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-- Cirkev, politick katolicizmus, Vatikn, Pius XI, Pius XII

David Kertzer: The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Ris
e of Fascism in Europe
Michael Phayer: Pius XII, the Holocaust and the Cold War
Michael Phayer: The Catholic Church and the Holocaust, 1930-1965
Gerhard Besier: The Holy See and Hitler's Germany
John F. Pollard: The Vatican & Italian Fascism, 1929-1932
Martin Conway: Catholic Politics in Europe, 1918-1945
Paul Damian O'Shea: A Cross Too Heavy: Pope Pius XII and the Jews of Europe
Carol Rittner, John K. Roth (eds.): Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust
Peter C. Kent: The Lonely Cold War of Pope Pius XII
David I. Kertzer: The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the
Rise of Fascism in Europe
David I. Kertzer: The Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican's Role in the Rise of
Modern Anti-Semitism
Wolfram Kaiser, Helmut Wohnout (eds.): Political Catholicism in Europe, 1918-194
Feldman, Turda, Georgescu (eds): Clerical Fascism in Interwar Europe
Buchanan, Conway (eds): Political Catholicism in Europe, 1918-1965
W.D. Halls: Politics, Society and Christianity in Vichy France
-- Politick nboenstv a in
Michael, George: The Enemy of My Enemy. The Alarming Convergence of Militant Isl
am and the Extreme Right
Maier, Hans (ed.): Totalitarianism and Political Religions. Concepts for the Com
parison of Dictatorships
Griffin, Roger (ed.): Fascism, Totalitarianism and Political Religion
Burleigh, Michael: Earthly Powers. The Clash of Religion and Politics in Europe,
From the French Revolution to the Great War
Burleigh, Michael: Sacred Causes. Religion and Politics from the European Dictat
ors to Al Quaeda.
Maier, Hans: Politick nboenstv
Hanu, Ji; Fiala, Petr (eds): Katolick crkev a totalitarismus
Mona Ozouf: Revolun svtky 1789-1799
Hugh McLeod: Sekularizace v zpadn Evrop, 1848 - 1914
Hugh McLeod: Nboenstv a lid zpadn Evropy, 1789 - 1989
Emilio Gentile: Politick nboenstv
-- Veobecn pojednania
Payne, Stanley: A History of Fascism, 1914 - 1945
Gentile, Emilio: The Origins of Fascist Ideology, 1918 - 1925
Pinto, Antonio Costa (ed.) Rethinking the Nature of Fascism. Comparative Perspec
Martin Blinkhorn: Fascism and the Right in Europe, 1919-1945
Martin Blinkhorn: Fascists and Conservatives: Radical Right and the Establishmen
t in Twentieth Century Europe
Laqueur, Walter (ed.): Fascism. A Reader's Guide.
Gleason, Abbot: Totalitarianism. The Inner History of the Cold War
Gregor, A. James: The Search for Neofascism: The Use and Abuse of Social Science
OSullivan, Noel: Fascism
Griffin, Roger, Mallett, John Tortorice (eds.): The Sacred in Twentieth-Century
Politics. Essays in Honour of Professor Stanley G. Payne
Griffin, Roger, Feldman, Matthew (ed.): A Fascist Century. Essays by Roger Griff
Griffin, Roger: Fascism. A Reader
Griffin, Roger: Modernism and Fascism

