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Book of

lrt llr tro te d Alo ska., Moose, t ile .
CO I/~r iII vr tro tio 'l

lJJtlst, oted by M ar y Rojo s,

Betsy E. 511yder, Ati MoJ.., .... ol\

olld Bo t Rodo



Paper Creation!

Painting Proje cts


MUiic Maken


Sculpt ing & Suc"


Fun Wit" Drama


Homemade Toys


Mixed Materiali




Holiday Proje cb

21 1





In tr od uc ti on
0. ". ""'.... to,
nw <> tia lu ., .,..~hf d-14J .... dr"
8y ...
IN "" ~; ."n.i l "-1<,1 "" ....
"1"'" eJo,1d ;~ o.-pn; _" ti. ., '-;j' j, .. ""h"l>
' <>f


~ ~ -""f~l"'
--.~".,. ,...;...etr

"IlWsM.l< ~ r..






..........,. .... f- 0 ' 1 1 ... ", "f '_ ~

_ ,- ., .
C<' '' k.. .w .rt N f... !>on.,.IM
.,.I ~ dOW.......
a. .: - <>f ".,. ~ ~ oJ ".,. o.u...... ~'" fl,;j ' - " . . , - '" _
odo.lt ....... ~
I'\o.rf e.Ub.v. ... . ....... Y -" .... .l ,.
""- 1

... """"'t'iw,.,......



"'* <fill ~ I..,. '" "- ' r- _


~Hwo""" -a .
no - ~
..... ,"'",-.dWId,-l ~., '1'......"..0.;1
J.o.Ip.~ ""')'.......
.,- te ......_~ ,. _

,.........,......doOld _ _

0. .,.t boo~...-l.l. ,-. d.1 d


,...... JoooIp. 0.-

k- .. ~ f. .,d . " .,( ..........ri<o

" " ,..j ,........t. ,...... dOli, .,"twit>'.no
~ .~p;lhby"""""f
y~ .. t- I

... ~~'11.0)0~ "" H!

......"Y pr..j... tt., (f"

~ ,..fto,. "., . d......Ii......

I(_1 '<> ..... ~
lrl,...... UoiL/ c _ ...,. _I
WJI,- _ _ ~ E- . /W
if no.

rtiII ~ Lo--.l ~ ~

~ ...cl "Y "'" C ..ft ..,.

. ..


u. h"& ,( ...I,s.. ....

IN ,... ..,. .no l ~ it YO..co>. ~, ..

M. :~

As _ _ ~I .o .> - v _ .....
...... .. _ ~ H f _

.,...j<oct ,.. ..- '" -'s t.rt .... ~~
.,-.~. n... ... -'
'",, ;to o... tsn.llout.,.;I .." .. ..~ . _ ~I r- "-

1"oG"'1<>f_,..,...". ..... - -. l .. . . W
.; .., - W ,- _
I, if, -l ~ ,.. N""'" '" ..,.....H. "'"<"-p~.Joo'"-olps.
s,...... cJ,;l,d ~ .. _
r>f ,.. .. . .. SO 'h o~ J:o - ~ CO
" M"'~ f.. ,d-o<PI ,.,~ y""" dOld
,.., ,... ..."""Y".,. ..

!.. . .

"".,.<>jkfJ...,...... ,.... cr..A1 ... ".,.


.. ~

Yo... .... ,......1oly H~'" et _o l fh"

~ c....fI, .....

doN1"" .


-" '" .._

.....,., ..1s ~ ... ... .. 10.., ;t- ..,; ~ "''' "' 9' ..i.<o<l
to' _" -,, n... ...I.... ;~ """ l>od< !ir t1 -u
cr.tt -.d I<oy f.e t-. float c.... ~.,.... W jo.<

Mo>Jl' ....,-.~tIy,

ot '+'~ f.".

("., _

., e<<tf1f!

r- e;"I,l


e M e, cI>oo>inC &",&11. <!'Iec ~ U>c li,t

<lo.ed ~ )'0\1'/1 nttd:
~em, &... tt>e
&It "'Wi,,,, &tId lock )'0\1 will r>ec<l to
ke t ile cr&ft. lome .....tern. l, _ li<te<I &,
"optioR&l, n..1 "",,&ft. th&t)'O\l un """ tllem, b.ot)'O\l do r>ot r>ec<l lh.om fo,_
",.ft. You "''''1 tN )'0\1' ~ Of! ~Ile, )'0\1 ...&nt &rUin look Of ~
t .....t ~""';,. ....odil),l&ble.

Thoo _

t!>ir'IC )'0\1 <hould do i< ....od &1/ _

lI>ou1d &ko ...od _


)'0\1 .tort _ croft. You

Sug e llion(.): ...ni<h ""&"1 ~ d~t l ooh Of ..... tern. k

Thm. <0111 1!'Ie ..... <eri.ok...,l

follow "HO'fe" ' - " to ..... k 1!'Ie cr.ft.

hI>proving C."" ing skills

lome d>ol<:Wn ......... _
d -...... ' - to """
v;iHoft ~ 1ft'" to OJ!
"" the ..... flO m.>Itef' how
kood t!'Iey Uy. Thio pt lhm
.... ofte<, be IiIo.d ;" 0 ......
~.e-to_"""""'ia ;"

the chon'. _"; tI\ot ...

d>e<'< /of. - finceo'
pbo Uk' .... Conoed fince<
pIoc.........c ... 0/'00 _ """
althe_Mod _
firce<. no! _ incb

"'ce<. Thoo ~ """" .....

..... -..


OPC;''''' ;'' _ hondIor ia ~ ........... botJ, _ _ Mod mil:IdIe ~ .... be

"-ted. Ho .'C'. tt>e;tlde. """" ia -'r"~ ..... fo< _ ndc' Thoo _ . . . , l tt>e
If _

fince<do" tIw _ (~.

If,....cho1<r. ~ ... too ~ /of _ . . - . . """/1Nt "'"I' - . I to ~ tIw"

_ _ _ .... 01_ incb "".... """""" <utl:ifI&.

Be ~ to do _

o.oItin&fot,.... chid &I.-dod, "


v' chid ~....,.

.....r ~ t/oft't let -.-..... ace diacou<oscd if)'O\l - . I to ~ _

I""""<lc ,.... chid wAA ~ to

ptkti <ul!i"l-

. ConI;nw to

Fai nti ng 'rip s

w.let Wlo< ~. the kind
plootIC.. bo.cd I"'lcn e. _ ...N _
ofteft .. ttWo booIl
IlI!Ieft l e mp." . I"'i'" ~ u.ed. yo... 11 ' i",j l;quid temp e' . me", c~"
""t.",j .... ';e' to
""' _ than the powdcn!d Ionn.

s...- _

coli tot po;rc .ww.. Pte ~ or ~ tr.,. -.10. - ' Ie< thew .
~. it;,. '""",i .~"ded!Nt you .... deM ~
r.o... ~_-p.c~
b.>ked &OO<h. ftu~ 0' ~ b"". beco" ", "",. I . ",j poultry troy>
.", difficult to d" iftlecl .
You ClIft .110 mix I"'iftl "' .... ice cube t10y or Mvff; " tio>.


Oil' ju,1 t,,", b p 01 1,,", btv>h ift t ,,", ....ot", .",j ito the poitlt

u.. 0 dIfk, e,e btuII\ or 0I1e ...c.- ,...... . ........ ~. _

'o\o'heI> Wt>c the ...... colof, _
,ltOke .

~ colon.

..... ne<'<l to dip I,,", """" ;., .... te< Jte<

Fai nt G.are
01 .1. the O<t -.IOu ..... tNt ~ enjoy ~ .... tecol or poirlb
-... to be
'->n te. Tud! ,....... ~ to keep the O'itpnc>o .. po;rc colon bI" treobo'lC
the iod: pi"
~ ,.......<hold
.,. _ the bovoheo ond poi<>b ooootJy ..... .....,. .
,toIl<lood deoIl -up -outi "" .t the e",j of _h p<Oje<t-



1f)'OU l iod: 01 po",b ;"


. hody ~ " - you. child de... the... """I the

Beto. .." "Oo'iItl the Iif"Ie't ocoIon. pIoou lew dropo 01 ....oIe< ..
e"'" troy to >Okeft the ,..il>l.

1. R;_ the bnnh .


3. Ge<>tJy blot the ........ do'y ......

4. Uoe the d'Y bru

Sao.. up the dirty

' mop '

te<. .....

it .... . - the dirty




101 ~

,l(plor i ng C.olor s
Evety bec;M;ftc orti.t .hould eo.pe"e<>ce .... kiftC hil/he' ....... <:olon. MO.;", colon
~. fuft ot>d .....
ptCIU-.. _ n .. edueotionol. ...... eO'\' ....,..!J) do thio ~ to
oIIow)OU' child to eop/otc the fdotic>tWYpo ~ colon by "'"""c poit!t> on hill......
0Wtl. W~" ~ olde< child ...., tIw _
~.......,.> <OtIdoty ot>d c..... pl......" tory



H_ }OOUt ~ ~ ""lh ......1_

of primoty ~o po;t>b ('Cd. .,.,ol'0tId bIo.oel. Tho! <OtIdoty coIo<I con be p<oduced by
orqwI_ of
, . - coIo<I_ 0 foom Ir.,... (ae __ !J) dun the """" b<4ooor

PlO d ..,. SM .

ldefttify comple..... ftuty

colon by Il.... ;ft. ,"",;ell colon
be d;,eetIy O;>p<>I;t ocll
otn"" Oft the colO' wheel.
Complcmeft!oty colon loo k
&ood ' ","he" They toft .110
be ~I.ed !J)
colon. If eq.... 1.mout>t> of



tovt/wt. "'-".-.

'1'. 11.....

~ il the >dent


.rt of folding ~.

o.rttin& or &luine'

\Jhat YOll'll n~ed.

QIo'},it,. CD~" f<'~'

". "''''f "n1;~ P"~'

cray<>'Of O ' ..... ~rf

O ~ei5>rS

AmWnc ficu~ Qn be mWe

1. Cut the conItruction ~~ into .. oqu..re with
4-;nch !ide..



in /'ylf d~~lly. thM fold it iI'l

Nif ~lly Ipn.


Fold one edte up to _

/'y"""'.ay line (> d~go-..m on


S. fold the bottom come" on

the ~t ~k bdlind, ~
ohown. Tud< them in t ogethe r
to ~p them in ploKe.

t:.. Deco rate you' t.ail with " AyOn, or

on and
lide. t he


Paper Dolls

M..ke M1 ~nb~ f_ly of ..,.,.,. ~ ju<t by foldinc M>d cuttinc! U-e colotPd
~. m.wi<erI M>d &line< to de<:cn t.. them.


ndl:>..,..,.... ""hit.. p<>~

(l8" ~ Z'i" Io'DrO<s~)

a ....... ,.kf'r1"



':l ~..e~

D 91~ (opt'i<>n<ll)
':l icrD!'J .,f <:"1,,.... 0:1
e<>"~ ... et;"" f"f""
("pti ",,,,,I)

1. ~ke .. n xcOtdion fold with the white P"~ '"

shown. 'Moen folded, the .",..;dth of the P"~ .hould
be .. bout 3 Of 4 incheo KJOU. (The number of folck
depend> on.,.our ~r ......J

2. Uw .. pencil 10 d<_ .. """"" ~ out!M"oe

W I P''' little bit off the ~. ...
ono-.. v.,.. m;oy "'....I .... ...dult 10
dQW iI kK)'O<l .

3. Cut out the """""~, cutting

through;oJl the

In of p"~ ..t once .

Do not cut off It>e ~re fold.

II, Unfold your p"per ..nd d,..",

cloth... ..nd fx ... fo, ....ch figure.
Cut out N t ..nd "",n ' Npe< from
the colored co n.b"uctio n p..per
..nd glu.. th..m onto th.. ,now
peopl e.



You un e.....t .. ou""r fi1"..... <ud>

.....nee" Of ,hild".n holding lund<.

W~"""'ng )OUr OM! pbce nub ;,. UI}' .. nd fun-.. nd they ..... k one..1timo >pi;ol

for )OUr f_lyI

':l U " 16' ~....rtruCn

p"pf" i" 1di'ffi.-.t

c..l..-l fhntl

':J .....k .
':l p"~il
':I f~ifl'o>rf
0 91v~

ij'er e's h o,", . . .

1. r,,1.e one Ihftt 01 con.tr\Jction ~pe' lind dr_ .. line


1 ;nch from the top. Fold the <OftItn.octiorl pOlpet in ~If.


2. Dr_line> K>out I 112 inct>n """rt from the 109I;ne to

the fold . .. shown.

If. Cut the ~ond pWc~ of con,ttuction ","pet into

1 1/1

inc;h ,trip< M:ro<' the \WIth o f




s. U~ thfie .trip' to _....., through t he .trips of I ~ fin, 'Met of

COfutruction p..per. Te _AVO' "",..n, to uk th.. . trip undO', the
F""P"'. the" ta ke it CIIIe. the

""P"' '''


Go. Whe n you hWO! fi" i,h..d

_ "';1'\1 the entire

mat. glue the end. of the ,trip' down on the
oock ,ide.

o._.tnd cut ...~ i...t ..~ ol,tr;oi&!'t linn

(.tep< 1..and 3) fo...


fun lock.


IJh'" J""'U n<<<l
'3 .:t>~"I"'~"
g-Hn. ..".l"fhoor eoIorl"
':J .:.r"'l"f'IS Dr .....rl<f
':J ~<:in<>rf

:l 91vf'
':J P<>P~' ""It' pv"Q.
("pti" ""l)

-------, --






ho..r , . .

1. v..t. cin::1e ..!>out I 1/2 inchco.ocrou out of comtnlction


2. Glue dots hom

~ punch ~ color desiV' in the

center ci the fIowe.


Cut out 1/2;,.e, by 2 1I1;,.e,

<trips ci COft\trueOOn p.ilpet to
....ke peu k.

'I. Glue the end> of the peuk

toe<the. , ...


5. Glue the peu" onto the ~ of the circle, ... Jhown. You m.y..-d to hold
a foo- .. mi......te """..Ie a dna.
Go. v..t ...t e m . nd .orne Ie~ fTom
the creen con.tnKtion p.ilpe<.1ld
clue them to the f10_.

Glue . no theing of pc t.l. Nhind
the fint ~t.

U~ long" trips to .....ke Ionll'"


Sft p.illl" 170 fo, d;~", o n

Ie foo- ~ flowen.

.....1Un' .......

You Un ~k,.,..;ld..-dw~ or umple oond.- ut~l~n voinC ~
m;otm.k .-:l .. 'ittJf, ~tion_

':J pt'f"!" t .. ",,.l ... to;l.t

po!'"" <;<In:l'-"..l,oIIs
:l eol" ...r,J ,..~ of ""y
o,.,.l "R ~ (tis~

f"'pf't, ""'''pfi...,,..~
<:onrttvefio n I"'P"')

!J pipE' d.-,,,,..

o pom-po"'!, butt.. nl O'

ectt.." b"lI,
o wj~ly IO)'''S

:0 91"..
:J 5.:iH<> 11

o pof"!"


hoI..p'''. ''''
, ._ ......

[{ere's h oW" . .

1. Cut '" drip of peper I
Q<CI~ roll.

inch ...>de. \VQp it ~ the

Trim off "'"y e.m plOpa-.

Z. Cut """'" ,tri p' in diff....."t f;Oion the ........ ~gt:h .

....."f: the tint .trip '"' )'OU, ~.

3.........,nge the rtripI in '" plltkm.

If. Glue uch ,trip

_nd the ard~ roll.

_Punc;h '" hole d ote to ~ end of tne IOrl. Iknd

.. pipe ~-. in .,.11 Ind .ti<;:k the middle in
the hole. The pllrb .ticking out form the

" . Pbc.. " pom-pam .ticking out Qf th..... me end .

7. Glue wiggly ~. on th e porn-pern.

Uoe other wNli deco<"tion, co
creootc you. OWl' u<d~<d


M..ke)'OU, own f.lI trft .. bnlJ"nt MId full .. )'OU I~, limpty by wng coIorlvl

poenollond _


O li.y.t bl11 "...:I b,,,""n

c"n~tr ... c ",,., pOI p"
':I tii~..... f"~" in f,,1l le<>f

':l re i1'""'"" "" ... ,,~ ...

':I c.'''Y''1\S
':l ,111
':I ~c.if~1i


"hoW" . ..

I . Uling broom con.truction POOpe1", tell' one or mote ~

trunk "'-'P'". Th;" giw< it _
Ntu.~ 1001< to tbe ~.

2.. Glue)OU' tree bunk> to the

li~t blue c;omtruction

pooper. To .... ke 'fOU" ~ mote inkf\o:1bnc. teM Oft
limb Wpn -:t ~ ~ to )'OU. trN<.

3. Colo< in the crovnd ..,.,.,nd the ~

'I. Cut

I .. nch oqw,reo 01 ti<we

~ to _Ite the Ie~.

S. W...p e.-en 1q.-r .. I'OUI'd ..

petIOl .......,. dip it in tlue ~
pres. it in pb<;,. on)OUr tree.

'-. Add difkrent colored f.e.J\o'el to

your tree> "ntir they lOre ll. full
". you lil<.e.

Sugges tion
Vie ~,.n ..nd red Of pink
til..... ~r to rNlke ..
fI<>o.wrinc trft in ..pr;,,&_

"Stained. Glass'
Look! I, tNt. butt~ in )OUr houwl 'rQl,>' friend< ""ill think 00 when tIwy
see )OUr colorful --"hrov&h bvtterllyl


"hat y,",'ll n<<<l

C1lr ~ 1Jr \>lack


CI tis5'A' I"'pt'. in ouorh'<l

':l "",.,61
CI ~ein"li

8 91.....

o rtn"'J ", y<""

o fOP'" ~"l .. p"ne"

1. Fold ee

bb<;k ~pe' in hiolf Iengthwi>e_

2. 0.- hiolf In outline of I


3. !Qp"..t the ovt!;n.e 1 ind> inoic:le ee fi"t outline. "

<hewn. k~ ~ bet\;.
ee outIi.......
tel l

II. Witt> ~ ~ .bll folded in Nolf. eve out tN outline Mod

inoOde 01 tN ""pel. l.uvc the boroen uncut.

5. Unfold tN butWrlly Inc! cut tiuue PJge"

to c.-. e.och openinJ. ~ the tiuue
p.oper .lightly I.o~ t'-' ~ openo'nt-

c.. Glue the m.ue ~pe' to the Nd< of the

butte rfly covering exh opening.

7. Punch .. ho le

ne..' the to p ..r>d tie on I ,tring.

8. H..ng the butterlly {, om the ceiling or in .. window.

Try yout own wing de.ign
If you lung YOU' butterfly. you tT\Iy
.....nt to gfue ..notN, bI.ock cOfflbuction
pipet ft.. me onto tne Nd< >0 it
Ioolu nice ftom both >ide!.


thi' ea"f trick to m.lke



~ m.1l,te'pi~. On~


':J Ioo''''t.. f<'~

:J ~1
0 ,:",)" "'6

:J Ioo'"tv.:o\'" ." Ioo'"t...e<!.1"100'1'1 te... j'I"" p"il'lt

':J p"i nn,rvs-).,


tu,n of '(0'" p.ope' ~nd '(O,,'ve

1. U..e ,j pencIl to d
the Il<y from the

tfotr e.'s ho'" . . .

horizon line ~p.of.tinl

t "" Xro<, yout


2. 0._ IC~ ~ you. horizon

PouibI<e ~ Or>dude mount.i
bncl, b'ffI Of t.o.ob..



3. Tum the ~ up.Ode down.

'I. Repe.t the d...,.;"C to oe"te the

the poope' t o ;miU tc

uoint; .........,. lirte'l .KfOH

the _ment of the ",..ter.

5. Tum the dr""";nC to it> f i"t pooition.

". Wit h O '''. color t he p.o rts identic.llly Ih,)t lO re.bove Ind be low the
"O';lOn Ii"".

7. P.int OYer th e

e ntire

,,,n,,c", be low the hO';1On line with ..

co.t of blue p.>int. Uoe


,troke. for ",,,tet movement.

OI'll&1p ellt
U-e pie> 01 UIyOf1 to
brit"t it ....11i0oi<.

IN~ ..

'J 1'\0<0 or l"'f'f" pk>t~

:::J <:''')'01\1" j" Ih<><l~ .J
y..JIDIo; ....1 ...,J "",.,.,..
::l",..~ P"~'
:l ~lIo"', ...<l '" ..... "9..
c.. "rt'rveti.... p"pet
".J ,It, it"" ""d ;"''''''9 b,,,.,,l
:l pop'" t"",..11
J cheelt' 0' lI.,g"t"bl"

':J y'''''' rj",;n9 'J' th,.."d f",

':J I"hit. g\""

':J lc;~li

:J rt'"ci]

:SO" ..d"ft

" .....ndow

~mentl You won't b.l~ how

1. urefurty 011 out the anten from

the p<lpe< p~t .....

au.,.;n the n,.,. ut>CUt.

2. Cut 2 ohb of "'...

~ ~



the hoW in the pblte_

o._.nd I;Ut out .. ~ from the

con<tn.M;tjorI ~. ~ jt ......U."

tt..... .. loOCb P09

nMddle of )'OUI


Thd iI the


If. Protect)'OU. ironi"fj ~rd with .e".....rl" of pllpe. lowell. P~e one ",..x
poIpe' circle On the towek ..nd place your cut out co",truction pa pe r
dr.......... g On top of 1M "" x p.pe .

S. Il.e rnovt: the I.beh from your crayon.

ITMII chip, off .,.ell cr.oyon
they f. 1I aeccnd the
p.>pe. cut out- You
need only .. f_ chip!
of eKh color. TMs<. will
become the IUn",~.




'-. ~,...tully cove. the pi<;b.l re

,.,.;th the other ...... pipe'
crete. Add .. nothe,~, of
piper w....ek on top of the
..... . pipe<.

7. H _

.. n .tduJt ~ the tI'o'O

....;n piper <;in;/fl ~
....rth ......"" iron until the
cr~ chip<

. - melted.

8. Apply gltH: ~'OtJnd

the in'id" rim of On<! plU" Ind

piKe YOU' P'fl....:l ",n ,,",p"r p ictu", 'nlid<! the
glued rim.


PLK" one end 011 long piec" of y;am ~~

the pictu", to be the Iw>g~.

10. PIKe tt... other p1u" ..... imide

the gh....t ..... con~ining tt...
pictu", ~ M.kc ..,'"
the ~ .. brt>oEEOi the poWt....

