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High blood pressure gives few symptoms and most people feel healthy during the early stages. Yet,
if undetected and untreated, high blood pressure can be a contributing cause of heart trouble, blood
vessel disease, and degenerative disease of the kidneys. Reaction to various physical and emotional
influences may cause the blood pressure to rise. These influences include diet, exercise, exposure to
cold, anxiety, quarrelsomeness in the home, guilt, or other emotional distress. Blood pressure thus
elevated can remain at an unhealthy high, even if it fluctuates up and down for a time.

A low blood pressure is desirable, apparently the lower the better. We do not recognize medically a
blood pressure reading that is too low, except in cases of shock. When the blood pressure is low, if the
pulse pressure is sufficient to maintain circulation, it is considered normal. Pulse pressure is the
difference between the systolic and the diastolic readings (the high and low readings) obtained in
determining the blood pressure. The average pulse pressure is 40; if it falls below 10, it is inadequate to
maintain circulation.

We do not know the exact level at which high blood pressure begins to be damaging, but statistical
comparisons show that vascular diseases are more common as the blood pressure rises. Since high
blood pressure seems to have a definite tendency to be inherited, those having high blood pressure in
the family should be especially careful on all the points given to prevent the disorder. The following
items are given to assist one to keep a normal blood pressure:

1. Exercise is important in keeping the blood vessels in healthy tone, equalizing the "tensions" between
the autonomic and somatic divisions of the nervous system, and in clearing the blood of excessive fats
or sugars. Do some useful labor, such as gardening or yard work, at a moderate pace for about one
hour each day. The pace should be what is described as "vigorous but not violent". Outdoor labor is
usually more beneficial than indoor labor. Even the sense of satisfaction of work well done is
stabilizing to the blood pressure.

2. Run in place for six minutes twice daily to reduce the blood pressure.

3. Starting with the muscles of the legs, thighs, and back, tense the muscles as much as possible and
hold for several seconds. Gradually relax. Next, tense the muscles of the abdomen and chest. Repeat
the tensing and slow relaxation process with these areas until all tension is gone. Proceed to the arms,
neck, and head. Use this routine twice a day.

4. As a tranquilizer, take a long walk at a rapid pace to use up excess nervous energy. Concentrate on
the beauties of nature, the sky and trees, the rocks and flowers as you walk. The stress of life can be
largely eliminated by proper attention to exercise, a non-stimulatory diet, and a proper philosophy of
life. There should not be enough stress within the available number of hours per day to cause a healthy
person to have a breakdown, either mental or physical. A long walk at a rapid pace, or vigorous
gardening can reduce nervous tension.

5. Practice a deep breathing exercise three times daily. The deep breathing exercise consists of taking
very deep breath held to the count of twenty, exhaling and holding to the count of ten. This can be
done while driving. Repeat twenty to sixty times.
6. Diet is important is five ways: First, use a non-stimulatory diet, free from caffeine drinks, chocolate,
alcohol, spices, and fermented or aged products. A substance in cheese called tyrasine breaks down to
tyramine, a chemical capable of constricting blood vessels and causing headaches or an increase in
blood pressure. It is well for all to leave off cheese for the sake of healthy blood vessel reactions.
Second, use few concentrated foods, but eat freely of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains - non-
concentrated foods. Third, to prevent high blood pressure, do not use more than one-half to one
teaspoon of salt per day. Baking soda and baking powder are also high in sodium, as well as being
unhealthful in other ways. All baked goods using these substances should be avoided.

After high blood pressure has developed, salt, baking soda, baking powder, most antacids, even
toothpaste and all other sources of sodium may need to be eliminated for a time until the blood
pressure is entirely normal and stable. Do not forget that sodium is in many over-the-counter and
prescription drugs. Sodium is present in most antacids. Fourth, free fats promote high blood pressure.
The blood vessels are apparently sensitive to fats and the entire cardiovascular system responds to their
presence by maintaining greater tension. Fifth, the diet must be such as to reduce the weight if it is
above ideal.

7. In a program to reduce severely elevated blood pressure, begin with a day of fasting, followed by
three days in which only apples are eaten (raw, cooked, stewed, dried or frozen) at each of three meals.
Apples have been found by Dr. B.S. Levin to have a beneficial effect on the blood pressure. After the
three days of apples, for the following two days eat only fruit and salt-free, whole grain bread for
breakfast, and vegetables and the salt-free bread for dinner. Eat only one apple for supper. (Omit
supper if overweight).

8. Careful attention to proper clothing of the extremities is essential to calm the autonomic nervous
system and to equalize the circulation. Cool skin causes an alarm reaction in the autonomic nerves.
Chilled tissues cause the blood to shunt from the extremities to the interior of the body where vital
organs are congested and their function is made less efficient. Keep all skin warm except during active
sweating for cooling. Check especially the hands and feet, the backs of the arms, and the sides of the
thighs. Wear only clothing loose enough to move up and down freely. Adaptation to messages from the
skin signaling chilling takes a large tax from nerve energy resources.

9. For patients who can tolerate it the "short cold hip bath" is beneficial in lowering high blood
pressure. For the first treatment, start with water temperature at 85° to 88°. The patient sits with only
the hips in a tub of water for three to 3-1/2 minutes. Reduce the water temperature about 50 each time
the bath is taken until a temperature of 65° is achieved. Repeat the bath daily as needed. There is an
initial elevation of blood pressure of five to fifteen points when the bath begins, but soon the blood
pressure begins to drop.

10. A neutral bath for ten to thirty minutes at the end of the day in a tub of water that feels neither
warm nor cool (92° to 96°) has been shown to have a remarkable calming effect and often to lower
blood pressure. A hot bath at 104° for twenty to thirty minutes will invariably reduce blood pressure.
After the bath, cool gradually while lying well-covered in bed. After thirty minutes, when sweating has
stopped, take a regular shower, friction skin dry with a coarse towel, and dress in dry clothing.

11. During each moment that your mind is not occupied with active labor or social discourse, practice
concentrating on certain virtues (love, Joys peace, patience, goodness, meekness, faith, etc.), and the
attributes of God (His eternalness, faithfulness, honesty, loving-kindness, creativity, intelligence, etc.).

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