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CITY OF ALHAMBRA AGENDA ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 23, 2017 MISSION STATEMENT The City of Alhambra is dedicated to responsive, creative leadership and qually services, ensuring desirable neighborhoods and a ‘supportive business environment, while being senstive to the Gane ‘diversity of our community Sam Gabriel Valley VISION STATEMENT The City of Athambra shall be the premier family-oriented and economically prosperous ‘commuraty inthe San Gabriel Valley. ‘Addressing the Counc: Secton 2.04210 of the Alhaméca Muncpal Code establishes the procedures for ‘atresing the Counc Any parson wishing to edrese tha Couel dung the moetng ust compat 8 Speakor Request ordered submit the City lek ‘When called won by the Mayor, please stop fe the poium and give your namo, adress and ogarizaon other pry you present fan, inan ale tone of ae Ter te rca. Remarks re roa 8 mits, ‘A remarks shal e accessed othe Counc as a body and not ony member tert. No person, ae than he Canc andthe psn ving the fcr, sa be prmied to eter moan cecuesen. other rectly or tough ‘merber af the Counc, whet the permission ef te Mayer No qussion shal be soled a Councipesn excapt ‘tough he Mayer ‘Standards of Decorum: Ary person making personal, mpertnent or slanderous remaris or who shat become ‘otterus whe adarecsing tht Cura shal be fete, by the Mayr bared fom he meeting Enforcement of Dacorum: The Chie of Pl, chs designee, sha be Sergart-at-Ams ofthe Cound mostngs ‘Tha Sergeant Arms shel cary out St erdere snd inutons given by the Mayr forthe pupose of mairisinng Onder end decorum at the Councl meeting, ‘Persons Authorized fo be Within Rall No parson, exept Cy ofits, thr representites, sd newspaper ‘porters shat be permed within te alin kono he Cones Chamber hou th expres cane sf the Counc, ‘Agenda Tracking Numbers: lumber sean tld ao the le ofeach Agena em ae Gy ik king ‘arbor that ae uso fo ng ana researc purposes. 42347 AGENDA Rogular Meeting ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL City Council Chambers 4111 South First Street January 23, 2017 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: it ‘COUNCIL: ‘Sham, Messina, Maloney, Ayala, Mejia San Gabi Valey eae READING OF ORDINANCE TITLES ‘Government Cade Section 36934 requires that all ordinances be read in fl prior to City Council taking action on the ordinance. By listing the ordinance tite onthe Council agenda, Council may determine thatthe title has been read, Recommended Action: By mation, termine that the titles to all ordinances which appear fn this public agenda have been read, and waive futher reading, PRESENTATION 4. COMMUNITY CHOICE AGGREGATION OVERVIEW — F2M17-16 Gary Gero, Chie! Sustainabilly Officer for the County of Los Angeles, wil give 3 presentation to the City Council regarding Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), futhorized by California AB 117 and SB 790, which allows local governments (counties and cles) to purchase electricity in the wholesale power market, develop and operate {oneration assets, sell electricity to their residents and businesses and provide customer programs such as energy efficiency and renewable energy incentives. A CCA can offer Compeltive rates and potentially greener and more local energy as an alternative to electricity provided by an investor-owned utlty (IOU), taking over the acquisition and sale of electricity to residential and commercial customers while using the IOU's transmission and distribution services and power line maintenance and continuing with the customer billing services. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has ecommended that the County proceed with forming @ CCA in partnership with Interested local governments that wil be known as the LACCE (Los Angeles County ‘Community Choice Energy). Recommended Action: City Council to receive and order the informational report filed as presented and direct staff as deemed appropriate. CLOSED SESSION & CITY ATTORNEY ANNOUNCEMENT re SAME -F2M17-14 ‘The City Council will move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown ‘Act (Government Code Sec. 54950, et s6q.) fer the purposes of conferring with the Ciy’s Real 2 42347 Property Negotiator, andor confering with the City Altorey on potential