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Out of Patriarchy

Almost everything we do to convey a message is done through spoken language. From

lies and belief to facts and knowledge almost all messages are transmitted in, with and through
Life lived 50,000 years ago, when speech was still in its infancy, influenced the names
made in that period-of-beginnings crucial to the survival of all members born into the species
heard and seen making and using speech. One can say that in those early days femes and males
of all sexualities were on equal footing.
It didn't stay that way. It entered the minds of a few males that they were above all others.
In 9000 BCE a few Sumer males bestowed divinity on the penis. It's here the sex-based game,
"Penis I win, no penis your lose", started. A man's burden was to carry Atlas on his shoulders!
Male identity went ballistic. Phallic-bloated men Lorded it over weak, low-value with-no-penis
objects, and beings whose penises weren't sacred destined to do the Lords dirty work, was the
perfect system, lasting 11,000 years. Patriarchy, Feudalism and Slavery
Everything changed after divinity was bestowed on the penis. High value gifted to a few
males was institutionalized by embedding male-bias in thousands of names entangling sex, class,
race, colour, intelligence and whatever else could be found to create divisions between members
of species. It made people believe in special male superiority, a divine male. Lies, alias justified
bias, creating belief in male superiority, was daily fare from 9000 BCE up to today. In language,
what pertains to mind is male. What pertains to non-thinking objects is feme.
The smart phone is called an android, andre, Gr. man.
Having collected over 20,000 names addressing specifically, and only, our species, I
examined them and found that 90% of the names embed male bias. Only 1% hint that there
might be another agent in the species. Only 8% could be said to be neutral. I also looked at
interacting categories to see how they worked together as a communication system and what
messages connections, in their connectedness, were transmitting.
This is the result. Maleness is bestowed higher value in, with and through 20,000 names
embedding male-bias in language. The names in their interrelationships devalue the one not
mentioned as herself. He has value. She does not. Sacred penis, Phallus, is the inseminator,
active. She's the object as breeder of the sperm, passive.
"Mankind's" sexual climax came in the 11th century when fem was re-named w-o +man, a
man-that's-not-a-man ... and lo, God really was man. From the 13th century, femes were no
longer femes. A poet changed feme to fe +male for the sake of rhyme. (Hu) was added to man
also in the 13th century to cover, and justify, the inclusion of male men and not-male men under
the one name, man. The political advantage in bias supported patriarchy, feudalism and slavery.
Names do not create divinity or superiority. Not even 20,000 under one name, Hu
+manity. But patriarchy didn't bat an eyelid over any consequences coming out of or from their
massive bias. The language guaranteed patriarchal ideology permanence, eternity.

Patriarchy built a wall of names stating individual, social and political power resides in
males around their male-biased language. Fem paid for the wall. Patriarchy lives inside the wall.
Fem lives outside, but inside as w-o +man. Grab-the-pussy-Trump learned his lessons well.
Financial, psychological, intellectual, sexual and physical harms, with neglect of the
development of the whole not-male gender was quite OK for 11,000 years. The Lords saw to it
that "This is the way it is." The horrors, terror of confinement, immobility and isolation in her
pastoral domesticated place, the verbal assaults, infantilizing, intimidation with little opportunity
for intellectual realisation, induced an emotional toll so great on the majority of fem - re-named
(wo) men - that remained (purposely) unseen. Today fem have a hard time seeing the advantages
to be gained in changing the language. The trauma is so deep in (wo) men that these men-whoaren't-men don't see themselves as intellectual agents having the capability to create a sapient
partnership with man. After 11,000 years of male rule, male language and male power (See
Patriarchy's Timeline) the mind of both sexes was changed from one using facts and evidence,
and looking at and seeing what is in reality to be seen, to develop their skill for making names,
to a mind made in the male image accepting/believing-in the use of all forms of lies and magic
transmitted through male-bias in all its "hu +man" activities. Two-men-of-opposite-sexes
existed. Sacred Phallus makes Sacred Truth!
Opposite sexes: one has a penis, the "opposite" one does not. All sociology, history,
education, and philosophy, etc., writ in the he-gear up to the 1980's. 11,000 years. Life lived
under the father-made protective umbrella of the male image: God's in His heaven and all's right
with the world.
Massive male bias in language has effects and side effects. History is not taught as being
11,000-years of patriarchy, Lording, feudalism and slavery. It's taught as the heroic adventures
coming from the minds of men. Bias and reason so tightly married in traditional chains of man,
(bias) as boss having reason, and wife, silent and servile. The two, one in him, the indelible
pattern. Our collective memory of patriarchy, feudalism and slavery, with fractured bits of
'coincidences' in official history. Too few models of critical thinking.
We have no idea of the brain damage inflicted on both fem and man in the 11,000 years
of her deprivation of education, individual development, lack of business experience, public
participation, her right to assemble, right of ownership in her name, etc. And still not in the cards
of research. Only in the late 1800's and early 1900's was 'she' reluctantly tolerated to start on
small non-heroic non-celebratory participatory roles. The day I registered for my first year of
University several young men tried to laughed me out of the line, telling me with a smirk on their
faces that I had another 'role' in life ... granted by God.
2017 Facts are no longer important. Evidence-based knowledge is second to belief
dressed in male-biased toga and phallic fantasy. Cause-and-effect relations are just hot-wind.
Priests, prescient males and patriarchs know how to turn the mind around, they know how easily
the mind can be imprinted in their image. With a high firm wall around it. Paid for by the

