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Enterprise Solutions Using J2EE (CMP214) Practical Question Bank

Q.1 Write a program to generate Harmonic Series (1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5 = 2.28 )


Q.2 Write a program to check whether the given year is leap year or not.


Q.3 Write a program to accept a string and count number of vowels, digits tabs and blank spaces
in a string .
Q.4 Write program to generate the Fibonacci series using recursion


Q.5 Write Program to sort an Array A using Bubble Sort


Where A[8]={ 17,6,15,2,3,14,20,1 }

Q.6 Create a BANK ACCOUNT application using switch (e.g. Deposit Money , Withdraw
Money , Check Balance etc.).
Q.7 Write a program to define a class Fraction having data members numerator and denominator.
Initialize three objects using different constructors and display its fractional value.
Q.8 Write a program to implement two threads such that one thread prints prime numbers from 1
to 10 and other thread prints non-prime numbers from 1 to 10 (use Thread class ).
Note :- Each thread has a delay of 500 millisecond after printing one number
Q.9 Write Program to perform Arithmetic Operations using Interface.


Q.10 Write a program to accept a number from the user , if number is zero then throw user
defined exception Number is 0 otherwise check whether no is prime or not .
Q.11 Write a program to implement the following Multi Level Inheritance




Q.12 Create a billing form where the flavor of ice-cream are displayed . On the selection of a
flavor and the quantity entered , the total amount is calculated and displayed
Q.13 Write Program for simple Socket example. It opens a connection to a whois port(port
43) on the InterNIC Server , sends the command-line argument down the socket, and then prints
the data that is returned interNIC will try to look up the argument as a registered Internet domain
name, and then send back the IP address and contact information for the site.
Q.14 Write a program to Implement a program to accomplish the following task using string /
string Buffer class :
Accept a password from user.
Check if password is correct then display "Good"
iii. Else display "Incorrect password"
iv. Append the password with the string "Welcome to java!!!"
Display the password in reverse order.
vi. Replace the character '!' in password with "*" character.
Q.15 Create a URL to Osbornes download page and then examines its properties (URL :
Q.16 Write a program to accomplish following task
A. Create a user defined package box which has a class definition for box having data
members an disp() method (Assume suitable data)
B. Source file imports above package and calculate the volume of box.

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