drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.” 1Cor.10.31

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