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Oracle8i Buffer Cache Management

Asynchronous Database Writer

Nitin Vengurlekar

August 2001

Oracle8i Buffer Cache Management &

Asynchronous Database Writer
I. Pre8i DBWR and Cache Management
A. DBWR and Cache management basics
B. Evolution of the DBWR and Cache Management
II. Oracle8i DBWR and Cache Management
A. Cache Management changes
B. The Operational DBWR & DBWR changes


Pre8i DBWR and Cache Management

A. DBWR and Cache Management basics.

The Database Writer (DBWR) is one of the minimum background processes required to initialize and run
an Oracle instance. An Oracle instance collectively refers to the all background processes and the shared
memory that is allocated on behalf of these processes. Upon initialization, DBWR will acquire a Media
Recovery (MR) lock on each online datafile. Thusly, DBWR is considered to be the maintainer of the
database files. DBWR is a server process whose main function is to manage the buffer cache by making
buffers available when requested and clean it when dirty. The main goal of this effort is to reduce
physical reads and writes to disks. Note, in an OPS environment, cache management becomes slightly
different as each instance maintains its own cache structures and consequently must provide global cache
coherency across nodes. Nevertheless, the mechanics of cache management are generally the same.
DBWR (along with foreground processes and LCK processes, if using OPS) utilize the Cache Buffer
Management strategy to manage the buffer cache. Cache buffer management is composed of three internal
structures: cache buffer chains and two chain lists, the LRUW list (dirty list) and LRU list1 .
The Cache buffer chain consists of a number of hash tables (or buckets) that maintain doubly linked hash
lists. These hash lists comprise buffer headers. Note; hash lists do not contain the actual buffer blocks, but
rather the buffer headers2. Hash buckets are allocated at instance start up time. The number of hash
buckets is determined as prime(db_block_buffers/4).
Buffers get hashed to a particular hash table based on their DBA (data block address)3. There is one latch
that manages each hash chain and is called the cache buffer chain latch. Foreground processes must obtain
this latch before searching the hash chain list. This is done in order to prevent the chain from being
manipulated whilst searching. Note, the hash table is keyed for searches by <DBA,Block Class>
As stated earlier the hash chain list holds buffer headers. A buffer header is an internal structure that
succinctly describes a buffer blocks properties. There is a one-to-one relation between a buffer header and
a buffer block.
The Least Recently Used (LRU) is generally considered a discipline or policy to manage a set of equally or
unequally weighted objects. Oracle implements this LRU policy against the database block buffers within
the buffer cache. However, Oracle also uses the term LRU to refer to the two physical lists that makeup

Although the buffer cache is depicted as pool of buffers, its really a linear array.
This document will use the term buffer blocks to refer to blocks within the db_block_buffer cache and
also to distinguish itself from buffer headers.
A DBA, data block address, uniquely identifies a particular block id within a database file. Thus, the
DBA is a 32 byte address that composes of a 22 byte block# and 10 byte file#.

Oracle 8i Async DBWR

the LRU mechanism. These two separate lists, called the LRU and LRUW linked lists, basically hold the
buffer headers. Both the lists have different properties and thus are treated differently by DBWR.
1. LRU list.
The LRU list is a linear list that has a head and a tail end.
The head of the LRU list is considered to be the hottest part of list; i.e., it contains the MRU (most recently
used) buffers. All new block gets are placed on the MRU end (with the exception of sequentially scanned
blocks). The tail end of the LRU contains the buffers that have not been referenced recently and thus can
be reused. Therefore the tail of LRU is where the foreground processes begin to search for free buffers.
Buffers on the LRU can have one of three statuses; free, pinned, or dirty. Pinned buffers are buffers that
are currently being held by a user and/or have waiters against them. Moreover, the pinned status will be
sub-categorized as pinned clean or pinned dirty. Free buffers are unused buffers; i.e., a new block
that is to be read into the cache (from disk) can use it. The dirty buffers are modified buffers that have
not been moved over to the LRUW cache. Dirty buffers are different from pinned dirty buffers, in
that pinned dirties have user/waiters against them and hence cannot be written out to disk; whereas,
the (non-pinned) dirty buffers are freed buffers and are eligible to be moved to the LRUW list and
subsequently to disk.
2. LRUW list.
The LRUW list contains the dirty buffers eligible for disk write-outs by DBWR. The LRUW list is also
called the dirty list. How buffers get moved over to the LRUW list and consequently to disk is the
foundation of DBWRs function. DBWR writes buffer blocks to disk when it is signaled to do so.
B. Evolution of DBWR and Cache Management.
The evolution of Oracle, from Oracle7.3 to Oracle8 and now to Oracle8i, several key components and
features have been introduced into DBWR/Cache Management code.
Oracle 7.3 introduced multiple LRU latches (working sets) to alleviate the contention against a single
LRU latch.
Oracle8.0 instituted multiple buffer pools and capitalized on the introduction of multiple LRU latches.
Multiple buffer pools provided a mechanism to segregate buffer blocks by database segments (tables,
indexes). Oracle8.0 also introduced checkpoint and file queues. This significant interjection, into the
Cache Management code, provided a means for faster checkpoint processing and thus faster recovery
(instance and crash). Moreover, this feature also eliminated several buffer scans, imposed by
checkpoint requests, thereby reducing CPU overhead.
The remainder of this document will discuss the Buffer Cache Management and DBWR new features, and
capabilities introduced in Oracle8i.

