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Posted by Journal of Organ While trafficked

Thursday, 13 November 2008.

When Organ DiperdagangkanDunia increasingly materialistic. Whatever could the
trading, not human organs exception. Now the black market human organs
scattered in various countries. Data published The China International
Transplantation Network Assistance Center, Shenyang, China, revealed that the
price of a kidney is U.S. $ 62,000.
While the health journal The Lancet quotes, prices in the market to reach U.S. Renal
$ 15,000. A piece of human liver appreciated U.S. $ 130,000, the same price as a
heart. While the price of the lungs could reach U.S. $ 150,000. High-low price of
human organs walking in step with the market mechanism: the greater the demand,
the price was rising melabung.
Chance of millions of people to get the line to transplant organs, including the heart,
kidneys, and liver. In Indonesia, it is estimated there are 70,000 patients with
chronic renal failure requiring renal graft. In Japan there's 11,000 people with kidney
failure. The same disease infects 66,000 Brazilian nationals. They need a renal graft.
Number of patients is not comparable with the amount of donor organs allow others
worn after the donor died. The people most willing to be a donor in European
countries, which on average 12% of the population has a donor card. Timpangnya
total demand organs compared with the number of patients who became nourish
the illegal practice of trading organs.
Modus buying and selling human organs is very diverse. Some are selling the
organs of the body because the economy desperately needs. Much was done by
means of cheating the donors. Ditengarai some cases even murder with the
intention of taking organs sacrifice, then sold. Two Indonesians, Sulaiman Damanik
and Toni, prosecuted because of the availability mengomersialkan Sigapura organ
Solomon and Toni sell their kidney to Tang Wee Sung, Chief Executive of CK Tang, a
large supermarket network in Singapore, at the price of S $ 16,290 or Rp 150
million. The transaction was canceled due to light by the apparatus.
Other motives could be more barbarous. State Minister for Women Empowerment,
Meutia Hatta Airport, for example, the motif has spread through the adoption of
organ theft. There is also a late strip trafficking to persuade their children to work
abroad illegally, but already in a body organ selling syndicate.
Legal Aid Board of Health has spread allegations of trading practice for the benefit
of baby body organs. The babies were sold Rp 3 million to Rp 5 million. By the
buyer, the babies are kept to a seven year old. Having shifted teenagers, then they
were killed and their organs sold to hundreds of million rupiah. Crazy!
Prevent Crime Data Board of Indonesia (LCKI) reveals, crime in Indonesia's rise to
number three in the world. '' If we keep quiet about it, so we let the future of this
nation syndicate smashed in the hands of criminality in children,'' said Chief LCKI,

preachers Bachtiar. In addition, the mafia buying and selling organs of the body also
uses modus harness organs of Indonesian workers (TKI) who died abroad.
This case has never happened in the original TKI West Nusa Tenggara who died
abroad. Before he returned to his hometown, a number of body organs taken. There
are actually a device to trap a criminal law buying and selling organs of the body,
namely the Law Number 23 Year 1992 on Health. Article 33 paragraph (2) the law
says, or transplantation of organs and body tissues and blood transfusion is done
only for humanitarian purposes and is prohibited for commercial purposes.
Violations of the article is punishable by up to 15 years in prison and a fine of up to
Rp 300 million. Unfortunately, no clear explanation of what is meant by humanity
and the commercialization definition. Therefore, many law enforcement legal
trouble doing investigation on cases of the sale of organs.
Moreover, Article 34 paragraph 3 of the mentioned law, the provisions of the rules
and procedures of maintenance transplant referred to in paragraph (1) and
paragraph (2) is set by government regulations. However, until now, not
government regulation that is well made. Order of transplant organs in Indonesia is
still lagging behind other countries.
In Iran, for example, coordinated by the national transplant. Government
mengampanyekan that the transplant can be done with humanitarian grounds. This
occurred since doing LURD (living unrelated donor) that is controlled in 1988.
Tranplantasi From only 791 kidney patients in 1988, up to 8399 patients in 2000.
Government provides funds for the cost of damages.
This campaign has been successful. Within a year, the donor kidney to more than
10,000 patients. '' This is an interesting phenomenon in the world,'' he said. But this
program is valid only for Iranians. '' The foreigners are not allowed to join the
program,'' said Suhardjono, General Assembly Nephrology Indonesia.
Meanwhile, in other countries, the question trasplantasi Human Organ Transplant
arranged with the Act. '' This is necessary to protect patients, citizens, and public
health officials,'' said Suhardjono. Donor organs should also be done voluntarily
without the lure of money. Thus, distortions and illegal practices of trading organs
can be minimized.
We've got to make strict rules about this. Also, of course the government should
increase the ability of the economy to society not only desperate to sell because of
poor body organs.
M. Agung Riyadi and Rach Alida Bahaweres
[Main Report, Slot No. 1 Circulating Thursday, 13 November 2008]