Griffin, Roger: The Nature of Fascism

Griffin, Roger (ed.): International Fascism: Theories, Causes and the New Consen
Griffin, Roger: Fascism Past and Present, West and East: An International Debate
on Concepts and Cases in the Comparative Study of the Extreme Right
Paxton, Robert: The Anatomy of Fascism
Passmore, Kevin: Fascism. A Very Short Introduction
Mann, Michael: Fascists
John Weiss: Conservatism in Europe, 1770 - 1945
Mosse, George L.: Fascist Revolution. Towards a General Theory of Fascism
Sternehll, Zeev: The Birth of Fascist Ideology
Noel O Sullivan: Conservatism
A. James Gregor: Marxism, Fascism & Totalitarianism. Chapters in the Intellectua
l History of Radicalism
Jacob L. Talmon: Myth of the Nation and Vision of Revolution. Ideological Polari
zation in the 20th century
Billington, James: Fire in the Minds of Men. The Origins of Revolutionary Faith
Sarah Bruter, Michael Harrison: Mapping Extreme Right Ideology. An Empirical Geo
graphy of the European Extreme Right
Aristotle Kallis: Fascist Ideology: Territory and Expansionism in Italy and Germ
any, 1922-1945
Arendt, Hannah: The Origins of Totalitarianism
Arendt, Hannah: Eichmann In Jerusalem. A Report on the Banality of Evil
Berlin, Isaiah: The Roots of Romanticism
Rebecca Haynes (ed.): In the Shadow of Hitler. Personalities of the Right in Cen
tral and Eastern Europe
Matthew Feldman, Paul Jackson (eds.): Doublespeak. The Rhetoric of the Far Right
since 1945
Jeffrey Kapna, Leonar Weinberg: The Emergence of a Euro-American Radical Right
Pierre Milza: Evropa v ernch koilch
Talmon, J.: O pvodu totalitn demokracie
Miroslav Novk: Mezi demokraci a totalitarismem. Aronova politick sociologie industr
ilnch spolenost 20.stolet
Budil, Ivo T.: Totalitarismus I
Budil, Ivo T.: Totalitarismus II
Budil, Ivo T.: Djiny, rasa a kultura.
Besancon, Alan: Nemoc Stolet. Komunismus, Nacismus a Holokaust
Furet, Francois: Minulos jednej ilzie
Furet, Francois; Nolte, Ernst : Faizmus a komunizmus
Zlek, Tom: Diablova prca
Thomas Burger: Max Weber s Theory of Concept Formation: History, Laws and Ideal
James Mahoney, Dietrich Rueschemeyer (eds.): Comparative Historical Analysis in
Social Sciences
-- Franczsko
Robert Soucy: French Fascism: The Second Wave, 1933-1939
Eugen Weber: Action Francaise. Royalism and Reaction in 20th Century France
Eugen Weber: Varieties of Fascism
Eugen Weber: Nationalist Revival in France, 1905 - 1914
Eugen Weber, Hans Rogger (eds.): The European Right: A Historical Profile
Paul Mazgaj: The Action Franaise and Revolutionary Syndicalism
Frederick Brown: The Embrace of Unreason. France, 1914-1940
Philippe Burrin: La drive fasciste. Doriot, Dat, Bergry, 1933-1945
Michel Winock: Nationalism, Anti-Semitism and Fascism in France
J.G. Shields: The Extreme Right in France, From Petain to Le Pen
Alice Kaplan: The Collaborator. The Trial and Execution of Robert Brasillach
Paul Mazgaj: Imagining Fascism: The Cultural Politics of the French Young Right,

1930 - 1945
David Carroll: French Literary Fascism. Nationalism, Anti-Semitism and Ideology
of Culture
Allen Douglas: From Fascism to Libertarian Communism. Geoges Valois Agains the T
hird Republic
Robert Paxton: French Peasant Fascism. Henry Dorgeres s Greenshirts and the Cris
es of French Agriculture
Sean Kennedy: Reconciling France against Democracy. The Croix de Feu and the Par
ti Social Francais. 1927-1945
Julian Jackson: The Popular Front in France. Defending Democracy, 1934 - 1938
John Hellman: The Knight-Monks of Vichy France. Uriage, 1940-1945
John Hellman: Emmanuel Mounier and the New Catholic Left, 1930-1950
John Hellman: The Communitarian Third Way. Alexandre Marc and Ordre Nouveau, 193
0 - 2000
Robert Tombs(ed.): Nationhood and Nationalism in France. From Boulangism to the
Great War 1889-1918
Edward J. Arnold: The Development of the Radical Right in France: From Boulanger
to le Pen
Zeev Sternhell (ed.): The Intellectual Revolt Against Liberal Democracy, 1870-19
45. International Conference in memory of Jacob L. Talmon
Zeev Sternhell: La Droite Rvolutionnaire. Les Origines Francaises du Fascisme
John Rothney: Bonapartism after Sedan
Roger L. Williams: Henri Rochefort. Prince of the Gutter Press
Rene Remond: The Right Wing in France: From 1815 to de Gaulle
Tony Judt: Past Imperfect. French Intellectuals, 1944 - 1956
Eric Cahm: The Dreyfus Affair in French Society and Politics
Malcolm Anderson: Conservative Politics in France (1974)
Peter Davies: The Extreme Right in France, 1789 to the Present
Peter M. Rutkoff: Revanche and Revision. The Ligue des Patriotes and the Origins
of the Radical Right in France, 1882-1900
C. Stewart Doty: From Cultural Rebellion to Counterrevolution: The Politics of M
aurice Barres
F.H. Seager: The Boulanger Affair: Political Crossroad of France, 1886-1889
William Irvine: Boulanger Affair Reconsidered: Royalism, Boulangism, and the Ori
gins of the Radical Right in France
William Irvine: French Conservatism in Crisis. The Republican Federation of Fran
ce in the 1930s
Richard J. Golsan: History and Counterhistory in Postwar France
Sarah Fishman, Laura Lee Downs, Ioannis Sinanoglou, Leonard V. Smith, Robert Zar
etsky (eds.): France at War: Vichy and the Historians
Henry Rousso: The Vichy Syndrome. History and Memory in France since 1944
Sternhell, Zeev: Neither Left Nor Right. Fascist Ideology in France
Sweets, Jonh F.: Choices in Vichy France
Michel Winock: Historie extrmn pravice ve Francii
Julian Jackson: Pd Francie. Nacistick invaze 1940
Julian Jackson: Francie v temnch letech. 1940 - 1944
Michael Curtis: Verdikt nad Vichy
-- Taliansko
Adrian Lyttelton: The Seizure of Power. Fascism in Italy 1919-1929
Emilio Gentile: La Grande Italia. The Myth of the Nation in the 20th Century
Emilio Gentile: The Struggle for Modernity. Nationalism, Futurism and Fascism
Gregor, James A.: Mussolinis Intellectuals. Fascist Social and Political Thought
Franco Ferraresi: Threats to Democracy: The Radical Right in Italy After the War
David D. Robers: The Syndicalist Tradition and Italian Fascism
Alexander J. De Grand: The Italian Nationalist Association and the Rise of Fasci
sm in Italy
Alexander J. De Grand: The Hunchback s Tailor. Giovanni Giolitti and Liberal Ita
ly from the Challenge of Mass Politics to the Rise of Fascism

