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God’s Cancer Farmacy

The Foundation
GOD’S PLAN must be the foundation for any treatment program designed to deal with cancer.
Although there are at least 270 different types of cancer, the foundation of healing in each case is the same –
cooperation with the laws that govern our bodies. GOD’S PLAN must be in place to build up and stimulate the
immune system, to establish the right conditions for healing to occur. The Lord will bless according to our faith
and His will! Through the application of GOD’S PLAN and the other treatments He has prescribed, and
through trust in Him as the Healer, we have every means we need to avoid the sword, fire and brimstone that is
currently used to treat cancer.

Nutritional Support
Full-fledged cancer is a long time coming! From the time a single cell is damaged by a virus or suffers
genetic mutation until a tumor appears is estimated as usually being 20-30 years, and 40-50, years is not
unusual. Isn’t God merciful to give us so long to deal with it! This time delay allows us to put GOD’S PLAN
into action to interfere with the cancer process. By bringing our lifestyle into line with the “Life Parameters”,
our defense mechanisms can deal with the threat from the out-of-control violators.

The medical world has finally recognized that diet is both a major preventative to cancer, and also a
major weapon against it. The American National Cancer Institute admits about 30% of all cancers are linked
to diet. British experts admit 60%. Man does not yet fully understand the process of cancer development, and he
also falls far short of fully understanding how food plays a role in preventing and treating cancer. But we do
know that diet plays a tremendous role in this area.

Research since the 1970’s has consistently shown that the antidote to cancer is “fruit and
vegetables”. The massive amount of evidence is continually piling up. After a review of 170 studies from 17
nations, one researcher was so convinced that she considers fruits and vegetables to be powerful preventative
drugs that could substantially wipe out the scourge of cancer.

The National Cancer Institute (USA) has initiated research to study the anti-cancer potential of the
following foods and more: Garlic, cabbage, liquorice, soy beans, carrots, celery, onions, citrus fruits, whole
wheat, flax, brown rice, tomato, capsicum, broccoli, cauliflower, oats, mint, oregano, cucumber, rosemary, sage,
potato, thyme, chives, melons, basil, barley, berries. The pity is that the aim of the research is to find the specific
chemical or agent that seems to have the anti-cancer action, to extract it, then synthesize it so that it is a
marketable product. Man in his wisdom thinks that he is able to tamper with the things of nature and make them
better. But the Master Chemist knows each element of our food intimately, how the inter-react, and how it is
best administered.

The following list of foods that have both cancer preventative and therapeutic effects is not exhaustive,
and I repeat that although man has a glimpse of how they work, we are in effect very ignorant. But the glimpse
is enough to convince us that God knew what He was doing when He gave man his diet! By increasing the
amount of these foods we have in our diet, we can cooperate with Him in re-instating the “Life Parameters" in
our bodies.

Garlic and onions

More than 30 different anti-cancer compounds have been identified in garlic and onions. Some of the
most terrifying carcinogens are blocked from doing damage, and animal studies show that around 75% of
tumors can be prevented this way. Human studies show that those who eat more onions and garlic are definitely
less prone to cancer or most types. Chinese studies show that garlic protects powerfully against stomach cancer,
and that it actually stops the growth of cancer cells of many types. This seems to happen because it interferes
with tumor cell metabolism, preventing them from reproducing and growing. Two of the substances, ajoene and
allicin, seem to act as chemotherapy against cancer cells in general.

Garlic also acts to stimulate the immune system, particularly enhancing the macrophages and
lymphocytes that kill the cancer cells. One study in Florida showed that by taking 6 capsules of cold processed
garlic oil a day for 3 weeks, the natural killer cell activity was improved by 159% over a control group. Taking
0.5g/kg of body weight of raw garlic each day for the same period increased this activity by 139%!

A mouthful of garlic a day keeps the doctor at bay? Take it anyway you can (raw, powder, oil), though
research has shown that cold pressed and aged extracts are more effective. If you are taking a therapeutic dose
for a short period you may take up to 10 capsules a day.