andior existing Itigation, andlor discussing matters covered under Government Code Section 54957 (Personnel), and/or conferring with the Giy’s Labor Negotiators as flows; provided, however, Briar to $0 moving ino closed session, the City Allomey shall make any announcements required by the Brown Act pertaining to such closed session matters: Conference with Real Property Negotiator (Govt. Code Section 4956.8): None Conference with Legal Counsol-Existing Litigation (Govt. Code Section 54956.9(0)(1): Ying Chen & Fu Xiang Li v. Cy of Manterey PaikiCiy of ‘Alhambra, LASC Case No, BC556189 Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Significant exposure ta Itigaton pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956,9(4)(2): 1 matter. Iniation of ligation pursuant to Govt Code Section 54958,9(d)(4): 1 matter. Discussion of Personnel Matters (Govt. Code Section 64957): None Conference with City’s Labor Negotiator (Govt. Code Section 54987.6): Tara ‘Schultz, Assistant City ManageriDrector of Human Resources, re: Management Employees, Alhambra Police Miscellaneous Association, ‘Alhambra Police Officers’ Association, Alhambra Police Management Association, Alhambra Fire Fighters’ Association, and the Alhambra City Employees’ Association RECONVENE & CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: In the event the City Council moves into @ ‘lased session, the Cy Councll shall reconvene at 7:00 p.m. and the City Attorney shall report upon the closed session ifrequired. CEREMONIALS CHECK PRESENTATION: DONATION FROM THE NAVIGAGE FOUNDATION TO ‘THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT - F2M17-3 Mr, Jim Rock, Vice President of the Navigage Foundation, long with Board Members ‘Todd Walkiett. DeWayne MMulin, and Mark Paulson, will present a check in the amount of $100,000 to Mayor Mejia and Director of Community Services Ray. This donation is intended to assist the City in providing care to our senior population ‘Therefore, the funds wil be used to remove an abandoned pool faclly at the Joslyn Center and replace it with a landscaped park-like setting with picnic tables and a shade Siructure for seniors to enjoy. Mayor Mejia wil present a cerficate of thanks to the Board of the Navigage Foundation for their generous donation to the Cty 3. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE: SCOTT LEE - PRINCIPAL PLANNER — F2N17-3, Mayor Mejia and the City Council wish to commend and thank Principal Planner Scott Lee for his thirty seven years of faithful and loyal service to the Development Services Department as well as the City of Alhambra. Mayor Mejia will present a Certificate of Service plaque to Mr. Lee for his outstanding work forthe City. 3 42847 PUBLIC HEARING 4. PROPOSED EXTENSION TO MORATORIUM PERTAINING TO PRIVATE MARIJUANA CULTIVATION AND NON-MEDICAL MARIJUANA FACILITIES - F2M16- ‘54, N2M17-7, 0217-4708, ‘This ie the time and place set by Notice No. N2MM17-7 for the City Council to hold a public hearing _on a proposed extension to moratorium pertaining to private ‘manjuana cuftvation and non-mecical manjuana tacites. On December 12, 2076, the City Counci adopted Ordinance No. O2M16-4707 establishing a 45-day moratorium Pertaining to private marijuana culivation and non-medical facilities. Since December 42, 2016, City staff has undertaken an inal investigation of these mati including consideration of what provisions should be included in a permanent ordinance regarding ‘nor-medical marjuana with regard to marjuana businesses, outdoor cultivation, indoor cultvation and delivery of non-mecical marjuana to residents ofthe City. The State of California is curently reviewing Propostion 64 for the purpose of crafting regulations relating to non-medical marjuana and those regulations are expected to take several months to be drafted and approved by the State. Government Code Section 65858 provides that after a notice pursuant to Government Code Section 65090 and public hesring, the City Council may extend the interim urgency ordinance for 10 months and 15 days. Therefore, staff is requesting that the City Counc, after receiving public testimony, adopt an urgency ordinance providing for an extension of the temporary ‘moratorium untl December 11, 2017 as It wil allow the City to protect public heath safely and welfare