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Journal- What do you hope to learn in this class?

I hope to learn about types of diseases
Health: the state of being free from illness or injury.
Self esteem: confidence in ones own worth or abilities; self respect
Depression can affect the physical and social health.
I improved a problem in my social area and got more friends.
Explain what it means to have optimum wellness.

It means you are healthy physically and mentally and dont have any types of diseases.
Abstinence: the fact or practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something, typically
Wellness: the state or condition of being in good physical and mental health.
Death________x_____optimum wellness
Almost everyday I stress out about some things that make me sad and mad most of the time.
However, sometimes my friends and family make me feel better which has my optimum
wellness more high.

Income status
Social support
Access to information environment
Health Services

Why is it important to personally evaluate your health?
It is important so I know what areas to work with on my own personal self.
Behavior: the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.
Quality of Life: the standard of health, comfort, and happiness experienced by an individual or

To be balanced means that we are healthy, physically and emotionally. We eat a variety of
healthy food, get enough rest and exercise, have close relationships with people, find meaning
and purpose in something, have several healthy ways to express our feelings, and do things
that make us happy and contribute to the well -being of others. Teens involved with clubs,
groups, sports, or art have more friends, get more exercise, learn new things and spend time
with other people who care about the same things they do. Teens who are involved in
extracurricular activities also are less likely to participate in unhealthy or risky behaviors.
As of 2015, in the state of California, if you are covered under your parents/guardians health
insurance, you can receive services like birth control, STI tests, pregnancy tests, drug
information, or outpatient mental health services from your healthcare provider without your
parents/guardians consent. You can also talk to your doctor about personal family or school
issues, or feelings about sex and sexuality. These conversations and medical treatments are
confidential, which means they are private. A parent or guardian cannot find out.
The only time a health care provider can break confidentiality is if you are experiencing physical
or sexual abuse, or you are at risk for hurting yourself or hurting others.
Teens who minimize screen time are likely to be healthier than teens who spend more time
watching TV, on the computer or playing video games. If you are not getting 60 minutes of
physical activity each day, you might consider replacing one hour of screen time with something
that requires your body to move more.
Breakfast is really important if you want to avoid being tired, distracted, overly hungry and
snacking. Breakfast sets the tone for the day and even other meals. Try getting up a little earlier
or packing small portions of healthy food you can eat on the go could be a well-balanced option.
People who skip breakfast tend to snack more and overeat at other meals and throughout the
day because they get so hungry. It is important to eat three balanced meals a day. Strategize
ideas to help you remember to pack your breakfast the night before and take it to class in the
Personal body image or how we perceive our own body can be different than how other people
see our body. Being underweight can have some health consequences. Talk to a nutritionist or
your doctor about how to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
What makes something seem risky to one person, but not another. What kinds of risks did you
take today? Did you think of them as risks? Why/why not?
Everyone has different fears so one thing may seem scarier to one person and not to another
person. I took risks like not eat lunch. I thought of it as a risk because then I will have to be
hungry the rest of the day and not eat anything until after school.
Advocate: a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.
Risk: a situation involving exposure to danger
Calculated risks:
riding in a car

going in public
going to college
asking someone on a date
keeping money in a bank
talking to someone you dont know
answering the door
getting married
riding in a plane
telling the truth
telling a joke
expressing your feelings
playing a sport
Unnecessary risks:
eating fast food
bungee jumping
texting while driving
sky diving
following the crowd
Problem: Should I try out for a sport?
D- I might always mess up and not be good enough to play
E- there can be a possibility that I can get on the team
C- Everyone can make fun of me because I wont be good at the sport
I- I will be able to more healthy than before
D- I will join a sports team and try to get on it
E- I got on the team and am more healthier
Explain the 2 possible outcomes of making decision that goes against your values?
Self esteem, self confidence, change your values
Prevention: the action of stopping something from happening or arising.

