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Marvels Secret Wars (2015)

Reading Order & Checklist

Main Event

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January 17, 2016


Marvels Secret Wars 2015

Reading Order & Checklist

Secret Wars 001 - Warzone - Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars 001

Secret Wars 002 - Warzone - Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars 002
Secret Wars 003 - Warzone - Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars 003
Secret Wars 004 - Warzone - Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars 004
Secret Wars 005 - Last Days - Captain America and the Mighty Avengers 008
Secret Wars 006 - Last Days - Spider-Woman 010
Secret Wars 007 - Last Days - Black Widow 019
Secret Wars 008 - Last Days - Black Widow 020
Secret Wars 009 - Main Event - Secret Wars 000
Secret Wars 010 - Main Event - Secret Wars 001
Secret Wars 011 - Last Days - Loki - Agent of Asgard 014
Secret Wars 012 - Last Days - Loki - Agent of Asgard 015
Secret Wars 013 - Last Days - Captain America and the Mighty Avengers 009
Secret Wars 014 - Last Days - Ms. Marvel 016
Secret Wars 015 - Last Days - Ms. Marvel 017
Secret Wars 016 - Last Days - Ms. Marvel 018
Secret Wars 017 - Last Days - Ms. Marvel 019
Secret Wars 018 - Last Days - Magneto 018
Secret Wars 019 - Last Days - Magneto 019
Secret Wars 020 - Last Days - Magneto 020
Secret Wars 021 - Last Days - Magneto 021
Secret Wars 022 - Last Days - The Punisher 019
Secret Wars 023 - Last Days - The Punisher 020
Secret Wars 024 - Last Days - Ant-Man 001
Secret Wars 025 - Last Days - Silk 007
Secret Wars 026 - Last Days - Loki - Agent of Asgard 016
Secret Wars 027 - Last Days - Loki - Agent of Asgard 017
Secret Wars 028 - Last Days - Silver Surfer 013
Secret Wars 029 - Last Days - Silver Surfer 014
Secret Wars 030 - Main Event - Secret Wars 002
Secret Wars 031 - Battleworld - Ultimate End 001
Secret Wars 032 - Battleworld - Secret Wars - Battleworld 001
Secret Wars 033 - Battleworld - Secret Wars - Battleworld 002
Secret Wars 034 - Battleworld - Master of Kung Fu 001
Secret Wars 035 - Warzone - A-Force 001
Secret Wars 036 - Warzone - Planet Hulk 001
Secret Wars 037 - Warzone - Spider-Verse 001
Secret Wars 038 - Battleworld - Inhumans Attilan Rising 001
Secret Wars 039 - Warzone - M.O.D.O.K. Assassin 001
Secret Wars 040 - Warzone - Infinity Gauntlet 001
Secret Wars 041 - Warzone - Old Man Logan 001
Secret Wars 042 - Warzone - Inferno 001