Oracle 8i Async DBWR

II. Oracle8i DBWR and Cache Management.

The Cache Management strategy has changed significantly in Oracle8i. Oracle8i also introduced a notable
difference in the way DBWR performs its routine tasks. Although DBWR is still geared toward writing
the required buffers to disk, the method; however, in which DBWR is invoked and how it performs these
writes has been modified significantly. These key features were added to provide performance
improvements for large buffer caches and increased write throughput, which will enable better scalability
and decrease contention.

A. The Operational DBWR and DBWR changes.

In Oracle7, the algorithm used by DBWR caused it to incur frequent waits when one buffer in a batch set
caused the entire batch to be delayed. This wait was usually caused by a slow disk (I/O) operation.
Additionally, this wait also caused delays in scanning and accumulating buffers for the next batch. The
Oracle8i DBWR rectifies this. Now DBWR will continuously write, without waiting for the previously
issued calls; and thus, will not limited by the slowest disk. This implementation allows DBWR to be
inherently asynchronous in nature, regardless of the OS efforts. Moreover, improved throughput is
achieved by overlapping buffer scans and buffer writes.
Oracle7 DBWR could only perform asynchronous I/O if the platform supported the function calls. If the
platform did not support this feature, then the alternative was to use multiple database writers (db_writers).
Multiple db_writers was used to simulate async I/O by way of master-slave processing.
Oracle8i DBWR has evolved from batch oriented message driven writer into a queue management driven
writer process. Figure 1 illustrates this change by showing the various messages for DBWR in Oracle7 and
in Oracle81.
SQL> select description from x$messages where dest like 'DBW%';
---------------------------------------------------------------DBWR interrupt action
DBWR write buffers

SQL> select description from x$messages where indx in ('9','10','11');
2> and description like 'write %';
-----------------------------------------------------------write dirty buffers when idle - timeout action
write dirty buffers/find clean buffers
write checkpoint-needed buffers/recovery end

The main objective of the DBWR is to perform efficient IO and to avoid IO peaks. This was done by
allowing DBWR to perform aggressive writing and queue management, which will allow a consistent write
The foundations for the new DBWR were laid down in Oracle8.0, which introduced two flavors of
multiple DBWRs:
DBWR IO slaves (dbwr_io_slaves)

Oracle 8i Async DBWR

DBWR processes (db_writer_processes).

These two new approaches have been implemented to allow greater I/O throughput for DBWR write
processing4. Note, these two implementations are mutually exclusive. The main advantage to
implementing Oracle8 DBWR I/O slaves and DBWR processes is the programmatic simplicity that is
afforded. The new DBWR IO code has now been kernalized, and thus is more generic. In the past the
slave IO code was in the OSD layer, thus making it very port specific.