Alexander J. De Grand: Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. The

Pierre Milza: Mussolini

fascist style of ru

-- Nemecko
William L. Patch Jr: Heinrich Bruning and the Dissolution of the Weimar Republic
Geoff Eley: Reshaping the German Right. Radical Nationalism and Political Change
after Bismarck
Mosse, George L.: The Crisis of German Ideology. Intellectual Origins of the Thi
rd Reich
Mosse, George L.: The Nationalization of the Masses
Mosse, George L.: Towards the Final Solution
Mosse, George L.: Masses and Man. Nationalist and Fascist Perceptions of Reality
Paul L. Rose: German Question, Jewish Question. Revolutionary Antisemitism from
Kant to Wagner
Gerald Steinacher: Nazis on the Run. How Hitler s Henchmen Fled Justice
Frederic Taylor: Exorcising Hitler. The Occupation and Denazification of Germany
Victor Farias: Heidegger and Nazism
Kershaw, Ian: Hitler: Hubris, 1889 - 1936.
Kershaw, Ian: The Nazi Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation
Shore, Zachary: What Hitler Knew. The Battle for Information in Nazi Foreign Pol
Evans, Richard: The Coming of the Third Reich
Evans, Richard: Third Reich in Power
Jurado, Carlos Caballero: The German Freikorps. 1918 - 1923
Vincent, Paul C.: A Historical Dictionary of Germanys Weimar Republic, 1918 - 193
Wright, Jonathan: Gustav Stresseman. Weimars Greatest Politician
Burleigh, Michael: Third Reich. A New History
Shirer, William: The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich
Vincent, Paul C.: A Historical Dictionary of Germanys Weimar Republic, 1918-1933
M. Kellogg: The russian roots of Nazism; White migrs and the making of National So
cialism 1917-1945
Jeffrey Herf: Divided Memory. The Nazi Past in the Two Germanys
Fritz K. Ringer: The Decline of the German Mandarins. The German Academic Commun
ity, 1890-1933
Tooze, Adam: The Wages of Destruction. The Making and Breaking of Nazi Economy
Browning, Christopher R.: Ordinary Men
Gotz, Aly: Hitlerv nrodn stt
Moravcov, Dagmar: Vmarsk republika
Lee McGowan: Radikln pravice v Nmecku, od Roku 1870 po Souasnost
Heiden, K.: Adolf Hitler, Cesta k moci
-- Teria totalitnch a autoritrskych reimov
Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes in Europe: Legacies and Lessons from the
Twentieth Century
Linz, Juan J.: Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes
Linz, Juan J., Stepan, Alfred: Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidati
on (South Europe, South America, and Post-Communist Europe)
Juan Linz: The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes: Crisis, Breakdown and Reequilibr
Linz, Juan J., Stepan, Alfred (eds): The Breakdown of Democratic Regimes: Europe
Paul Brooker: Non-Democratic Regimes: Theory, Government and Politics
Samuel L. Finer: The Man on the Horseback: The Role of Military in Politics
Balk, S.; Kubt, M.: Teorie a prax totalitnch a autoritativnch systm
Balk, S.; Holzer, J.: Postkomunistick nedemokratick reimy
Glettler, M.; Liptk, ; Mkov, A: Nacionlno-socialistick systm vldy

-- Dekadencia, degenercia, eugenika, 1914, modernizmus etc.

