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metabolized properly by the cells, therefore the cells

feel like they are starving.

Which glands are the proximate cause of underarm

Answer: Sudoriferous glands

From Quiz: A Lesson In Endocrinology.

Hormones may be one of three things, amines,
steroids or ____?
Answer: proteins
Hormones maintain homeostasis by changing the
activity of cells.

From Quiz: Blame it on Hormones.

What is the swelling or enlargement of the thyroid
Answer: Goiter
Goiters occur when the thyroid is not working
properly, such as when it has hypothyroidism. It may
also be a hereditary tendency. Another reason is
thyroid cancer, but luckily, this is very rare.

From Quiz: Test Your Thyroid Knowledge!

The thyroid gland is probably the best known
endocrine gland. What does it regulate?

It would have been a bit too easy if I had said

"sweat glands" but that is what sudoriferous glands
are. I'm not so sure that underarm perspiration is
generally regarded as particularly sexy and the
other glands do not exist.

From Quiz: This Gland is Your Gland.

T3 and T4 are shorthand names for the two active
forms of thyroid hormone. To what do the 3 and 4 refer?
Answer: The






T3 has 3 iodine atoms per molecule; T4 has 4.

Both have a heavily modified tyrosine molecule as a
backbone, and thus both consist of a single amino
acid. T3 has a molecular weight of 651 Daltons
(0.65 kD); T4 has a molecular weight of 776 Daltons
(0.78 kD). The difference is the 125 Daltons
contributed by the extra iodine atom in T4.

From Quiz: Thyroid Physiology.

Answer: Metabolism
The thyroid is located at the base of the neck,
between the larynx and the collarbone. It is the size
of a thumb and it regulates your weight, your energy
level and even your mood. This very small organ is
even responsible for regulating your body
temperature, for keeping you alert, with normal
bowel movements, with a normal appetite, and with
a good digestion. The thyroid also works with the
pituitary gland (the master gland) because the
pituitary gland makes and releases thyroid
stimulating hormone (among many others).

System Trivia

From Quiz: Basic Introduction to Endocrine



Researcher: Inah Isabel Dela Cruz
Subject Teacher: Mr. Augusto F. Farinas

What is the general name of any disorder in which

the thyroid cannot produce enough hormones?
Answer: Hypothyroidism
Hypo = under or low.

From Quiz: Test Your Thyroid Knowledge!.

This gland with a short name produces a hormone
that helps develop an immune system. What is its name?
Answer: The thymus
This gland is located behind the sternum, between
the lungs, in the chest cavity. Thymosin is its
hormone. The thymus is not only an endocrine
gland but is also part of the immune system, where
T cells or lymphocytes are produced. These cells
protect the body against foreign organisms that
endocrineweb.com, after puberty, "the thymus starts
to slowly shrink and become replaced by fat".

From Quiz: Basic Introduction to Endocrine

The bulk of the thyroid gland is made up of follicles,
which contain thyroid hormones attached to a protein
named thyroglobulin. From which amino acid are thyroid
hormones derived?

thyroxine). T3 is more potent than thyroxine, so the

latter is usually converted to T3 in the body.

From Quiz: The Thyroid Gland.

Which gland plays a major role in the development
of immunity?
Answer: Thymus
The thymus is where T-cells are produced. These
cells play a major role in specific immunity. The
thymus is most active in younger people and
shrinks with age. That is why it is so important to
have most of your vaccines when you are young.

Answer: Insulin
This gland is the largest of the endocrine glands
and it is located behind the stomach. If the pancreas
does not produce enough insulin, the result is
diabetes, which in the more serious cases, is
treated by adding insulin to the body. The pancreas
is also part of the digestive system. It excretes
pancreatic juice which helps in the process of

From Quiz: Basic Introduction to Endocrine

Which hormone do parafollicular cells release?
Answer: Calcitonin

From Quiz: A Lesson In Endocrinology.

What does follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) do in
Answer: It stimulates sperm production.
FSH has nothing to do with orgasms in both
females and males. Testosterone production is
governed by luteinizing hormone.

From Quiz: Hormones.

What are the names of the two main sex hormones
in females?

Parafollicular cells are also called C cells, which

reflects their release of the hormone calcitonin. The
cells are located around the follicles in the thyroid
tissue. They collaborate with parathyroid glands to
move calcium ions around the body. The
parathyroid glands are pea-sized glands that are
situated at the back of the thyroid gland; they
release parathyroid hormone. Parathyroid hormone
acts to increase the levels of calcium in the blood by
removing it from the gut and bone. Calcitonin keeps
the balance by moving calcium back into bone from
the blood. It is vital that the balance is kept,
because too much calcium can cause tetany
(prolonged muscle contraction) which can be lifethreatening.

Answer: Tyrosine
Inside the follicles, the thyroid hormones and
thyrogloublin together form a solid precipitate called
colloid. The thyroid hormones are derived from the
amino acid tyrosine and iodide ions - tyrosine is a
non-essential amino acid, which means it is not
required in the diet, as the body can synthesize it.
However, it is important to keep your iodine levels at
suitable levels to avoid a lack of thyroid hormones.
The thyroid hormones are T3 (or triiodothyronine)
and T4 (or tetraiodothyronine, usually called

Answer: estrogen and progesterone

Oestrogen(estrogen) is responsible for the
development of secondary sexual characteristics
and the female reproductive system. Progesterone
maintains the endometrium (uterus lining).

From Quiz: Blame it on Hormones.

The main endocrine function of the pancreas is to

regulate the correct level of sugar in the blood. What is
the name of the hormone it secretes?

From Quiz: The Thyroid Gland.

What is/are the major symptom(s) of diabetes
Answer: Polyuria, polydipsia, and polyphagia
Also known as the "three polys". Polyuria is
increased urination. A person with excessive sugar
in the blood will excrete more water in the urine in
order to dilute the urine for easier passage of the
sugar. Polydipsia is increased thirst. This is a
normal reaction from losing so much water in the

urine. Polyphagia is increased hunger. This is

caused because the glucose is not being

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