11. When the give .. dry. Iw>g your OfI'\IO'N:flt in 1..m.cIow.

Sllggc.sti on
""..t" thew other v-ut>om below



up YOU' own!

Cut .tencih in the ~ oIlc1:kn. numOen, INti:,..,..,. or ~ f,ll t:Mm in
with o~ .....rkf, 01 p.ilint to ~.. te U<th, INke pootwml Of ju<t to P'~


\. \1<,..'. h~ . . . )

1. 0._ IN~ numt>en QI ~ with .. pen en the ~tic: 1M:k.

.-dult ..... ohMp ICi<-. to ~ through uch lid Mthin the design
..nd begin OIl'bn&out the Npe.

2. H-= .."

;. f iMh wtting out the Npe


'-e "" ~ult cut it out fo<.,.ou .

't. TrK<' the ,,,",Pft onto ....n,le paper.

;: ? aiZltillg
; ?roject.s
If )'OU QfI p;dt up , brvUl, )'OU un be ~ ~nt~l
SitKO! the be!iM.... Cof time, people ~ been U$i,,&
btuohn .lind other object> to ...... coloted dye. Ind
!Onto round in orde< to coontl'lUnOte ,nd be
O'e.llM. The fint .......t e rpfeceo...".. ~ been
p.tintH on the "" n, of <Indent ~l

ThO. Ition ,how> you how to

u le


,ubltituteo- like cotton _ abo, '.lIgJ .lInd ewn "",tbles!

The fi.,t paint,." u~ ",..tu... r dye... nd bert'-", to
c~llte thei' own p.lint. You un c re.. te your own
p.lI int, too, uling co mmo n item. from .. round the
ho u.., . Don't forget to prepare you' wo,k "'e<I before

you begin, That me.."', c~ring the work lurfice

with ~p"per; ..,ing an old paint ,hirt to protect
you. clo the.; ..nd howi,,! plenty of soa p, w"te, "I'ld
p.lpe. towel. on Nnd (0' cJe.. nup.
fo< _

painting ti pl, tum to




the Bru.sh

\ltho ~ you nd




JNintbruth to p.intl &pc ' . 'lent with the... otI'>e< kindo of

cornr up with _

djff~t onn 01 your-. I

P~ntW~ :

'1 .9: ~ ' "

CottOl'l S""'aps
~kinl .....- de~1ed pM;b.orft tNn tho<e
~inted with moot kind< oi lIntsM<.



g. . .

I \'

.....; t-.':\


l eather s
o~ "'~ t o Ule feilthe" i, to p.>int
tt...m with II pilintbru..... then paint
with th " fc"th e, ill,) b.u,,, ...+.il.. it
il ,till_t.

& g ? &bltblg
cotton ..., into II 2 ~ 8' ,trip .. nd knot it in
tn.. middle. Hold th.. knotted piece of <;otton '"g by
both ends.
the knot by rollin!: it in tempe<.. paint.




Roll the .... g~, the pape<, ....... king u~n trxk.
with the pllint~ knot.

-roy c as-s
Dip, toy Q ' in p';nt to ",.. t the ~k.
Then. ~ it Q\o'e" the P'pe' to INk <O.ldl
,nd tr,odu. ~n the ~ntinl d,ie!. cut out
pictu~ of Q" .. ne! tn.oc.k, ffom toy QUIop
or- ..... ~ -:l ~ tt-n onto the
"ro,od INp:

. ' f::-l
' ~
, . .

A ",arm, .un ny day Qn in.pj~ you

to ue..te de. ign. ",ith ""te. on
..,....ment. Recyc le lCluee.etype
diohw.. .ning liquid
>qUitting linft ,nd
p"e"",nt You Qn .. loo ..... wde



bruoheo .and 'PO"&"".

Spen ges
Spon&"" eM".-y diHl!I'ent tenu~.
" I<ttmen 'PO"ge Un be
Of <;lit

into a


..,;o .ter>cil.

You - . . know"""'l kind of donign you'll got...n.-n)lOU u.e rrwbI<es to oelltJe
thO> projectl Roll the ....tbIe>, ~ ......tch the doni&", ~.arl




Cl m,,'\'lff '" fm,,1l ,,,lob,,,

':::l pi" f"" D ' .......'Hoe. typt'
of ",rl.,1po"

':l t .. m~'" ,..i"n

'.J 1"' ~ p<> ~'

'::J 5cifsDI1

1. Cut ~per 10


fit in the bottom of ~ pie ~n.

. '- drop< ol FYint

onte> t he p.llpe'f. n-.. puI. rrnMbIes into the PM'. You Cl

diffe<ent colon o f p.a;nt ~ once
01 "".. it. unbl ~ ~OIOr drift ~
~i"l ~ color.


'3 . Hold the pin Iond comtly roll the

.....rb~ bKl< ....d forth Ihrough



'Dip \71' 'Dye

W"tch the o;olotl. fIooo, lind cNnge on ttoeir ownl Up..nl'noenl to ~"' colorful


o fl",iU"e<! eoff~ .. f,~rs ,,.

p"pC" t"\",,,lf

o f".,d ClIlonn9

o .....yty ......'9"",,'1' tv\>f '"

..,."ffi n ti I\S"

O lo'ot...
':J sciw>rf ("ytio""l)

1. F~I the tub! ""'tIl ....~te-r. Add ~ kw

drop$ of food ~lorinc to uch one.
Milt uch ""'tIl ~ toothp;et..
Z. Fold )OU< coIfff: f,lte-r ;" half

).lfyou ....Mll cutout ~on the
e<Jtel. k- ~l not to cut cH the

'I. Dip uch ~ into ~ diffc~ color. The >lor

...11 oprNd M>d non ;"to the other coloo. You ~
lee thilt two colon mixed together "'"'~ ~ new >lor.

5. Unfold the filW to dry_


Sug ge.sti oZlS

. In, t...0<1 o f dippinC the coffee filte-r.
u nfold the fill... ~nd !Hinl it with

Cut the dned ~ into ~

wP'"'. Add C"'"C" COftOtJucOOn p.Jt:>ef
.t....... M>d Je-n.




<J),at )'",,'11 n<<<l


':JIJ ~"'pprr
f.,.,d c.o\o,;",

':J p<lpf" t"wdf C>' f1"..lt~~


':J c""rt>veti<>.. p<'fI"

':J .....,ft." ti ... ;erc~ tray,

f....... cvps'>r "99 eo fl" "

o tooff.,r 'cks

o "'Q~ '
0 91v..


IIe.re' S hO'\oJ"

1. F~l , tin with ...."ter "nd .lodd " few d rop< of

food coloring to uch section. Mix e.Kh
with " toothp;ek.

2 . Squee-ze the rubbf:r end 01 the eyedropper "nd dip

the ott>er end into;o cob. Seep ~ri", to let the
p;aint fill the dropper.

'S . Squeeze the eyedropper to put drop< of color on "

pipet" tQoo.oel.

'I. When the piOper to....e4

dry. ",me it with

con.truetion or mount it on , ohHt of bl;ac:k
con.truction poopet".

When your de.ign i<
dry, m,ke;o
butterfly. Gather
the peper t owel
toget her in t he
middle ,ndloop'
colorful pipe de,ner
,roond it for the
body. ThPn, t'oIi.t the
pipe de;one1" to fo<m

lIlith ?aint
Printnw ki"t ~)'OU ~ ..,,, to .....l.e .. de.ign ~ and oYfef. n-... ..... Iob of
"" to ....ke pmb uoinc p.apet". bloclu ~ e-oen Ie- .I

Paint. rold. ?rizli!

Fokl)'OUt ~ in

half. ~.

open it up ...d ~ only on one

Iide 01 the fold. f old )'OUr ~pe1'
~in ~ ~ down on ,1. When
)'OU open the ~t. both ~
....11 be pn'nt~ with the .... irnoogt'.

Alphabee Block ?rin's

U.ing wood "'p Nbet block. with ' ailed lettePl, d ip eilch bloc k into .. pie pan
fillO'd with tempe... p;oint. Pre" the block onto con.truction p;oper. the" lift it
off, . tr.ight up. Spell you' wo rd in reYe'le order. Then , hQld you. p;ope. up to a
morro< to decod.d

Obj~ct Printing

''''Y un;oll objecb, IUd> ~I

combI, gr..I<oeI,~, lid!, cont;oinel"l,

cool<ie cutten, etc. Dip objects, one
lOt ~ time. into ternper~ plOint. PTe..
the object onto construct>oto plOpeo-,
then lift it off. w~ight up.

kAf Printing
With the Ie~' on ~ tl.king PM' or
fo<n tr~, ~ ~n - . . co.t of
plOint onto the vein.... of the Ie..,.
P~int INy be ~pplied..,.;t!'l ~ roller or
"";th bruoheL PIKe ~ ""'-t of plOpe<
On top o f the plOinted .;,;" of the Ie;>f
;>nd nob ge"tIy..,.;th you< fingel"l.
RemaYC the plOper.nd .lIow time fOf
the plOint to dry.

Whe n done on I.rge plOper,


of the>e prinb un be u.ed


; Vegetable ~
;: Trult ?rizlts
t"_ _- - - - - - '

. .
o ~"bk ", f..,;1' ~
(" ...... 'IS,

~bl>. "Pf'kf.



mo' f.....~ ..,..{hr0<>nt5,

':l t ..""J'f'... f'"i"t
D 1"" f""~ ,,. "!",,,il'l"'" f,,~

'.J 1'''1''''

o knif.. (f", tk o,lvlt t o


o b<il't"t"

k"if.. ,,, p",,,<:il


:J "" 1>c1,,1t

. .f.)
.J 1

1. H_

lier e's ho..r ...

.lln ~It o;vt " .Kh >leteU!>Je, in Nit.

2. If d.!'<i"",,. u.e the butkf kn~ to c.>noe out

outline Of p;etu... on the ~Ie.


S. Pout ~t into the ~ PM".

II. Dip the ~ Of fruit ,,",If in
the p.int. Blot it on ICr<lp !PC'"
to nocn out the p.ilint.

s. SUmp the ~ ~ Nil onto

the ~ sently. Then, lift it

'tJ.llight up.
". Dip "nd lUmp "vin to c.....te ..

, __ I


&011 ':that



-,: ::=-:--=-_'-:


deoign er paInt
' roUer-perfm fo, makin, bo ,den

)ili\\11\\ \\\\\\\\\\ \\1\ \ \

\\1\\\\1\\ \\1\\\\1\\ \\1

0 . .. n ti~

\{er e's h o...r . ..

1. Cut piece< of ~m I to 11. incheo 1o<1g.


Then , dip the y,m into, dioh

Z. AcUdI the y-' to the CMd~td fOlk in poott~

.and ~ iT: 6ry tno.ougnly.

3. 0tKe dr,. use

p.aintbtvoh to pllint the y....

If. Roll the



poointed roll on

print detigm.


S1lggc.sti o n


U... block


pro" t! to make h0 I'd

1 ay urd. Or birthd .>y party irwi..,
.... uonl .

Q p";n~ ;..d.x!i...,
"... wah <>



O c:.. ~n P"P~'
Of""", troy
o te...~tO !,"inn
':l po;ntJ iS~

':l p<>i"t .lisM1"

Q IcisJ<>tS"

D,..., (.,....11

1. Trim off ~ ~ edgn on tM foam b-~ to


...rf.Ke ,

2. P,int the fQMn ~nIy witI'l ..


t~ fo,;,m block
. nd pte\< it down unootnly .nd

Pbce you. PJoP'"


firmly. (_ _ ... _,,...;

If. umully peer tM F""F-from the fwm.

5. ~ the p.oint from the fwm bIod< t.

bn.nhi"C it with pI.-in ...... ter .tnd Mp;n& it

....ith .. F""F- ~ before printinl: ..pn.

1:.. u""C the

p.-OntbnM. lightly


rounded ~nd of ..

on the tr.-y. If ....nl:

-..on:h or numben. "'- ..n ..dult

~ the order....cl the
di.ection of ..1I1ett~n .tnd

""...tIt". wmpre: H..ppy


becom~ ~brl:hia 'lq~H

7. Tr.>(~ Nord


the deoign to urve it into t he fo..m.

8. Pt.oce .. neIIo' color of p.-int on the pUw.


'1'. eo.- the fo..m ~Iy..nthout fIll;"1: in the


10. Plxe the f~ m

bl<Xk you urwd di,ectly O"fl the IOlid block

print ~nd preu the fonm down right On to p of t he p;ope' .

11. If the

prin t" not d..... enoush. p<e the

daom "p;", O!\o'en _



H. Cr....n t he fo,om block

Suggc.sti Dns
Get the fo..m
M~ ny .to,~


from grocery .tore..

""ill coven den..te them_ A>k

fe ' unu$"" tr..Y' It the m....t

p,oduce dep;ortmenb.


ink..nd .. tw'"Y"" (..n ink

rorifl) irnte...:! of P'";nt ..nd


printing ..g..jn.

Collect )'OUr f~ kinch of Iie~ Then, fo llow the

in<tn.octionl. to .....k)'OU< OM" -..oodI. pOctu<e.

a fre.sJ., k<N ~ Vd~

f hopef .."..{ ~lrl
t~rcokt p<>i"tJ in fDI

a .....

1~ ~11
':J p<>;"rl>,..,sks

D ~...cil
block e'e>y"n
Q "'hit., c"nm..,.:ti"n pope.



Jz.o..r . . .

1. With your ~nc:~. trKI! tI>e outline< of

Ie~ onto

M.>ke "'~

.....it!! cottItroetion paper.

to fill the en~ pooge.

2 . T.e ~ e.fch
01 blk cror,on.


Wpe .....th thid< line


~t the inoide of ud>

sn..pe .",.;th
d~t f.11 colot>. Th.e bbck <;r~ outline
....lllte-ep the colorl from ",nninl: togfthoer.

color cr-llyOnl for
the INf outline..



S'I11lS et

.. <WIt INdo..... ~inst ..
jul.t Joke ........ t)'OU re.llily . - .lit .....-t/


o ".."mc:oI<>. !""i"tl
~ bl<><:k tp,~ ... p<>i"t ,,.

bID.:k GD~" I""rr'

O p<>i" rt. rvSh
':l "..hit. ,..~r

':I fc iS5Doi (if co"m vclio"
pap<";S 1I5"c1)

lighte< ~.

Th;. p;etu~ IooIu

1. D.mpen ~ entirt' wrl'Ke of the white
p;>pe< .... ng .II poointbnnt> lind w;oter.

2. U ..ng wmn colon from tlw .....~fCOlo< pooinb

ouch ~ oedlond o<;on~. p;>int ~ obip .. t ..
b~ xrou your p;>pe< .. shewn. 8eauIe tM
p;>pe< iI _to tM colon ....11 fUn logrtM.

'I. ~k ..l~ f'C"Ae< lind


by p;>;.,ting with bbck

te mpe... poo;"t or I;Utting out ..
sa~ from ttw bbc: k comtruction
p;>pe<. 00 not woN)' "bout ,....... n
detoJil ~ do not


b perime nt ""'-th ted and bl..e

.....Uercolon to p<oduCII! purple
..nd ere"l" .unrioe ~d<.cround


':I"" ~'l""''''' ",,"in

<:o"ftrudW>" f<>pt'.
':) t .. mpt"., point (.....k.

~,.. it's ~;ck)

':l p"i"tb'v5he l

o e'''y"M 0' .."" rk..'"


D tilwe pdpt"
o t"P'"' .,. gIve
':I pop'" 1.,,1.. i"'...c.h.,'
O ~pkt




1:i~re's h(>~


L Fold the wn<truroon ~'lqu.<e in N if d;"'~n.olly. ~

"nfQld jt

z. ~ or drop blob! of d,fr.-,~nt~

~nt. on one

). Refold tM ~,down the ~nt..' .nd

pre.. the ~pet' IuMo togethe,.

II. Unfold it, t hen let you' print dry.

5. U.e criyO'"

0' m.rken to dr.""" borde,lI.o,md

you r kite.

G,. Punch " hal.. "t til.. bottom of t h.. kite, and "" "
th.. yarn to "dd .. uir.

7. Make bow> \llith tim,... ~PC' .md ,...m, ,. o/>owrl.

8. Tie the bowl onto the kit.. u~. lind cut off the
ntr" )'".n.

<M:le of the ~.



of Colors "
\, tI....'. h.., . . . )
~ndry ~l in
mOOn& bowl.nd .dcl
.......1e ltirrin&- ~ mixtu~ ohould
re......in tt>id<.

1. Pb the



10\1'11 nud.

2 . OMde the milcturt! ;"to ~p.I"te

bowI< .and ~.a djff~nt color to
~ch O~.

3. Spoon' ,,,..II.amount of two colon

into .. pl tic b;.g .and

ot....p~' " plli~t

0 1 ,vI' of l'''I''.:It',~
l",,""'Y <l~"9 .."t
,I!'j"~'"bl ..pl..l1"ic ~">9f


t he wg_

II. Gently rub till! ",' py millture

to~ the r

;ond make the two colon

blend together to become .. third


'::J f.-l c"I0";~

5. Ule" different p~.tic b.g fot eKt>

':) ",;".;.., boo..,!1

O "'Q~'




cofor combO....tion yoo,l ...... ke.




1-1_ )IOU - . hun:! ~ oN..:hint; b.Iond? 0< ~

"...,phony? H"... ~ ~ h..........-"l" tune?
Wei., those _ ~l ~ of.....,;c, ~ tI>ey I~

Iu< ~ 1:"'''1 mtni<: .ond

in.t1urownt-..... king prcjKb. U~ the finilMod
inltrurownb to pby
fi, tf,n to mulic. Get <orne




friend! to~the"n<! '"'" ~

own ~ndl 0.
oNk" up your own mu'jc " 'fClJ go ,long.
The in.trumenb in thi,le'ction ilre made to be
.""ken, . t.ummed , nd ta pped . Yo u U tl ew:n hum
Or blow into lOme of t he in' t1umenb to m.lke
different kind, of . ou nd. ! You elln milk" 1<.>'001,
drum._ bmbo uri~ ~ ken ,nd mo<e. You don't
" - to follow the ;n, truction, " ...ctly-u.e your
ioNgi.... bon ilnd
ke your own v..~tiono. Who
knowI.? YOU""y i
nt ".. ;n.trument thoot you On
. . - .1ft". )'OUnctf!



If you ~" hum. you ca n jl re.. dy plily th" ~dfy-to_ m ..k~ in,trume ntl M"ke ..
~roo for a friend. nod you u n pi..)' .. dUd togdhe.

\. VhAt y.,,'ll n",l

Oe4rdb-rd toll

':l '"'''''' I"'l""

'3 ....bbo-. b",J. ~
o e'ay"nf, ",,,rk"r1,
r!iekers'" paint
'3 P"l"" hoI.. pu"d. ,,.

':J .... .,.dvlt



hO<J . .

1. OKoJ.t" tJ>o, ~rdt.o.rd ron lI,ing a~.

2. H _

.Iltl .adu1t puncn out or poI<.e ~ ...I hole< in

o<>c "nd 0/ the 0011.

3. eo-- tlut ffld M>d the hole..oth


~~ ~ on

tigl'>dy ",.;u, ..

0'U~ ~nc'-

..,. Hum into the 09<'" end of the roll

witt> (i~ p~ lis"tIy on the
w;l:J< p.>pe<. Put you. finger over
one Of _ ...1holes. Experiment
with coveri",.IInd uncovering the
ho lel "I you hum .

Sugges tion


comb itlite,d of the c.frd~rd roll.

l.olely _ ..p the
~per .. fO\,Ind the
comb. F..,ten ;t Oft ith . ""bOer
Nnd. Hol d the coonb to you.
lips .. nd hum l



M<yone know! d"""" ~ tM MMt Qf ;JII rr>usOc- H you " - .In


you " - 'fOUl" 0\lII'I drum!

IJhat yo,,'11 need )

Cl <:<>ff t;Dnl<ft#. tk

pIorl\c l;d
':I C<'".~n ""pt"
Cl e''7''n~ ..... rl<.t-Ii I,. p<>int
':I t,, p~

':J sc~S<'tS

empty coffft



ho'o/ . . .

2. Cut tI>e con,trudion ~p<et to fit ..round tI>e

coHee Un.

'S . eo-- tI>e CMI.,.;tt> tI>e


>d tape it on.

If. Be..t myth"" on ee I;d ...rth

""" .......

Fill .. one -pound coffee un
wit h water, Stre tch a n inn"r
tlJbe ow' the to p t ie d On
tightly with ""aNy rubber
b.ln<f" Th;, drum m.ke1 ..



t:_ _

Add little ~ to)'OUt "'UKl ~ke your t.vnbourine

for. t.ttle. ....cl Up ee ~ for be.ts..

, IJhat

y.U'U need )

o t\otO 'l'" ,..~ pkof~

'J e''"Y'''lf, f~til' r- l ,

",,,",,e.,t..>f, tf' ..,~ ,<> or

<leryl ic p<>it\tl

Qji"9l~ boonl

:1 ";<:' , 1M-1W e"'... I ......lI

peM-Iff, plartie bt'"dr,
.1,.;('.1 be"..l 0' p~l
o yC>'' 1 "0''''\01 nbbo" o '
pipe e!i!'<>......,.
::::l 91" ,
':J p,,~r ,.,,,le pllnd>

1. Colo, Of PJoint

dnign on ~ bottomI of ~ pliot~.

tt-n dry cQmpl.. t .. /y.

2. Punch hol~ .obout 2 i~ .oPJort .1Iround It...


n...n. u... jirTc bell .1It exh hole ....th

"""&til of y.orn.

3. Pbc.. ,

~r of ric.. onto ""'" pU t...

If. (;Iu,. It... P'P'"'" pliot... ~, rim to

rim. .....tIl tt... .... tine wrfK~ fKint

5. H old ~ n"" til"tIy,nd ~ Of b p



S\l.ggiE.Sti ons
U... , P'p.-' ho i.. punch to
mok.. hol~. ,"","n/y 'p.Ked,
' round t .... ,im,. Thre.1ld
co lo,e d pi~ d",n" .. th rough
the ho lt-> , nd twilt t o I\J re.

Cut ~"'" til..... PJoP'"' 'bips

(.1Ibout 1 inch by '.l i~).

..nd> of ttl,. .trips

n ~ pliot (~
"''"f' 1) to Cf'".. t b'e.1l~.

~ ...




,KM. .. ~ popubr imtrument> il'l ....."" ~

k tftinp up!

