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The Other Wes Moore

Volume 1, Issue 1
Newsletter Date

By Emma Pospisil

Wes Moore

Compare and Contrast

The book
The Other Wes
Moore and the
poem The Road
Not Taken are
very similar but
also different.
They both have
similar aspects in
the writing and
similar messages
to give the
readers. The
book The Other
Wes Moore is
about two boys
with the same
name, Wes
Moore and two
different fates.
The Poem The
Road Not Taken
is about choosing
the right path and
the decisions you
make really do

The book
The Other Wes
Moore and the
poem The Road
Not Taken are
very similar but
also different.
They both have
similar aspects in
the writing and
similar messages
to give the
readers. The
book The Other
Wes Moore is
about two boys
with the same
name, Wes
Moore and two
different fates.
The Poem The
Road Not Taken
is about choosing
the right path and
the decisions you
make really do

The book
The Other Wes
Moore and the
poem The Road
Not Taken are
very similar but
also different.
They both have
similar aspects in
the writing and
similar messages
to give the
readers. The
book The Other
Wes Moore is
about two boys
with the same
name, Wes
Moore and two
different fates.
The Poem The
Road Not Taken
is about choosing
the right path and
the decisions you
make really do

The book
The Other Wes
Moore is about
two boys
growing up in
situations. They
both have the
same name, Wes
Moore, they both
grew up in
Baltimore, they

The book
The Other Wes
Moore is about
two boys
growing up in
situations. They
both have the
same name, Wes
Moore, they both
grew up in
Baltimore, they

The book
The Other Wes
Moore is about
two boys
growing up in
situations. They
both have the
same name, Wes
Moore, they both
grew up in
Baltimore, they

Tony said If
you wont listen
thats on you.
You have the
potential to do
so much more,
to go much
further. You can
lead a horse to
water, but you
cant make him
drink (Moore
72). Wes started
to get into the
same trouble
Tony was in,
drug dealing,
and he
became a father
at a young age
to four kids and
two wives. Tony
often told Wes
do as I say, not
as I do. Wes
mom moved her
family to the
Dundee Village
which was a
modes and
cared for
village. Tony
lives full time in
the streets now
deep in the drug

He was
considered a
veteran of the
drug game
(Moore 57).
Many problems
led them to move
again. Two
incidents in
particular were
Wes failed 6th
grade and Tony
was shot. Wes
was already into
the drug game.
Wes found
himself very far
into the drug
game and he was
making tons of
money. When his
mom asked him
where he was
getting all of this
money, he said
he was a DJ. This
book kept me
excited to see
what happens
next, I really
enjoyed this read.
Continue reading
on page 2

The Other Wes Moore

By Emma Pospisil

Page 2
The Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood and I
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

I guess its hard sometimes to

distinguish between second
chances and last chances (67)

Wes Moore

The Poem The Road Not
Taken gives a great message.
This poem is about a traveler
who has to make decisions.
And sorry I could not travel
both (Frost 2) The traveler
has to think about and process
the decision before he makes
them. This helps us realize
that our choices matter, and
that we have to go through the
possible outcomes of ever
decision we have to make.
After the traveler made the
decisions he was happy and
content with them. At the end
of the poem the traveler said
I shall be telling this with a
sigh (Frost 16) This mean the
traveler feels confident that he
made the right decision. When
we are faced with a choice we
need to think what will make
ourselves and others happy
and that should make the
decision clearer.
The book The Other
Wes Moore and the Poem The
Road Not Taken are very
similar but they also have
some differences. Some
similarities are that they both
have to make important
In The Other Wes Moore both
Wes have to make critical
decisions. There are two
different roads that could have
been taken in the book. One
road is drugs and violence,
and the other is education and

The Poem The Road Not

Taken gives a great message.
This poem is about a traveler
who has to make decisions.
And sorry I could not travel
both (Frost 2) The traveler
has to think about and process
the decision before he makes
them. This helps us realize
that our choices matter, and
that we have to go through the
possible outcomes of ever
decision we have to make.
After the traveler made the
decisions he was happy and
content with them. At the end
of the poem the traveler said
I shall be telling this with a
sigh (Frost 16) This mean the
traveler feels confident that he
made the right decision. When
we are faced with a choice we
need to think what will make
ourselves and others happy
and that should make the
decision clearer.
The book The Other
Wes Moore and the Poem The
Road Not Taken are very
similar but they also have
some differences. Some
similarities are that they both
have to make important
In The Other Wes Moore both
Wes have to make critical
decisions. There are two
different roads that could have
been taken in the book. One
road is drugs and violence,
and the other is education and

The Other Wes Moore

By Emma Pospisil

Page 3
The book The Other Wes
Moore, and the poem The Road
Not Taken both have a similar
message. The message is that
you will make many decisions in
life and making the right
decision is very important. Big
or small every one of them
matter. One bad decision leads to
another, and it will keep on
going until it is impossible to
come back.
Other Wes Moore Book Review
I really enjoyed reading this book.
When I was reading this book kept
me on the edge of my seat
wandering what was going to happen
next. This book is about two boys
that grew up with the same name ,
Wes Moore. Not only did they have
the same name what they had similar
childhoods too. Neither of the boys
had present fathers nor did they
grow up in a great neighborhood.
Author Wes had more of a structured
life, attending military school, while
Other Wes got himself into trouble
on the streets. I would recommend
this book to a friend because it is
well written and it is an interesting
and fun read.

Rhodes Research
The Rhodes scholarships are
the oldest most celebrated
international fellowship
awards in the World. Each year
31 young students are picked
from the United States to be
Rhodes Scholars. The selected
students study at Oxford
University, founded in 1096.,
the worlds second oldest
university. These scholarships
are provided by a British
Salesman, Cecil Rhodes.
Rhodes wanted to create
leaders who would be
dedicated to service and
academic inquiry. Some
Notable Rhodes Recipients are
Bill Clinton, Wes Moore, and
Wesley Clark, a former
presidential candidate.

Wes Moore
Work cited

N.p., n.d. Web.

Ramsey, Michael, Faith
Matheson, and Alicia
Morales. "Sparknotes."
The Other Wes Moore:
One Name, Two Fates.
Morama Publishing
Company, n.d. Web. 14
Nov. 2016.
Keating, Brooke. "The
Other Wes Moore: One
Name, Two Fates."
Prezi.com. N.p., 12 Sept.
2012. Web. 14 Nov.
"Frosts Early Poems."
SparkNotes. SparkNotes,
n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.
"The Other Wes Moore
Important Quotes |
SuperSummary RSS.
N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov.
"Oxford and the Rhodes
Scholarships." The
Rhodes Scholarships.
N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov.
"Oxford's International
Profile | University of
Oxford." Oxford's
International Profile |
University of Oxford.
N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov.

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