The tomato may seem too lowly to be a anti-cancer drug, but research shows that it is often a major part
of the diet of people who are less prone to cancer. The particular weapon is called lycopene, the chemical
pigment that gives tomatoes, capsicums, watermelon etc. their red color. German research shows that lycopene
is twice as powerful as beta carotene in antioxidant action. Lycopene is present and active in raw or cooked
tomatoes, sauce, juice, paste, etc.

Green leafy vegetables exhibit extraordinarily broad anticancer powers. A recent Italian study showed a
“striking” protection from the frequent consumption of green vegetables against the risk of most cancers. The
green stuff, such as spinach, kale, dark green lettuce and broccoli, is choked full of many different antioxidants
and anticancer substances including beta carotene, folic acid, lutein, etc.

Beta carotene has been shown to not only prevent cancer but also to help fight it. It both stimulates the
immune system products that directly kill tumor cells, and also has direct toxic or chemotherapy effects on
cancer cells. It has been shown that beta carotene is changed by the body into retinoic acid which has direct
anticancer action. Beta carotene can also be stored in the lung, liver, kidney and fat tissue, and can be converted
any time it is needed. It means that as you eat foods containing beta carotene, you are stocking your cells with
your own supplies of anti-tumor medicine that can be called upon whenever it is needed!

Lutein is a little known antioxidant that is though to actively thwart the growth of cancer. To get green
vegetables with the most carotenoids and other anticancer agents, choose the darkest green vegetables. It has
also been found that lutein and other carotenoids are not lost through cooking and freezing, although heat
does harm the more fragile antioxidants, including vitamin C.

One cancer expert calls citrus fruits a total anticancer package, because they possess every class of
natural substance (carotenoids, flavenoids, terpenes, limonoids and coumarins) that have individually been
shown to be of benefit in preventing and treating cancer. One analysis found that citrus fruit possess 58 known
anticancer chemicals, more than any other food researched.

This same researcher says that the natural mixture of the different phyto-chemicals are likely to act more
powerfully that by themselves. He advocates taking the whole fruit, and taking advantage of the cocktail of
anticancer properties.
One of the most powerful antioxidants is glutathione, which has been shown to affect the growth of
cancer. Oranges contain high concentrations of this. However, when extracted, the juice tends to loose the
glutathione. Oranges also contain the highest known concentration of glucarate, another cancer inhibitor.

Soya Beans
The soya bean contains at least 5 anticancer agents. They have anti-oestrogenic activity which thwarts
hormone related cancers such as breast and prostate cancer. Soy is the highest known source of protease
inhibitors which have been shown in animals to totally block and hinder development and growth of colon, oral,
liver, pancreatic and oesophageal cancers. Phytosterols stop cancer cells from dividing and proliferating.
Saponins can stimulate immunity, directly slay certain cancer cells, slow the growth of cancerous cervical and
skin cells, and can even reverse the growth of cancerous colon cells. Soya bean compounds also protect from

These foods should be made an important part of the diet when preventing or treating cancer. But it
must be recognized that all of the foods that God has given us have been designed to prevent us from disease,
and to bring us back to health. So follow the all-wise counsel and widely of fruits nuts, grains and vegetables,
and trust in the healing properties of the Lord’s provisions.

Eat vegetables both raw and cooked. Many studies show that raw veggies have more anticancer power,
especially the raw green leaf vegetables. Yet foods with beta carotene, a little heat changes the beta carotene so
that it is easier to absorb. Also, you will get more lycopene out of cooked tomatoes than raw. But some of the
anticancer substances are destroyed by cooking, so have a mixture of raw and cooked! But when you do cook,
cook them gently and quickly to preserve the greatest health benefits.

