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hallucination a false interpretation of a genuine percept http://iate.europa.eu/FindTermsByLilId.do?


A mild form of hallucination is known as a disturbance, and can occur in most of the senses.

perception imaginaire en l'absence d'un stimulus extrieur http://iate.europa.eu/FindTermsByLilId.do?


L'hyperactivit des nerfs de la dopamine dans le systme msolimbique : le cannabis et les stimulants sont des
agonistes de la dopamine qui provoquent des hallucinations.
Halucinaie - perceptie fara object, adica In absenta oricarei stimulari din exterior
Halucinaiile pot fi psihosenzoriale sau psihice.

synergy phenomenon in which the combined action of two agents produces a greater effect than would be expected
from adding the individual effects of each agent

Synergy of various kinds has been advanced by Peter Corning as a causal agency that can explain the progressiv
evolution of complexity in living systems over the course of time.
synergie - action conjugue de deux ou plusieurs produits qui, lorsqu'ils sont associs, provoquent un effet suprieur celui

attendu de la superposition des proprits de chacun des constituants pris isolment

Le no-darwinisme, ou thorie synthtique a donn lieu la thorie synergique de l'volution, labore dans les
annes 1960 par le gnticien Denis Buican, qui admet une slection multipolaire permettant de rendre compte d
tous les phnomnes slectifs (des virus jusqu' l'homme)
Sinergie - corelarea unor actiuni sau asocierea mai multor elemente pentru obtinerea sau ameliorarea unui anumi
raspuns https://www.dictio.ro/medical/sinergie
Sinergia a fost prima dat descoperit de ctre Peter Corning.
lamina - a small bony plate projecting from the wall of the cochlea http://iate.europa.eu/FindTermsByLilId.do?


There are twelve distinct neuron classes in the lamina

lame - osseuse dans le premier tout de spirale et adosse la columelle est taille en biseau au fur et mesure qu'elle s'loig

de la columelle

La lame est relie la commande par un lment rotatif.

Lamina - strat subtire care face parte din structura unei formatiuni anatomice complexe
n general, lamina prezint o form cu dou lamele.
Limbic - of or pertaining to the limbic system http://iate.europa.eu/FindTermsByLilId.do?lilId=1684479&langId=en

The primary structures within the limbic system include the amygdala, hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamu
basal ganglia, and cingulate gyrus.
limbique - relatif un limbe http://iate.europa.eu/FindTermsByLilId.do?lilId=1684479&langId=fr

Le systme limbique est fondamental dans les motions, la mmoire et l'apprentissage.

limbic - care apartine sau se afla In relatie cu *sistemul limbic https://www.dictio.ro/medical/lob-occipital
Sistemul limbic profund include structurile talamice i hipotalamusul, precum i structurile din imediata
Marrow - fatty network of connective tissue that fills the medulla, the internal cavity of the bone

In humans, red blood cells are produced by cores of bone marrow in the heads of long bones.
moelle - substance de consistance molle remplissant les cavits des os, tels le sternum ou des os longs, tels le fmur


Les cellules rouges du sang sont formes dans la moelle rouge.

Mduv - esut care reprezinta partea centrala a unui organ https://www.dictio.ro/medical/maduva

La om, n interiorul oaselor mari se gsete mduva osoas hematogen.

Optic nerve -

the second cranial nerve, which provides a sensory pathway from the retina to the
brain http://dictionary.reverso.net/english-definition/optic%20nerve
The optic nerve is ensheathed in all three meningeal layers (dura, arachnoid, and pia mater) rather than the
epineurium, perineurium, and endoneurium found in peripheral nerves.
nerf optique - nerf sensitif qui participe aux voies optiques et permet donc la vision
Dans l'orbite, le nerf optique forme un cordon arrondi qui chemine au sein de la graisse, dans l'axe du cne
musculo-fascial form par les muscles droits de l'il et les fascias associs.
nerv optic - nerv senzitiv care preia i recepteaz informaiile vizuale cu ajutorul celulelor specializate cu conuri i
bastonae din retin
Nervul optic (latin Nervus opticus) este cel de-al doilea nerv cranian.

cervical -

of or pertaining to any neck http://iate.europa.eu/FindTermsByLilId.do?lilId=1506236&langId=en

Cervical cancer can often be successfully treated when it's found early.
cervical - relatif au cou http://dictionary.reverso.net/french-definition/cervical
La mylopathie cervico-arthrosique est une pathologie de la moelle pinire lie une compression
mcanique au niveau cervical.
cervical care se refera la gat https://www.dictio.ro/medical/cervical
Spondiloza cervicala sau osteoartrita cervicala este o conditie degenerativa a coloanei cervicale, ce
afecteaza corpurile vertebrale si discurile intervertebrale.
concussion - momentary and reversible injury to the brain causing a brief period of unconsciousness


If you or your child sustained a concussion while playing competitive sports, ask your doctor or your child's
doctor when it is safe to return to play.
commotion crbrale - ebranlement momentan et rversible du cerveau, entranant une brve perte de conscience


Les symptmes rvlateurs d'une commotion crbrale sont assez nombreux et varient en terme de
comoie cerebral pierdere imediat, tranzitorie, a strii de contien, urmat de o scurt perioad de
amnezie http://www.romedic.ro/comotia-cerebrala
Comoia cerebral apare de regul n urma unui impact cu un obiect bont.
cortex -

the outer layer of an organ; used especially of the cerebrum and cerebellum http://iate.europa.eu/FindTermsByLilId.do?