M.w... you. own

Ener geti c: Shaker

Decor.t" two p.>p- cup<. Add d')' 1>........ r""n Up" rlw
two CUp! togctn....

Roll SJ,AJ,.r
Decor.t". urdbcYrd POOP"'" tOWC'l roll. Fal


the roll with

ric" 01 dnoed 1>....... s.....
both "nch with ul~"" or ...... POOP"'". hdd
tight by rubbl>< b.onch.

GOllrd MAraca




f __

nW.e;J S"'U' witto ttUnp)lOU , , - .. round the

t.tr\Jnvn;ns tune" in no time r


g n

'\, \fha' 1.,,'11 n<ed )


,~(.... I;d.-.l,.<1) !

o ..,j,W.\><ondf of oJ<>""'"

':I t.....

~.d p" ;nt

':J y<>inrt......s.. ~ ftiff


o p,,~ r to",..1.,11
0 91"",
o scis,"'"



You'l' be

1. P.. in t the p40~' ~. roll ..nd e nti.e "",",be>., .. (.,.., ~ ..t ..

.uorl< broo.o'I color. L.tt it dry.

ti_. with ..

2. Without ~, )'OU. p40intbn..,h -t. p40int

ow:< the .... rl< broo.o'I ..nth JitM.,,- brown p4Oint.

ThO, .... kc. it look I;k., ...-d. L.tt it dry_

I ,j



. -I, I - .~


~ . Glue tke paper towel '0Il to .. lhort ertd of the


II. Stretch the rubber !>oondl ..rourtd the o~n

lhoebox. Sp40U them O\It eve... ly. (,om the ",.;,jel t
to the ITlOIt Nl.row !>oo rtd.

5. ~ri_ ...t by plucki

g the Itri"'gJ cee .. t .. time

.M _11 ..1 by Itru.......- g the Itri"'gJ ..ll ..t once .

~ /

=:...-.< '


The gbu hmon';';'" io ~ <e.-I in.trumen t u-:I b)' _
~~ S how ~ny tune!)OU un p40y 1

, "hat you'll nooa )

'.J lf- 8 id~t>eol dnnki",
~~ D r ~If bom~


1 . fill the I~~ with v;orying ~"t> of ""..te

Z. Gentfy rub it dun.....n /lng<'f ..round the rim. bet> CU" m.>J<es .. diffe<ent

~ . Pout out 0< MId ...... t,..,. to oome ~ to ~ge the" IOUndI.

If. MMe up tu~..ott.)'OU , MuPul ~

Anott>o.r ...."Y to
.,..;u, .. 1poot'I .

the ~ iJ to wry ~tly Up the fidet of the ~

If you uo.e ~ .. botUei. you ~n ...... ke .. diHe...,nt IOtIf>d by b~ KJ'OO the

top of e~h 0tM! . l,;.ten for difk~n in the oounm m.KIe
by uppinc "net thooe

by olo-..-in&.




U<e this oitnple c.ft .~ or ""'th .uoothe< ittstnHnent you

kp tne be.l! to )'OUr f~ oong..

\,. <,fha, )'.,,'11 need )

'.J 1 d<>~ ,o<l~

I.. \I<N 'S



Sft if you un


1. Any ~ h.atdw.l~ >t_ ",,1' ........

""'-l rock in .......~ oIliM'O
(1Mdth,.lnc! Ien's). 0 - the m
you lik belL The hotdw.lJe ,tooe .-y
,..".,n cut them to the .. ppropria tc
length (.bout I foot) .

2. Be.lt the ,tiel., together to go .. rong

with mu,ic.

U,,, t h"le with th"

mid" on llilge 7l .

kid-,;,,, drum

.. n .Klult ...", &..-oow. into on" 0'

both of the ltick, . Then, you Un rub




eKtI other


be.. t them

&. Such
When you o;re.ote .. sculptu.... you Mf: ~
~hint: tNt ir. ~ d~_ You'll be ~ "t

""'pel JInd fjgu~ you UtI cn'"te """th 'fOU" 'undo!

~ ir. no

"eM Of wrong ~ to 1CIJ1pt. Moo..,.. Mtnb

qe"te 1lSU"ft tNt look like people or objb tlwy

fe<;on;"'. And mM>y "rti>b ere.. !,. ..... peo to ~~. r.o.,.
tiwy fftol. H~ you 1Ippch it" you Ihould n- fun.

you un .t.Jrt oYer " t.ny time.

You Un ..... ke you' own d;ry by following t~

direction. in thi, section. You un m~ke Self-H.. rdeninl
Oily, Frozen Bread Clay Or """" Goopy Goo f Clay un be
reuled fo r houl"l ilnd houn of fun. Pie..", note IMt t he
re<:ipeo are not intended to be edible unl.,,, indic.oted.
Aha, m."Y recipe. ull (or food coloring. wnid' rTWy ,ta'n,

lefor., you begin, put On wme old elotne. ..nd (~.

)'O\',..-orir, "re.. with ""..~ pooper. Then, tel re~ to ..... ke


prid<Jy poreupi~. be"utiluJ bu"nie< ~ pcrffi;t pinch

':\ ~Q"" (~ ,,,.,.I f...,"

9".d~" 'hoP'S \o'",.lq" \>toft)

':Jb"by f.-li"
,k.ss"i'"" "....,tki~~~~~~~j

~ "Ii<l

:J f""J 0;:,,1""1\9
r:J y<>~ G"f'S

Cl ....

\lcre's ho,,", . . .

1. FIl l p.ope' cUp' .bout ~ ....rte"

full of ..nd.

2. Add. ' - df09l of food coloring to eoKto C\JP ~

milo. well . Prep.-re .t IN.t three different colon 01


"S. ure-fvlly opoon the.....d into


the j.-t. for""",



01 color

It. ~n the j io lull. w:- on the

lid tisntfy.

Afte')'O\l fill 'fOur j.r.
toke. toot hpick . nd
,Jowly poke into the ..
.IonS the oic:Ift. TM will
oe.t~ wwy 'ineo 01
d~nt eolon ~
complet~1y mil<in& them.


~l<c .l

rul-Iookin& bexh fo< dol" or Ktion n&'J.e>. Or ~ it .M .I d;,.ptlry in

you. rooml

r.J '" f~ bo>< lid

o ~ I"",,,t
'.J 1"";"tb,c.r\"1.
':l f"".1

o ... j"iotl",,, \,t'<la. jt""'f,

l;l<." t\oti91, ~It'l', 5",,115,

9'''1~, p"p4" " ...10.,,11"'5 '"

I"""n t"y 1.9,,'''1

0 9\....

o f"b, i.: ~.:.opl ("pfi""ol)


ije:r e.'s h o..r . .

2. ~ ttw JUint N. ~ .fdd IjXlOf'fuk ol ...nd



of ttw lid to tom'!


3. Add too-i". pebbl<-o. ~'k. C'-. .......1 toy figure M>d

othe< ite.... to....,k.e it Iool.'ike ~ ~<oJ buch IC_. U..

the f~ 1Ct<Op' to....,k.e m;n"'bJ~ bNch m-k.

C otkeskar).ger
\lhat you'll need
o ..,;~ ck~~~'
':J dffi'<'.t-Si:Z..! ,..~r


(>. " f"""ft c:"~,,

I"'P#' ci.d"
':l tIor .,. ~ 12" shtl of


':} c.D p 'lf

D e.."e;l
8 91" ot
':J top'"

:J seissorS
':.l p"... -I'"....s,
ploftie .,.,;g,1y

~ (ol'!i""..I)


'ije:r e' s

hO<J ...

1. S1n'tch the ~n~ into ~ d~mond oNpe, <H "'own.

2. Color the pIoIte to INk .. <;'-n f~e.

If de<ftd ..,;ld .. pom-pom ~ .. nd

pl.Kic "';ggly .-,.n.

3. Cut out .. ~ from conotructiorl


Mookc it .. bout of jnchft xrou

M>d 5 incne. bU. If~. "uoe.II
pom-pom to the top po;nt of the .... t

II, Glue the .... t to the top of the bee. T;ape the (~Of'lto the hook 01 the



5. Fold two lhtl of COttltn.M;tion pooper in

c..Trace you r ....nd on one .nee! and you,

foot on the o tht!. You might want to .1<1<
lomeone "I", to u ece fo. you.
7. Cut th rough both p.>' b 01 e..eh forded
p..~ r t o make two ,,",rod, ..nd two fee t.

8. T.. pe your cu !'"OUt .....nd, .. nd fut in pl.Ke Ofl the honge.,.I"hown ..t left(!>;mply tum 0t>0' CUI-ovt.,..., to get .. "" of left.IInd rit'lt ....r>d... nd fut.)

'1. To ....n' YOU' ckNm. .. ttKh .. f""", pieces of looped bpe in '<"Yet.' ....,; on
the b.Kk of the pllper .lind .tick it to the w~l. Or ..... ne it ~ the ~~ hook
OIl .II ohort .... ,1.

i>laster Pictu.re

':l plarR"' fDhf

IJ .:0100. ~ , <It f.o......
9-".., GD.J, c ..1e...lo


".~e, l
e1..,,, f~l .. c 1P"'"Y

':.I ...... ~ .ly paper pl..~

(liu of pl..te depends
"P"~ 1;1".,f I'ic'h" .,)
':J ""....1fo r "';~;"9 plol"l"'"
rtir";"9 plofte,
':.I 11\Ir<ly ",i.e (,,\,avi"
1"..,) 0' 1,,"90' 1'''1'''' d,p



fo' tJ.,.. ~""k

':l (,.... s""JP"l"""
O seiW>rf

':l h'''''l''"'''' p<>;"t (oph<>"'" )
0 ..... .,dvlt


1. Choooe .. colorful picture from .. greWng coord.
c.a~ Ot poItcard. Cut 01' te the picture to III
the centl!'t' of the p.~ plate.

2.. Yy the picture f~ in ttw unt... of

the pl.ate.

; . Pour ..... te'r into the bowl. ~ _ I ' ll

of ""''1 lhould Or ~l to ....Nt the
pUte could hold. If you ......,t ~
pW<te'r. MId _
~nt to the .....teo<.

If. Add dry py,ter of ~ Ilowty into the

""..te. until the ",.. te, no Ion~ "bI.o<bo
the pW<te. Stir the mi><tune with .. ,tick
until the mixh.one iI ~ thick ..nd
ItTIOOth II""" u ke ~tw,.

5. Pou. t he mi>ctune into the pl.. t,. i nd ave. the piet....'".


'- . Before the pla. le' dria, pre" in .. hook the top
center of the plaque. Mo,t of th.. hoo k ,hould
..,en ..1>ovf, the pl..,te.
7. When the pl.,t...

completely d ry, it will be

u 'Y to remove hem the peper pl..t ...

8. nd the rotJgh ~&el Iightly,..;th fine o;ondplP""

'f. H~ .... wult help)'Oll 'P'"I!)' the p~tH:


with .. de... ohellK to

it .. <hi")' fini>h.
M..le 'lire to do it in _ opom 're".

"'ha t )'",,'11 n<cd

':J1 Cllfi (:,,,"rl"'''cl>
0 1 112 e,-,pd1"" .
':J" Ie<>f

o ""D>' I''''I'~ '

0 1 ""I' "',,,.., \<lot .. .

o If<"""
a ,,,\1'''9 pi"
o !,\"~Ie 4.,,,ki"'J ftl'o\<'

o ..w.'''9 ~lo'1
':l f<><><l ,,,10';,,, (..pti".....O


he>,,", . . .

1. M ix ee ~...d fIouf in .. bowf.

2 . If dWred. ~ the food coIorif18 to the- .......w.

S. M...l<,e .. hellov.- d e nt in t he center...nd ,tir in

the ""..rm ""ater .. little ..t .. time . Add ""ate'
until the- mixture feel. like .tiff do ugh.


Mix the dou&h .. II~.

5. Kne<1d (preu.


pull ..nd fold)

mixtute on ....."" p<1opeI'. Sprinkle it

...otto more flour if the dough i<

too .ticky.

Go. Flatten the dough .. nd . mooth it

o ut with .. ro lling pin. Be u refu l
not to roll it out too thin.

7. PIKe .. !uf, ~ <ide down, onto ~

dough. Prelo< it ir>to the dough ...otto ..
rolling pOn, then _
it ardully.

8. Poke .. hele in the top o f the dough

\\lith .. ,tTa"".

'1. When the print i. d ry. tie .. loop o f

y..rn through the hole to hoo ng it

If.,.ou un P;nch,.,.ou Cllft ~" p;nch pot! Thk P'ojPd ....11

~ by tfw end, you ....... " - .,.our own piece of potmyl

\Jh at you'll need.

a 5e\f-tl...Je<>i"9 CI<>y
(1ft P"9"' 'I't)
Qte...pe'" p<>i"t
':J p<>;"t'r>rvl'Mi "..d p<>;nt

o w~te rjve

':l"" ~'



ijer e's h co<07 . .

I. Roll the cUoy into ~ t..11.

2. Pol<e you< thumb into the center of the boon t o


Qpft>ing lot the pot.

3. Tum the day in you. h.nd MId

pinch the fJP'"'i"& ~ """h ~

thumb<. <M "'own.

If. A llow the pot

to dry fo r

Z dOlyS.

5. When you, pot ;j ~rdened ...nd

completely d')'. p.-.;nt it.

r..Wh" " )'OU' pol d,in "'g.in, mOe

..." equ... 1... mount of glue.nd
.......t ... toget~,.


Bru.n on the mil<ture to pro<:t

the flnid'l of the pot.


'Play Clays
P"gel '1-101 ~ reOpe. fo< ~king)'OUt O\lo'ft Uly-to-\ne pby c~ to ICUlpt
... 'fOU choow:. You .....&ht choow! to do one inotn d of~, ~Pffld;ng on
your own 10k> >d diol iko. Some d'- be<t fo, ......, __ ~ _ ~ _
Sotnc d lore bnter to< __
pro;eet> you
t to kp. T..-o of the cbys
be ~I ..nl Some cbys e very finn ,
1e ot!'>en lire very 10ft.
~nt...oth "II the cUyo.and d~ for younelf,.ftOch ;, the bert one fot
)'CU ! Tho- end of the oKtion ~ ~ fot opeOfic thinp to K\,Ilpt with
you< ~_ You un u~ ~ ~ to ......1.e the lUW'ted Ct.fb.



~"';He ~n ~h,,;q.-

in working ....th ~~,

the ~ ;, one sood ...."Y to .n..pe it. You un roll it t,o rr>o<oOnt the
~ back ..nd forth on .. UbIe or by hold;ng the d ;,y bct.. w.)'QUI' hand< and
tubj);ng)'OUt ""nd< bKk ..nd forth ,,~...n..n.,.,... .... trying to ~ ",..,m.

You Un ,hape d~ wit h , teneil, (le e p.:oge 30). You could P"'" the , teneil
<>'', f1.ttened d.y to imp,in! the day. 0, oqu...,ze .. IOrid block of d Ol)'
t hrough .. . teneil to form ...hape .

U", block. or e ther object< to p,..... into fl..tt ened ,Illy. much 'ike Object
Printing on p.lge <Ill.


Goo;,. ......, ~ l;quid a.,.. It;,. &'Nt to .tretch, pull .. nd Iotm you<
Be 'UI'!' to k=p it in
N&. ..rod it ....l1llUy wet!



cre.. bono.

\.;re,..'S hN ... }
1. Pou, the clue .and liquid .urdl into .. ~tic t..c ..nd w.lll jL

1. e-.tIy woOd (~. M>d

~,..,) thc

t>.og t o




~ . Add focd colon"" if dai,ed, .. nd continue kne.odinS tho! NI fo< "'bout

20 "'i...... te... If the milrture , till >ee.... thin, '<id mo<e .U<ch. Add clue if it
g<'b too thick ,

'I. 5to... the gOQ in ..n "'rtight pl;HDc boog.

a 1cup li'll/l rt."do

:J 1. c"ps \><Io,t.. 91~

:J ~lcbl .. p,,"~c bo,
O f...,d colon", (opti...... l)

You CM'l " ' " Pl.y Cby Q'Ye1' .oond ~-jt ,.,1/ ~ ~n. Moo~ dinowuO'l.
buildOnp. ~.oond c.-tum. Then. squilh them ~ >d It.>rt CMe< .. pt.,

\lha.t you'll ncei

:I Z e"'ff sift! flow

C}l GOlf salt

Cl <. ~"I ,,1........

':)1 t"bks'p<><>"1s"l"d ...1
0 1 c:up I"IJtp.
o ,.,..div... -Silll'd ....;,.;"'9
bowl "".llr<>""
c r('l~l"i>l(' plastic b..,s '"

1. Food wlorin&..-..y be ~ to ttw.

"';ot.... ~ ........&. if t;O!or iI ~fNl_

Z. M.. ;0'1 ~~" t~ i n the bowl

u nbl they .Il'" omooth.

3. The pt.y d..,.,..;11 'U'\r.oft fOf ...-k. if


k..., p it j",;o 1e,led pl;. . tic b;og

co nb i.. e.


':J ~-J .:,,10""9 ("ptio""l)

" AI.." .';f f"""d in n,,,
bo ki n9 5edit"'.J .... <>If
9, oce'Y rt"r~. It eets
<>1" p~.."",tiv".

See p..ge. 102 104 if you


id".., of wh.lt to m;o ke wit h

you. cJ.-y_



l ij<r< s

h..... . . )

2. Add the ",,~t~, cr~'1y to fctm ~ ball.

30 Kn u d (pound, 1'011 ~ pun) the

diJy. ~jn, """.... untir ~ no
Ionge< blk .poor!.

If. ~t(l'e in .. ..,.Jed prlltic lg in the

refrige rator. Allow the d.y to co me to
,com t" mpo" .tu", for

0 '1 CliPS f'"u'

':}1 tHfPO"" "\,,.....

1311/2 cupi 1,,1t

a 11/1.CliPS Io'"t..
'.J "''''i", b<>lo'!
Q .-..IQ\>k plortic b'"9



S. let your l inilhed projt dry at recm

temperature fo' Z d. It will become
very "",,d .ond Q n be ~jn ted.

Sllggu ti on
~ ~el

101104 if you Med;,k.M of

~t to _~ with you. d~.

tro::el'l Bread

M...........' you ..... e..t thiI P"':i"ctJ Be !.Ute to ""m)'OUr hionds Iond ..11 wori<.ing
.arus bcfote)'OU ~n . HurTY' I'm hungry!

I.. II"'''' h""

1. Fro-n ~.id douch

be t"-cd

~misM in

.. ~~.tOl'.

2. Kne~ (pound. roll Iond puu) tM


s. 5~ the doug... into Idt_ Of other

.N~ ~k .. """ ...tell 1Np<e i... bout

t h.. "me thicknc... Otherwile you will
b ur" 'ome plort> .. nd und..n;ook othe...

If. Spri nkle On th<:,m 10 mixtu ... of t he

Qf,oz~n b .~"d d"u9 h,

cinna mon Iond lugar.


':}1 t ..

5. PJ<tc1! the . k.oped dough On .. g","<ed

"q>o'''' <:;".........,,,,

cookie sbeet. Then, ~.n .dult b.Jke

it in .. JSO gyen fa< IS to ZO minute>.

D 1 t"ofp"O" W9'"

o "e<>f,..l <:",,10.. fhHt


':J ""'..... p'''~~c1 to SSO

o ,'" ocIu1t

Go. let them cool for .. r- minute.,

....t thoeon.


l 'I<N'S


... )

I . Mil< the pe.vout butte', dry moTh M>d

':11 cvp ~....,tbvtft'.

.J 1 c"f """f.rl6? .....1..
0 1 cvp ho~

':J ",iJ<"'" \,olo'l ....d fP"""

':l ~e ut~lils
Q r,,;Si~ .lry c~.o!' .. IJ ,,<ill,

togo'ther in ~ bowl "ntol it fe.ek

Ib ooIt <lou&!,

2. Rmiger.te.,out doush for I hour.

, . ShIpe the dough into )OU< - . . CfWjom.

If. If dnired,

"i"rn, dry Cfi'e.r.

cN>col..tt- o.;pI'

. nod thoc;:ol.te chipi ta


c ars, wing>, fPe l,. .nd 10 on .

n utl



S. Chill t hem in the ~geritO' 109.;n,

t hen eat them.


Now Wt you ~)'OUt own cby, there .. ~ ......llion thinp you c;on do.,..;u, it
He.e _ just .. ,", icloe~J


.,our cby .... N/f Md

.....ke .. ~ ,..;tft one .... tf.
~ other NIf io

to. -Ir.in& ~

lone lep. You Un do

thd by b<e.. k.ins off p;e<:,., M>d

tolling them bet\oleen rout lund<

on .. fbt ",.IKe. !let the~ ..

(lM body) in the middle of .. p.aper
pl..t .. .ond ..tudl uch leg by
pinching it to th., body.

M.. ke noodl with , I.oy and .. garlic
pre". f ill th
11 of t h.. g..rliC pre"
w ith cby, then clo... it to \q ue.....
out ,tr..,.,d. of c'.y. Add mOre eli)' to
lengthen the ,u..nd . Thi. technique
i... 100 effectiw: to. .....king I\,)i, fo.
other cby



in diffe~nt
,ius. Poke a toothpick or a wnall
~ of ~&hetti into the l.J<ge<t N il
a nd a~ it to the next Iized bioll.
Repat thi< .tep to attKh the
wnalleit bioll for the heiKl. Uoe a
pbitic <tr_ to form e)""i ~ tM.rttoni
by pokinc it into the c~ p~ of
three baFI. of


unccoUd ~ 0< toothpOcl<.

~n ",.,ke ncKe< ~ncl ~.

Fit'lt. roll ~ long piece of cI~y. Turn
up one end to "'~~ the ,n~iI'. he~d.
Then, roU up tM: other end to m~ ke the
,,,,",,f hell. Two ,m~1I piKe. of
uncooke<:l ' J>.)ghe tti Or pipe cleane ..
ell ... be .tuck i... to the
~ ,1. M:ad to
~ke #eele<1. (_ _
,_ )

Roll 1>.>'11 of III .il<:' to !TY~ the lxonny'l
body, u,l, cheelllind 0<1C tiny bill fat
the nooe. lnoert "",II p~ of opIghetti
;"to the bunny ', cheek, fat~_
fl.IItten two ~l piKeI of diy to Npe
the lxonny'. 1onf; eln I nd pinch them to
the ","old.