DBWR IO slaves
In Oracle7, the multiple DBWR processes were simple slave processes; i.e., unable to perform
async I/O calls. In Oracle8.0, the slave database writer code was kernalized. This feature is
implemented via the init.ora parameter dbwr_io_slaves. With dbwr_io_slaves, there is still a
master DBWR process and its slave processes. . This feature is very similar to the db_writers in
Oracle7, except the IO slaves are now capable of asynchronous I/O, thus allowing for much better
throughput as slaves are not blocked after the I/O call. Asynchronous I/O is provided to the slave
processes by using the adapter layers internally within the Oracle kernal. Thus slave async IO is
not using native OS async IO libraries, but Oracle internal mechanisms.
Slave processes are started after database open stage (not instance creation), upon initial request of
a slave IO. The names of the DBWR slave processes are different than the slaves of Oracle7.
For example a typical DBWR slave background process maybe: ora_i103_testdb.
Where i indicates that this process is a slave IO process.
1 indicates the IO adapter number
3 specifies the slave number
Therefore if dbwr_io_slaves was set to 3 then the following slave processes will be created:
ora_i101.testdb, ora_i102_testdb and ora_i103_testdb.








This example illustrates how DBWR processes hash to working set. Note, the buffer ranges that each manages.

db_block_lru_latches = 2
dbwr_io_slaves = 6

Note, the master dbwr is writer number 0.

SQL> select set_id, dbwr_num, start_buf#, end_buf# from x$kcbwds;
---------- --------- ---------1


Note, from the above listing, that master DBWR is the only one that manages the working sets.

Multiple DBWRs.
Multiple database writers are implemented via the init.ora parameter db_writer_processes. This
feature was enabled in Oracle8.0.4, and allows true database writers; i.e., no master-slave

In Oracle8 disk asynchronous I/O can be enabled using the parameter disk_async_io.
Oracle 8i Async DBWR

relationship. If db_writer_processes is enabled, then the writer processes will be started after
PMON has initialized. The writer processes can be identified (OS level) by viewing the ps
command output . In this example db_writer_processes was set to 3. The sample ps output shows
the following. Note, the DBWR processes are named starting from 0 and upto 9; therefore the can
be up to 10 DBWRs. There is no master DBWR process; all are equally weighted. Note,
db_writer_processes are different from db IO slaves, in that the db_writer_processes do not use
the IO slave layers; therefore the db_writer_processes can only use OS native async IO (via aio








With Oracle8 db_writer_processes, each writer process is assigned to a LRU latch set. Thus, it is
recommended to set db_writer_processes equal to the number of LRU latches (db_lru_latches)
and not exceed the number of CPUs on the system. For example, if db_writer_processes was set
to four and db_lru_latches=4, then each writer process will manage its corresponding set; i.e.,
each writer will write buffers from its appropriate LRUW list. Allowing each writer to manage at
least one LRU latch provides a very autonomous and segregated approach to Cache management.
This examples illustrates how DBWR processes hash to working set.

db_block_lru_latches = 4
dbwr_processes = 2

Note, the buffer ranges that each DBWR manages.

SQL> select set_id, dbwr_num, start_buf#, end_buf# from x$kcbwds;
---------- --------- ---------1


Although both implementations of DBWR processes may be beneficial, the general rule, on which option
to use, depends on the following: (1) the amount of write activity; (2) the number of CPUs (the number of
CPUs is also indirectly related to the number LRU latch sets); (3) the size of the buffer cache; and (4) the
availability of asynchronous I/O (from the OS). The following is not necessarily a top down checklist
approach to determine which option use, but rather an outline of the considerations. Note, it is best to try
both options (not simultaneously) against your system to determine which best fits the environment.

If the buffer cache is very large and the application is write intensive, then
db_writer_processes may be beneficial. Note, the number of writer processes should not
exceed the number of CPUs.
If the application is not very write intensive (or even a DSS system) and async I/O is
available, then use single writer processes; if async I/O is not available then use
If the system is a uniprocessor then implement dbwr_io_slaves. Note, a uniprocessor system
will have db_lru_latches set to 1.

Oracle 8i Async DBWR

Implementing dbwr_io_slaves or db_writer_processes comes with some overhead cost. Enabling these
features requires that extra shared memory be allocated for IO buffers and request queues and extra CPU
cycles5. Multiple writer processes (and IO slaves) are advanced features, meant for high IO throughput.
Implement this feature only if the database environment requires such IO throughput. As stated earlier, in
some cases (if async I/O is available), it may be prudent to disable I/O slaves and run with a single DBWR
in async I/O mode. Review the current throughput and examine possible bottlenecks to determine if it is
feasible to implement these features.
Caveats and Concerns

Multiple DBWRs and DBWR IO slaves cannot coexist. If both are enabled, then the following error
message is produced:
"Cannot start multiple dbwrs when using I/O slaves ";
Moreover, if both parameters are enabled, dbwr_io_slaves will take precedence.


