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Josie Ryall

Ms. Caruso
UWRT 1102
January 24, 2017

Sticker Project
My UWRT 1101 class was not at all beneficial for me. I personally feel like I did not gain
any useful experience from my writing. My professor was nice and class was always interesting,
but it wasnt always relevant, nor did I receive good feedback on my papers. I received feedback
telling me my paper was good, but it did not provide critical information for me to develop my
writing. Writing is difficult for me, and without tips from my professor, it still is. I am a very
black or white kind of person, where I like there to be just one answer to everything. Sciences
and math are so much better for me, not only because I enjoy them, but because they tend to go
along with my personality. Writing is not black and white at all, it is in a gray area. Theres not
just one right answer, and so much is left to interpretation. I personally do not seem to interpret
things correctly often, from nonverbal cues to reading comprehension, and everything in
In UWRT 1102, I would like to be more proud of my writing. As writing is in the gray
area, and I am not comfortable there, I know that it is something I lack confidence in. I think that
I can do grammar well, as there is a strict set of rules that need to be followed. I would also like
to receive an A in the class, but Im not sure of how that will happen, as I do not foresee myself

spending large amounts of time on work for this class, since many of my classes are more intense
and require more studying and practice time. I do not discredit writing, as it is very important to
the progression of society, but I personally do not enjoy it.
In the past, I have written mostly scholarly pieces, which require an academic voice,
except for UWRT 1101. I used a lot of Is, me, and my in that class, which is far from what I
was taught to write for many years. It was uncomfortable, because I have been instructed to
separate myself from writing. Using an academic voice was easy, as it left more interpretation
out of the paper. The hard part of using academic voice, for me, is avoiding words like lets, us,
our, etc. as they all involved me being a part of it, and so academic voice was not properly
maintained. I am awful at revising my papers, because I have already read it once, so why must I
do it again? I wrote it, so I know how I interpret the message, the wording makes sense to me,
and I have the necessary background information to understand the writing. What I much prefer
to do is peer editing/revising, rather than me doing it. My peers do not always know about what
theyre reading, and so that helps solidify whether or not there is sufficient background
information in the paper. They may interpret a sentence differently, and it could be seen as
offensive or mean, even if that was not the intention. Their input helps a lot because the meaning
of one significant sentence can drastically influence the rest of the writing. Often times, while I
especially speak, I say things that dont make sense to other people. Its not the content, but
mostly the syntax. My brain runs really fast, and often my mouth (or my hands) cannot keep up
with what Im trying to say, so things get skipped over. I have forgotten to finish sentences while
writing before, and since I dont usually (or almost ever) revise my own paper, those are things I
dont catch.

The student learning objectives are important for this class, because it already gives a set
list of goals to try and achieve. I think of the SLOs like an umbrella situation: critical reading is
the umbrella itself, and holds the rhetorical knowledge, conventions knowledge, and critical
reflection being safe under the umbrella. Composing processes is another umbrella, and
conventions knowledge will sometimes switch umbrellas, to make its placement better
depending on the situation. Since grammar is set in stone, I can do conventions knowledge fairly
well, and so the composing processes umbrella is not difficult for me. Critical reading, and its
underlying parts, is what I struggle with. I am not good at comprehending what other people are
trying to convey, nor do I always understand the sub context. Since that is often an obstacle for
me, I would like to become better at it.
I have 15 credit hours this semester, which is a decent amount. I am in a lot more classes
that are major-specific, and that require so much more of a time commitment. Writing, without
writers block, is often a quick task, but for me, its not always good. I dont have to grasp a
certain concept in writing, and so I think that just naturally I will not spend a comparable amount
of time doing work for this class to my other classes. I know that for my chemistry lab, I have 12
lab reports to do. I can definitely use the tools I get from this class and apply them towards my
lab reports.
For my sticker, I included a pale yellow background, as it is not a strong color, and so it
does not scream emotions towards me. For example, a bright red would make me feel an angry
vibe coming from it. I chose light colors for the text, so that they are not screaming towards me,
and are instead calming. I used the quote Dont watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going,
by Sam Levenson. I know I personally like inspirational quotes, as I can relate to them well. I
like this one, as it tells me to keep going, as I need that sometimes. I also added in Ioure

puttin te effort to reAd this, you can put in the effort to do your
work. It says, If youre putting in the effort to read this, you can put in the effort to do your
work. Lastly, I included a man pulling himself up a mountain, because it is symbolic to me. I
have to put work in myself to get where I want to go, either in life or in this class.


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