while the City Council evaluates is options for provisions to be inclided in permanent marjuana ordinance. Recommended Action: After receiving public testimony’ close the pubic hearing and City Councl direct the City Attomey to introduce and give reading by ttle only ‘waiving futher reading to the foloning urgeney ordinance entitled: (Ordinance No. 02M17-4708: An Urgency Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Alhambra, California, extending a temporary moratorium Pertaining to private marijuana cultivation and non-medical marijuana facies ater which such ordinance shall go into effect immediately upon its adoption by a 4/5 vole of the Cty Council -OUNCIL BUSINESS 5. APPROVE CITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS ~ F2M16-23, M2M17-8 At their December 12, 2018 meeting, the City Council adopted a resolution accepting the Countys official certiticate of the canvass of the November 8, 2016 election retuns ich declared Jeff Maloney elected Councilperson ofthe Third District and David Mejia lected Counciiperson of the Fourth District At this time, Councimembers Gary ‘Yamauchi and Steven T. Placido, DDS official termed out as members ofthe Alhambra ity Counel. Due to the restructuring of the Gity Council, vacancies were created for positions on various extemal boards/eommissions that should now be filed. Therefore, 4 12347 staff requests that the City Council nominate colleagues to fil the vacant positions on Various external boardsicommissions and vote to approve the nominated colleagues slong with the ether current City Council appointments. Recommended Action: City Council nominate colleagues to fil the vacant positions on various external boards/commissions and vote to approve the nominated Colleagues along with the other current City Council appointments; and direct staff to Undertake the stops necessary to finalize Gouncis action. (M2M17-8) CONSENT AGENDA. (Item Nos. 6 -18) ‘All items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered by the City Council to be routine and Will be enacted by one motion unless a ctizan or Council member requests otherwise; in which ‘case, the tem wil be removed for separate consideration, RESOLUTION: ACCEPT SURFACE TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM (STPL) FUNDS = F2N16-53, ROM17-7 Staff requests City Council authorization for the City Manager or his designee to act on boohaif of the City fer the Surface Transportation Program (STPL) funds administered through the Caifrnia Department of Transportation and Los Angeles County MTA. The City of Alhambra has been notified thatthe Mission Road: Garfield Avenue to west Cty limits project submitted under the STPL has been approved in the amount of $2,982,262, Recommended Action: City Council adopt Resolution No. R2M17-7 entitled: Resolution ofthe Alhambra City Council authorizing the Gly Manager fo act on behalf of the City of Alkambra with respect to the Surface Transportation Program (STPL) Transportation Funds administered through the Califomia Department of Transportation and Los Angeles County Metropoltan Transportation Authonty (MTA) certifying the City Manager of his designee as the official authorized to execute the agreements and supporting documents for the Surface Transportation Program (STPL) Transportation funded project, Mission Road: Garfield Avenue to west City mits. RFP: CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & INSPECTION SERVICES ~ VALLEY BOULEVARD PHASE II SEWER MAINLINE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT & MARENGO AVENUE WATER MAIN AND STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ~ MAIN STREET ‘TO GRAND AVENUE - F2NI13-44, FZM16-45, RFP2UIT-1 Staff requests that the City Council approve the distribution of a Request for Proposals fer professional construction management anc inspection services for the Valley Boulevard Phase II Sewer Mainiine Improvement Project and the Water Main Replacement and Street improvement Project on Marengo Avenue between Main Street and Grand Avenue, Recommended Action: City Council approve the distibution of a Request for Proposals for professional construction management and inspection services for the Valley Boulevard Phase I! Sewer Mainine Improvement Project and the Water Main 5 42347 10. Replacement and Street