The progress of medical science is growing , there are discoveries related inventions
treatment technologies , the development of methods and quality of human health ,
one piece of evidence is the development of science kedoteran transplantation or
heart transplant performed the world's first doctor Christiaan Barnard (1922-2001)
at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town , South Africa over the patient Louis
Washkansky (1913-1967) dated December 3, 1967 . Washkansky died 18 days
later , not because it receives a new heart problem but caused by an attack of
pneumonia ( lung inflammation ) . The development of human organ transplantation
is growing , not only the human heart organ , but evolved into Kidney Transplant ,
Liver , and several other organs including the human body tissues such as muscles,
ligaments and nerve tissue .
For the purposes of transplantation of organs and tissues of the human body ,
usually obtained from the recipient of the immediate family . As an Organ Donor
candidates , the proximity of the nature of physical health conditions and health into
consideration feasibility why organ donation is generally made between families
who have kinship ties with the Blood have the same expectations and the similarity
in the nature and character of the antibody / immune -related issues as well as
ethical and humanity .
When the success rate of organ transplantation increase the likelihood of acute and
chronic disease patients should receive donor organs , as well as meaning that the
demand for organs and tissues of the human body to be used as donors is
increasing, the development of technology awalmula transplantation of human
organs from a donor source of the family alone , however, is increasingly day began
to grow into a wider circumference .
The demand for organs and tissues more rapidly Human Body , is not confined to
the family circle alone , but reaching a wider circumference , with a records demand
is growing rapidly , having no continuity stock Organ donors thus opening the
possibility of over- demand of human organs are utilized then for profit , a great
advantage derived from the great demand and very limited supply of human organs
eventually led to the practice of the trade of organs and tissues of the human body .
Trafficking in human organs is a threat and also a crime to humanity " Crimes
against Humanity ", the UN then merumusakn human body organ trade practices
committed by illegal means and purposes as part of the Transnational Crime :
"Article 3 , paragraph ( a) of the Protocol to Prevent , Suppress and Punish
Trafficking in Persons defines trafficking in persons as the recruitment ,
transportation , transfer , harbouring or receipt of persons , by means of the threat
or use of force or other forms of coercion , of abduction , of fraud , of deception , of
the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of
payments or benefits to Achieve the consent of a person having control over
another person , for the purpose of exploitation . Exploitation shall include , at a