Childhood Obesity
In America 18% of children are obese. Obese is a disease a child can receive by the
way they live their life or genetics. This is a problem because this is the number one way most
people die in America. Obesity is a problem today in the U.S.A and the problem must be

Everyday children all over America are getting obese for various reasons. One of the
ways of getting obese is through genetics. This is because parents most of the time have eating
habits and sometimes cant stop eating. Eventually their children starts picking up those habits
leading them to start gaining weight. Also because it can be in their genes which increases the
risk of the child to be obese. Another way of getting obese is for not being active enough. Today
kids are more interested staying in playing video games and not going outside to do something
active. Parents have to limit the time their children can stay inside and make them participate in
a sports team or at least go outside an hour a day. Last cause of obesity is theyre eating habits.
Sometimes the child doesnt pick up their eating habits instead they pick up their own eating
habits and start over eating.
This disease carries many health effects and is not good for someones health.
One health effect is high cholesterol that can lead to cardiovascular disease. In the article it
says, 70 percent of obese children had at least one CVD risk factor, while 39 percent had two
or more. Another health effect is type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is when your body

doesnt process a persons blood sugar. Eventually the children are going to get older and
will still have the disease with them. When someone is an adult and obese they will have
more severe diseases and have a great possibility of dying at an early age.
Besides all the ways of getting obese and the health effects there is a way of treating
it so it wont stick with a child to adulthood. For instance parents can start to teach their
children healthy eating habits. To help a child make better eating choices is by buying more
healthy things to eat and not buy so much junk food or no junk food. Another way is by
helping kids exercise and be active more. So parents can motivate their child by telling them
the benefits that they could get by being active such as they will lose weight and get more
bone strength. These are ways that a child could prevent from being obese.
In conclusion, obese is something that no one would want their child to have.

There are many ways of getting this disease; however, it could be treated and children wont
die at such an early age. Today parents must prevent their children from getting it so their
child wont suffer from the many diseases that come with obesity.

Explain how an imbalance in one part of the health triangle affects of other 2 parts?
If someone is depressed it could affect their physical because they wont want to eat and their
social. Another example is not socializing. This can affect physical because no one will motivate
to you to exercise or do anything active and it will affect mental because there wont be anyone
you can talk to about your feelings to or your dreams.
Habit: a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.
Why cant you believe in everything you see on television or the internet? What things should
you consider before buying a product?
Everything that is on television or the internet is told by someone and they could be lying to you.
I should see if the product is useful and tested by professionals.
Media literacy: the ability to read or decode messages in a variety of print and electronic

media .
Life expectancy: the average period that a person may expect to live.
1. How does this affect us?
They could be telling us lies and only telling us things that will give them a lot of views.
2. Is there anything we can do to counter the effects?
We can watch things that are reliable


SexBandwagon- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dQRCOEeHaY

Fasle image-




Glittering Generality-



Make a list of reliable sources for health information on the internet. Why should you stick to
these types of sources?
Medical websites, scholarly articles. These are accurate websites and they dont state their
opinion instead they state facts.
Random event: an event thats random
1. We should be concerned because the community health issues can affect us and
our families.
2. Mental, social, and physical
3. A health inventory is something that can show you how healthy you are.
4. Its useful because it can show you how healthy you are and what you need to
work on to be even more healthy.
5. Smoking, drinking, doing drugs, not exercising, not eating, eating too much,
being alone all the time, not sleeping, being sad all the time
6. Smoking affects our personal health because it makes us more unhealthy and
sick. Eventually a person that smokes will die more earlier than an average human
7. One of my long term health goals is to be healthy and have a long life.
8. Eating right and exercising
9. D- I might always mess up and not be good enough to play
E- there can be a possibility that I can get on the team
C- Everyone can make fun of me because I wont be good at the sport
I- I will be able to more healthy than before
D- I will join a sports team and try to get on it

E- I got on the team and am more healthier

10. It states the steps and is very specific while others some other models are too vague.
11. An advertising appeal is when a commercial or advertisement makes you want to buy
something or captures your attention.
12. A calculated risk is when there its actually necessary and can actually help you. A
unnecessary risk is when there is no need to take that risk because it can hurt you physically,
mentally, or socially.
13. An advocate is something or someone supporting or recommending something
15. The motivation can be if someone is peer pressuring you into doing something or you're
pressuring yourself to do it so you can fit in with the crowd.
1. Three most important new things I have learned are:
a. The health triangle
b. How to look up reliable sources
c. What types of risks I should take
2. My favorite thing about this unit was taking a quiz about my lifestyle I liked it because it
showed me on what health things I should work on.
3. One thing I want to do better next time is have more accurate answers in starters.
4. This unit is worth 235 points. I feel I deserve 235 points because I have all my starters,
vocabulary, way2go survey results, daily notes, 5 paragraph essay, advertising appeals,
think and review, and response and reflection.

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