Improvement Project on Marengo Avenue between Main Street ‘and Grand Avenue, AWARD CONTRACT: COMPUTER NETWORK WIRING AND CABLING SERVICES — F2Mt7-20, REP2M16-8, M2M17-9 ‘Staff requests thatthe City Counel award a contract to GA Technical Services, Ine. for the installation of computor network wiing and cabling in City Hall. The wiring in City Hall was installed over 18 years ago and is not sufficient fo provide for a madern ‘computer network. This contract wil mademize the wiring to allow staff to use a faster, higher volume capability for data transmission, and to improve efficiency. Staff circulated ‘a Request for Proposals (RFP2Mt6-8) for tis project and received nine proposals, of ‘which only three were responsive. GA Tachnical Services, Inc. was identified as the most comprehensive response matching the requirement set forth in the RFP. Funding 's available in the adopted 2016-17 Budget and Capital Improvement Project. Recommended Action: City Council award professional. services contract, subject to final language approval by the City Manager and City Altorney, to GA Technical Services, Inc. forthe installation of Computer Network Wiring and Cabling in City Hall in the amount of $86,301.18; and, direct staff to undertake the steps necessary to fnakze Counei's action. (M2M17-9) ACCEPT DONATION FROM NAVIGAGE FOUNDATION TO THE COMMUNITY ‘SERVICES DEPARTMENT ~ F2M17-12, M2N17-10 “The Board of the Navigage Foundation graciously voted to grant the City of Alnambra’s Joslyn Center a gift of $100,000 with the intent to assist in providing care to the City’s ‘senior population, This donation coupled with City funding can be used to remove an ‘abandoned poo! facity atthe Josiyn Center and replace it with a park-ke setting with Biche tables and a shade structure for seniors to enjoy. Therefore, staff requests thatthe City Council accept the git of $100,000 from the Navigage Foundation, Recommended Action: City Council accept with gratitude a git of $100,000 ‘rom the Navigage Foundation (formally California PEO Home) on behalf of the City of ‘Ahambra’s Community Services Department for use atthe Josiyn Center to assist in the Construction ofa picnic area and shade structure at the ste of the abandoned swimming pool; and, direct staf to undertake the steps necessary to finalize Council's action (amami7=10) AWARD CONTRACT: CITY HALL LANDSCAPING PROJECT - F2M15-42, N2N16- 455, C2M17-3, M2MI7-11 Staff requests that the City Council award a contract to California Landscape & Design for the City Hall Landscape Project. On October 24, 2016, the City Councl approved the distribution of a Notice Inviting Bids forthe City Hail Landscape Project. On January 19, 2017, the City Clerk recelved three bids for this project. The bids ranged from $388,224.64 to $110,851.00. The bid received by California Landscape & Design is the 6 42347 1" 2, 18 14, lowest responsible bid. California Landscape & Design has the necessary licenses, permits and has done similar projects of this type for other local jurisdictions. Recommended Action: Clty Council award a contract, subject to final language ‘approved by the City Manager and City Altomey, to Calfomia Landscape & Design in ‘the amount of $88,224.64 for the City Hall Landscape Project; and, direct staff to Undertake the steps necessary to finalize the Councis action. AWARD CONTRACT: UTILITY BILL AUDIT SERVICES ~ F2w17-21, C2M17-4, Mami7-12 In 2016, the City spent over $2,500,000 on electric, gas, and phone utiles. To ensure that the City is being billed correctly and being charged the most advantageous rate, staff recommends the use ofa utility bill aut fm to review/audit the City’s uty costs Utity Cost Management, LLC (UCM) has 20 years of experience in working with public fentties in Calforia. They assist a variety of cties, school districts, and sanitation districts to reduce utlty expenses. UCM will analyze the Ciy's past three years of uty bil to identify the basis for any refunds, credits or future savings from possible billing ‘errors, overcharges, and to ensure the City is taking advantage of the best billng rates available. No compensation wil be paid to UCM prior to the City receiving a refund, credit or future savings. Recommended Action: City Council approve a contrac, subject to final language approval by the City