minimum , the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual

exploitation , forced labor or services , slavery or practices similar to slavery ,
servitude or the removal of organs " .
Based on the formula provided by the UNODC , as the implementation of the United
Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime ( UNTOC ) and the
Protocols thereto , explained that the theft of the Human Organ trade practices as
other forms of human exploitation that must be eradicated , resulting in criminal
prosecution efforts against illegal trade activities human body organs breakthroughs
necessary to law and jurisdiction of the trial all the effort of human organs act of
national Trade , extends from understanding whether the act has been carried out
into other measures that go into the effort to try to do or be involved as actors in
human trafficking , to those who participated or provide convenience and facilities
including conducting an illegal omission of the phenomenon of trafficking in human
organtubuh , including for those who are real menggurus , organize and arrange the
other actors in order to carry out the illegal trade of organs , regardless of the
existence or not the involvement of criminal organizations , within or between
countries , the victim is not only women and children alone but all men .
Transplantsi organs and tissues of the human body evolved into an activity that is
being debated , whether the practice of buying and selling of human organs should
be legalized in order to prevent the development and selling of human organs on
the black market or to expressly prohibit the sale and purchase other than on the
basis of humanitarian and legal way way done , some the study , discovered that
the pursuit of supply organs and tissues of the human body that is enough for the
market , deviations occur exclusion practices and violations of the law on how the
organs and tissues were obtained , who the source of the donor , the donor
motivation willing to provide organs and tissues of the body , how the practice of
decision organs and tissues was conducted and found many related why
transnational criminal organizations involved in the procurement of donor organs for
humans . Clearly illustrated that the practice of organ transplantation is obtained
through a trade into an illegal activity that is being debated with a view to :
1 . Existence of positive law in each of each country against the practice of human
organs trafficking .
2 . Sources donors and motives that drive a person becomes a donor , the donor
and the recipient of a donor organ is also a victim of the practice of trafficking
human organs .
3 . How to find and collect the organs and tissues of the human body is made , the
role of hospital , and laboratory personnel kedoteran profession , the undertakers
and an advanced central debate autopsy room .
4 . Methods to find , voluntary when the donor is still alive , or after death , and is
there any coercion or deception done to get a human organ donor .
The essential element in identifying human trafficking activities " Element of Human
Trafficking " UNODC formulated into three (3 ) determination : The Act ( What is
done ; process of recruiting donors , organ harvesting activities , facilities used in
the transportation and delivery of the results of donor organs , as well as how organ
donors were administered to the recipient ) , the Means ( How is conducted ; using
violence or coercion , deceit , voluntary , while still alive or after being declared
dead , the misuse of powers of office , or to receive a number of payments or
benefits to prospective donors ) , and the Purposes ( benefits derived from
trafficking in human organs )
Explaining the phenomenon of Human Organ Trafficking by combining the basic