Modris Eksteins: Rites of Spring. The Great War and the Birth of the Modern Age
Roland N. Stromberg: Redemption by War. Intellectuals and 1914
George L. Mosse: Fallen Soldiers. Reshaping the Memory of the World Wars
Robert Wohl: The Generation of 1914
Dan S. White: Lost Comrades. Socialists of the Front Generation, 1918-1945
Paul Fussell: The Great War and Modern Memory
Ruth Ben-Ghiat: Fascist Modernities: Italy 1922-1945
Marius Turda: Modernism and Eugenics. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010)
Michael O Meara: New Culture, New Right. Antiliberalism in Postmodern Europe
H. Stuart Hugher: Consciousness and Society
Daniel Pick: Faces of Degeneration. A European Disorder, 1848-1918
Robert A. Nye: Crime, Madness and Politics in Modern France. The Medical Concept
of National Decline
R. A. Soloway: Demography and Degeneration. Eugenics and the Declining Birthrate
in 20th-century Britain
Bauman, Zygmunt: Modernos a holokaust
Burrow, J.W.: Krize rozumu. Evropsk mylen 1848 - 1914
David Reynolds: The Long Shadow: The Legacies of the Great War in the Twentieth
-- panielsko a Portugalsko
Payne, Stanley: Fascism in Spain. 1923 - 1977.
Payne, Stanley: The Collapse of the Spanish Republic. 1933 - 1936
Payne, Stanley: The Spanish Civil War, The Soviet Union and Communism
Payne, Stanley: Franco and Hitler. Spain, Germany and World War II
Payne, Stanley: Politics and the Military in Modern Spain
Martin Blinkhorn: Carlism and Crisis in Spain, 1931 - 1939
Colin M. Winston: Workers and the Right in Spain, 1900-1936
Shlomo Ben-Ami: Fascism from Above. The Dictatorship of Primo de Rivera in Spain
, 1923-1930
Making Spaniards: Primo de Rivera and the Nationalization of the Masses, 1923-30
Javier Tusell: Spain: From Dictatorship to Democracy
Beevor, Anthony: The Battle for Spain. Spanish Civil War 1936 - 1939
Lannon, F.: The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 ( Osprey Essential Histories )
Hugh Thomas: The Spanish Civil War
Right Wing Spain in the Civil War Era: Soldiers of God and Apostles of the Fathe
rland, 1914-45
Nigel Townson: The Crisis of Democracy in Spain: Centrist Politics Under the Sec
ond Republic, 19311936
Ealham, Ch.; Richards, M.(eds): The Splintering of Spain. Cultural History and t
he Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939
Costa Pinto, Antonio : Blue Shirts. Portuguese Fascists and the New State
Antnio Costa Pinto: Salazar s Dictatorship and European Fascism
-- In
Alberto Spektorowski: The Origins of Argentina s Revolution of the Right
Uki Goni: The Real ODESSA. How Peron Brought the Nazi War Criminals to Argentina
Richard Thurlow: Fascism in Britain
Lainov, R; Hlavikov, Z.; Straka, M.: Diktatury v rukavikch
Jebek, M.: Konec demokracie v Rakousku, 1932-1938
Rory Yeomans: Visions of Annihilation: The Ustasha Regime and the Cultural Polit
ics of Fascism, 1941-1945
Tony Judt, Istvan Deak, Jan T. Gross (eds): The Politics of Retribution in Europ
e: World War II and Its Aftermath