Priddy ?oreupmc.s
SNpe you. ~ like ..... eu- ~
out 0<1C e nd of the "eu" t o !TYke
the hud. Bte..k up utKooked
iplghetti ..nd ,bdo. them into the
porcupine', body. Nnt..idd fou,
pretW piKeI fat ~l Add ' by
poking .. d,;nkin&,tr_ into the d .>y
0' p,e..;ng be..d, into the d ly.

Eobin's gg Nest
F;(I, gl,lie: p,e" ",ith d.>y Ind pre" it
do.ed to mike ,ulnd. MI~ I ne,t
with the ,ulrod" ..nd !TYke .. dent in the
middle of it with YOU' thumb. Then, roll
two 0 ' th"", little "",I ""peo for eW. If
you ..re uoing SeJf-H..roening Oly
(oe<: p41ge 99). you IN)' "'.... t to p41int the
ne<b llo'cNm or J'ft'" ..nd the egg> blue
"",," n )'OU d to tl\lt .tep.



0._ _ pi. or .torie>, xted out by people.
UlWlIIy in front of ..n ~ience. Actin& out.tQrift an be
lob of fun. ~Ily if you 1M: costume!;ond .. little
i_~""tionl TM IeCtion ~ gre;ot M:\uI fot ....k;nC
d<~ fun ..nd ncitin&PbyI olt~ "re ~ by p=pIe in costu~. but
.torift un.llloo be told tni ng puppet>. You an m.I ~"
numM< o f diffi:;ent puppet> ".ing the i" , truebonI in
th i, <e<;tiOI'l. Some ..",
othe" "'.., me", iMlO~.
D~id" how you "'ant you r d>;>,Kte. to look .. nd t. lk
and I"t your i.....gin..von go wild! Don't fo'!"t to
p etice "t he voice" of the puppet. You un m..ke ..
puppel u d. ,illy 0' ,eriou'.ju.t by changing your voke.


M.. ny element> come togethe r ~n ""'Orking On ..

pr~. The co-tum"" . I ..ge, ,tory end mu.;, ;o re j u.t .. lew.
M..king. 0' " .. fting, eKh element turrn ...impl" . tory
into .. rt. PI"" you' ll be """king lOrt twice - once when
you I'IUkoe)'OU' ".oft ..nd .. g..in when you perfofml

&. Such.
All the \OOtId i> .. lUge. Ir>d nQW)'O\' Qn ""'~ your 0->. Follow thew
.....tnKbono 10 ~ .. w gc for )'OUtlelf 01' for ;0 pupprt

;>"pp<t Stag. \lith a Backgro=d S. t


.. low ~br<! in front of;o wJkbo.iord or ,l,<gc oMet o f butd>o'< ~pet

biped to the "",II. 0" "" lCenery on t he c~'kbo .. rd behind the ubi... The table
un ",,,,,,,. .. lbge ' nd the c~ li<booIrd ill a biCkdrop for you. pup~t1y, Then,
d rI p" .. 'heet 0. bJanl<.et "round the table. Sit beneath the t. bl.. with your

puppet. .nd ret the ,how begin!

To INke. TV ICfUl\ cut out. I'e'Cbngur.r hole in the bottom of. r.rge
c.Jra'J>o,.rd box. 0 ._ fe.turco oudI button nd decote the reot of t~ box.
5tt the TV on. uble ~t M been dr.ped with.1herl 0<. bUnkt. Get
bdlind the box ..-.d perform on TV. You ~n . 110 uoe tne box Ie< puppcb.


1:)rag0 11.

sock Puppet
H ow do you rruq .. oocl< tool.. ? Turn it into
pent>n 01' cre..nn ifnj&i~.

\Jhat you'll n~ed

O lD ck

;:) ,..<I f..1ter f..b,;c ",,,.1

o {",b,;c 5C t>PS
0 5ci5 lO> rf

'.J c,aft gl~ (nyt" w

,11># .-d.. ~tW<>lly f...



p"~ 1 You un ~.....,. ..";rrul.

1. Put one

hM>d in the lOCk to find whe~ the ..-.ttl

lhoulcI be. You. thumb "-old ~~ the bottom
pw of the d ... SO"', mouth.

Z. ~on thc ~ f~ OY~~ the

tnOVth is fonned .

>. Co.rt out~ . eM>,nd IOles hom

the f..bric ocrapo.
on the puppet.

n .Jdult h~rp you leW on
d gcn'l futurfllO h~ willl,l,t


Ionter. Pin .. p~e of f"btic whe~

l'O'J .... nt it, tum thc lOCk in..o.eout M>d _ it into pIKto.

tIue them

Ulg ~

of Spoons

?bin wooden IpOOftI ~ ~ ~t .tMt to

annot u<e

..pecu.cu.... pu~l But .. cool<

the.<e..ne.. yotJ~ done with theml

\Jhat YO\l'U nun

a ",.-l~ ~'li
':J .....~,,:
':J tltmpc"Q


Cl p"i"tb'ufh
':I e.. "j'trvdi"" f"'pt'. '"
f"b,;c s<:"'pS' ./'~
'::J 'I'"''
0 91v..


l:{ere's h o..... . . .

1. P"il'lt both IpOOI>I ...ith lkin I1or. "I -"own .

2. ~n the pll;nt is dry. d,_ or pllint

f M:I!'<

on the I>owfs

3. Glue on yMn h,;,.-net CO<ntruction ~ CJOWnI.

If. W.,p con<tn.ocbon ~ _rod the "-din MId h.oe
them on fo, the puppets' dothe...

i'aper Bag

NIP ~~ pupprb thoot un _

on, ,tick ~ f'\Ien ulld
p"ppet: -ttl I ~ bioI" one of the oldest tricl<o in ttw bookl

\Jhat YO\1'U need

:J P"~t 1,,~ b~
,:\ _

p<> pt'li

::l y<>"" or c:,,,ft f... t

':I dc... ~ ..J, 10'""""... ~~"

{}'" nA~r

o (;.try<>f\{ o ' .,.,..~I"\"

'::J C:O"rl'rlleti.." P"P'"

0 91."..

':.I l'loj1ic "';991y ~~


~lUng ~

I . Hold ~ dOlOo'er rod in ~ clPflter of tnt !>.og. Firl ~

!>.og WIlh crump~ ~ ..round tnt rod, ...


2, T~ ~ !>.og'. ~njng tiV'tty WIlh

y.-m. Tum the bole upside down so
tNt tnt ~ .....

;, .-t tnt bottom.

~ , u .... Ceot>otrucbon ~ .. nd
cnyono. cre.. w.. fKe on you.


'I. U~ ~..m

Put you. N.nd

~ the

!>.oc ..ncr
.....ke),our pu~ ~rl<. DecOf..W it
with ~ "....... toneue, ..nd 10 on.

to .....ke I'I.-i.

'r'llrkey ill the

Stra...... ?'Ilppe t
U~ .. n <><di~ drinlU"Iltr_

fot ~k<gMra1 do<..bonl. l

o 1><"\0',, eo~"
o c:_mve:ti<'" p<>pe"
fC', Gpl"

':J ,l"ftic: d nnki1\9 rt'r"1o'

OfN tN ~

':J ..... rke oi ,,. e' ''r<>"f

a petIG il
':J ~" ple .

'J 91"..

a t",..

to ....kc the turl<ey


to life. Mioke _


1, Cut the

b<own con<tn.ocba.. p..per into ,trip<..

2. Mook toM> br-.. eon,tn.oction p.>pe1' ring,.a1Mge one

fo< the tu~', body.and.a <INlier one fa< it> hud.
Then, ,Uple thetn ~ .

3. H- .a.. ldult pok.a hoi<- in the bottom of the tun-,wittl.a <h.a<p ~1.and - ' - ..... dWectly ~ it ~
the heM:! .and body connect.

If. S6d< .a ,tr_ thf'OUCh both "0.....

S. T.ape fe.athocn to the b.Ild< of your tu~.

". Gl~ on.a ,on,tn.octio.. p.aper be.ak.and
w~ ttIc .and

uoe _~ to



~ &8y

Gn-etms c.ard. 'P'I1pptt
Cut out .. ~ tIt..,.;nu1frO<I'I .. ~g
urd (.. .-f V~bne wori<, ...ell). ~ it
onto .. ~bc:: drin.....'
0< .. cr..ft.tick
for ,jI\ inotIont puppet.


C.ar d.l:>oard Roll

'People ?\lp~t
Finl. d._;) f..ce on .. Uo,dboard roll.
You un ~d il pooper boIkin& cup ,ki rt
b)' evtting out the bottom of .. cup,
then sluing it to tlw roll. Glue on
yW> or cotton b.lJJ. fa< .....ir .. nod
INJUng cup! 01 ~r salp' fot Nb
..nod ot:he< limpIe fe.. tuffl.


sltark ?uppct

Se~11 bu';M' , ite

(lancJ ~n'o'erQpe.

Cut .. ~&le from One of the short

edges to .....k .. mouth. r.. pe the
INn~ to the top to boo the fin. Trim

off the edg<' 01 the . . - . opposite

the mouth.. ~lUn!.II1 ~ng for
\'OUI' hMwl. Oo!oco<..te your ..........
,..;tf'I '. ltnpe< .. nd of coune


.... ,.....

?a1"'r ?Ia,. ?uppct

Glue Of dr_ .. fKe onto .. plOP""
pbu.. You ~ Wlnt to u>e yllrn l'uir.
button ~ nbbon ~browl., ..nd 10
on. \lIh.M ..II .. dry. upe .. ~
pllint .timn! ,tick to the bKk of the

C.raft Stick
i''Ilppe t s
Theoe puppet!. _
zoo, .. ~

UIY to .... ke. u.y to ,tone.>nd "'~'Y to u~. ~""'.on """Y...

0' ~

your awn f.....l y! The ,loy'l the ,....it!

!J ~....,1I eon:lboo..,j .olI

':J ,",~k P"'pt'.
':J lciw>11
'::J .:.raft rti<:k
':J c rayon! ." ....,~!1

'::I t,,!,,,
D I" '''''*I'<''''~ rickr<>ck,
co"m"'''.....'' I'

-- .,..

ICr<'p1" o'

de<:o,"tw,. it....,l

':J 91",. (orn"""!)

Her e'a he>....r . ..


eo..e.. tIw Qtdbod' roll W'ith white pooper, Mod

t.ope it on.

Z. Add f.e..ture....tth O'~ .. ndlo< ot~, dor..u-.e

So pe a a.it

.tick turdy ~ the bottom 04 the
roll for the h...,lIe . II ~ be1t if)'OU upt' it in


U'e, wooden pooint .limng .tick to

....ke "'ge' puppcu.
0,.... YOU' 0IIl0'n dur.octe< onto t~
u.ft .tick.
Try ....lUng.n iMtronIut'. lopKe ",it

...tth ,Iun'oinum fool

telt lfallcl
Le..m to _

to _

~ ITU~" pu~

on )'OUr Iwnd.

\Jhat yo'l1'll need.

:J 1 f~ p;oK~, .. bout 5" " T
::JMt fC.Dpo; of """i'M'

O r"m
:J whiff popt',

::.I n.,,,,,d

.,.e.. ,Il..

':1 riM
J pe..ctl
:J d>tI1k or 1'"'".:;1 for f"bne

:J IcifWl"I"

..t !he wnc ~,Th.N, pu.ppri> .. ~.oft >d

1. On ~ .n.-rt of ~p". trKe ~ puppet ~ttem ~round


Nond (in the Npo!'hown below) ~nd cut

it OUl

2. TrKe the puppet p.lttem on

two diffe'ent pHi:ce. of felt
""'-th fabric ch.llk. then cut
out the pieceo_
~. PlAce yAm for hAi, on
the bottom piece.

II. Pin the two piece. together

And .titch them.



5. Cut ou t pieceo of felt ~nd y~rn to

.....ke ~


rece, ~nd clue theoe onto)'OUr

?aper ?late
lfallcl ?'I1ppet
With you. hdp. thil puppet -....lil<e it'. re~11y blk.i"CI Add button!., be.l>d>,
~ ~roni. to .....~ )'OUr PUPP"'!: ctr. 1pCCiM.

'::J "'"'" or f"'P"" "",m

':) .....trt.:oIol1, tr""p<"Q t> '

..cryI;c pointJ, fl '


:l p..;nrl. rvSh
O""hit,., I.....
':l 5C;{SOIi

1. fold ~

9..jnch ~IH" pt~t~ in hlo lf to form ~ brge


2. Cut me othe, ~pe1' pb~ in hlolf.

~. Glue the rim of the hlo'-:l pbte to the ri.... of the

folcled pb~. le~g the wt ~ge c f the ~te ""clued

.Ind forming a p/.Ke fot your hlond. .. oho-\. Note, Do
not try to .bO::k )'OUt hlond in unbl the c'uc is cornplety dry.

'I. U~ )'OUt ..... ~tion ... )'OU cfue of the ~ trim> to the ~pe1'
~m to ......
the fo.. 8<!~' not
t o ~ yam. fe.att>et> or ctlw< ouch iterm
t hlot m.y Kcident.tty ret fWint en
them. The<e CiOn be clued in pt.ee afte,
the ~int ;, dty.

S. P~ int your puppet, then let it dty.

Co . Add the trim, th~t do

7. Cut ..

I inch by 3 inch ,trip fTCm the 1'dlH"

pbte iC'~ p and glue it to the folded pl..te,
... . hown . !hi, ",,11 ~)'OU a thumb
/>old, '" w t ycu ",,1' be bette, able t o
0lH'n and doI.e the mouth of the


net n...ed


Peri'oon ~ pl..,- t~t iI out of thiI world 'to'Ilh your -... recUt! 0. ju.t prrtend
you'.... ckk..din&" "'Y~ c.Ml:l<! Of flo.ting down .. ,.,.,.1.

'::J I,,' .. ppIio..e~ bo"

",.,d/'" .-..''''3 ~

~ V-:J

:J mMki"9 Dr c1....:t t .. ~

o utili'}' kt.ifr
:J 91 ~


':::J p<>;nt; ...oM0'5,

""",ft!'"cti<ln pOpt't,
",,"ppi"9 P"~r, ,,,brie,

f"il, cI..... pl"rtic

:J (:I n "duft

1. P\oon , type of tr" n, port.tion Of buIlding to n\ll~. PIKe the ~ wf>e<e

'fOU "'_


2. [),_ windowo "nd doo<1 ..+.ere you ...."nt ~_

3. ~ ... ~It cut out)'OUr.........."....ond <loot> '" _W M the ""alh ~t.CC'"

the boxel. to connect them. ~~ <Ute Py ~ lore ~ in
~ the ~It cui the R.po off the boxel..

II. T~ the

~ to

ticMIY. Or

"-P them toget'-.

you _ ... .ll COItume. you un bt oonythinl!; you "'....t-.ll d~ .ll

prir'o'U Of ,..,...n .ll motI1ter l

\Jha t yotl'll need

':l yo'Y b4<J or p;a..... ~

a ~ '" " ..<l1~ "".l

a G.ay'>r.s, p<>;"t,,, f"bri.c
o ~ei5>r1
':J "" <><I"lt

1:{eI'e's h o...r . . .

1. Cut ~n opening fo< )'OUr ~~ ~t the dosed

end of the bJog.. ... <hown.

2. Cut out ..... open;"p on !he .odn.

3. ~~te)'OUr COItume. u~ O"~ ~nt



to .-dd <leui".


---- ,

---- '

at;.." .,. f<>~' pk>~

':l e"'Y<>~ f.lt-t;p ~tlf,

, .... t~...I'"'''.'''
oc-ylie ,..i"ts
.......vcti.... p<>p~' '"
':l c<>n,,,

dif....."t colDl"l"

':l "ylo.. st"c:ki..., (" r


~jp {", ~K"";"9 tJ... m<lsk

to yt>,..I..."d)

a scissoors
':l p.."e;1
:J ~"pl..,
a CI"ft "",Jf..
:J ,><\ aJvlt

Suggr:,ste.d ll1atr:ri.a.ls:
t><>i"t, Y''',"" ",,,ft f,,-, "'9f, ,..ft..:>, ..............I..d '''P'',
"ott"", m;"!l- "",1#</ c""m...cti"" P"Pf". ftno! wo"l,
f,~..r. Il. cwl..d g;ft-...,,,p ribl>o.... p"i"t, pip<' <:I-.....f"$
(f", ""te.,'10", i"U-rl" Hot... jilt " fo ....., I>.oJlr), b...,..,
m"W; poPf"

rthps. c/';"kO"9 m"lotJ,)"'hl " .


~...J Io'iff., ,rW'I r...~'1, ~ corn-,.. ~J?'I P"Pf"

". ,r"r1'ic: .0.,,,,,>1, craft 1Wf.. (few H.t "d.At to IM')

1. ~ ~ p.o~ pbt.. in<Ot$e ovt ..,.;I hold it ~

,...... be",_ WMo. a~. &"""tly ........
,.,.... ~ ..,.;11>0""_

tt... . ..... for

2. ~ ... ..,.,It """ er. ft .....;1., t o cut ovt o n::1e for

\'OU' "'Y""'.nd. tn.ngl'" fa< you r nooe. N ob! : B<! .u,,",
th., op..ningo fo r t h",
" rg", ",nough for full vi.io n.


) . U"" t l\., tri.mgul. r cutoul pie<:", p.ott",m for II\., nOlo"'.

Tr~ thr~ tn.ng"""ide. by "d", On the: otl\.,r p.opc:. pl.t",.
Add l !4-,nch u.bI., .. ohooom.

'I. Cut out thc: n- 01 thc: nooe. Fold down thc: t...:l
'flW Ii""" ..-.d fold thc: UbI out, .. ohooom.

s. fit thc: n- into thc: C>p"'rnng on thc:....,l<,.nd glu'" thc: ubo

on thc: in..oe.
". Color 0' p.int the: """ k. P.inl will
look bette l et it dry. 0<>''''- M

Ip t ..... '.w<l
, p4p)

""'g"" o n I"'" "'Y'" hoi""

7. From con.tf\Jetion


cut out a

no", lhip'" fot the ctu,.cte. you

""ant to ~ke .lnd pue it to the

6 (j0 [j

............ "'" ",h< ee , n _



8. Cut ,..., from con<ttuctiorl


CMl .... ke
,,'1 kind.
ell... By ~& the Ioution of
the e. ..... Ieee un beconw ..
do&. but, ,~ Gilt 0<
penon. .. shown.

'J. P.int 0< Itlue on .. mouth cut from con.tnKtion

P-'P"'" For ~I ... ~. mnge ... trip of con.tsuction
p<lpe<.nd C\ltl the I..,he, oo.oer .. pe1>C11. Glue only
One ..nd <0 they will 'Und out.

10. To _ . I f your m" k, cut ..

1 inc h by 9 inc h .tsip
from .. nylon , to<;king

.nd ,upl,. the end.

to the ;n'id<io of
you. .....k .. t
eye level,


0 0

TO)'" n- bfton .l'OUnd fo< .. ionS" theoe

n- bftn cMdoen . H~ toy! combine
the enjoyment of Vmn .nd toy!witft the
.. ti<f~n of INkinS somethinS OUM, colorlvl
.nd fun l
M..ny of the toy!.rc Ktivitiel th.>t c.n be u-'
by one pel'1On, <Uch the a..11.nd Cup Goome
.nd the CruP')' Crawler. Other projecb.rc
pl.oything- you c.n uoe "';th toyo you .I'e..or
h.ve. uch the Clothe.pin Critte n.nd the Box
When you have completed .....king one of the
HomelNde TO)"', you ",,11 not only h...,.,. new
toy CH' pl.oything but you'll ~ IOmething you
~n diopl.y CH' g....... " giftl



!'by tnio pmt' ~ or ..ott! ~ pbyer. Ud> ~, ret> ten trics.. The one

....no u~ the halt the molot time.. wi.,.l

l. lkint .. (O<npnl point. put>etu..... hole in the
bottom of the cup.

2. Cut off ,bout 14 inch<!-< of y..m

to.Utt "nd tie

.. knot ..t one end. The Ionser YOU' yam, the
tnOte difficvlt it will be to utch the !>.Ill.

~. Tie .. knot a t one end of tile yam. Thread the ylm

from the ,mide of t he cup 10 t he knot i, in the cup.

1/. ri pe the knot in place fo< 'Jdded



Fold the strip 01 constn>ctioI'l

~ in ~ Icnt;tt i.e..d

twist it at the center.


rte the yilm to the Uflter

twill. This ,..;11 ~ the
nt~ of the b.oll.


7. Finnly
llnd ,hapc the
.trip i"to .. b"lI.

8. Pbu the Nit into the unte< of the ~ of ,luminum foil.


G.tt- the fool around the twol!. IqLoH:zi"C .. net .....ping the fool to nuk.e ..
b.ll~. Ik u<ftul t o "-P the yoom out of the fool.

10. Hold the cup...n.le fWi~,,! the booll. Try to utd> the Nil in the cup.


Choo-,hoo ! Comi"l th"""gh ! M~ ke ~ " oid-fa'hioJ'led

mi"i-tr~i" for you, ltuffed ~ "im.lh .

'I. <JI"" )'",,'11 n<<d

o rto~' foci<>1mbo_
':l p<'~.I.oI~ f<'~
<:010''''; P"~r, p<'''''

" "Y""5 '" m,,~ 1i

o 5<:055"1i
':J ",I,....

rlerc's ho..l' . . .


1. Cut off the top< of the bue ~ (or ~ ..n


2. OKor..t~ ucn bo>e...itt> eQlored P"PH. P";"!.



up _

... 1 bo>e'" with the ohort ~ f.ocW>l e..en other.

helie's ..1 bclth ~ of eve')' bo:< (~ dw one ..1 the

b4Od< n>d . Thir bo:< ~ tIO'O """"" punched ..t Qf>e t"'d Qflly).
The hcIIeo ohould be ~ 3 ~ ..pt.

If. Punch


5. Thfud S..nch pie!. of y..... thfOUgh dw hC>leo to

..tueh the bo>e es, Tie .. knot in e...en end
y..m ~ thfOUgh udI hole.


r..To .....ke .. h40ndle to pull 1M tr..in. thre.Kl

.. 5-foot pie of y...n through both
hole< in tM fi"t bo>c .. nd knot both end>.


Put doll! .. nd .tuHed ..ni..... 11 into the boxeI

401 p"I,,.n~e,,. Then, pull the tr.. in around
the room.