The number of DBWRs cannot exceed the number of working sets. If it does, then the number of
DBWRs will curtailed to equal the number of working sets and the following message is produced in
the alert.log during initialization time:
"Cannot start more dbwrs than db_block_lru_latches
However, the number of sets can exceed the number of DBWRs.


The maximum number of pending asynchronous I/O's is dictated by an SGA variable.


dbwr_io_slaves are not restricted to the number of sets; i.e., dbwr_io_slaves >= db_block_lru_latches.
However, when enabling DBWR IO slaves, the master DBWR will manage the working sets.


Do not set dbwr_io_slaves and disk_async_io=true. dbwr_io_slaves inherently uses async IO through
Oracle IO layers.


In order to enable async IO for db_writer_processes, set disk_async_io=true.

In order to enable efficient processing for the new DBWR, the following structures are initialized in each
writer processs PGA at startup (not an exhaustive list)
1. The number of dbwrs
2. max async writes
3. quota for high, medium, low priority writes
4. postme flag for LGWR
5. number of buffers in buffer cache
6. max IO size (max write size)

This memory is carved from the large_pool area.

Oracle 8i Async DBWR

B. Cache Management changes.

Generally DBWR performs writes for several reasons : checkpoints (tablespace, database, thread, and
object/DDL), make free requests, ping writes and cleanout of cold dirty buffers. In pre-Oracle8i , these
write efforts were initiated by timeouts or invoked by foregrounds posting DBWR to perform some dirty
buffer clean-out. Thus, in pre8i, each write case was handled differently and required different algorithms.
In Oracle81, these write requests will be managed by a single action handler. This not only simplifies the
code, but will allow DBWR to accumulate, queue and write all the required buffers, instead of satisfying a
specific request. To enable this unified write logic, several new queue (list) structures have been
introduced into the buffer cache management code, and the DBWR mechanics have been modified to take
advantage of these changes. The table below displays the new list structures with its corresponding
contents (buffer-type), and the number of lists that exist on a system. Note, the number of lists is generally
derived from the init.ora parameter db_block_lru_latches. The number of LRU latches (sets) is generally
times the number of CPUs up to two times the number of CPUs.


Number of lists in systems

Type of buffers on list
1 per set
Ping buffers


1 per set

Old dirty buffers, and recovery/temp buffers

Thread Chkpt queue

2 per set

Thread checkpoint buffers

File Chkpt queue

2 per file per set

Checkpoint buffers queued by file#

Recovery Chkpt queue

1 per recovery op. per set

Buffers for performing recovery


2 per set

Buffers to be written for reuse block range


2 per set

Buffers to be written for drop/truncate

Table 1.

1 per set

replacement list (same as in pre8i)

Each list shown above will have sublists called the auxiliary write list (AUX) and a MAIN list. For
example, the LRU-P list will have a LRUP-AUX and a LRUP-MAIN list. The MAIN lists house buffers
that are in-use (pinned/dirty) or are candidates to be written out. When DBWR scans the lists in search of
write-able buffers, these eligible buffers (un-pinned dirtied) get moved from the MAIN list to the AUX.
Buffers on the AUX list are either waiting for DBWR to issue the write or already have a write issued
against them; i.e., the write pending flag is set. The primary purpose of the AUX list is to prevent DBWR
from scanning over buffers (from the MAIN list) that have writes already issued against them. This makes
the scanning process for DBWR much more efficient.
As shown in the table above, the LRU list, (replacement list) and LRU-W list (dirty list), still exist, as in
pre8i. The LRU/LRUW function similarly to pre8i; however with a slight twist. As in pre8i all buffers
are initially hashed (at startup) to a LRU set (if using multiple sets), such that each set will house near
equal amounts of buffers. However, in Oracle8i buffers are initially hashed (at startup) to the LRU-AUX,
a.k.a, cold-reusable list. Foregrounds will always begin their scans from this LRU-AUX list, in search of
free buffers. As foregrounds allocate free buffers for CR, dirtying, etc, they are moved (unlinked) from the
AUX list to the middle of the MAIN list. The buffers on the MAIN list will still move from head to tail6.
DBWR will scan the LRU-MAIN list in search of dirty buffers to move to LRU-W lists (specifically the
LRUW-MAIN list)7. When the write for this dirty buffer is issued, it is moved from the LRUW-MAIN to
the LRUW-AUX. Thus, when the next time DBWR issues to write from the LRUW-MAIN, it will not
incur buffers that have already been written out or having writes pending.