opposite sex. We are at a rough-tough corner where belief and knowledge do battle and all four
roads leading out are closed ...due to the long-established male bias developed in speech by
patriarchy. (Breaking the Patriarchal Code, on site: quantumbias.ca)
The aftermath of patriarchy, due to its massive male-bias in language, is Intellectual
Traumatic Stress Disorder, or ITSD, inflicting both sexes. Phallic-bloated men & Submissive
pussies Inc., co-exist. The thousands of names embedding male-bias and the falsified identity of
fem as (wo) men repeated in, with and through language every minute, hour, day, week, month,
years, for centuries, impose belief in the species that two conflicting men, the low-valued one
"opposite" the high-valued one. Two-men-of-opposite-sexes = man! Absolute Truth. Enemies:
man, male. The other man, not-male. Revolt has not yet even entered the imagination.
So too, two whites-of-opposite-colours = white, exist!
ITSD infects both genders, starting at the age of six. Phallic-bloated god-men and lowly
silent submissive (wo) men will quite possibly see WWWIII! Or, have billionaires harness
climate deniers to add another billion to their excessive wealth!
Enemies are not created for nothing. Nor are big killing machines. Any and all ideas of
partnership between fem and men were waylaid, and killed, long ago. The program of reducing
one mind to disable it to make her believe in patriarchy's superior superman was patriarchy's
goal. The names world and universe are evidence: wor and ver, Latin, vir, man, male.
ITSD is the condition caused when the brain's analytical skills are suppressed and belief,
and the mind's eye, are made to see the all knowing-doing-seeing male as the mind. Male
genitals figure pre-eminently in this. Feelings and emotions rise above looking at reality-as-it-is
to use in good reasoning skills. All legislated inter pares, between fathers. Belief esteemed above
knowledge. The cart full of sex-biased opinions and belief lead the horse.
Earth does not orbit the sun. Fossil fuels do not affect climate. (Wo) men are receptacles
for semen. Abortion is sin. Knowledge is bunk. Facile dictators are OK. Testicles in theology are
"livingstones!" Just ask Jonathon Livingstone.
Creating purposeful ignorance is the most heinous crime against the mind. There is no
way to fully assess what 20,000 names embedding male-bias did, and is still doing, to the
collective mind of our species, and to individual minds.
When your mind is assaulted daily by Absolute Truth that is man and his world with God
male presiding over his support system of religions, prescribed by patriarchy, and repeated as
sacred Truth in religion for centuries, it not only undermines, but violates, the trust you have in
your own mind as an organ capable of doing good thinking. And you're held hostage to the
massive male-bias in, with and through 20,000 names repeated every day for centuries.
Oh yes. Listen up all you reason-bound idiots out there: earth does not orbit the sun.
God's creation is inviolable. Period. Don't fret. Phallus knows what it's doing.
Every name embedding male bias is a name perpetuating ignorance. Every male-biased
name is an item of purposeful ignorance. It's an understatement to say that the massive amount of
purposeful ignorance in 20,000 names changed the mind, sapient by evolution, into one
infantilized to believe in (hu) manity, by force of bias, where being man entails only being male
abides. The (hu) man mind holds a mishmash of phallic fantasy, magic pills, good error, seminal

