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#This script is for Accumulating Daily views of Wikipedia's Friday page from

2008 to 2012.
#Loading Dependencies
#Creating a Loop to extract all data:
finalData <- data.frame(Date = numeric(0), Views = integer(0))
for (i in 2008:2012){
for (j in 1:12){
link <- paste("http://stats.grok.se/json/en/",i, formatC(j, width = 2,
flag = 0),"/Friday", sep = "")
rawData <- getURL(link)
parsedData <- fromJSON(rawData)
viewsData <- data.frame(Date = names(parsedData$daily_views),
Views = parsedData$daily_views, row.names = NULL)
finalData <- rbind(finalData, viewsData)
#Performing Cleaning operations to compiled Data
fd_raw <- finalData #Keeping a copy
finalData$Date <- as.Date(finalData$Date)
finalData <- finalData[order(finalData$Date),]
finalData <- finalData[complete.cases(finalData),]
#Let's Look at graphs to find trends
plot(finalData$Date, finalData$Views, col = "dark grey")
#Let's isolate the interesting part
fd_2011 <- finalData[format.Date(finalData$Date, "%Y") == 2011,]
plot(fd_2011$Date, fd_2011$Views, col = "dark grey")
fd_mar11 <- fd_2011[format.Date(fd_2011$Date, "%m") == "03",]
plot(fd_mar11$Date, fd_mar11$Views, col = 'red', type = 'l', lwd = 3)
#What happened on March 14, 2011?
#"Friday, Friday, Gotta Get down on Friday." Lol. Release Date: 14th March
2011, marked the end of pop music as we know it.

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