Manager and City Attomey, wth Usity Cost Management, LLC to review the City’ utility bils to find savings and/or overcharges; authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents on behalf of the Cy: and, direct staff to Undertake the steps necessary to fnalze Council's action. (M2M17-42) TREASURER'S REPORT - F2M17-4 Recommended Action: City Council receive and fle as submitted the Treasurer's Report prepared by the Director of Finance for the month of December, 2016, isting all ofthe City’s investments as of December 31, 2016. minutes Recommended Action: City Councll review and approve as submitted the Minutes of the December 12, 2016 regular meting ofthe Alhambra Cy Counel and the Minutes of the January 9, 2017 regular meeting of the Alhambra City Council and special ‘meating of the Successor Agency fo the Former Alhambra Redevelopment Agency. PERSONNEL ACTIONS ~ F2M17-2 Recommended Action: City Council ay the actions ofthe City Manager set forth in that certain Personnel Actions document dated Januaty 23, 2017 showing the various appointments, classifations, salary changes, etc, since the last City Council meeting 7 42347 15, DEMANDS - F2Mt74 Recommended Action: City Councll approve as submited Final Check List (179495 thru 179585) in the amount of $676, 104.62 for the period ending December 29, 2016, Schedule of Wire Transfers in the amount of $2,473,056.42 for the week ending December 9, 2016, Schedule of Wire Transfers in the amount 7,328,869.26 for the week fending December 23, 2016 and Schedule of Wire Transfers in the amount of $493,708.68 for the week ending December 30, 2016; Final Check List (179596 thru 1779689) in the amount of $39,558.92 for the period ending January 4, 2017; Final Check List (179700 thru 179827) in the amount of $235,307.17 forthe period ending January 5, 2017 and Schedule of Wire Transfers in the amount of $1,859,692.54 for the period fending January 6, 2017; and, Final Check List (179828 thru 178905) in the amount of {$893,484.79 forthe period ending January 12, 2017 TION = S) Ctzens wishing to address the Council on any matter which is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Cy Council not on the Agenda may do so at this time. Please state your name and address clearly forthe record Please note that while the City Council values your comments, pursuant to the Brown Act, the City Council cannot take action unless the matter appears as an'item on a forthcoming agenda, COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (ANNOUNCEMENTS & FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS) F217-7 Each Councilmember at his discretion may address the Council and public on matters of general Information and/or concem, inciuding announcements and future agenda items. ADJOURNMENT: The next rogularly scheduled meeting of the Alhambra City Council wil be held on Monday, February 13, 2017 at 5:30 pm, in the Alhambra City Hall Council Chambers, 111 South First Street, Airambra, Calforia, NOTICE ‘Agenda items: Copies ofthe staff reports or other witten documentation relating to the items listed fn thie agenda are on fle with the Cy Clare n Alhambra City Hl located st 111 South First Set, ‘Athambra, Calfomia, and are available for inspection during regular office hours, Monday through Friday from #00 a.m. to 5:00 pam. Broadcast of Meeting: The regular meetings of the Alhambra Cty Council are recorded and are broadcast on Charter Channels 3 and 182 at 7:30 pm, onthe Thursdays and Mondays folewing the ‘meeting. Recordings are also available for viewing by the public onthe City of Alhambra's website, atthe Alhambra Public Library and, upon appointment, inthe Administrative Services Department. ‘Americans with Disabilities Act: Mf you require special assistance to participate in any City ‘meeting (including assisted kstening devices), please contact the Cty Clerks Office (626) 870-5080. 8 423-17 Natiication of at east 72 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessbity to this meeting, LAUREN MYLES, CMC CITY CLERK’ COMMUNITY CALENDAR January 24, 2017 2017 Anambra Homeless Count ‘Anambra Cive Centr Library Ruth Reese Hall “01 South Fist Srest 730 pm - 11:00, January 25,2017 Burger with a Cop ‘The Habit Burger Grit 400 East Main Stet 170 530pm.