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IEEE Bangladesh Section

URL: http://www.ieee.org.bd/
Fax: +88 02 9668054
E-mail: ieeebdsection@webmail.buet.ac.bd
4th December, 2016
IEEE AIUB Student Branch
American International University Bangladesh, Dhaka
Greetings from IEEE Bangladesh Section Student Activity Committee (IEEE BDS SAC). We
are very grateful for being with us and your tremendous support in 2016. We hope you
and your branch will continue this support in the upcoming year as well.
For the first time, in the history of IEEE Bangladesh Section, an effective student activity
committee was formed this year aiming at serving in a vast way of benefiting the student
branches. The 2016 SAC Team was formed early of this year with some very sincere and
dedicated volunteers namely Jubaear Alam (AIUB) as Logistics Coordinator, Md. Abdur
Rahman (RUET) and Galib Nakib Rahman (IUT) as content writers; Wordh Ul Hasan (NSU)
and Tanzelur Rahman (UIU) as graphics designers. In this journey, we are very grateful to
Mr. Abdullah Ash-Saki, Membership Development Coordinator, IEEE BDS for his great
support towards the SAC Team and its activities in every possible way.
This year, we introduced SB Engage program in order to revamp less active student
branches accordingly we visited and helped some of the SBs to come out of the
dormant situation. This year we received fund to organize IEEE R10 SAC Chair, Counselor
and Mentors Meet from IEEE Region 10. We organized IEEE BDS SYWC 2015, biggest
event of IEEE Bangladesh Section, where around 400 members participated, among other
activities we organized IEEE BDS SB Ex Com Summit 2016, IEEE Day 2016, IEEE BDS
Humanitarian App and Idea Contest etc. This year, some of our SBs are also hosting
internationally recognized IEEE events like SPAC and SPAVe which is indicating their
growth as well.
More than 25 dedicated student members attended IEEE R10 SYWLC 2016 which is the
highest participation from any section. Our volunteers are contributing IEEE globally
through their passion of volunteering many student volunteers served in different
scopes like IEEE Day, IEEEXtreme, IEEE madC, IEEE R10 Newsletter, IEEE R10 SAC, IEEE
Academic etc.
We want to thank all the student branches for being with us in every step of this great
journey. Without you, it would have never been possible to achieve all of these. All the
credits go to you!
IEEE BDS SAC Team 2016 wishes you a very Happy New Year for 2017. May the
Almighty keep us safe and bless us with success. Stay connected with IEEE BDS and keep
continue your support.


Chowdhury Akram Hossain

2016 Student Activity Committee Chair
IEEE Bangladesh Section

2016 Section Student
IEEE Bangladesh

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.

IEEE Bangladesh Section, Room No. ECE 234, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh

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