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Write Essay

1. Introduction 3 Sentence
- Background Statement
- Rewrite the question
- This essay will Sentence Indicate what your sentence will be about
Example - This essay will discuss the reason why (Question)
2. Argument 1 Paragraph 1
- Opening sentence/Topic sentence Introduces the paragraph
- Support sentence Follows from the opening sentence, adds
information to the opening sentence.
- Evidence Evidence to support the claim (say for example)
- Closing sentence Completes the paragraph and link to the topic
3. Argument 2 Paragraph 2
- Same as above
4. Conclusion
Vocabulary, Grammar,
Example -:
Vegetarianism is a more ethical practice than eating meat.
Discuss the extent to which you agree with this statement. Support your point of
view with reasons and or examples from your own experience or observations.
Vegetarianism has become increasingly popular in recent times.
People often choose to become vegetarian because it is considered to be more
ethical then being a meat eater.
This essay will discuss the reasons why vegetarianism is in fact a much more
ethical eating practice when compared to eating meat.
Argument 1
Vegetarianism is more ethical than eating meat because it does not harm
Clearly, harming animals causes suffering, which is unethical.
For example millions of chickens are killed each day for human consumption.
Vegetarians do not participate in killing of animals, which is a much more ethical
practice than eating meat.
Argument 2
Vegetarianism is also much more ethical than eating meat because its impact on
the environment is far less.
Growing vegetables is good for the environment m whereas farming animals
impacts the environment.
Beef cattle, for instance destroy top soil and damage the atmosphere.
Vegetarianism is a more ethical practice because it is doesnt harm the natural

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