However the movement between head and tail is now based on the touch count. See sidebar discussion
on touch count.
All cold reusable buffers (clean) that were encountered during the scan will be moved to the LRU-AUX
Oracle 8i Async DBWR

The LRU-XR, LRU-XO, LRU-P and the checkpoint queues, shown in table 1, function slightly different
than the LRU and LRUW lists. These new lists are called write lists because they have buffers linked on
due to a specific write action; such as a ping or a drop segment (table, index) request. Note, these buffers
were already on the LRU list and due to a specific write request, were placed on their respective lists (such
as LRU-P or LRU-XR), and thus are candidates for immediate write-outs by DBWR. Moreover, these new
lists will provide capabilities for write prioritizations, based the buffer write request.

Note, when a buffer is initially dirtied it is also placed on the thread/file checkpoint queue as well the LRUMAIN. This introduces the concept of Incremental checkpointing and cold-dirty buffers.
Although the discussion of incremental checkpointing is outside of this scope, a brief illustration maybe
necessary. With advent of incremental checkpointing in Oracle8i , checkpointing becomes more frequent
and continuous; thereby enabling faster instance recovery and possibly precluding LGWR stuck situations.
Incremental checkpointing will determine the current position in the redo log and lag behind a user
predefined amount. Since instance recovery is usually limited to the gap between the last checkpoint and
the current RBA (synced RBA), incremental checkpointing essentially reduces this gap . In pre8i, cold
dirty buffers were usually aged out (moved from the LRU queue to the LRUW queue and subsequently to
disk. With incremental checkpointing enabled, cold dirty buffers will most likely be written out as part of
the incremental checkpoint rather than being aged out. However, if the number of dirty buffers is below
db_block_buffer_max_dirty_target, then the incremental checkpointing will not be enabled, and thus, cold
dirty buffers will aged out as usual.

Write Priority
In Oracle81, write-able buffers can have the following write priorities : urgent/high, medium, and low.
Write-able buffers include ping, cold dirty, recovery and checkpoint buffers. Each write-able buffer is
linked on its appropriate list and marked with the corresponding write-type. For example, a ping buffer is
marked with a ping flag in its buffer header, indicating that the buffer needs to be written due to crossinstance request (ping). Additionally, each write-type is associated with a write priority. Note, a buffer
will always corresponds to only one write-type, and thus one write priority. This write-type marking and
priority level provides multi-fold benefits; it allows the different write-typed buffers to be easily identified
and managed; but, most importantly, it makes write prioritization possible by associating the write-type to
a priority level. See table 2 for a list of priority level cross-references.

Oracle 8i Async DBWR

Type of write

Priority level

Thread checkpoints


Instance recovery checkpoints


Media recovery checkpoints


Incremental thread checkpoints (8i)


Cold dirty buffers (aging)


User initiated thread checkpoints (alter system)


Tablespace checkpoints
Table 2


Write Quotas
To effectively allow all high priority writes to be written out, enough space must exist on the write-queue
to furnish these buffers. Therefore, to accommodate these higher priority writes, a quota system has been
implemented in cache management. This quota system will associate write priorities with an IO slot quota
limit. For example, due to the urgency of the write for pinged blocks, ping buffers are considered to be
high priority writes. Therefore, all ping buffers be will acquired and placed on the write queue before
lower priority writes; such as cold-dirty buffers, are placed.
Interrupt action handler
As in pre8i, DBWR write requests still can come from posts, messages, or timeouts. However, in Oracle8i
, the first interface to DBWR is the action handler. The The interrupt action handler routine is invoked
each time DBWR is posted, messaged or the threshold number of outstanding I/Os have completed. The
function of the interrupt action handler is illustrated below


Write deferred buffers. As described earlier, these buffers are ones that could not be written
out because their corresponding redo had not been flushed to the redo logs. These buffers are
marked and moved to the deferred queue. For each buffer in this state, the count of deferred
buffers is incremented. While this count is non-zero, DBWR is in a post-me state, waiting for
LGWR to complete its write of the corresponding redo8. Note, DBWR is not sitting idle in
this state, DBWR will still service other queued requests. Once LGWR writes out some redo,
it posts DBWR with the high RBA written. This high RBA is compared to the sync-RBA of
the buffer in waiting. If the high RBA is greater than the sync-RBA, then the redo is assumed
to have been written to disk and the buffer is now available to be flushed to disk. After this
buffer is written out, it is unlinked from the deferred queue and onto the write queue. This
check is performed for each buffer in the deferred queue. Once all the deferred buffers are
queued, and the deferred count decrements to 0, then the post-me flag is cleared.