elements of the formulation according to UNDOC Human trafficking and formulation

in quantifying the Influences on Human Trafficking Networks trafficking patterns
divide into stages : Recruitmen , Transporter , Exploiter Stage , with the indicator
vertices Supply , Customer , Regulators and Competition .
STAGE Recruitmen
As an illustration of the need for organ Kidney , starting with the need for a
transplant of human organs for the purpose of causing medical demand , when the
family of the prospective organ donor kidney recipients ( Recipient ) did not find an
organ coming from a nearby family environment , start looking through the help of
the hospital commonly held legally Kidney transplant , looking straight into some
countries known as sources of state organs or organ brokerage services through
which many found through the Internet communications network . Likewise with
prospective organ donors with economic considerations and difficulties of life they
are willing to put up advertising through the mass media and the Internet to sell a
kidney or other organ , some cases of kidney sales never revealed to the audience
even in some online sites selling messages obviously one intends sell kidneys to get
some reward .
Desperate Indonesiana SELL Organs , " Elisha High school student , 18 , said her
family had debts worth tens were of Thousands of dollars after a fire razed their
home in Jakarta and her father 's grocery store failed . " We now live at my
grandmother 's house . My mother works as a cook and my father helps out at an
uncle 's grocery store , but their earnings are only enough to buy food , " Elisa said .
" I owe my school six months in fees . Often I cry thinking about our fate . A movie I
saw said selling kidneys is a quick way to get loads of cash . I want to sell mine so I
can buy a new house and pay my school fees. " She rejected two Indonesian buyers
who could not meet her asking price of 800 million rupiah ( $ 95,000 ) , she said.
Interested local and foreigner buyers are willing to pay up to 200 million rupiah ( $
23,000 ) for a kidney , sellers say . Another seller, 22 - year-old graphic designer
Andi , said a European and a Chinese have Separately Offered to buy his kidney for
200 million rupiah - four times his asking price . "
In addition to the voluntary nature or of their own accord to sell organs such as
kidneys to patients who need internet either online or through the services of an
organ broker , was recorded as a result of the level of understanding of the
community in a state of danger and threat -related crimes against humanity which
may arise as well as the absence of a law prohibiting and regulate trafficking of
human organs , there has been a pattern of recruitment by using trickery and or
violence , including the stealing of corpses in some hospital and national bodies
mortem , there were several countries that become an organ donor fields in the
world , the Republic of Moldova as part of the former Soviet Union reportedly is a
fertile field of organ donors obtained through violence or deceit , addition is a
country with high levels of poverty and sex slavery , Moldova is the country the
most common crimes of theft of human organs . With a population of more than
three million penududuk , Moldovan government seems not so concerned about
crime is theft of human organs . Giving rise to the suspicion that the Moldovan
government was involved in efforts of the organ trade manusia.Pencurian done by
drugging potential victims , then dissected . Organs that become the target of
thieves is the kidney , heart , liver , and lungs . The perpetrator is a criminal group /
Organized Crime , which relate to the mafia organ sales nationally and
internationally . Once they dissect the victim , they put it in an ice -filled bathtub
naked . If the victim was deliberately turned off / killed for their organs , they would

just throw the bodies in the streets desolate and deserted .

According to the website " The Economics " in addition to the Republic of Moldova
recorded name some countries as a source of donor organs illegal : India , China ,
Iran , Romania , Pakistan and even in America there are also a few reports
mentioned that the supply of organs derived from the theft of the corpse is done
through the practice of surgery without the knowledge and permission of the family;
case " Human Tissue Broker " in North Carolina .
" Corpses are big business . Tissues from a single body can fetch as much as $
10,000 in America , where every year more than 1.3 million procedures are
performed using donated tissue . The most common are knee reconstructions ,
spinal surgeries , hip replacements and dental work . "
The advantage is a very lucrative business for the brokers and sellers of human
organs so that the number is very limited supply , the organ became a promising
commodity economy , the needs and desires of money off of the crush of poverty
and the ease of access that the broker nor the donor to be keuasaan gatherers ,
weapons ( the case of organ harvesting by gunmen while Serbian and Bosnian war
era ) and the organ harvesting case against vagrants , beggars and illegal bodies in
some communities participate fertilize human organ trade . Really need the
consumer , facilitating hospital as an organ donor recipient waiting list until an
organ broker when it comes to the number of bids .
The position of the regulator in this case law enforcement authorities have the
option of enforcing the law when there are reports of forced organ harvesting both
with murder and theft , but also regular basis every law in every country are not
equal in giving definition to the activities of illegal human organ harvesting , some
debate relevant legal basis occurs and is exploited loopholes in taking advantage
organ Brokers , as an example of positive law in America clearly prohibits trafficking
human organs but does not prohibit taking other body tissues , in China as well as
the existence of , an interesting case in Iran is when the legal basis Iran warrants to
purchase organs are structured through the National Kidney Transplant Organization
will provide a form of compensation and provision to the anonymous donor , if the
recipient is not able to find donors of the immediate family and after waiting for
more than 6 ( six ) months yet also go get kidney donor in question , though in
practice , often kidney donors and recipients met for mebicarakan advance
additional funds to be given directly to the donor .
In some cases indicate when Pakistan and China have received a surge in " Tourist
Transplantation " megeluarkan necessarily local government legislation that
prohibits the practice of buying and selling a kidney to non- citizens of the country
concerned , which involves the practice of illegal organ trade is also growing in
South Africa , Durban Tourist transpalntasi a center for wealthy transplant from
Israel , America , Britain and Saudi Arabia.rata average donor voluntarily come to
rich borne by organ brokers who work with the local Medical Tourists Transplants
then when it comes , they immediately perform kidney pengambnilan .
Package " holiday travel Transplant / Transplantation Holiday " was growing rapidly
until when tesiar scandal involving Indian doctor named Amit Kumar who has been
indicted by a local court Transplant Tourists service to wealthy clients from various
countries , although Dr . Amit Kumar membatah effort has been using force and
deceit to the donor , but at a hearing in court revealed that Dr . Amit Kumar has
been given the promise of a job in exchange for $ 2,000 , against those people who
are interested in working , something else is revealed Dr . Amit Kumar has given an

