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Write a function boolean isValidPassword (String password)

A Password is valid if it satisfies following conditions:
1. Length of the password must be more than 10(without counting spaces).
2. Password must contain at least one capital and one small alphabet
3. Password must contain at least 2 digits and if it does not have 2 digits then see next
4. Password must contain at least one special character from the given set{$, @, _, -, ., /}
For Ex:
Password: CraterZone Info@tech (Valid)
Password: CraterZone 2Info3tech (Valid)
Password: CraterZone Infotech (Invalid since it does not have any special symbol and does
not have 2 digits also) Password: Craterzone@ (Invalid since length of the password is not
more than 10)

You can use any language to code this function but if you are making any assumptions then
please define it properly.


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