January 17, 2016


Secret Wars 043 - Warzone - Secret Wars 2099 001

Secret Wars 044 - Battleworld - Secret Wars Journal 001
Secret Wars 045 - Warzone - Where Monsters Dwell 001
Secret Wars 046 - Warzone - X-Men '92 001
Secret Wars 047 - Main Event - Secret Wars 003
Secret Wars 048 - Battleworld - Master of Kung Fu 002
Secret Wars 049 - Warzone - Years of Future Past 001
Secret Wars 050 - Warzone - X-Tinction Agenda 001
Secret Wars 051 - Warzone - Giant-Size Little Marvel - AvX 001
Secret Wars 052 - Warzone - Future Imperfect 001
Secret Wars 053 - Warzone - The Amazing Spider-Man - Renew Your Vows 001
Secret Wars 054 - Warzone - Armor Wars 001
Secret Wars 055 - Battleworld - Ultimate End 002
Secret Wars 056 - Battleworld - Inhumans Attilan Rising 002
Secret Wars 057 - Battleworld - Secret Wars Journal 002
Secret Wars 058 - Battleworld - Marvel Zombies 001
Secret Wars 059 - Battleworld - Ghost Racers 001
Secret Wars 060 - Warzone - X-Men '92 002
Secret Wars 061 - Warzone - Inferno 002
Secret Wars 062 - Warzone - Inferno 003
Secret Wars 063 - Warzone - Inferno 004
Secret Wars 064 - Warzone - Inferno 005
Secret Wars 065 - Warzone - Weirdworld 001
Secret Wars 066 - Warzone - Spider-Verse 002
Secret Wars 067 - Warzone - Secret Wars 2099 002
Secret Wars 068 - Warzone - M.O.D.O.K. Assassin 002
Secret Wars 069 - Warzone - M.O.D.O.K. Assassin 003
Secret Wars 070 - Warzone - M.O.D.O.K. Assassin 004
Secret Wars 071 - Warzone - M.O.D.O.K. Assassin 005
Secret Wars 072 - Warzone - 1602 - Witch Hunter Angela 001
Secret Wars 073 - Warzone - Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps 001
Secret Wars 074 - Warzone - Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos 001
Secret Wars 075 - Battleworld - Thors 001
Secret Wars 076 - Battleworld - Runaways 001
Secret Wars 077 - Warzone - Old Man Logan 002
Secret Wars 078 - Warzone - Armor Wars 002
Secret Wars 079 - Warzone - Squadron Sinister 001
Secret Wars 080 - Battleworld - Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies 001
Secret Wars 081 - Warzone - Infinity Gauntlet 002
Secret Wars 082 - Warzone - Planet Hulk 002
Secret Wars 083 - Warzone - Where Monsters Dwell 002
Secret Wars 084 - Warzone - E Is for Extinction 001
Secret Wars 085 - Warzone - Korvac Saga 001
Secret Wars 086 - Warzone - X-Men '92 003
Secret Wars 087 - Main Event - Secret Wars 004
Secret Wars 088 - Battleworld - Secret Wars Journal 003
Secret Wars 089 - Battleworld - Ultimate End 003
January 17, 2016


Secret Wars 090 - Battleworld - Red Skull 001

Secret Wars 091 - Warzone - A-Force 002
Secret Wars 092 - Warzone - X-Tinction Agenda 002
Secret Wars 093 - Warzone - Years of Future Past 002
Secret Wars 094 - Warzone - Future Imperfect 002
Secret Wars 095 - Warzone - Giant-Size Little Marvel - AvX 002
Secret Wars 096 - Battleworld - Ghost Racers 002
Secret Wars 097 - Battleworld - Master of Kung Fu 003
Secret Wars 098 - Battleworld - Runaways 002
Secret Wars 099 - Warzone - Squadron Sinister 002
Secret Wars 0100 - Warzone - Spider-Verse 003
Secret Wars 101 - Warzone - Secret Wars 2099 003
Secret Wars 102 - Warzone - Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos 002
Secret Wars 103 - Warzone - The Amazing Spider-Man - Renew Your Vows 002
Secret Wars 104 - Warzone - 1872 001
Secret Wars 105 - Warzone - Spider-Island 001
Secret Wars 106 - Warzone - Civil War 001
Secret Wars 107 - Warzone - The Age of Apocalypse 001
Secret Wars 108 - Warzone - Secret Wars Secret Love 001
Secret Wars 109 - Battleworld - Inhumans Attilan Rising 003
Secret Wars 110 - Battleworld - Secret Wars - Battleworld 003
Secret Wars 111 - Battleworld - Siege 001
Secret Wars 112 - Warzone - Korvac Saga 002
Secret Wars 113 - Warzone - Armor Wars 003
Secret Wars 114 - Warzone - Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps 002
Secret Wars 115 - Warzone - Planet Hulk 003
Secret Wars 116 - Warzone - Years of Future Past 003
Secret Wars 117 - Warzone - Where Monsters Dwell 003
Secret Wars 118 - Warzone - Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders 001
Secret Wars 119 - Warzone - Guardians of Knowhere 001
Secret Wars 120 - Warzone - Hail Hydra 001
Secret Wars 121 - Battleworld - Marvel Zombies 002
Secret Wars 122 - Battleworld - Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde 001
Secret Wars 123 - Warzone - X-Men '92 004
Secret Wars 124 - Warzone - X-Men '92 005
Secret Wars 125 - Warzone - E Is for Extinction 002
Secret Wars 126 - Warzone - Future Imperfect 003
Secret Wars 127 - Warzone - Weirdworld 002
Secret Wars 128 - Warzone - Old Man Logan 003
Secret Wars 129 - Battleworld - Thors 002
Secret Wars 130 - Battleworld - Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies 002
Secret Wars 131 - Warzone - 1602 - Witch Hunter Angela 002
Secret Wars 132 - Battleworld - Ultimate End 004
Secret Wars 133 - Battleworld - Siege 002
Secret Wars 134 - Battleworld - Red Skull 002
Secret Wars 135 - Warzone - The Age of Apocalypse 002
Secret Wars 136 - Warzone - The Amazing Spider-Man - Renew Your Vows 003
January 17, 2016