anesthetic before taking Kidney donors illegally .

There are several patterns in Transporter stage , with a view to the supply node
indicator , Costumer , regulators and Competition :
1 . Donors voluntarily give a kidney owned to be taken , however, prohibits local
regulation of kidney transplants selainkepada immediate family and fellow citizens
(eg in Iran and the Philippines ) then the Customer will be waiting at the other
countries that permit held Kidney Transplant ( South Africa or in China ) , the task is
mengatar broker and arrange housing including advances to donors to want to
depart from the country of origin to country of destination , in the destination
country brokers then cooperate with local hospitals that perform transplants usual ,
at this hospital donors and recipients met .
2 . Organs obtained from the crime ( theft or forced decision ) if local regulations
allow the transplant , then the broker will contact the prospective recipient to come
to the country in question using the services of " Transplantation Holiday " , as a
Tourist transplant , donor recipient met at home ill prepared broker . However, if
local regulations prohibit the organ or tissue transplant organs needed to be
smuggled out to the state sanctioning a transplant done .
3 . Competition pattern seen from the quality of health ( healthy or diseased )
supply of organs that can be given by the broker , whether derived from human
body parts were still alive or was taken out of the body 's body , the stronger the
competition among brokers depending on the amount of expenses that is able to be
paid .
Data that can describe the amount of demand for human organs derived from living
and has become a corpse seen in the following table :
Source: http://www.economist.com edition October 22, 2009
Phase is the phase of terahir trafficking activities , taking the form of body organs is
illegal to lure lure of material and money and they are forced to because of the
limitations of the law , physical ability differences in ideology and politics
manipulated for their organs shortly setealh natural death or due to homicide and
execution . There is a suspicion , since 2001 China has violated human rights
because it has been deliberately executed Falun Gong practitioners are imprisoned
for their organs . These organs are then sold to patients who need to take great
advantage ( report David Kilgour and David Matas , 2007) .
Source: " Health - System - Reform -in - China " The Lancet , 20 October 2008,
retrieved 24 September 2010 .
Recipients often do not know how the history of the organ from the donor 's body ,
whether correct amount of money is paid according to the quality of a given organ
brokers , some reports mention recipients often then died shortly after receiving a
donor organ transplanted kidneys because his body into the body of the organ part
who died in a state of disease . And vice versa , Brokers exploit the weaknesses of
the donors to agree to exchange the material aspect Kidney owned by a sum of
money but eventually broker resells at a price many times .
" The amount a donor would receive for selling their organs depends on the location
and available supply . The average price around the world reported that a donor
receives for his kidney is $ 5,000 , while the average price paid on the black market
to receive the kidney is $ 150,000 " .
Buying and selling organs is due to the imbalance of supply and demand of organs
for transplantation purposes . In connection with this issue , China is considered as
the country's biggest offenders . Since the last few decades , organ transplantation

is a contributor to China's foreign exchange huge . Guarantee the availability of the