Two areas of the cortex are commonly referred to as motor: the primary motor cortex, which executes voluntary
movements, and; the supplementary motor areas and premotor cortex, which select voluntary movements.
cortex - partie externe d'un organe, distincte de la capsule situe autour de la partie centrale de cet organe


Par mtonymie, le terme sert souvent dsigner spcifiquement le cortex crbral, ainsi on parlera du cortex
parital pour dsigner la couche de neurones du cerveau formant le cortex du lobe parital.
cortex - parte periferic a emisferelor cerebrale http://m.csid.ro/dictionar-medical/cortex-cerebral-scoarta-

Cortexul drept asigur micrile i sensibilitatea jumtii stngi a corpului i vederea jumtii stngi a spaiului,

n timp ce cortexul stng controleaz jumtatea dreapt a corpului i jumtatea dreapt a vederii fiecrui ochi
(fenomenul de ncruciare).

epidural - outside meningeal layers http://iate.europa.eu/FindTermsByLilId.do?lilId=1517014&langId=en

epidural anesthesia is the most popular method of pain relief during labor.
pidural - en dehors de la dure-mre http://iate.europa.eu/FindTermsByLilId.do?lilId=1517014&langId=fr

L'espace pidural, tendu sur toute la hauteur de la colonne vertbrale, est situ entre la dure-mre et les
parois osto-ligamentaires du canal vertbral.
epidural - regiune anatomica situata intre *dura mater perimedulara si vertebre
La anestezia spinal epidural, se administreaz preparatul n canalul epidural al mduvei spinrii.
fontanelle - membranecovered spaces remaining at the junction of the sutures in the incompletely ossified skull of the fetusor infant


The anterior fontanelle is more obvious and can be easily felt as a slightly soft area of skin on the top of the head.
fontanelle - espace membraneux compris entre les os du crne des jeunes enfants, qui ne s'ossifie que progressivement au

cours de la croissance

Lexamen des fontanelles, cest--dire la palpation, est pratiqu au cours de lexamen neurologique du nouveaun.
fontanel - spatiu neosificat, membranos si depresibil, situat la punctele de Intalnire ale unor suturi ale boltii
craniene la nou-nascut https://www.dictio.ro/medical/fontanela
Fontanela este elastic, acoperit de pielea capului i nu prezint o fragilitate deosebit.
occipital foramen - the hole at the back of the skull where the spinal cord joins the brain

The foramen magnum is a very important feature in bipedal mammals.
trou occipital - l'orifice par lequel passent les artres spinales, les artres vertbrales, les racines spinales
et les nerfs crniens http://www.hominides.com/html/dossiers/bipedie-caracteristique-station-debout.php
Chez les quadrupdes, le trou occipital est en arrire de la tte, dans le prolongement de la colonne vertbrale.

gaura occipital - orificiu larg situat In partea postero-inferioara a osului occipital prin care cutia craniana este
pusa In continuitate cu canalul vertebral https://www.dictio.ro/medical/gaura-occipitala
Prin gaura occipital canalul vertebral comunic cu cavitatea neurocraniului.
Hemianopia - loss of part of the field of view on the same side, in both eyes
A homonymous hemianopia can affect a patients independence.
trouble visuel caractris par la perte d'une moiti du champ visuel
Les hmianopsies prennent diffrents aspects mais les plus courantes sont les hmianopsies
hemianopsie - simptom determinat de o leziune a analizatorului vizual, de obicei la nivelul nervului optic, si care
consta In Ingustarea, la jumatate, a campului vizual, unilateral sau bilateral
Mai mult, n majoritatea cazurilor, hemianopsie dezvoltat dup nfrngerea tractului optic, de
la chiasma la shpornoy caneluri.
intrathecal - pertaining to contents in the dura mater http://iate.europa.eu/FindTermsByLilId.do?lilId=1530420&langId=en

Intrathecal drug delivery, or pain pump, is a method of giving medication directly to your spinal cord.

