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Democracy, Peace, Human Rights!

in the European/Eurasian Union !

& Futurist Primordial Humanism

By Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken


This article is part of an answer to a question made on the topic : "Democracy and the European/
Eurasian Union", at the Research Gate Network (RG).!

Reference: Human Rights Applied in Daily life. Peace work, Non Violence, Ethics and
Human Rights Projects of the LDMF Foundation.!

Article By Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken!
Does "democratic" imply the observation of human rights? !
How far can be democracy from human rights care? !

I consider that any political and geographically located political organization that cares for people,
community, family, culture, should as well care for human rights. Yet, the practice of democracy
starts with very simple and direct statements that are important for democracy. Without respect of
those, democracy would be empty. Just the ability to vote, co-create decisions as a collective, does
not imply that a culture, civilization is advanced.!

I would like to perceive the European Union as a first step before the Eurasian Union.!

Yet, Asia, Russia, Middle East, North Africa, Eastern and Western Europe, as well as Nordic
Countries, were themselves part of trade, commerce, religious, pilgrimage, political, technology
paths, as the silk road, the Mosel river, the Volga river, and other great paths on ancient Eurasia.!

The European Union (Later Eurasian Union) is a multicultural region, which, that has not changed
since ancient times, bring together people from all cultures of Eurasia.!

Is it Eurasia Democratic? Do we apply human rights in Eurasia?!

I started to share at Research Gate Network on a project on "Human rights, peace, ethics and non
violence" (2011). https://www.researchgate.net/project/Human-Rights-Applied-in-Daily-Life!

A project related to our Human Rights and Peace Campaign, which involves as well integration of
non violence, ethics, and performing arts as a method, for the purpose of social education,
trainings, and side tool for our consultancy services.!

The Main question of this project is as follows: if there is any difference between applying human
rights in daily life and human rights as for the observation of governance practices. Does human
rights need to be observed only by governments or corporations and communities as well? and
what about families, or within one-to-one relationships, and what about agreements and contracts?!

How freedom of self-expression, opinion, right of property, assembly, work, beliefs, directly imply
the right of participation or choice of own leaders and national or community polices and practices?!

Where in the human rights declaration and how, is democracy suggested as a practice necessary
for peace, care for culture, family, life sustainability, wealth generation, scientific and technology
innovation, culture and civilization development, care for heritage and creation of legacy?!


Copyright by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken


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Democracy, Peace, Human Rights!

in the European/Eurasian Union !
& Futurist Primordial Humanism

By Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken


When at any region, location, more than one culture meet and live together, the question on the
practices and policy observed by each culture for the purpose of daily life choices, preferences,
decision making, life sustaining strategies is of key importance.!

Are human rights, ethics, non violence, peace observed by all cultures? If yes, in which dimension,
level of application.?!

How to bring by human rights into daily life practice?!
Human rights as for children, women, labor, immigrants, universal rights.!
For example, if you ask yourself: How would you apply human rights in any of the following fields?!
- Love relationships!
- Relationship with children and relatives!
- Community Building!
- Team Building!
- RiskManagement!
- Project Management!
- Immigration Management!
- Education: Teacher-student!
- Labor: Employer-Employee!
- Children and family, parenting!
- Science and Technology innovation!
- Gamification!
- Social and Culture Managemet!
Would all your answers be the same?!
How far is the modern global culture into the process of implementation of human rights, creation
of instruments, necessary for their application in daily life?!

How does police, immigration, government institutions, educational institutions, military, law, court,
social services, corporate, integrate human rights in their policies, practices, control, regulations? !

I would prefer to answer this question first and then ask my self if within that context the question of
democracy as an elevated practice of decision making that labels a community or culture as
advanced make sense.!

Copyright by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken


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Democracy, Peace, Human Rights!

in the European/Eurasian Union !
& Futurist Primordial Humanism

By Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken


The right of work, for example, the universal human rights declaration, is a good field to discuss
about: the right of work does imply the right of being paid for that work? and if so, how much ? !

(Right for property suggests as well the right for wealth generation?) how is this question related to
democracy? !