Add p"per b..lunC "'pi for
whee ll ..nd OIM' fd~rd
roll. or boxeI to
ke it
Iool< more like ..
tr~ _




You CMl ' - )'OU< -... end~ ....ppIy of bubbln-.-nd ju<t think. you ~n ~~
tt-n .nyt;me )'OtJ ",.ntf

:J 1/2 cup ~Iye.., jn.. ( y ~

l>o""J"t "t " ph"
':) 1/2. cup ...... t ...
':} l t"bl"lpoon li'1",J

<I"/.\oI<>,hi"9 c1..t""J,,,,t
':J 91"~f ja_ ~ .. lie!
':l b"bbl.. pip.., b"b'ol.. Io'o nd,
pl..~c: drinki,., rtt..~,
~ ~ JlottrJ fP"""5
'" c:1o~1wl,,~
C1 boki", p<>n (.. vtW>....l)

1. Mile .11 tho!

ingf\"d~nb in. jM.

1. Milke bubb~ ,.,..-d. out of ",,"t

ties, dotted opoono, doth.nl'un~" Of

3. Pow ><>me of ~ t>ubtoW """ into. b.lking ~n if)'OU ~ ..... king brte"


If. YO\I CO ~ the bubO/oeo. '"10<>& '")'OU ke.ep the j tif;htly dooed....tw..
)'OU _

done p4yinc.

N ow. )'QU'Il,,,",,.,.. " - .

friend MOUnd to< comPOOny-}'OUM'tI'! ~kc .. """"Ie

.et ohowing)Ol.l< ~"Y d;ffe~ ~ r


\lhAt )'",,'11 n<<<i )

Q ~' b<><l..l .... stAr

C:D~~ P"po"

':l pt'"c,1
::J et"Y""f, ..,..MIi ".p",nt

on P"l'"'. f~M'1i (b,..df)

::J y<>'t\. fobric 1<:' of5, "tJ.,to,

..."t..,,,ls (optio""l)



'-><I (1)

1. Dr,... jOn ov.l t he >ire of <on egg on the poster

bowd Iond cv l it out. Th~" the hud.

Z. 0.- ..nd cut OtJt ~ ov;rJ. thiI one

b8>C the t.ize of. onwoll e.-lope (with it>
con>en rounMd cIf) . Tho.;, the body.

3. DtilW ~ cut out 8 mote lone Q'V.k ~ ..

~ Ion&- n..- \" p.>rb of;otml MOd Itp.

......s .....Jk,s (8)

11. 0.- >d cut out 2 Nnd ",",peo ~ Z foot

IIwpn. e.Kto .bout I ind'llonc_

S. Color. d,_ 01' pot;"t)'OU, O"*fl fKe. cJott>e.



misht _'"'

ottw. d-.uih

""""re they

fffl' {z)


(;,. AlUch the p.orb with p.>Pft f..,tene"

to ",. ke .. body tNt move" ... Ihown.

7. If de<j~, dodd y"'" fo< h. i f.bric for

clothing 0' mo' e INIleri..I. for oth...
det. ih.

Use .. IChoor picture to glue onto the
he~ to <how)'OU, ........ f.ce.

Glue .. paint .b~, Of ~ rod< to the

bKk 01 you< ~ 00" to INke .. pupptl:





~----pM:lu<'ft of)'OUO'
up on their ownllet yo..-

You un ~kc

f~e ~"""h ~nd

........k-rvn wild in your own zoo. ,..infomt or


\f'"-t''"-' S hO<J

1. CuI out Mlinwol pictu<eo from .. coloring boo!<.

trimming Qff the ~~.

Color the .. ni..... l.

Z. Glue the picturfl onto the conItruction

piopet .. nd

trim the ed~

3. OKorne the pictu~ by &luing on

futhen. y;om (to< m;of>ftJ.. nd
pom-pomo (to< Ui"J. Of tr.,. ....ng
round ~ (to< 1pOb).

tj . AtUch the
clotl>elpinl to l1\4l ke
you' iOnimiOll .Und.

Sl1gg,"-s ti on
MiOke b.Kkd,opo 0'

fo, YOU' clothespin

cntte" uling con.truction plIpet

0'l'O"'o ~ 0< p;oint to

CreiOte the dimiOtc ~ YOU'
critt,..,;ore found .



o e.... pty bo~ fro"" e<'r~l,

""t....e..!, f,,1t on<! "th<!'.

o ",...db""rd p"pe. tOI",,1

. "lIf

o ",,,,,rto'ucti,,,,, f<'P'"
':1 p<>pe. ~", ki ..., cups
':J 'Jl~
3 t<>~
':J fe~oi


\lc.rc',s hO<J ..

1. rlO pe the ~pc, onto t he roll. lind ~.

1. Gtoup them into .. UltI<!~_
~ . e..t out con,tn.oet>on


fa< doon .. nd ... ndowo .-nd &Iue

II. Glue ~ t..k.ins .....p' to the

top< of the tOII~"

ttoem on.

.-l"1on& the top of

the ustle.

Sl1s s:u tions

Cut .. wo;tion out of the
u ,ll.......n 10 m"k,. .. door
thit .wi,,1' ou t.
Paint the paper to look like
.. u, tl., ",.U.

MIoke fbI' out of con,truction

~ - ' toothpidu. Attad>
the n.p to the ~ of the
Ulu.. !0'I0'\'f\.


-'<full u~ hot glue

ke VO'" u.tle
du b!e.


With ~ littW ......p from.o n.dult,.)'OU un m;okt this bo.t th.t "'.oIly rJo.b! If.
pm"ed to. the ~thtub. 01' ~ ,....... .. pond.

"'h~ yoQ'l1 nud )

':J Ht~. , 1Qftie sod<> bot1\.
'J eraft fti<:k
':J c:"nmvd'i<o" p<lpf"
'J , 1"1 day '" ...oJ..1;", doy
'J ~k ..rs
':J ~ei5W 1'5

0 '''' oJvlt



no,", . ..

1. H~ ~n ~ult cut off the bottom third of

the >0< bottle.

2. Cut out.a/ge tN,,&1e ITem the

cornt1ucbon ~.and &1- it onto

ot obd< for the yil.

3. Pv.h the p4,o Wy into the Utltn

of the bottle.

lJ. Stid< the uol

5. Oecor..te the oub ide of your

boat with co lorful ,ticke" .

FI~t you r ~ t in

the ~thtu b.

Your Kbot> fitu_ .nould
fit ~ in the b<t

into the pby cby.



~ke ~ lone trip _
fun by btin~ng you. own pone. Don't..-ry ~ ......rp
<;Ut....-. ~ qu;ck ,topl-thc rNt"'!'b "",11 hold the pOKfl on t:t>e &~ !

'::J .....~ ~~
:J 'I c<,rtt ~c:ks"
':l Sb<lt'h>"S, ~tt\~ e<>fS" "'.
"tJ.,.., s",,,I1, ",,,n<!
':) eo'dboo'c1 or port...


':l tin"" p"p'"

Q ~s.."I"bl.. pl"~G '10"9
':lf e~SD oi

':l 91~

'::J ,vi."

0"" "dult'


hO<or . . .

1. Cut both the .....~ lht M>d

utdbo.ard into il Kju.~ with 4 111 inch
oidft. Pft.l off tIw ..... it.. ~ lind ,bel<
the nugnet>c "'-t to the urdbNrd.
2. Deco<ilte the ~ of the QrdbNrd tNt
>howl.. Thio i> the bottom 01 )'OU<



3. Giue the gift .bel<. to .....ke the Tic-TK Toe ~ on the ITY~ squ;>~.

.,, .., ,,, ... ... ,,, ... ,,, .,,
, . , . . , . ,
,, . .
. . ., ,, . ,, ..

If. To INke the XI.


pl<tic b.g_

an lIdult

ilbout I inch lon, lind 5 met""de. T. ~ the ~~ off ilrod fit

the ti..,,'l ~~. triml'nflf t o the
... me ,ize, to t~ .ticky .ide . The n,
cu t the milgn.. t into 1/4- t o
l iZ-inch Ilo'id.. . trip., ill ,hown .
Glue the milgnet .trip. t oge the r to
milk.. 5 Xl.

5. To m.lM the 0\ "-.on ~ult hel p you cut 5

....gnet p~e< (i ny oI'wope' .......11... thoon the
button. Glue the ~poor .~ to the button..

G.. ~p the X .. 0 ',.-:1 &"meoo.rd in II

hdp )'OU f;l,It II ...."netic Itrip

c.X'A <N" leX'
Thio runny furry
eutkn IO)'OU

~ture ~11y

fOlk! H_

.lIn .adu1t help)'OU wrth the"';re

gn n- .. eJ-p,. er-wr ri.,our ownl

a 11""\M''''' ....... S<'<If'

':J a.,ftfuf or "



n.o" ~

0"""" GIo~"",..,..r
'J 2 tIo~d fP""k
Do r. p;~ el...,....-s

':l ".,j,it.. ,1~ D' topof'

P<>P'" 1.,,1.. f"'''':h
0 "';'" c:u1't..1i

0 5C;fSOtl" . . . . . . . .

':J f..1t D r p"p'"
fo' ry~ " , pl"rti<:
1o'i~1y ~ (optic>....I)
D ,,,. oAvlt


1. Cut tt>e rim off ~ bowl. ~, Ihown.

to ~k.e ~

2. H_ ~n .adult help you UIl! ~ wi<e cutMn to cut ~


of,...;", from

the~ .

3. PundI. ho* on e.Kh s;de of the

bowl ~ I II incto from


!f. lmett ClI'W end of the ....... intcl

one of tI>e holn in ~ bowl.
tIve.ad on tIo'C> '9001I for ~
.-l pu.h the .......re out tI>e hole on

tbe oppoIite,;de.

s. Bend the end! of tI>e ,...;", up"'~rd

to hold it in pl'"Ce. '" ,hown.
each >id" of the bowl ~nd ,tic k ~ pipe
de~net throut h e'"Ch hole. ~ hown.

Go. Fo r I"p, punch three .......11 hole. on

7, T~pe Or glue the leg! in pl~ce imide tI>e bowl .


Sh. pe e"h pipe de.ner to

fo rm . leg. induding the
knee . no:! foot.
(, ontHt_

.... ned _ )


'1. Turn the bowl upUlk down ..nd &I.....

.. 6rde of =ft rur _

the bowl.

10. Gl..... on the ~

II. Roll you. u-py Cr~.
down .. do~ (like.n ~rnpty
dr.ww~J 0. give him l;ttJ~
pu, h to ,tort him rolling.

H..- .... .adult uoe hot r!'"'" to
",..kc it _

Atuch .. IonS ,trins 0< p;e 01

y..rn to the ....~. Now, you un
p ull )'OU r Crffpy Cr.wler be hind

"'0 '


n.c, cr"fts in thio 0Kti0n u<e ......toy kitldo of
......t etWk. When you mil< djff~t tn<ed ~, 0<
INt";;'k. you un ~ >me tulfy ne"t ~lbl
ComtMrnng W ~-. lind tv.igI you find
ou~ wrth p,fint,. o. <CI~n, from the
kik~n. u n p<Oduce un"......1 project!. thlot will


~ryone .


MOlt of the matetial, for thelC projb un

be found .round your hOUIC, An d 10.- of the
materi.!, un be found ou bid.., in n;otUr<1.
~ ..rch!ng fo, ""tUte m"te,i.h un be half the
fun' You n~. know wIl"t you'll di,c~, a,
you look fo, m..' ...... Ic to m;ok.. you. L... f
Rubbing. Rock P"pe""""ight 0' Gumdrop Tree.
H _ fun'

"!arll ?icture
oomcono: ...,it>bow on , raoiny Ny! This ""bow ~k.e1 .II ~ w~.
~ or 'I""',t ~ utdl


\that J",,'1I n<<d

\leN'S hlXl . .
1. Cut ~l ~ngth, of ud' colo. of y""'.
Z. Dip .. pOe of ylltft in ee lUrch (. - glue if
)'OIl do I'>Ot hllve ,tllrCh). Wipe off tt>e ertr"
ltiquid. ... on-n. Do tt>e _
fat elld> color.

3. Plxe tlw y"'" on ligM blue ~ to form "


II. When "II tlw Y"'" .. in pIKe. glue on tIw

cotton to form " do...c!.

Sug-g-u ti on
. If )'011< .... nt-full Mdl.
the pOn of y"'" 11 ' to be d;ffe~nt ~ngtl\l_
The top color ...11 be
......ct. long" thllon ee
bottom colo.. L.ioy
out the ,,,inbo'"
bd"OIe cutting
lInd gluing the


Do you collect roclu on tf>c, beoKl> Of in the woodsl
them jnto

~tur" ~ichbl

':l p"inn

o p""nf\,r v5 h l'1
':I y<>int d;l~l

':l .. ,,~r
':l 5<><> P

lh..n"c "r .."t.."""-d,,"",,

....J.it.. 91~


them ....m,,1 ..nd tum


hcx.r . . .

1. Scrub tM rock de~ ""'th ....p ~nd

",,~t ..... Let it dr')'.

2. P~jnt ~ portu... on it.


do not

___ tne colon to run into uch

od>et, let tne p.;m dr')' in bet>oun


3. Sftell.c: )lOUt

rod<....hef, 1M ~int


Sllggc.stio n

on.,.,..... rod<

P.ainbnc ~ IKe Of ~ body

could INk it ~ ..... "pet.#


~ worlUng witft Ucing

urd,! ~ke

~ ~tf 0' ~;on ~It

"",ke ~ for yo to u<e .

1Jhat 10'11'11 need

':l ~q""'.-5 af p~' b<>o...l



"' ......

':l " " .,.IuIt



:: '..
. ....
" .
:: .. .' " . .. ..
" . : : .: :
...." ' ". -.. :.


2.1-1_ .... ~It pvndl ~

~lon the

outline of the
deoi",. ...... the d-..inC compasl.

3. w...p 1-1 i<>cheo of IN,king upe ~nd the y;l>m to fonn


Tie I> knot in the otne< end.

~. Lx.. the yl>m througn the ho~ to INke your pfctuf\! .

5. You Un SO b.Kk .round the card to INke

line, Or ju,t step /Ofte' one time .rou nd fo'
the dotted







ho<ot .

t 0._ ~ ~~, ~P<! Qn ~ bog ~nd cut it out.

2. T'K<! the ~~r!t\jpe on the other lid<! of the
bog. lOnCl wt it out.



; . Color ~ f;> onto one Do- .....p"'.

0.- ~ u.l on th<r oth<rr ~pe.

If. Sup~ tho: ~~fI to~t~ ~Io"g the edg....

r"""'-"g tke top. of tke ke.KI, ope". M~ r.:."



..... ili"g 0" th., bolg;, to the i",id",

whe,,,, it """,,'t ~ -".

S. Stuff th", be" with """"'pap"" or tiu e pa pe r.

'-. Stap l., th., top of th", beed Ihu t.

Sllgge..sti o !].


, roo ""'th other ' ,luffed"


II you're into collectin, leolVel, thil p,oject is for you! If you m<lke t hi< in the
fall, be lute to u>e frelh, not dty, leave.1

J f~j., ~

'.J tiiwe y<>':J <;.<>.,ftruet;"" f<>rH ,"

lio/'t colo",
[J , rayo"S
:J lill,,;J stord., wote,eJJow" white 91.... o'
poIy...e'g el

:J f<> i"t'c>nnh
J ~ pe'

0 100'"

1. Cut ~ t"we
__to Sinch

pooper.lInd CQ'''truction peper


3. Ple .. lui on)'O\', wort< lopKl'

,..;u, ttw ~


II. Put .1Qu.a~ 01 tiI_ iP"" ~

the Ie..f ~ tub ccntly Wllh the
.ode of .. cr~ .... D1.Ic... ~in

5. Cut out the Npe of the


c,. r.ke .. wmtruction pooper "'l....... and bn,,;h jt

with liquid 'Utd>.


Pbce the ti.. ~ p.aper with the le,)f print e n top

of the con.truction p.per ilnd bruih the p. p'"
.g.lin with th e lurch. Then, le i you. rubbing dry.


Do the ""me to e.eh of your collected le~,.

Cut out the Ie"f .Nope. .lind nukc ..
itp",aw coil. with It>nn .

own ~ncl Goordenl ~tc il...rtt. u.........r .tonet. Of ~ objecb

~ for ~ ouM e-ffcet.

~"" )'OUf


'::I 1""d

o lo, b"ki..., PO"

:J ~ ~..lb<>o..l

':! IC;S1/>1"l

1. nil tt>e ~n ~Imo<t to the top with~.

'i. Cut ~ in~ti"& lee on orw WOe

ol~.Kh~ . V~ry the

uoint; .tt~snt

C1J ~ 0<

Igeo by


s. Mow: the UtdboMd comb

tt>e ~ to ...... ~

D,.w lin... ~nd ci,.d~. in


~ttem. .





uling twig<, pl~. bc lpoon. Or cr~ ft

ltid... . Allo Ul~ pl~ltiC conUin~f1.
cooki~ cutt~n 0' oth~r obj~ctl to pre ll
into th~ ...nd.

- .. .J

"'hat )',",'11 need
Cl f""", ~",p
o t<"'9vf' J~, ..~"r or c,<>ft
':J co..rtr"cti",,, pop'"
':) 91.,..
~ ~c;flDl"\"

':J pf'..eil

ije:re.'.s h.~


1. Dr~ the oud itl<! of , tulip on the ~pe'.

~"" ... ~ ;t; il ~I~r ~n the CUp. Cut it out.

l . Glue the tulip on the top of


... .t.o-.

3. Cui oIil in the bottom of the ~m CUp. The dit ohould

be ~

enouth fo< the tongue de~.

II. Hold the cup. Pull t he to"gue

de preuo< through t he cup far
enough", you Qnnot ~ t he
fl~, in the pot.


M."" YOU' f1~, grow by <lowly

pulhing the tongve


Stlgg e.sti Oll

Ma~ ott- ~ pot! using
diff~nl ~n..


a .....~ of ~5, c1,~


p~I>\f'5. oeo",S, b...cl5,

"vt5, ete.

o e}.;pb""'c1o, p\yo-'o".l
Cl"" .,,;5j, 0 '

0 91""
':l ""'

sJ,.. II"e

Cl tJ,,, btoek ", ",,;1

':) j,<><>k fo, ""'<>9;"9
':l "lei p<>i"tbn/Sio

a"" ".lvlt

1:fcrc.'s ho", . ..

1. H_ ,n 'dull ~Ip you ~mmef

tM hool<. into the Nc;k <:>f the
dUpbo.n:l. ... ""-'n.

Z. M'nge.nd slue .or. tho .... tuQ'

",ppI... to tnt Iron! of tM



,ticl<, .JtOund the edges to

",.,ke .Ir.~.

l/. ~t the fronl "";1"" d ....,





M~ke you. own ,,,,.. tivity ,hil'l" "";t h thi, one-of ..-kind project!

::J ..1.,...,;_ f..~

O~r ...... *"t~ti~

.......1<..,., (",.. tp.-b,,~..d

m.. rkeli will "",t ",ork)



':J l~

o " ,I..


\iere's ho...r . . .

1. Cui the- urdoo..rd into, I<Hnch sqwo..,.

2. ~ the eng.., JqWne with ,luminum fool . fold

ee e><tr. fo~ ..round the edges ..nd b pe it down
on the b.ado..

3. U-e slue to d._ .. de>ir on the

~ _.

5. U>e the 1Nrk<!,. to color ext!

!tion of your d~;,n .. different

Fa<, different look, &Iue the y..rn down
k~ putti"s t~ foil on \.he Cll.dboa,d.

Ule colo..,d slue.

U,e thil "~'e for dried Or p.oper f1o_rl. Decorate it "";th brightly colored p.per
to m.ke it look ju,t likl! 't.ined gl.,,1

0'''"''''''' cor<ft->rd 1><0"

(~ '"

""t-..I '" ",,-.I

e..........1> I><o"f'l")
'3 ':010'''.1 poper, """np"~' 0'
",,'opp in 9 p"p'"
':)01.1 roint\,tVlh

:.:1 , 1c-e
O I c:jIWl"I


ho<or . .

1. Cut 0< tc~ the p.p'" into IrNIl pitcts ..bout

the YMe .n.pe.

2. Oor..te the be>< bo, c'u*nc pic<:,..

of the c~ p.tpct" 0\0'C'I" the
entire bo><-

3. &u.h glue <:lYe. the whole .....Ie to <mooth it out.

Sugges ti ons
Ule the f1_.. from the ~.ing FI_... p'o~ on


U", m..,king Up""

to ce-. the bo>c. then

rub it ..11 with Ihoe polilh t o giw it th e

look of le..the.

The citcuI is comin&' Th.t'. ~ pl'opH. ...111 thmk ....t-. \"OU ~ this

C)..,.....d e<t..lb<><>,.l
....t....-l'b<< ...,.l in lid

':J co~"I"'~ '

0 '1 c:,...lb<>o..l t.,;lt-t p<>f""

':l e'<>r"'" .>r .....rUM"
D I"',,,t


o gl ue

O lein"'"
Qp" i"tblVl"h

t ..


how- . . .

1. U<e the bcn< with tM lid on for the body of tM


2. Cut out the trunk ~tId ..... from <;<>n<tn.oction


T..pe them to tM body.

~ . To>pe ~ pie 01 y.om to the top of

the bcn< fat .. Uil. ... ohown.

'I. Cut the

toilet ~pe, roU. to fit to

the body ..tId to keep yoyr .. le pNnt

,t.Jndin8 level, ....hown. Glue them
on for rep . You ""'Y n.. ed t o ho ld
th .. m in pl..ce un til they d ry.

5. P..int your .. I..p ....nt gr;oy ~nd ..dd

eyes ..nd otM r I'e..tu~.

GUl21d.r op
You l>'Otl 't find ttl.. eee ~ng in the fote.tl It .....~ '''''~ ubi<- dispby, ~
)'OU'U &et to eee the Iefccri!f sumdropo!

If. M.o~ the


.und u~ in

the cup.

5. ~.1 eumdrop on the e<.d of



I, it. p... hi,tori<; ;n~7 A ,e and deadly bug! 0 . ju.t
<omet"i"g 'illy from YO"" imagi""b"on? You decide.


y",,'11 n<<<l


o ~nc>Ul" ""tw<>l ..b)KfJn.ocJ. "I ~ ~


np;~ c,,~ 0< to1M'

b ...

':J conlftvction p"pet

0 91<tt'



J,~ . ..

1. Sort thfOOlh)'OU, collection of ""'tur~1

ol:>jh. .......Inv them in diff~",nt w
to ~k.e diff,.",nt kind!. of bugs.

2. 00-_ the ~ on o;on<tnoction

iPft". I~ deuih t o ohow ~ the
inoec:t ro.e. ~ ....+wot it e.ob. Ide.as m;,y be
ICientIfiaJly >n"Kt 0< rtnbQlly ~tM.