Secret Wars 137 - Warzone - Civil War 002

Secret Wars 138 - Warzone - Future Imperfect 004
Secret Wars 139 - Warzone - Giant-Size Little Marvel - AvX 003
Secret Wars 140 - Warzone - Guardians of Knowhere 002
Secret Wars 141 - Warzone - Infinity Gauntlet 003
Secret Wars 142 - Warzone - Spider-Island 002
Secret Wars 143 - Main Event - Secret Wars 005
Secret Wars 144 - Battleworld - Secret Wars Battleworld 004
Secret Wars 145 - Battleworld - Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde 002
Secret Wars 146 - Battleworld - Master of Kung Fu 004
Secret Wars 147 - Battleworld - Ghost Racers 003
Secret Wars 148 - Battleworld - Inhumans Attilan Rising 004
Secret Wars 149 - Warzone - A-Force 003
Secret Wars 150 - Warzone - Korvac Saga 003
Secret Wars 151 - Warzone - Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos 003
Secret Wars 152 - Warzone - Planet Hulk 004
Secret Wars 153 - Warzone - Secret Wars 2099 004
Secret Wars 154 - Warzone - Years of Future Past 004
Secret Wars 155 - Battleworld - Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies 003
Secret Wars 156 - Battleworld - Runaways 003
Secret Wars 157 - Battleworld - Secret Wars Journal 004
Secret Wars 158 - Warzone - Weirdworld 003
Secret Wars 159 - Warzone - X-Tinction Agenda 003
Secret Wars 160 - Warzone - Spider-Verse 004
Secret Wars 161 - Warzone - Guardians of Knowhere 003
Secret Wars 162 - Warzone - Captain Britain and the Mighty Defenders 002
Secret Wars 163 - Warzones - 1872 002
Secret Wars 164 - Warzone - Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows 004
Secret Wars 165 - Warzone - Armor Wars 004
Secret Wars 166 - Warzone - House of M 001
Secret Wars 167 - Warzone - Howard the Human 001
Secret Wars 168 - Battleworld - Marvel Zombies 003
Secret Wars 169 - Warzone - Where Monsters Dwell 004
Secret Wars 170 - Warzone - Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps 003
Secret Wars 171 - Warzone - Civil War 003
Secret Wars 172 - Warzone - E Is for Extinction 003
Secret Wars 173 - Warzone - Old Man Logan 004
Secret Wars 174 - Warzone - X-Men '92 006
Secret Wars 175 - Warzone - X-Men '92 007
Secret Wars 176 - Warzone - X-Men '92 008
Secret Wars 177 - Warzone - Hank Johnson - Agent of Hydra 001
Secret Wars 178 - Battleworld - Thors 003
Secret Wars 179 - Battleworld - Star-Lord and Kitty Pryde 003
Secret Wars 180 - Battleworld - Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies 004
Secret Wars 181 - Warzone - Squadron Sinister 003
Secret Wars 182 - Warzone - Squadron Sinister 004
Secret Wars 183 - Warzone - Spider-Island 003
January 17, 2016