For example: When immigrants receive a work permit, they do have that right since then before?
Why to give or not to give immigrants a working permit? The decision should be made according to
political beliefs or governance practices, policies, or through referendum? Is every foreigner taking
jobs and wealth of the host country, does a foreigner have the right to increase own wealth and
property while living abroad or can a local community and network judge and decide by agreement
(democratic process) that an individual (foreigner) should not generate wealth while living at their
location (nationals/locals)?!

How far can go the intention of protection of a local culture, wealth, in relation to the integration of
expats, immigrants that collaborate with the development of it, and their right to generate wealth
and increase property for their own?!

Please review our video on the importance of wealth for peace, community and culture protection
and why governance, policy, and security services a now military, have been necessary for any
tribe or culture: https://vimeo.com/141768387!

This example above is simple, but when democracy touches the edges of human rights, peace and
non violence?!

If an immigrant needs to wait for several months for a working permit, is that an act against the
human rights? This situation is result of a challenge in the administration, process necessary for
authorizing a working permit or in the national policy regarding priorities set and respect given to
the life of individuals, their well being, their wealth, property and human rights? If an individual that
has no right to work, and is living in a foreign country, waiting for the permit to be granted, needs to
wait several months for that permit and the local state do not provide any means for the purpose of
covering the living and basic expenses of the immigrant until the permit has been granted or not
(decision made), every day of waiting time for the immigrant means a progression in the reduction
of own wealth and damage of the necessary conditions for generating wealth.!

When democracy is applied, and citizens vote, do they vote for ideas, principles, decision making
ability and leadership? or do they as well choose how those ideas will be implemented, laws,
instruments and institutions used and the policy that will be applied?!

In any case, and this is actually my answer to the question: Are the voters able to care for human
rights, observe them, perceive them how should be applied or are necessary along their daily life
choices, while setting preferences, and strategies, while making decisions?!

If the Eurasian Union is democratic? I would say that may be several democratic practices while
yet is a contradiction, the practice of democracy, when the declaration of universal human rights is
not observed in the practice of democracy.!

Yet the Eurasian Union is at the date of today, not yet a legal entity, but made by a series of legal
agreements in a variety of dimensions and levels of collaboration, from local to regional
governments, networks, industries, sectors and people. !
Copyright by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken


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Democracy, Peace, Human Rights!

in the European/Eurasian Union !
& Futurist Primordial Humanism

By Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken


The same idea applies to any regional entity that has the function of government or administration,
and needs of a policy, and as well implementation of laws and creation of instruments for the
application of the laws and policy.!

Does any reader of this article him/her/itself apply human rights (non violence, ethics, peace)
along the process of communication, collaboration and decision making at home with own family,
children, relatives, parents and love partners? within own community? network ? work, job, or
business? or in their participation with the development of own community, culture or civilization?!

The balance between cultures, beliefs, instrumentation of governance practices and policies, and
ethics applied to science, technology innovation, culture and civilization development, is key for the
future of humanity.!

Can we ask who votes in a democratic process? and What for? and what is the value of those
numbers of voters regarding their responsibility and knowledge in terms of caring for the future of
humanity beyond their own private lives and interests?!

REF: The Quantification of Human Value: A tool that based on a score card evaluates the value of
an individual, by quantifying its current status of capacity/performance/response to given
circumstances or challenges.!

REF: URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/

tion_wwwluisdanielmaldonadofonkenin !

URL: The Tool: http://luisdanielmaldonadofonken.info/research-applications/quantification%20of


REF: Game or Reality: The 9 Stages of Development: http://luisdanielmaldonadofonken.info/


REF: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311440522_Game_or_Reality!

The question that rises out of these reading materials is: Who is voting? Is that individual capable
of a vote,of a referendum? of decision making regarding the choices and principles, policy applied,
plans, needs, projects necessary for the care of own life? Would be the voter as well capable to
make a choice that would care for own family, community, location, culture or finally species and
the living environment of it, the earth planet through that choice?!

How to perceive human future from the point of view of a pots human and eventually transhuman
civilization? and how to integrate democracy and human rights into those choices, when the daily
life citizen must judge a technology and a scientific application, knowledge, and the impact it would
have for the future of humanity, culture, society and their own legacy?!

I think, in order to round up my answer, i would first suggest a futurist analysis of the impact, and
some principles that could help a humanist approach to be considered for decision making: ( REF:
Primordial Humanismhttp://luisdanielmaldonadofonken.info/futurism.html )!