illogic and testified divinity, with little drops of facts and logic here and there to get by in reality.
We believe the male brain is born with all the 'knowledge' he needs to dominate.
The whole species needs to acknowledge what's been done to the mind when bias was
imposed in 20,000 names made in the 11,000 years rule-by-patriarchy! Mind is not two sexbased men-in-conflict ... seen in hu +manity.
Mind in sapiens evolved in two beings with the capability to make sounds-given-meaning
and using these names to communicate with one another. Brain is brain. All brains in sapiens
have neurons and synapses no matter what sex, colour, race, etc., the brain is in.
But when belief in bias and opinion is valued above facts and knowledge, a stressful
situation arises. Actions are checked to see what one's belief in his religion/male-God allows.
Believing minds, vain in their belief, crave approval and need to see others adhering to their
religion, belief. They need to see others suffer, demanding with it that babies be made, no matter
the cost to fem, to supply the church/mankind with followers that will continue to make money
for the church/mankind. They retain a child-level approach to problems. Just pray to Jesus!
Bible/Koran/Torah/etc., are read and reread as the only book-for-life. The believer's opiate the
male "Saviour" in heaven forgiving them their sins, and "loving" them. He's the solve-allproblems guy-with-all-the-magic-miracles up H/his sleeve. "Our Father, who art in heaven..."
"What church do you belong to?" is a question I've been asked so many times it sounds
like a broken record. Belong? You had better belong! Mankind/church possesses people. So when
I say none, I'm quickly shied away from and shunned.
Religion is not "innate." It was created intentionally, deliberately, piece by piece, name by
name, starting around 9000BCE when the Sumer named the erect penis Supreme Creator. And
imposed this as a necessary component in (hu) man life with "phallic celebrations." (Google
phallic festivities) "Mankind" is the biggest religion today. (Paper: Patriarchy's Timeline)
Mengineering (engineering fem into being men) began in 9000 BCE when the Sumer
made the penis divine. Patriarchy would create the world as man's paradise. Divinity had to be
invented. (Papers The Branding of Patriarchy, Power in Language, and Patriarchy's PTR vs. mtr)
It's not hard to see from the man-based species that no-one can recover from ITSD while
keeping patriarchy's massive number of male-biased names in language. It no longer matters that
the patriarchal names, and definitions, became a habit of mind. The habit is the licence to
practice illogic, irrationality and phallic fantasy - with a smattering of logic - through the
incessant repetitions of male-biased names, generation after generation for generations. The good
changes feminists brought about in society since the 1900's could end up being merely cosmetic
in the face of universal patriarchy in a world supporting male-bias in names strengthened in
'man's' religions. The craziness and nonsense transmitted through male-bias is so high on the
billboard that any good reasoning is over-talked, and easily put down by patriarchy in, with, and
through his language, the great source of pride in the vanity of being believers.
Neither fem nor man, at the moment, can see the facts clearly enough to support
evidence-based knowledge to see feme mind working with male mind as cause of a partnership
among unique and different rationally-developed minds. When I took courses in Logic at the

University of Toronto the professors toed the patriarchal line! No professor addressed the illogic
in a "man-that's-not-a-man", wo +man.
Patriarchy set up male dominance and is to this day transmitted and upheld in language.
As fem brings down the man-talk-wall, the sacred powers vested in male genitals will fall.
Up to the 11th Century fem had already been made vulnerable to male power in laws of
subjugation. But patriarchy made fem doubly vulnerable to male power the day she was renamed wo +man. Fem has an intellectual capability equal to that of men. But under patriarchy he
was the rational one - in all his male-bias! She was the emotional one, all feeling, with very little
mind. The traumatic experience of having her intellectual realization cut off in man's
domestication of her as if she were a non-minded animal is still being felt around the planet.
Today, he's (still) the one with the sacred penis, she's the one with "the pussy to be grabbed."
Today, 1 in 5 fem are raped, prostitution and sex slavery are exploding in "mankind",
pornography is a norm, killing machines and wars are respectable industries, and in every
religion on earth 'God' is Phallus in Heaven. Whose sexuality is being served here? Coincidence?
What good did this do our species?
As we learn how male-biased language reduced the feme intellect to "belief in mankind",
with man free -to grab the pussy- , we have learned that the healthy intellect rests on having facts,
evidence-based knowledge, and real cause-and-effect relationships seen in reality. The best
antidote to patriarchy then, is learning the facts, using evidence-based knowledge and bringing
back together the logical relationships between causes and effects expressed in true-to-reality
names in language. There is no other "cure" for patriarchy's sex-based insanity.
It is belief in "mankind" - the anonymity of fem as fem - that lets fem off the hook in the
trap that belief is second to knowledge. The worship of male-Gods as the natural leaders in the
species, slow down the developing of her mind, as feme - as opposed to a bastardized fe +malenot-male mind. Belief in the belief that mankind is the species in all his bias causes lifethreatening brain damage. The fact is: Being man in reality entails only being male. There is no
other way to be a man. A not-male man is pure-white cock-n'-bull-n'-stud fantasy. Belief in sexbias causes more insanity than can possibly be dreamt up.
Belief is opinion. To divine is an act, meaning to guess...to predict. The penis is not
divine. It's as earthly as the vulva. Knowledge is the hard work of getting and having facts and
evidence-based truths as seen in reality, hard, cold, irrefutable.
The male-biased lobotomy of fem's mind as fe +male mind, in (wo) +man, is not only
obvious, it's phallic-in-your-face-blatancy! Belief in the nonsense that "mankind" is the species
stops fem's intellectual development and capability to think about, create and innovate a
partnered future between fem and man as sapiens, right-thinking agents in life as thinking life.
Penis&Testicles Inc., do not have neurons and synapses. The minds of fem and man do.
The mind is the organ that does the act of thinking. Mind is not a plaything.

For those of you who haven't read my book, listing 10,000 of the 20,000 male-biased names, Breaking the
Patriarchal Code, there are articles and papers on the language and linguistic tactics invented and used by
patriarchy to develop speech in their own self-interest. You'll find these on academia.edu, Scribd and/or
PhilPapers. Criticism, comments and questions are always welcome. Email: fem1@cogeco.ca

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