Secret Wars 184 - Warzone - House of M 002

Secret Wars 185 - Warzone - Hail Hydra 002
Secret Wars 186 - Battleworld - Siege 003
Secret Wars 187 - Battleworld - Red Skull 003
Secret Wars 188 - Warzone - Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows 005
Secret Wars 189 - Warzone - Mrs. Deadpool and the Howling Commandos 004
Secret Wars 190 - Warzone - Korvac Saga 004
Secret Wars 191 - Warzone - Secret Wars 2099 005
Secret Wars 192 - Warzone - Planet Hulk 005
Secret Wars 193 - Warzone - Giant-Size Little Marvel - AvX 004
Secret Wars 194 - Warzone - Civil War 004
Secret Wars 195 - Warzone - A-Force 004
Secret Wars 196 - Warzone - 1602 - Witch Hunter Angela 003
Secret Wars 197 - Battleworld - Secret Wars Journal 005
Secret Wars 198 - Warzone - Guardians of Knowhere 004
Secret Wars 199 - Warzone - House of M 003
Secret Wars 200 - Warzone - Infinity Gauntlet 004
Secret Wars 201 - Warzone - Armor Wars 005
Secret Wars 202 - Warzone - Spider-Island 004
Secret Wars 203 - Warzone - Spider-Verse 005
Secret Wars 204 - Battleworld - Inhumans Attilan Rising 005
Secret Wars 205 - Battleworld - Runaways 004
Secret Wars 206 - Warzone - Weirdworld 004
Secret Wars 207 - Warzone - Years of Future Past 005
Secret Wars 208 - Warzone - X-Tinction Agenda 004
Secret Wars 209 - Warzone - Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps 004
Secret Wars 210 - Warzones - 1872 003
Secret Wars 211 - Battleworld - Ghost Racers 004
Secret Wars 212 - Warzone - Hail Hydra 003
Secret Wars 213 - Warzone - Hail Hydra 004
Secret Wars 214 - Warzone - E Is for Extinction 004
Secret Wars 215 - Main Event - Secret Wars 006
Secret Wars 216 - Battleworld - Siege 004
Secret Wars 217 - Warzone - 1602 - Witch Hunter Angela 004
Secret Wars 218 - Warzone - Spider-Island 005
Secret Wars 219 - Battleworld - Marvel Zombies 004
Secret Wars 220 - Warzone - Civil War 005
Secret Wars 221 - Warzone - Agents of Atlas 001
Secret Wars 222 - Warzones - 1872 004
Secret Wars 223 - Warzone - House of M 004
Secret Wars 224 - Warzone - Where Monsters Dwell 005
Secret Wars 225 - Battleworld - Thors 004
Secret Wars 226 - Warzone - Infinity Gauntlet 005
Secret Wars 227 - Warzone - The Age of Apocalypse 003
Secret Wars 228 - Warzone - The Age of Apocalypse 004
Secret Wars 229 - Warzone - The Age of Apocalypse 005
Secret Wars 230 - Warzone - Future Imperfect 005
January 17, 2016


Secret Wars 231 - Main Event - Secret Wars 007

Secret Wars 232 - Main Event - Secret Wars 008
Secret Wars 233 - Main Event - Secret Wars 009
Secret Wars 234 - Warzone - Old Man Logan 005
Secret Wars 235 - Battleworld - Ultimate End 005
Secret Wars 236 - Warzone - A-Force 005
Secret Wars 237 - Warzone - Weirdworld 005
Secret Wars 238 - Last Days - Silver Surfer 015

January 17, 2016


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