In the form of juices, vegetables can make a great difference. They both cleanse and build. If the energy
level is very low, it is a temptation to give juices often. We feel it better to stick closely to regular meal times,
taking the juice 15-30 minutes before the meal, thus giving the digestive system all important rest between
meals. Take a max. of 2 glasses at any one time.
Suggested juice mix for 2 glasses of juice:

Carrot 1 glass
Beetroot 1/2 glass
Celery 1/4 glass
Greens 1/4 glass (can be parsley, spinach, chlorophyll, etc. But probably one of
best for cancer is cabbage. If you can bear the taste, increase the
amount of cabbage!)

This mix can be varied to suit availability in your garden, palette, cost etc.

Other Foods – See the GOD’S PLAN “Answer to Cancer” booklet for specific information re. Diet, but the
following foods have been shown to be particularly helpful: Grapes, apples, carrots, broccoli, cabbage,
capsicums. Note that this is not a comprehensive list. God provided our natural whole-foods to sustain life and
health, and also to regain that health when it is lost. Thus the best general principle to follow is to eat moderate
amounts of a wide variety of fruits, nuts, seeds, grains and vegetables prepared simply and appealingly.

Herbal Support
Cancer is a degenerative disease that wears the body down, and often the patient’s vital force is reduced
to ‘coals’. HERBS can be used effectively to stir up the fire, and to get the body’s miraculous healing processes
kick-started. Along with hydrotherapy, herbs are a wonderful gift that the Lord has blessed us with to cooperate
with Him in His work of healing. Our herbs are an illustration of the leaves of the Tree of Life in heaven that
are for medicine and “the healing of the nations.” (Eze. 47:12, Rev. 22:2)

IMMUNE TEA FORMULA – used to stimulate the immune system to react to the cancer threat,
and some of the herbs have direct anti-cancer properties.

Red Clover 1 part |

Echinacea 1 part | These are the primary immune herbs
Chapperal 1/2 part |
Pau D’arco 1/2 part |
St Johns Wort 1/2 part
Chickweed 1/2 part Secondary herbs to enhance the primary
Alfalfa 1/2 part immune herbs
Stinging Nettle 1/2 part

Directions: Bring water (pref. Distilled or rainwater) to the boil and remove from heat. Add 1 teaspoon of
mixture to each cup of water. Cover with plate and let stand for 20 mins. Strain, and drink. Use no sweetener.

Dose: 1 cup of tea 3-5 times each day.

EZAC TEA FORMULA – used to stimulate the immune system, cleanse the blood, and to inhibit the

Burdock root 50 parts

Sheep Sorrel 15 parts
Slippery Elm 4 parts
Rhubarb root 1 part
Directions and dose: as for immune tea.

Herb Descriptions

Red Clover – is of great benefit in stimulating and supporting the immune system. It is an excellent blood
purifier, and has demonstrable anti-cancer properties. There are no restrictions to the amount of this herb that
can be taken.
Echinacea – Powerful immune system stimulator, stimulating the white blood cells to fight cancer. Has anti-
viral and anti-biotic properties.
Chaparral – is a free radical scavenger and a cancer fighter. Acts to draw toxins out of cells and tissues, then
helps to improve liver function to purify the blood. Its great efficiency in drawing wastes out can put a large
strain on an already weakened liver. Thus long term use may cause liver complications.
Pau D’Arco – Used widely as a cancer support herb due to its anti-viral and anti-cancer properties. Avoid long
term use, especially where weakened kidneys are involved
St. Johns Wort – Has strong anti-viral properties, acts as a sedative, anti-depressive, anti-bacterial.
Chickweed – primarily used because of its high nutrient status.
Alfalfa – A wonderful blood purifier, detoxifier and source of high quality nutrients.
Stinging Nettle – A blood tonic and cleanser, as well as being highly nutritious.
Burdock root – Blood and tissue purifier, stimulates immune system, anti-microbial activity, helps to eliminate
acids in joints, stimulates purification of the liver.
Sheep Sorrel – has direct anti-cancer properties
Slippery Elm – soothing, drawing, healing actions, promotes action of the digestive system.
Rhubarb root – Inhibits cancer growth, is a mild laxative, and helps liver, gallbladder and spleen problems.

Never forget that there is a “balm in Gilead”!

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