-7:30 pm. February 1, 2017 ‘Alhambra Police Department “Batt of the Badges" Blood Drive Police Department Headquarters - Emergency Operations Genter ‘211 South Fist Steet “100 pm. ~ 7.00 pm. February 11,2017 26" Annual Lunar New Year Festival Valley Boulevard - Amanser Steet Vega Street 4000am_~ 5:00pm. 42347 ‘lhaibra tem No.__! CITY OF ALHAMBRA ‘AGENDA REPORT CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: MW’ DATE: To: SUBMITTED BY: Cynthia Javve, Environmental Reeourcee Ditoctor January 23, 2017 Honorable Mayor and Members ofthe City Council SUBJECT: COMMUNITY CHOICE AGGREGATION OVERVIEW RECOMMENDATION: Cty Council to receive and order the Informational report fled as presented and direct staff as doomed appropriate. BACKGROUND: 1 ‘Community Choice Aggregation (CCA), authorized by California AB 117 (2002) and $8790, (201), allows local governments (counties and ctes) to purchase eleciricly in the Wholesale power market, develop and operate generation assets, sell electricity to their residents and businesses and provide customer programs such as energy efficiency and renewable energy incentives. 2. ACCA can offer competitive rates and potentially greener and more local energy 2s an atemative to electicty provided by an investor-owned tity (IOU), taking over the ‘acquisiton and sale of electricity to residential and commercial customers wel using the OU's transmission and distribution services and power line maintenance and continuing With the customer biling services. 3. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has recommended tha the County proceed with forming a CCA in partnership with interested local goveenments that wil be known as the LACCE (Los Angeles County Community Choice Energy) 4, Gary Gero, Chief Sustainabilly Offcer for the County of Los Angeles, will provide more Information about the proposed LACCE. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS: No financial impact. ATTACHMENTS: Power Point print out S31JUDNV SO15O ALNNOD ¥391dd0 ALIMIGVNIVLSNS 33IHD “OUD ANVD (3991) Agiauq aaloya AyuNWWwWOo? 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J] “E SUO}JeOEN Ydf Ul aed Hed % uondo 39977 alenjenz “T. SANID 10} sdays XON ASJ9Uq 9D10UD AyUNWWOD sajasuy so} "8 puno} aq ued squawinsop/uoReWO\U! a10/y O9TT-pL6-€1z OSATMOTE| ae 480440 Aujiqeurersns $2149 04285 Ayes) UONEWOJU] 9e3U0} ASsauy ad10yD AylunWWoOZ sajasuy so7 AGENDA ITEMNO., of Alhambra HEREBY COMMENDS AND THANKS THE = ‘THE ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL, ON BEHALF OF THE RESIDENTS OF ‘THE CITY OF ALHAMBRA, HEREBY COMMENDS AND THANKS THE. NAVIGAGE FOUNDATION FOR THEIR GENEROUS DONATION OF $100,000 TO THE CITY'S COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT. THE, BOARD OF THE NAVIGAGE FOUNDATION GRACIOUSLY VOTED TO GRANT THIS GIFT TO THE JOSLYN CENTER TO ASSIST THE CITY IN PROVIDING CARE TO OUR SENIOR POPULATION. THE FUNDS WILL BE USED TO REMOVE AN ABANDONED POOL FACILITY AND REPLACE IT WITH A LANDSCAPED, PARK-LIKE SETTING WITH PICNIC TABLES AND A. SHADE STRUCTURE FOR OUR SENIORS TO ENJOY. THE CITY OF ALHAMBRA COMMENDS THE NAVIGAGE FOUNDATION FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO THE WELL-BEING OF THE SENIORS IN OUR COMMUNITY. ‘THE ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL MAYOR DAVID MEJIA -_-VICE MAYOR STEPHEN SHAM COUNCILMEMBERS: BARBARA A. MESSINA, JEFF MALONEY, LUIS AYALA as ISSUED THIS 23 DAY OF JANUARY, 2017 JR DAVID MEJIA, MAYOR Item No. NO STAFF REPORT tem io, _“f CITY OF ALHAMBRA ver ‘AGENDA REPORT CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: mW part January 28,2017 To: Honorable Mayor and Members ofthe City Counc SUBMITTED BY: Joseph M. Montos, City Attomoy ll SUBJECT: PROPOSED EXTENSION TO MORATORIUM PERTAINING TO PRIVATE MARWUANA CULTIVATION AND NONAMEDICAL MARLIUANA FACILITIES RECOMMENDATION: Itis recommenced thatthe City Council adop the proposed urgency ordinance, which implements & ‘10 month and 15 day extension to the moratorium on non-medical marijuana facities and private mariana cultivation that was adopted pursuant to Ordinance No. O2M16-4707, This interim Urgency ordinance requires a four-fifths vete ofthe City Council fr adoption. BACKGROUND (On December 12, 2016, the Cty Council adopted Ordinance No. O2M16-4707, establishing a 45-

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