Copyright by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken


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Democracy, Peace, Human Rights!

in the European/Eurasian Union !
& Futurist Primordial Humanism

By Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken

What is Primordial Humanism?!

Primordial humanism focus on caring for the human as it is, protecting its design, and natural
development or evolution.!
Primordial humanism focus on supporting any development process which is based on laws,
principles, rhythms cycles of nature, which influence the human factor.!
Primordial humanism is about the human individual and collective to remember is one with
nature, is nature itself, and re-discover that by the study of nature within own self and in own
creations, by collaborating with nature, will create a better future for own species and the planet
and other species living in it.!
Primordial humanism will dedicate all knowledge and technology available to enhance life, living
and development conditions of humanity while will not damage nor change the human design
itself, for example regarding transhumanist technologies one of our main interests, is to
collaborate with technologies able to develop non intrusive technology, technology that doe snot
need to be attached to the human body.The idea of a hybrid human-technology-AI. is not
preferred by a futurist primordial humanism.!
Does it sounds familiar, transhumanist, posthumanist, technologist, Scientific Studies, applied for
human well being that eventually abuse the human rights?!

Is there a right of a human to keep the natural blue print of being human, from its origin to its end? !
Another example, on human rights, voters value, democracy, peace and ethics, remarkable, is in
the field of economy:!

Do you know projects or publications in which wealth and property is introduced as necessary or
important for peace?!

I am very interested in this topic, as its understanding is key as for the understanding of the
importance of the universal declaration of human rights, as for the need of an implementation of a
government or governance practices, instruments, institutions and policy that supports the well
being of citizens and development of own culture.!

For example:!

For the creation of communities!

In the study of the development of nations, tribes or cultures!
How or why military/security services were created?!
Implementation of new policies for immigration: Is the right of work the same as the right to
receive money for the work done? (Residence, working permit, volunteer work, trade, and right of
being paid with money for the work done, alternative currencies use)!
Household in a family!
Corporative wealth, private persons wealth, investment, property: used for peace.!
Ethics in the use of wealth and property.!

I would like myself to share two examples of my own work, in relation to human rights, ethics, non
violence and peace. Yet i would be grateful to know other authors and project researchers points of
view. !


Copyright by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken


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Democracy, Peace, Human Rights!

in the European/Eurasian Union !
& Futurist Primordial Humanism

By Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken


Some years ago while living in Finland, i produced the following video: https://vimeo.com/
141768387 dedicated to introduce the relationship between wealth, property, peace and
government. For which i used story telling and primordial archetypes.!

With the idea that the education on peace, human rights, can be gamified and story telling, when
the right archetypes have been used, would become an important tool for the development of the
game, the experience of education or information on the topic.!

Here some additional examples:!

Peace Work Gamified:URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/


And an example of gamification applied to the household management of a not for profit
organization: Primordial Economy. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/
313056352_The_Primordial_Economy_Gamified_Economy__Example_of_Household_Gamification_for_a_not_for_profit_organization !

URL: http://luisdanielmaldonadofonken.info/matrix%209%2B/the%20primordial%20economy.html!
URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313058018_Wealth_Money_Economy_Peace__Story_Telling_with_Primordial_Archetypes_applied_for_peace_work_REF_Wealth_Property_Hu

Another example i think will help the reader to reach more insight into the vision of primordial
humanism applied to human rights, already suggested in the e-book Game or reality and the 9
stages of development, would be that one of emotional intelligence applied.!

How to write a marriage contract with emotionally correct language? (Are emotional intelligence,
empathy & sensitivity necessary for legal agreements)!

Is it a marriage contract or nuptial agreement be necessary for modern love relationships? or any
similar when lovers engage into a committed relationship ? How can a document dedicated to
observe wealth shared, agreements on responsibility taken for each other, be as practical and
grounded, realist as necessary, yet emotionally and relationship sensitive?!

Do the lovers observe human rights and certain ethical policy for the design of those documents?
How many couples or individuals are prepared to deal with such a challenge? This simple
question will bring us more insight into what is necessary for any individual in order to become
sensitive enough for the application of human rights in daily life, communication, collaboration,
strategy and decision making.!

