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The history of all previous societies has been

the history of class struggles. - Marx

1. the rhetorical question of history

the People's Answer

to the Rhetorical
Question of History

Volume 1

there once was Community A that was

thriving. They had many resources and a
peaceful society. One day, Community B
a community that had outgrown its available
resourceswent roaming with a large
Community A and became envious of their
abundant supplies of food, water and
shelter. Community B invaded and stole
Community As means of gathering
Community A, requiring them to either labor
for resources, or be killed. This is the
beginning of history
ever since then, history has been a series of
two things: the Haves stealing from the
Have Nots, or the Have Nots taking back.
However, history is not primarily about the
seizing of resources and products. History is
primarily about the seizing of the means
of production
for instance, lets say a trucker (who owns
his own truck), has a semitrailer full of
goods. As you are sleeping, a group of
bandits steals the goods in the semitrailer.
This is simple theft, because the trucker still
control the means of production: the truck.
However, if you are a trucker and a group of
bandits steal your truck, they are seizing the
means of your production. Those bandits

now not only own the goods in the

semitrailer, they also control the means for
any future production of economic value
the way this works in a capitalist economy,
exemplified by the U$A, is through your
employers wages. Lets imagine a trucker
again, with a single truck. After earning
$1000 for every delivery, the trucker earns
enough money to buy another truck. He
then hires an employee to drive the second
truck. However, the employee doesnt get
$1000 for every delivery. The trucker who
owns both trucks gets the money, and then
gives as little as possible to the employee.
Since the owner of the trucks is getting
more money, he is able to buy more trucks.
Fast forward and the owner now has 100s
of trucks. He hasnt actually driven a truck in
years, and yet profits greatly from the labor
of his employees. The trucker has gone
from gentle laborer, earning money
honestly, to bourgeoisie, controlling the
means of production and stealing as much
of the true laborer's earnings as possible
so, what is the rhetorical question of
history? It is this: why have we still not
achieved equality, liberation and peace? it
is a rhetorical question because it is asked
by the bourgeoisie, and they know the
answer, while hoping we dont catch on:
Exploitation of the People. Unfortunately

for them, We know were exploited, and WE

Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only
by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more
labor it sucks. - Marx

2. the rhetorical question in practice

a common misunderstanding is that the true
economic divide is between rich and poor,
or between blue collar and white collar. This
has been a helpful tool for the bourgeoisie
to divide the proletariat against each other.
However, the union plumber and the
upper-middle class accountant are both
exploited for their labor, even if, for social

and economic reasons, the accountant is

more easily placated with higher wages.
Once the rich proletariat acknowledge that
they are exploited workers, and not aligned
with the bourgeoisie, class consciousness
can be achieved
a major tenet of communism (that seems
particularly concerning to Americans) is the
abolition of property. This concept is of
course misrepresented by the bourgeoisie
to discourage curious workers from looking
into alternatives. Under communism,
strangers wont be able to walk into your
home and use your stuff. You would not
need to share a toothbrush. You will still
have possessions. Capitalism trains us to
believe property and possessions are

synonymous. Property is any potential

means of production. This is why houses
are property: they can be exploited for
capital by charging tenets to live there. Your
toothbrush is not your property, its your
possessionsyou dont profit from labor
exploitation if you possess a toothbrush.
You profit off labor exploitation when you
control means of production
property damage is not violence. In fact,
property violence is in many ways not a
legitimate crime. Property is simply the
belongings of the people, that have been
seized by the wealthy agents of an
illegitimate nation (the U$A). Their property
was built by laborers, for laborers to use,
and they shouldnt have the right to control
this property. property damage, therefore,
is the people destroying their own
belongings that were seized by the rich
The theory of Communism may be summed up in
one sentence: Abolish all private property. - Marx

3. the people's answer

the American Dream, and similar ideological
tools used by capitalism, is rooted in the
idea that someday, with enough hard work,
the trucker can become the bourgeoisie.
This once was true for some, and still is true
for very few. But, the U$A harps on this idea
so strongly that for many Americans, they

keep banking on deferred prosper until their

dying breath.
we must reject the American Dream, and
embrace the Class that we were coerced
into. We must reject a system that only
values us as long as we labor, and leaves
us to die when we no longer can
Will you side with the gentle laborer on each
side of you, selling 40+ hours of their time
and labor to the same greedy master as
you? Or will you be a thug for the
anti-Union, anti-Worker Porky, leeching off
you and trading the fruit of your labor for
excesses like foie gras, limousins, yachts,
and jets. Will you side with the banker who
owns many houses internationally, when
you have to save money all year for a
week-long vacation, one state away? Do
you side with Robespierre and the Jacobins
or do you side with the ancien rgime?
History is converging in this very
If the U.S. monopoly capitalist groups persist in
pushing their policies of aggression and war,
the day is bound to come when they will be
hanged by the people of the whole world. The
same fate awaits the accomplices of the United
States. - Chairman Mao

follow me on twitter: @christianizcool

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