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FS 1 STEAM FEST Term 2 2016-17

Check Prior knowledge- Divide in

groups and ask children what they
know about transport, what is
transport, name different vehicles,
what helps vehicles to move, which
goes on land, water, air. Encourage
them to question and what they are
curious to know about transport.
Organise thoughts in a web

Science/Art Provide some books on

transport. Let them have a look at
them. Making parachutes with plastic
bag, string and masking tape.

Maths- Parking cars

according to the number.
Sorting and counting
different means of transport
(land, water, air), counting
2,3,4 wheelers, ordering the
vehicles, guess on which
number the car will land?

Exploring ramps.
Investigation- build a sail boat using
swimming noodles, wooden skewer and
sail (cloth or paper)

y- Children will use free apps

- . Blocks and legos to build
different vehicles like planes,
cars, bus, boat. Creating and
investigating levers. Making
bridges. Investigating
materials and creating boats
that can float. Encourage
children to suggest what
materials can be used to

Means of

to solve puzzles- Tony the

truck and construction
vehicles by Yomio, Vehicles
Puzzles app, and Transport
puzzles for ipad, Lego junior
create and cruise by Lego

Arts/Math/Literacy- Songs
on transport. Designing their
own car using loose and junk
materials. Using shape cut
outs to make different
vehicles. Making tire tracks
using paints or playdough.
Making name trains.


FS 1 STEAM FEST Term 2 2016-17

FS 1 STEAM FEST Term 2 2016-17

FS 1 STEAM FEST Term 2 2016-17

Pictures of some of the activities and would be adapted to our FS1 level

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