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* added Frozen Seaway as clickable map
* added lots of special options for small monster
* added "ignore player" for felyne and melynx
* added "large" for Yellow Konchus
* urls in settings now open in webbrowser
* added Sunken Hollow as clickable map
* added Volcanic Hollow as clickable map
* added Heavenly Mount as clickable map
* item search now selects the text when clicking on it
* added duplicate quests button
* added Battlequarts as clickable map
* added P. Forest as clickable map
* improved S. Crag map
* the proxy will now automatically change the port to the next available if the
chosen one is unavailable. this will be indicated with a red backround.
* added S. Crag as clickable map
* updated translations
* you can now set coordinates for monsters by clicking on the map for the follow
ing maps
* Arena
* Slayground
* Ingle Island
* Polar Field
* Sanctuary
* Ancestral Steppe
* added Pirate Jump Bomb to rewards
* setting multiwave flag in the background
* added rust kushala flag (used for winds of discord)
* minor changes
* added slay and capture for multiple waves
* upped the limit to 14 stars again for the tiny chance of working GQs
* improved proxy compatibility
* minor changes
* able to read corrupted data without crashing
* unrestricted supply and rewards items (except combo books and wystones)
* added break parts for quest goals (big thanks to MH-Slice)
* small monster subgroups now editable
* fixed an extremely rare issue with the proxy
* added stamina attribute for monsters (not sure it really is)
* added duplicate button for monsters and items
* added button for exporting all hosted quests
* added button for backing up all quests
* minor fixes
* translations updated
* #swag

* added special flags for specific monsters
* added KNOWN special flags:
* mushroom types including Mario mushroom for Congalas
* permanent enrage for Akantor, Ukanlos and C. Fatalis
* Ruby Basarios fire type or status type
* Zinogre spawning charged or uncharged
* Gogmazios using only explosive oil
please let me know if you think you now what the alternate
version for a monster does ;)
* added hunt-a-thon flag, which will respawn monsters faster
* added a warning about cutscene monsters
* deliver items are now searchable
* display amount of carts next to the subtract value
* showing now all possible ipv4 addresses instead of only the first one
* italian translation added
* full item translation for german, french and italia
* removed debug info
* removed expedition type (it's not really usable and was added accidently)
* irc channel now opens in the program when clicking on the channel name
* updated translations
* export subquest rewards fix
* visual ui bug fix
* hotfix
* palico's are now editable
* integrated puush upload feature including generation of httprls
* other minor fixes
* you can now use the subquest as a third main objective (will still show as sub
* renamed apex after awhile to apex afer roar
* added real apex after awhile
* added hosting support for palicos (edit support coming in v1.2.0)
* added import button for mibs/otbs
* added import button for supplies and rewards
* added option to allow repelling monsters
* updated translations
* other minor fixes
* added hosting support for episodic and challenge quests\n* added armor spheres
to rewards\n* added adamant pills and more ammo to the supplies
* upped zenny limit to 120.000
* quest rank now goes up to 14 stars
* added library count
* added item index
* added graven charms and zenith gems
* removed charm limits
* translated items into spanish (thanks Anthony)
* translations updated
* update process improved
* other minor fixes\n* added donation url in settings"
* added rotation of monsters

* you can now edit resupplies

* fixed some translations
* some other minor fixes
* fixed default values for arena fence attributes
* fixed break part label for subquest
* corrected some phrases in spanish
* minor fixes
* added chinese and french translation
* fixed a reward search bug
* automatically set ship integrity flag
* added spanish translation
* you can now sort by quest id
* faster reward input
* added german translation
* added initial fence state, fence duration and fence cooldown
* fixed subquest flag
* added enduring charms to rewards
* added search bar to the library
* added mystery, shining, timeworn and distorted charms to the rewards limiting
them to a quantity of 3 and two entries
* added more unrestricted quest ids to HR
* moved requirements and objectives to a separate tab
* renamed stamina to stagger/break resistence
* improved performance of library view
* added gather rank
* added arena fence switch
* readded search dropdowns for edit dialogs
* added apex after a while
* added some supplybox items
* fixed an encoding issue with the proxy
* fixed break part id
* added quest fee
* added some items to the supplybox
* hopefully fixed the ui bugs
* fixed a bug which caused certain quests to crash
* switched Hunt and Slay as quest objectives
* removed dropdowns causing ui glitches
* fixed decryption
* added rage stat for large monster (experimental)
1.0.3\n* added reference maps to monster edit dialogs
* added intruder time and chance
* disabled save when input fields are empty
* added a note about intruders
* general improvements
* fixed an ui bug
* limit large monsters to 5
* added some supplybox items
* automatically set multiple hunt type when adding more than one wave
* fixed intruder flag

* a quest from scratch has now editable rewards

* time now goes up to 255
* fixed a bug when inserting more than 5 monsters

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