supply of organs , usually obtained from the execution of inmates , causing many
people in droves looking for organs in China . The phenomenon that needs attention
is too low when the donor receives compensation for loss of kidney , and recipients
of donor / recipient to pay too dearly for kidneys transplanted in him . It all boils
down to the ingenuity and strength of tissue organ brokers who often work hand in
hand through the ririskiky structured criminal organization International .
Not in the criminal records in Indonesia , making human organs illegal
dilakukansecara , whether the form of deceit or violence , including the possibility of
theft of organs from corpses . Advances in technology and the level of welfare that
encourages mebaik disease who had been receiving a donor organ must do dive
many years waiting , hoping for voluntary donations of kin, now often helped by
keajuan kedoteran technology in China , Singapore and Malaysia .
Indonesian man who served a suspension related recorded trasplantasi illegal organ
is Sulaiman Damanik , 26 years old , who on 27th June 2008 has been found guilty
as charged olehPengadilan Singapore has sold his kidney to a Singapore citizen
named Tang Wee Sung , 55 years of age rp . 150 million rupiah ( U.S. $ 22.200 ) ,
which is known in Singapore law explicitly prohibits trafficking in human organs in
order to prevent the exploitation of man by poverty and humanitarian basis , in
addition to the name of Sulaiman Damanik contained the name Toni , 27 years
same charges over trade Kidney though Toni admits that her kidneys to someone
willing membeerikan wherewith to make himself as angkat.Toni child alleged to
have received a fee of Rp . 186 million before eventually Singapore Court gave a
verdict for 12 (twelve ) months in jail and a fine of Sg $ . 10.000 .
There are legal for organ transplantation efforts in Indonesia if done in accordance
with existing laws and regulations . Juridical runway about setting Organ Transplant
Law was in Law No. 23 of 1992 on Health and PP. 18 of 1981 on the bodies of
Clinical Surgery and Surgical Anatomical Bodies and Transplantation Network Tool
and the Human Body . Ban the commercialization of organ or tissue under Article 16
PP . 18 of 1981 which states that " donors are prohibited from receiving material
rewards in any form " , and Article 80 , paragraph 3 of Law No. 23 of 1992 states
that " whoever intentionally acts with a commercial purpose in the implementation
of transplant organs or tissue or blood transfusion convicted with a maximum
imprisonment of 15 years and a maximum fine of 300 million dollars " . Ketetntuan
including prohibition for sending and receiving organs and tissues from abroad
( Article 19 PP. 18 of 1981 ) . Government regulation is the implementation of Law
No. 9 of 1960 on the Principles of Health that have been revoked , but the PP is still
valid because it is based on Article 87 of Law No. 23 of 1992 on Health , all
implementing regulations of Law No. 9 of 1960 still remains apply to the extent not
in conflict or have not been replaced with a new one based on Law no. 23 of 1992 .
Although in the world of medicine , the practice of buying and selling of organs is
morally forbidden and contrary to the Law No. 23 Year 1992 on Health . " Not
justified a doctor perform a kidney transplant operation using the results of kidney
selling human organs " but there are some things that need diwaspai is when the
number of people who need organs are not proportional to the number of donors
the possibility of the practice of buying and selling organs of the body remains there
and promising profits doubled .
Organ trafficking case that might involve citizens of Indonesia is the trend went to
China , Singapore , or Malaysia , as it is known in particular in China , that the

search for an organ that could take dozens of years in other countries , can be
obtained in China in just a few weeks . Assurance of supply , the level of physician
skill and affordable prices make China become a major destination of patients
requiring organ donor . The above phenomenon is a need to increase understanding
and kewaspadan the greatest likelihood of potential victims ( Organ donor ) is of a
group of Indonesian workers ( TKI ) , it is based on medical considerations that
trasplantasi Organs can not be done just like that , but we should find a donor that
has properties and resemblance to the organ recipient belongs , start blood group ,
Rhesus blood , health condition , medical history and treatment to ever do
prospective donors . http://jurnalsrigunting.com/2012/01/27/

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