Intratecal - situat n interiorul menin-gelor maduvei spinarii

Prima cisternografie cu substan de contrast intratecal, o premier n Romnia, a fost realizat n luna
martie la Centrul Medical ProVita.
intrathcal - qui se situe dans la colonne vertbrale http://dictionary.reverso.net/french-definition/intrarachidien
L' injection intrathcale dsigne en gnral plus particulirement une injection sous l'arachnode (une des
trois mninges).
lipoma - growth of fat cells in a thin, fibrous capsule usually found just below
the skin http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/tc/lipoma-topicoverview

The cause of lipomas is not completely understood, but the tendency

to develop them is inherited.

lipome = tumeur sous-cutane bnigne forme par une prolifration de tissu adipeux (graisse) normal
Un lipome n'a pas tendance dgnrer pour donner un liposarcome.
lipom - formatiune tumorala benigna, bine delimitata si de consistenta moale, cu localizare frecvent subcutanata
O metoda de tratament a lipoamelor mici este mezoterapia.
lumbar spine - the lower back, where the spine curves inward toward the abdomen
Doctors usually talk about a patient's lumbar spine disc problem, or nerve or other lower back problem, as the
level that includes two vertebrae and the disc between them, such as L3-L4 or L4-L5.
rachis lombaire des vertbres de la partie caudale de la colonne vertbrale https://www.inforadiologie.ch/indication-lombaire.php
Les radiographies du rachis lombaire sont le plus souvent demand dans le cadre d'investigations de
lombalgies (aiges ou chroniques).
coloan lombar ultimele cinci vertebre ale coloanei vertebrale
Vertebra cea mai inferioara a coloanei lombare se articuleaza cu osul sacrum, un os triunghiular aflat
la baza coloanei, care se potriveste intre cele doua oase pelvine.

meningoencephalitis - inflammation of the brain parenchyma, often caused by viral infections but also by
other pathogenic organisms and occasionally by other conditions
Most patients with viral meningoencephalitis present with the symptoms of meningitis (fever, headache, neck
stiffness, vomiting) followed by altered consciousness, convulsions, and sometimes focal neurological signs,
signs of raised intracranial pressure, or psychiatric symptoms.
mningo-encphalites - syndrome dinflammation mning Mningites infectieuses et
Mningo-encphalite de ladulte (96) Association des Professeurs de Pathologie Infectieuse et
Tropicale Juin 2003
Doit tre voque devant une mningo-encphalite dvolution progressive avec
meningoencefalita - boala severa a creierului si meningele http://medical-ro.medster.in.ua/boal%C4%83-anervilor/28666-meningoencefalit%C4%83.html
Meningoencefalita poate fi manifestare a procesului septic.

meningoencephalocele - ype of encephalocele, which is an abnormal sac of fluid, brain tissu

and meninges that extends through a defect in the skull
The exact cause of meningoencephalocele is not known. Some studies have suggested
that environmental factors could play a role in causing the condition.
mningo-encphalocle - ptse congnitale des structures crbrales, qui conservent un signe normal

Ceci va de la parfaite bnignit de la mningo-encphalocle occipitale aux formes majeures incompatibles avec la vie.
meniningoencefalocel protruzie herniala a creierului si a meningelor printr-o bresa a cutiei craniene

Cea mai frecventa malformatie viabila de tub neural este spina bifida (structurile maduvei se
exteriorizeaza la nivel lombosacrat), care se poate prezenta sub forma de meningocel,
meningomielocel sau meningoencefalocel.
myelopathy - disease

of the spinal cord www.ajnr.org/content/29/5/1032.full

Myelopathy is usually due to compression of the spinal cord.

mylopathie - nom gnrique donn toutes les affections de la moelle pinire ou de la moelle osseuse

La mylopathie cervicarthrosique correspond l'irritation de la moelle pinire secondaire .

Mielopatia - pierderea treptata a functiei nervoase cauzata de diverse tulburari care afecteaza coloana
vertebrala http://www.sfatulmedicului.ro/Afectiunile-coloanei-vertebrale/mielopatia_9845
Mielopatia completa poate fi intalnita ca rezultat al unui traumatism la nivelul coloanei vertebrale in
urma caruia nu mai este prezenta nici o senzatie mai jos de locul prejudiciului coloanei vertebrale.
neuritis - inflammation of a nerve or nerves http://iate.europa.eu/FindTermsByLilId.do?lilId=1541110&langId=en

The symptoms of neuritis are usually confined to a specific portion of the body served by the inflamed
nerve or nerves.
nvrite - inflammation d'un nerf http://iate.europa.eu/FindTermsByLilId.do?lilId=1541110&langId=fr

Des vertiges durant plusieurs jours peuvent signer une nvrite vestibulaire, inflammation d'origine indtermine
qui touche l'oreille interne (organe de l'quilibre et/ou appareil de l'audition). Le traitement est base
de corticodes.
nevrita - alterare patologica de tip inflamatoriu sau degenerativ a unuia sau mai multor trunchiuri nervoase, cu
diminuarea sau pierderea conductiei nervoase https://www.dictio.ro/medical/nevrita
Cele mai frecvente cauze ale nevritei sunt anumite leziuni precum vanataile severe, presiune crescuta asupra
trunchiului nervos sau fracturi si dislocari osoase.

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