~ . Glue the j"'~t to the

b.lckgrour>d P.l~t.

"".ang.,.nd Ih..,
Ieft~, ....tu'..1
obje'eb to the



Thi' pidu'e fe..tu,~ le,ture<. U.e rough, .mooth. J"' &e. "1'0,11,
C1J~d ..nd 'tr..ight dry food piec~.

o ..... n-s 5""pei",f

.....et>.".... ~I\S, by
ce.e<>l, "'nf"'ppe6 pcrpeo....

~d5 i" 5>.eo1l5 ". n.c"


CI ')1",,,
CI c".db"",d
Q ....".ke. ("ph"""l)

1. Lightly


dnign or picture On tM ~rdoo..rd.

2. O"b ~II g1~ dot> on the delign . Do not ~ _

tN. n ... to ~"'" dot> .It time or the clue .....11 dry.

3. ~ the . . - - i Of! top of the &Iuc dotI

to outIine)OU"~. Tr.c;e your dc.icn
uoing the~, if dc>ired.

If. Put glue in>id~ the MUS"5. n il in the d"'ign with other dry
food item. to crc.te texture .


'ij'0l11 e11Ulcle

Cre~ t,.

rna... in thi '

own 1C.~pbool< of

memo'iel! Put photo!, ticket .tuln, u,d nd

book designed by you.

a bl<>..k fe,,,p-bo<>k. ,~to

on..,.., Dr J-m41

C)SDIid, l;rt-e..~ fobric

[) f"b~ p<>i"tI, f"bric:
...." .....,.Ii ,"

p..,..." ........t


o "e;d-fnoe p"pe, Dr
e"..l'trvd'i.... p"pf"



'.::J lciJ1<>r5
(1)pti<> 1)
dlPGorotiv b~tl, ~
"I btiltcnf, nekr<>ek,
' ibbctl, 5~";"S, flame

910..,5, 91ith'., etc.

'ij"e:re'S h.~


1 . ~ ...u,e out ee f.. bric to fit u.....-Ole of

yout book. Cut it out 2-3 ~ bigger ..11


2. e.--. tne front of 'fOUl book vMto

sfuoe Uottin& the ntr.. f..bnc hang off tne

edge>. pIKe tne f..one: on the fro<>t. Smooth
the f..one: _ tne CO'o'et" to P rid of ....,. ..it podteob.

e.--. the <pine (the ........... mid KCtion)....cl the b..o. >Mth sfuoe. Smooth
the fhM; _

the spit><!.

ao... the booI<.

tt>..n cut off only the ntr.. f..l:>ric from the sp;n.._

s. Covet the in,ide .... tb of the ntr.. f..bric

with d..b1 of glue. Fold t he ntr.. f..bric into
the inlide of the Covet ..1you would fold
wt.. pping fpet. M..ke it .., fbt .., po llible.

Go. Cut 2 Ihub of p..po-r ju,t .. little

than t he front. Covet one lide of eKh
Iheet wit h glue. GIIn' I Ihut OYet the
imide front ~, ..nd 1 over u... in..-de

t-:k CCI'o'ef. Thil hideol the extr.. bbrit.

7. Decor..te the CO'o'et ...-th dec:Ot.. tM object>. Outline yout Gail" ..nd ......a..
your nMne with f..t>ric p.inb.

M.oo11 ~
Stars M.ohile



this m0b01e.


......w. the Iky tw;rl .. ~

)'OUt~ 1

Q c,,~"I""'~ ".

~. P"'~' ;., I'll'"

......... ""d ~"l"I c:..Io1i

a yo,n

o wi~ e~h.o"9"'

!J c",.lboo.d P"~' to...."l

Cl "'''Yo'll ", ............ rf

o I"hit" 91""

':l9old ,lim.
':I si"'''' ,liftp,
Op<>r'" hoi.. pllnc,",

'.J SciOoi
:l p<>i..n ..".J !",i"t'oMh


'ije:re'S ho~
1. Cut the p.ilper into two"ach of sur"


moon.lInd .Ur Npe-o .

1. Cover ~ <ide of "ach lh.Jpe with..

th;.. 0=01 of slue.


3. Sprinkle COld t/itWr onto the....-.s. ..~~~

on the.w> ~ moon>. ld. tlvrn d')'.


If. Cut .. Ionr; oJit.n the ...~ down


Qrdt.o..rd roll and punch holeol from the


.lit. .. Ihowrl.

5.1 ~~.

~nt the fCll.

p~ Y~;.~~iiiiii

". ti~
Cut J until of
Knot e..a. pie of y..... .eve...,
the knot iI big", th.on the hole. Pull each
piece of y.,n th"""g"''' hole in l:he roll ("" th the
knot wping th" y.rn in pIKe).

8. Slid., th"

roll onto t he dothe'hange. and twill it '0 til..

hoi". are ..t th" bottom.

't s..ndwich "ach yarn end between t he top. of t he two

.h.>pe. which are Nc k to back.

10. GI"" the


togethe r 10 the y..m annat be

pulled out.

11. Ha"g your mobile in. b~l'I'




.qu.fium l


. bout thi> p r<>jcct-youf (fiend,"';11 think it', .

\llta; yoU'll need

r:s" "U ;.<hiU <i.,,~"9

'3 1D" " 12" pi" ..f

c"ll<>ph<>"" "f plQ5fi<:

':l 1/2" " 12" rt"t;p ..f bl"c k
CD"j'ttvd'i"" p"p'"

U to-<" 112' " 10' rt"tipl" ..f

I>I<>ck c""rtn><:"ti<:o" f"j>("
D bl..... 'feonyt'." f"i"t
~ c"~" f"po"

D ...."U.

o c.ay<>'OS


Q do"bl,,-sided top"

0 91""



tIe.J"'-'S h0<01"

) . M'>en.,.,.. pM>t driel. pIKe tIOoO 1{2-inc:h

piccn ~ dol bl, Iicltd l.lIpe.lt t:he CIDfT"Cn
.-l in t:he OMt,.. ~ ~ bottom edgto of
the bKl<gn:Jund~. ... "-".


PIKe cellophoonc 0-< tM ba<kgrouncf

~. "ncf ~, it ,"to pUce. Th.e
,,~Jlophoonc ",,11 e~tcfld,,~ the top
wg~ of tbe ba<k(round p"~'. gM"g
the iIIu.io" of ..


5. Agdi". td~ OVC' 1M

...me d'Cd. ... i"


'- . Glue the bldCk 'trip<

0\1<:. t he u~ to
complete the il!u'io"

of "" .>qu".ium.


aper Plate
You won't believoe how m."Y anim." yo.. un mak.c ,,,jng ,impl.. fUP'" pl.. t...1
U,e th.. ,,~ ..,.ample, 0' vie you. own id...."

!J, popf'< flam ... d;ff... ,..,..t

<>...d c:..ItHi
:J Crl'Y''''f, f.lt-tip ~
",,,t..colorr, t...,p"'" ,,.

aerylic p"i"tr

:J r..If-..dh~",," PiCh.o,~-::'7~~;::

..,,,,,nn or yD'" {..,


o ,..,."


J .....,

O ..hin.,I......
J fir" ek<>~1i, d.i"ki"9
rt't"..... s t,. y...., (oyli..""I)
o pl,,~ic Io'i991y f, CT<,ft
f.."tJ,.erf, .,.,vIt" ':<If'!'

Glue two ....ge pliJte. .. nd two .mall pt.t....
C/Io'e<bpping .. M;h other. Add .. pi~ d ..... - fo<
the body ..nd ;ant..nRH .
~.t .. it,..;t!'I
!int M>d lllitW Of ~It (Oft ~ge 131).


0 ..1
u.e on<' ~ plJte -th ri~. not llftOOth,
~~ . Cut

out lind &,ue ~~" oM~ . Colo<

or ~ .. f~ lind alft c.then. if~.

lhe one Ite ~te .and two ""'ilk< pI.;otes. Cut

.. 11..., of .. moon from both the b'!e pbte ;ond
_ ......11 pi,,!... Cut .. notch fQt the mouth (..
IITYII triAngle) in the other """,rr pl"t... Glue the

piK.... together, ....hown .

Ule two pl .. t e<, ."Other 1ITl,,1I ( ill:l.. (~ ..

muffin cup);ond .. pipe d ...."..,. Cut 0fM' pl.te in

......If. Bend the pipe c~ ..ne< in tuff;on<;! loop the
end!. GlUfl it ..., tolletner, .II
M..ke wre t o
~ the ~ll'. opobl (_ _

Uoe two pl"W . Cut tI\e rim of one pl"te into f;,.,e
pieces. Dr_, colo< 01 cut them to look like feet
lInd " uil. Co lo< "tid cut out " he~ from the
mdelle of the _
pIlOte. Add tectu", t o the other
pilote t o
ke it Iool< lilw: the turtle', ohelL Glue it
"II totet'"""""'-

Uoe one IlOrge pbU. one ......11 plllte "tid
conotruction pipet lC"'P'- Uoe the lClIpI to .....Iw:
the pO!:'. fed. no<e "tid ell.... Cut" opi."l. .. ohown.
to .....1w: the cutfy Yil. Color "II the p;eees pOnk Of
qe)'. Glue it "u togethe'. ~ Ihown_


y R&bbit

Uoe one I"rge pl"te lI nd two """II pl"te<. Cu t one

"""II plate in hlllf. Colo< everything pink lI nd
..mite. Glue togethe' "llhown . Add pipe delIne' i(~<~
..mi,ke.. and" cotton bill tllil.

Uoe 0""' J"rge pIlOte lInd th~ ......11 pillte<. Cu t the
rim off one large pilOte. Cu t it in tulf to Ule., the
trunk. Glue t ogethef. ... Ihown. Add eye<, l'=t ;ond
tu<b. if deoired.

Suggcts tion s
Cut, tIoil. !u,k,; Ie!'. e.....ntenNe. wh;.kerI 'lid othe.".11> from p.oper
pbte rim>; 0< "'" pipe cl."ne... drinking .tt..... Or y......tiffened with ~ue fOf"
k><!u~ .

When dry. p.tint 0< colo< youn;m,J. .odi"f; .tripe<. !pOt> lind othe< ~,ture>.P,ont on ~ 0< glue on pb.tic ,..;ggIy eye..
Atudl p;ctu~ rnounb


y.am looped to the c.ek oi the pbleo to hMlg


Tty _

oi the othef M>irNk >hown bdow.

These ~.an! ~11incc)'OU uoe you. 0'0II't fi''f:Cip' t> t o .....kc !hem!
1ft how II\' d~1 ~k you UtI cre4lteJ

I.. '1. ,..'3 h"" . . . )

I . Roll you< fi"rftip Of thumb 0YeI' the
.tMr>p ~ .

Z. Preu it onto the~_

~ . Add .ani...... dcUih (e'(e', no>c, """;,.ken.
t~th, etc.) with the criyOt'>l.

05,.........1~" ...p I"'<h

(\,l".,k '" purple ",or\<. \0'..11)

o \"'hM I"'po"

.'. H'<! r-.",ih" ""

Oe'oy<>l'IS' ''.....
-' ........k..rf

5t.ap!e ,~r,1 ,h.... b tog..th..,

the top to form , I'>Otep.>d.


U,e your lumped p.>per to .....ke

gr~"g Urth. book (own or
..".;oppitll p.>pe'I.


.tOfy ... nd i1ltntr;oto! it,.,;tn

these Wmplc cN'Kte...


".1ft, <tion fNtureo object>)Ol.l
an <e.llly UMl. Ar.d once }'OU'~ ~ced them..
th<ete CQft> "",11 be more th;ln u.eful-they'lIlocl<.

r"l. too.
In thi> >e<:tion, you ,..;11 find .I v..riety of
inte~,ting ptOjKb. from bird feed,." to bulletin
b<td. M.. ny of the .1ft> "..e ite m. you ......" ""..nt
to ",e ~'Y d~. 'uen the Mirro r PIUe 0' t~
Piggy S.." k. And other projects,


T,u ,ure SOl<, " re ,""cellent cbcees to give., gifts.

Vie the

".ftl., luggeited, o. m. ke up '1'0'"

for them. For ,"".mple, you might "Ie

t he Wind Sock to .tudy we.-.the, poottefn' by
w.tching the ,tre..mers for wind lpeC'd.Ind
di<ecbOn. ~ cre.tn..e!
owtl Ulei

?ille COlle

f un to m~k .. .ond fun to w~tch, thO, n.wr.1 bird f~d .. t moly beco me . ('""Ont..
h. ngout for you, f... the'ed friend. right QlJuide you. window '


:J pNnut b~r
':1 bi..,lsl!'f'd ", 'o,,.,,d c:ru"'\>s

o bvtte, k"rfe .,. Sf0""



hO<o1 . . .

1. T~ tM . lrinS ..round tlw ~ cone.

Z. U", the knik to "'fud pe..nul butter over

So Roll the ~ ~ in bj,d.nd Of b<elld

= m"'If. H"",& the fffder oub>de _

.. window.

S. W..tch to.-"""'" ....11 ~..t from


You'll ~

~ ..+.ere)OUl ~~

" <>dorl

'.J t\ooCl ""I""~ pkoUi'

Q G'''Y'''If, f~ti!' ~
lo'ot.-e:oIDrf. t.... ~.'" O'

aerylie ,..i~tJ
Q W<N)' ""'.I

r.... (..b<wt

QG"l",~ ';b~n5

O ""h iff ,l~

a y",drti ek
Q 5GiH.. rt

o . . . b~. b",J$

lOre llfteryou ..uke this


I{er e's h o'"

2. To ~ the heoJd. ~ the rimo oi the

pbtel totethet wrth the utine ~ f~
eKh other, ~.no-. Gh.oe the ~
bet.cel. the two pbtfl.-t the _

3. Color .. fKe on o<>c oJ the ~teo.

If. """-' dry, st- .. b

Itranck of YMn to the fomw.d to m.ke

5. Fo< br"idI, cut 18 ,tranck of y"",, uch I 31" ~


(;, . About S inche\ from on.. end, oea;~ the yoom with ..
rubber bM>d.

7. o;...oc the y<lm into three eq....1pam (6 ,tr"nd. cxh) <lnd

brllid it. About 5 inchel from the other e nd, leCUte it
"gil;" .....th .. rubbet Nnd.

8. To make two b. loid. from the One lo ng br,lid, tie .. piece

of Ydrn ..round t he b jd. midway from the e nd,.

'1. Put glue on t he ' im 01 t he face plate where the h"i,

would be_ Place the b<"id, ..round the fA.

10. Tie the nbbon. Oller t he rubber Nneh.

Suggesti on
H_ ;on .dult ~ hot

&'~ to ..... ke




: _ - - -- j '

mil Wind Sock out of)'OUf f~" colon ! Hi '" it

oubide. or


it .... decor..bon for.,.,.,.. room.

'\."'hat y.u'll n<ed )

':J.,Id ....nd_ s~~

:J Y"'"
:J p<>~' ;;lip
':J ~ayt''''' ...... .I<..1i or P"'",t
':J 91<1f' pt ff..p1..

0 .....1...
O ,..~, ).,,,1.. f""do
e.ep" f<>P'" ("pri..""I)


tfe.r e.'s no"'" .. .

1. Cut the window INdc to be 6 jnc/>e1. by

18 inc hft. Thi.....11 b<! the top .trip.

2. Color the top Im p ,...;u, bright bold Wpeo.

3. Cut fft.c .trip. from the ~ to be 3 inc/>e1.

by 18 incl'wo, .-l &,ue th<-rn to the ~ of
the top <trip, .M " ' -. Or uoe fi",e ,trip' of


If. Cut

~ Wipo of the Wde to be

1/2 ;"u, by

18 ~ ...,;I r)vc ~ e-t the top <trip

to .....ke i'l: ..-e .turd)<.

s. Uoe .. rule< to pbce .. dot ..t I inch. 7


..nd 1) ~ from the k-ft ~~ of the top


". Punch out the dob with .. hole punch.

7. Thre.ld .. piece of y"" thtO\Jgh e~ ho~
and tie .. knot to oeCu'e
each piece, ,,' Ihown.


Glue the end. of the to p . trip toget her.


Gathe r the ya,n end. Ind tie one la.ge loop o.


Open .. ~per clip t o .....ke .. I>ook fOl ",.ng;ng

the wind ooc:k, .M .hewn.




Bulletin boArd....e perfect for di'pl"yin& your favo,it.. photo>, ochool P-"P"'''

..nd p",t,," 1

:J f ....... bo<Inl (.... f........ S~)/

':I tocks lOr rtopk'

a ,;bl" ,,,

0 , 1.,..

o p"pe' dip




\ie.re.'s how . . .

1. e:c-:. tM l'o.m ~rd with ~ pie of bbric: b,&e enouc!' to CC/'oI'e' the front
..nd b.<;k.

2. ~p the f.,btic: in pbce by using txk< to ~ it on the bKk.

Glue the "bborl.round the edge of the bulletin ~

If. To nwke .. hook.

Ute .. b<;k

lot .. border.

to f~ten .. ~rge ~ dip on the bKl<.

Sl1gglt.Stio tl
OKo<.. ce)'OUt bo...-d


Of )'OU' . . -

~.....ch ~)'OU..mh.

to the bo"rd.

You ~ "'.....1 to.-del

to the



s...ong..-...y iI fun....toen you un ~ .. twppy pi in tI'>e p<OC,....!

':]2 difp<>s"~ SO<1' ~

o l+ n-+t <:<ooJ\><><:o..d
'J,;~ ck<>.....'

a 'l n......d rp<><>1f, fJ...

c<>,,;!'h'1"l ,,, c;".4<s

':J to...,p"'"



paints, Or ft#-tip ~I

a p";,,t\.'vf~1
o ....J"iu ')Iut'
O pO'neil
a !ei~" 11

Op"!"" ....1.. p,,"cJ.,

':J (:In "J,,1t

. -)

1. MAke ;o dr,"";ng of the pig', he~ on u



2. Cut 1I


tt>e ~bs.;o'!ho'wn. Then, cut it

11<4 inch >lit III t he o>cIe of one boooA_

3. Sf ~ hull into the


~ bend
out tt.e Ubo Id ~ them to the
inode 01 the bowf, .to >hawn.

~. Punch ...........11 hole in the bowl on the Ude opposi ~ the hull "nd ;n~ ..
curled pipe cle;one' lI... b .l . Glue ~ Up<:' the pipe cle..ner to the ;,..~ of
the bowl to Iu'l! it.

5. H.ove lin lIdul! cut .. oIet in t he cente r of the pi,', ~k. I,'&C cnout/l fo. ;o
qUlIrte. to fll'l through (lObout 1/4 inch wlde lind 1 1/ 2 inche.long).
". To m"ke the body. ,pply glue to the rim
of th e other bowl lind put the bowl "';th
the pig', " ",..d d i<ectly On it,. 3. ,Ilown.
let them dry.

7. To INke leg.. glue four thre.d . pooh

to the bottom of the pi~ In them dry'.

8. P";nt you. pit. lInd.tdd.II onout lind

other k ..tu""_


Hffe .. one butterfly thiot """"'t fl)o -..y! Use ttl.. ~r:nd to hold '9..1
~p<m .lind pOctu~ on )'OUr remr;er..tOt.

\Jhat you'll need

~ ..,;nj"tv.~ eloth~5pjn
~ tiss"~ p"p~'

o Odh"S;"'~ "'''9n..ne top"

~ p;~ el~on.. 11"

':1 91.....

o scifSOI1"

r{ er-e' S


. .

1. Cut thfff ~ of tiowe p.fpl!r into 3-incn


2. Goother 0I'>e~'"

in the middle ~ clip the

cIothnpir> _nd it.


3. ~.t .t~ 2...-ith the ott- two pOe< of ti<oue paper,


'I. Put ~ dtopo of ~ on the

dott-p;n to hold the tiMue pOIpet in
pbce. Be a.m.l not to rip the ti"uoe
pOIpn' .......... )'OU ~n the dothe.pin.

5.Cut .. pie of .....snwc: bpi! to clue to

the ~ of the butterfly, H

<;I".~" iltOUnd the top cf the

<;Iottle.pin to for m t he .ntenn.e.

Go. TIlo'ilt pipe


HAve .on .dult

....e hot glue

to ""'ke a
b1.t Ionge .


o...ig... you. own lp~ciotr box that Ope,,,,nd d~. U... it to hold you. f....o,ite

a l.lisfof"bl.. Sf><If' lwwls"

0100;"'" ". ~ No
::J C'ay,,"1, fe-tt-tip pt"'1,

"""tor.c"I"..-, ,......,~, .. ",

"ctylic p"int!"
a ""J,itor ,1u~

':l f ......ll ."un<! butt"n ,,.


a pDF- ).,ok p"nc:Jo

o ~tN~ ~""
~" n1>bc>n, ere,



ifere's ho", ...

1. To ~l<e, hjn~ bol<. punch two ho~.bout 1 inch

~rt th<oucfl tI'w! rim< of tI'w! two bowl.

2. TIw....d ;0 lY;rp;n through uch ~. of hoIco .and ~

the end! to .....l<.e it ..-cure.



5. Dccot.t~ the bolo.. UIe,... ideio

Ihown here 01' cre. te )'OUt 0'00'ft

II. Add .tic:~


other decor.tion

if <k<Of\"d.

s. Gr~ the button to tI'w! front of

the lid to .....kco ~n;nt .llnd
dooint .... ~'



2 05


tt>i> p<etty pincutNon to hc>lcl )OUt pim. M.J~ .tn e>:.t:r~ one to


\JhAt Y01l'U n ud
~ CQtt_

':J 1i.! f ...... Q


:I f..bric.
'::J nMoo.. D r '/"' "
Q p;"f " ,..! I'IH<!I~
Q ."b~' b",J.
o 91~ (oph"....1)

roe ....

1. f o11tI'><! Jid witt> cotton.

2. Cow, the lid -:I cotton witt> il cirde of fmric-

3. Wroop the rubber ~rod ilrourod the lid to

occv~ the filbric. c:e-.. the rubt>cr blind
by g/uint: Of t)oOns the nbOotl



'I. Stid< )OU< pin> M>d "ftdlco in to the

S'llgg u ti on

cuWon fa ~ M>d C'"Y finding.

For ilnothe-r ~ of thi> ~il . ~ the

jil, .. _II. c:e-.. tI'><! top of t~ J,(I witt>
cotton. then follow .tc,," 2-4 , F.l1 the
jllr......-th dccoriltM jtc...... 1UCh .. dned
beilm. ...,...nell. button>. etc. Then.
'CIPW the lid ~k on to the jil'.