For many couples, love and the law, and issues like shared property, wealth and agreements in the
case of separation are not perceived as positive, eventually as for fear regarding the possibility of
influencing negatively the process of the relationship, which "should be based on love" and not
other elements, like wealth, property, nor would like to consider a potential break up.!

I wonder if there is an emotional intelligence gap, needed to be covered by education. For couples
without children a breaking process may not be as dramatic as for those that have children. Within
that circumstance how human rights and non violence are applied?!

Copyright by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken


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Democracy, Peace, Human Rights!

in the European/Eurasian Union !
& Futurist Primordial Humanism

By Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken

What would mean to apply non violence? for example if a strategy generates a violent outcome,
impact in people, culture, economies or own employees life or for the purpose of this example into:
lovers, parents, love partners life.!

Are you aware of any project that focus on how to utilize language for the purpose of making
agreements and law, more sensitive to love partners, and less damaging for their relationship?!

Is it only lack of self-confidence, security or fear to the unexpected future, that creates that
pleasant feeling when considering to write a marriage contract or any legal agreement between
lovers, that for example did move together?!

Yet, the field of love relationship and marriage is obvious, regarding the need of practical sensitivity
in the language. While in the field of business, we are used to a direct and practical language, it is
my experience that this language which related to "real" matters, seems to be to harsh for starters
of business, and eventually for people that consider to make business a hard cold and ego-based
process to go through.!

If in the most sensitive field, marriage, love relationships, children, family, would be possible to
utilize a language filled with emotions, empathy and sensitivity, yet clear and clean enough as for
representing a legal agreement or statement, wouldnt be that an important effort?!

I remember in countries like Germany and Finland, new forms of agreements has been set with the
so call social business, in which employees for example share ownership in a certain manner, and
some how also decision making.!

The ability to show, communicate, care and collaboration-intention, with employees, business
partners, customers, is necessary.!

Finally, i would like to suggest one step forward in the field of discussion for this particular topic:!
Notice that unless we can defend them in the court, the human rights make no more than an
intentional sense. !

How an international law can serve the global citizen? Or otherwise i would ask what is the
purpose, function of creation of an international law? to set an intentional direction for the
development of a global culture, an intentional global policy for governments regarding the policy
they apply for own citizens and as a communication instruments?!

Yet, if one individual at any given state can not protect own human rights, how an international law
serve the individual? isnt that contradictory?!

I consider that the development of a global culture and civilization current stage is not that
advanced regarding: Status of level of education of global citizens (Capacity of response, for
example: human rights applied in daily life) and the instrument global citizens can utilize for
defending those rights, and the consistency governments and institutions of the government can
provide to the citizens regarding the following:!

- We live in an intentional democratic era, for which every one must care for human rights and
protect them, governments and individuals; yet we lack still from the ability to implement them in
daily life or protect individuals legally when their rights have been abused.!


Copyright by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken


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Democracy, Peace, Human Rights!

in the European/Eurasian Union !
& Futurist Primordial Humanism

By Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken


Wouldnt that statement be more honest, realistic, than the strange situation our modern world
culture has at the moment.!

For how many years the modern world culture has been utilized human rights and how far is it in
the implementation of the necessary instruments for their application? !

The question will be answered as soon as individuals, public and private organizations, families,
networks and communities, decide to take in consideration that the universal declaration of human
rights, is capable of creation of a world in peace, with ethical values and through non violent

There are necessary many steps to be taken into the direction of global peace of the development
of an advanced culture and civilization, one of the most important ones, strategically, should be the
multi-dimensional implementation at 9 levels of impact of the human rights.!

REF: URL: Risk Management, 9 levels of impact: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/


The application of Primordial Archetypes, the 9 Stages of development and the 9 Fields of
application, complex human self-organization, for the purpose of Risk Management. Through the 9
Families, Primordial Archetypes, Risk Management can be gamified.!

URL: Risk Management http://luisdanielmaldonadofonken.info/matrix%209%2B/the


Can we then through gamification, develop an assessment process that focus on the risk taken by
not completing the full implementation of the human rights, natural rights.!

My vision of future, of a future in peace, is that one in which human rights are observed, there for
risk taken, strategies applied, know how utilized, care for humanity, for the human species, for its
global culture and civilization and every necessary step for its development.

Copyright by Luis Daniel Maldonado Fonken


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