Post processing written buffers. This involves clearing the being writing or checkpoint
flags from the buffer headers , unlinking them from their respective queues and possibly
linking them onto the clean buffer queue (LRU-AUX queue).


Assign quotas. DBWR will scan all lists to allocate the quota assignments by priority and
populate the kcbbwq array. This will allow the higher priority buffer writes to be
accommodated in the write queue.

This flag is generally set for high priority buffer writes.

Oracle 8i Async DBWR



Inspect the task queue, which is broken down by write-type9. Process each write-type
beginning with ping buffers up until reuse buffer range buffers. Also, determine the
maximum number of writes that will be issued in each case.


Scan and accumulate buffers for writing. This entails scanning each list for write-able
buffers, and queuing them onto the write queue. Buffers in this state are considered to be in
the QUEUED state. This scanning will loop until all the lists have been scanned. Note, the
number of buffers to be written, by write-type (ping, checkpoint, etc.), is regulated by the
write quota (kcbbwq).


An internal routine moves buffers from their respective queues to a free IO slot; i.e., the write
queue. This routine determines if any free slots are available, if so, then determine if the
buffer (to be moved) is being modified or about to be modified. Modified buffers cannot be
moved, and thus, these buffers are skipped. If a buffer is available to be moved, DBWR will
pull (unlink) the buffer from the respective queue structure and place them (link) on the free
IO slot10. In order to prevent the moved-buffer from being changed by foregrounds, a flag is
set in the buffer header11 . If a moved-buffer does not have its corresponding redo flushed by
LGWR, then this buffer is linked onto the IO slot deferred write queue, as stated in step 1.


Write the buffers. After all the buffers have been queued up, call will be performed to issue
an IO against the queued slots.

DBWR will continue to issue I/Os for the queued writes until it has reached the maximum number of
outstanding I/Os. Recall, that DBWR will poll the outstanding I/Os using the IO context. After all the
queued writes have been issued, DBWR will sleep. To minimize the number context switches, caused
when going from the sleep state to runnable state, DBWR will only be awoken when a percentage of
outstanding I/Os finish12. Upon awakening, DBWR will cycle through the slots whose state flag is set to
with the write attribute, to determine which I/Os have completed. The buffers that have been written out
to disk will be marked and subsequently require post-processed. As indicated earlier, post processing
involves clearing bits.
Although the lifecycle of particular buffer will vary depending on its write-type and the enabling of
incremental checkpointing; however, illustrated below is a possible scenario for an aged buffer
(considering no incremental checkpointing).
Process flow for the write out of an aged buffer:
1. Buffer initially on LRU-AUX
2. Move over to LRU-MAIN
3. After dirtying (and unpinned), move over to LRUW-MAIN --DBWR--> LRUW-AUX
4. Move from queues to IO slots via kcbbxsv
5. Queue writes from IO slots via kcfqueuewr
6. Then finally write to disk via kcfdowr.
7. Poll the for completion of buffer IO using the context handler.

This task is a logical entity and does not exist.

Each time a buffer is linked onto a free IO slot, the number of free slots is decremented. If an internal
routine determines that there are no free IO slots, then DBWR will be invoked to issue a write against the
write queue.
This flag allows buffer changes to generate redo, but not change the actual block. After the buffer is
written and released, the change to block is applied.
DBWR can still be messaged (as in pre8i) by foregrounds, to make free buffers and offlining files, etc.,
however, this handled by the action handler.

Oracle 8i Async DBWR


8. After write is determined to complete, perform post processing.

Note: The IO slots mentioned in items 4 and 5 is not part of the buffer cache management; rather, it is a
structure(s) managed by DBWR.



issue the write

(use list_io if possible)

High priority write


queue the writes

Medium priority
write slots



Thread chkpt
File chkpt

chkpt queue


free io slots

This is replicated per set_id and DBWR will manage

the sets

low priority
write slots

IO slots

Note, each list above will have an auxillary (AUX)

as well

Oracle 8i Async DBWR


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