Anton Hrubo: Blaho vlasti - zkon najvy! Nrodn obec faistick a Slovensko (1926-1938)
Detlef Brandes: Germanizovat a vysdlit. Nacistick nrodnostn politika v eskch zemch
Petr Plack: Gottwaldovo eskoslovensko jako faistick stt
David Faber: Mnichov: Krize appeasementu 1938
-- Holokaust
Pierre Vidal-Naquet: Les assassins de la mmoire
Deborah Lipstadt: Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory
Michael R. Marrus: The Holocaust in History
Richard J. Evans: Lying About Hitler. History, Holocaust, and the David Irving T
Fogelmanov, E.: Svdom a holokaust
--- lnky --Chapman, Michael E.: Pro-Franco Anti-communism: Ellery Sedgwick and the Atlantic
Monthly (JCH, Vol.41)
Beck, H.: Between the Dictates of Conscience and Political Expediency: Hitlers Co
nservative Alliance Partner and Antisemitism during the Nazi Seizure of Power (J
CH, Vol.41)
Herf, J.: The Historian as Provocateur: George Mosses Accomplishment and Legacy
Shorten, R.: The Status of Ideology in the Return of Political Religion Theory
Breschi, D.: Recent Italian Historiography on Italian Fascism
Ucelay, E.: The Shadow of a Doubt: Fascist and Communist Alternatives in Catalan
Separatism, 1919-1939
Eatwell, R.: The Concept of Theory of Charismatic Leadership
Payne, S.: Fascist Italy and Spain, 1922-1945
Pellicani, L.: Was Fascism Revolutionary?
Feldman, M.: Genocide between Political Religion and Religious Politics
Encarnacion, Omar G.: Spain after Franco. Lessons in Democratization
Conversi, D.: Mapping the Field: Theories of Nationalism and the Ethnosymbolic A
Junkermann, H.: Sons and Daughters of Croix de Feu: an Inquiry into French Fasci
sm (thesis)
Baehr, P.: Totalitarianism
Burdett, Ch.: Different Visions of Space: Italian Fascist Writers and the United
Gentile, E.: Fascism and the Italian Road to Totalitarianism
Conversi, D.: The Smooth Transition: Spains 1978 Constitution and the Nationaliti
es Question
San Baldomero, E.S-F.: Spanish Foreign Policy during the Second World War. A His
toriographical Overview
Menendez, A.J.: Shifting Legal Dogma: From Republicanism to Fascist Ideology und
er the Early Franquismo
Linz, J.: Fascism, Breakdown of Democracy, Authoritarian and Totalitarian Regime
s: Coincidences and Distinctions
Roberts, D.D.: Myth, Style, Substance and the Totalitarian Dynamic in Fascist It

Tilles, D.: Bullies of Victims? A Study of British Union of Fascists Violence

Turda, M: A New Religion? Eugenics and Racial Scientism in Pre-First World War Hun
Maier, H.: Political Religions and their Images: Soviet communism, Italian Fasci
sm and German National Socialism
Griffin, R.: Notes towards the definition of fascist culture: the prospects for
synergy between Marxist and liberal heuristics
Griffin, R.: Racism or Rebirth? The case for granting German citizenship to the alie
n concept generic fascism
Griffin, R.: Nazism s Cleansing Hurricane and the Metamorphosis of Fascist Stu
Griffin, R.: Interregnum or Endgame? Radical Right Thought in the Post-Fascist Era
Griffin, R.: Staging the Nations Rebirth: the Politics and Aesthetics of Performa
nce in the Context of Fascist Studies
Griffin, R.: The Fascist Quest to Regenerate Time
Griffin, R.: Revolution from the Right: Fascism
Griffin, R.: The palingenetic political community: rethinking the legitimation o
f totalitarian regimes in inter-war Europe
Griffin, R.: The Primacy of Culture: The Current Growth (or Manufacture) of Cons
ensus within Fascist Studies
Griffin, R.: The Rebel with a Cause: Mussolini as a National Revolutionary, 1909
Griffin, R.: Fascism is more than Reaction
Griffin, R.: Sacred Synthesis: The Ideological Cohesion of Fascist Cultural Poli
Griffin, R.: Withstanding the Rush of Time: The Prescience of Mosses Anthropoligi
cal View of Fascism
Griffin, R.: The Palingenetic Core of Generic Fascist Ideology
Griffin, R.: British Fascism: The Ugly Duckling
Griffin, R.: Fascism and Fundamentalism
Griffin, R.: Hooked Crosses and Forked Paths: The Fascist Dynamics of the Third
Griffin, R.: Was Nazism Fascist?
Carroll, D.: Literary Fascism or the Aestheticizing of Politics: The Case of Rob
ert Brasillach
Pinto, A.C. : Elites, Single Parties and Political Decision-Making in Fascist Er
a Dictatorships
Talbot, G.: Alberto Moravia and Italian Fascism: Censorship, Racism and le ambiz
ioni sbagliate
Eatwell, R.: Introduction: New Styles of Dictatorships and Leadership in Interwa
r Europe
Delzell, C. F.: Fascism in Italy: Origins and Ideology
Pauley, B. F.: Prelude to Disaster: The Evolution of Austrian Fascism
Edwards, P.: Mort pour la France: Conflict and Commemoration in France after the F
irst World War
Pels, D. : Treason of the Intellectuals : Paul de Man and Hendrik de Man
Payne, S. : Soviet Anti-Fascism: Theory and Practice, 1921-1945
Kallis, Aristotle A.: Studying Inter-War Fascism in Epochal and Diachronic Terms
: Ideological Production, Political Experience and the Quest for Consensus

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