~.,. ,..~. pI<o~

0 1 ...,.,,,A ",'''''', ".,t_~

thon S i~ i" di<>.-t..

':J r'"'' in dtff......t c.olooi

':l ,1~

':) r<>p... dip

':J !<:;150 1i

o t<><>#.p;<:k
':J ~nc;1

0 51''''''''


if&I'e' S

ho..... . . .

1. G~ the miffot to the ..too. of the p;>p"r plolt..

"nd let it dry.

2. ~ke .II colorlu' ~ .......00 the pbu by cluing

yMn t o the rim. ~ .. toothpOck

the yMn. eo..t



the yMn ~ the end. mH1: .and


So In the """'" """I ....tlOp 2. ~ yMn .......nd the edp 01



tN! the nWror', edges.an:~. M Ihown.

~. Dr_ bold. Vmple ~S"" with .. penal,

.t.Jyln& wfthin the bottle...

(... Fill in the ......11 "re,ill. one "t" time, by wind ing "
..-ngle pie' of
inw"rd /Torn the border t o the
cente. U~ .. ""r~ty of colon to fill it in. Apply
glue .., you nd it. U~ .. cle..n doomp IpOf'lge to
re_ ..fIy extr" glue. Continue doing thio untJl
the .mte io completely COWfed with y;om.


7. When df)'. "ttlldl .. pllper dip to


the bllck of the .mte for h;onging.

Sllggu ti on
H_ "n lldult uoe hot glue to
......ke it b,t Ionse<-

; l'-_ ~




~t _Id

the hoIM:bys be ~ coIorlvl

decor..tionl7 Think ol .. plump TIwonk-eMnc
turky. .. thou1il.h H.l l~ mon.ter Of ..

bn'sM f\"d V..~tine'l o~ net. The Holid"y

Projecb ~n fe.. tutel project> fot ""'1"')' ....,jor

Arnetiun hol~. And by crn.ng;nc colo />e,t'
"nd m..~ there. you can I1\lIke .....ny of thel.e
o ..ks '0. diffe rent cele b,,,tionl.
For eu mple, t he H"rro_ en Pumpkin
u ntern a n be changed to look lik e ~ br..h..m



linco ln O' F"the' Time. And you can m.1lke tl>e

F"the,', Day PllI nte. into .. gift for a C'ilndpoo.e nt
Or" frie nd. let you r imaginatio n go .,..;Idl And
h.we 1I ....ppy holid~. too.


itt ~rappillg

ttl...", deco,.ticn , in.te.d of. bow when wr.pping .. gift. 0, rn.lk t hem
into orrumen tl t o lungl
M~ ke

1Jhat y o'll'll need.

o e.. ~;"" port"



:J ,;10", Y<>'"
Q rtople.

o gIve '" top"

O,ule r
o fc Fss<>rf

I,. str i ...,

1. Cut comtru<;tion ~PH into I inch by

IZ inch ,trip<.

2. Arr,nce dw Itrip. in ,ltcrNte colon. Then. 'Uplc

the <trip! topthc< in the middle." ihown .

3. ~,tc ..."."... dcVgm by foldin g

,nd &luing (H' o;urli<>g the top ,nd
bottom Mdi of t kc ,upfc.d .trip!_

If. U.e n"bbon. 10 ,ttKh them to

nolidly p<c<cnb.

U'e the'e" orn"men!i on you'

Chri, tmll I~e.

U<e 'cd "nd g_n paper fo,

Ch'i,tm.>,; blue and white fo,

fC'd. blKk "nd

g~en fa,

Kwanu .

Tkc~ a.e cndlcu wlyi co fold the


.tri pl-\lle )'OU' imagination

to ..... ke up )'OU' own_

\Jha t Y0\1'11 need..
Q th.~ or ....,... I'-"'tl" .,f

'f' " u <:,,~rtru<:ti,,"


o c:,oyoM lOt ...... ,.k~rf

':] , 1....
Q lcisso<s


,ig=< ?op.Up

L f old two l~!s of ,on.truction por.per in N/.

~.mown .

2. Write Of colo< .. ~se Of dnil" for the front

of the urd with the open IM6e ~ on the
bottom. This;' the ~ of 'fOU' <;M(I.

3. On the ~.. k ~ P'O''-. cut two I 1/2-indl

"ib 'lbout

I indo ilP'O'rt ill'OUnd the m;dpoint"

ohown. Mike


the u;tJ ..... the urne length.


Unfold t h., p.>pt' r and pu.h t h...trip from the

oubide Kl tll.. t it fold. into th., c..d. ill ,ho,",,,,,.

s. CoIo< ..ncr cut out .. (i",re up to 5 incheo

t.Jll from the
p.>pe.- (_ ....


~t .~

of construction

' - - ,.J

~. Glue the figure only to the fro nt f.King p.>rt of the

imide ,trip. If the figure ~ taller u.;.n t he . trip, gl.... the

bottom p.>rt lUll up to the fold o f the ,trip.


On the inoide of the p.:oper, 110< .. ICe....., on the top

....If .-.ound the figu.... .. nd ....me .............ge on the
bottom hoolf. Tho; ;, the imide of your U<d.

8. Glue the oubide Iheet of the Qtd to the

inoic:le Iheet. Do "'" ~ the .trip Mth the
figu... but ~ it folded the oppooile "''Y. ~

" -.
'1. Send )'OUr Qtd to .. fnend lor .. IpKWJ d..y.

1. f o ld two lhefl> o f corntruetion p.>per in hoolf. i. Jh.owrl.

to ... ;.r;;:::::::~

2. Write or color i

me'>ige Or dwgn fo r the

front of the urd with the open wide .ide
on the right. Th~ iI the oub.ide of )'OUr

3. On the olM lhefl. put .. dol on the

anter of the folded e'dge, ~ """"".

If. Dr..w .. 2-inch linoe from the dot

tow.. r<h the middle of the

... """"'".


s, ;:. on the line. beg;nnl:.':':':""'::~::1

Co. Fold' b;odr. both fbpo
cre.. ted to form tv.o
~ ... ohown.


oht of p;oper.

. Then. ~ the entire

8. Tum oo.e, t he P;OP'"

00 it 1001.. 'ike .. tent. Put the finger

othefonoe hllnd(witonh )'OU,

the top f1..p ..nd pum down. From
othe< hllnd, u. ing )'O<" fint



finge, ..nd thu mb) pinch t he edge. togethe<.

't. Il.Cpedt . tep 8 with thc bottom fldp to form the

mouth .

10. Dr.Jw .J

pcnon 0 ' cre..ture

..round the mouth.

11. Glue the ;n<ide ..nd cubicle un:!

p;ortl toKethe,. Do not


the .Jre.J of the pop-up


Bubhle Print
Gift Wrap

~ t.... ~ .. p"i"t (1/2. '''1'

of ,..00 c"k d~i.f'd)

':::l ~q..,;d difMota1"hi~

,M~,"t(1/'2. '''1' fo.

ud> GO"" d~ind)

':l rT't"WS (".,tfl,."ibl..)

Q ,o"rtr"ef\"", tllfW ":

tn "

f,,,g,"r;><>i,,t P"p#'
1B" or l" ""'l"orkf b~),

pI",.. p"p.' b091


':) q""rt-si:.d ,o"t "iMI'f

CJ II.:o.... p" "1
'::l op'" '' or old ~


- 1.1



1. For eKh color)'OU .....nt to __. INke the fol!owin& mixtu~ the nit!'t
tw:fo<e: liZ cup tempe ~;nt.nd liZ cup liquid d;,hwW>int detergent in
qu1: conuinoet. Add.bout 1/-4 cup .....te then .ti. Let the mD<ture< oet
~t. iO they.Uy ptoperty mil<ed. We., the.pron ew<y time)'OU wort<
wM the p.Jint.
Z. 'W'hen)'OU ..., rudy to .....~ the prinb. pout uch ~int rrW>.tu"" into
.n.lloot 1".

S. PIKe the ~ on the I" "'-- the miI<tu<e. Pbu one end of the
under the


into the mO<tu~.


'( Blow- thoou&h the itt_ to..w..e bubblft in the mD<tu~. (Only blow tIYout!'
the .tt__ be iU~ not to it>d< inl) 'W'hen the
bubble. t>....k, they ....ll .....ke. deo;gn on
the ~pe .

5. Try !eYer colon on


"'me: ~p""

G.. When d~. ...... p p.e..",t< with you.




1. eo.....)IOU' woriUnS ",<iKe with I>rV P"9"" .

2. Cut out ~ bu.. .Npc from the brown COttltruc:tion ~p".

~ . Giue the ~..t ~pe to the urdbooord.ond cut it out.-

,..---... ---~

c.. With you. fin&e'"

Of ..


'I. Cut b<owr'o y..m

~ ~ l iZ indI

'5'. Pull ~rt the , tr..nds of yNn, .. sno--.

b<ush. IpI'eKl tlue onto the

be..,', body ..nd~. the yoom ,nto the gl~. If

de<ited, US<!" toothpick to p~.ond guide the
'Pm. Do .. .rrull ..~.. at .. time un til the be.., iI

8. Cut out .. btge red hurt

,nd &,ue t~ be.., on top of
tIw he.. rt.
, . P..in t II ~~ge to you.
V.. ~tine. Add .. fx.e \Io'Il:h
~ p.Ilpel'

M>d yoom.


Ska.Jl1roc:k s--J

Good luck will be .,...;th you when vev cut ;,nd do,. te til...." ,ham,ock, on
S.int P"trid: , Dayl

[{er e's h o'" ...

1. M~ke u r"",t tIo'O copOei of the sIwntod< ~twml

Mlow on urdbord lind cut tnem out.

z. On the d.--;n& ~pn. overll,p the

,hamrocknd tr;oce lIround their
outli~ ""';th the per>ciL

3. Coto. different
de.ig... ",,;thin neh



JU:t~r 55


It Ioolu

....11 ......nt to know hooot )'OU

better twnCi"C in the ... nl

\Jhat yo1J.'l1 nud.

a ~d <;#1<>1"I" of ~


:J 111 c:vp fIovr
D ~"It (lb ~ .....~
cIMl"n't ld)
':]1 cvp \0'"



O p,,~ d;p


O I>..kin 9 p""

o "~P" Pt"

"Id dctJ,.e1
D pi.... ,..~r dip""
"n~ ;'" fhcl'1' to '!>.H K
1'W "0\100..

,:!"p""n Dr

. ----...

tM fNg;u1

1. e:e..-)'OUr wori<ing IUrf~ with ~ ..rod -.ar.;on ~ ~)'OUt'


2. 8Jo,o, up the boolloon

pt of the w~ ~ ~ .. knot in the end.

Stid< .. ~.

d;p thPOUl" the knoL

Tu t the ti..u~ p.a~' in to drip!

If. Combine flo ur, water ..nd


ha,,, w u py co",j,tency.

o r lqu"Jfl.

~ I t in the b.lking p"". Mix it with you. hand. until

5". Oip .. tiue p.1lpoe' .trip into the m~... . Then,

_ ..p it ..round the boIUoon.

c.. Continue dippo'nJ lIf'>d ~ppinc bswI! ~.

ucn one, untll)'OU n- ~

the NlIao.. e>oapt for .. ~ the ~ of ..
qutet' ..round the tw,roon', knot. You may
","nt to ~ - . In .. round the boI'loon.


Let the 1>.11001'1 dl)l. Thi, m~ ~""

ovcrl'light to do.

8. Pop the N lloon with tnc: pi" ..nd p ull

it ovt ....ing the paper dip in the knot.

'T. Uoe t he ~ dip .tuck ttvough the

opetl,"& ..nd .. piece of y;om or <tring to
h.>g it. HMl your ~ ~ hom the
wing or oo,rts;de on ....






Mo<K>.tre pidl,rtel "'Ide "p of ........1thing< like tileJ Of gt..u. Tty thiI mow;c
u<int dyed ~ ,...

\ \Jhat you'll need .r

Ea1U ."~

':l post,.. \.-..1

o ......brf
':J ~f">~'

o ~Iu,.

'::l pt'n<:il



ho<.l .. .

1. eo....,)'OUr worl<.inllUrf~ witt> ~pe .

2. Crv<h the colored eggshel" into ~II, but not



~ . U""I ~ ~1. d<_ .. umple""""

"" .. piece

01 po<tet ~rd_

'I. Sprud &lue inside the lhiope.

5. Sprinkle ~I" OI'lto)'OU" &lue .n..pe. Let

. '<


Co. Colo, .. Iuckgrour>d, if d~fed.

, 'n,t e..d o f .prin lding the ,/>e ll.,

lIfT.. nge them by colo. on YO'"

Uoe .....ite ewhe-'" in,te.KI of

lightly ~nt the ohrll, .. freT.," - complned )OUr desit" .

O<>n. U>e .....1110..:0100

it dry. then IN~ off the extr.. !hell pio:c~_

Continue tM fun

tr~itionl ~

this pn:tty ~ fo1l;f: with

und'n ~ ~ it on _ ' , doorI<nob on ~ ~.

J... " h at y.,,'ll need



n- 'f' I""~' plafff


':I 1"";.,tJ, etn$ O'f


o pl<>l1'i<; li.l f........ I-1b.


Q I""~' hoI.. p"ndo

01 y....:1 ",,.,..'" ";'0\><>,, ..'

yo m

o <:i.d.. ~..".:il "bovt

SO i" <!i" .....k '
O , ..".:il
':l ~c$l1'5

o pl.>5ti<: ",'''p (.. ptio.,..l)

O f1o~.:a....Jy ..'
.....,thO'< iWGt (optio.,..l)

':l ~"pkr (optio""-cl)_ _~


~ 00'

lfere' s ho"" ...



the front and bKk of one pooper pbt,..

Let it dry.

2. u.,. the "'encil to fi&t>dy trKe ~ citde in the

center of the ~Ied pbte . This ....11 be the
bottom of the ~

3. On the in...,.. circle vou ju,t drew. l~ oul nine

point> '""lu~11y ,~ed ~round the circle. Then,
lightfy dr~ ", lin,.. from t"," cent..... of the circr,.
through th ,. point> to ee ou bid,. ,.dge of the
plat,.., ,hO\lfll . You m~y ",~ ..t . .. dult to help
YOll ",ith th i, It,.p.


u.,. t"," ,t,.",,1 to trxe ~ circle onto the pl~,tic


S. Cut out ~nd ~ ..... t "," pl",tic circle over the

dr,..." circle on thoe p/<Ite. '" thown . let it dry.

d ...


Go. Cut Along the ~nciled linel from the outer

edge of the plAte to t he inner plA'tiC circle
forming _dge-.hAped secticru.

7. Trim t he top of eAch .ection into Arounded

petAl ,I\,)~.

8. Punch two hole. in eAch '~tAl ' About l iZ in.:h

ApArt And 1 1/3 inche. up from the bottom
of the bA,ket.

'I. Gently bend eAch

. ~t.:o l" up And CreA,e eAch

one Around the plA,tiC circle, AI ,h",n.

10. We<Ne the ribbon through the hole! in the

peuh ..nd tie thoem into .. bow.



11 . fa< .. Iwondle. cut .. 1/4 indl by '.l indl.trip

tTom the othe< pl.o!e.

12 . P.oint the

h.ondle. When dry, ~ Of <t.opIe the

Iwondle t o the ~ edte 01 the b.ookn.

15. Lne )'OUt b.ookd ...oth p~tM; ~p fi"" if


~ odd ""'"

other's DaJ


0 '1"" U"li,y,t CO"rttv<:'ti""


o white c""rtr"di"" pope'

D CloyoM D'

..... ,k..,,"

Q fOflO1i

':J t,, ~ or 9~


\1. <. '. h"" , ' '

,--' ~''1!k''\JD'

2. Cut out the boo< p.ttern ~ the

outer 100Iid .......



:' ,'
: ':. -. _ ~- :

If. Fold in on ~Il .......11 dottoed 1;.-.

Co. Write ~ Mother'f ~ lM1~ge on;o

.trip of the .....ik~.


Fold t ke ,trip like ;0 f..n, ..,




8. T;ope thO' ..nd of 1M ,trip on the in, idf, of the bo>c .

1. Cut'" ilit in t he top;ond close th.. 00><.

Sllggc.sti on
Use thil ~;o un:! lot ....,. holicUy. inc:ludin
F..tt-", D.y ~ Gt..nd~'- !>.y.

o_ _


atker's Day

[nd _

criMI he doet.n't I.-. to mow for F~tt-. ~_ ~be< to

IUrt this in ~I

':J I"hM f....... .loi,.Jci"'j <;vp.

10.,.. s;t..
':J potti"9 ~I
':l "'r 'J"nl ~tl
D 'r " 12' .. ~;a
[) c,oyo"S <>' ...",k..1i

o scilS<>rl

1. fm the cup 1.13 full with pottin, 1OiI.

2. Sprinkle gr~" ~ On to p o f the <oil, then

cO\o't!. it with .. th in


of potting loil, ,),

,hOW<!, lind ",,;ote.

Put the cup in .. <unny p~ And .....t ...

it noe'l' kw d.y!.. It ...11 too"" "bout 1
&y. for the gr.... to !>eli" t o ~ ~
fotm the .~. on ee htt-', ~
&>bnw_Surt the ptoject 2 -3 Wftk,
befcte hthe-r',lny to ,,11ow_r
time for the gr.... to ,tOW.
~. The day befor e you g.... til;,
pl,)nte, ... a gift, color lind cu t
out f loC<! p.ilrtl from con.trvction
p;>pe<. Add fe"ture> to .... k it
Iool< Iii! )'OU' f"u-!


Glue the fKe PMtI to thc outside

of the fwm cup.

". ~ unrlu' to keep it upright if

you _ .. p thi< gift A f" rw;y gift
b.1g would """,k ~t.


ourth of Suly
fire....orks _

Q U}l. t8' 't>lock

eonltrvc.ti"" p"ptt
o li9I.t ,..d, whia " tid li9ht
bl~ ~ ...pl''''' , ,,illt


O f"tt
':l p1.>rt'ic .1,;,,10"9 rtt<>1001

o p";,,t dif~
0 ...."

\litre's h,o..r .. .

Z. Uoe JI .poon to pIKe dtOpl of the


pooint on the

3. Hold the <tJ_ tilted.ltld slTtJy ~ the plint.

81<>... from d~ d il'Ktiono to """"'" the jWnl to eese.... <tMb.orll; ~.
(R-mbe. to ~ blow out-not oud< in-tI'wouch)'OUt ,tt_ ...hen
<;INti"S tt-e ~ntingL The plitlt .. grut but rIOt !"Nt Wti"lJ)

If. Chooooe <II diff",,,,,t .;olonnd ~.tth"

plOONl"te on M>Otl'>n
poo~r. IH.ir eM! "",,"Nop.

S. Do the _

aI the

thine w nC the third color.

'- . Whil" your poIinti,,! iI ,till -t. IprinkJe

it with ..1t. Gently ~k<! off the extr
..It ..ft". I!Wrythi...C is dry.



'You un ~ thiI ~'-" Unte<n, or ~g<" tM

de<iv>< M>d Iuonc it up for M')' hol;cby c. jrtyl

,:) '1" .

IT ..... "9"'


':) l,.loek t;<>~",..~.

Cl sc;rsol"l
':J 9'~

':l t"p~ Drstopka 5ffl"'l ,>t y'" ''


o pf!",j\

o p"pf!' hole punch

0,,":0"9"' and block ' "1'''


(0""" .....1)


1. Fold

~ O<'""&e



in Nol(.


2 . W;tt, ...... Ie-, dr_ ~~ from the fold ~ "

inch .M ohooom. ~top l ~ hom thc top.

, '

~ . Cut on the Ii,," you ~ dr-...


If. Unfold the ~ lInd Upe the ~ of the ~tcm

5. Cut out the ~ note ~ mouth fo< the

pumpkin from bbd< COf>ItJuction ~r. then
~ to the bntern.

(;,. Gl~ on crepe



.tre.men, if ~~_

7. To ""ng )'OUr bntetn. punc:h kolei in the top.no::!

....ng it ....th" .tting. ... shown.

M..ke .. bl..ck '. " te rn ut u,ing blad<

con.truction p..per for the body.

Add eye<. un. "(e, mou th lind
II )'OU U~ epe ~pe<.


....re it ~'I ~ - t in the

Qin. The coIot .....11 run.




jt', Fr"~Wnr

MOllster --J
Vie thft projKt to .... ~ ~ mummy. Count DrKuI.f or;o

group of &'-t>1

\lhAt you'll need..

'.J Z \>row" ",~ ~ b<>
'.J ~~r

o sh'i"i ", yo....

'.J p<>i..t; _.k~r'I o r e ''''Y'''''1

O ,ci<> t1
'3 91.....
'.J dltC.. t"~ it......I, ~ "5
f"bnc, tiff..... pDp""
Co"m ucti"" pop""
bvtton5, , ;e kt<l ck, c, oft

f"., ..te. (Dptio""l)

1:{e.l"e's h oW" .

1. Fill It>c .... nch Ngl with Ioo<ely crumpl~


z. Fit ~ ~


It>c ot'-. Tie it loosely

one-th;fd of tI'M! WlIy down uoing otring.


) . U.e .....terifk to oe..te It>c ba. Nil,
cJotha, ~ ..tmI ....c:l fH.t fa. you.
mon,t ~r.


0 1..~ ......"........110'"
':) f ......


....."........11010'1" ,,, ,,,.... d~ps

':J Z elo>Jt$ I,. .,,;sil'll

':J t e<>thl'ic:kf
o"~,rt,,l>l .. J>Hl..,

O e"".,t

a ic:.. """t.,

1. Have i .. lldult help}'OU u<e the p1er to M


u,rot .trip>. Put them in .. g1.au of i<;", ......t,..,.

'They WIll curl ~ ~ "fW< .. ff!'*I minutn.
n.e.e ....11 be ~ np ..nd the "'..~.

2. Atth the ....se ""'

llow to the ~
with .. toothpOck to fotm the ....~.


'S. PWI the c\ooooel. into the hud to


If. Atbch the unll ~llowl to

the body with toothpOckl to form
the k"the<1, M ohowrl.

S. AttKh the 'id<! wing. ...,d ",,,ttl,,,

(curled u,rot .tripl) to t he body

with tooth pick,.




r-e)'O<l '"

f-..ly.-y ..._ to
- hMwr
nWUn& thil ~t Thri.~ ~tionl

o colorfvl roll k<>v"~, .....t

too dry
0 \>'01"" o . "'''''9'' b..,tcJ,..,

O f G;Ss:<>rf

,1.... o' ft"l'l,.,

Q ~..cil

'3 c' ay<>o'If, ...... rkel"l O ' p<>;"t


hO<oT ...

