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The Common Purpose Party of Canada

By: Kyle

Our platform focuses on taxes,
health care, national defense,
and criminal law.


Increase the corporate income tax rate to 100%

Eliminate taxes on personal incomes under
Close tax loopholes by taxing 100% of capital
gains as ordinary income
Abolish all deductions except for Registered
Savings Plan contributions
Impose an estate tax of 100% on estates worth $1
million or more


Uphold and amend the Canada Health Act by

adding universal drug, dental, Vision, and mental
health care coverage as a right
Close for-profit clinics and labs
Nationalize the pharmaceutical industry
Respect the right to choose or refuse medical
treatment, the right to die, and the right to
assisted suicide

National Defense

Support the global abolition of nuclear and other

weapons of mass destruction
Immediately end Canadian participation in the war
in Iraq and Syria, and the internal conflict in
Ukraine, and oppose any new military aggression
Cancel Third World Debts

Criminal Law

Abolish the death penalty

Close down all for-profit private prisons
End all 3 strikes laws
End the War on drugs by decriminalizing the use
of all drugs

Our Position
The following slide will now address where the Common Purpose Party of Canada
falls under in the political spectrum

We are left wing; we revere
political liberty, social
change, human equality,
and human rights.

Position of the Common Purpose Party of Canada

Party Leader
The Leader of the CPPC
is John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt

John Jacob
Jingleheimer Schmidt
A 65 year old male
Education: Columbia University
and Stanford Medical School
Work Experience: Medicine
Political Experience: None

Campaign Poster
Here is the official poster
of the Common Purpose
Party of Canada

Participate in this years
election and vote for John
Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
as your new prime minister!

Jobs for the poor

Jail for the rich

Campaign Speech
Lastly, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt has a
speech addressing his new political party

Saving Our Country

Dear Patriots,
It is with honour and deep respect for the country, you and I love and cherish, that
I will be running for Prime Minister of Canada. Our country has been experiencing
tremendous failure by the current Liberal government, big league.
The Liberals have gone back on their promises to help middle class, they have
instead hurt the middle class by raising the cost of hydro and the implementation
of a carbon tax that is not even going to a designated fund to help develop
alternative forms of energy that theyre advocating, but instead general revenue.
Their plan is unsustainable.
I am running for you, not for me, not so I can be a career politician in bed with
corporations and special interests, like the liberal shills in power.

Thank you

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