1. 0._ ~ ~ tu~ o/'up<! on the butcher

~~. oM


Z. Cut out the tu~ jh~pe.

S. Glue ~ onto the ~ to

l'onn the


Suggu ti on
t"'tud of using ~ tr.ke)'OUf
own hoond onto con.ttuction INpe'.
Add .. Ihort pn,~ "bout lOmfthinC
for whic h you a re th.lnkful. Do thi,
'~f l tim.... and get Nnd .hape. from
othe. family "",mbe"' h.lnd. Cut out
the .....".,. and ~ thffl, to the turkey



fi,on kful

fo' ...




Designs ----4
You un ..... l'O'" f~ c:ool<.ie cutt..... to nw ke
~t-<pr~ plojort

l 1.lha t )'.,,'11 ncl

o holiday d."~ p<>1W'tll'

(c:_~ c:vltl!'l"I_rlo<

'::l G",JWI<,rd
'.J c:""rt."c:h"" p<Jr--r '"~
<1.>,1<, .:"1..es

o....hj ft, U mpl!" <> poi"t

o "I.l toothl>n.tfh
o e.aft rti ek

o pil!' po"
O pi"l'
O n~"f#r

':1 \';;0>1"1


deW"" fo< thiI ..... Iy cool

1. M;ole p;ott..,n. from
IN!>,", Of!

the hol~
grdt>o;ord ;oncl cut tt>em out.


2. eo.-)OU' woOOn& ..,rtKe ,..;u,

~ . P;n the ~rd p;ott...... in ;o


Of! COttItfuCt:iotI p,llper.

If. Pou';o <m;oIl ;omount of .....ite ,wnt into the

pie p;on.


Oo'p the toothb<voh in the p;oint;ond hold it f~ -')OU' deoigt<.


Rub the a.oft .tick under the toothbnJ,h. .... bln& _~

7. Aft... the p;oint dr;,."


~_ the pi... ;on<! p;ott.......

Add;o co."tnKtiQn p;ope' fr;o~.

You could p;oin t th..... on ;0 \ItIid..

'ibbon ;ond h;o n&it ;o.ound yo u,
Chri,tm;o, t ree.

from)OU' f;o,;....

;: Cookie Cutter
~ Or1l4121ellts
popul l'*t>-M>d tlVy.~ lots of fun to _ke l They
p!m<;t to oKId ~n gift~"" ;mt~~ of, boIat.

~ ~ u .....1. be

'::J z cvps fl,w,

01 e"p fait
'::J ~ '''I' \<Oat .. .
Cl f..lt-tip 1'....1

':l eo<>l<,;.. eutt'o'li

':I 'lllA'

a .,1>\>o"

O ,..~ eJ;ps

':l p""t.."opln" tft you

O ~ b<>""
'::J .......,.l c~ tool
f_n~ th<>n r--p;ctwc'

o....."po~' (",yti<>t><>l)

':J ,,,lli"9 pi" (..ytio""l)

':l d~ r pl<>rti c !'p' 0)',
""",Ioblot j.. art ~rPly
rt',.~ ("ptio""l)
0"" ..d..1t

tfe.r e.'s h e'" . ..

1. The night b<-f~.,ov do thi< project, nW<e the foll""""& te'cipe

in the m;"ing bowl, Mix the dry ingredoenb with )OU<
""'nels, ~ ~ ....~t~. Add ~ ","te< M ncc6ed
to oellte .. mi>r.~ the textu<e of ,tiff pie douch.


2. The nnt diy, rcll out the dough with .. 001''''1; p;n

!Nt it out to.about 1/4 inch thick.


~ _ Cut out the

with ~ cutten.
UIinJ the round wtlinC tool. cut .. hole in
the ceotee 01 c~~ .

the '"lOp''' ..... dry.

decor. te them with felt-tip pen.

Co. ~n

8. urefully pillec slue ilround the edges of the hol e on the b.1ock of ellch

"t. Glue your photog...pll on

the bxk of cKh ohllpe. If the hole iI Jll<gc' th;o n

the photo&"llph, glue you' picture onto .. pie<:c of I'O<Jnd !PC', then glue
the ~per to the bKl< of thoe """pc.

10. Tie .. ribbon ..fOUnd the ~~ dip to ,,",ng e-Kh omootnenl

u.e dift'~t ~.-nd oilft of p.a>b to _I.e interestinl tntura 10< you.
omoomenc.. Wt you< friend!

t~ .fnd

\JhAt you'll nud.

a p<>l'f" "....dk5 "f ..I Vo<>~

o e<>~" r<'~''''

""""" "'""

':J '.l1~

':1 lcj~"11"

':1 p"p~ ' ).."I~ p""c)..

hwe .f P.f1b OO<.ftion p.ortyl

1. Cut the co n,truction poopet into ~ citc~ ~bout the ,;",

01 ~ eeeese. Puneh ~ hole ne the edge of the citc~
~nd be ~ loop

of Y"'" thtough the hole for

hlgins2. U"-nc d~t P""t. oNpO!'. INk ~

~ttr~ _u.cemc"t on the
C<>t>ltructJon P"'PO!"-

~ . Glue eKh pie onto YOU' citde.

If. Let;j: dry, then hoonC;j: up.

Dry cere~ l, be~n,. ,hell" etc. would
~ ho INk ... ice textu'ed o,n,omenb.
Try ,,,inc ~ toothpick to m(PYO! ~
noodle ;"10 plxc Of to c">e it H_ ;on ~lt uoe hot clue to INk ;j:
b,t longer.



nw: I~t btffle ...11 bri"l your et-Kter to lifel

It'l fun to ""lte ..nd futl to ""..tc:h l

':).,.,.,., '" I""~ ~

':l ~~

':J c<>~"I"'p<"l'
'.] \>fhih- #..-.l

a Io'hih' g1~

Q P"rt" ho~ pu"d.

0 9"........d 1~,.l<!"f

. ..inf",c..",....t
plortic curt"i.. ";"9

o fiberf,ll, y'' '''' c<>tt"n,

craft f..., o' c"rl~
gi!t nbwn for hoi ,

1. urefully o;ut the ~"ten frOtl'\ the paper pl.te<


tn.t the rim!. l'PITUirl tognhe<, ~ shown.

2. Decide....tlo

01 "",,",t

be . Cut un,

YOU' cNrxter ;, going to

~, ~btowI,

nose,. mouth,
~ n.t, tie, ITMI<U<;I>e or "",,",tcooooe< you
~ for your chKW< from comtrudion p.per.
M.k.e ~&h for 2 f~

" +

3. Po<;t;on the ccnotnoction p.lJpet"

p.lJrt:I inWck ON! 01 the pl.Jte rim<.
Be ....... the pioKa
KI tNt YOU' mobile 11 tum


II, M e. lUring from the rim, o;ut

lengthl of th ....~ long
join the p.lJrb.

S, Glue ".Kh ~t of p.lJrb together,

",r><fw;chinC the thre~ between them.
Thi< ;, ~~ KI e.Kh fe.tu.... "",11 be
the ....... on both 00... ~ it tum<.

(_ -... ...




c.. Put ~ IfNI! ~mount of glue ~round the

oobide of one nm. p~ the other rim
O<'l top. rNtehinS the ed~ of both p/am.
~ .no...n. let it d..,..

7. Glue t..i, .nd ott- futureo to your cNrKt.....

8. Punch ~ hole ~t the top center 01 the hilt.

Put ~


l'e'inforcement ~round the




IIf. T;e. long threiKl from the hole to the curuin

ring to rNke hilnging )'OU' mobole

, ..;;,/


H~ ~n

iKlult u<e t>ot Slue to rN ke it /a.t longe' .

Try your own



..."".. loom ........

~ """"ond.M!'



".,..d't.., P.._


a.- _

GofI ....... . . .. .. . . 111

.. 1. 1 .

~c.oo..e..- . .



, l Sl
. 1 J.4




1)1 .

_ _ ~e-I

lU .



'- -


111 .



l~ .

P~""..d " ' -




""""'" " - 0...




l""'-y , 1Ioon
T""'-y .. 'M St._ ""_
'II"",. pro M."
M_ _

.... , .. ,


o.., Food~


m .










I~ .


", .

. 11

. 11





PI Po;,. ..... ..
910<> _
D;p 'n' 0)0< Oooo;r

E"" F'

t.e.I _

116 .

.. 164

.. 1t
. 11
....... 10




Itoo ..... " ' -

... ,to

-r..r. "'" ...




.. .....
' ....-..

f.owtt, of M- '-'>.
fvn w.tof.n.._ "




140 .



I'.opo, .",.






H '


. 116

(,ftw. 11 ',,0


_ _ Y_""-

. )6 .
)1 .


~. f Door


~ .

M~ 8>1 01 Colon. '"
P",*Sp-.,.- 0..0,.. .. ,


,, "

F.... rn<d~

"'-'Hy P_ """RoII th.t_



, }4


)1 .
, JO
... 64

_loiloc ",

T. ~

1l1 .

40 .
, I'

~ W,tnP_



42 .



Pu""*,,, & e:.:..tv_

80, P<op ......... ... ... . 114






I.xi "f,

_ 128
. ... 112


Co. .."", Mol...,
~ 0.,.;1"





0","",; ~dbo>l
. . 10
P'"...1l>J: ""Pf>rl . . . . . . ... 112

Ii....,. ""_ __...

Po.... PI.~
RoIt.e<t>"f, Pool .
. 24
~ PcopI< P.pe< Do I ~ ... ,
Sp<;"1 FIow<~ ... . .. ...... , 16


'>UioodGl ."llu~

s.. ~


.. II
, 30
Soo. M"",n 5" S Mobol< 112
Iumri W>ou.""
... _ _, . _6<l
s...n....-... 0"",...",
, . . . . . 26

St.""" ,

TI<Iy Ik.. . . ........ .. ... . III

Th.mOpri"''''''..... k
...... 190

. __

14 .

P r - . U...
a.,~. Holde< ..... ... .... 194
e...1J;" Ilo<I

lW"".I", MoeF.lIIe.., D"'Y PLonl..

Gill W'W"C De<o<_

Ii~Scopboo .

1.><:..... c..d< . ....

1M l'in<u"'-' .

. ...... 116
. . 206

.... . ll6 .

M .,.~


. __lIZ
.. 180


"".""'llvtt.. O.,.

... .... . l l l

101 .
Piu,- a..""
. 100
C<>nog,odF_ ... . . . 191
M " "",
1,..-..:." . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . lO
T_ " ", eo.
.... . 10'1
Wmd Sod

_Pt.M.>n . ......

.. 14 .


.. 103

m .


H.od Pupp<t

P.p..a.cPl.pp<t ., ....
P.p.. Pto.. H.od Pl._, .. .

"-"I &- 0..- of Spoo'"

Q.Ji<k &- Eo<y Pupp<t> .....
ItoIC'&Sod'l ..
St-ondi,,& Mon,... ......

110 .
.. 111
.. III
.. 110

. 140
. 114



50...,. N,#" Sun<

116 .

C.,I, Sti<J" Pl.pp<n . . . .. . . . .. . 111


T"""" .. tt>rStr_Pupprl

__.22 .


eo.tu.... M>olu
eo.tu.." ...

a....- Ho>ido<
"1'" """'"
!lO-1!.yO..... WI'l>yCI . . . . . . . . 96
'<" a..>d 0.,100
Goopy Goo , . ..
.. "
Pine" Po,
" 94
Pl.o, ... Pictu", Pioq..
. . . 90
PI.,. 0.,- . "



. 14

" .
_. . JO

Sood P,;nbnl
Scff-H.<don;nc 0.,~1,


.. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . 1'11


Boll " Cup Goo...

80 ,

.. III



__ .. 141


CJot"e<pin Cn1l

'-P7 c._I

.. In
.. 1'1'1


M. Poll

Ilo<k Poop
T~ ',

T.. ;n



146 .

tarry Night

':l \o'<tWcoIar !",i"t

a p<>i"ro..-fh to flot 1" wI.
",..,ks bt1t)
':) c. ..s
':J ",I,;tfo c~" f"'pt'.
D port~. bo<!.d ", MaY)'


':J ~c;U"rl

2.. U...

a.,..,.... to


dr_ .I ni&ht <ky dftisn on the "",per.

~ ",roe to dt_ ImOUgh Jbr> to
fill the ~ pase Color "'-""!y.

( l

3. u.. ~ blue 0< bbdt w.M~coloo, to

pooint C>Wf the tflOne


~. P.lint 0W1' .,our deoign


one time.

Add pC.netJ. moono, .nooti"& 'tAR.
~;p< 0< .anything e~ )'OU an
think of to your St<y Ni&ht.


Your ItIOWf sceee look. ;olmcot ~r .".;th thio plojert ~..te ~ .....
oc:ene fa< .. completely diffi1!,~nt pOcture!

<Jha' YoU'll need

Cl,j"tl< ~ ,,. block
Oea~" p"~'



:l n,ic:k.... J.,ift, ft,..,p"""

[) 1......11 11"'''9'''

a c:otto" 't>o111
Opi'" p""

a "I"..,i",,'" foil

0 91"",


'.,->". "' ~S:::::~

1 . Cut colored con.tn.oetion ~per into v .. rioo.t> ,ius

of trillncleo. oq....reo ..nd ~nglco.. Uoe them to
c..... te .. nichttime city sceee of buIlding> lind
I'>ott>n on blKk 0< dl< ~ eon,truc:tion plOpe>'.

1. When )'OU . - uti>fied wM )'OUr

~. ""'" the plOpe>' ~ in

, lK<.

3. Cut out ~ Wpn from

lIlu"';num fool. ,>nd glue thoeom to
the buildinc>-

II. PO\Ir .. ......n ..mou nt of ,"",ite tempera plOint into. pie p.iln.

S. Dip .

' ponge into the polin!, t hen blot the poli"t gently on to t be p.>per to
"e..te ,now.

Go. Stretch cotto" b..II, ..eroo, the bo ttom of the

Glue them in pl.ee.

p..per to m..ke mO re ."ow.

1'Ull With.
1'i1l5er p aillts
\lItUch ilmore fu-.....k.inc the pictu", Of Iookins ~t it when if. done~ Wrth
~b. if. bottIllMp, slouY fin~ntin& ~;,. b.->t, but you CM1 UK"
other ~ Of C'Ve1'I M>otI'- wnooth. ~.Hy-to-cle.>n ....rf.-c:e. He<e ~...-..ct'~
diffe<ent recipe< for you to ITWke)'OV" """" oet of p.linU. Witt> e.Kfl od, use your
finten to dr_ ~ 10.dd tntu", to)'OUr p;ctu",.

flour and Salt f inge.rpa.i.nt

1M fingetpOOint ~ ~ cr.i")' q....Jity, p<cMding ~ diffe~nt ~~_
Combine I cup fJou. wM I I II tu.poom of ....1t (Of .... nd). Add I cup of ...~ter_
food colorito& .. opbo<ul.

?>l<!d.blg ?mt.
Fit'li",p.onl usinl puddin&- Then, ~11y llry .neet of ~ ~)'OUr
picture, preu IT'tfy.-l pM ~ the ~ oJo.oAy for ~ copy.

LatUldry D<tergent fmge.rpai.nt

ThiI t)Ipe 01 r"'gerpMnt ""'Y be uoed on ~ vnootto ubletop Of on fin~nt
poope<. 8e~1 detergent into ~ .....11 ;o.mounl of ...~te< untll )'OU hhe the
conIft!ency oI.....t!ipped CJ'e~m . 1f)'OU .~ wng P'"Pe<. )'OU Un ~ temper.
pooint Of food ("olori....nd mix it _rt. Make...,~ to kftop.,ou. "'"nell -1 from
you. eye. .....t!ile ".inl thil p.lint.

Mi. one of t he following ingredient> into the p.lin! you m.de: ....wdu.t coffee
&'o"ndl, "ncooked . ice o' flo " . To m~ke "'pe. dippery p.lint . dd di.h"'il<hing
liquid O' glyce.in, Fo !icky p.in! t h.t drie< with ~ glo.<y fini<!l, .dd corn <yrup.

Only ...... 11 ;o.mounl of ~ng c~~m ;" ~ to point on ~ non.....-ood

bbletop. It Ktwofly ("Ie.... the uble you .....ark with it. Since the end product
annat be ~, camide. UN'" photo< of the .root ~t won...

?u.ffy ?a.i7lt
?ictu.res .-J


Follow this recipe. M>d )OU'1I " - thfft-d~l~;"tI W~ unul if. dryif... much fun to touch ... it;, to~.

':J t1l c"!' IohIff floo,t


1/2 c"l' IQIt

o "bout 1 '''I' ",,,t~t


Q I'l",rtic 'q,,~ t .. \>ottt e

(0 el.."n j,o...ry ,jilp..nl'"

lo'"rkl ",..11)
[1 ~ ,,,S ~"5po"nl t .. ..,~ r..



:J P"f>'"

o ..,""", \>(,10'1
':I fvn..t'l ("pti".....l)

1. ~, toge~ the flour...It " nd ibout Nif the """te' in the bowl.

2. Add the tem.pe'" p.oint~. SIowfy ;odd ..-.. ""i ter unbl the mixtu~ an be poured but io not run".,.

1./. Uoe the funnel to

pout the mixture into" iQUe'eze bottl<r.

5. Squeeze the p.oint onto


Suggesti on
Uoe puffy p.oint i nd indeK",rd. to ITI,)ke i
oet of "touchy-feely ilphibet ard.: They
m~ke le~ ,n ing letteN funl Yo u could eve n
vse them fo'" g.me by putting t he letter>
in. g'ocery INg . nd identify;ng eKh letter
by touch ("TM fee l. 'ike the letter B ).


p;etu ~

p.oper. Let
dry few __", '-'....

Dec:OfMe your oom dotheo ...otn mil opecW' ptOject


..;u. your ~'.

':)<> p;.ru of c..-tt.."

don.i"9-" 1ft' fJM.t

lo'..rks lo'3
':) f.. bN: dyC'

a bvekffl .....tl.r.

" - 1 f".
c.. nt...",~rr ,'"" -,..
~d> colo.
0 1..~~ pl..~c b"9 " , pi~
of pl"rtic

o ."b~. 91""f'l"
o ."bb~. b..",lf ("pti"n<>l)
!:I "')'..Jt<,ppt'" Iq"~:Z~
b<>tt\~ ..r p"j"t\>rvfh
Cl "n ..,lvlt

H<>v~ .."

..,l,,1t lo'''lh th~ pjec~ of

d"thi"9 ~""~ d..i"9 thi~ p .,ject

De ""t vse f..bric ~oft.""/'f ...
dty". IhftfJ.
A.y ki,J loOUd... l:ovt ...., ~ swe t..
....,d ~ 1o~1 ~..... b<oyi"9 iii



f... ~,m...

." .......It .....ke tI>e . folao..,.;"g tI>e difKtiom on tbe

~ge. Anyone wortung Mth tI>e thlOUghout tbe
project ~Id -... rubber gloveo. eo;"g tI>e ~
oubide i< ~I .

1 . H_

2. Toe off ee _ d'wt. You <;M1 knot ~ 01

bundle up oect>o< .. .".;j put ""bbe< blond> on
them. ~ pore 62 fat d~t ~ to be it off.
Whict>c: _ .....,. )'OU choooe, .....ke ..."" to do it
tid>tfy. '0 thn .uy. out of tno.e4I~

.... .Ildult ~)'OUr ohirt. ~ poge 63 fat d~ent .... to it.

W h ~ .....,. )'OU choooe. ---..t- tNt tn. Iongoer you Ie_ tI>e f.bric
in thoe dye. thoe w.rI<er the color ,,,111 be . .Mo, thoe _11 be ~sM"" when
dry. To mil< colon on)'OUr ohirt,. dye it Mth. new color. If)'OU ......... the

colot"l to be more oePO'4Ite, let tl>em dry nt'll.

If. Dry the bb.ic complet~1y on pb,tic fot 1- 3 Woyo.

S. ll.inoe )'O\l '


projro in w. rrn ",at~ On~ oection.t. time. th~n in cool w.t~ .

off the rubber band, (0. untie !hi! knob) , od rinoe th~ ,hirt .gain.

c.. Have ..n ..dul t ",. ,h th~ ,h irt alon~ before add ing it to the n:gulu I. ..ndry.
Some dyeo ""II let bett~r if you h.Jye .. n .Ildu lt pt.ce t..... bbric;
.hem of ~ .nd ,te. m it Mth ;on iron.
Tie dye ~
cotton f.t>ric.

' 0 (....

~h. p'1~ f..bric



".pkim-.rryth;'-'g.....de Mth

Ways to "'rap the Skirt:

Exh !hirt iI it> own ongiNI p<oje<;t Exh one
will be different noen if )'0" ,"up it the lame

Recul.a, r .. Dp, ..
knot> in "'Ctiom of the f.-bric .. II ~ the
lhirt. Dip ~I >tiono into the d)oe,
"""tching colon ... )'0" cftoooc,.

Pinch the f.-bric ~ .... the unte< of the
Ihitt. lift up.-l ~ it into .. tight op;r,",,_
~, tOll it into the .....~ 01 .. donut.
Keep it in pbce with rvbbt'< bJond\.. Drip
d)oe on the top, then turn it over ..nd drip
dre on top "g.>in or dip it into one colo<.

Su.: ..
Choo>e fM!


on the !hirt to be the

point> of your .Ur. Bring the edge< ofthem
to the cent.,r of the Ihirt. Put rubber band<
around the ....1 of the ........... D)'t' the Ct'ntt""

uling" ~ bottlt' or t')'t' droppt'l"_ U't' ..

difft'fPn1 color on the fIt'J<l 't'Ctioro< out from the
untt'r. Change colon ,.f>t'n )'OU gt't to tht'
It'Cl:>r>Cl 't't at 't'Ctioro< from ee Ct'ntt'r, .-loo on.

Dunk the entire mirt in OM color. If you Wilnt to (Nnte the color. dunk it in
.fnother co lo r .ffte......frdo.
Oip 0Kti0m mto.f colo,. Oip wctiom into dif'l'e.rent co lo" if ae.;,ed. The

colon "..Ill ~bIy


togetlwr dependint on how c~ they .fre.

Uoe .fn eyedropper Of .f ~ bottle to m.fke deUr .fI'>d to keep the

colon more Iep.l<'.fted.

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